Low ELO Legends #4 Teutons and Lumbercamps

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ladies and gents welcome to a gold rush game this is lo ela legends there are under a thousand L oh I don't know anything about them and they both started off by building two houses that's a good start fear is in the blue and mahir is in the red we have two ins firma here and Ethiopians for fear so far I can already tell you this is gonna be a solid low e low game because blue has sent all four of his goats underneath his GC and he's not going to eat one at a time instead he's going to eat multiple at a time which is a good indicator that we might be looking at lower low also he's doing the straggler tree thing which is so common amongst low E low it's like instead of going six on food and then building a lumber camp later this makes a whole lot of sense this tree is in the way I want to build farms later so let's just get rid of that okay so this needs to be said because if this goes to YouTube I want people to know what's up on all my low e low Legend games I'm hoping to help while also having a good time all right so I'm gonna laugh at some of the things they do they're gonna make some mistakes it happens but I'm laughing in the most constructive way possible alright but I'll remind you there's oh god man brutal that's a YouTube thumbnail right there ah there's so much decay here so you're not guaranteed 100 food from every goat right after a goat dies there's some decay so that means that if you are splitting filters up on multiple goats this goat right here which only has two villagers eating it it's decaying an awful lot and these villagers are walking extremely long distances for wood and that's very unnecessary when you can just build a lumber camp but you know what who cares alright who cares efficiency isn't that important as you can see by Red's lumber camp they put all villagers on the same side and they really get to know each other and bump into each other instead of dropping off the wood faster it's not it's not really about how the job gets done wait no it's not about how quick the job gets done it's a it's more about how the villagers feel when doing the job all right so we got some some houses from red Oh God you've got this you've got this I believe nice I like how he got loom - you know cuz if you didn't get loom he'd lose that villager whoa Rhett Oh fear why are you 1 gold dude oh no don't lose his vill don't lose his Phil don't lose it garrison oh wow he actually did it I know I don't take the goats just take the board Wow okay well he so listen to this Ethiopians get +100 food and plus 100 gold when they arrived each age blew once so much gold that not only is he waiting for that free gold to come in in the feudal age he is also going to mine gold while he's at 16 population in Dark Age so hey that's a lot of gold but hey it is gold rush so you better soak up all the gold you can because the rest of the Gold's in the center that might be the way he's looking at it okay red just deleted a house I see so he could stomp over someone's old home to bring in a boar right now fear is actually leading with the villager count which is really interesting fear with all his woes hear all his troubles and his subpar placement of buildings he actually is keeping his TC producing at all times so we get the straggler trees out of the way they don't look good right that's what people told me they said that people said that they like to chop the stragglers because it doesn't look good like it's in the way okay alright alright alright piers on the way back to his TCE so he's going for a very Oh Oh house time oh you need a house okay he's building the house he's bringing in the boar he's garrison the villager all right this is actually very convenient so I don't know oh wow there's a pause okay I don't know if you guys know this but I've talked about efficiency and idle time but this is very convenient this is a very convenient way to get more people to work for you so boar luring and boar hunting is probably the most difficult job that you could do in a town and so there's a lot of reasons why someone would want to do it it's very dangerous and it's very painful however if you build homes next to the board then people are more prone to take the job because the job is closer to home you know there's less commute less traffic in fact they can actually walk to work so that's why ease as you can see more villagers on the bore more resources being brought in and more jobs and oh dude it's like he's determined to make everything more difficult for himself just place it up against the wood man like blue when Yuri watch this you're gonna learn the thing is to become a better player if you're in blues position is so easy because you just place your lumber camps early place it up against the wood line and don't go to golden Dark Age and you're you're golden you're gold and then you know wow this is fascinating and still he really wants to get rid of these trees all right he's not that far behind red with the villager number but he is far behind in efficiency the grid's eco has been far more efficient red could go feudal age now if he wanted to but right now he is well he has an idle town center he's not creating any bills oh no nevermind I guess he was placing a barracks and we'll see what he's planning on he's Teutons I really hope he doesn't want to go for a castle drop in the center because there's a whole lot of wolves out there okay and blue is now on the way to fuel age he has 11 on berries so it's obvious to me he doesn't really have builders cuz I'll have he's gonna have over 500 gold when he arrives to futile age the food here is it's gonna spike up he's gonna get a lot of it but then he's gonna have nowhere to go with these 11 villagers so I really wonder what he's gonna do with these bills once he's finished with the berries here's red rats like wait what that tree is chopped this guy doesn't have stragglers oh I get it you dropped you chopped the tree so there's a stump and then the enemy scalp will break its leg on the stump kill the scout easy kill and then your head oh wow next level blue actually sees the scale too and he's not really interested in shooting it with the arrows of his Town Center he's just gonna let it stand there hmm archers mate oh okay well there's nothing to garrison now Oh Scouts coming back nice he'll get that kill cuz he's in futile age faster actually he might not because redson futile now I wonder if red will know he can get a hill bonus seems like it fight fight fight fight you do more damage when you're on top of the hill so red you actually could have caught up from the battle there you know what blue they parted ways but blue blue though no longer has interest in war you know he got a taste of that life and he's not a fan so instead he's gonna go off and he's gonna scout the map alright he's making some archers and while immediate wheelbarrow upgrade Wow okay all right he's building the blacksmith now you could build your buildings in front of your goal to protect it or you could also build your buildings in front of the lumber and make it less efficient and he's chosen the second option which is not the best option just so you know like red seems to have the idea with the building placement but he's also not creating any fills right now so got some idle time he's making an archery range and no fills yeah I mean hey it blues less efficient but he ends up having 20 more bills then that's that's gonna be the better move okay we predicted this right now he is nowhere to go with these bills and he seems very confused and now he's going all over the wood I would I would take some deer right it's not that far away archers have full upgrades already does red have gold in his walls no he does not he does not have gold in his walls he's chasing blues scalp you could make a market and sell some food and or whatever to go up wait is this it this is interesting okay Rhett this is important he sees the Wolves he's gonna tower rush also still really strong going with trading fields going out to the gold now all right yeah this is a good low a low Legend episode archers where are they going blues scouted what I like is that blue sees Eagles so on a map like this you should pressure the goals he also sees wolves in the Centers he doesn't know how many poles her in the center but thank God he got all oh my god always spotted it he spotted it good reaction time at red wanted to tower the gold but that's not gonna happen that is not gonna happen he to bail on this and those villagers should get out of here okay all right Lewis sent his Scout back I'd like to see him who's held against the villagers I think he just clicked it back here though he's a bit distracted and Reds now on the move I think red wanted to makes Kermes yeah and blue dude I know your name is fear but why why stop chasing there oh man no all right he did destroy the tower so red lost that stone okay key here is if you're making scones you need to have upgrades I like how red had a chance to run home he's like oh okay I'm just gonna stay here in harm's way oh please don't tell me blue is gonna let them live now the wolf is about to do as much damage to these villagers as as blue has with his archers that's nice we got a good old-fashioned t90 whoo Oh the block look at this guy sick nice perfect blue blue could use the scout against the scams Wow micro nerd let's go that's really good yeah blue is way ahead fear is way ahead right now hey Greg didn't really have a plan I mean I guess he had a plan it just wasn't a very good plan whoo whoo he's getting rekt by wolves the archers are going to do very well against the scourge the scouts helping go too I hear Oh a tower now from red okay yeah well the beauty is if this was a higher level game that would be game over but this is low E low legends so it's not game over blue from here if his economy was right would be all the way to Castle heb way ahead and he'd be good but instead his economy's not so good he has 700 golde and 1,200 would cuz he was so focused on the micro so red is on his way to castle age guys he's been on stone he's making scurbs really needs to get the fletching upgrade and red is still in this blue may have horrible macro but he's a micro nerd yeah well I mean Ethiopian archers to write faster firing faster firing units archers are a whole lot less vulnerable on open fields and squirms are they even one scout can take care of a bunch of sperms there's no single unit that can do that to archers yeah okay that was that was a really bad tower for red the tower here you're fine there's no he I can tell what he was thinking it's definitely a low E low move to place it here because you want to protect the stone as well but you have like a thousand stone here you really don't need to do what you've just done and it's a smart move from blue to sit on the right side of the gold but he seems to be leaving it now oh boy not sure oh there's wolves everywhere oh man I'm not sure why blue made any skirmishers that wasn't really necessary man just a new lumber camp here in here and his eco would be so much more efficient Reds gonna castle drop the center guys I could just feel it it's like he was clearing out the wolves for that purpose oh look at that the wolf is trapped in the gold how did that happen it's like he hopped in there and then he broke his legs so he can't jump anymore and now he I don't know how that can be explained yeah he wants to castle drop the center oh boy okay so not a single skirmisher upgrade from red ever since getting the fuel age armor upgrade why because he doesn't feel like attack is actually important he's more of a passive player this was a Diplo game he would be allied with phil stirrer and they would be trading corner to corner right now neck is really dangerous okay really really really dangerous whoa okay all of a sudden he is les stone always built a TC does that mean he wants to build a siege workshop in the center um okay I guess you didn't have a market alright so forward market that's good actually because that that lets your opponent know that there are many competing tribes that will trade with red like blues like oh no others will trade with him oh god I don't have anyone to trade with dude Matt blue should just destroy him blue should just destroy him if he gets if he he gets bodkin arrow and crossbow he should destroy these screams I like how red the left to this goal with these villagers only to mine gold like it's kind of silly if you ask me because it doesn't make much of a difference right now no elite skirmisher oh man it's a fight without upgrades here guys and now a castle from red oh my god the thing is blue doesn't have Castle age upgrades oh wait he sees the castle he wants to stop the castle oh no he can't let that happen stop the castle but as you try and stop the castle you're gonna lose all of your army you can't lose your army oh no the castles gonna go up well that was a really weird order like to build the mining camp before the castle blue if you just got crossbow and vodka narrow you could even fight few lates Kermes but you fought fuel aids curves with fuel age archers they're both my kraang like crazy that's gonna be enough for that castle to go up though Fred and now what does blue do I'll tell you what blue should do first off he needs more villagers out of his town centre but even if he doesn't want to do that sand like ten villagers to stone go imp castle here and then make trips problem with that it's very low economy all right what about rent Zeke raiding fields again nice she's back at it after securing the center blue has got to be frustrated by this because he knows how important that gold is blue guys I'm doing my best to be positive but when I see this lumber camp it bothers me like the logic might be well I already have a lot of wood why refresh my lumber camp but you would have even more wood that you could sell or you could build farms with with tc's or anything he's gonna go Rams isn't he he's built to siege workshop or he's building to siege workshops I think he wants to go Rams and red wants to add a town center okay so red well he's getting supplies and man-otaur what's what okay so supplies is this tech right here militia line costs 15 less food it does say that Teutons are an infantry civilization so maybe he thinks oh I should make infantry it would be nice to have some form of melee to deal with any siege but the problem is the champion line gets destroyed by archers and these are Ethiopian archers so they're really good do Rams get a hill advantage they do yes yeah actually the ramp that's good that could be huge potentially hmm 44 Vil's for both but blue is still 1tc he built university to teach workshops made one ram how many people by a show of once in my twitch chat and by a comment of well T 90 you're the best in my youtube chat you used to think that Teutons were the best Civ because of murder holes this is not a fight you can take dude now now that these are lead scams blue can never take this surprise well played red yeah I used to think Teutons were the best because murder holes because I didn't I think this is my theory I personally think that the campaign's programmed our brains into thinking murder holes is o P because in the campaign's you could only do so much you were restricted and then you'd have to fight these castles and towers that always had frickin murder holes and so then we've gotten to competitive play and we said oh well we might need murder holes because there's a eyes head murder holes I think that's it another Castle though thread he is more villagers now how does blue in this game I don't think you do yeah I don't think he deserves to eat there because he doesn't have a working lumber camp ah but you know what if he watches this he's gonna know like it's such a simple fix such a simple fix our show tells good yes hotels can be really good many patience here you can't fight underneath castle fire with pretty much anything in castle age so listen I'm not saying murder holes is bad I'm just saying that it's not it's odd like a top tier can be good in some situations and it's quite cheap what I'm going back to uni for anthropology I'm hoping to do my master's thesis on native Islanders they recently fended off a missionary by utilizing three bow and arrow training grounds on mutual territory mm-hmm yeah I'm sure my best of luck on that thank you for the 14 months a prophecy oh man thank you for the five months you guys are just you guys are just great hilarious okay do you think that he's ever gonna build a new lumber camp for tea see here he's getting like calves now okay so he once like cat versus terms I mean okay let's let's follow the journey of this villager and see how long one two three four five oh oh no six seven eight nine I always got to go back he got one wood from that oh no he didn't even get ten I was gonna count how long it would take to get ten it's a long time where is red he even refreshed some lumber camps beautiful beautiful Archer Ames Wow everything he got supplies and he didn't make a single infantry unit he's now getting a handcart hmm okay look at this mix if life was a but if this game was a box of chocolates we would have had everything so far oh no he made long stories I didn't see them okay I mean it's pretty costly on food but you know what I'm not gonna stress about loi little players doing that as long as they're producing villagers to know why they're why they're they're still gonna be walking so far just build two of them dude maybe maybe he has a Jenny he has a lumber phobia a fish a fish a phobia it's like a fish a phobia of efficiency wow he really wants to push this he's making he's getting armor for like calves he already has the attack he does not have Rams though it bothers me he doesn't have much on gold whoa whoa whoa whoa what what he's going for a side attack that's where his Rams are is it it is he gonna sneak into the back of reds base oh my goodness Shh I knew Lorena was a fit absurd never mind I'm not gonna make a sexual joke about backdoor ramming that's not cool I would never do that the long swords are here did he spot that I think he spotted that right oh now she's the like have oh something's over here something's over here like have our horrible verse long swords by the way but then again the long swords don't have upgrades surprise he found you actually I think the like have a win and now blue feels like this is his opportunity honestly it's not the worst move ever to make because if you don't think you can get the middle hitting the the food and what Eco is the only way to go no don't do it no that's a palisade wall that's a palisade a and there's rams oh god oh god no blue stay here blue stay stay red even opened the gate with this VIP what what what just happened attack the palisade gate man I talked to palisade gate not the houses the castles uh geez all right well the Rams are killing houses you know that we talked about the importance of houses earlier and being close to work so that will make the economy less efficient for red red is make I don't know why he's insisting upon making long swordsman it might actually be because he knows that whoa whoa whoa whoa oh he was waiting for reinforcements I guess okay now the like calves are beginning to raid let's go red hasn't reacted yet where the long sorts it guys it blue ramped anywhere but there he would have been in a better position imagine if the Rams went after this TC blue would actually be ahead in the Vil's blue could still win this game all right free murder holes remember a lot to be scared of but that's a lot of light calf and well it blue of hit here would have been good but he decides to just back away guys this is what you need to do if you're in fierce position first build lumber camps second go to stone with five or six villagers I said this before third build the castle here sell some of that food and would go in and TREB these castles back red is investing so many resources in the castle age it could hurt him blue could definitely do it he also could just Ram this TC down but I guess now red has some pikes nope Lou is just gonna run right away is red making what I think he's making Wow okay he's making some KP boys some Teutonic Knights also something I used to think were non situational and incredible Shonda wolf subbed for two months with twitch prime he said 22 tonic nights the dream the fantasy it mean he's at four right now so we're getting there captain cool he says keep it going tonight ooh your enthusiasm for Age of Empires 2 is infectious I'm glad you think that because I have been a bit frustrated with the lumber camp situation but beyond that hard not to be in love with this game thank you thank you not not F easy for the twitch prime think you crazy with guns for the twitch prime i think blues about to make a push and it's gonna be in the incorrect move i don't see how he can push the center in castle age you've got to go in you've got to go in and it's not like he doesn't have gold there's gold here - he's just had so little on gold throughout this game it's actually backwards to what he did in dark age he had 25% of his economy on gold in Dark Age and now he has a 2% I like 2% milk but I do not like 2% gold economy and for Rams against against Teutons I don't think that's gonna work now when there's long swords not when there's murder holes and not when there's Teutonic Knights that's for sure alright so good you realized you need to bail on the idea alright you've realized that that's good so just just bail just get out of here the archers are really good against long swords and Teutonic Knights yeah look at this oh let's go I could tell he likes eunuch control but he lacks game awareness and he could be producing a whole lot more like if you're gonna stay in Castle H and produce a crap-ton then do it but if you're not just going and get power spike why is everyone okay with 2% milk when he won't settle for anything less than 100% oh my god I've never heard that one before thank you Matt for their twenty for the twenty bucks thanks for the tip man that's so true we've been deceived all of our lives someone said look on the right what's on the right do we ignore the fact that no one tried to take a relic we ignore a lot all right we ignore a lot relic could be nice whoa whoa we got the raid boys we got the raid fear him the light calves with a heavy damage output let's go let's go oh I like this castle from red it protects his uh his town center what's what tech is he getting crenellations what's now the castle has some sick range watch this from eight plus two to eight plus five range can't even make bombard cannons now I have a feeling that blue is saving the gold for imp and he doesn't know he can sell at the market so again sell some of that for some gold he could have done this ages ago Matt 20 bucks for that joke scrape man thanks thanks again Noah Talon thank you for the twitch prime do you guys think so far that this is worthy of a low e low legend episode I feel like it is it blue like he's not creating Vil's out of his t CS if he built proper lumber camps now he'd do fine but at the same time red as he's almost been better at booming but he's been completely clueless as to what units to make and how to deal with the light cab mobility come on blue go in chat alright we need to give him energy so what we're gonna do is we're gonna collectively say go in okay and if you know the swiftrage emo on Twitch we can do that that way we can you can hear us alright just say go imp always building the market do it do it do it he'll build it faster nice and he's also gonna go to stone afterwards red isn't pushing red is just camping sell sell food sell would sell anything sell your soul to get to the Imperial edge yes go in yeah so let's go and he's completely chopped through every tree here please tell me he's going to another wood line and his villagers aren't gonna walk from these lumber camps to vit two here please tell me he's clicked them elsewhere okay he's clicked the melon now if he immediately noticed that he's chopped through all the trees he probably should have known that he could have built new lumber camps but you know what we're not we're not here to judge okay we're only here to laugh and criticize alright so this is not very different at all I'm kidding and I didn't mean laugh and criticize but what do you do now cuz this castles way too late imp is way too late you're gonna lose this castle to the TREB from red red has champion Reds military just packs more of a punch all right that's what you do know that that is no that is not gonna do it for you blue what should blue make in the next stage he should make a whole bunch of archers and skirmishers he should take his gold and he should probably reposition a castle to maybe here I don't know I feel like red is just read his eco is better it all comes back to the lumber camps [Music] his eCos way better and then he used that to get the castle aged and he used that to get the gold and now he has tons of it yeah you should sell half his food I agree there but guys there's 800 gold a tile here one two three now I know you guys are good at math and I know you know that comes out to three thousand seven hundred gold that's a lot I'm kidding it's not three thousand seven hundred but um 2400 goal is a lot so that's enough to get our blast bombard cannons trebs but I don't think he sees it okay I mean like cab on the scams and then crossbow on the champions all good logic but again he's just gone in he did this in castle h2 he just went up to the next stage oh god his units are fighting the wrong unit there we go and he didn't get any upgrades so he goes to the next stage doesn't research a single upgrade and then fights and then calls the gg and he taps out Wow theme of the game first one build orders alright I know the trees around the T C's are discussed you leave him there okay leave them there it's like it'll make you stronger okay the more you have to look at the disgusting trees the stronger you will get bill the lumber camp second even if you want to get rid of the disgusting trees build a fricken lumber camp for efficiency all right we were past the lumber next thing got to keep those tc's producing red was not perfect with that that's for sure he could have done way better than he did we're fifty-five minutes into the game and he's only at a hundred and one villagers so if he kept them producing at all times he could have been at 150 twenty minutes ago and then I would say the other aspect of this is get your upgrades at the proper times like I definitely thought that blue was gonna have control of the center if he got his crossbow a bodkin arrow upgrade upon arriving to castle age he gets a huge power spike red never controls the center there then the castles denied then the whole game is different and who knows what blues mining camps would've looked like when he went to the center but still it would have been much better for him good game though I think that was quality and that was what around 900 elo I think that was 900 eloah 900 950 so there's a lot here that these players did that many people who might be watching this don't even do so I'm actually okay with going lower but I think that this is a level where we could see a lot has gone wrong but we could also see what is going to right as opposed to me maybe being overly critical if it was a bit lower all right so there's a lot of people here right now on Twitch who wants to see more LOI lo legends if you would like to see more LOI lo legends you can stop by the twitch stream it the twitch link is below for those watching on YouTube obviously the best games will go to YouTube as always but I stream full time so options always there and we could maybe like to see a few more of you provided your lumber camps are decent again if you want to see the time line it's all here I think this was the moment for blue all that military I think that was the moment where the game started to go into Reds favor after he lost units
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 186,129
Rating: 4.8647642 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, age of empires, aoe2, age of empires 2, age of empires II Definitive Edition, aoe2 DE, aoe2 HD, HD, Game player, casting, expert, rts, low elo legends, low elo, noob, coaching, legends, Teutons, Teutonic knight, theviper plays, T90Official, wtf, welyn, kitboga, Commentary
Id: cseomsJ4h6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 31sec (2311 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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