Villager Nothing!?

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oh good god what is this man wait so this is a brand to knew nothing map I've been completely surprised by this okay but there's kings and I believe when villagers die their their dead bodies turn into goats how does this end how does this work man I'm getting carpal tunnel just watching oh we got a water buffalo whoa what is this map it's called village or nothing surprise surprise but is with a twist oh boy well we don't have a t90 villager emote on twitch we do have the t90 babes so I guess that's all we can really go for a regular twitch emote is swiftrage you think that'd be doable here as well so we have welcome I guess to a diplomacy regicide villager nothing match and I guess the best way to get food income is to kill enemy villes so I guess they're technically not cannibals though these water buffalos and goats might taste like human how on earth does this game even work we have Hank to super nerd in the blue he is playing as the Berbers and that means he has those speedy villagers and the teal we have Arbit at our boot app is playing as the hunts in the green we have des vault des vault is playing as the Magyars in the purple we have V for kick-ass and he's currently getting his ass kicked by des volt he's playing as a Saracens he's he's not really I just felt like that would be fitting in the yellow we have Honi 1717 he's playing as the Incas Incas could be the most Opie Civ here at least in feudal age because you could actually the Inca villagers benefit from blacksmith upgrades something to think about we have Turkish trading in the red playing us the Saracens and then in the gray we have Nuccio playing as the two in the orange we had pirate juice this is his first community game ever he says he's very nervous and he has just declared peace between he and Hank or Hank in him and each other that that's how words work so guys we've come a long way with the nothing Maps it all started with force nothing then it moved on we went to a wolf nothing I think and stone nothing and and gold nothing and all these different nothing maps and it had to happen where we would get to village or nothing oh and and this is hold on a second so when a villager dies it turns into a goat or a water buffalo or a sheep or some form of food no not anything I would eat but these villagers are going to take it and then when that piece of food dyes that turns into a tree oh so this is a playable version of villager nothing then that's actually that's a really ingenious idea because if it was straight up just villagers it would be unplayable and it would just be Ville micro but this is a way to make it playable and then maybe when the tree goes down that turns into gold or stone or something well we'll find out but for those here on Twitch actually YouTube as well YouTube please say thank you to to tonic tanks or you could just say thank you map creators or something that way these people who create these maps see it I know that Hank and Algernon and Honi and and his Emmy and all the guys that are creating these maps for me nowadays and for the community nowadays they do feel appreciated but just say thank you to tonic tanks is the one who made this thank you man I'm not upset with this surprise I was really scared that we were gonna have like deformed water buffalo nothing or something ridiculous you know I wasn't sure what we're gonna see here but this is really a creative move and Hank is actually going he's created the jail for these prisoners that's a funny idea so he knows how important these villagers are so now he has some prisoners and that means he'll get food and wood and well I'm using Honi as the example here I don't know what this will turn into after the trees done but maybe gold Hank has just gated these Vil's up and there's so many bills I mean this is a real this is a real struggle for pirate use to do anything new she owes all the way to Castle age Wow he's on the way to Castle age they did start with high resources and wait a second I think Hank opened his own gate pirate juice walked out and he said later [ __ ] oh this is ridiculous man this is ridiculous this is my this would be the time for me to be a villager you know half the time you don't even have to work I can appreciate that it would be a little bit awkward if someone killed me and then I turned into a goat and people started eating me and then I turn into a tree but hopefully I wouldn't be around for that and okay we just saw a tree get chopped up and it didn't turn into anything so I guess that means the trees are the end of the line here so to get gold and and to get stone you would need to trade right so already Honi has his blacksmith upgrades on his Vil's which makes incas as i said one of the strongest saves for this and pirate juice wants to go Ville swapping he says blue i'll send ten bills you send ten so they're gonna they're gonna exchange villagers so they can kill each other and get resources from it that's that's probably the best way to play this because otherwise they're not gonna get any resources what if you kill your own bills well I don't know how that works and oh god somebody had to do it we have watchtowers from green yeah I don't know if I like using all that free stone you get at the start to build towers but he's gone for it arbiter he's gone for it how many people watching are happy they're not playing this I am really happy I'm not playing this I would not be near as happy if I was playing this I would be really doubt my wrist would be hurting from all the clicking because your fills don't auto attack you have to click everything individually oh my god it just stresses me out even thinking about it I think a lot of people a lot of people think that they would play this map but when it came down to it the execution would be really difficult and look hey kiss is making another prison getting close to a two-year anniversary hope you have something nice planed for me baby maybe a romantic dinner both followed by a walk to our enemies and the romantic koreans thrush well a booty snake thank you for the 21 month resub I actually have news for you I do have a romantic dinner plans what I'm going to do for you is I'm going to let you kill me I will then turn into either a goat or a water buffalo your choice and then you can eat me and then chop me that is exactly what's going to happen for our 21 our two year anniversary so in three months you can look forward to that I'm sacrificing myself well we got a forward castle from the pony holy crap he's really honed in he's really honed in on red get it Honi yeah yeah yeah funny right yeah honey he's dropped a castle on red but red is on the way to Castle age so this works oh my god Red's villas can't escape because the villagers died they turned into trees and all these guys are trapped that's hilarious these villas can't can't leave unless they garrison in the town centre and run there's so many fills to focus on he does have a lot of water buffaloes and goats at least but you know Honi really planned that out well that's the way to trap someones King in well there's five kings I believe so you probably have to kill all five to win this game tanks on the way to Castle H now this is just this is just crazy this is just crazy man got a random blacksmith from our boot app I got a defensive castle now from V for kick-ass I don't even know who who's in the lead here how as a caster can I tell I don't think there's a way I thought it was cool he'll orange and blue traded bills though that was probably a nice move for both of them I guess if you look at his score Turkish trading it's a head but III don't know what to think is he actually a head who knows please keep in mind that this is diplomacy so they can ally or any enemy any player only here you might actually want to have your enemies your sorry your allies as enemies so you can kill them which is really messed up don't ask me why it makes sense to kill your allies but in this case it does and all we got some Teutonic Knights boys let's go let's go in dedication of the Creator Teutonic tanks we have some Teutonic Knights which I've seen it's an awful play but it's at least cool we got they at the KP boys for some reason gray and yellow are attacking Turkish trading I don't know what Turkish trading is done here but he probably feels persecuted you know what we're gonna do guys we're gonna bring up the overlay real quick and I just want to see how many bills and and all forms of population I want to see how many that's still a lot of bills for everybody the most important resource here is going to be wood after a while and I think trade I think trading Hank is already making some markets now Arbit app Arbit app you've subbed to my stream for almost two years now when someone has been watching my stream for a month or two and they place a market like this it still bothers me but I'm cool with it because I realized that they probably haven't heard me harp on about building your markets next to the edge of the map but Arbit app oh my god he's killing his villagers that's brilliant actually fill the fill the market next to the edge of the map man you're gonna get like one or two less gold per trip which adds up it adds up man it adds up well that's a that's a strong strategy actually use the attack rounds hotkey with your mag anoles to kill your own bills wait and then you can eat yourself this is this is a weird form of cannibalism so I guess that is one way to kill yourself right you can't I don't think you can delete your Vil's but you could use the mag and Al's to do it who who do you guys think is winning here Cray does have to trade carts and he's training with I don't think he even knows yet I don't think even knows Hank has just ordered up he's just gone to uber eats and he's ordered up some orange villagers and ubereats they respond pretty quickly to your quest for food nowadays so here they comes here comes a delivery only $5.99 delivery charge who knew uber eats was around back then there they go and pretty soon these villagers are gonna be chopped liver this is wild man this is wild I honestly just don't have words for this Hank though I always have faith in the guy and I'm not just saying that because he's a moderator on the stream but he's a good player so I believe that he'll find a way figure this one out blue relics I don't think there's any relics on this map war pet oh wait oh wait did he delete a king oh he must have deleted one of his kings to see what happens and he deleted one and it turned into a relic so that means if you kill Kings you get relics in this case it would make sense to maybe delete a few more Kings just leave one or two alive because you don't lose the game if you lose one King you have to lose all five wouldn't it be funny if someone forgot how many they deleted and they deleted all five and that would be funny I mean it they would not enjoy it but it'd be funny for us so that's all I care about I'm a selfish man I'm a selfish man Cait ality think for the prime sub Arbit apps still going for the strategy here of killing his own bills he also can kill the goats in the water buffalos I'm thinking about removing the overlay in a bit guys you guys cool if I remove it now I think that we got the picture I think it's gonna take time for all this to look normal let's remove it okay there we go so this is a this is a true nothing map this is a creative nothing map what's save what I like best here let's think about this so most important resource in this game is going to be wood right it's gotta be wood because you have to even sacrifice your villagers to get a single tree so you probably want SIVs like good paladin SIVs or good SIVs that include food and gold maybe not wood and gold so normally I would like Berbers for the camel archers but here maybe not and again it's a big maybe over it so I don't know Saracens are good because the market prices and players are already using the markets of course but toons are good for the cheap farm so you have that much I think it's an underrated bonus for Teutons also you get the free murder holes and Teutonic Knights look cool so they have the style factor Huns have no houses that's that's a good point there's no hunt oh there are hunts here nevermind some an idiot and then Incas they're villagers are fected by blacksmith upgrades which might not really help now cuz players are gonna be fighting with bills too much but it could help if people try and rave later on I don't know and Honi doesn't know either Honi says what's the plan here well I think they have the trade currently it is 187 gold 190 gold to buy 100 stone and you can see the rest of the prices there in the bottom right market prices are going to change drastically as the game goes on Hank funny enough he started building some stone wall and he just stopped I think he realized how expensive stone would be but I would prioritize trade and I would make sure that markets are built in the corners it toons could go paladins but here's the thing guys i said that i said that you wouldn't want to choose units that are wooden gold heavy but how do you get food in this game-mode we have to build farms well or you kill your own bills but um so technically wood goes into getting food so I I really don't know what would be best here but let's just talk about simple math for a second one villager costs 50 food right if you kill that villager you get 100 food out of it so can you ever run out of food here you shouldn't right it would be a long taxing process to keep killing your own bills but you shouldn't but as you can see with all the idols here it's very hard to keep up with everything unless they change the cost of bills I think that food won't be as much of a concern depends on if it's a buffalo oh yeah good point from Nevada good point for me but if it's a water buffalo you actually get 150 food well honestly guys this map is rigged it's unfair unless there's some type of strategy you can pull off to try and get goats over water buffalos or water buffalos over goats this is imbalanced this is rigged so if you lose this guy's just say that you only got goats not water buffaloes that's your Excuse does a villa rated out of the TC generate food what do you mean by generate food drunk oh you gotta I apologized for drunk goat guys he's he's both a goat and he's drunk so maybe he got drunk because he sees that all of his fellow goats are being eaten alive and then turned into trees it's understandable but his questions are his questions aren't making sense to me yeah yes so when the Phills killed man when the Phills killed I don't think you can delete it I was just kidding by the way I was just kidding Hank is trading we have some trade carts all around here and here's the real question do you get something if you kill a trade card what if you got 100 gold and a pile if you kill the trade card that'd be interesting female villagers equals goats male villagers equals buffaloes Teutonic tanks is that what you think of women it's 2018 man I think women can be water buffaloes too so apparently we've received word from the map creator that men give more food so there you go guys I'm just lost all of my female audience because of Teutonic tanks that doesn't seem very fair to me man oh oh we got we got some action we got some action V for kick ass he is set green to enemy way whoa wait a second and greens like come at me you see how the kings like sticking his gut out he's like bring it on I have an iron stomach I've eaten steaks for years for this moment and Green says I give sacrifice purple interesting so they must have realized the relic situation they were probably told to remember we were not told as this was a surprise to us these Kings that told you all the steak man iron stomachs wait what is this okay I was gonna say imagine the rip-off man Hank gets relics from killing his kings and then Greene gets sheep all right one the Sheep dies you get relics and other they're just trading Kings now okay so this is this is a strong team strategy guys a strong team strategy on average men are heavier thus more food well ultra you just called men fat did you hear that Elodie just called all of the men in the audience fat so not only have we lost our female audience but we've lost all the men too so now we only have drunk goat we only have a goat watching and that's it it's not fat man okay it's big bones or big bones get it right hydrocele thank for the hundred bits man gifted seven thank you for the tier two sub actually Hydra still gave four hundred bits in total let's look at the trade numbers while we can I would like to see pirate juice get some wood right currently what price is decent but I'd like to see him get some wood and while he's making petard this is the first community game ever for pirate juice and he's making petard and he says dye bible man or his bible man at is he talking about that old like christian TV show bible man wasn't there something like that I think growing up my parents tried to get me to watch that maybe he thinks maybe he saw a monk somewhere he has Scouts in the trade route anyway back to oranges situation I'm kind of getting derailed here he just needs to build a market in the corner man but I can finally have good job and can support you if you built the markets in the corners then you can trade and you get more gold per trade so our boot app currently has the best trade the he's going all the way to the corner he could be better off of course if you were to build a market here orange would be better off Hank would be better off if they were to trade using this corner but I guess it's still something right still something Teutons were heavily Christian maybe that's what he was referring to well I'm not as much as I love history I'm not as informed on history as you guys are so interesting game interesting game let's look at food collected shall we that's a lot of food that's a lot of dead villagers that sacrifice their lives for that Green has 10,000 food collected Tony has a lot more gold collected and that's because of the trade profit oh shoot hope I closed out the game you've got to be kidding me I'm kidding we're fine just a prank bro just a prank we have to retask woodcutters from every treaty 90 cry every time they cut a tree well that stinks I mean it's great for us from up here Arbit app this is great man this is great but I can see why I'd be a struggle for you as I said earlier how many trade carts does this guy have Tony's not messing around here tony has 2,000 golds he has close to 40 trade carts he's three relics so he's deleted some of his kings it seems like most most players are sacrificing three kings purple has a pretty strong score lead I wonder why that is well he's trading and he has ten trade carts he is one relic he's keeping most of his kings alive but he's also making a trip he's an imp guys he's an imp this bolt is also an imp are they going to attack each other we have trebuchet is for green trebuchet is for purple they're both going to be on two trebs let's keep in mind that v4 kick-ass can make the camel archers which is a ranged unit and he could goes King sniping there's a pause probably to build up the hype and the suspense I asked them to pause right before they went for King Snipes they really helped my con set out what could I say they'd sacrifice themselves for us see what happens well while we have the time crazy poopa okay I just called I just called one of my viewers of poopa it's cra-z y pu PA VA so I didn't mean to call you a pooper we have crazy kupaza kupaza Thank You Man for the three months glad to hear that things are going well with your job man yeah so somebody must maybe somebody dropped maybe somebody needed to maybe they had a phone call all yeah Turkish trading has disconnected on the bright side and no offense to you Turkish trading cuz I'm really disappointed you couldn't finish this out on the bright side it's not like he was in the strongest position he was only a 48 population so if I were to have chosen a player to drop out it probably would have been him so it doesn't hurt the game too too much still feel bad though everybody wants to get into these games when they drop out and can't continue it kind of ruins their chances to become a legend right yo green want to be best friends forever till the end of the game yes des volt says yes Oh only you can read this Oh interesting so dis volt and Arbit app they're gonna be not only best friends not only allies but they're going to be BFFs oh this is so weird man this is so weird that's amazing this this whole concept is so amazing well arvit f is getting his trees he's getting his trees I think that purple and green are gonna fight oh and I got this way wrong Purple's not Berbers he's Saracen so he has some range but they're Mameluke she's not camel archers Zen man thank you for the brand-new sub man welcome welcome welcome so twitch chat who are you rooting for YouTube I would ask you who you're rooting for but obviously it's not live at the time you'll be seeing this pony is now in the Imperial aged Honi these Incas remember you could go for those Eagles he has the gree sources for it pony could honestly kill everybody if he were to go the Eagles with these resources also he can kill Reds kings so he can take four relics away from red because remember when the Kings die they become sheep and when the sheep died they become relics oh man honies definitely the guy to look out for here people trying to kill villagers where they can trying to trade where they can Arbit app is now on his way to the imperial age - and no movement between green and purple right now banjo says he wants pirate juice to win who is viper in this game well Viper didn't meet the requirements to get in stack one so I told him if he improves on his other nothing maps then maybe he can do village or nothing but for now he's just not good enough what happens when the relic dies well the relic doesn't die I don't think you can kill relics they do actually have HP so elite ma'am Luke's maybe Paladins for Arbit at he's making stables maybe paladins oh we have a poll here let's see if our poll systems working today so poll who are you rooting for if you're in the twitch stat you have about 30 seconds to vote by typing a number next to the name and this gives me an idea of who twitch dad is rooting for now just imagine your Arbit app or pirate juice and you're we watching this and you're like oh man I really hope really hope people voted for me and then nobody voted so a lot of people are voting for Honi a lot of people are voting for DES volt the others people are not a fan fair enough well don't take it personally my friends don't take it personally if you're watching this later on alright so Nuccio maybe Nuccio and Honi will fight over who gets these kings Nuccio he made a mac and L immediately and he's looking to take down this town center there's not another king in there right no there's not but these four kings he could kill and if he kills them then he could take the relics away remember and this is a reminder for those that might have just joined there are there were five starting Kings for each player you can kill the Kings you just need to make sure you keep one alive when the Kings die they turn into sheep and then when the sheep die they turn into relics which is a great source of gold then come on a map where there's not a lot of gold who am i rooting for well I have a soft spot in my heart for pirate juice I have a soft spot in my heart for pirate juice so I'm hoping he can do something here I always root for the underdogs des vault I think the score is deceiving I well not sure if I consider him an underdog I guess he's only 50 pop which would qualify but he is in the Imperial age well pirate juice is not look at this night yeah this guy's just standing there what a boss you can see des fault is this is all part of the plan for him so we can get some trees honi maybe a victim of his early success you know I think that's a very good point osorb I think it's a very good point eight months hype hope the games go well today obviously honies playing really well but I think his score is going to be so high that if he kills a person or two everyone's gonna realize they need to team up against him are but--at What did he say Arbortech didn't say anything who creams like teal what's your question alright alright hydra still thanked for the 400 bits it's not the first time he said as you're the only streamer I'm watching you might as well have some bits for your effort and talking about watching matches afterwards I'm still not over the butt lotion facial lotion named after 11 wait what what about blood lotion did we talk about but lotion earlier did I forget oh yes I call I said that your name I I remember I said that hydras ill he was playing in a game I said the hydrocele sounds like butt lotion cream it's like I think Dave said it sound like a cream for hemorrhoids or something oh man I'm sorry sorry but not sorry I most of the twitch chat agreed if your butt heard about it you should get some Hydra cell and maybe that'll help alright elite ma'am Luke's on the way for purple use to be careful green and green and purple fighting each other now but I don't know how many kings are left purple loses one green will lose his trebuchet is TREB and he's gonna lose his castle but this is weird they've Castle swaps they both lost their castles purple has one Mameluke which is elite and green has two magyar hussars and a monk and that's it and that's it and it looks like two kings remaining maybe four purple and it seems about right and I this is just really tough to call now because how's purple got a fight without a castle its 216 gold to buy a hundred stone so we could maybe buy another one but he's upgraded military that he can't build and des volt has changed him to enemy which was already the case I'm not really sure what changed there our boot app is getting paladin so maybe he's gonna come down to purple and and tap him up with those paladin's it would be a good time to do so especially if he's gonna be BFFs with green Hydra still that's funny man that's funny I forgot about that I forgot about that thanks for the bits though Alvin axe thank you for the eight months the games have been good so far today cannot complain cannot complain yeah turkeys trading don't worry about it man it's alright yeah I you didn't hear me but I said that you're essentially dead anyway so wouldn't be too disappointing for you wouldn't be too disappointing for us how many trade carts his homie have he is 72 you know what I would do in honies position I don't know if I should tell you guys this cuz you're probably going to do it yourself and then you're gonna be in very good situations to win games easily in the future but I would just abuse the market prices I think he's doing that now see how expensive stone it's because honies buying it so Honi should realize that he is more trade than anyone to just just start buying stuff that everyone else might need to buy would buy food buy everything and then you'll starve them out essentially but Hank should see that honies trading like this and Hank is trying to catch up Hank is at 57 trade units so everybody's trying to trade it's just a bit annoying help orange doesn't have a market in this corner I guess he has a pirate he's probably used to trading on water with trade cogs so maybe the whole land trade confuses him and to casas for purple and as far as I know he's still enemy to green so he might go after green here and green could still be in trouble Oh our boot app he says pink me and you trading BFFs right so he asks green to be a BFF and he asked purple to be a BFF and I'm no BFF expert but I don't think you can have more than one BFF because if you have two BFFs that diminishes the importance of having one BFF and you're just best friends you're not BFFs I'll have to ask have to contact some I don't know what is BFF a elementary school thing maybe I need to to get some feedback from some younger people on the whole BFF situation had to be careful how I worded that I almost said I need to need to ask all the middle schoolers that I know and if I worded that incorrectly it could have made me seem like a weirdo so we're good we're good okay did the way I said that was acceptable I would rethink you for gifting skip the sup man Oh Barba tap he's over at Hank and Hank how many relics Oh God Hank has four relics which mean he only has one King remaining and these paladin's are fully upgraded Hank could die he could be Hank is super dead here he failed with the gate he's no Viper and he only has calves yeah he's Knights and he's about to get heavy camel well Hank have the resources to defend himself yet trust me I know I'm a weirdo I just don't want to be that type of weirdo if you get them get what I'm saying oh wait well we'll wait okay false alarm Hank has a King here but he also has a king here so he does have another one Andy's making some Camel archers so maybe there's a chance with the position of Hanks castles this could be tough for our boot app because he can lose his trade to those castles what happened to the relics that were down here we need to investigate three relics for Nuccio how many relics for Honi pony has four are there any sheep around here just remember there were kings earlier yeah I'm not sure we're Reds relics when maybe they all went to Honi cuz he is four let's see he has yeah honestly I'm not sure honestly I'm not sure because he has only one King himself which means as four relics could be from his kings who knows but hey I know that Hank is struggling and Hank is gonna lose that King and our boot apps doing good his issue is the trade let's see if you can push Hanks castles Hank says anyone want to help me Green says I'm having a hard enough time trying to micro my bills that stop chopping Hank says give me resources or units I just want to stay alive and that's pretty much all that's happening yellows being peaceful with grey wait well not really but it's just just tootin Scouts it's not the end of the world our boot app is now top-score it's making Honi look less threatening I will say that much sheep is at the lower mill sorry I'm not sure which mill you're talking about golden kill are you talking about those sheep in the South don't see any sheep there's a lot of goats there's a lot of goats and Hank is has cried out for help and no one has responded he says help I've fallen and I can't get up where's Life Alert when you need it no life alert for Hank he actually needs wood at the moment to make ham largers did you guys see the Sheep I can't see any sheep oh I see one chief okay so there's one so maybe gray is getting a piece of the pie here I it's really hard for me to follow everything here but I'm looking for four okay I was looking for a group I was looking for a whole herd not single sheep my Hank figures he's gonna go out anyway so why not just raid the trade and he's killing a lot of Arbit apps precious trade our attempt needs to deal with this you know what Hank does have a leak camel larger so he might be able to hold with good micro I don't think he has [Music] yeah I mean he doesn't have the defense upgrades he doesn't have ballistics maybe but it's still doable not that it'll be easy [Music] okay here comes ho nice o Hoani lost a lot of his bills I don't think he's too worried about that they're just turning into goats and he's taking them back home what's the price of everything now it is really expensive look at the bottom right the left-hand column is the price the gold cost to buy 100 of those resources and there's a sheep here so honey can get that as well Hank does not have a TC he only has castles his King is inside this castle he will kill our but--at Streb and keep both these castles up but Hank you got a garrison man oh god this is not gonna be easy and also when he goes to unguessed in his camel archers he has to be careful not to hop out the wrong side with the King Arva tap has done a really good job this game guys a really good job somehow it got the food he has tons of paladins I think he can kill the castles without any siege and Hank is asking pirate juice to help what pirate juice is just now getting to the Imperial age so yeah I don't think that Hank is going to be in luck here I don't know if greens gonna be in luck either green is out of luck here come the mammal Luc's purple had the time to reboot i'm purples getting four relics and there could be two more waiting for him here in greens TC greens in trouble I think Hank and green will go down Green can run but he can't hide he doesn't even have a castle anymore and I think get the F steady guys cuz there are two kings I think those are the final two kings for green he loses one he'll lose two he calls the gg and he's out of this game village or nothing number one des volt dies and Hank dies just like that we are down to five people remaining orange is kind of screwed by Hanks death because he doesn't have anyone to trade with he says sorry blue I'm too noob to help no worries pirate juice Arbit app he still has his markets he's still trading with purple so they might be BFFs Green is probably like man I thought Arba temp was my BFF probably what he's saying right now orange says but I welcome my new overlord light blue it's funny how it's great doing over here graze down the 100 population and jeez Honi has hikes he has champions he has all the attack upgrades and he is Seagram's pony has more trade pony has a lot of relics and I think great could be the next one to go down bunny warren gifted maggots the sub Grapes of subtext a sub ang of Joe Vinick to Vinick guys enjoy the emos Thank You bunny Warren thank you guys so Grey's making a run for it maybe he can form an alliance with orange maybe that the pirate pirate EO team or the the new CEO juice team could do it it's obviously our boat a pony and and V for kick-ass now in terms of strength they're all on very strong positions he smiled or welcome to the stream man welcome t90 official do you come to Hamburg for NAC - no I will not be at NAC - unfortunately I was invited to go to NAC - I wanted to go to NAC - however the I couldn't go for 12 days and I was Neeley how do i word this the only option was for me to go I could only go for 12 days that was the only option I was given so I asked to go for five or six and that is not gonna work so I guess I'm not going probably one of the hardest things for me to hear since I started Age of Empires - it was tough but leave it at that leave it at that got a respect yeah I think we'll leave you with that and believe it that these Mameluke SKUs ampion Zinn the Pyke's from Kony and honies repositioning trade now so I guess he was trading with Hank earlier right so he's now trading from my saw he was trading with purple moment ago but maybe he wants to trade with someone who's not as strong pink we kill yellow now yes and pink says yes so arvit app is gonna team up with pink and go after honing this would be the biggest fight of the game t9 the official mind if I ask you why you couldn't do the 12 days well it's a long time to be away man it's a long time to be away if it was if it was like a big time event where there was like wages for the for the casters and all that then it'd be a different story but it's it would essentially be a 12 day vacation as much as I'd like to be there I didn't get to where I am to just leave you guys you know like I I'm it's important for me to make content I like making content I like streaming if I didn't to Age of Empires let's say I worked a nine-to-five job I would never go away for 12 days and this situation might be unique but got to keep making content for you guys but yeah on that topic though that's pretty much all I'm gonna say so I'm pretty much all I'm gonna say believe me it's been discussed behind the scenes to death but I think melee will will let his viewers know about it tomorrow the decision has been made as much as I did I'm not happy with it and it's upsetting believe it at that don't I have a good relationship with Nili this does not affect my relationship with newly I'm sad I can't be there and that is it and I'm just as sorry to hear it as you guys are probably more so but instead of talking about that you know we could talk about this water buffalo blocking the trade one water buffaloes block the entire trade route that's funny look at this these trade cards like we got this this is our lane this is our lane and nope there's a lot of Buffaloes like not having it man not having it he's staring down that trade cart you're not getting through there that's really funny that is costing pie reduce thousands of gold he just doesn't realize it he just doesn't realize it oh man well honi looking to get his trade up and running he's gonna be attacked but the move hasn't been made yet Tony's been talking he says Arbit app how can I help you tell me and are patatas not responded to Honi all right what do you need I am ready so Honi wants to ally orbit app Arbit app is not planning on doing that and Arbit app now says yellow are you talking to me so arvit apps in a nice situation because everybody wants to be his friend everyone wants to be his BFF oh and he's asking Tony for wood yes what's the price of wood right now it is 384 gold and now it's 400 gold to get 100 wood and Honi just sent 600 wood to our boot tab Oh and Honi doesn't have any wood oh well you know what he will he will get more wood from all these goats so it's not the end of the world and he's also making champions which is just food and gold so that's fine that's fine unless he wants to make pikes if he needs pikes then it's wood of course so you know Britannicus and everybody else I love you guys I do okay and I know you guys care about the community and myself and m.a.c too and all that but let's just let's just leave it where it is okay leave it where it is again I I'm not clueless and helpless I've discussed things we're just going leave it and now our boot app is just gonna attack Kony anyway so Honi says why are you doing this to me so ARPA temp is all making the Heartless move and he doesn't care that he just received wood so he's laughing his way to the bank the wood Bank and all Honi could be in trouble man pony could be in trouble well he has some trouble I think it's safe to say does he have one King no he has two kings he's a king here and he has a king here he's probably gonna lose this one so he loses this one can he stay alive now he's getting Halberdier remember he just gave a lot of his wood away so it's not like he can make a lot of helps he's also lost his trade so he's unable to really buy things and I think that means Tony is dead right on this map raiding the trade is so brutal and well he leaves that King alive or keeps the King alive I don't see how it can really address all of this but what is really interesting to me is just how this is going to go between purple and teal because eventually they're gonna have to fight each other and they are trading with each other so in the event that they attack each other they will both instantly lose trade I think that before they would attack each other pirate juice might be the one to die who again is playing in his first community game he's trying this water buffalo is getting in the way but he's still making it work but funny as he's going through Hanks gates and this was actually the prison for some of pirate juices villagers earlier on in this game but he's trading with with our boots up for now and oh he's just said Honi to Ally I don't think honies gonna have the time but it's nice that Honi has a friend in this world well this tee she's gonna die let me just double-check here yeah this is the other King for Honi he realizes now that he can get away with him what really sucks for Honi is that he lost his trade carts he only has 11 trade car to be still at his trade carts alive he could have maybe traded with grey in the corner I actually forgot grey was alive I apologized Nuccio I kind of felt like you were dead but knew she was still in this by the way I forgot Nuccio was in this whoa gray that market really saved pirate juice that really saved him as well so he can trade with the corners it would be great if the observer had God powers in this game to spice it up if players get too passive spawn in disasters you know I used to do that with rollercoaster tycoon 2 if someone was complaining about my ride I just throw him in the lake can't complain about my ride a few Dryden's drown in the lake I was a sick kid was a sick kid but that was a fun game man that was a fun game our boot app says sorry yellow pink told me to attack you and he and me friends well that's not exactly how it happens purple says no I didn't say that I didn't say that but um yeah that the true part of that statement is that they were friends and now gray is turning on Arbit ab and gray is coming to honies aid all of my guide guys and something we don't see often and Age of Empires 2 is this elite Teutonic Knights receive 1 damage from elite Mameluke with each hit one single damage so if grey ends up attacking purple here purple will get rekt now I wonder if purple is gonna take offense to what our Batak just said about them because it was not truthful and maybe purple will end up attacking our boot at a honies still alive he hasn't really complained past saying oh no why he's just trying to come back into this oh and he's he's saving his trade cards with little trade cards he has left so yeah this could really shift here purple hasn't done anything yet oh no he's changed new showed enemy okay so Nuccio is gonna use his Teutonic Knights verse the Mamluks look how strong these things are again they received one damage but doesn't matter our boot app will have enough to clear up grey honi feel bad for the guy he asks for twenty would new she'll gives him two hundred and Honi probably just wanted to build a single market well if these bills were that there were bills alive for Honi then maybe he could collect some of these goats and then get trees I thought for a second that purple might turn against you but maybe not now he is gonna get these relics and if he gets all of them he'll probably be in the strongest position now I saw the unique tech come in for purple you got madrasah madrasah if you research that and lose a monk you get thirty-three gold back from each dead monk so that's a great great way to justify investing into a lot of monks currently the relics let's just look at the achievements currently nine relics for purple nine relics notice how it's 0 for t l-- so if he has zero relics that means that if the trade goes down he's pretty much dead so pirate juice could win it with relics new shield possibly but but purple if especially if he gets the rest of them he's gonna have a clear advantage in my opinion t90 official did you forget about pirate juice nope nope just mentioned him he's making bow yards and husks ours it's gonna be tough for him to kill mammal loops with that it's also going to be really tough to make siege remember i said any unit that costs wood is going to be difficult to make and we're seeing that now the wood price is five hundred four gold per 100 wood he can't really take advantage of slaves did we do pick sieve for this if we did do picks it for this yeah who's more than one Saracen player so pirate has a few petard I don't think those petard will touch teal or touch purple or touch anybody really Pony says so what's our game plan so Honi wants a game plan Nuccio spends survival not very confident game plan and now purple and teal are talking purple says let's make a gentlemen's agreement we actually fight together to the end and not turn on each other and our boat apps has agreed now this Agreement this helps purple so much more than help steal because purple has the relics so in the end purple should have unlimited gold well that's not the case for our but--at so this is a smart deal for purple this is not a deal that I would make if I was Arbit at because he should know that his opponents getting all these relics I think the problem with bow yards versus Mameluke siz that if maam loops are my crowed properly they can just hit and run all around the map because they have range but i honestly haven't seen bowie ours face off against Mameluke soft enough to really tell you I just don't have confidence that pirate juice can really push purple because purple has so many castles he's definitely in the best position here yeah I'm aware that purple has 16 K gold but you have to keep in mind that if you're gonna buy things it's expensive right now so it's 450 gold to buy just 100 wood so purple he has plenty of gold to spare but you never know how long it's gonna last in these games alright well they made their gentlemen's agreement I would stop wasting time killing goats and I would start start killing people Oh honi Honi is just whispering and Arbit Abshir here trying to make him turn his back on his ally Tony says he'll do you think purple won't back step because he offered me survival for your head just now oh that's amazing that's an actual that's a lie that is alive it that's an amazing lie yes yes and purple is like no I didn't say that no I didn't say that yeah Purple's a nice guy he saved my cat from a tree once by Raju's death lawyers Tristan rhymes with twisting therefore your second favorite game is twister boo roasted less than three that is that roast really got me man that really got me mr. Finn thank you thank you bro for the 8-month resub good to have you back so I wonder if teal is gonna believe yellow just a little bit if I were an arbiter position at least 10% of me would believe that purple might say something like that and he has to know that Mameluke swears paladin's is never gonna end well for him but our boot app has not really reacted not really reacted and so the Alliance stands strong [Music] Gray's one and only King I think it's his only king is in this castle which is already burning and I feel like it's just a matter of time until haze King dies oh no he does have oh wow he is four more Kings up here so he didn't kill any of his kings and he was asking where on earth is yellow hiding and purple says probably with gray purple says or Honi says purple I do it for 200k wood and 500 stone Mahoney I don't think you're really in the position to do anything or sixteen pop man oh and Honi is in Gray's TC boy wasn't Gracie see now he's running away pony you can do it man click get the pointy boys on the Paladin quick he might just survive here yes he's alive our boot app says he sees it though and pirate juice says leave him alone and he shows up to honies aid into Gray's aid so pirate juice Judson just said purple as a nice guy and now he's going to kill the nice guy and so now we have a war now we have a real battle I think that Honi is is out of the game that's safe to say but he's still contributing with his chat at least and now our Bert app is saying yeah we need to fight orange I do just feel like teal and purple are so strong this has got to be near impossible Wow purple didn't even have all of us Mameluke upgrades and i just realized that now yeah that's a big deal honi tricking purple into believing that team wanted a trade for his head with the chat wanted a trade for his head with the chat okay it's a bit confusing but I think what you're saying is Tony is just trying to to trick someone into thinking that they're trying to work with Tony yeah I agree Tony said I have no Vil's but I have three Rams his three Rams guys if he does something with these Rams if he does something as a value with his Rams then maybe this could work he says I'm gonna sneak peek Purple's castles well there's paladin's there orange back off purple Mel well that's more like orange back off purple now from our bure tab if Bowie ARS are holding up pretty well here it's not gonna be good enough and Arbit app is saying orange please back off well he's gonna die so that's one way to back off all right Texan says Honi never dies just saw King in the Hilbert's knows you know Tex and I was going through my my whole channels YouTube comments and there's a feed that shows me comments based off the time regardless of the video and I saw that you've been binge watching my videos recently I I mean there's always different people finding the channel and binge watching videos but I saw that you had commented on a dozen different videos over the past 24 to 48 hours and I remember that comment also somebody commented that they were happy that the game ended the way it did because Carlini died and carlini's one of my mods and the game was over a year old but I sent a screenshot of that comment to him he wasn't very happy about it blue I will give you nine relics if you kill purple is that a bluff is that a bluff he doesn't have nine relics well it's not really a bluff he has eight relics yes and I don't think Till's having any of this shield is going to be BFFs with purple as he said at the very beginning guys I can trade and generate gold for you I don't think you can oh wait does he have a market oh he could that's not a lie that's that's not a lie but arvit tap and purple they know they're in the lead and so they're just deciding on who the next victims gonna be do we go for orange we go for purple wait wait what what orange or gray oh I think our boot app made a mistake there he said orange or purple two purple and he says seriously I miss wrote purple haha no purple doesn't believe him oh this could be one of the biggest throws the biggest fails of community game history our attempt is saying seriously man that was a mistake I mistyped it and I think he's being honest about this I think he just genuinely mistyped that and what if purple just attacks him now that would be hilarious purple doesn't really agree or sorry he doesn't really believe him but he says well I stick to our agreement all right that that would have been plenty that had been really really funny blue don't trust purple please I'll give you nine relics well pirate juice means teal he called him light blue earlier and Nuccio doesn't realize that pony changed stance with you to ally Honi is just a lidar boot app purple says he wants to kill orange because aren't is talking too much purple I will murder your family oh my god he says I will murder your family in the bottom corner okay so he's murdering the goats at least he meant in the game guys he meant in the game he didn't mean his actual family calm down he meant in the game it was it's not that serious okay I have no time to write with them alright well I think the attacks finally gonna happen these guys has just been twiddling their thumbs for a little while and Arbit app has changed orange to enemy and it's about to go down the funny thing is orange is not in a position to defend himself ponies not in a position to defend himself grey is not in a position to defend themselves so they're just been bluffing this whole time and just talking but they can't really stop the force that is coming their way bow yards are being created but he will not have enough bow yars orange trick city thank you for the brand-new sub my friends fill stir each tree has a hundred would I could have 10,000 would it still wouldn't be enough to save Huayra juice listen to those goats alright the batard stay explode like fireworks on the fourth of July but that's not going to save orange orange has his king running in ho nice trade line and our boat app says by the way guys Honi allied me maybe he isn't working with you guys i I think Arbit app and purple just don't realize how good a situation they're in like they don't need to play these games they could just kill everybody I think I believe Arbit app is looking for oranges king with these paladin's he's just missing it just missing it ponies King is here as well all that trade carts caught between the king and the champion this is gonna come down to purple in seal no doubt in my mind unless unless Honi with the Rams let's go RAM train choo choo choo he would have to kill all the castles and a king which is technically it's possible technically it's possible but it's yeah it's just not gonna happen man it's not gonna happen that would be one of the biggest that would be the biggest upset in history that would be a bigger upset than fat [ __ ] beating Piper I like to bring that up every now and then that way Piper's reminded of the fact that he lost a fat slob Viper's out there lurking on the channel I promise so orange tried to reboot but he's losing everything and Wow see remember I said Arbit app's weakness and late-game would be the fact that he's relying on trade but if he gets these relics he'll be in a good spot and honestly his 24,000 gold so might not even need them he is Nevada he is he's lurking Vipers twitch Smurfs account is Faust PvP you should see the guy play it's just like Viper so it's actually him lead skirmisher on the way for Arbit app he's going into trash okay I would try and go calves archers if I were him wait where did all of his gold go no seriously guys did he not just have 26,000 gold or am I seeing things I'm fairly certain he did where what did he do did he buy food with that he must have bought something I removed the alerts that show up in game when people buy and sell certain things simply because it gets spammy on these nothing maps was it purple was purple okay yeah I was I was mistaken my bad to have purples alone with the gold see a teal needs to get those relics done Nuccio looses one king he must have more he loses two it must have more I need his went back in the TC so that's the benefit of keeping your Kings alive I suppose he's gonna die it's just a matter of time but he can delay the process speaking of VIPRE by the way what'd you guys think of the vivvy viper game on youtube did you guys get a good look at that thumbnail I love that thumbnail I'm gonna show you guys another I'm gonna show you a close-up of it after this game it's probably one of my favorite thumbnails for my videos just because it's ridiculous there's another one vivianne viper played a few games there's another one that will go to youtube within the next 24 to 48 hours and I well I'll bring this up after this game I'll bring this up after this game because what I'm about to say wouldn't be as funny if you hadn't seen the thumbnail assault live and rewatched on YouTube game was insane yeah was a crazy game for sure it's a crazy game okay yes you know I'm cool with teal and purple you know they've done well they've done real well but what are they doing now they can see virtually everything just kill them especially purple like purple no both of them you guys have resources fight you guys are a great position wanna set the record straight I'm won 2-0 against the Viper t99 there you go man there you go so see Viper beat himself thank you for this that the 69 thank you for six dollars and ninety cents Faust g9y officials this the force nothing game that just gone on for days well as a villager nothing game as a villager nothing nothing game so I I think what it is is they really want to win and they don't have the bird's-eye view so they're scared that if they leave their base that someone will snipe them and then it'll be this big old fail and there's 50,000 people watching and thousand people are going to see that so they're scared but that's understandable but still it's fair to say that they're in an amazing position they should just win this game and aren't just run down here his king is just running around honestly orange should probably resign gray I guess you could say that the three players who are still alive aren't really doing anything except making the game go on for a while oh wait I I take that back Honi he's not only gone for the RAM train but he's up to four now here he goes he can do it guys look at the micro you see how he has the the staggered formation going up the split micro around the house this is good does he see the mammal oops how will he react to the mammal oops Oh is reacting by attacking the castle look at this oh he has to kill the house first this is excellent micro I'm kidding I mean it's not gonna work he tried it would have been legendary but it's just a fail in the end gray says I think we are dead yeah I think so as well [Music] no castle no no Barrett no he is to two barracks Oh pirate juice was just defeated all right so pirate juice is dead and I think the end has got to be near really funny map though they just have to polish off the two weaklings but really really funny funny game for the record record I was not stream sniping people's champ okay bull meister we're gonna keep this going this is so first Foss donated very generous of you Faust then pull my story sub for 11 months then Foss donated more donated $10 again very generous he said for the record record I was not stream sniping so so now bull Meister I'll tell you well make a deal with you if you if you resub or like donate again and then Faust has to keep this up to defend his reputation I'll give you 10% of whether whatever false gives okay we can we can make a big time with this bull meister we can do this mad I'm just kidding I'm just kidding obviously I'm running out of damn things to talk about cuz a purple and teal this has been a great game okay here we go homies running the cony I love you dude but okay there we go just call the gee-gees as good well good game well played was fun and king he's gonna get a sword to his back we're not gonna look it's too graphic but he dies and then Honi says kill purple please kill purple please all right so gray this is his last stand I hope he doesn't run around as well I think he'll give it up he said he thinks he's dead which is definitely the case and funny enough the halberdiers are really good first the Mamluks and the paladins I don't think teal wants to help first gray right now simply because he's expecting to have to attack first purple he wants purple to do the work but here he comes all right well this map concept is really unique the fact that this was just playable was really unique for those that missed it and I guess a bunch of you did you'll have to re-watch this players started with only villagers and then when villagers die they turn into goats if they're female or water buffalos of their male and then after the goat or water buffalo is consumed it turns into a tree so this map actually started with zero resources except for villagers 61 months and then they eventually build up towards trade and when the Kings died to get relics but what are you guys scared of purple and teal you said your BFFs Oh God Nuccio please buddy I love you bro but you don't have a chance you don't have a chance this is partially Nuccio I think and it's partially Arbit app and purple just just dragging this on a little bit like purple is right here yes my palace can't do [ __ ] well no duh you got to go in together you guys have 30 thousand gold thirty thousand gold I'm sorry I'm losing my patience with this game you could literally send two hundred paladins in there and still have more than enough gold to finish out this game 200 valid ins come on purples turns like they're going they're going in oh no kill it kill it kill it kill oh god make it stop it could stop Oh mushi Oh No oh those this just this hurts guys this hurts purple kill it man why are you so concerned with losing your mam Luke's you have endless gold kill it kill it goddamn it there we go all right let's go full meister thanks for the five hundred bits let's see if our strategy works remember 10% 10% men vie for kick-ass is GG our attempts is okay now and V for kick-ass is let's guy yeah let's get an arbiter whence a fight so kite fight might be the same thing but I think it's about to go down purple has the perfect setup for this four castles Mameluke spheres paladin's I'm curious to see how this goes though because Mameluke snowed a's after that big nerf and the expansions especially considering purple doesn't even have full upgrades they might not be as strong as usual if teal can go for paladin n for elite skirm with full ups i think you could actually beat the Mamluks alright here it comes for the ultimate record bull is an extremely attractive dude kappa pro listen guys I get it that you're attracted to each other but this is getting weird it's like I'm in the middle I'm in the middle of you guys complimenting each other and it's it's getting weirder every time strategy work though strategy worked I'll give you your 10% later on bull meister thank you thank you for the tip let's see what our boot app can do this could be a huge slugfest it could be a huge slugfest Purple's gonna be kicking himself he didn't get his upgrades only ten plus one instead of ten plus four check market prices pretty expensive but they all have resources right and teal wait does he not have relics anymore yeah he has so many relics how many relics they both have eleven relics four for a purple and ten forty oh this is anybody's game food is good for both wood is good for both gold is good for both this is gonna be a battle and Purple's going the Hmong crew keep in mind he does get some gold back all purple purple could lose some of his relics here I don't know how purple is still successfully trading here that's kind of funny it's somehow getting away with that what Down Goes the castle for purple then the monastery will go down where the rest of his relics at not far away from this he didn't think about this he should probably reposition those I guess he has 35,000 gold but hey one hour from now gold will become an issue teal has a total of well over a hundred military now purple he should probably get to the same because they don't need Vil's and he's at 120 so we have a hundred hundred plus military for both so who you guys rootin for now we have two people left we have our boot app we have purple both of which played really well this game they were BFFs for a while this is this is the boss fight this is the final fight it's getting real serious I guess we should double check King locations our boot app has his three kings here and Kings for purple he is two of them there in these castles alright so obviously the elite scrubs working out our boot app is is gathering his units together now sending forward trips I don't know if purple can fight squirms and paladin's I think he should go for heavy Camel but he doesn't have I guess he could do it from two stables but having heavy camels in front of this would be make it so much better I'm a bit torn on who I would want to win this as well I I think whoever wins this fight is the deserved winner I don't really have any favorites beyond that I just don't want to see a well-fought battle and that's what we're seeing right now five whole relics could be lost for purple the skirmishers will get chewed up in this situation seeing as the mammal oops can close in but still not that cost-effective for purple long-term is he delaying the inevitable now that's the question cuz he's killed a few trebs he's killing a few units this could come down to how many resources players have stacked up because there's more food in the bank and more wood in the bank slightly any way for purple I think that at barbra tap knows the monasteries they're in heat he does you should go for that next and purples just making tons of monks skirm czar more expensive than Mameluke very good point he definitely are because they cost wood right but what's the wood price at oh no market for our boot app so we won't even know oh god if he doesn't have a market and he goes down below 200 wood okay nevermind false alarm there's actually trees you could chop but still row and we're whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa where's purple coming from with this sneak attack guys he's coming from the north with Mameluke sent a trebuchet Wow so can he get underneath the TCI I think and it's easy for us to say as spectators I think he should sit underneath the tea see and this is shifted purple will kill the skirmishers he'll save his relics he could kill two kings Arbit up has not reacted to this at all he does have all five of his Kings he has two here and he is three here but he'll lose one he should lose two and he does Arbor tap must not realize this guy's and he's at seventy five population that's the game that's the game he has no eco he is no wood no food 7,000 food for for purple that should be the game should be should be remember I said Honi should have died an hour ago and he only died 20 minutes ago so I think Arbor temple give it up though I think would give it up he is separating his Kings but he will just lose all of his production buildings he says you got it man he is sending units to the south I'm half hoping our Patek doesn't try and reboot as much as I would admire his dedication but no Parbat app resigns Fair Play man and vie for kick-ass gets to win that was what it came down to well the the beginning was really funny game is really interesting but what it came down to was having good trade routes and good allies and Hank didn't have an ally he died pony didn't really have an ally he died orange and gray they did have alliances but that weren't strong alliances so yet again these diplo games it comes down to that most times and that's why Arbor Tappin and purple made it to the final two it was well fought battle it was a crazy game and it was another crazy nothing map I still feel like this is possibly the most impressive nothing map or just map in general that's been created and I say that just because there was a village or Nothing map it was created I tried it it was just villagers and you start with a few resources and that's it and then the game just got so boring and so so rough to watch and so I figured okay we're gonna cross village or nothing off our list of maps because this is gonna be dumb you know it's gonna be a five-hour game nothing will ever happen this was playable this was playable we had a lot to laugh at in the beginning we had a lot to talk about and again my hat goes off to you too Tommy thanks for making that man thank you for doing that okay so let's look at the the KD 972 units killed for purple the economy stats is here as well you can see Arbit app had more gold I think the thing maybe if he had ma'am Luke's he could have won that that early fight against purple but he is Huns so I was always gonna be tough for him there had more gold though technology stats um well map exploration was pretty big for our Bert app this is not all that important I guess and let's look at this timeline purple he was a threat so was our but at nning to people but they really boomed up once they finished off the others you can see that's when Honi died that's when Cray start getting weaker orange started getting weaker everybody started getting weaker because of those two alright well that will be on YouTube at some point at this stage you guys have probably heard this a million times but I got to do my spiel if you're on YouTube and you want to stop by the twitch page at some point we do community games every Friday we do big tournaments and expert games on other days they twitch link is below in the video description when you get to the twitch page I have a schedule widget which is right below the video feed and it automatically goes to your time zone and your week so you can see what time I will be live t9y official show us the thumbnail thing yes thanks for the reminder I'll do that do that and then we will do more community games I couldn't help it I had to type hi YouTube I had to belong guys I had to pull off
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 241,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, towers, wow, omg, villager rush, forest nothing, haha, weird, funny, LUL, troll, tatoh, theviper, viper, aoe2, forest, nothing, t90, official, spirit of the law, age of empires, zeroempires, resonance22, exciting, lul, t90Woo
Id: 3l0YaWZEV4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 25sec (5245 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 22 2018
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