Can You Beat All DARK SOULS 3 Magic Challenges On One Character?

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hey hey it's JK leads welcome back after completing all three magic challenges on one character in Dark Souls 1 through the use of New Game Plus Cycles today I attempt to do a similar sort of thing with dark souls 3 compared to Dark Souls 1 I've heard quite a few times that magic isn't actually very good in this game so time for me a British guy with access to both a computer and a games console to find out I have made a bit of a change to the order though as you can probably see on the thumbnail so this time round new game will be sorcery New Game Plus will be Miracles and new game Plus+ will be pyromancy why the change up well two reasons first in Dark Souls 3 pyromancy actually scales with intelligence and Faith so it just made sense to do this as the third in the chain after doing sorcery and miracles which only scale with intelligence and Faith respectively secondly unlike sorcery in Miracles I actually have used pyromancy in Dark Souls 3 before and in fact have beaten the game using just them so it makes sense to put the one I'm the most familiar with under the most difficult of conditions one further Intrigue to add to this run I have never entered New Game Plus in Dark Souls 3 at all so I have no idea what to expect difficulty wise now before we dive in let me address one elephant in the room I'm sure there'll be a bunch of comments asking what about doing this challenge in Dark Souls 2 well I do definitely want to do that but it's not only the longest of the Dark Souls trilogy but it also has four types of magic so I'd have to do four playthroughs to complete it and to be honest I'm just not quite ready to play Dark Souls 2 four times in a row yet from either a time spent or mindset perspective I promise I will do it someday just not yet so anyway back to the run at hand rules are simple new game must be beaten with sorcery only then I moved to New Game Plus with a basic Miracle casting tool and one basic miracle beat that cycle with Miracles only and then do the same when I move to New Game Plus+ but with pyromancy if there's Rings or armor which will be useful across multiple Cycles such as the sage ring for example I'll let myself carry them over to avoid repetition of having to go get them again I'll also let myself carry over any upgrade materials I've picked up but I'm not allowed to specifically buy and stock up on them before moving to the next cycle lastly no respecing of any stats because that's kind of cheating let's do this so before you say it yes you're right that is indeed Ian McKellen reprising his role as Gand up from the Elden Lord of the Rings write down in the comments below what you think I offered Ian McKellen to appear in this video and the winner will probably get a triangle shaped swish chocolate and if you keep watching and don't comment an answer to this Ian McKellen will be sad do you want Ian McKellen to be sad huh do you as we're doing sorcery sorcerer is the obvious choice let me make one quick adjustment here ah okay much better we start with both soul arrow and heavy soul arrow but only one Ashen est's flask at this point it's a shame I couldn't get more casting speed by leveling up my U dexterity before this boss but it didn't matter too much actually soul arrow looked kind of bad to start but then Heavy Soul Arrow just absolutely crushed him and our first boss is down I head into Fink Shrine placing the coiled sword and leveling up our intelligence stat for three whole points with zero diling nor dallying I head into high wall of lothric where the Dark Souls Gods punish me for making that casting speed joke earlier I free grey rat this time to get the blue tearstone ring and then head to take on our next boss vort even though his defenses are strong like a walking Fortress Heavy Soul Arrow does good damage and the blue tearstone ring actually does save us from death here allowing us to pull out the victory I decided not to Glass Cannon myself and actually did pop a couple points into figure before we head down to the undead settlement or at least that would be what we do if I hadn't completely forgotten to grab the damn Banner with it now in my inventory we can say en voyage and Float on down like a butterfly in the Moonlight yo Yol what you saying you want to give me some free levels well that would be wonderful he does actually serve another purpose here which is that he sells Soul great swword a sweet spell which I can afford after selling some useless armor this spell summons a huge magic great sword from the end of my St off to slice through enemies basically a melee style spell this will come in very useful I feel I free cornix just because I might as well grab the stuff needed for the later Cycles now and make a beine to the road of sacrifices after a couple of obviously purposeful deaths to this night I can now get another level from Yol this time putting a point into a tement which levels up both our FP and our spell slots this time round there's also a couple of quite useful items we can grab in Road of sacrifices namely the heretic star meaning more damage for our spells and the sage is ring which means we can cast our spells more quickly on top of this we can also send the most crucial NPC for sorcery to fire link this being orbeck of Vinheim he thinks we're at his orbeck and call but really we're just using him with that all sorted we can now head through the obligatory poison swamp area which luckily we can get out of the way early as it's not that far on into the game luckily it does have some pretty useful stuff for our build including two Scrolls the sages scroll and the golden scroll as well as the Dreamchasers ashes which will let us purchase infinite titanite shards from that Shrine Maiden this is handy because unlike in Dark Souls 1 casting tools actually need to be upgraded with both scrolls given to orbec we can now purchase a number of things but most notably what I hear is arguably the most OP spell in the game pestilent Mist I need a bit more intelligence to be able to use it but I'm excited to give this a crack after hearing so much about it I also bought Faron dot which I can use now but uh yeah it kind of sucks lastly in a move I could have made a lot earlier but forgot to I went and grabbed the covered silver serpent ring and then farmed until I could buy more tysonite shards to level up my staff with this all done I grabbed faren flash sword and great Heavy Soul Arrow for faster and heavier damage made myself into a pretty princess and finally decided to stop messing around and fight the boss that I know you're all waiting to see the curse rotted Greatwood every everyone's favorite now thankfully this was pretty fine Soul great sword which is effectively like having a normal melee sword attack made this no more difficult than usual especially if you keep baiting the attack where our friend Woody here stands up and falls on his front this boss's bark is definitely worse than it bite although I have a feeling that if I had to actually try to free aim Spells at his balls this wouldn't be very fun at all okay okay let's actually do the abyss watches now so by this point my damage was pretty good I did initially go with the melee approach of Soul great sword but switched to Great heavy soul arrow partway through to see how that worked out and it was a lot better honestly the damage was high and it didn't take too many to give this boss an abys direct toy wind it up and watch her go with the souls we' now gathered I got myself up to 30 int and then recorded next to no footage of the catacombs of carus because this place sucks and doesn't deserve my attention wner well after smashing his bracelets with soul great sword this Titanic skeleton sinks down W near far wherever you are before anything else I'm going to head to smoldering Lake primarily because of the large titanite shards that frequent this area with these gathered now we can get our staff up to plus six which is pretty nice this area is also home to The Old Demon King who's a good candidate to see how good pestilent mist is and it turns out yeah it's pretty damn good if you get them to stay in that cloud there really isn't a whole lot they can do also look at the pitiful damage great Heavy Soul Arrow and soul great sword due to this guy in comparison there's just no competition when it comes to damage here this old King's Channel just got demonetized and we get a fat chunk of souls for our troubles seeing how strong pestilent Mist was I made what could be considered a controversial decision I decided to see if I could take out dancer early I mean all the Titanite trunks are hidden behind her so that I can manage to get past we can upgrade our staff very thoroughly and hopefully give ourselves an easier ride through pestilent missed itself however doesn't actually scale with our staff or our stats it always just deals a percentage of the enemy's Total Health while they stand in it which means that even late game bosses can be hurt a lot by at this point I keep luring dancer into the Mist over and over and with a quick s Arrow to finish Daner departs from this koreal realm with int level to 41 and achievement at 21 I grabbed a number of chunks from the consume King's Garden and from lothric Castle I upgraded our staff to to plus 9 and decided to test out my new power on one of the earlier bosses the crystal Sage for a Magic versus magic battle a really interesting thing I found is that using just pestilent Mist doesn't trigger the sage to teleport at all until we get it below half Health from here I can destroy the clones and then repeat the same trick with pestilent Mist meaning it never teleports and never summons any more clones some Sage advice there if you ever want to use sorcery yourself for this boss you know what screw it I'm going to do dragon slayer armor right now as well it's a pretty straightforward matter of getting him to chase you around the fountain in the middle luring him into the pestilent Mist but guess what for some reason killing him this way doesn't trigger the second phase at all so the butterflies never get involved with their projectiles this spell is honestly ridiculous and soon enough this boss needs to go see an amorti at this point I decided to start putting some points in faith as I need at least 20 to start the new game plus cycle and it was already taking a lot to level up now I actually thought I could go straight into the grand archives but I forgot that the key doesn't appear till we clear the other Lords of Cinder so let's head to Cathedral of the deep thank God for door opening eye frames here we snipe this giant grab Lloyd's sword ring and open the shortcut door before taking on the deacons of the deep and I'm feeling pretty confident about this so great sword's wide sweep is awesome for taking out multiple deacons at once and when Phase 2 begins I cast pestilent Miss where the main one is spoil warning the combo of these two spells is devastating and we absolutely deconstruct this boss's defenses for the easy win we can now head up to ail and I think with our current setup we can blast through some of the upcoming challenges ail dungeon is actually our first stop because I need to jailbreak through this door and then grab the bellowing dragon Crest ring giving us an even larger boost to sorcery damage as I made my way to the profane capital I was chased to the very ends of the Earth by this very irratating rodent but thankfully he was defeated by a narrow entryway before I attempt yor I outsourced this sorcerer to get Logan scroll and buy soul arrow so probably the big question on your mind is Will pestilent Mist work on yor the answer is definitely yes despite having a giant health bar the Mist melts through it just like anyone else letting us change up the usual y this fight follows it takes quite a few but after about 5 minutes of fighting another Lord of Cinder bites the dust or maybe bites the ash anyway I purchased oral decoy to try and help me get through the staircase from hell but turns out it was a total waste and didn't help me in the slightest so yeah great but anyway onward and upwards to Pon of salivan now I had some pretty good luck here which gave me a solid Sol Vantage against him when he was creating his shadow I cast pestilent mist and luckily they decided to remain in place doing a projectile attack after the shadow appeared this meant they stayed in the Mist long enough for it to kill kill the Shadow and thus letting me finish off pontiff with some soul Spears we're really crushing through these bosses Soul Spears decent damage combined with pestilent mist is a hard combo for anyone to handle it seems on my way to Aldren and Orondo I had this weird thing happen where the spider-like creature that drops from the ceiling just died without me doing anything I have no idea why I didn't even see as I was turning the lever to open the door but yeah weird as for Aldrich himself well I can tell you for sure I definitely didn't die twice when Aldrich was low on health nope that definitely didn't happen the arrow rain attack is very annoying particularly The Phase 2 variant but conversely Aldrich tends to stay in one place for a long periods of time allowing pestilent Mist to do what it does best this is a true ragster old Rich's story being told in real time ladies and gentlemen with all the other bosses on the way removed we can now get into the grand archives and for once I need to actually kill this annoying Crystal Sage as we want the crystal scroll he dropped pestilent mist is once again the MVP as killing him using this stops him from teleporting and thus makes it a lot easier we can now grab the classic crystal soul spear for even more damage and who knows maybe I'll even use it instead of just spamming pestilent Mist I actually did use it to take out the out Rider Knight who guards Soul stream the Prototype version of comet aor from Elder ring I actually found in practice that this wasn't actually that great or worth the FP cost so the twin princes this was actually the first fight that presented a bit of difficulty they teleport around too much for pestilent Mist so some other offensive spells would be needed I decided to quickly run and grab the court sorcerer staff back from the profane Capital which I yeah H honestly completely forgot about am I am I literally the worst challenge runner ever I grabbed some more chunks from this area as well as a slab and saw this Knight have a totally weird reaction to pestilent Mist he turns all the way around but somehow doesn't doesn't see me and just stands there melting to death what anyway with the plus 10 cour SS for a staff I definitely didn't choke at the last second by running out of FP twice Crystal Souls spare has a very high FP cost so I had to use a clever combo of this with pestilent Miss to get the win my strategy was thus take out lauran with five crystal soul spares then cast pestilent Mist over them while lothric does the revive while this damages lothric as well it also reduces Lauren's Health just about enough so two crystal soul spares will knock him down again and then repeat the process with this combo it was just about possible to finish them off with my final crystal soul spear but we overcome their Loth rery and pull out the win so let's clear up some Bas game optional bosses starting with consumed King Osiris you want to see the fight here I do not even feel remotely bad about this screw this guy and is no windup charge consume this you bog and Bin Seath I used his soul to buy white dragon breath which I promptly forgot about and never used again definitely didn't take my breath away after grabbing the path of the Dragon gesture and showing this NPC Invader how to no rope bungee jump Gund dear we are again the first phase is pretty straightforward but pestilent Mist won't help too much in phase two due to his constant movement and aggression I stuck with crystal soul spear but I took a whole bunch of hits finding a moment to drink Esters can be quite challenging thankfully crystal soul spear does a lot of damage so it doesn't take too many hits to bring the champion to his knees with that all sorted it's time to try and relax my mind by slicing some giant rats oh and with meditation I guess after the ever exciting ancient wyvern fight seriously why does this boss exist I summon a worldwind of clouds to bring down nameless King and his flying turkey after marinating it in a crystal Souls spear dressing nameless King does a series of slow walks towards me occasionally interspersed with slow telegraphed attacks while I P him with crystal soul Spears bringing him down in about eight hits or so it's felt kind of good to not just rely on pestilent Mist for these last couple fights not going to lie with all that sorted and the Lord's Ash is placed we can take on the final boss of the base game soul of Cinder I was pretty happy to see he chose to switch to his magic form so we could have a sorcery battle but once he switched back to melee it's pretty easy to outpace and Pelt with crystal soul spear and same again in the soul of Ginder phase the multi-hit combo spells his demise and that's the base game done just got to spank the DLC and we can move to the next cycle let's start with the painted world of Ari andelle quick a sweetly rotting bed although I did die once trying to get down here I had an insanely lucky survival dropping off the branch at the bottom and managed to beine to the bonfire our first DLC boss is here an NPC and some wolves actually used Soul great sword here to handle the wolves and then actually killed the big wolf first for once as he was an easier Target to hit than this projectile dodging ass eventually he goes to tend his own grave and we can move onwards to an actual good boss but first sir vilhelm is a tosser so I embarrass him by smacking in midair with my staff obviously the run is completely invalidated but I feel good about myself so who's laughing really with my schedule Freeda up let's complete this Sister Act I decided to boost my damage a bit higher by grabbing the magic clutch ring and the crown of dusk which I hadn't really needed up to this point but I felt would be handy here a big problem is that sister Freda likes to dodge projectiles so I need to choose my moments to attack wisely there's certain times which are great to fire Soul Spears like just after she does her disappearing act for phase two pestilent Mist works great for father Ari andell as he's such a big Target and this doesn't take too long black flame Freda is kind of similar to phase one just waiting until after she's done certain attacks and then firing off crystal soul spear the jump attacks especially are great for this with patience she goes down and DLC 1 is complete you know what let's get right into those bosses I know that's what you want to see here twin demons can actually be pretty tough a bit less if you kill the demon in pain first though thankfully crystal soul Spears take out phase one quite fast but in phase two their damage resistance increases dramatically luckily pestilent mist is unaffected by such things and just takes off the usual percentage of Health but it still ended up being a bit closer than I would have liked but with one final cast this boss becomes the artist formerly known as the demon Prince because now it's dead we descend down further into the City and take out some of the denisen here yeah take this oh God wait I'm sorry ah okay you asked for it hate those guys after smacking midair off the bridge it was time to take on most people's least favorite DLC boss halflight and the question of course is as he's an NPC does he Dodge projectiles you're damn right he does but there are some opportunities to hit him as well as some opportunities for him to kill me in seconds following a couple of deaths I managed to kill the painting Guardian quickly and then blast down halflight sending him into the full dark of death's waiting arms okay just two more bosses to go I grabbed some new fashion and headed down to face mere in the two or 3 minutes of research I did for this run while I was sat on the toilet everything pointed to pestilent miss being an excellent way to handle him and this was absolutely correct doy de M's Health was absolutely melted by pestilent mid and his large body meant it was easy to keep him in it I actually went to his back legs for the first time since my initial fight with him all those years ago he drops and we can use his soul to buy old Moonlight a spell which creates a summon weapon version of the Moonlight Greatsword firing a projectile while this looks cool I tested it against the final boss remaining slave Knight Gale and it was clear that yeah this wasn't going to be helping much so I just stuck with Crystal Souls spare this was fine honestly I could regail you with the whole story of the fight but honestly just came down to waiting for his attack Jam in a crystal soul spear and repeat I didn't bother with pestilent Mist because he moves around too much and it wasn't much issue no time to slaver my victory though as we've got another cycle to get to now I had planned to start the Miracles run with the cleric sacred chime but I just couldn't get it to drop from these enemies in the cemetery of Ash so I just went with the standard talisman and thus began the new cycle which amounted to a series of terrible mistakes and general bad gameplay from yours truly you guys are sure in for a treat though we start with just Lightning Spear as our basic Miracle this was pretty good back in Dark Souls 1 so I assume the same should be true here right well judging by this damage to gunar thus far the answer is no but then again my casting tool isn't upgraded it still wasn't too bad but it took a while and I got greedy and smacked at some point he couldn't be our gundo baby but Lightning Spear definitely kissed away his pain moving on to high wall of lothric I noticed something quite curious about Lightning Spear it actually does a lot more damage if you cast it at melee range like almost double which is really weird because it kind of defeats the point of a range spell if you're incentivized to cast it up close I took advantage of this for the upcoming fight with the Doge of the Boreal Valley even at close range our damage wasn't great and he did actually quite a bit of damage in New Game Plus so I couldn't avort to make a mistake here dodging the multi-charge attack gave me some good openings to lay in damage and a few more close-range lightning Spears send this Hound back to the pound I had nowhere near enough to level up even once and the new game plus consumable Souls proved to be very disappointing I did use some of them though after giving the mortician Ashes to the shrine Maiden to buy the grave key which allows me to free Arena of Kim a miracle teacher for this run any TOs we find can be given to her but quite a lot of the best Miracles aren't acquired this way speaking of which here's our buddy segwood we chat with him make friends with The BFG and then drop down in the road of sacrifices to get M's ring to boost our Miracles and our first miracle to we can also grab the Dreamchasers ashes again to buy titanite shards I give the tone to Irena but there's nothing I really want to buy as it's mostly healing stuff and then I upgrade the Talisman to plus three and it was here where things went downhill just want to say right now that the crystal Sage is become one of my least favorite bosses in Dark Souls 3 trying to kill him with just Lightning Spear was pure pain with me often getting ruined by the super high damaging projectiles in the Clone phase thanks to lightning Spears low damage and slow cast time I died more than anything else so far trying to beat this damn Sage I can't believe this is the thing that's Walling the run it's annoying because there's more offensive spells behind the sage but for now I need to come back to it what about the curse rotted Greatwood well the damage is even worse and trying to free aim Lightning Spear to hit the sacks is just awful I attempted the abyss watches as well but the damage is just so low unless we're up close I need to somehow boost the amount of damage we're doing so I was left with no choice but to go back to the cemetery of Ash and farm again until after an hour one of those Hollows dropped the cleric sacred chime with this upgraded to plus eight thanks to some large shards and some chunks I had on me from the previous cycle I went back to the abyss watches feeling this was the best bet the damage was still Abyss shocking but maybe this gave me the confidence I needed or something I don't know but anyway I did a lot better I played a very patient game and with not much health left I nailed one final lightning spear for the victory finally some progress killing the abyss watches was especially useful for this run because it means we can access smoldering Lake remember this giant worm here the one people think is cair for some weird reason well if you stand in the the right spot the bleer actually kills salm's McKenzie for you and it drops the miracle lightning stake finally a new offensive option we can use I was really excited about this until I saw that it has a 35 Faith requirement I'm currently sitting at 28 Faith so yeah we're a little way away from this thankfully there is a pretty easy boss here we can kill Although our damage isn't great Old Demon King isn't very good at handling ranged attacks so after a patient 7-minute fight the old king's heart gives out and even a shock from our demon fibulator couldn't save him with this plus some consumable Souls I'm up to 30 Faith but it's just not really going to make a difference at this point there's still wall near to kill but he won't drop many souls and the Crystal sage and curse rotted Greatwood are a no-o unless I get a big damage boost or maybe access to use lightning steak so that leaves me with only one option that I can think of because Crystal Sage is too hard I'm going to kill dancer early again yes that isn't actual ual sentence you just heard as it's considered a late game Boss the soul drop should be significant downsides are that the damage is obviously pretty low and also one mistake and I'm dead but with ranged attacks Daner can be handled fairly well and after enough patience is back to life back to bore reality anyway with the souls gathered I'm now up to 33 faith and I can grab some more titanite chunks which with a grab I slabbed earlier I can get my chime to plus 10 so now to hopefully finally get up to 35 faith we go take on Osiris the consumed King also before you say yes I know I could have got Yol to level me up a few times by killing myself but I'm sick of looking like a shriveled ball bag anyway Osiris takes some good damage from our lightning the only thing that's a real danger is the charge attack with its minimal wind up which hurts but I can just about survive it also I'm getting a bit annoyed at how rubbish lightning Spears ranges at times but in the end I managed to maneuver myself just under him to land the finishing blow and I remove him from the osai roster of bosses in the game with this we can now get up to 36th faith and we can finally use a different offensive Miracle lightning Stak seems a lot stronger might as well test it out on champ G here the damage is decent and lightning Stakes also makes you duck down at the end of its cost which if timed right means you can duck under some of gundar's attacks it doesn't work every time and to be honest I did take a beating here managing to survive just about by somehow going into the menu and popping an ember without getting hit by Gund with a bit more good timing the champion suffers another defeat much to his gun irritation in the dark version of Fink Shrine we can also buy the Priestess ring giving us a further five Faith things are finally starting to look up with this ring and leveling up from gundar Souls we're now up to 43 Faith but the big question is am I now now strong enough to defeat the crystal Sage well the damage from lightning State compared to lightning spear is night and day the Clone stage still presented some challenges and I did have some lucky escapes but I managed to push through get myself healed and just went in for the kill finally defeating what had so far been the hardest boss in this run he had been a Chris stalwart Blocker of this challenge run but at last I had freed myself from the cage of the sage before moving on I grabbed some more titanite chunks a useless miracles to and leveled up the canvas Talisman to maximum for even more damage it was time now for the Cathedral of the deep or was it there was actually something in this DLC I wanted to grab first after this Crow guy had some kind of mental seizure I was able to grab wave of white Corona I returned to the cathedral grabbed another toome as well as this casting tool to hold in my off hand to boost cast speed and then headed to the deacons of the deep now you might be wondering why I decided to switch to the canvas Talisman well you see his weapon art dramatically increases your Poise while casting Miracles which is incredibly handy here when these Deads are constantly trying to smack you and interrupt your cast wave right Corona was kind of helpful and did manage to slice through a few of them but lightning Stak has an AOE which was super helpful for these tightly packed hordes after spamming the weapon art and running out to heal I was able to bury these guys deep with most of the bosses on this side of the game taken out it was time to head to ail at last hi Lord walner bye Lord walner I also took the time to purchase no and deep protection from Arena as I hadn't done so yet I decided to check out no against V's cousin and it's actually awesome I think this thing is pretty weak to bleed but wow that's quite a lot of damage guess it makes sense that a dog would be weak to fleas I plan to head to the profane Capital first but I remembered at this point that I hadn't progressed Sea's quest line so I quickly went and took the steps needed for that leading to me getting emit force from him here in irial after which I went and grabbed the Ring of the sun's firstborn to boost Miracle damage even higher down in the profane Capital there's also a classic Souls Miracle WTH of the Gods I free SE wood from his cell but now I really want to test out Wrath of the Gods in a decent boss fight well unfortunately we didn't have one of those so I went to the curse rod in Greatwood instead despite Wrath of the Gods having a much longer cast time than in Dark Souls 1 the damage is pretty good easily bursting his balls with just a couple of casts and Woody harlson goes down on first attempt with Roth of the Gods good to get that one ticked off back down the profane Capital it was yman time and as we did seawoods Quest anyway he helped us and did most of the heavy lifting I actually found out afterwards that y's weak to lightning so I probably could have done this without seagood oops well no matter I'll make up for it later promise you regardless we sent the giant back to his yator for a long nap P of salivan is next on the chopping block and Roth of the Gods in conjunction with the Talisman super Poise weapon art makes quick work of him when he's summoning his shadow there actually enough time to cast Wrath of the Gods twice both killing the Shadow and damaging him at the same time towards the end I really thought I was going to die but I just kept going for Wrath of the Gods and somehow survived and won this miracle was a real pontier maker here it was at this point that I became aware of another miracle in the area by killing this evangelist we can now get Doris's Goring which sounds like an old grandma biting on you with toothless gums but more on this later the miracle I mean not the grandma thing anyway I kill yoska for her Talisman which I promptly forgot about until later despite it being the best Talisman in the game because I suck further up in an orando old fish Devourer of cods takes the bait and gets shocked hard by lightning steak proving that steak dinner beats fish dinner here in the land of lothric we can trade It soul in for the life hunt Scythe miracle and Nod to Priscilla's weapon from Dark Souls 1 this attack deals dark damage and restores some health but unfortunately at least against dragon Slayer armor here the damage is pretty shocking that's not even a lightning joke it's just bad so WTH of the Gods it is he's pretty straightforward just kite him around the fountain bait the three- hit combo roll through on the last hit and use the Poise boosted Wrath of the Gods rinse and repeat and down he goes that's carore coming back to bite him we are really rocking and rolling now fellas up in the grand archives we grab the awesome sounding Divine pillars of light spoiler it's actually rubbish and the sage ring plus one for either bed and casting time time so remember earlier I said life hunt Scythe wasn't great Well turns out for dark damage such as this it's best to actually use it with a chime that scales with int and Faith such as ky's chime I level this up and test it out using my plus 10 canvas Talisman that's 464 damage and with ky's chime that's nearly 800 that is a huge difference okay so different casting tools for different Miracles it seems well let's get some more optional bosses sorted as we head off to Peak Dragon AR ancient wyver seems like a good Target to test out Doris's Goring on and wow I have been sleeping on this miracle it has a pretty low FP cost great range and it procs bleed very quickly bringing down ancient wyvern in about a minute which is pretty wild but as good as it was here it was even better against nameless king king of the storm when struck in the head would sometimes bleed instantly from it taking off 900 damage and nameless King took two of them for the bleed but that totaled about 40 00 damage he was easy to hit with them and about 2 minutes the fight was over this miracle was actually insane I think Doris might have to become my normal strategy for the rest of this run unless they're immune to bleed of course with nameless King Soul we can get lightning storm which I guess is like a prototype of ancient dragon lightning strike from Elden ring but sadly it's nowhere near as good and there are better lightning Miracle options for us lauran and lothric had posed a challenge in the sorcery cycle but here it was a lot easier surprisingly in phasee two it's pretty easy to use Doris to take down lauran as he knee walks towards you but for phase two lightning Stak works better as it does more damage and sometimes can hurt both of them thankfully it still takes less FP than Crystal Souls spear did in the sorcery run so I had ample FP remaining after just a couple of defeats of lauran the younger princh had taken enough damage and one final lightning stake ends this fight pretty locally as for our boy soul of Cinder well unfortunately for him he is vulnerable to bleed and good old Doris just absolutely rips through this fight I call this the hemoglobin strategy I just can't get over how good this miracle is this was probably the easiest soul of Cinder fight I think I've ever had if he does the multi- hit combo in the gwin phase you better believe he's taking but anyway down he goes with his soul we can buy Sunlight spear the strongest range lightning Miracle we can get which will come in handy for sure back in the painted world of Arendelle I have bate the vile Vil Helm get relentlessly chased by a wolf somehow make it down the Branch's first try bully the grave tender into a tender grave and give this giant wolf an internal parasite it only takes one Doris to bleed the wolf so this fight goes by pretty quickly but what if Sister Freda well she can be bled with two Doris's meaning she goes from Sister Freda to Sister BEDA actually wait that sounds pretty gross anyway father Arendelle is even weaker to bleed so it only takes one cast to bleed out for that tiny FP and the quick cast time we do over a th000 damage a hit to him black flame Freeda Dodges a bit more but is still pretty weak to bleed so although more patience and dodging is required this doesn't present too much issue and with that DLC 1 is complete it's pretty wild how much this run has turned around compared to when we were slumming it against the crystal Sage well let's get the miracle run chind off the twin demons are first and again the biggest challenge is the demon Prince's massive damage resistance but much like pestilent Mist was able to circumvent this in the sorcery run Doris is able to get around it here because bleed takes off a percentage of Health although the initial damage of the miracle isn't much the bleed more than makes up for it I think I see why they made it so that bleed takes more to proc each successive time in Elden ring this is almost silly how much damage you rack up quickly with faith now up to 59 I ignored this rep probate after our encounter last cycle made this Knight moan in agony showed this Dragon the force Power of my midair chlorians and grabbed a Nifty Speedy lightning attack called lightning Arrow something that I wish I had been able to get much earlier in the run but hey just because I could I actually killed this dual great sword wielding ring City Knight up ahead these weapons look pretty fun probably should give them a go sometime as for halflight he was still the worst DLC boss in the game and maybe ever his ability to constantly Dodge projectiles is matched only by his ability to spam attacks relentlessly in a really obnoxious fashion he should probably be called halfast because that would be relative to the amount of effort put in when designing him I honestly felt like I got lucky because at the end he just decided not to dodge my Doris's so he died good I hate him with 60 Faith under my belt I could now consider leveling up stuff like endurance and health there was also no need for the Priestess ring anymore so I swapped that out for the prisoner's chain so onto the true fight with dark to midir he's immune to bleed but is supposedly weak to lightning I found the damage from sunlight spear pretty underwhelming and I actually ran out of FP but then I remembered that ky's chime is better spe for dark damage and I had yosi's chime which I completely forgotten about even though this did boost my damage it was clear that I'd need the extra damage of casting the Lightning Spear at Point Blank melee range as opposed to long range or midair range so this was basically a melee fight stay in front of his head wait for him to finish his combos Slam in some sunlight Spears rinse and repeat with one final sunlight deer doged to miss spear goes down round two with Gail is about to begin after one of the most epic shots in the series of course Gail's damage compared to new game seems to have increased quite a bit but thankfully his HP is pretty similar it's actually a weird thing I noticed a bunch of the later game bosses get a very minimal HP increase going into New Game Plus but in new game plus plus the increase is quite significant Gail can be bled which is great but the damage from Doris's initial attack is much weaker than with other bosses especially in phase two onwards it's still a solid and safe strategy due to its range and quick car speed but it takes a lot longer than most of the other bosses we've used this strategy on so far but I feel like I know his move set well enough by this stage that I can be patient find the openings and after enough hits this fight ends in his Galia to defeat me sorry slavy so after a real roller coaster of a cycle we can move on to the pyromancy section in new game Plus+ definitely the school of magic I'm the most familiar with in Dark Souls I but how all this increased health and damage of the bosses play into it well we're off to a pretty bad start I got the Pyro glove and the basic Fireball but guess what the first bonfire in Cemetery of Ash does not give you the option to attune spells and I didn't do it before moving into the new cycle this is seems really stupid why doesn't this bonfire give you that option okay I mean it doesn't matter much on your first playthrough but for New Game Plus onwards that strikes me as being pretty damn important if you're a spellcaster so does this mean I've ruined the Run well not exactly thanks to the Pyro Flames weapon art which is combustion a quick burst of flame in front of me so I just got to beat Gunder using only this weapon art on an unupgraded pyrro flame in new game Plus+ simple right well um actually yeah um okay the damage may look awful but it's quick spammable and manages to stagger him fairly effectively allowing us to land several more hits we broke him up real good you'd see a lot of fractures on his new De Ray moving on to fire link I linked myself with some fire equipping Fireball as I had originally intended our number one priority is getting to Undead settlement so let's take care of vort right away I thought for some reason he'd take more damage from Fireball given he seems to be frost Elemental but the damage seems quite average by this point I could probably Dodge his moves in my sleep luckily he didn't have any water to put out our fire and after a few flaming hot balls he goes down after this ascending down to the undead settlement we can now free corx the most important early game NPC when it comes to pyromancy as he not only sells some pyro spells but also is able to upgrade our pyro glove so after getting the Dreamchasers ashes once again and buying titanite shards we can upgrade the pyrro flame to plus four with what we've got on us we can also grab the Great Swamp pyromancy tone and change into the classic pyromancer armor with the Tome there's host of different pyromancies we can buy so I purchased almost all of them right away away I mean we've got the soul so why not right I take fire orb bursting Fireball great combustion and poison Mist with me in a step we didn't take in the previous two cycles we stray this slay demon because his soul can be used to buy the boulder heave pyromancy which will be really important later on but of course to be able to do that we need to take out our old friend the curse rotted Greatwood as you'd expect fire does a lot of damage to this tree and the combination of Quick Flame throwables like fire orb and the spammable potential of great combustion means we can quickly turn this into a bonfire of the vanet trees with Boulder heave now up Our Sleeve I decided to see how we do against this demon here we actually do way more damage than I thought we would and with Sea's help we managed to with Sea's help we managed to take this demon down first try yeah Crystal Sage I was pretty nervous about this given how he killed us more than any other boss so far in the Miracles run but this was weirdly a lot easier I think because of the speed of being able to throw Fireballs or using great combustion but I actually got through this second try poison Mist also helped to whittle down its health and our great combustion spam causes this boss to Sage quit I'll be pretty happy not to fight this boss again anytime soon after definitely not cheesing whatever the hell these things are I continue my mission which in this case is to Kill The Old Demon King as soon as possible which in turn means we got to kill the abyss Watchers fire orb does good damage but my play was a bit sloppy to be honest I ended up with no healing Esters left and The Watcher still had about a quarter of his health I didn't want to face the shame of not first trying them so I was Mega patient and waited for just the perfect moments to attack our first Lord of Cinder on this final run has fallen and we can proceed while dropping the bridge here I managed to help these skellies practice their bonei jumping and we forgot to give them ropes but I mean they're skeletons it's not like they can get more dead right before heading down to smoldering Lake though I actually went to take out wal near automata by asking him to be or not to be and in fact he chose not to be killing him was important because his soul can be traded for black serpent a dark damage dealing pyromancy before heading to The Old Demon King though there's actually a whole heap of stuff for pyromancies in someing Lake including the Old Witch's Ring to boost pyromancies some large tysonite shards to upgrade our pyrro flame to plus six the eolith pyromancy Tome the toxic Mist Pyro an and the quana pyromancy tone with this all in hand I attune poison Mist toxic Mist black Serpent and Boulder heave my strategy for the old dingling was a simple one first get him close and hit him with both poison and toxic Mist then create distance and blast him with black serpent over and over again the damage is pretty decent and he doesn't really have any ranged attacks which aren't easily avoided I used a bit of Boulder heave at the end just to really rock his world and now the fun can really Begin The Old Demon King soul can be traded in for chaos bed vestiges of pyromancy most prestigious I also purchased chaos storm and great chaos fire orb after handing in the eolith to corx a minimalist setup of toxic Mist chaos bed and Chaos storm should do us for now these enemies on the way to the deacons go even crazier than usual trying to get through my door eye frames this always cracks me up for some reason look at these guys as for the deacons themselves I used chaos storm a few times just for the visual of them getting bounc into the air but it just wasn't quite nailing the damage of chaos bed vestiges which just Ms them down and is so fast to throw the cost interruptions from them can still be annoying but in the end they just can't compete with this offensive power it's weird to be so positive about something dark souls related that involves the words bed and Chaos while we're here I go speak to Patches and buy SE Wood's armor saving him from his fate in that hole in the ground well well well now because there's absolutely no reason not to why don't we do Daner early yet again done surprisingly the damage is wild and this boss here actually falls in less than 60 seconds hey Tiny Dancer hold this closer then it's just a quick matter of grabbing some chunks and with a slab acquired earlier we can now max out our pyro glove there's actually also a ring I'd forgotten about the fire clutch ring which gives us an even higher boost to our fire damage now we're pretty much at max power so the rest of the game's enemies are likely Running Scared to give you an idea watch how this encounter with the Epic Doge goes I met up again with our boy seid this time just for a quick toast and then I decided to burn these dogs alive because I absolutely despise them I unlocked the shortcut but I'm actually going to head down to iril dungeon first after finding out that prison Ratatouille is actually disgusting I free Cara who is the other NPC we can give TOS to we can buy Blackfire orb as well as a few others from her but that's the most notable now here I was really debating what to do first and just because I want to diversify my routing I decided to go to Arch Dragon Peak I was pretty sick of these snake guys given my history with them so decided to give them a solid murdering ancient wyver was pretty easy maybe less so than the Miracles run just because of the shorter range of black fire orb but toxic helped out and shortly after this wyvern is ancient history so there's not really any point messing around want to see nameless King get absolutely crushed here enjoy [Music] [Applause] [Music] a 2 minutes done and dusted both phases gwinner gwinner flying turkey dinner now returning to the profane capital I grabbed the old cell key and also bought Lloyd's Shield ring but as I am sometimes prone to do I made a last second change I'd fully planned to use seagood to best y but I decided give him my error regarding this fight in the miracle cycle that it might be good to change up the YULA so I decided I would beat yor here on new game Plus+ just using pyromancy I mean it's not like yor has that much more Health than normal new game right wait what actually my first attempt proved that this was mostly possible with just black fire orb actually only died here because I ran out of FP near the end but that was something I could rectify I mean the other issue was that in Phase 2 he can also on-shot me even with Lloyd's Shield ring so I guess I just need to do some of that getting good stuff the best strategy was to lock onto and aim for the head after after enough hits it staggers Y and hits to his head during this stagger do a lot of damage I'm talking 3,000 plus the difficulty is that he moves his head around quite a bit and it's easy to either not get the fireball high enough to hit the head or have it sail past entirely if it hits the arms it also does decent damage and helps contribute to the Stagger so that's something it was a long fight still but I managed to get enough staggers for the damage to add up and this giant Falls in probably the toughest fight of the pyromancy run so now for the part where I quickly LT some bosses I killed with some bad jokes thrown in first I sullied pontiff's good name Aldrich devoured several vestiges in Rapid succession I introduced the dragon slayer to some Armageddon Osiris consumed until he was doomed I shot Fireballs at the side of the Champion's head until he had Gunder ache I turned the crystal Sage into the fire sage and I turned this Prince into fried Loth ricken and said this is the way to the Mando laan before hitting him with my death star with the Cinders of the Lord ALS so nicely offered I moved on to Soul of Cinder for the final time annoyingly I would have done this first try but I was a little too close to him in the gwin phase when he started his combo and he gwish me off quite quickly he resists fire so our chaos bed doesn't do as much damage as the other bosses but it didn't matter too much he can't do much against the range and speed of our casting so with a little patience the sole boss remaining in the base game is defeated there's probably just two bosses of the remaining six that I think will prove difficult so let's see how we get on with DLC number one one if you can wrap your minds around this I somehow again made it to the bottom of the branch drops on the first try the grav tender fight I decided to toxic him because he deserves it and he actually died off scream which I was pretty happy about and then five or six chaos bed vestiges bring down the grave wolf great tender on the way to Sister Freda this crine guy decided to be an absolute tosser so I took him out this guy took almost as many attacks as some of the bosses in the game and proved to be way more annoying as well I hear he delivered his presence to the creatures of this land as well sometimes that's why he's Santa Claus with sister Freda it's pretty obvious that fire will do well against her and by this point I knew the windows to attack during phase one father arendel is Mega weak to toxic in Phase 2 so that helped to chip down the HP there maybe she should have thought about unstrapping him from the chair if the plan was for him to help with the fight as for black flame mode these recent runs have really helped me to learn this fight a lot and where before I used to find this pretty intimidating I now know where the Windows to attack our and of course our high damage helped to Freda the sister from this Mortal coil completing the first DLC and allowing us to enter the H stretch of this Marathon run so onto the oh what you want some die die die okay that's that's out of my system I promise I thought it was appropriate to kill pyromancer Zoe here even though I don't think I'll have any use for the flame fan pyromancy at this stage especially up against this next boss after barely making it to the bonfire I had to decide how to handle the twin demons they were immune to toxic and strongly resistant to fire so Blackfire orb or Boulder heave were really the only options I figured Blackfire orb was the best option due to its range and I also went and grabbed the dark clutch ring to increase our damage if you're wondering why I didn't get this for y it's because I felt like I wanted to have some survivability there and definitely not because I completely forgot it existed this was pretty challenging actually their attacks do a lot of damage and Blackfire orb doesn't do that much actually especially in the demon Prince phase actually got him one hit away from death and tried to go him for the kill when I should have dodged I paid for it should have stuck to my principle of caution I think this was the longest fight of any across this whole run clocking in in about 10 minutes these bosses get a much bigger boost in health from New Game Plus to new game plus plus compared to just new game to New Game Plus God that's a confusing sounding sentence okay looking at it it might not seem like a huge increase but you got to remember demon Prince's monster damage resistances luckily with enough hits I can stagger him which gives me an opening for a few free shots providing I have the FP at the time to take advantage I was a little worried I might run out of FP but luckily I got the Stagger right at the end and nailed demon prince in the face to bring this tough boss down okay you know what I'm sick of this guy's attitude as it's the final time let's teach him a lesson once them for all yeah eat fire you oh God why why why it's fine I'll edit that out post sure no one will notice Half Light was still a projectile dodging little toss bag but the speed and size of chaos bed did make this a bit easier than before I pretty much just kept spamming it at the end and thankfully he didn't dodge very much I'm honestly glad I didn't have to come back and fight this guy again I've really come to think he's the worst boss in this game seems like a precursor to those annoying projectile dodging NPCs from Elden ring I'm sure glad I won't be doing a run where I have to fight the NPC bosses in that game with projectiles now now what about doy to midair neither fire nor dark will do well here but thankfully we do have one pyromancy that does physical damage Boulder heave this is its time to shine things were a bit Rocky at points but the damage was meteor than you might expect I use my usual strategy of aiming for the head border heave doesn't have great range so I do need to be pretty close to land it madir has several attacks where it's pretty easy to roll at the right time and get yourself in just the perfect position while he recovers from the attack later in the fight madir ties himself out with the super laser and also gets staggered after enough head shots both allowing us to land several free Boulder heaves and finally about 8 and 1 half minutes later midair gets booped on the nose and dark eater becomes dirt eater for what will probably be the final upgrade of the run I push in a couple more points of endurance and prepare for the final battle Gail has a lot of HP here and Chaos bed doesn't do as much damage as I'd like thankfully a bit of toxic helps to bring that HP down and well here just watch [Music] this [Music] and that's it the run is over do you know what I actually think this was easier than the Dark Souls 1 variant yeah sure the miracle run was pretty bad during the first half and those fire resistant bosses in this part were pretty solid but there also wasn't anything that felt as BS or RNG dependent as the Four Kings in those later Cycles Plus being able to actually restore spellcast allowed a lot more flexibility in any case I don't really agree with the sentiment that magic isn't good in this game I think this showed that any of the schools of magic can be good it's just some take a little while to get the most powerful offensive options but in any case if you enjoyed the video how about leaving a comment below telling me that my rooting was terrible and there were loads of things I did wrong you can also hit the Subscribe button to be notified of new content next up is Elden ring throwing knives only which features one of the toughest boss fights from any challenge run I've ever done until next time thank you for watching and also for just being a great audience I've been JK Leeds have a good one and see [Music] you [Music]
Channel: JK Leeds
Views: 517,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dark Souls 3, Soulsborne, Elden Ring, Challenge Run, Fromsoft, Sorcery, Pyromancy, Miracles, Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2, DS3 Magic Build, Pestilent Mist, Chaos Bed Vestiges, Lightning Spear, Bloodborne
Id: 2oSi-IRKvK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 0sec (3300 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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