Top 10 Most Underrated Spells In Baldur's Gate 3 (But They're OP)

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these are the 10 most underrated spells in Baldur's Gate 3 they are very powerful but a lot of people do not seem to use them at the same time why is that let's start off with number 10 on the list minor illusion minor illusion seems initially not too useful how big of an impact can a minor illusion really have well you would be mistaken it's a great setup tool as it forces enemies to investigate a certain spot but in doing so it groups them together so accordingly you can hit them with a big AOE spell and take them all out at the same time to make things easier you can enter turn-based mode the moment they group together so you practically freeze time and have accordingly more time to think about how you're going to use your AOE spell you can really abuse this mechanic of enemies walking towards the illusion and place all your enemies say near a bunch of explosive barrels or make them stand near a cliff and you definitely know what to accordingly do but that's not all that minor illusion can do because if you think outside of the box you can for example use it to detect invisible enemies as they need to do an investigation check for it revealing their exact location and it's a bonus action and a camera by the way so you can always use it in addition to your action if you just want to Rob someone in a crowded Area Minor illusion allows you to do so in broad daylight nonetheless cast it and make sure the line of sight is clear so when everybody turns around and starts focusing on the cat you enter turn-based combat while they're all inspecting the illusion then you have all the room to pick bucket whoever you want as you see minor illusion gives you a bunch of different uses and I'm sure if you use your creativity you can come up with another million things to do with it it's really good however it's thankfully not as underrated as number nine on the list eight bolster your allies and increase their current and maximum hit points by five wait that doesn't sound that amazing or anything why is this on this list did I touch that secret stash again with all those substances well the moment you realize that 8 can be upcasted and instead of 5 HP can become 20 to 25 HP you start realizing how powerful this spell is but then when you realize that it even gets better than that and that 8 applies on everything on your party so not just you and your companions but also all summons and when you start adding up the collective value that you get from just this one spell that can lead up to several hundreds of extra HP with just one cast that stays active all the way to your next long rest you start understanding how much of a menace this spell is but thankfully 8 is getting recommended more and more as we speak so it's not as iterated as number eight on the list longstrider in similar ways of thinking like 8 initially long Strider seems to have a pretty mundane and trivial effect it doesn't sound exciting and you simply fall asleep reading the description but 3 meters of extra movement is very significant depending on your race it can be an increase of up to 40 percent more movement per turn you can up gas the spell and make sure everybody in your party gets it with one cast and it's a ritual spell so you don't waste a spell slot anyway just make sure to cast it before entering combat and it will also lash you all the way till your next long rest more movement means potentially more targets to attack any turn potentially more leeway in picking a great spot to move to for your next attack or potentially just more movement to repeat treat with and get to a safer spot where you have found yourself in dangerous scenarios so overall just a very useful spell but what is also useful and even more underrated is number seven on the list telekinesis telekinesis is one of those spells you never hear about and the people that do talk about it well you dismiss them instantly your first thought will be that they have escaped the Asylum and you want to run away why is this individual talking to me but no delicates is so good it is even better than something that is really good telekinesis can instantly just remove someone from the fight erase their existence like they never mattered even if it's like a boss or a mini boss so the idea is that he used on something and then used to accordingly move the target into a Chasm or anything that shows the death prompt really done enemy dies instantly with one spellcast and it's much better than soft and many of the other abilities in the game that you can use to essentially push something into a Chasm because this thing has an absolute nuclear distance of up to 80 meters of a radius so that covers an area of 1017.9 square meters around you yes I know you wanted to know the exact number ridiculous with such a huge area size there's always at least some cases around you to be found to throw your targets towards you to kill them instantly and even if there aren't any you can still do great damage by just throwing your enemies and then smashing them into the ground this will also cause them to be prone by the way in addition and hurt them as well hurt like the feelings of number six on the list Dash's hideous laughter as a lot of people seem to sleep on this boat Dash's hideous laughter leaves a creature prone with laughter without the ability to get up so it is essentially a stun a stun that is available in the form of a level 1 spell yes that's exactly as good as it sounds you can get this spell incredibly early and use it all the way till the end of your adventure it's so good because you can use to remove the big Target or the boss in a group fight and essentially remove them from the battle while you focus on all the smaller targets till you kill them and that's really how you want to use a spell used on the scary enemy that you do not want to focus on early on in the combat cycle as hitting whatever is affected with Dash's hideous laughter can't essentially remove this debuff a stun on a level 1 spell that you can use at all times is really just too good however you will have to probably recast a few times as you will rarely see to hit its maximum potential of being active for a whopping 10 turns as it's a concentration spell unlike the number 5 on the list blindness if you succeed in applying blindness on your enemy Don it is applied for 10 turns it is not a constant for example I repeat it is not a concentration spell and a really good CC spell at the same time as well as you see on screen I've listed all the benefits and they include giving you Advantage giving the enemy a disadvantage significantly making their attack range much smaller so against gas resisting completely annihilates them and it can also be upcasted to Target multiple targets at the same time so it's a great spell to use for when you want to make the battle significantly easier for pretty much everyone in your party just like using a big ball of fire in the form of a flaming sphere is at number four flaming sphere is really amazing it's this ball of fire that actually acts as a summon but a summon that takes them quite some space nonetheless so it's massive range for a summon means it can block off entire paths and your best use case for it is going to be at choke points or at like doors accordingly it will take up the attention of your enemies so these really intelligent individuals start focusing on this massive ball of fire instead of you and your part which is great news because we can now destroy them much easier without having to worry about being hit ourselves so that is also how you want to use flaming sphere at the front line as some kind of tank while the Caster it has cast it stays behind as far as possible but that is not all because like I said flaming sphere is a summon so it can actually attack with it as well and it does back a punch for sure who needs a party anyways when this beautiful ball will just erase whatever it's fighting on its own and if all of that wasn't enough it is also a great source of light in dark areas so it can make life much easier for your ranged characters and then on top of all of that it also can interact with flammable objects can it get any better and be even more underrated well maybe the number three on the list can answer that globe of inability when is the last time you heard someone say globe of invulnerability a mouthful of words that many people are not familiar with I reckon somewhere in 1974 maybe at some random DND session in some random location and after that you might think it was sealed away from the world that is how underrated it is now obviously the general use of globe of invulnerability is to use it as a buffer to make sure you can be inside of it at the end of your turn and start off their turn while you're outside of it at the start of your turn get all your damage out and then turn back into the globe to make yourself invulnerable so you want to position the globe tactically and position it in such a way that there are still a bunch of enemies outside and that not every enemy can enter it now enemies that enter it aren't a threat because they will just miss all attacks nonetheless but the more enemies she can kill off before they reach the globe the better obviously as it will eventually wear off now globe of invulnerability has great synergies however especially if you abuse its border where it can benefit from the invulnerability inside but at the same time attack everything that is outside for example you can put guard guardian of faith on the border which deals great damage but usually guardian of faith will take damage itself as a compensation for the high damage it dishes out as a summon with globe of invulnerability that is a thing of the past now guardian of faith will instead just deal great damage but without any loss of its HP as you see with some creative thinking you can really take Globe off in the vulnerability to the next level just like Sanctuary is truly on the next level Sanctuary is probably one of the best spells in the game that initially doesn't seem that impressive but when you realize it can completely switch the times of battle you'll never go a playthrough again without using it Sanctuary makes whatever it's applied on in vulnerable and untargetable until they use their turn to damage something or if there's some kind of AOE damage that hits your character so you can already see how insanely abusable that is you're sure that is concentrating on maintaining twin taste just give him sanctuary and he's safe for the rest of the game you are a vulnerable Ally like a Caster have found themselves surrounded by a bunch of enemies and you don't want to get attacked until you are in a safer position or you just want to move away from enemies without being bothered cast Sanctuary you can also approach it more offensively since if you think it couldn't get any better Sanctuary is actually a bonus action so you first do your main action get a bunch of damage in and then end the turn with casting Sanctuary so the enemy can't retaliate in the following turn then after that you can go crazy again while all enemies essentially skipped a full turn giving you huge momentum in bevel and that in itself can already mean that you have won the battle and getting huge momentum in combat is what it's all about and what spell can do that better than the winner of today's list the most underrated spell of all time that is at the same time so powerful it deserves the number one spot hunger of Hadar hunger of Hadar deserves the number one spot for how good it is it's just not mentioned enough you cast it and it covers a huge area and everything inside will start knowing the true definition of Terror it can't possibly get any worse for whatever is called inside it just can't first of all their movement is impaired they can now only use half of their put everything inside also gets blinded so we get the benefits of blindness like having Advantage from all of our attacks against them while they get disadvantage on their attacks against us and they can't cast or attack Beyond a 3 meter or 10 feet range but the CC is just the beginning because see at the start of the enemy's turn every single turn they're inside they get guaranteed cool damage applied to them and at the end of the turn which can a lot of scenarios be a really meaningless turn for the enemy as they're blinded and have barely any movement they roll a check to get damage yet again but this time in the form of acid damage so they can take damage twice within the same turn from Hunger of Hadar and slowly die over time inside of this the strongest spell and the damage is a very consistent source of damage because like I said the range of this AOE spell is really big if something escapes from this whole Zone you just shove them back in even if it's an enemy that is really far away keep shopping and throwing them towards the void and ultimately you will kill everything and the hunger of haidar will still be up because it lasts up to 10 turns if you had one shot or one opportunity or one spell in this game two seize everything you ever wanted and rely on it for your entire playthrough it's the horror known as hunger of Hadar [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Nizar GG
Views: 420,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: q4_IJwm6KdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2023
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