We DEBUNKED Medieval Armor MYTHS, Can You STAB Through Breastplate?!

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guys what something Thunder test yes today we have the breast plate you might have seen this in a previous video with The Hobbit uh Adrian very uh kindly send this through but today is the testing video so this is 1 and A2 mil thick mild steel it is this is actually a really good midgrade armor it's not nowhere near the best that they had in the medieval period and nowhere near the worst if anything has trouble getting through this breast plate hard and steel not a chance you're not going to get through it because there is this is not even high carbon hardened steel and they that did exist in the medeval period but more generally armor is actually more often mild the mild still great this right here but then you had even worse armor which was thinner and just really low carbon in it in terms of getting good feedback for a mid kind of Munitions grade man-at-arms breastplate that's not the best of the best this is a really good representative piece Adrian or a legend go check him out and so we leave all the social Adrian Watson on Instagram he also has a YouTube channel video showing and his kind of goal is to show people how to make actual some functional armor without needing huge amounts of equipment or even experience and that's their awesome goal aan and this is kind of a a test piece case that is made to show people and then his sent us to ask a test and it is looking good although I don't don't think it kind of I think it might fit someone else though yeah who who do you think this would fit I don't know krer hey Kramer what do you try this will fit you I reckon it would look at that fits like a glove oh it's like it was meant to be first premise of the video guys uh there are some misconceptions about armor yes medieval armor medieval arm impossible oh yeah that's very true uh what are some misconceptions that you guys are familiar with oh that it's super super heavy and you're essentially just in a big metal can and you can't walk around that's move very good yeah that you can just get blades in between the little Gap no worries at and that this pce of armor is particularly perfect for testing that because it has supped gaps and it also has articulation as well articulation so we'll see how easy it is to get a a blade in between them what about just simply stabbing through armor we have we have a katana here oh then that should be easy well it is the S5 one Chad so actually actually that is a super Katana it might actually get through you never know I was watching Troy recently and achilles vers Hector even even though it's like brass but still just stabs right through the center and there's so many movies that just just like straight through the Witcher is super guilty oh my God I mean I know geralt's got magic swords you're talking about the TV there is a scene in the um season one near the end where he literally has a guard grabs a sword and just slowly pushes it through I can think of another one okay this isn't a longbow but when the English Beat the French uh they were using long bows and they were fighting against armored Knights and um what what arrows do to something like this are they going to just Pierce right through or do you have to get into the ey slits or something like that this is really interesting and also really important because there's actually there's so many takes on the arrows versus Armor thing you take that I'll take this one all go char g oh you want me to yeah yeah I want you to do it there it is my bad my bad all right so what do you what do you think is that going to go through I don't think so I don't my prediction is no but there are so many caveats to mention there's the thickness of the steel there is the grade of the actual hardness of the steel itself the draw weight of the bow the Arrow Head the Arrow Head as well so don't like what we're going to do is get a kind of level of feedback that you could extrapolate yes generally not specific scientific tests way that we could measure the force that goes into the armor when an arrow hits it because that might stun somebody you could wear it uh I don't know about that wasn't there another one though I think so blunt force but we need feedback to know how much blunt force get transferred through the armor you feeling up to it you krer yeah yeah are we going to use the back to Corbin uh no cuz I'm worried we might break that and I actually really I like that so why don't we just use something else like a big stick a big stick I think well look we're going to be safe and that's the most dangerous of all weapons though it is we'll we'll start I will be sacrificed yes and we're going to find out how much of an impact you feel with this so we have some fun things to do let's get started then there's a problem when you're shooting heavy Bros like this you could focus on draw distance or aim and when you're really focusing on AIM your draw isn't as as heavy so it's a strength issue then no I can I want me to fully draw yeah yeah but I also want you to hit the target I want you to do both fine I'll do both watch this survived but look at that but look at the D it did more damage than the ballista it did more condensed yeah yeah more focused I was assuming that with all the arrows the armor angling would just shoot them all off to the side again that was that was a good hit nice Direct Hit thank you just get my sight picture honed in oh I think that broke the [Music] arrow that was a good shot though that was a great shot I think that might have even hit the core this hit oh look at that it hit right there and deflected no it hit right here oh holy crap you're right yeah right there that's the one that fell down that's a big vent it is dude a lot more energy focused on that tiny little Point yeah yeah um like we can actually see the difference in so this was with the lighter Arrow this is with the heavy arrow that nearly penetrated but still for mild steel arrow is still pretty use yeah like do you need to admit I'm probably drawing it to about 100 lb average not the 410 on this also quite close as well you're not over a larger distance so you're getting some good power there yeah um like 13060 lb probably could penetrate this not by a lot I but maybe yeah I almost want to shoot it with the ballista if you want to see if 130 lb ballista ballista right and this is my marry Rose replica we don't have the time to set it up in this video but if you come a member we're going to film a bonus content exclusive piece of con video to test even a higher pound of drawer with war Arrow so not not act not the giant like these have more focused energy then that cuz too much of the energy is lost in the weight of that thing and to see if it'll penetrate this and I think it has a chance I think it has a chance too it's just like they did it in the old days exactly they had tyrants and they had someone like me sitting back here egging are we are we ready we ready oh I hate doing this three left two one that's for the supporters only so if you sign up you'll get that video exclusive video exclusive video so that is channel memberships subscribe star patreon or player you're not going to make me wear it are you not with the ballista sadly health and safety doesn't allow us to do that but uh why don't we do a couple more shots see if we get through depending on what you're trained in and you know this don't you yeah if I switch back and forth it takes me a couple shots to continue on realign my sight M but I find that shooting on the on the right side is great if you're doing speed shooting yes exactly and there are other advantages to this side and advantages to the other side and it's personal preference to say one is always better than the other yeah you got to just do oh nice shot you got to just do it with the caveat that it's not right for you potentially maybe the person that's just and I Tyrant it's not right for him even though he hasn't really given it a fair shot I he can't really say objectively I didn't like it Chad and then when I swatched over I was way better shoot like that for a month and then come back to me all right I think that's enough shots uh to really gauge on how well arrows are doing against this grade of armor and it held up really well look 100b it's on the beginning War bow range well actually about 7080b is usually considered the beginning orow range 100b 120b is the more standard and then when you get to 130 160 that's the higher end 130 160 might have a chance to get through this yeah we did not get through this just to be clear there here some deep D you hit like right there on the fold uh and significant D but take a look at this look at that okay so Arrowhead was also going to play into this comparison these are not full broadheads they are a historical type of Arrowhead but they're not b either all right and remember we were just shooting these ones the uh the lighter arrow with more kind of like a bullet head did do a significant D okay uh but we're going to get similar results I think probably and not as serious dents as what we got from the war arrows so to be clear nothing got through nothing penetrated all the way through uh just some big D mild steel yeah 1 and 1/2 mil thick so if it was 1 mil thick thck maybe it could get through thickness of armor matters a lot grade of Steel matters a lot and so you need to understand all those caveats but for a midgrade armor this held up really good against archery in the warbow range well why don't we go to some more myths some more little misconceptions what else did you want to do first can you just stab through it stab through like you see everywhere in films we'll show we'll show you so now it's time to do some uh thrusts and stabs to see if we can get through the armor we've got two different swords here I am the weeb so I'm going to be taking our magical S5 shock steel katana what are you going to be taking I'm going to be using this replica of Bor meir's sword with this is H H the company that one's 1060 high carbon steel now have you ever used that one before yes I have used this one all right do you want to start us off and see if you can get through with this sure I should probably I'm going to need to borrow this mask though check that on safety first Safety First that was a solid hit look at that I mean there's no hope of it getting through no but I I wonder what that feels like do you want to find down something to mention bit while they keep talking is the more damage that we induced to this we're actually ruining some of the articulation so this would actually get hard like for example this one here it does get actually harder to move the more damage that is inflicted on this piece but uh this is a nice it's actually a good one thank you I was talking to the bastard SW wow but that was good do you want to do a couple more do you do you want me to hit one down here to to get an example or we're trying to keep it functional as possible I don't know we didn't if we need to do another cut because that was pretty definitive we should do a cut with the uh S5 and we should well that's going to go right through this is going to cut sh in half shot yeah like butter this magic I have seen movies S5 so in the spirit of testing I shall ruin my Immaculate hair for the moment you know that's the main reason why he doesn't like to wear those masks exactly I look after my [Music] [Applause] hair it did less damage than I thought it would now I there is one little caveat that I need to mention and I feel compelled to the edge on this isn't like razor cuz obviously smacking it into stone before but I survived that which was insane yeah uh now I think this did more damage the I think the broad yeah the Bastard Sword did more damage I think it did yeah um does that what does that mean people who love katas I mean is it a Broad Sword versus a katana have we done a video on that like specifically the the the B SW yeah versus a thousand to we have that the video will be somewhere around here you should check it out uh certainly made a Nick and it's got a bit of a dent cave in on this you know panel here like this was a big that did more damage yeah maybe CR is just stronger than you maybe you want to try some thrusting [Music] shed wow this is one of the big Virtues Of This s from my perspective there was a big deflection like that that curved a lot but the fact that it just bounces back is such a credit to this the tempering on this SW still no hope of getting through we'll try another one aim a bit higher I reckon and I'm going to try and get it more cented ready we're [Music] good I really like this sword yeah it's really nice what surprised me is just like how little damage I got cuz that was a that was a solid hit and like that was thrust right into steel that's very little damage like just sharpen that up and this is bounce back pristine okay and I the first thrust big like warp and bend on the blade second one much less so a lot more of the forces transferred and it would maintain straight less deflection we can see even the hit right there do you see that there yep right right there not a massive Dent of damage like shocky armor does what armor does there was no chance of this getting through no so the spear is considered the King of weapons and in regards to you know weapons vers armor any weapon that has the best chances of actually piercing armor would be a spear and so as a result we're going to go all that we I I literally we're going to reset this up I'm going to be running at this thing to get in as much power as I can humanly get just to see if there's any hope at all getting through armor with a weapon like I said anyone could to spear this is technically a Hu spear but there there are larger hu Spears than this and so it's a good mid-grade range kind of spear for this type of test and remember the armor I've been saying it a lot but I'm going to emphasize it again mild steel this is not even as strong as the best medieval armor so if it can block this I think that's going to debunk a lot of misconceptions even about I I love Spears like yeah king of weapons I admit of course I like sortore but come on man freaking how cool the spears man if I die it's been [Music] [Music] [Music] nice [Music] I got through you did ah I think I got through yep that's through that one there when people hear like like a weapon penetrating armor they picture like at least that much this that's that doesn't now they picture Tyrant smashing through with a spear that's what they pict like like that is as much depth as the arrow got yeah but I got through that means he is as strong as like a yeah and that was onehanded with a jump like we need to give credit to something yeah the spear the spear is a bloody Beast look at there's no rolling and real discernable damage at the tip the tiniest bit maybe but like I I don't remember what this was like a steel grade but this has to be a harden steel to survive this damage this is impressive well it's a really sort of thick crosssection also exactly the actual geometry of the spear tip is made for thrusting it's thick chunky robust but sharpened now uh why don't we try and throw this thing oh that was a gorgeous shot but you missed the armor didn't hit the core or nothing who imagine getting hit like that King of the battlefield for a reason we got [Music] it was that it there yeah that's it there straight through that's that's deeper than your handheld one yeah well I would hope so well what's interesting why do you think that's the case because when you're holding it you're putting your body weight behind it and you should have more mass and force I I was remember so first off I was using one hand so you got a little bit just a little bit less and on top of that when you jump but doesn't necessarily mean you have more for it seems like we do we have a video on jumper attacks and we found that they're not what they all you know cracked up to be they have power but as soon as you're leaving the ground you're leaving your your base so you have but like it's interesting is it speed cuz when you're jumping right you can only kind of accelerate as much as you're kind of throwing your hands forward I think it's just the mass times with the acceleration of throwing this things I perhaps it's a transferral of the force when it hits there's nothing being absorbed by the person the ground friction it's just 100% Going In look at that you can see where the armor H but hasn't broken or anything it's just shined it up this spear is freaking amazing think you can see that tip where it's going into the armor I actually think I have something to add here and I'm not 100% sure on the science of this but it's very similar to using a knife to stab something or throwing a knife and it's not a long distance weapon but if you throw a knife into a Target it goes deeper than if you could stab it yourself like a wooden Target actually seen that I have seen that for some reason when you throw it is it because you you're willing to for I think I think the reason is this if you are throwing something and it hits something the energy is all going into that it's just the weight of the weapon and the acceleration whereas if you're holding it you're receiving some of that energy too and your muscles are absorbing it more even if it's only a little bit yeah you're work you're definitely working harder when you're stabbing something but you're then relying on your muscles more than physics that was impressive but no no we cannot say that it's beaten the armor oh no like the armor protected you're not going to be wearing this with nothing you're not going to be wearing this without a shirt you're going to have shirt that would not exactly that's what I'm saying if you had your gamerson on if you had extra layers you're going to be fine it's the hair it makes him look Majestic it does doesn't it that's what it is I was trying to figure out what it was I created an new Gap we've lost our articulation I hit that right at the right point for that yep so you've bent this uh plate actually underneath now there it's there it is it's right there so if we to fix this we need to grab out a hammer and bend this back into place but as you can see look at how bent that is yeah these ones here move this one here is on the wrong side this needs to be on top that was amazing yep made it through all right uh so now there is an important misconception that people think like oh yes you can't get through the plates of armor so what do you do you get between them exactly you go for the gaps now there is go for the gaps and then there is go for the gaps if people are saying get in the armpit where they're like actually in between the plates or now this little area here yeah we we should try that we should actually try that but often times people also say in between the actual like panels I I don't think anyone ever means it that way I I have certain people that like a rapia could get right in between like because that's why it's so thin that doesn't make any sense and that's why and so they say so you're telling me people on the internet don't make sense okay yeah good point we need we're going to test that let's see if we can actually get in between the gaps gaps the gaps the gaps the gaps do you have oh give on it's customary see give him a slap okay oh that was a good one so it looks like we got a lot of things to test I guess the first thing I'll do is just try to get between these actual layers which doesn't make any sense at all the angle is all wrong I have to go from up here I have to go from up that did slide into the exact spot that you would be aiming for I got it right there no that was the first one the second one was here and then it slid in and I saw it kind of getting leverage right there um it looks it looks like it did maybe bend a little a little bit but what's actually happened with proper made armor right in the articulations there's an overlap and that overlap basically prevents a sword really getting in between these segments or if you move then a gap opens up and then that's a problem well then here's the next test because there are sometimes things like that and going for the chinen and you hear that right to me that that kind of includes these these yeah and that's a common phrase so if the armor is made right not damaged very difficult but sometimes you might have an opening and so if we come in here there's also a gap right here because this PL this panel has been dented which is opened up right through here see this and so now there's two stages I want you to try and thrust in like a combat kind of distance to see if you can land a hit yeah a actually aim it cuz if I just stand there like that obviously I can do it if we do that we could prove the you know the concept right away but if if that's too difficult then we will try and get in close and and see how much damage you could do so I'm actually going to try two strategies with this though because the first one in a combat stance I'm not going to do myself any favors I'm going to aim for The Gap and see how easy that is and the second time I'm actually going to aim for the armor and hope that it deflects the blade into the Gap itself I I opened it up a little bit close all right I'm going to aim for the actual armor now and see if that deflects down that was just a good shot period that did you hear that did you hear that it hit the armor first and then it went in hit the armor and deflected in this is kind of proving a concept now do you need a Rapier to pull that off though it's a good question I don't think so I I think you would cuz I'm going I'm going in with the flat of the blade anyway how about this this here is our beautiful alexandrian 18c uh from the oak shot typology one it's my hands down my favorite sword we have in the Armory so I'm going to be testing this and I'm going to be careful I don't think I've ever said that before about a sord but I'm going to be careful cuz I do not want to actually break this I mean that is through the breast plate would you damage it you like no this is kind of going across the armor and I have no if I bend this any of this sort of way we're just going to break it yeah uh so that's a no but what about panels that have an opening cuz of a dent cuz look at this one here well I think this is actually an opening cuz of a dent as well yeah so huh it's it's not hitting him so what's happening here I mean maybe if it was a particularly large fellow when it comes in it can maybe take a chunk off but there not really doing anything and I'm basically using this armor as a guide to thrust straight down into it once say it's effective finding the gaps in armor kind of stupid when we when we say that I think you mean getting the gap the plates between This and like I do I have come across people who actually think finding the gaps uh like even these gaps here which we've just tried to destroy this breast plate these gaps here are they big enough to fit a blade through kind of but that blade just go there is a difference between a blade tip like that versus a blade tip like this and I do want to see how well this can even kind of get in between there and get in other things go for it [Music] left-handed pointing that out so oh that's actually not bad I don't think this tip would get through gamerson or an arming dublet or male nearly as easily and I think the arming d might save you if you manage to get this in between the gaps this one however I think could go through would go through gam we've done a video testing gamb and the the pointier and the sharper it is the easier it sails through they're very good at slash damage but when it comes to this sort of stuff if it's pointy and sharp it's getting through Gamers so kma yep how do you like joining us in the shadow diversity videos I like it so far yeah yeah I think this is going to be fun I think this is going to be fun I'm not going to I'm not going to pretend to be worried about this this is going to be epic so shad's going to hit me with a stick I'm going to hit him with a big stick but I've legitimately wanted to get some feedback on this for a while and Kramer is being a tremendously good sport and you've seen in the other videos you know is coming over from his channel living in acronis um great Channel check it out and we've already been collaborating with Kramer for a bit and we hope to do more in the future and so it's come over to join us fun videos and is it being a really good sport being volunteered for it it's it it fit it fits you you're the only one that this arm fits well it's it's funny when you go to look at Armor pieces in like museums and stuff it's all so small and every time I'm like oh that would fit me though we're going low Force yep and KR is going to be letting me know how much blunt force is actually getting transferred I have a feeling you're this it should be good for like this is solid that's the point of it's got a lot of uh what is it it's like very concave it's very Contour here so it's not it's not flat like a lot of lar chest plates they're very flat on the front and those Dent super easily that's why this is actually like a proper battle grade armor this is why Adrian who made it again I and Adrien Watson on Instagram YouTube links in the description right he did a great job because people don't really know this is sitting off your chest a bit right about that much you don't need huge amounts but that alone means the force that's sitting here is going to be transferred onto your your upper part I think and so that saves your chest a bit as to how much we're going to find out historically they opted for blunt force against armor that's why the mace exists but I am I do want to what level an impact is going to have and then I start to wonder like if we were doing we wouldn't test this cuz I know that this if you a helmet yeah yeah I wouldn't do that yeah yeah because if you get someone a solid hit with a blunt instrument and even wearing a helmet the acceleration of the skull making that brain Ricochet on the inside is enough to knock someone out uh even through helmet so that's a completely different thing to this test here so we're testing just straight hits against a breastplate how much blood Force goes through there depending on how protective this is that translates to other pieces on Armor like I wonder like if someone had shoulder piece I reckon more blunt force has a chance of breaking an arm through armor like a breast plate is more solid but because it's more solid we're willing to find out of it for safety I'm going to be striking on the flat of the stick and you might think that more force will be concentrated on the tip not necessarily cuz this is curved it's the same kind of little impact surface area and so I'm just going to start really really light how's that fine fine so a little bit stronger you reckon yep how's that okay yeah it's starting to knock the wind out out of my lungs a little bit feel I'm feeling pressure on my body I reckon I reckon we could go a little harder a little harder but uh not much harder than that not much harder starting to knock me off my feet little knock your off feet but how's like there's no real pain it doesn't hurt so this is this is holding up like it like it's not comfortable I wouldn't prefer this to happen every day but um if this were in combat and someone hit me like that I'd be like oh all right ready yep so that last hit was the hardest hit I put against you and actually I might have re been reaching about 60 70% on that last one and uncomfortable it hurt um it it didn't hurt I'm like worried about getting hurt but I feel like we could go further I just I don't want to oh and look we're not going to risk it but I have a feeling like 100% full force hit you could walk that off I reckon you could walk that off from this armor this armor has shown that it's doing the job it's protecting it's not comfortable but it's not going to drop you yeah do you think any hit as hard as I could could actually incapacitate someone through blunt I think you'd probably make me take a step back to disperse that Force before you actually stopped me from like pain or something I think that's some good feedback evidence because people say blunt force well it depends where you hit blunt force on a breastplate I don't think this is doing the job no blunt force I am something of an expert myself in that so why don't we being blunt yes I agree with that so do I actually I'm using the for yeah any way you want to slice it but look guys we saved the best for last the back now you're not going to wear it okay cuz we're going to kill him but we need to see this is when it comes to armor combating weapons now we're not going to use the beak cuz I think we've already done enough with like we do one or two H just with the be just just for me okay okay but we're primarily going to be testing the hammer now I want to make this clear up from the outset we're not actually going to be trying to hit in here we're not going to be trying to Cave it in cuz we do want to save this for other videos this is good to so I might aim a little this is the this is the proof right I was starting to Cave it in with this go not even going full force that means oh wow yeah yeah like you feel it the Beck will be able to Cave that in it is heavier more focused made to do made that's this point so we don't want to destroy our breastplate we want to use for other videos but you guys want to see it in action and we will happily oblige cuz I want to hit it yeah yeah get me out of this so to start off with I'm going to use the beak for just a couple of times we'll see if I'm able to get through see if it does anything but then we're going to be moving on to what everybody's been waiting for did all right didn't get through but it bent the whole [Music] thing that was insane no hit caused bmir to fly off his feet more than that right there the truth is far if I use this Hammer full force anywhere on this I am going to either cave it completely in or it might even get through you know like not get through but the fact that you got this level of like and that wasn't to be honest that really wasn't that hard of a here inact right you could break ribs knocking someone full force against that like genuinely that that there was a lot of blond force transfer that time do you want to do another one no we're going to destroy the breast play I think that's a proof of concept right there yeah all right I know you guys want to see another one but simply just to save this we can't do anym with the back it will just it will destroy it we're going to start popping with you you were caving the top in with the with the beak so I'm actually going to have to grab a hammer and try and Hammer that out a bit but you know there is one other test that we're going to be doing all right but I yeah the spear did get through the spear got so I like 800 30 shot from an arrow from a we set up the ballist but that is for only people who that is an exclusive video and Cramer's going to be joining us for it aren't you Kramer yes sir all right so if you want to see wearing it though no he's not wearing it if you want to see if this can survive uh an arrow shot from 130b bow set up like a Ballista become a supporter we have not only exclusive content bloopers behind the scenes content unboxing sneak peeks longer form version of videos so we are making dedicated content and become a member support or support us on patreon subscrib St or player any one of those platforms you get access to those videos yeah it's all just waiting there for you guys and uh it's all good content all real good stuff we're going to make some behind the scenes with him as well so you know it's all good this video was heaps of fun it was do you know how long we've been waiting to do this we've been working our way up first we started with gamerson great video you should check that one out then we did mail and mail was no joke and now we've gone to this and to be honest in terms of of actually penetrating getting it through the spear was able to just get through and then it when I don't think it counts and we got none of the arrows made it through no no so only the spear actually made to me like an actual acknowledgement like penetration needs to be like at least that much but even then that's not going to kill kill anyone not going to get through a gambison to exactly but I still wouldn't want to be wearing it when you hit it with a back to cor yes I I think the only weapon that has a actual reliable chance of injuring incapacitating someone through a breastplate when I'm talking about helmet the Beck like something made for it it's caved in this whole part of here like this is a pole Hammer all right I wonder if a Warhammer but this is more so much more leverage way much more yeah but uh if you want to check out the last time we tested an armor the male to be specific you might be surprised what actually got through in the end uh I'm not going to spoil it for you cuz it's a great video you should check it out it's right there and look we got to thank Adrien once again for providing this for us you're a legend and we love it oh mate great and krma thanks for joining us in the video mate thanks for having me and thanks for making the armor my size video is right there check it out thanks for watching guys
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 357,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TqLRtcDzpYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 8sec (2168 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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