Can You Beat Act 1 As A LONEWOLF Bard On TACTICIAN? - Baldur's Gate 3

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can Al Lone Wolf Bard rock and roll their way through act one of balers Gate 3 on the hardest difficulty well it won't be easy he'll meet groupies and haters alike but it certainly will be interesting before we get into all that though first the rules rule number one no other party members that have their own detached portrait summons and temporary companions such as Sovereign glut are a okay number two no multiclassing we're barred and nothing but barred baby number three no using ilid powers whatsoever since I want to show off just how Wild we can get with our own power number four no respecing we got to plan out our build well and any mistakes in that process we're going to stick with number five no Barrel mancy that includes chest mancy as well to block doorways and other such nonsense number six no saving in the middle of combat we're going to put ourselves to work for our victories number seven no karmic dice this is to make the combat more of an authentic DND experience and get true r G and finally number eight no changing the difficulty at any point this is a tactician run after all without out of the way on to character creation we start off by choosing half orc for our race since they make the best rock stars and the extra melee crits and survivability certainly doesn't hurt either since a little further down the line we'll end up as a college of Swords barred next up is the class I let you all vote on which class you wanted to see for this video and as the title of the video suggests we ended up with Bard for our starting cantra we go the vicious mockery and friends cuz you know B and for our starting spells we end up with Thunder Wave long Strider sleep and Tasha's hideous laughter for a nice mix of damage utility and crowd control and of course our most important choice is our instrument and we choose the core of any medieval band the hand drum our background of choice is charlatan since the proficiencies it gives are just too good to pass up and every musician has a Sinister side as you know since we're planning on being more at the Forefront of the fight we pump up decks and our ability scores end up looking like this our Bard also gets Proficiency in slight of hand perception deception intimidation performance and persuasion screw Jack ofal trades we're master of all we make our character look beautiful with some flowing locks an immaculately sculpted beard and some gloomy eyeshadow to match his gorgeous face then we give our magnificent musician a name fitting his status and send Bartholomew on his way our misplaced Minstrel awakens on the nautiloid after a wild night out with one goal in mind to get rid of the tadpole implanted in his head because unbeknownst to his adoring fans Bartholomew can't actually practice at all if someone else is listening we start by trying to get off the nautiloid and along the way we meet our first groupy Lazelle who is so overwhelmed by our stardom that she jumps off the nearest cliff leaving us to clean up the remaining fight which goes by easily enough deeper in the nautiloid we find behind the helm where we can use the controls to escape unfortunately there's some fighting already going on so we do our best to pick off the baddies for a bit of experience as we run along to the controls once done we activate the uh tentacles causing the ship to teleport and land softly and gently on a beach and with that our new tour of the sword Coast begins shortly after landing on the beach we find some intellect of hours hanging out in the crash site we get the jump on them and manage to take out one of them right away and the other one Falls just moment later continuing our search to find anything worth finding we do stumble upon a free pile of XP in the form of a lone mine flare just waiting to be stabbed and a little down the bend we find another adoring fan who really wants a high five from his favorite drummer though he gets a little clingy afterwards so we just leave him to his swirling abyss and go on our merry way as we look for a safe place to hunker down we find some wannabe tomb Raiders hanging out discussing the differences in their height we're kind enough to let them know that there's some bad Juju coming out from the nautiloid and they should really get going and in so doing we get a natat 20 on our very first roll they get spooked and bounc leaving behind enough experience to hit level two level two grants us song of rest which is essentially an extra short rest each long rest Jack of old trades which adds half our proficiency bonus rounded down to every ability check we're not already proficient with and we get another spell learned in the form of featherfall for a bit more utility along with another first level spell slot to go with it now that we're more powerful than ever we get ready to uh trip and fall into a pit whereupon we get discovered by the rest of the Tomb Raiders who are very ready to murder us and do so in a matter of moments giving us our first death in this series but it was really super close I swear so we went back and tried again and fine okay maybe it wasn't that close moving on we continue looking elsewhere in the forest and stumble upon a group of goblins attacking a druid Grove and naturally mainly cuz we were in the near vicinity and already spotted by the goblins we decide to join the fight as the fight breaks out it's chaos on both sides but zor breaks out his own musical instrument and makes this fight a breeze Bartholomew does his own bit of heroics here and there but for the most part the baddies are cleaned up by the NPCs and we are welcomed into the Druid Grove with open arms as the rock star we are there's lots of talking to be done here in the Grove and tensions are high between the teelings and Druids but we meet a fellow Bard in the form of Volo save a child from the worst character and most importantly meet everyone's favorite blacksmith Damon Damon always drives a hard bargain but for now he sells us the first long-term staple of our build the hunting short bow this plus one short bow grants us advantage on all monstrosity enemies as well as lets us cast Hunters Mark once per long rest for a bit of extra damage on every attack which will be very good for us as we'll be attacking a ton once everything is all wrapped up in the Druid Grove we go back to the tomb but make sure to use a different entrance not cuz I'm scared or anything it's just closer a on entering we flip on turnbas mode and loot the sarcophagus for the key to let us deeper in and as we get running from the traps we slip yet again thankfully this time we can just walk it off before we wake up Withers and his skeletons we loot this dude's sword so he'll be stuck throwing rocks in combat as the fight starts we go first and run inside withers's little hide away for a safe spot to cast protection from evil and good since I forgot to beforehand what should be a pretty easy fight goes south pretty fast when our concentration gets broken and we get pelted down by attacks one after another resulting in another death for round two we make sure to cast protection from evil and good beforehand and we stealth to start the fight with a surprise round as well we start poking them down as they all Dash to get line of sight on us and once it rolls back to our turn again we take another pot shot and start to move into withers's crib Unfortunately they go all VAP n fog clouding us on their turn and break our concentration immediately after little do they know that this fog cloud is our new best friend we run inside the room heal up cast protection from EVN good and then just kind of chill because they refuse to move into their own fog Cloud they get whittel down bit by bit as we shoot them from our safety bubble but eventually the cloud does just naturally wear out though by this point we're in a much better spot then the enemies old Dash inside in a nice big Clump so we blow them up with a Thunder Wave to weaken them followed by a potion of speed and another Thunder Wave to return most of them to their Eternal Slumber and last one goes down just a second later we then meet Withers our number one Stan who follows us around and stares at us while we sleep as we're gallivanting through the grassy greens we meet the literal devil Raphael who offers to make a deal with us which is how you know we've really made it as a rock star unfortunately when we accept the deal he just acts like a bad date and tells us we're not desperate enough then we at last make our way to the blighted Village which is overrun by goblins who evidently aren't acquainted with our music as they threaten to murk us but we throw our weight around and they leave us alone afterwards this little conversation bumps us up to level three and with it we get our subass the College of Swords this subclass grants us the ability to finally use our Bic inspiration dice in the form of flourishes which gives our attacks a variety of effects from boosting our AC attacking multiple times with one action and even shoving enemies we also gain proficiency with scimitars and medium armor expertise with deception and persuasion a new fighting style for which we choose two weapon fighting and a new spell learned cloud of daggers which is such a good spell alongside two level two spell slots once we're inside the Village proper we meet some more goblins but this time they're torturing a possible mixtape recipient so we get heated and tell them to clear off before rescuing our newest fan nothing like the power of music to bring a community together we continue on to the goblin Camp after but man I could swear we're forgetting something oh well along the way we come across these bozos who be convinced that their leader summoned us and their response is to make us cover our faces with a war dung which is C certainly an approach to welcoming your boss's guest naturally there's only one appropriate Way Forward for Bartholomew with the fight breaking out on our first turn we shoot their Ward drum with a defensive flourish to boost our AC and prevent reinforcements before Hunters marking one of their Wars and running for cover most of the enemies waste their turns dashing to get us except this guy who summons yet another War so he's got to go first before we can get him he runs up to high ground and lands a brutal shot breaking our concentration before he gets got for good on our turn a couple enemies follow us up onto the high ground and start swinging away on us while most of the others just stand about unable to reach us even with ranged attacks thankfully a group of enemies on High Ground means Prime Thunder waving material and one of them gets sent flying to their Doom while we sprinkle in the odd healing pot to stay in tiptop shape it's not much later that the other one falls to the old one two and the rest of the fight goes easy enough I mean what's the worst that can happen right oh okay thank God we're a half workk and a half workk that's a wizard with a bow at that we take out both with one shot thanks to slashing flourish letting us Target Two enemies and the wars just growl at us as they get pelted with arrows till the fight is over all in a day's work unfortunately before we can make it into the camp we're beset upon by yet another star struck groupy who says something about our life being in danger unless we take her with us I don't know man she's a little clingy so we tell her to bug her off once that's out of the way we finally arrive at the goblin camp and there's a party going on but before we can get to partying we talk to Priestess gut who goes to her room since she wants to talk to us in private about mayhaps getting rid of our unwanted mental Voyer with her out of the way it's time to get wild we get a little tipsy fre your pal Volo who's found himself imprisoned here and he very ominously says he can't wait to pick our brain then we find out Bartholomew is secretly hot and join a weird masochism cult which grants us levar's love as a permanent Boon normally this lasts until we die but if we die we have to reload anyways so this is extra permanent for us and it wouldn't be a Rockstar's night out if we didn't didn't also get an ill-advised tattoo the partying jogs our memory and we head back to the Village to go recruit some ogres into fighting for us in the future thankfully they're super into our new tat which makes not being eaten easier and we're able to convince them to join us in the future when we uh blow their bone horn before we can get around to destroying the establishment of the cult we want to make a quick pit stop down to the underdark and to do that we've got to make our way past some creepy crawlies we deal with the first group easily enough but Mama spider and her children are a different story even though we take care of the queen with a well-placed void bulb the little fellas make short work of us round two goes much worse because we don't make short work of Mama this time and she pulls the old Uno reverse on us third time is the charm as they say another successful void bulb knocks the Spider Queen into the pit for an insta kill and even though things get a bit touch and go we get a well-placed thunder wave to finish off the two little ones as we settle down for the evening Volo meets us at our camp and lets us know he can probably just stab the mind FL parasite out of our skull we think that sounds pretty metal so we give it a go unfortunately we do end up losing just a bit of our eyeballs but we end up with a cool replacement one that gives us the ability to see invisible things and Volo takes a bow and heads off to act three feeling nice and rest as we Plunge Into the Depths of the underd dark and make our way to the mikid Colony where we meet everyone's favorite ring selling shopkeep Darth who sells us the costic band another long-term stable of our build that grants us a nice plus two acid damage on every attack simple but who could ask for more with a power up in hand we go back to the party at the goblin camp and meet up with gut who offers us a drink and I mean how can we refuse it's a party unfortunately our tolerance ain't what it used to be and Bartholomew goes down for the count as it turns out gut is a huge fan and tries to keep us captive we do our best to break out but it just doesn't work out thankfully an even crazier groupy of ours shows up just in the nick of time to deal with her and set us free and just as Bartholomew planned no less that's leader number one down our next victim of choice is Menara we try the old luring her to a ledge and Blasting her off with thunderwave trick which she really doesn't like so we just go with plan B property damage we wait for her to walk over to this shabby bridge and shoot it out from under her causing her to do a goofy little Scooby-Doo fall to her death and that's leader number two dealt with but we had an eyewitness right here and we brace ourselves for a fight as they call us out on breaking the bridge seriously you care more about the bridge good Lord this is Amazon levels of not caring about your workers well moving on last but not least is the world's worst spellcaster draw Raglin we try the Thunder Wave trick on him too but he just really isn't impressed and is quite vocal about his distaste this fight is a tricky one for sure but like all problems it can be solved with a song we play a little jig to lure every everyone in the room over to this pit blow up another Bridge which really pisses everyone off down an elixir of bloodlust and get the Thunder Wave of a life time taking out Mr Raglin and most of his goons in one F swoop the fight as you can imagine ends mere moments later with the goblin Camp all cleared out we go back to the underd dark to track down the adamantine Forge which unfortunately requires taking a boat that's heavily guarded by some dwar we convinced them we mean no harm before just walking down to their boat and setting sail the Grim Forge right under their noses and this place is so pumped to see us touring here that it gives us enough experience to reach level four just for showing up with this level up we get light as another can trip to help prepare us for the next ACT where it will be very handy another spell in the form of hold person to help us with some single Target situations down the line alongside another second level spell slot we also get our first feet and decide to roll with a plus two to our decks from an ability score Improvement putting it up to 19 boosting our ability to deal damage as well as avoid damage Bartholomew isn't quite ready to face everything going on here just yet so we head back to the surface to get some power boosts our first boost comes in the form of the best boy scratch a huge morale boost and an absolute necessity for this build we can't get through the game without him for our next major power up we have to head deep inside the monastery past the Risen Road and into the ganki crash naturally we take the scenic route to get there once we arrive at the monastery proper to get inside we have to fight our way through a veritable mosh pit of drunk Cobalts we do get the surprise round on them which gives us time to prep a cloud of daggers right in the doorway and they just shred themselves running through it this fight doesn't press us too much and before you know it it's just Bartholomew and a pile of corpses as any good Mosh Pit ends after that it's just a matter of walking down some stairs and we get greeted by some gith once inside who after a bit of persuasion let us meander about freely which means we got to talk to the true gith waifu AAC Nira she sells us our next power up the knife of the undermountain king this plus two short sword reduces our crit threshold by one and when we roll two damage or less on any damage die we get to roll the die and take the higher result it also gives us advantage on attacks against obscure targets but this is currently bugged and it isn't working properly either way an insanely good item and I can't believe you can just buy it for cheap now that we're better equipped we go back to Grim Forge to deal with the absolute cultists and their dwar workers our first attempt goes south pretty quickly but Bartholomew always got a backup plan this time the backup plan is to encourage the working class to rise up against the authoritarian regime that keeps the common dwar guard down in the mud and all it takes is blowing up one scrying eye once done we free the leader of the cultist who's been trapped behind some Boulders and then the fight breaks out and all our groupies rally to our side it's a pretty chaotic fight as allies go down left and right but so too do the enemies with this many allies on our side though this fight is mostly just about keeping ourselves alive which only gets scary when we get disarmed dropping both of our melee weapons on the ground thankfully we can deal with this lone wear bothering us quickly with our bow after a few very long rounds of combat The Last Enemy goon Falls and it's just near the leader left but with this many groupies on our side can't put up much of a fight before he too gets dealt with but we learn the hard way that the regime never changes no matter who's in charge and right after the fight we get accused of stealing our own Scimitar that we picked up off the ground we try and bribe the guard accusing us but they would rather have our blood than our gold so we show them what for since no one else is watching when all is set and done we end up with enough experience to hit level five granting a nice power Spike by increasing our proficiency bonus to plus three bumping our inspiration dice up to d8s instead of d6s and letting us recover them on long or short rests and we get a new spell plant growth for even more AOE crowd control and we swap out sleep for stinking Cloud to double up on that we also get two level three spell slots to go alongside our brand new spells we said about grabbing the materials needed to make our adaman gear in the Forge and our first mold needed the scale male mold is being guarded by a few sets of animated armor who pick a fight with us when we approach these guys are tough cookies but they only have a plus one to their con saves so on our first turn we go in for a Thunder Wave to try and knock two of them into the lava below Unfortunately they both make the save so we settle for a quick bonus action flourish most of them Miss on their turns but one of them gets a brutal crit taking us down to half HP we're determined to make Thunder Wave work though and with a well- angled position we managed to knock one of them into the lava below and we down a health pot to almost full heal right after the antagonistic armors spend their turns missing us and when it comes back to us we manage to Thunder Wave two more onto the low ground which doesn't kill them but it makes the rest of the fight way easier especially once we give the remaining friend the old rasle dazzle with a mobile flourish off the cliff after that it's just a matter of picking the remaining two off one by one we make sure to grab the mythal or they were guarding just behind them as well since we'll be needing that in just a bit unfortunately it's time for the hardest fight in the entirety of Act One the magma meth fight since we know what's common we do our best to plop down a cloud of daggers though I misremember where they spawn and none of them jump into it not that it really matters since our concentration gets broken by an instant heat metal which also causes us to drop both of our swords after surviving the atrocious surprise round we go for a big old Thunder Wave which somehow results in a net positive of magma meths in this fight cuz this fight was designed despite me we do our best to run away but it doesn't really matter since they can fly and catch up to us regardless on our turn we go for another Thunder Wave which almost kills poor Bartholomew as the methods blow up on him so we try and Misty step to safety Unfortunately they get us good with a heat metal for some fun unavoidable damage to kill us attempt two starts off with a similar lack of care from the methods as this time they disregard our stinking cloud and instantly break our concentration likewise it ends with another extra hot heat metal just for us before round three we juice up with an elixir of blood lust to tilt the action economy a bit bit more in our favor and we plant a cloud of daggers where we know at least one of them spawns but when the fight starts our concentration gets broken once again on the first possible hit of the surprise round they land a bunch of blows and take us decently low but when it gets back to us we get a killer Thunder Wave followed up by another Banger thankfully the other methods that spawn halfway into the fight have to wait around before they can get a turn and we're able to take out two more with a slashing flourish and on our next turn we're able to finish off the final two with yet another range slashing flourish God that felt good I know I do a good job at repressing it but if you believe it I do not like these methods we grab our mythal ore as a reward and move on though we decide to go beat up an old lady before taking out Grim as a break from this lava fil hellscape to prepare ourselves we use a spell scroll found earlier to summon this little fella who goes by the name shovel shovel is our new number one groupy and has the pretty cool ability to turn invisible so he's going to be following us around for a little bit then we continue down the road where we you find the old lady in question being berated by two young men you may ask yourselves what this poor old woman did to deserve such treatment but I'm sure it becomes clear when I tell you that she is a Bartholomew hater she actively Burns our albums when she comes across them anyone so malignant has got to go we travel to her little tea house in the swamp and find that she has tricked the younger sister of those young men into also being a Bartholomew hater to break her out of the spell we tell her the truth that Ethel killed her brothers in response Ethel drops her disguise of the surrounding area and herself turning the swamp into a uh swamp but evil and also summons a few red caps to come beat us up which they do quite handedly next time goes a lot better though cuz only two decide to show up for the fight at the beginning eventually the other two do show up but they're so far away that by the time they get here we've already managed to pick off the first two the other two that show up are Mages and they get a scary Hold person off on us which is normally quite deadly when you've just got one character but shovel is here to save the day taking out one of them and the other one goes down just a second later we go into Ethel's basement to track her down and along the way beat up the Mindless drones who desperately try and resist the enforced barthol mu hate and now that we're down at the bottom where Marina is being imprisoned we down an invisibility pot pull the switch to free her and thanks to volo's eye spot the invisible ethyl we start off the fight with a ranged flourish double shot right into her and then proceed to get hit by every single Ray of sickness and instantly die before we get a turn so it might be good to go in a bit more prepared we cast protection from evil and good to give her disadvantage on her attacks against us down an elixir of poison resistance so that if she does hit she does half damage and to top it off we also coat our bow and drw poison to knock her unconscious if she fails a save round two kicks off with a huge crit with our slashing flourish and even though Ethel looks like she's ready to throw hands she is in fact secretly sleeping so we get another colossal hit off on her before she summons all her clones bones due to our earlier prep work we're able to survive the onslaught of attacks and with one more attack we knock her below 30 HP and even though she's asleep she wakes up just to surrender she offers to give us a plus one to any ability score of our choice if we let her keep Marina but we tell her all of our fans are ready to attack her unless she gives us both and she believes us I mean who wouldn't and for our bonus we take the plus1 to dexterity to go up to a 20 total and a plus five modifier capping us out already at level five with all that done we're feeling ready to take on Grim we head back to the forge pop in the mold and the ore pull the lever to lower the platform and spin the lava valve and who should come popping out but the big man himself the head hono of the Grim Forge it's boss fight time Bartholomew and shovel versus grim and this is a doozy of a fight Grim is immune to most types of damage unless he gets super heated in the magma at which point the big Val has got vulnerability to bludgeoning so we start off by moving the invisible shovel next to the Hammer lever so he's at the ready then we with a potion of Glorious vating that we took earlier hop over to lure the construct to the center it works all according to plan and we get a colossal hit off on Grim by slamming the hammer for 156 points of damage which attracts the attention of magma meths we blow lumps bone horn to even out the tides with our own groupies and get to making some evasive maneuvers while we wait for Grim to get superheated again the ogres get to work dealing absolutely zero damage to Grim while cooking themselves alive which is always fun though lump does take out one method a few turns later and Grim shows another magma meth what four and things are looking pretty good unfortunately Grim isn't falling for our tricks and refuses to walk under the hammer again but does start chipping away at us with this huge AOE stomp eventually we get another hit off with the hammer for another huge bit of damage but it all goes to heck when he lands a Wombo Combo that kills both shovel and lump and triggers our half or feature we do our best to lure the boss back to the center but we get got with another stomp to finish attempt one a attempt to unfortunately goes much the same way but you know what they say third time is the okay it's going to be like that huh round four kicks off and we do the old jump into the center to lure Grim over trick before shovel pulls the lever to give the construct a rough wake up call as the big guys riding on the floor we blow lumps bone horn yet again to add some more distractions to the fight since we're very scared of this boss and they uh certainly keep him occupied but it's not really helping our game plan since he just wanders off like really wanders off where is he going well that felt a little pointless but there goes all the ogres now that they're all dealt with grim finally makes his way back to the center of the arena and we're able to get another Hammer fall off which conjures up the magma method straight from the pits of hell so we down and elixir blood lust to take them out without losing our flow too much back on our turn we used two slashing flourishes to take out all but one of the magma methods Grim takes this personally and beats the ever loving life out of us putting us into quite the pickle since now now we need to deal with the meit otherwise we will guaranteed die to the heat metal and we also need to heal up to survive Grim's Stomp and preferably also lure Grim to the center of the Arena it's a lot to do but we start by Thunder waving the magma method and prey it gets knocked away so it corpse exploding doesn't kill us then we Missy step to The Far Side of the Arena using near boots followed by throwing a potion of healing at our feet to top us up it all works out perfectly when Grim stops right on the center of the hammer and we get a long range shot on the lever and we finally finish off the fight unfortunately shovel did not survive the fight RP shovel our rewards for this fight are the adamantine scale male and adaman simitar both of which will be replaced pretty quickly in act two but for now the scale male is 16 AC medium armor that caps our deck's bonus at plus three reduces all damage we take by one gives us disadvantage on stealth crit immunity and when we get hit by a melee attack our attacker gets sent Reeling for two turns which reduces their chance to hit us and for all intents and purposes the simitar is just a plus one simitar for our uses at least since we're all kitted up we've got one last thing left to do in act one time to take out the leader of the gith in the monastery we head back to the crash and negotiate passage to where the Inquisitor and his cronies are hanging out and it's here we meet vth the ultra hater a false god who demands worship from everyone she asks us to go into the artifact and kill our Dream visitor but I mean who could hurt such a pretty face so instead as we leave the artifact a fight breaks out and this is an insanely difficult one we've got five highly mobile GI that can all Jump Around The Arena like crazy their leader can use his mind steel link ability to reduce RAC and grant us vulnerability to psychic damage which is extra bad since all the others deal bonus psychic on every attack not to mention the two mesque ones that deal boat loads of psychic damage out the wazu and to top it off the marshals can use a reaction to reduce the damage of any physical attack we land all in all a real nightmare and even though we were able to bring them down to just two enemies left pretty often we still died over and over until eventually I decided to stop bashing poor Bartholomew's head against the wall and come up with a new plan we know our hero is already a master of so many different things but what if he were to become a Pokemon Master as well we catch wind that someone is transporting a master ball through the Risen road so we make a quick pit stop and sneak past all the chaos going on around it to yoink that bad boy before going into The Inquisitor fight we juice up by dipping our weapons in Poison we've also got our blood lust Elixir still going from the Grim fight and a permanent bless coming from somewhere honestly ly I have no clue and for certainty sake we use a scroll of blur on ourselves to give enemies disadvantage on attacks the fight starts and we use a range slashing flourish to almost kill one of the Mages before Downing a speed pot to do another slashing flourish finishing them off and injuring another which grants us yet another action for a third flourish to finish off the other one one of them lands a good couple pot shots on us which breaks our concentration and when it gets back to us we heal up before running away and using our last bartic inspiration to finish off the guy that broke our concentration with two enemies left we use another action to throw our Pokeball and summon a spectator right in their midst since we've got our boy pulling aggro we're able to cast cloud of daggers to deal some AOE and the fight kind of splits from here with one enemy going after us and The Inquisitor going after The Spectator as it turns out though our Pokémon is quite the H homey and when it sees us in danger finishes off the opponent we were fighting leaving just The Inquisitor left we do our best to land pot shots but it's kind of just a waste of time I honestly probably should have just been spamming clouded daggers The Inquisitor takes out the spectator soon after and now it's just up and him left and we are feeling the pressure it gets very close when he brings us down to 1 HP but we use a cloud of daggers to bring him nice and low and at the start of his turn it shreds him to dust oh we not even close baby now that this place is all clear we finally get our reward the strange conduit ring this little fella is one of my favorite rings in general granting us an extra 1 D4 psychic damage on weapon attacks so long as we're concentrating on a spell and ideally we'll always be concentrating on a spell well worth the suffering if you ask me and just like that act one is dealt with Bartholomew's next stop in his tour of the sword Coast is the shadow cursed land so we head off to Grim Forge and leave to exit act one there thank you all for watching here's some cool little stats for those who are interested I recorded this live on this YouTube channel so if you want to check out the vods feel free and if you want to see future runs make sure to subscribe I can't thank you all enough for the amazing support on the first series and I hope you like this one just as much and a very special thank you to our Storyteller tier members here on YouTube who helped the story be told so thank you chess and I hope you all have a good rest of your day
Channel: TheTruant
Views: 137,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldur's gate 3, bg3, DnD, Dungeons and Dragons, Dungeons, and, Dragons, Lonewolf, Solo, Tactician, Hardest difficulty, fighter, eldritch knight, throwing, throwing weapon, larian, larian studios, twitch, youtube, live, hardest, difficulty, act 2, act, act 3, bard, swords, college, can you beat, beating, winning, destroying
Id: i52WYgqQrNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 37sec (1837 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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