losing the world record bedwars winstreak

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ever since the 1500 win-streak video there's been a few developments one haskó joined the team you may recognize him from my win streak party he was the Baka pvp legend so then we got 1600 1700 1800 bud worse wins in a row and I was too lazy to edit any of those games so if you want to see them you can go to de phones YouTube channel I guess also before I get any comments the Stars and my teammates usernames as part of a anti stream sniping mod it's not actually their names don't have actual stars in them don't worry anyways - phone got bored and wanted to throw away the streak honestly he's been bored since 1500 Winston robe I told no man you gotta keep going can't throw it yet man you gotta gotta get to like mm think of to think of the views think of the subs but to his credit he persevered another 300 wins I think he's done more than enough I'm personally I'm just not in a position to judge awkward anyways so we thought what would be a way to go out with a bang what would be a way to throw the wind street creatively and so we decided to just keep doing the win streak but with no weapons so anyways here's what happened no challenge it is hot we in the wood sword out of my inventory well I just like actually win like the wind streak continues we get to 2000 go go oh they're trying to escape hurt them out with the wood what what a scam no I'm getting to be ones no no I'm so mad yes to be 1 2 v1 - v1 yes beat him up beat him up hurt him out no he's too powerful you did oh my god the win streak an end well house goes throwing and gin disconnected so I'm giving us a 80% chance of victory compete him up no my only weakness I'll crude out this guy okay get his suite maybe it's too powerful oh this years you're just slowly killing the blue guy I'm back oh my god I'll help you out house go must steal the kill No Oh No I'm alive poor Tinley if we win another four games like this I'm gonna get a 300 win streak almost average why just each get a team with no weapons we just need to throw one before it's like the old win streak let's go win this now Joe Haskell we're back blue is mad at us just just be aware yeah blue is incoming blue is incoming where's the blue guy he was rushing you guys oh what the heck I found him oh I don't mind me I'm just like where is this guy then I see like a nametag right under my feet walks right the fireball OOP I didn't write it he took down three of us [Laughter] did you win again [Music] this is it I have two breezily didn't work okay I got him okay I'm doing it oh damn back I'm going in I'm going in I'm going in I'm going in they never stood a chance I don't have any health where all the help go ah all right you guys go and I have half a heart Sunfire and he hates me any second now buncha try alright like finally the win streak is fun red looks trihard I'm going in no I'm mad oh my God he's blocked kidding I'm not even using a weapon June we just outplayed that guys so hard dude the teamwork I just I just perfectly walled him off and then the sneak attack is his bed gets broken by the phone Oh bad can't even team wipe with no weapon on the phone oh you blue sitting them up here punch punch punch punch punch punch punch no other zen stone i got a punch the end stone no one noticed the conspicuous green wool next to your bed no one noticed no one look oh my god a mad i broken end stone no I broke an end stone I actually broke it in various pom pom pom pom by the way green yellow is coming in do do doop doop doop do doop doop doop doop do doop doop do doop do doop [Laughter] i'm getting rekt V 2 I'm curling him out he doesn't stand a chance oh don't go go go go no he called hax all right where's the red guy you're just adopted him every year thousands of bud worse players go homeless this route people just break into their base and destroy their belongings but you can help atop the bed words player today wait well I have a plan he's breaking the glass he's like I want to go back in the box it's safe in the box describe press f to pay respects [Laughter] sacrifice sacrifice 300 win streak Wow way to make me feel inadequate the phone just ran all over my moment I'm like yay 300 win streak I'm doing good it 1800 1200 tank Asko they're going in you can do it Haskell one before one before no freedom oh my god we can't be stopped now the entire green team is just looking at me don't mind if I do yeah I'm so good I've recently five blocks free please praise me don't mind me just leaving huh all right it's time to go all out that work here we go final 1v1 Oh that's amazing how are you winning stuff yeah that would be cool because everywhere we are only allowed to go on two blocks he's cut a time index he's no match on cream is hacking up for finals and three beds my stacks are you kidding me no no no no that's not okay no get back here I thought I got on with the tea and tea but he just T&T surfed onto our bridge and started running towards our base oh my god and more so good warned him over here no forget in speed wins at this point we'd won ten games in a row with a no weapon challenge our strategy to throw the win streak clearly wasn't working so we decided to take on a new challenge the no melee weapon no break in bed challenge and just see how long we could survive punch boa quiet wait how are two beds broken wasn't us just trying to break through this isn't even like the challenge anymore it's just organized cyberbullying new challenge we kick gin and have this guy on the wind street team I need gold the golems don't even attack him there we go because he's just not even a threat the NPC's don't care 715 experience and that didn't work either so we decided to just build a statue that said 1817 which is the amount of wins we had and then let's someone break our bed then all jump off the map in unison we go my good side blue is speed bridging nice blue can speed bridge bluest Riordan yeah I'm so good you don't understand why I decided to do this arrived what is this okay there we go I can't help it Red's coming after me one heart each you say Reds coming in Reds coming in bristle in letting that happen alright all you guys I was not informed of this I was not informed that we were doing this yet not if I can help it what is this you guys are no help do we look at green team good thing we don't have to worry about that wait am I not supposed to be winning okay ESCO couldn't make it because of some people we jump in I have pot so we can win to myself they'll let them break your bed every game challenge that was a bad time for invisibility to run out and it's us versus green what is the plan do I kill or do I not kill we can't kill kill mode on okay final kills exactly man I'm like throw in the wind streak and wait man I see some finals defense there's two good man they'll never get through that layer of wool oh dear Lord he's going so overkill we're not even playing this game and he's like no man he's going all out he's going all out just going just why are you briefly just break it we're not even trying to stop you go three two what job [Music] [Laughter] [Music] rest in peace wait a minute didn't we won a game so it was one eight one eight we got to do the whole win streak over again here we go again it's the win streak curse man once you get your first win streak it's like that's it never again oh my god you have you have the skin dude you have a skin get over here you're in the lobby just get over here you have a skin man we can all see your skin just get over here for the screen shot truly this is the end of an era looking back the only thing I have left to say is that was not sort of bad worse guys hope you guys enjoyed if you wanna see more subscribe to my channel maybe I don't know if you feel like it also subscribe to two phones YouTube channel he's pretty good at video games or so I've been told consider it consider it also check out this video hi pixel vs. techno blade if you haven't seen it already maybe thanks bye
Channel: Technoblade
Views: 7,643,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Technoblade, Technothepig, Hypixel, bedwars, bedwars world record, winstreak world record, bedwars winstreak, winstreak, bedwars winstreak world record, hypixel bedwars, minecraft bedwars
Id: mHZpFJrCaAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 58sec (1438 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 16 2018
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