King of Kings with Spirit Of The Law! Regicide Rumble #3

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so welcome everybody to game number I don't know why I introduced it this way and welcome to a king of kings regicide Rumble three-game this is the final day and intermediate and we have a new version of King of Kings to try out for this we've eight players and I have spirit of the law here spirit how you doing man doing great awesome well I'll introduce the players I see some people have picked Japanese for you I'm sure and uh starting off in the red we have Portuguese Foreman Garda in the yellow we have Japanese for Hugo and the teal we have Seberg who's playing as Spanish and yarns we have strode who's playing as the Japanese in the gray we have Mayans for John in the blue we have and a23 who's playing as the Ethiopians and the purple we have I think he said Dain is the way to pronounce that and he's playing SM away and then last but not least we have Sally who is one of the mods here he's playing as the Japanese Wow three Japanese yeah it's not like you said before it's really not bad for this map because there's so many different things you can do and the fishing is gonna be a huge aspect of this yeah I didn't really service so many deer as well I'm surprised nobody went Mongols but I guess not great on water right yeah I mean I'm surprised too I would probably pick Mongols for this because there's plenty of resources and if you get castles up we should be able to make the manga die and Mongols are always hard to stop in late-game yeah I saw that in the last game right that was I didn't quite see to the end of it but somebody's going with the Mongols late game good choice yeah I was explaining it to the viewers when they were asking what my my civ preference would be and personally I feel like I would go Mongols or Spanish for 90% of these maps however on maps where you're not gonna have the trade potential and this might be one of them maybe you'd prefer to go for something like Mongols or because Spanish while they are good it's like without trade you might as well choose francs for a peloton Civ yeah people have been trading a lot because this is Diplo right so they can all Ally up yeah believe it or not not too much there have been some instances where there's been trade but we picked maps that are a little bit but I would call dynamic it maps where players were forced to fight instead of sit back and then eventually we have a very mild storm that comes in if you look and see these little torches in the water at the two-hour mark game time that area will start to take a little bit of damage it's like those battle royale games out there and it just means that players can't stay there for too long yeah I know I like that again that's very creative is there like a graphic for it or we just have to know what's there yeah there's no graphic normally what happens is if there's any units the mini-map will blink when those units take damage it's kind of hard to explain but no graphic right now I would really like a graphic because I think it would look cool though it might be super distracting as well it's kind of hard to say yeah a big cool mod though if somebody could make that alright so I'm looking at the chats and something that you need to know about Sally is Sally was in one of my legend videos it's called the legends of Texas and Sally a player named Ariane had this magnificent story and all revolved around Diplo and he's really good at getting people to do what he wants and normally it's because he's being overall a very good guy so right now Sally said can we make an agreement not to fight over it what are they talking about oh oh he's talking to I think purple so they will not fight over that corner where there's resources are a spirit that's interesting hmm nice plan to share it you mean yeah instead of one player towering that and taking it all for themselves I feel like that can be a good move though I think yeah to kind of make some allies you know and it attacks somebody else together I feel like that's probably yeah that's how I would play it anyway yeah I don't know if it would be a great idea for anyone to let Sally of all people have that with them but then again if you if you fight Sally if Sally is one of the stronger players then they could just defeat you so it's it's kind of hard to say to be honest how are you it here on your recording I'm at 7:30 okay wait at the same time or I'm slightly ahead of you I'll slow down for a little bit okay I think so this time I'm always gonna be at it might be capture age being a second or two behind cuz I yeah I can't really speed it up past here but or just keep that in mind it happens okay apparently Purple's name stands for your mom so that's what chats telling me right now so today I learned in what German I I should know this because I have a lot of Germans here but I've so I'm going to assume so but I'm not sure yeah yes Ali's definitely talking about sharing corners and he says is he typing for to talk to player for is he doing that for my benefit hmm that's weird I've never seen anybody type that yeah he's talking to player for all right there's some conversation it can be very hard to track the conversation but it's happening since we have the time to talk about I want to go back to the corners one thing that you need to know is that the corners are always visible so if you go to Sally's point of view for example because he's still in Dark Age the corners are visible for him and they'll always be visible regardless of alliances and there's only four corners with eight players and there's a total of twelve thousand gold and one and a half thousand stone there so you have that area to focus on you have your own resources around your PC's to focus on and then throughout the game there's a lot of wood in the center and a lot of map that you'll need to control very interesting map because there's so many different things you can do a spirit you can fish you can hunt you could take the gold anywhere yeah and it's interesting to see because you can probably lose a lot of resources going for that gold anyway right it's also not a super long term thing like it'll last for a while but I would think trade would be a good idea if you can't get on to that and yeah make some alliances especially somebody across the map that you can have a safe trade route with yeah dip flow is weird because sometimes people will trade and things will be good and that ends up being a good decision but other times you try and trade with someone who immediately backstabs you and then that's not a good decision so it it really depends and certain players just have a knack for like Sally for example talking early having people trust them or be afraid of them whatever that may be so I always try and pay attention to this chat here like right now your mom is saying blue no attacking agreement so I guess since he's next-door neighbors to blue he wants some type of an alliance there yeah I think he's gonna get targeted though I click on the left side of the map yeah over there yeah it's true it's true personally I feel like sending five villagers to the corner earliest and the bad thing it's possible that Sally might just send his own batch of villagers over there and mine with him and it's not necessarily doesn't put a target on his back but if you start to tower there then it shows that you're gonna be more greedy and then players might be more prone to attack you strode chats telling me to look at strode what's it strode say you just said I'm a fool that's it so don't know about that one so what do you think I'm sorry no I was gonna say I think he and tio are doing the same thing they're gonna be sharing that corner peacefully for now anyway mmm yeah yeah this might be a big calm before the storm and normally is civilized we have Japanese we talked about the strength Japanese on water they have their amazing infantry the samurai which I know you love and the halberdiers can be good but what do you think about some of these other SIVs here and the options that they have I really like the Ethiopian choice personally mm-hmm I just think a really fun civilization to play but also I don't think archers are going to be too out here for picking off Kings and stuff like that yeah any sit with cavalry Archer I feel like right away I would gravitate towards that which is why I think mines is kind of an interesting choice yep yeah they have so Mayans could go plumes I guess it's a mobile Archer it's one of the only foot mobile archers Japanese cave archers actually aren't that bad - I mean you could you could justify making them over our palace to be honest yeah well it certainly yeah if you had the gold and you can want me to back that up what's the population limit is it 200 yeah it's 200 population limits so it would need they probably will boom to a hundred plus eco units fishing ships and villes and stuff but yeah that could be cool I'd also like to see Ethiopians consider going for some siege honestly I see janitor can make things very complicated for any sieve but particularly the saves that are in here right now Spanish tend to go from paladin house they don't really have I guess the only thing they would have is bombard cannons maybe some monks I don't know I think on day 23 so on day 23 in Sally I'm very confident in their abilities to play this game there they've been around a while there are also mobs on the streams I've seen them tons of times I think those are the two to look out for yeah I think I'm ladies an interesting choice I notice that he's going for the stone on the left so I'm gonna try to make a castle cram bits or something or maybe just tower I don't know yeah and you know what you know what else would be interesting with this sieve with all this water and all those corners you could get Dallas accuracy and then your docks would become harbors and you could you could dock block the corners off and take all the gold for yourself or just defend yourself on the shoreline yeah I could see that being pretty good mm-hmm how much gold is on the map and I got it on your yeah your capture eight yeah so 125 K gold is on the map so quick math divides it by eight players and that's like a lot it's like 15 K 16 17 K poor players something like that actually doesn't come out to be that much no it's that's wait that's that's that math was way off that's to make any sense does it well if you a time set its its closest yeah yeah it's closest yeah chats like chats like we need to give spirit some calculations right now put them under some live live QA it's funny I think you're at your 15th closest isn't it just more than 15 yeah I think it's 15 16 ish yeah so in some of these games the players who fall about middle of the table become very strong so I'm looking at John strode Seberg those guys their populations are good it's not great but that means that they won't be targeted early so they should have time and I've seen a lot from Seberg for example I know that he can boom up well I know stroke can boom up well some of the others don't have as much of a reputation for me but I like sea Berg's position notice how he's next to hugo who is not in the top 4 and he's next to shroud is his third or fourth place whereas you have gray on the other side he's next to blue and then purple and red could struggle because they're next to green so I think position is important here as well over sure and I even feel heals in a bit of a tough spot here trying to get over to the island I think orange is doing a much better job booming than you might think yeah release is like grabbing a lot of the gold early on just gonna be helpful if there's something about strode man there was a a game where he had 20,000 gold he figured he had it in the bag and then somebody sniped him and ever since then the meme has been if strode doesn't have 20,000 gold he doesn't have enough yeah and he plays into it too late he'll I'll be like wow this guy has ten thousand gold and strode will say that's not enough so we'll see what he ends up doing Japanese isn't really a sieve where you need a lot of gold unless you decide to go for trebs no true yeah they'd finally do pretty well actually if you don't have gold yeah yeah it's crazy I was in game recently rubbers Japanese and I forget what the enemy civilization was to be honest but I just remember they were taking into Champions to counter how the skirm but Japanese Japanese halberdiers with that attack speed can actually handle two-handed swords been really well it's unbelievable especially with a few skirmishers behind it's a strong strong play yeah I know it is it's great bonus maybe underrated I don't know hard to say anymore I think everybody kind of knows yeah the bonuses right now oh for sure it's it's wild it's it's good for me as a caster that I know those things I can say okay this is good this is bad immediately I have judgment on that but I also think that with the new SIVs upcoming it's exciting that everyone's not going to know and there's going to be some exploring and the meta is not gonna be quite as defined and the balance isn't going to be quite as defined I am very excited for that ya know it's so hard to figure out how good the bonuses are gonna be right yep yeah even looking at the info that's out there about it I mean it's just so hard to judge cuz stuff will sound really good on paper and then something you'll try it and practice and you know I think of the Malay as an example of that like they're faster advancing or even yet mayor where you can miss a building and you're like I'm sure there's some way to make that really really good that you don't need a barracks but it's kind of hard to lead seeing it in practice see how good that actually is I remember playing oh and there's Stella soccer c4 for your mom so he is thinking about the doc approach but I remember playing with Malay qamar burmese all of those saves before they were released and I think at the time Malays advancing time was a hundred percent and then they nerfed it to 80 percent and everyone was still like all Malay will be the best step in the game Malay will be the best tip in the game and now I think the only time that people think Malay is even remotely top five like close to top five would be arena and then honestly community games in certain situations so well I think the least played game going to that AoE stats website oh you mean like the least played see if it's possible not sure yeah I think they're picked the least of all the sibs wow what it his strode making foot strode is making fun of life arms this is this is the community I built spurious oh my god alright well we're just not gonna look at his base I should have it on the bingo oh man Tina yeah yeah dude it was I've told the story to my stream before but there's an instance probably a year ago I was playing a game at 2 a.m. it's real tired and it was also late game as well so you know it's just raiding with lions all that crazy stuff and I've placed one farm like this one farm and it was screenshotted and around the discord exactly and it's it's plagued me ever since I mean there was definitely a thing before that but so decisions are gonna have to be made here players are gonna have to attack Wow Sally did it as well that one's even worse ok so I saw green talking and he said I guess go red so I think I don't know whose shirts talking to exactly but decisions are gonna be made on who they'll team up on here in a second [Music] I feel like Reds a bit of a target here I don't know what that feeling I mean it hasn't really spread out as well like he's trying to yeah yeah he doesn't have the he doesn't have any control in the south I guess he'll send some bills now it's just a bit behind the others mm-hmm I also find Portuguese to be kind of a lackluster pick he is making some cables on water and that's that's unique to them and can be helpful but I feel like on land they really struggle a lot in comparison to some of these other ships do you think people are being conscious about the fader RIA and trying to knock that player out early cuz that can be pretty strong I think this probably isn't the map for it I think if actually the previous game I don't know if you saw it the migration game if someone had Portuguese it would have been great because that's when there was no wood left there's no gold but on a map with this much gold it could be huge oh we have a move spirit on day 23 is attacking poor John and John has just arrived I think John could paint big trouble to be honest yeah I just got the wrong army comp as well like it's not the right one for this it stuff reminds to do with Ethiopians Ethiopians get fully upgraded scams for plumed archers and then if Mayans try and go Eagles Ethiopians also could go for those shotel warriors they've all the counselors or even seeds eventually right mm-hmm yeah yeah Mayans in general they're the really good and competitive play they're very good and competitive play because of their economy and that bonuses they take in Dark Age futile age but in post imp there are a lot of saves that can deal with them Sally says hi gray needs some help and Sally says I'll help gray guys all right so Sally is going to help he's Japanese and on day 23 is top scorer yeah he's after a really good start strokes his blue stop that right now Sally says hang on and grace likes please help oh I always feel bad for the person to die first in these games there always has to be one but this is it's gonna be brutal man he really wanted to perform might get away with it oh he's got away with this King funny enough the TC wasn't even being attacked it was the castle oh and he's gotten to castle there yeah now it's run I know that we might not be on the same time but now he's run to the next castle all right so you think maybe samurai from from sallee he says he's gonna help I haven't seen anything yet mmm a little bit of a weird choice mm-hmm it's a little bit more of like a like a stronger champion but also anti unique unit yeah yeah I'm know how they're gonna do against the skirmishes here I'm probably not terrible but have you ever seen fully upgraded show tells fight fully upgraded Samurai because I haven't I'm appreciated just a might look whatnot yeah I'm just curious because I've seen show tells do some shocking things against evil load Raiders and obviously samurai have that that bonus right but oh okay currently your mom has sent Elite Karambit warriors to Ondes base and on days are running away now with his king so a lot of pressure on on day 23 I think he's put a big old target on his back with his swords when you jump out there to fast rate tries to take advantage okay by the castles right now actually just hopped into a castle and that will save gray for the time being I think but yeah maybe this is one of those situations where everyone focuses on blue because of how dominant he is and then once he's out of the picture they start to shape up to focus on someone else yeah I was really jumping out to a score lead I don't know where yeah that's coming from let's see well lots of resources banked up and kills also help you is that 100 kills and 10 deaths that's also helpful but that's a good ratio for skirmishers yeah not bad he's killed he's destroyed a lot of buildings alright here comes John with some Eagle warriors he I might type a few trebs so this this isn't the worst it's some good value at least hmm no action elsewhere it's just all on blue and like I said players like Hugo Seberg strode they have time I see Berg's researching paladin he doesn't really have a ton of food but he has 6,000 gold which is crazy see the guy that saves it up where's that orange uh that's that's orange but I guess Seberg is the new strode right now 6000 gold holy crap okay so Sally says on day this is as far as you went and I says yes and Stroke says totally agree I'm not understanding what they mean by that does that mean Oh Sally has relied on day so he's basically said okay you did this much damage to gray possibly we've done the same to you back off it's always funding these games get like a group sense of justice yeah for sure I mean right after that Sally decides to enemy again and fight so I don't really know what's going on right now but I do know that that your mom is pushing with some trips so I'm they definitely can't push and it needs to defend I mean he has gold in the north yes two relics but I'm not seeing any siege right now I'd like to see some bomber cannons for him that would really help out against the siege that purple sending forward whoa wait sorry the Navy from red in the south check that out that's a lot oh wow and caramels too yeah maybe he'll just clean up all the corners take the gold for himself and hope that no one attacks them on lands I think that's a pretty good plan here actually I can go into the south to take out yellow at least take that like that's still a lot of gold there for him mm-hmm like he'd win water pretty easily right now yeah I guess population space is always a concern welp here we go we could fill one of the spots on the bingo oh my go your mom get some nice shots this is good got a bit better honestly but they've not quite epic enough yeah I don't know who's the judge on that do you judge on if that's epic enough oh I figured we'd decided yeah I'd say probably not not yet chat is having a field day with your mom your mom has had nice shots yes throwing back a couple shots what time are you at right now I am at forty forty okay yeah same place yeah okay cool yeah and and now we're seeing some we saw some infantry upgrades for blue so I think he will go for show tells as well he needs something to deal with the auditors but the auditors are just a snipe building stuff I mean me that's what they're best at is jumping in with the high attack and you just tear down a castle or tear down a town centre yes that's what I want to see notice how how Sally is fighting with mainly like cab I've talked about how strong he is but he's fighting with like calves while he saves gold there's a lot of long-term planning going on here and a lot of passive play to be honest because everyone knows if you're the first person to fight you're using gold that the others are not yeah kind of an odd place for Japanese but yes he's trying to come up with something against you know like I say something it doesn't cost a lot of gold yeah and can do okay against the Commission's a week and also sometimes in Diplo you don't truly want to save a guy but you need to act like you are so maybe he's applying some damage to blue with this attack but also Purple's still taking damage because he's not helping with something more so it kind of helps him out now that two players are getting weaker because of just like cats okay Hugo said red turned on me all right now what's funny is he has elite caravels and yellow has fast fire ships and caravels are awful against fast fire ships so yellow prepared for this one yeah just need something in front of those like even just leaks and eight fire ships yeah you probably be fine but yeah not up close like that I forget if score Chucky's get heavy demo but certainly a combo of of your own fires or maybe even some demos in front would be good caravels are if you're wondering what makes care balls good caravels they do pass through damage and makes them particularly good against galleons fires are a counter to caravels II so I would expect red to be pushed back pretty far as long as yellow can keep production up yeah that was a matter of a much smaller Navy but just having the right army composition and all the red stuff here even the cannon galleon it's not going to do very well against fire ships right I think when you asked at the start of this game there was 120 thousand gold on the map there's 49 thousand gold remaining so we are already through two-thirds of the golds Green has two relics blue has two relics and yellow has one red is still taking a lot of this gold in the south he's got to be thanking the Age of Empires gods that yellow hasn't even built a tower here I mean they're both forgotten about it honestly because they're both mine in the peacefully yeah and nobody's taking a stone yet have a I don't even think it touched it no not really just the gold for an L okay strode I think is talking to teal he's building a lot of these Japanese guard towers now as well okay Oh gray said blue is very strong we need to take him out strode said please be friendly and then his King is too far so I think maybe we have a bit of an alliance between grey teal and orange on this right-hand side but I'm not sure how solid that is I think teal teal might take out any opportunity he can to kill strode yeah be like what orange is doing though with getting all these keeps yes am I in there and yeah those kind of bases hurt really annoying to fight into well I think he mined through all that stone if you look at his corner oh yeah I think he ant steel mine through a lot of that stone in fact they both have two thousand-plus stone well I mean for Japanese I do feel like putting in two towers is a better idea than castles at this point yeah I really I guess depends on if you're going to want samurai at some stage but even if you have three castles with Japanese you can produce samurai pretty quickly yeah they won the fastest made units I think yes yeah certainly it's it's insane what you can do with them and Wow okay so sally has now turned on red and red has most of his population on water this is the problem you know 200 pop game if your pop captain someone's attacking your base where your king is there's not much you can really do and it's only like have a few squirming trebs but still these castles are yeah and then on the right in sluicing all this organ guns to infantry oh yeah and attack on all sides here yeah I'm I don't know what you think about working guns but there's very slow and yes they can be strong I'm never really convinced with them every time I see them a bit of a shame to be honest yeah I'd say I'm in a same spot with them I'd you know sometimes every once in a while they look really amazing yeah but I think in general they're yeah tough to use yeah yeah Hugo's halvah deers are tuning these pianos my god but the king is out for red and I'm going to assume that that King will be killed but he's just chilling out there all right wait uh all right there we go that is the first snipe in this game spirit and if I if I didn't mention it before when Kings died a relic appears as well so Sally can get three relics to set up two there you go man he has so many resources left - I feel like he actually had the resources to hold out there for a while yeah but just didn't have until three buildings to get him out yeah I think he invested too much on the water it's a good game plan I think had he taken even just two corners for himself and just can't it could have been good but you know maybe that works with a sieve that has more population efficiency because organ guns you need a ton of them for them to be strong whereas maybe if you have a paladin sieve you could hold that with twenty twenty paladin's and the rest can be on water right well fight continues man this is a bold group of plumed archers for gray he's trying his best he does have a lead plume but I guess gray and purple are working together and they're not doing too hot right now versus on day 23 yeah those are blessed just really good like you don't notice it but 15% at the end of the day makes a big difference Oh Oh Till's on orange and we'll see how the towers hold up it seems like they're they're falling a lot faster than they were built Yap Alvin's a good choice there if you've got the gold for it but yes and then like you just kind of melt into the towers some you got a group with him like that yeah it's amazing how much damage they can do I'm glad I'm not teal right now but but Stroh doesn't have military's 34 military --it the mainly halberdiers I think and all now see Graham's all the way for teal hmm I expect a lot of these towers to fall that was a huge investment yeah even just the chebyshev's I like what he's doing with having the King jump in between them but yeah once you show up with this mini sea tune yeah it's a matter of time ranking yep the strode says he attacked me for no reason I'm pretty sure he attacked you so he can get five dollars by sniping your King and B he can take your land and your resources so there are reasons it's just you didn't necessarily instigate this yeah you got to expect that though we do the game yeah someone in there's a legend named blue coffee and I recently uploaded a game he played in Game one yesterday and someone in the YouTube comments said people have to realize that Diplo is about friends for a season you know it's yes you can respect someone but you're just friends but only one person can win right so it's just what's convenient for you at the time and and for teal it's not convenient for him to have short as an ally anymore and strode was he might be out of it I mean the King is really close to these paladins and really close to the skirmishers I guess he'll hop into the castle for a now spirit and barely hold on a no means making a break for out on day 20 couple seconds ahead of you narrator right now oh yeah you probably saw them in the castle already yeah well on day 23 says 3v1 really and I can't the thing is I I can sympathize with with blue but I I'm not surprised that this has happened because he was one of the first to makes a move and because of his score so I can see both point of views on this I would want to kill the stronger player as well totally I feel like he's kind of messing up a little bit and when she messing up but he's certainly kind of ignoring the top there and that's a whole lot of gold he's now I'm getting I think he'd be find this a lot easier if he had you know that 5,000 gold or whatever he's got just sitting there yeah it's uh it's actually nine nine thousand Wow and only now did someone arrived there with villagers astroid of all people was there he's gonna die but he wants his gold before you guys yeah he's had three thousand wood for a while maybe blue could have sent Lumberjacks to mine gold I don't know what's going on with this chat from Sally at least in capture age for me it has a 4 in front of what he's saying does that is that the case for you in gamer or is it only capture and haven't reflected that I only yeah take a look next time I see okay looks intentional though when I'm looking at your stream yeah it's really weird I can't explain it but he he's definitely wanted to say things for for people's enjoyment so people understand what's happening he says you know what I think this is I mean okay my initial thought is that capture age is adding a feature soon where I can tell how many people roaches or Sally might be saying stuff to but the numbers are still confusing yeah I don't think that's it I think that's part of it is that just something I don't know about where it's kind of like you know you can chat with specific people or just by typing that in I don't know yeah maybe that is it I don't know but he wouldn't be saying to a yellow responded after Sally said something with with eight and player eight is orange so I'm yeah well he was telling him to just hold on yeah baby snake teal now I don't think chat saying he's saying who he's talking to I don't think he would say remember he said that he was going to snipe teal hold on a little bit that's what green just said he said that too yellow and yellow said okay but maybe I mean it's something like that somebody should test that out yeah I mean it's got to be intentional because he's the only person doing it see look he says I'll snipe teal if I fail will you join shirt okay now we sing it to yellow yes that's probably it but anyway just so you know gray is currently holding on to oranges King aren't just hiding in Gray's castle so that that might not be very good for gray to be honest because he's gonna have to face the wrath of Seberg I hate it if I were him almost surprised he doesn't just snipe it he'd take the kill yeah yeah that's true yeah he might need a friend over here I guess because he does he does have blue on the other side of them but we'll see blue is like blue and purple or just going at it it's been a massive 1v1 for 20 minutes now and on day has progressed a little bit but he's not going that far [Music] okay so Tarsus says if you write oh really I didn't know that tars is okay I think it's actually a user patch future which Sally's taking advantage of that no one knows about so we can just type in the number like with the greater than I was yeah I'd never never yeah exactly I've never heard about that before but I think you know I take it back I think I did hear about this like six months ago and I just never thought of it since but we pretty obscure to use right except in a typical game yeah and Sally would be the one to know to use it there's certain groups of people like a few dozen people who they're always up to date with what user patches up to and keeping tabs it's amazing what user patch does yeah so now he is talking to four I was just confused because he had talked to eight maybe he screwed up and now he says when snipe fails Oh Oh Hugo says should I turn on Seberg Sally says not yet when snipe fails so I'm not sure this snipe will fail the CAV archers from Sally are running right underneath the castle where Seabrook has his king and this is oh no I was about to say perfect execution attack the castle got him wow that was clean man tia was so distracted - well played Sally Sally gets a snipe yeah that was a good one Sally says teen eyed - easy easy money yes five dollars moves so this is the first time you've ever seen a game with strode I assume right spirit yep never seen before okay what are your thoughts on how he's been able to control this game like papa master I I don't he just makes friends really quickly here yeah yeah yeah wife blue hasn't killed him up at the top he's up there just taking his gold and Blues is totally fine with it yeah Grey's castle it's like nobody wants to take this guy out well did I say strode I totally meant Sally my bad yeah yeah I mean strode he doesn't he hasn't done the best job making friends I guess but like Sally like Sally's clearly very strong he's spoken to multiple players he's basically told yellow hey I'm gonna fight for you I'm gonna kill teal for you I'm gonna he said he was gonna save strode it's just so fascinating how he plays this way yeah you don't even have to follow it up at that point like everybody's distracted right you just have to then that message that your brand right and you won't get hurt of it okay so a couple things going on strode is barely alive his King is on low HP oh it's below 25 HP spirit so that's one for our bingo board right didn't even see what it got shot by yeah it's running in the center I'm not sure either also I got an alert that blues King is on the move so blues King is currently on the movement in the shore line and getting a lot of alerts about Kings at the moment I think this might be the end of blue he's squirrely yeah he's score lead but that King will die and wow great whoa there's a dodge there but gray gets his revenge well played on day 23 is killed off yeah that's another one for the bingo race where lead gets killed yeah man you made a good bingo board I think we're doing all right yeah where are we guys to the people doing the bingo in the chat where are we what do we need next hmm strode he does have resources even though he's at 49 pop oh but his King is in sally's castle that's interesting that's probably the wrong person to hide with oh and Purple's now been killed by sally sally's just gonna get everybody isn't he oh wow yeah he's on a rampage now oh wow so sally helped purple for the whole game one hour in right after blue was dealt with purple gets sniped what a play man Sally's sniping everybody crazy will make sense right I mean they're teaming up against blue and blues gone I mean only a matter of time - one of them betrays the other Sally always has a friend he always has somebody right after killing a few people he's talking to - orange and he's like hey I'm gonna need you I'm gonna need you gonna need you and then strode says everyone is your enemy now okay so it's roads like working for him now because Sally was nice to him I think strode 'he's the puppet master here man maybe maybe stroke maybe this is all part of strode master plan I don't know I think it's strode lying right now he says they're talking about teaming up on you I don't see any conversation I like this angle he's playing though he's like they're gonna 3v1 you you can't win that so you know let's team up kind of thing more allies you got the better man so apparently one of the things on the bingo board was if I miss a snipe and so we got that one with purple strode was too quick for me sorry I'm loving this transport action from Sally though this is something I've really wanted to see y'all game is players make use of this water with something other than Navy well look it's even a bit of trade on it now which I think it's a good idea yeah it's it's true Wow Sally has 6000 gold he has two relics 6000 gold Anson trade well he's definitely the guy to beat right now mm-hmm who does he go for is of this gray and yellow alive gray is Grace in a strong position as is yellow we could see plumes and eagles from gray I see him upgrading Eagles now and Hugo has fully upgraded Japanese infantry and see this transport it's working its way around it's important for Sally that he sniped purple before purple quit enemy him these docks are our Allied docks now so he can sail on by that's a long way to go but I guess he's going for gray what's in him oh yeah that's the little snipe team he's got in there yeah that's great skin close to the water though not that Chris yeah but Gray's focus is going to be on the center you currently has plumed archers and seed Rams now funny enough Sally you might not have I don't think he will have enough to deal with gray and yellow if gray and yellow fight together mm-hmm I don't even know if he knows about Gray's very aggressive movement up here yeah you can see it but whether or not he physically sees it I'm not sure especially great on the map right yeah this one yeah man that's the worst and orange as well if it's like a desert terrain oh okay slow and steady for Sally sniping team I have a feeling that this is gonna work I set you noted Sally's also talking to Hugo while he's about to snipe this is amazing he's like so hugo long silence huh a meanwhile he's on his way sailing towards Gray's castle oh my goodness I think it's gonna work spirit if all he needs to do is get those calves archers to the base of the castle yeah I know he's yeah with harmony when I'm at 1:13 40 all right you are thirty seconds ahead of he's still apparently something Goods about to happen not sure why that is either Sally Hayes forward castle also has a light keV oh my god it's making it look so easy gray you have to react to this you have to turn on him snipe those Cavill archers before the king ejects [Music] yeah this is a really good ambush Sally turns early on gray the only the only way that gray doesn't dies if his King ejects to the right I don't know if he'll eject in time Wow another one another one Goes Down and now a whole Grey's military would just be hearing useless in the center that was incredible through Sally yeah that was nice just as great was attacking him in its base - yeah yeah well like I said those Japanese characters man yeah I mean the mobility is nice there if you went for our Blessed instead it would it would take some time all right so currently sally has how many Snipes he sniped read he sniped purple he has Snipes Greg Blue was how do I forget already then that was great that got that got blue okay however he's played very well strode I think is playing dumb honestly I think strode oh my goodness yeah strode says it's not like I have any power to do anything look in strode transport it's on the other side of the map from from Sally oh there we go yeah he says there's 20 houses on too much basically he's acting as if he has no chance and he is clearly waiting for his time to maybe Snipes alley after Hugo beats him or or or sorry after Sally beats Hugo or the other way around oh that just seems so risky right like his king is in Sally's castle hey no it would be so epic what you attack it with though Oh would be so epic what if it comes down to murder holes what if Sally hasn't researched murder holes and so strode sking stays alive that would be amazing I would think he would quietly evacuate his king first before it came to that yeah I think you should try and run away now yeah cuz everybody that's an emerald Kings right beside each other well the in Catherine yeah I mean here's the fight yellow is now against orange he's also against green will hold on a second shirred wasn't happy about that he said yellow why enemy me and yellows accepted him back into the friend group okay so something to point out here if orange wants to free his king he would have to click he would have to click Sally's castle and then he would have to click the king to eject it if he clicks the king to eject it where's it go it ejects right into the other castle so I don't know if there's a way to save his king I don't think it's possible so true good point man cuz it would just go back and forth this is so like so high level from Sally to think about it this way there's no way that that strode saves that king unless he killed Sally how what do you do is yeah it's orange now okay someone said chats telling me that Sally maiden attempts to snipe did not see that attempt and I don't see oh no those are yellow tribes I don't see much happening yellow is making a big push and honestly with this many infantry units if yellow can just get some siege to back it up Sally could be in trouble yeah would Japanese against Japanese right mm-hm in a lot of light calves again Campion's and helps I mean yeah Sally it's getting out some hand cannon ears now though that's good yeah I feel like a mix of hand cannons and squirms can work quite well here but I'm not a fan of how he's he's sending them in in low numbers I think he needs a big ball of them before it can work well you know I do like greens position now like he's got way more resources in the bank here yeah the gold is a big one isn't it yeah I guess that's what resources yeah yeah yeah yellow can go with trash for days okay so strode says Sally yellow trusts me now I can snipe him and so he's apparently going to go for yellow and this could be amazing or it could be an epic fail because yellow does have some Navy on water this is a good time to do it though yes yellows pushing out I think orange is pre resigns the fact he's probably gonna lose but if he get to get one more Kings Knight you know and come in second I think he's probably happier since it looked like he was out of it a long time ago yeah I agree and you know the the five bucks doesn't help Peter doesn't hurt either sorry oh my goodness Seberg huh stars on the shoreline are chasing the transports that's kind of funny that huh star is ready to go you know this could be a good snipe attempt that case right beside the water and he's got a nice open space beside the castle that he could drop it off that yeah yet to the right hand side in and as you said yellow is currently preoccupied yeah and Japanese dreads if he's got how to Prudhoe yep unpack fast buy your fast take the cast now I'm probably one or two shots yeah that's maybe that's maybe one thing I didn't think of when considering if to choose Japanese cata fruit is really nice to unpack those trips quickly Oh strode just said yellow I'm going to Snipes alley it was all a trick he's not going for yellow and he or he's lying to yellow I I don't know but I was not expecting strode to have this much power I think Green can take this on his own right now though oh I don't even oh my god you're not wrong oh my god where do these trips come from yellow save yourself this is epic you better hurry up strode you better get to you better get to Sally's base because yellows about to die sneaky sneaky [Music] Wow well now what happens to strode sking roads is uh well F oh man strode thought he had the master plan but Sally was faster yeah Sally says can you make I wanted to say trebs but you can't did he not sure why he's saying that strode has some castles maybe Sally hasn't realized that road has this huh he just needs to stall he's like hey I have a joke he should tell him a riddle or a joke or sing him his favorite song right now anything to stall and Sally says I have an idea bring two bills to my cast so we will fight the Kings run around and fight with bills I can't imagine Sally is even considering this for a second Shh this shirts is the same my escort is there to wait wait do the like have note I think oh no don't drop it there Oh Sally noticed oh man Sally noticed it immediately ejected that King and killed strode what a game man that was so entertaining that's pretty sneaky I like that orange held on to the very end yeah kind of the first one to lose his base and stuck it out right to the end yeah so strode says I was trying to run but you had your castles hopped and Sally said yes I learned from coffee so actually got to think back to the first game yesterday where blue coffee played similar thing happened the red player sent his King to blue coffee and red wanted to escape but blue coffee had his castle set up so red could never escape that was brilliant so orange did want to leave he did want to run but Sally made it so that King was held hostage forever that that was a beautiful performance from Sally he's already a legend and we can see why he's a legend in community games that was beautiful did you notice that the final three were all Japanese oh I didn't notice that but yeah you're right yep Sally strode and Hugo in Japanese is strong well we were saying they're pretty good on this map for a couple reasons right yeah yeah I think more than anything it was probably well for Sally was down to the play Hugo he dealt with the threat on the left and then I guess Sally it dealt with the threat to the right so it not sure if it was fully Japanese as much as just how the game played out but it was still very cool Toyota versus uber ooh purse Yamaha oh my god all right so to the achievements blue had 819 kills the KDS beautiful but unfortunately he was well ahead of everybody in score he attacked somebody who the others seemed to like and once the target was on his back he was always gonna be in a bad spot as you said I think he could have taken that gold in the north which he neglected to do you had been a little more all out and just like all right I'm just fighting everybody I think he actually would been a bit better off mm-hmm yeah that's true once they all ganged up on him to just say you know what I'm just gonna fight everybody and take all the resources I can but I think either way like you say once he had the target on his back that's really tough right so Sally in the twitch chat now says I R and I ran my like calves into him to inflate his score and deflate my score wait a second that was intentional you you threw away units to boost his KD to boost his score for D chess man Wow well I didn't I didn't think about that I thought that it was just save gold but it saves gold and also boosts the guy's score who you want to be killed well we were saying who had such a high score right we're like look at this kill death ratio it's creating well well blue failed the one big thing he didn't do Diplo I I didn't see him talk much at all he could have tried to spin it I think Sally talked more than all other seven players blue could have just talked a little bit to purple and said hey we need to deal with Sally he's won games before or maybe gray said hey we could trade whatever so that was pretty obvious there yeah that always helps yeah well I don't know how to sum that one up but seeing as this is probably the portion where this will go to youtube and the video cuts off great performance from Sally spirit it was amazing that we had three Japanese players and it was amazing how that game played that was fun haven't you yeah and it was awesome perfect game to bring me in for all right
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 107,242
Rating: 4.9507809 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, King of Kings, Spirit Of The Law, Japanese, Regicide, Rumble, Backstab, Legend, Legends, Of, Texas, Snipe, OMG, towers, LUL, wtf, AoE2 Definitive Edition
Id: wLY6aEZzT6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 17sec (3377 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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