Baldur's Gate 3 Build Guide | OTK Assassin | OP Multiclass Build

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[Music] [Music] can't risk being in open [Music] [Music] no what path lies before [Music] me damn it what did no alarms raced hello hope you enjoyed that intro welcome to a balers Gate 3 build video this guide I'll be going over my one turn kill assassin build this build is an extremely front-loaded damage deal when I say front loaded I quite literally mean you're going to deal more damage in the first round than you're going to deal in like the next five rounds combined of course you know if you do that much damage in the first round the combat's probably not even going to last five rounds so let's get into the build we'll be starting with character creation and levels and I'll move into the items to look out for throughout the game so let's go to character creation first things first for character creation your character race and background are fully at your discretion there is no racial choice that gives any inherent advantages to this build that are so important that it's necessary for your ability scores it's mostly up to you the only important stat is that you have to have at least 16 de St if you know about the permanent ASI you can get an act one you can go with 17 decks instead however I prefer the following stat spread of eight strength 16 dexterity 14 Constitution 8 intelligence 12 wisdom and 16 Charisma for our levels we will be building as follows please note this is not our finalized build as you will need to Respec into that build at level 12 if you're wondering why I am choosing to level this way instead of as the finalized build is because this build will allow you to maintain the Assassin play style for the entirety of your playr whereas if you followed the main build all the way through the play style would be very different for acts 1 and two at level one we start as a rogue you can alternatively start as a ranger but I prefer to start as the Rogue or the bonus skill proficiencies and experties for levels 2 to six be multiclass into Ranger the finer details of this build such as your Ranger favorite enemy natural Explorer and Spell choices are all up to you and what you want the exception of course being your fighting style which you acquire at level three for this you will choose the archery fighting style at level four we take the subass Gloom stalker granting us access to our dread ambusher bonus attack and at level five we gain our feet for which we will be taking Sharpshooter because our attack roll bonuses are not that high at this point in the game you will be keeping that passive turned off for the time being but do remember to turn it back on when you think it will gain value at level six we attain extra attack marking the end of our four render Ranger and signaling that it's time to return to leveling Rog but two levels into Rogue and go the Assassin subass this grants us the assassinate Ambush passive guaranteeing us crits against surprise enemies and for our final three levels before we Respec we will take three levels in fighter and go the champion subclass for Action Surge and the increased crit chance now after respecing we still take three levels in Rogue for assassin and three levels in Ranger for gloomstalker however we replace our fighter levels and two of our Ranger levels for six levels in B College of Swords our main reason for doing this is to gain access to slashing flourish from the College of Swords subass which will allow us to effectively deal about 2.5 times more damage with our attacks the reason for six levels in bar even though we gained a subass at level three is to get us both extra attack and font of inspiration allowing us to replenish our Bic inspiration charges after short rests thus allowing us to use slashing flourish more often and that's the build now before I get on with the items let me just give a quick spoiler warning as I will be showing items from all the AXS and I will be explaining where to get them so there will be some minor spoilers about some events that occur in later Acts so if you haven't played them and you don't want to get spoiled stop watching now and warn before I do get into the items as well I'd like to just very quickly go over consumables cuz I don't really want to get too into them because I don't really use consumables myself but the important ones to keep in mind are any poison all the poisons are really good I'm using the purple worm toxin here for the example but all of the poisons are useful uh potions of speed that's not just good for this build these potions are just completely overpowered the entire game regardless of class you are similarly for the elixir of blood lust that's also true uh this Elixir is extremely powerful on any character it's extremely powerful on this character as well because you are pretty much guaranteed to kill someone on your first round of combat uh Elixir viciousness is also not bad as it reduces your crit chance or sorry increases your crit Chance by reducing the crit roll and potions of invis are also good for positioning so with that said let's move on to items so to Showcase these items I've enlisted the help of my three assistants first we have Quincy Victoria and yenna so first let's check in with Quincy for the items from Act One Quincy where are the items sorry about that guys had to give Quincy a uh Stern talking to so uh anyways we have our new assistant tambourine the items from act one for our weapons there are two weapons of note in act one giant breaker and Herald both of which are required from the zenim and both of which can be used throughout all of act one and two for helmets the shadow of meno branen gives us a nice invis skill to avoid damage for gauntlets there are two the gloves of archery are offensive option and the gloves of missile snaring which are our defensive option for chest plates the spider silk armor will be our best choice for Boots the boots of speed and disintegrating night Walkers both give us movement same with the Amulet of Missy step or Rings The Fetish of cader and smooth ham gives us more invis the cosic band gives us more damage and our final item of note is the death soer mantle now onto the items from act two for clarification I will be considering the mountain pass as a part of act two rather than act one so starting once again with the weapons the crossbow of Arcane force can be a decent alternative to either Herald or giant breaker due to its Arcane mun kill the knife of the under Mountain King is a good primary for the increase crit chance in a similar vein the covert cowl and Dark justicier Helmet both increase crit chance further alternatively it does circle of hunting can be good for extra damage when using Hunter Mark or gloves the gloves of dexterity can give us a slight Dex increase and damage increase but our better option is the dark juser gauntlets which gives us a more consistent damage increase for armor the graceful cloth can be good to increase our decks but do keep in mind that this is clothing and not armor so your AC will be lower the dark your half plate gives us better AC and some nice roll bonuses for Boots the evasive shoes can be good for the slight increase in AC since this build generally does use light armor for amulets The Amulet of branding gives us a onetime defense penetration The Amulet of Harpers is a good defensive option and the surgeon subjugation amulet can trivialize some fights against humanoid enemies for Rings The Strange conduit ring can give us some extra damage similarly the shadow cloaked ring can also give us some situational extra damage the shifting Corpus ring can give us some nice defensive spells to use the Ring of free action gives us resistance to some crowd control and the risky ring gives us guaranteed advantage on all of our attacks the killer sweetheart gives us a guaranteed crit which can be powerful if combined with an item such as the surgeon's ambulet for the guaranteed paralyze and finally the cloak of cutting broom can help us avoid damage in large scale fights that's it for act two now on to act three for act three we have a lot of items to get through so starting with the melee weapons old snap can be a decent secondary if you're reversed using a shield for roleplay reasons for our primary weapon bloodthirst is just a better version of knife of the under Mountain King and for a secondary rap city will be the best secondary for this build do keep in mind that you can stack Scarlet remittance on objects such as crates and chairs for our bows Deadshot gives us increased crit chance as well as increased proficiency modifier for our attack roles and Gunter male is the highest damaging bow in the game and is probably the best in slot for this vill if you prefer to use heavy crossbows however the fabricated arbalist and the Hellfire engine crossbow can both be pretty good options for helmets serox horned Helm and the mask of soulle perception are both equally pry good for our gauntlets the legacy of the Masters can be good until you can acquire the crater flesh gloves or the bone Spike gloves which can both amplify our damage for our armor the elegant studded leather is a nice defensive option while for offensive options the ballist armor is our best choice do keep in mind it is possible to position in such a way that you can apply the aura of murder while not imposing disadvantage on your ranged attacks for our Boots the hell hell dusk boots and the boots of persistence both give us CC resistance and increase movement for amulets the face emance amulet can offer uh an offset to the risky ring if you choose to use it for our Rings the band of Mystic scoundrel will allow us to use our bonus action to cast many of our barred spells such as invisibility this will increase our versatility and for cloaks the cloak of displacement is a nice defensive cloak option whereas the Shad Slayer cloak is our nice offensive cloak and that's all for the [Music] items and that's everything thanks for watching leave a like and comment if you enjoyed the video and I'll see you guys next time bye okay the joke's over Quincy you can get him now come on Quincy get up get up Quincy come on okay real funny buddy come on get up Quincy get up come on Quincy get up
Channel: Stealth
Views: 545,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: balder's gate 3, bg3, bg3 build, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, balders gate 3, build, guide, assassin, gloomstalker, college of swords, rogue, ranger, bard, op, multiclass, OP, bow
Id: GxgFkWriXMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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