You hopefully didn't play Baldur's Gate 3 this way

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this video contains spoilers for act one and act two of Boulders Gate 3 just a heads up this video will make much more sense if you watch my previous video first if you missed part one the Link's in the description once the Goblins had left and the party was over Twilight eclipse had time to think very deeply about what he had done Pros he had a dog cons he was in a cult he'd been ordered to go to the shadowlands and he was almost completely alone the first thing he needed to do was to rebuild his adventuring party Twilight eclipse's pet called fors told him that he could hire people who had died and force them into loyal servitude for an indeterminate period of time the price for this deal was 100 gold which is how much a magnifying glass costs or four books Twilight eclipse reluctantly agreed to this extortionate price and summoned two new loyal sort of Undead helpers sinth was a githyanki monk who had mastered the four elements air water fire and TBC sir fuzel lump was a rockn wizard who insisted on only learning conjuration spells and also Mage Armor because he's not an idiot he also had a cat called Fine familiar Twilight eclipse had a new team with a new catchphrase this vessel is at thy disposal do what thou wi once he' popped a fresh parasite into his brain Twilight eclipse announced a few new rules rule one my last party was frequently waylay by pointless ethical debate rule two to avoid this we're going to be heroes henceforth and rescue damsels in distress and so on as luck would have it a gentle old lady was being harassed just outside their Camp Bingo said Twilight Eclipse which out of context was a strange thing to say the band of Heroes slaughtered the bandits and rescued the old woman such heroic Deeds deserve proper thanks she invited them to come and visit and Twilight eclipse's heart soared at the prospect of being added to her will you feel like you're being watched Twilight eclipse did his best to ignore the feeling that thousands of strangers would judging his every move and continued on his way the Sheep's voice wobbles you realize it's trying to say bar the Sheep stares at you with unsettling malice Twilight eclipse had never met a sheep before so he interpreted this Behavior as normal which it is near Ethel's Cottage Twilight eclipse found a man with impeccable facial hair and less than impeccable opinions about the elderly her kind of hidden among us since the first darkness and their knowledge is matched only by their spite Twilight eclipse intimidated the man demanding to know why he was really there I hunt a vampire spawn called aarian I'm bound to bring him back to Boulder's Gate alive Twilight eclipse had no idea what this man was talking about he was very impressed by his Immaculate facial hair though what a coincidence he thought this man's handsome visit reminds me of today's sponsor this video is sponsored by manscaped manscaped is trusted by over 9 million men worldwide and they're back at it again with the brand new handy man this face shaver is so compact you can take it anywhere you can take your handyman to the beach on a long haul flight or on a day trip to woking the possibilities are almost endless manscaped sent me a handyman to try out and now that I've used it my old shaver is dead to me look at this compact design it allows for precise control and maneuverability say goodbye to Patchy beards and hello to looking like you've got your life together the handyman's skin safe technology is designed to help reduce Nicks and cuts also it's waterproof which makes clean up quick and easy I know what you're thinking what if I like to wander off into the woods for days at a time don't even worry about it the handyman boasts up to 60 Minutes of runtime on a single charge it also features a battery level indicator that blinks when it's running low so you'll know when it's time to come back to society if you want to level up your grooming game the handyman is a must have in Your Arsenal the handyman's Precision power and performance will help you always look your best wait I'm not finished I've partnered with man scaped to offer you an exclusive discount visit and use discount code hard mode2 to get 20% off your purchase of the handyman alternatively you can scan this QR code or follow the link in the comments thank you manscaped for sponsoring this video Once Twilight eclips had finished his pitch he'd spent a moment admiring Ethel's Cottage before popping in for the latest gossip it looked like Ethel's granddaughter was visiting which made Twilight eclipse's inclusion in the will all the less likely a it isn't my hero you're talking gages come in come in eat up Marina I won't say it again The Vibes were Immaculate she was like the grandmother he'd never had right down to the thinly veiled threats keep your own little nose in your own little dish Peter when Ethel offered to remove his brain worms Twilight eclipse said he needed to go and lay an egg or something and ran off nice as Ethel was he wasn't going to let her anywhere near his head and the natural blonde roots that presumably sprouted from his scalp on the road the party were approached by a very smug caricature of a British man that was difficult to not take personally ah it looks like a gith Yan but it speaks like a beast the sneering gentleman teleported the party to a utopian vision of a National Trust site where there are no red ropes and you can sit on all the chairs there Twilight eclipse pocketed a roast potato while Raphael revealed his true form how dear is one Soul really Twilight eclipse had never heard a rhetorical question before so this entire exchange was baffling to him Raphael offered to help with the brainworm situation and again Twilight eclipse had to politely refuse in a buried chest nearby the party found a Dy that claimed to be the Hue of Heroes sadly there were only three bottles so the new color scheme was given to Twilight eclipse for being the leader LEL for being tough and Sir fuzzer lump because he looked sick in pink the party looked heroic and United except for cith who looked terrible up the road a cackle of nulls were gathering outside of a cave and the party moved in to wipe them out sir fuzzer lump summoned a cloud of daggers taking control of the null Leader's mind Twilight eclipse ordered the creatures to Feast on the meat in the cave tragically the meat was actually people who the NS quickly tore apart our hero bashfully stepped into the cave to explain that there had been a misunderstanding its host will Feast on null flesh to control the hunger before long only the null leader remained Twilight eclipse ordered her to eat herself and normality was restored as he failed catastrophically inside a strong box the party Found A peculiar glowing flask recognizing hair tonic when he saw it Twilight eclipse immediately popped the cork wait I got that bit wrong let's rewind a bit Twilight eclipse easily deduced that the flask was inhabited by a terrible monster so he held on to it check of's flask he murmured to himself as he put the flask in his pocket since he was treating heroism like a checklist our protagonist was delighted to notice that a nearby Inn was on fire he daringly charged Into The Inferno and rescued a Welsh man who was stuck under a wooden beam annoyingly the man's wife was dead so he forgot to give twilighted Eclipse a proper reward like a magical sword or 53 gold for instance desperately craving validation the githyanki hero charged into the mouth of Hell once more four warriors were standing hopelessly on the first floor unable to find any way to rescue their boss assisted by The Power of Six brainworms Twilight eclipse found a delicate and surprising solution to their problem come I'm afraid proper thanks must wait weirdly the counselor went straight to Lael who had been waiting outside side and thanked her for doing nothing apparently a grand Juke had been captured lazel astutely observed that nobody asked and told the counselor to clean up her own mess the councelor was impressed with how based LEL was being and gave Sir fuzzum a new staff as a reward then Twilight eclipse emerged from the burning building and let everybody know that he was fine the party headed towards the mountain pass and were disappointed to learn that the gith yanki patrol was still skullking about when the kith rck called Sir fuzzum local Vermin our her stood up for the party and called them his comrades this went down terribly let's try that again Twilight eclipse told sir fump to sit the conversation out he tried being really polite to the other gith but it turns out they hate manners just as much as they hate gnomes patic no no this is the one here it is Twilight eclipse decided the ganki patrol had bad vibes and he ran the other way way the party wandered into a nearby Hut and were ambushed by a sneaky wizard Twilight eclipse entered his mind Palace which he's been able to do this whole time and figured out the password to enter the den of Thieves the thief leader demanded to know why the party were there and Twilight eclipse politely explains that the gith Yan goes where he pleases the thieves had kidnapped a painter who explained his predicament you need to buy me you were rather quick to agree but all the wiser for it the painter's owner was asking for the extortionate price of 1,000 gold for him that's the equivalent of 10 magnifying glasses or 40 books Twilight eclipse tried to haggle him down via intimidation but that didn't work somehow the party didn't have 1,000 gold between them this would be problematic if they ever needed to burn 10 ants at once with magnifying glasses or purchase all 48 mmen books Twilight eclipse went to ask the thief leader for work and she explained that two of her colleagues were missing they were supposed to be delivering a shipment images of the two men in the cave being torn apart by nolles filled Twilight eclipse's mind and he fought hard against the urge to smirk he offered to return the magical flask but it turned out that taking it in the first place was against company policy you've bloody killed us all damned if I won't return the favor Lads kill him the fight began with everyone getting set on fire then Sur fuzzum summoned a cloud of daggers cith used air bending to knock someone off a cliff which was very funny for no discernable reason the painter decided this was the moment to join the fry sir fuzzum did not see this and accidentally blew everything up including the painter Not only was this decidedly unheroic it also robbed the Forgotten Realms of a portrait of Twilight eclipse and his very plausible hairline further into the camp the party sent fine familiar to check if some mines were live mercifully they were not after defeating the last of the Criminal the party prayed they would find some good loot thankfully they did as they were leaving Twilight eclipse thought it would create some much needed levity if he ran into a wall but instead he went right through it discovering a secret lift the lift lowered them into the underd dark an alien and hostile world full of unspeakable Horrors a labyrinth where death lurks around every corner an endless Cavern that only the most depraved beings call their home said Twilight eclipse we should make Camp here that night Twilight eclipse dreamt of his mysterious githyanki Guardian who told him to go to moonrise Towers Twilight eclipse responded that this was old news and minara was already meeting him there he advised the dream Guardian to get her finger back on the pulse of current events then he played Fetch with his dog it was a new day probably who knows they're underground the underd dark was a gloomy hopeless place like the inside of that Jack will shop on Guilford High Street before it closed down as they set off into the underd dark the party encountered some minors who were no match for a cloud of daggers from Sir fuzzer lump supported by Lael hitting them with her sword half man half [ __ ] equipped Twilight eclipse but nobody laughed one of the minors had been wearing an amulet of the Unworthy which the rest of the party affectionately gave to Sir fuzzle lump the first domino in a series of events that would end in a very uncomfortable HR meeting up ahead said another minor was killed to death by some statues unsure whether the Trap was still armed the party sent in sir fuzzer lum's cat to find out it was still armed opting for an alternate route Twilight eclipse discovered a sword sticking out of a stone remembering that he was a cleric he had a bit of a think and decided that blood sacrifice was the only way forwards luckily he was right his new sword could sing which was a fun gimmick but sadly it only knew a copyright free perform performance of Star Spangled Banner this is terrible thought Twilight eclipse that doesn't make any sense how would it before long the party encountered a village of mushroom people that shared a common Consciousness I know what you're wondering and no there was nothing fun about these guys they filled Twilight eclipse's mind with a vision of his own dead body which went down very poorly The Sovereign is threatening youy [Music] through that night Twilight eclipse and Lael stared longingly into each other's eyes you suspect you won't be getting much sleep tonight that's not actually true Twilight eclipse always slept well because he had a clear conscience and has never made a mistake after a long and peaceful rest Twilight eclipse found a poisoned gnome on the ground he cured her and The Ungrateful gnome started Ed rattling off how other Rock gnomes needed help too if you were to free my kin we can pay we irhan clan best artifices in Boulders gate it was obvious that the pink armor was having the desired effect he looked like a hero and now he was starting to feel like one The Gnome gave Lael some boots she'd stolen from a dwar captain presumably so that the party could return them at an abandoned fishing Village The Vibes were decidedly off the party sent fine familiar to investigate and he confirmed that everything was fine the cat was wrong though there were actually a bunch of dwar there waiting to Ambush the party it was a bit of a mess but Twilight eclipse was quickly learning that he was Untouchable he literally could not be killed things just always worked out for him even fine familia's initial failure to assess the threat was forgiven when it dealt the finishing blow to the leader of the dwar Ambush the party leveled up and Twilight eclipse learned the spell spirit Guardians Lael also learned to attack twice in one turn it's over for our opponents Twilight eclipse declared it is over I am infallible I have no flaw the term hubris cannot be applied to me the validity of my confidence has been peer-reviewed by a panel of former enemies and current corpses in the dwar camp Twilight eclipse fell victim to a devastating insult I ain't paring with more [ __ ] souls and hurried to find the leader of the group after returning the dagar's boots Lael was walking around in bare feet much to the of Quenton Tarantino and approximately 10% of my viewers finally you must cleared Rubble filling poison a true Soul called near was apparently stuck after a cave-in and needed to be extracted via explosions the Gnomes confided in Twilight eclipse that their friend was probably hiding nearby with plenty of explosive powder it was really an ideal situation Twilight eclipse could rescue the Gnomes as promised while also freeing up a member of the cult he was still kind of wrapped up in while looking for this explosive powder and its owner the party was set upon by sentient slime it was like walking into a kindergarten during flu season they found filine ranting and raving I swear to iron hand one more step and a blow us to trunks Twilight eclips called her Bluff knowing full well that she wouldn't follow through with it and let it be done small correction cith teleported behind filine and sh her away from the powder preventing her from Twilight eclipse persuaded filine that you only get one life and if you waste it it's all over no no I've got it he defeated her with logic by saying she'd already be dead if he wanted her dead that's what he said first try and then he got the Rune powder vial smashed it Lads once the collapsed wall was sufficiently exploded near emerged he was resplendant he killed all the Gnomes with his mind he killed the dwar captain with his mind true Soul take their heads the absolute commands it Twilight eclipse knew he shouldn't go along with this but there was something so refreshing about receiving clear direct instructions for once also all the Gnomes were already dead so it's not like anyone would know he could have saved them it was a glorious battle sir fuzzer lump summoned a cloud of daggers Twilight eclipse summoned his Spirit Guardians cith pushed an enemy into the cloud of daggers which was very funny Nia got pushed into the lava which was far from ideal made this whole fight a bit pointless in all honesty then cith got pushed into the lava and melted to death which was even more sad because she wasn't even that evil really saddest of all there was no way to reach n's corpse and retrieve his brain worm rest in peace little prince you would have loved Twilight eclipse's heavily populated skull cith was easy enough to revive but Nia and his worm were lost for good the only thing left to do was inform ther that all of her friends were dead they they're dead I'm alone no I should have been with them should have died with them leave me it was a bit of a downer in all honesty despite his best efforts Twilight eclipses for Ray into the underd dark was a complete waste of time it was time to go and talk to the gith yanki patrol sir falum was gently informed that his presence in the upcoming discussion was not required Ryder my time is short lead me to such a familiar tone Lael initiated negotiations to great success and the kith rck told them he was searching for a powerful weapon oh do you mean this one asked Twilight eclipse half wa this did not go down well at all the githyanki patrol had forgotten to consider that Twilight eclipse and his party were an Unstoppable green tide they wiped out the githyanki patrol with such ease that they didn't even notice that sir fuzer lump had forgotten to join in how dare he speak our Queen's name how dare he dishonor her children Twilight eclipse reminded lazel that the other githyanki had only been following the orders of an evil Lich Queen goddess some harm no foul a githyanki fidget spinner informed lazel of the exact location of the githyanki crash and Twilight eclipse felt reinvigorated with a new sense of purpose also Lael got a new sword good for her as the party surveyed the monastery which housed the crash lazel began to vibrate with anticipation nearby a Charming old lady was reading a book I left your stupid Crush why you still chasing me I don't even want your bloody eggs nearby a rude old lady was ranting about eggs I need a GI yank egg which I know may sound a little unsavory you would steal away one of our children having eliminated the Gian equivalent of the child catcher the party made their way down to the monastery on the way there they wiped out some drunk lizards and they bodied some weird cats on the roof of the monastery they even dealt with an entire bloodline of troublesome Eagles now nobody will ask any stupid questions about why we don't use the Eagles to get to moonrise Towers thought Twilight eclipse sagely Lael rules lawyered her way into the crash by explaining that she had read the rules and the rules said that she gets to have her brainworm removed the faithful may be purified this is V's protocol Twilight eclipse stared longingly at a painting of vth I wish there was a painting of me somewhere he mused sadly such an opportunity had never presented itself in the infirmary Twilight eclipse spotted several unused brain worms Bingo he said which out of context was a strange thing to say ulate skull refashioned for cleansing the zisk Purity at long last Twilight eclipse wasn't too interested in sitting in the Purity chair but then Lael started going on about it and the fomo kicked in he explained exped politely that he gets to go first because he's the boss while comfortable to sit on the magical seat made Twilight eclipse's brain hurt a bit the machine lashes out aimlessly your right Temple Burns then numbs part of you is gone a part you can no longer recall in an instant Twilight eclipse forgot how to skim Stones how to juggle and how to prevent or survive a monkey attack the whole experience was deeply unpleasant but Twilight Clips persevered knowing that lazel was probably super jealous right now he attempted to surrender entirely to the machine and complete his purification sadly he was so bad at surrendering because he never did it that he accidentally blew up the machine the G still tampered with it traitor Lael decided there must be a conspiracy going on which is an understandable response to a minor setback since the doctor had left the party unsupervised in the lab Twilight eclipse quickly popped three worms into his brain it became clear that the doctor had had no intention of letting them go and the party would have to fight their way out this was their preferred modus operandi anyway so it wasn't that big of a deal the party went to tell a githyanki krack that there was treachery of foot a shac Among Us she replied by saying that she heard Twilight eclipse had a powerful weapon I'm not falling for that one again thought Twilight eclipse and he told her he didn't have it this led to another big fight in which sir fuzzum summoned a cloud of daggers after leveling up cith finally unlocked the fourth element breaking people's bones with magic The githyanki Inquisitor didn't seem that impressive at first he didn't even have control over his own follicles it was quite impressive however when he summoned vth the queen of all the gith Yan you carry what is mine do I call you loyal servant or Thief he corrected her pointing out that he was technically a hero he was about to list a myriad of examples proving this when vth explained that there was an enemy inside the astral prism and that Twilight eclipse needed to to go and kill them inside the prism he met his dream Guardian who failed a Charisma check to stop herself from getting stabbed she reloaded a save and told Twilight eclipse that vaki was actually going to kill the whole party once they were finished inside the astral prism Twilight eclipse told LEL about this and she agreed that it was probably not true my queen knows my faith she would never condemn me the queen has spoken your death is decreed as he battled off The Inquisitor and his goons Twilight eclipse realized that the gian's reputation for random violence might be somewhat warranted Lael was having a bit of a crisis of Faith because her God Queen had tried to have her executed it was a betrayal roughly equivalent to watching over 10 minutes of a YouTube video without subscribing Twilight eclipse took off the headband of intellect his raised intelligence had brought him nothing but Misfortune he replaced it with the circlet of psionic Revenge because it was sparkly and had a pretty gem in it brimming with a fresh sense of Despair the party left the monastery hoping that they might enjoy happier times in the shadowlands the party were ambushed in the Night by githyanki ninjas thankfully they weren't there to kill anyone they were there to ask for help killing a god Lael together we will break our chains and be vth slaves no longer this heresy I will hear no more of it lasel didn't take this idea very well but then she got over it and agreed to help the shadowlands were oppressively gloomy and Bleak and there were Shadows that killed you it was like that one episode of Doctor Who where they go to basing Stoke Twilight eclipse watched a goblin trick a hyena into running into the shadows and dying he threatened the goblin to make them go and check if the Shadows were dangerous for non- hyenas too no no Twilight eclipse used a loot Menara had given him to bust out a well-known githyanki tune and summon a guide [Music] a drier emerged from the shadows and offered to guide the party to Moonlight Towers he seems like a credible fellow thought Twilight eclipse as he tried to figure out which part of the creature's head it was polite to make eye contact with they were ambushed on the road by some presumably bad guys but it was all fine in the end because all the good guys survived upon arrival at moonrise Towers the drider scurried up the wall and presumably ended up stuck in a bath somewhere inside the tower Krick Thor was for some reason insistent that he needed pictures of ders he was also sentencing manthara to death for incompetence even though her defense was airtight if I had been given Dr Warriors instead of goblin trash Mercy please bye-bye princess there is a time and a place for Sharden freuder but that time and place is not in an evil tower in front of a celebrity voice actor Tong of psychic flame lap at the memory of the Goblins Dying by your hand I see you like to handle underlings physically so do I after an unsuccessful attempt at seduction Twilight eclipse shared his mind with Krick Thor's main underling she showed him how if you trust in the absolute enough you can make someone's head blow up then she said that Twilight eclipse needed to go and find a relic not wanting his head or hair to explode Twilight eclipse agreed to get going he just had to run one little errand first following a trail of blood and screams the party discovered minara in the dungeons getting tortured tortured to death using his Proficiency in intimidation and the thury cantrip to gain Advantage Twilight eclipse confidently ordered the torch accusers to step aside when that didn't work he broke manthara out of prison the oldfashioned way I didn't think anyone would come for me using fine familiar as a distraction the party snuck their Precious Cargo out of the prisons of moonrise Towers I thought I had found a home and a purpose now I leave as an exile Menara was having a crisis of Faith but Twilight eclipse had already seen one of those today so he started thinking about himself instead minara was technically a damsel she had also technically been in distress she had also without question been rescued from a tower at last Twilight eclipse was demonstrably a hero in the eyes of the law to make room for minaro in the party he stared long and hard at his two sort of Undead hirelings only one of them could stay in the team now that there was a character with lines who was willing to stick around Menara had a plan on how to push the party's heroism to the next level we must eradicate them starting with General Thor tomorrow we go to war with the cult of the absolute it was time for Twilight eclipse to stop being in a cult it was time for Twilight eclipse to stop a cult from being thank you so much for watching and an extra special thank you to my new patrons chew Becka Wildman Austin bird President lanus Nick Warden schmon schmer Benjamin Lutz Andy I canano Pete church and Max if you'd like early access to future videos and behind the scenes features you can support me on patreon the link is in the description
Channel: GamesOnHardMode
Views: 218,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate, twilight eclipse, baldurs gate twilight eclipse, baldurs gate evil, baldurs gate playthrough, githyanki cleric, gith cleric.
Id: a9Nw1e63FF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 23sec (1703 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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