Low Elo Legends #8 Nomad is HARD!

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alright ladies and gentlemen welcome this is a low evil legends episode and no don't fill the form TC no oh boy okay we have extra emo in the blue and then we have my boss broke my legs in the red where is he going to build his Town Center oh my god he can't find any spot who decided it would be a good idea to put so many Hills on no Matt you don't start with the town centre on nomada and you need flat grounds blue is monopolizing the space all they're going to build war okay so like technically this is allowed but this is a scene as BM in the age community Krista si si okay so we have Spanish first Teutons my boss broke my legs is Spanish we're I mean bring your other Villa over here in fight men get the kill I'll explain the TC location in a bit okay well technically oh no micro micro oh their gods they they are gods of micro technically Reds TC is better though okay so I want to explain the TC situation so the best thing you can do for yourself is get a town center up on wood right get a town center up on wood because then you don't need to walk long distance for the wood you chop the wood can bill the doc can make fishing ships can make mills can make everything what happens here is you're going to be going a very long distance when you're sending villagers out of the TC which you can avoid if you build your TC here instead or here or anywhere that would so Red's is actually better Nomad is incredibly difficult for low ito legends though especially Oh whoo oh my god garrison garrison oh he got a house and he needs to build a house and he lost two villagers in the process of building the house oh my god this is too much Congrats t90 it's a beautiful baby boy he he was but he was pop capped so he needed a house and he just he wanted to get it up as soon as possible and then a redhead is TC there okay so guys I might laugh I might cry I might laugh I might wait am i laughing I might cry I mean I can't get this right I might I might something I might sigh what what was it this is my own phrase no I might not misplace farms get out of here anyways but this is lo ela legends we have to lower a low I think around five or six hundred elope players playing right now I don't expect them to be perfect I just I don't know what to expect at all actually this is one of the weirder games you'll ever see red garrison yeah blue apparently doesn't realize that T C's have a ton of range just take the board he's really freaking out he doesn't know what to do and what I this is funny red has built houses here and then also built a mill so initially I thought he was going to lame but now he's going for some weird wall in shenanigans the mill built on the other side maybe I might subscribe with that isn't prime manses prime thank you very much all right he has to go he's gonna what's he doing with the goat what's that what what decide lady is he lame in it see he's layman what why can't the villager commit though she's she must be really hungry but she's on a diet so this is like meal prepping right you're like oh oh I should meal prep but or no it's like throwing out all the junk food it's like you want to throw out the junk food so you don't eat it and feel fat but then you have to pick up the junk food and that's too much too much temptation okay nine villagers for extra emo my boss broke my leg I feel like I have failed to talk about the name as much as I should have in this game what happened in his life where she got online and created this username I really need to know see I have so many questions all right where is this villager going you don't start with his scalp he literally like there was that one Vil I think she walked all the way back to the TC and now has walked back over to the wall they really like to build houses but either next day enemy town centers or next to resources okay well listen I love this I oh my god this is this is so crazy I don't expect 500 Evo players to really know how to play known that so my what the one tip that I'll give you it's just make sure well first off get loom if you're red he's getting it but make sure you build your town center next to a wood line and then dock please tell me he's going to dock here fish and chips can make such a huge difference here okay two new villagers from Red come this direction I can really I bet you he probably played his boss and Age of Empires no wonder his possible broke his legs this guy is such a lamer there's a boar over here this villagers extremely weak she doesn't see oh wow yep just first one didn't work this will do it for you and blue is building a mill on 160 food all right would not it all hurt to send a few villagers to different areas of the map to find resources okay he now sees again that this villager is walling and red immediately reacts and he's able to react Oh God why doc here and not here this was supposed this was the perfect doc position this was birth anyways that he's able to focus on his villager microbe because he's not focusing on creating bills but as long as you doc that's fine with me you don't the big thing for these guys is you don't need to pay attention to it red is quick walling and that villager will die boom bit of revenge for blue okay what does blue even see right now oh when I look at his point of view I just get so sad Gold doesn't do anything for you in dark age man he feels so helpless alright red needs houses blue you know I I don't have words feels bad man wjs says congrats t90 it's a beautiful baby boy thank you for the nine months with twitch Prime I'm not paying child support sorry m LM ikk Mick spacer Aladdin thank you guys for the twitch Prime's as well oh it's a ville war it's a ville war and red has some weak ones out here too and also blue could possibly be on tilt so he's extra motivated and now he has food oh no now red is sending more villagers all right actually this fight is good for blue at the start red is extremely close to killing that Vil I'm sure he doesn't know to look all right the gloves are off the fighting has already begun I mean your Teutons you could at least farm if you don't want to doc there is water so that's that's the big takeaway Oh goddess you can make militia red is still trying to wall him in and he might even be successful with it well there anyways but he will he will also wall on this side sneaky what it oh it's the it's the quick defensive gate from extra emo can we get some 70-90 quick in the chat look at these quick walls beautiful just beautiful okay yeah - and farms are cheap so I hate the fact he hasn't docked docking is so important on nomads but at least you're getting some food income now red and he needed he's still at fifteen pop he needed houses three minutes ago alright there's a holder there there is a hole there that wall does nothing nope there's a hole there he doesn't have small trees so he doesn't know the trees are probably sky-high so he doesn't see it there is one 100% a hole there what if blue escapes and that ends up changing the game oh man red isn't even on deep fish he does almost have food to go a few leaves though alright what is even happening right now like I I have seen some crazy stuff in low evil legends but I can't say I've ever seen a game like this huh okay so Spanish build faster I think a tower rush would be perfect however I don't think that red is gonna have the food or sorry the wood to even build more than one Tower these villagers can't do anything right now I think he wants to mind stone possibly oh no blues making militia lots and lots and lots of farms what if blue doesn't see the whole I mean if red doesn't realize there's a whole blue might not either he's out post rushing he's making militia he sees the villagers here from red he can't like that yeah red has done a good job bringing in food I think that's the best way to say it but he's done a worse job at creating villagers at all times but if he hadn't docked he would be it he's at 14 Bill's not talking was a huge mistake I think red clicks a lot I think he accidentally missed clicked I noticed earlier he was probably clicking too much all right now the enemy house is right next to his house pulling bills the militia are here there's weak villagers there okay now we'll place a tower right next to his Town Center blue just keep the militia alive don't run into the tea see my friends and I wouldn't create more I would not create more at all I would save food and go fuel age but you do you my friend [Music] rush on nomad the thing is though red doesn't seem to have the skills to react properly okay now he's making oh wait now he's reacted alright Micro Micro Micro quikwall dead okay oh not the weak one not that one not that one not that one okay he's fine but guys red is not on stone when he's finished with this deer he I just don't know what happens from here this is winnable for blue oh wait okay now there's a mining camp which is a beautiful mining camp I'm sure all LOI lil players around the world are satisfied with this take some gold you take some stone now which did he mean to take because if he if he thinks he's collecting stone it might take him a solid ten minutes to realize that he's actually gone to gold Oh No and while the farms aren't as ideal as the fish and blue actually has two farms here he's not even using normal another barracks you're not Goths bro I just I can't I don't know what's happening where did we go from here he's on gold not stone he's stonewalling oh there's deer up here I didn't realize that okay he's stonewalling militia out at the moment he is terrified of these militia he might actually be stoned maybe that's why his boss broke his legs that's true you never know the backstory work conditions can be pretty terrible some places alright blue is in the next stage he's coming up more villagers will he go for the men-at-arms upgrade I also love how red red has left a gap here so these villagers can continue to bring in the deer and then he'll plug the gap later I assume okay so a little tip for you when a villager finishes a farm they will go to the next farm that is available if there is one so this villager here was on another farm a moment ago probably this one expired so if you have a form that is within its hours range just delete that that way you don't forget about it because she's eventually going to die okay there's a blacksmith right next to Reds bill this chilling red still on golds red is making a barracks it looks like they're saving up for Castle age now there's still a gigantic hole here he's out of stone the militia just walked around and now now blue is making a doc okay and these are stone miners okay so red is actually sending some over to stone on he's realized here so okay Oh blue is going for man-at-arms well if he finds this that's huge but I don't know I think this is a little bit excessive to produce more of them eight more of them it'd be looking good for blue if he wasn't producing a men-at-arms right now he is going to fish though okay what is red up to he is sending all of I think he missed clicked everything because he accidentally sent his Lumberjacks over okay so he's sending bills over to berries that's good he just needs 200 more food and then two more buildings and he can go up to the next stage all right here he goes stone walling here oh and he's just enough stone to stone wall that wait where are these bills going were they what did they just walk the whole way around why is he chopping this tree sister building something this is builder is he trying to repair the mill don't tell me no no no no no no don't repair oh no it's a disaster he's trying to repair the mill Oh see Oh No all right is this this guided a distraction what did dip Jim what what was it too good to be true like this looks like a trap if this was an Indiana Jones movie that would be a trap but this is this is real life this is real life you could have you could have won okay oh no he wolde this dude it okay he realized all right nice I hate it when that happens that crap happens far too frequently so that's not even just you all right he realized no blue is trying to stonewall as well I hate this is amazing this is amazing also red has sent his fishing ships the whole way around to the other side there's plenty of fish here well not plenty but there's fish here he's sending them the whole way around if he was on woody could make a new dock a new lumber camp for blue there's wood on either side so you have options this is great do you want to run uphill or downhill when you chop wood the choice is yours and now red is passing and he wanted to I I don't know what that quikwall is all about there you actually walled you that's like that's the equivalent of full-on sprinting and not only running into a wall but building the wall that you faceplant into [Music] lĂșcia twin blue should win he just needs a market he needs a blacksmith he needs buildings to go to the next stage okay there's a market guys look how many villagers have died on this one farm because the tower I think it's like three or four now alright blue is built an outpost what red built the output what what what happened what happened how did she die did he he tallied it her old age is very realistic see my thing is okay blues making gali are Reds making galleys now so you could actually snag the fishing ships like Mike Mike concern at the moment for blue is I don't know if he can really use man-at-arms in the next age effectively but my concern for red is he doesn't have gold he doesn't have stone oh good oh okay in Reds defense he has wall there are walls in between himself and the gold now he has built those walls himself so I don't know if that's much of a defense but that is what happens okay he rebuilt a dock which I love except he built it three tiles away from his starting dock instead of building it here which would give him so much more fish okay a new lumber camp as that's good whoa he's making transport ships two of them okay and blue is halfway to the next stage that's good okay red just lost a villager bringing in a boar food is not your problem sir it is definitely gold and stone now he's been waiting for stone to do something I think cuz he now was 131 I feel like he wants to tower okay now he wants to build an outpost that bill was just sitting there for a while he also put two archers inside the tower Oh Oh boom nice okay and now a gate I like that I like the use of gates red could learn that lesson does blue just straight-up win now actually if he gets longsword and oh no no there was a hole there oh no and this is where the bills are arriving to this is this is 300 iqj no that's not still not wall oh oh my god now the Army's trapped out here okay watch watch okay you see it will see the man in arms let's see that let's see get back inside get back inside the transport ship long swordsman was - oh is canceled oh no it came in ok Squires and armor oh no no he doesn't have armor what am I talking about Teutons actually get the the +1 melee armors infused me he's going to stone read is also on his way to castle eight this tower is doing so much watch boom dead now watch he finishes that farm he goes over this farm oh and he's gonna get shot as well this is I wish I would have been keeping track but she's lost so many there's a hundred and thirty-one food left there to imagine if red just got tower upgrades so if you just got fletching what's blues army doing out here nothing oh and there's a sneaky tower from from red on this side what blue doesn't seem to know that where is blue going oh he sees it he sees it red your Viper your Viper embrace it embrace it you got it buddy quick wall wall that villager in I believe in you quick wall I think he is wheel it and come on quick wall quick Wow quick wall now he's dead I have no no faith in him do that how'd the bill okay the bill died the bill died and oh my god another farm is gonna expire so how many people in the chat did not know ok the archers now underneath the town center so he even needs a tower how many people didn't know about that situation Oh ring the bell okay perfect oh whoa now now what now we have okay so blue founds we're Rhett the poor dear then poor dear glue found out what's been going on over here yeah so I feel like most of you probably didn't know the farm situation so if you could tower us just remember that wait no why did you resign no he resigned Archer underneath enemy town center shooting villagers and resigned well okay so this is probably why he did it first off he's felt pretty bad about himself recently to that the whole you know boss situation so he he probably shouldn't have played some age online today he should have just played for AI this was too stressful so he didn't he didn't have the mentality to continue but I believe he probably saw the score and also the fact that he didn't have gold now unfortunately when player resigns I can't see their fog of war anymore so I can't really tell you but I think he sold this gold though but he had transports he could have transported but I guess he still probably felt like you couldn't kill the long swords so I I can see it I can see it now if you're wondering why blue score was so high it's probably due to the fact he got more upgrades so he had if you think about it he had the long sword teeth the long sword upgrades he also got a ton of eco upgrades did we talk about these mills I think he built this mill originally for 160 food oh man but he had that that that was just hectic man you have low e low combined with no Matt it is no madness it is so hard to know what to do for these guys but I hope I helped the the main thing is starting TC on a wood line okay starting TC on a wood line create Vil's send them to would build the dock and curry fish and ships and if you're going to create a doc i didn't touch on this make sure you're on a peninsula where the land juts out not where not on this little Cove alright because it was a little Bay cuz that's just not gonna work for you or you're not gonna have as many deep fish around but still it's just even onshore fish it makes a big big difference hoo boy alright let's look at the KD I'm curious about the resources collected all right so extra emo he has fifty seven hundred fifty seven hundred food collected nice and it was just food and gold right boss broke my legs had tons of wood but he was always struggling he had so much time to send more villagers over to golden stone he just wanted to stick with - for some reason hmm sometimes your brain just gets stuck like nope these are my gold villes these are my stone bills and you just don't think to add anymore but 47 verse 29 bill hi that's ridiculous and there's the timeline for you how many researches did he have yeah that's what the score was right there 20 researches verse 6 that's definitely the score so um if you saw this on YouTube I hope you enjoyed I've been in full swing with hidden Cup 3 work March 19th through the 22nd come make history with us on Twitch but there will be more LOI lo legends in the future if you would like to stop by and check out the LOI lo on twitch the twitch link is below in the video description winner of the next LOI lo legends game gets invited to the main event of hidden Cup 3 how does that sounds like oh he's built his town center in the middle of the map I wonder who it is oh but I don't tell you is it extra emo or is it my boss broke my legs whoo they both wall one goes for mana d'armes one goes for water oh yeah they're invited to watch that's what I meant sorry
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 140,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, LOw, ELO, Legends, #8, Lowest, Black, Forest, Fatslob, AoE2, AoE2DE, Age of Empires 2, Noobs, Commentary, Fail, Loser, Trying, Beginner, Starcraft2
Id: -8u4wEOYS40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 4sec (1804 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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