LOADED with Rare Artifacts, Hands Down the Best Abandoned Mine EVER!

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well hey everybody welcome back and welcome back mr m well thanks clyde it's good to see you again yeah i missed out i i loved your show yeah we did all three of them unfortunately mr m had some things to do while i was putting together episode 100 but really guys episode 100 was for you all sitting in the passenger seat right that's why he did that i didn't feel left out or anything i'm good with it that's good that's good seriously seriously kudos to you it was a great show thanks thanks well mr m what we're doing uh before we we get into this episode there's a topic that we absolutely have to cover that's incredibly controversial but it has to be covered before we can move forward with the next 100 episodes penguin breeding i really wanted to talk about that but i think we'll save that for another day okay okay so uh now that we're getting into more into more class four and class fives it's inevitable we're gonna start finding a whole lot of really awesome artifacts just like what we found in this episode you guys are about to watch right now and so a lot of people always ask me down in the comments section over and over again do you take artifacts out of minds and the answer is a resounding no we do not never never and here and here is my official position on artifacts in minds if you wanted to if you want to see mining artifacts you can already you can go to various museums and they already have a very fine assortment uh put on display um lots of ore carts lots of skipped cars the list goes on and on there's museums all over the place with really cool stuff to look at absolutely so you know it's not like they need another dynamite box or another you know can of blasting caps or another uh kerosene tin etcetera book of matches yeah you know they they just don't need that kind of stuff and so it's so much better to leave these items down in the mine so that a future can explore when they find it they can enjoy it now there is a um exception to the rule mr m do tell exception to the rule would be if if i get down into one of these abandoned mines and i find like a photo album filled with black and white pictures uh of of the mind the miners uh you know standing next to pillars you know doing their thing blasting so on and so forth if i was to find something like that the historical value oh my gosh that would that would absolutely be something that you would want to retrieve and offer and give to a museum yeah it should be almost obligatory yeah sorry about that squeak no but uh um but you know the world already has the world's uh uh museums already have enough dynamite boxes and enough of everything they already have a nice display so the important thing is is to leave these items down in in the mine for the next explorer to enjoy that was that was the first thing that attracted me to your show yeah before i was even on it now you guys the fact that you'll pick something up and look at it and then you'll put it back 99 times out of 100 in the same configuration that it was in the before or you'll move it up out of harm's way and you guys are going to see how excited i get in this episode when i get down into this mine and i start finding all of these objects that have been laying there since the 20s and 30s i missed out yeah unfortunately you did but uh it was just it's just absolutely incredible they're just all laying lying in there in situ and and i just started getting more and more excited and that's why this episode is little over an hour long i just i could i couldn't break this up into two parts guys it's just too awesome to split it over two weeks so i'm gonna give it to you full run nice all the way to the end and i think you're really going to enjoy it so that is our official position that is our official position we don't take artifacts out of abandoned mines unless it is something incredibly incredibly rare that needs to be donated to a museum it's nice to have that emergency loophole exactly i've never but you've never done it no no because i've never found anything like that so far so far the things that i've found in um have been what i've already seen in museums what i've already seen in people's rock gardens in front of their homes etc um the proof's in the pudding line yeah that's your official statement yep and to date you've never done that right that's insanely incredible that's perfect and and never will so yeah maybe a future explorer from now 50 years or 100 years ago back down and he will get just as excited uh as i did in this episode right here so guys sit back and enjoy because this one's a lot of fun see you later [Music] [Music] so all right let's look for some any rattlesnakes and hiding in here that's what you always have to do this time of year make sure you don't go stepping on one okay so this at it had a nice wooden door on it and uh okay down here on the ground there's these boxes these cardboard file boxes and then i'm guessing that at one time they used to be filled with all these different papers and receipts that i'm about to show you guys as we get further on up in here see there's another box there and we have this uh like chicken coop looking thing used to be outside like this box here had flour in it at one time here's another nothing in it but a pack rat nest and around the corner over here if you look you're going to see a whole bunch more boxes i can see condensed milk coffee um peaches olives some bleach so i think what they were doing is they had a bunch of paperwork in there now as we work around the corner what's that oh nothing this is where things started to get interesting as i recall down here on the floor you'll notice that there's little tiny scraps of paper all over the place like here for example okay right there wait that light's too bright let me turn that down a skosh there we go okay right there i see a bunch of uh cursive writing here yeah this is this is gonna be real interesting so what we're gonna do here is take a few minutes off camera and we're gonna collect up some of these papers because i remember some of them are from the 1920s we're gonna have randy piece them together yeah give us a moment we're gonna collect some of this up and i'm gonna show this to you guys so i'll be right back [Music] okay so we spent about maybe 10 15 minutes rifling through all these papers um the pack racks the pack rats did a nice job of tearing this all apart i'm guessing they were all inside of these boxes let me show you what i found so the first find is this one here uh it's a part of a calendar sunday the 29th from 1920 okay 1920 then here is a letter with a postage stamp right there from 1922. all right over here is a proxy and mr m uh explain what the proxy is that's uh allowing somebody to act as his legal attorney and it says here witnessed on this 10th day of june in 1920 right there okay then randy found this here which is pretty darn cool here is a a bank book still intact and the earliest recorded date in the bank book is 1919 right there and is the nevada state bank nevada state oh yeah uh nevada first national bank now the first national bank out of tonopah okay and now for the best of all mr m found this one this is a receipt showing um it's an assay so what he did is he took a sample to a person to have it assayed they found a certain amount of gold okay and it says right here it shows dollars per ounce unfortunately the packrat ate that part out so i'm not able to see but it starts with the number two it does start with the number two um it also says labor and bullying tax the bullion tax was 10.38 cents okay labor was 60 and 95 cents so out of he started off with 508 dollars and 20 cents and at the end of the day he ended up with 197 32 after expenses and that's what they gave him a check for okay there was one more neat piece of paper around here that i found where it's actually talking about the mine um where they went down 50 feet and it says on there we found good ore at 50 at 50 feet but then the pack rat chewed it up then it had some more information along the lines as if he was he was making notes as they went deeper into this mine as to what they found so what we have here guys excuse me is a mine that looks like it started off around uh 1919 in that area and went through to the early 1920s boy isn't this going to be exciting we're going into a mine that's absolutely confirmed that we're in the late 19 around 1919 early 1920s this is just fantastic i can't wait to get into this one mr m let's do it let's do it let's head back outside and uh see what we can find down in there alrighty what we have here guys is uh whoops this is just as steep as the as the one we were in last weekend yep it sure is but so far i'm really liking the construction of this even though it's uh 120 122 years old they used really nice um eight by eights and it doesn't look like they're gonna collapse like a house of cards like that mine we did last weekend no this is looking really nice liking what i'm seeing so far oh i love this i need some more there i was like wait a minute things are kind of dark around here all right let's look around here for a second see if there's anything that can hurt us no but we are coming up to a landing of some kind that i'm definitely gonna have to move for me to get around no doubt about it okay don't send any slack yet i gotta get around this obstacle well there's i'm not going to be able to move that without it making a whole lot of dust i have to move this i'm just gonna set that there that shouldn't go anywhere all right okay now i'm in a spot here where i can set carefully set the rig right there all right guys hold up hold up i gotta put the camera rig back on to many of my long-term subscribers who have been with me for a long time okay i'm headed back down um so as we're exploring type one through type three those are pretty easy you know you can just kind of walk right into them and start exploring go climb some stops climb some ladders uh but the give and take with these types of mines these shafts is that they're a lot slower going okay you're not covering as much territory in a short amount of time it's taking you longer to get to the bottom but when you do get there there's a real good chance that you're gonna find something spectacular because nobody in their right mind would go down in something like this without the proper gear so there's going to be a lot of this i'll edit out because you guys don't want to see me taking forever and a day going down these ladders you just want to see what i'm going to find down in here and i don't blame you and that's why our first goal right now is to is to get to a drift and then randy can come down yeah this one's 80 degrees no excuse me oh good coffee okay i've got my first drift here i'm going to get off to the side i'll let you know when it's safe for you to start coming down okay so let me show you guys what we have on this drift first so this will be drift off to the right hand side of the incline you can look right there now a lot of you down in the comments section have asked me to point the camera straight and level towards the shaft so you can see just type what kind of an angle that we're dealing with and there it is down here on the floor there's some sort of a container doesn't have any more no print on it nothing i can read just barely legible okay all right down over here there's some burlap oops burlap sacks was used a lot for hauling samples for assay out of the mine now from here oh look at there so now we've got a carnation milk um cardboard box here i'd like to look at all the dust on that over that's collected over the years look right here we are the first people in here in a very long time from contented cows i like that i'm looking for a date see if i can find something on that box yeah maybe there's something here anything there no shoot hoping to find a date we have over here 16 i'm looking 33 san francisco maybe one of you guys can make that out this is going to zoom in all right continuing on looking down here on the ground and looking for any kind of cool artifacts all right okay so we have a slightly stoked out section above us they were working up in there okay looking down here some uh gobbing off to my left and something that used to go up in that way but they backfilled it looks like this oh here's a here we go there's a pickaxe handle right there okay continuing on who yeah we definitely have ourselves a mine that's never been documented brand new fantastic what do we have here little tiny winds going down that direction wonder if that's going to work its way into some lower levels i'm noticing a bunch of sticks and pine cones on the ground here so the pack rats are able to at least get to this level now i'm kind of standing on a somewhat of a false floor let's look down into that stop down in there yeah yep so we most definitely have a level below us because that's where that's going they're going to be dropping that material right down there now let's look at the geology why'd they go off this direction well off to my left you got the hanging wall and it does look brachiated material in that yep and uh there's the vein right there you can kind of make it out just through this section a couple feet across and it looks like so far from everything i've seen this is a silver mine yep but it has no public record so one can only guess what is that there's a really interesting looking rock laying here wow look at the sparkles in that see that okay all right so we have a short little exploratory drift but that's okay because this gives us time for randy to do his thing let's look on the other side of this box oh i didn't want to do that i'm looking for dates milk nothing there and there's no date date on the round seal all right let's work our way back towards the randy here look at all the dust yuck okay let's see how he's coming along here oh look down here in the ground tada i stepped right on it there we go there's a fine looking prince albert can right there mm-hmm of course we've all seen him in better here that's too bright we've seen them in better condition i know there's people in the audience just saying open it open it okay let's look in there oh would you look at that there's some papers but we're gonna have to fish them out heck yeah okay so wrong light let me get the cameras turned around here oh this is great this is another one of those days where i'm just like a kid in a candy store there we go angle that down up a little bit okay perfect yeah when you're down in these kind of holes you kind of have to be your own cameraman right all right let me get my knife out let's see we have hiding in this prince albert can are they just going to be rolling papers or it is in there i'm gonna have to widen the area i'm gonna be real careful because uh it's wanting to break apart as i pull it out here it comes okay here we go nice and easy okay it is a pack of cigarettes oh look at that oh wow it's a cigarette package guys okay but it's the pack for all we know could be from the 1920s it has a has this cool picture on it i'll show it to you in a second just just give me a minute here i'm uh i'm old going over it myself but i don't wanna i gotta be real careful with it yeah all right let me show you what i found there's the picture on that side okay it says virginia something or another okay flipping it over let me show you what's on this side right there okay now if i can very carefully i'm going to kind of fold this open while i'm showing it to you guys all right there is there it is um okay i got a better way of doing this i can show it to you better here we go the brand is 111 111 cigarettes so go ahead and pull that up on the internet i'm sure somebody has that uh that's in much better condition um maybe you guys can kind of figure out how old this is so what i'm gonna do here is let's turn our lights back on let me see what we're doing here we go hey randy hey everybody look what i found so this was tucked inside that prince albert can 111 cigarettes wow still got the foil in there yep got the foil a picture of a an indian with a headdress on and on the back there's a picture of three or four guys standing there it says it says turkish turkish blend i think it says virginia something or another still got the tax stamp on there there's the tax stamp but you can't read the date let me see a little piece of that foil okay and on the bottom yeah that's uh that's like a that's not aluminum you know either 10 or 10 lead alloy yep yep you notice that okay so what we're gonna do is put that back in this prince albert can try to put it back exactly almost close to how we found it and leave it right where it was yeah well i'm going to set it right here i'm going to keep that in a high high spot and uh for the next uh explorers to enjoy well how'd you how did it go randy pretty easy huh did you see that dead rabbit up there i did rammed up in the land let's get that out of our way all right well i guess it's my turn to head down to the next level i think i might be coming up to a drift i think i think i hope so it'd be good if we did i suppose we'll find a dried up crusty old miner leaned up against the rocks here wouldn't that be something huh still wearing his overalls with a note pinned to his to his shirt yeah we got a drift no doubt about it look over there all righty let me get lower here and uh randy can start coming down yeah okay there we are okay randy go ahead and uh come on down i'm gonna start documenting this drift while you're working your way down the ladder okay once again so what we're doing here is uh we are leapfrogging this mine going down randy's coming down now let me get things kind of centered here there we go let me show you what we have here so i'm gonna before i go any deeper here i'm gonna have to do some housekeeping look at this door kind of precariously tipped there yeah i'm gonna take a closer look at that at one time now here's a here's a hatch so they would drop that hatch down you notice it has two notches at the top of it here that would that would roll over and fit right between the inclined rails right there okay that's so that they could drop the skip car to this level and work this level without sending it lower now since i'm right here let's take a quick peek at how much deeper this mine goes i can see the bottom right there yep so we're this is going to be about 300 325 foot shaft i clearly see the bottom right down there good that's that's real good because i won't have to go back up and grab more rope all right looking around i'm seeing uh pencil hash marks on that pipe right there see that okay a miner made those probably for loads over here turning around to my left there's more hash marks just to the left of where it says shoes okay and that beep that you're hearing right there that's my helmet uh cam that just ran out of battery okay yeah they took all the rail out of this mine we have an old ladder look at this beautiful looking vein going off that direction it's kind of interesting why they didn't chase it all right let's keep looking around here oh yeah this is a definitely a haulage level oh look fantastic is that a canteen i believe it is guys is that a canteen come on let it be okay let's turn the lights down oh getting all excited here let's look oh it sure is that's an old canteen see there's the water fill spout right there and it's wrapped in canvas and here's the strap right there so you can put it around your shoulder oh that's just super cool just super cool wow okay we don't want that on the floor all right we're gonna hang that up see whenever i find artifacts i like to try to try to protect them for the next person there we go yeah look at that now i found a canteen once before but it wasn't in that good condition all right any dates on this box shortening los angeles nothing there on that round see ah here we go january 26th all right i gotta i'm having a hard time reading it i don't have my glasses yeah daphne forgot her glasses there it is 1939 good 1939 wow okay here we go i just wonder if i should wait for randy you know maybe i should so he can enjoy in this experience too hold on a second guys yeah i'm getting excited you almost there randy how's it going he's still fiddling all right well i can't contain myself we got to get up in here and see what we can find okay another thing going off to the right and yep it heads off up in there all right we'll come back and revisit that in just a second turn it back around we have another one goes off that direction and the main line here oh oh oh back up back up look what's down here on the ground oh this is just great there's their gloves right there in situ right where they laid them [Laughter] oh fantastic okay going around the corner here and oh it just keeps going ah there might be a dynamite box in there okay i gotta go back and help randy guys i'm real sorry i'll be back okay yep i had to give randy a hand he's new on the ropes but there's nothing wrong with that this is a good mind to learn on uh once again i'll show you guys off to the right there's where we found that canteen randy isn't that cool oh i just noticed it you see that canteen up in there yeah demonstrated here i spent some time with that with the audience already super cool that's a great that's a great find still got the old cloth cover yep tattered now if you can remember i found one of those in the bottom of that 600 foot shaft last summer at the uh sterling mine so if you guys want to go take a look at that um check out episode 72 600 foot vertical shaft that we did without ropes all right now so i gotta drift off to the right one going straight and one left we're gonna stay on the primary for right now and we'll come back and explore each one of these one by one on the way back okay so remember when we peered down uh that stop when we're at the level above us so here's a or shoot and look at here see just just just look at this look on the ground you don't see any footprints whatsoever there's nothing here we are the first no indentations of people or nothing yeah this is great now look straight up i'm going to show you up into that stop right there that's what we were looking down into earlier all right okay continuing on there we go all right we had i thought i thought i saw a box up in here oh shoot it's just pork and beans i was really hoping that would have been a dynamite box oh look here oh fantastic let me turn the lights down ah randy can you grab that and turn off my light yeah dust dust some of that off oh wow yes straight bourbon whiskey mel wood kentucky straight bourbon whiskey one pint any dates national distillers on the bottom hard to see i don't think that's part of the sometimes they put a number for a date on it it's got a tax stamp oh yeah there's the tax stamp so if it has a tax stamp on it then we're after what is it 1930 oh you guys need to start that yeah that's what it had been about 1930 1930 something uh it was after prohibition yeah nice looking bottle up until the 1970s all right we'll leave that one right where we found it right there okay look here we have some other things what's this here i'll let you show this to everybody oh yeah look at there's one of those log cabin syrup we got here this of course it's got a spout pour spout yeah see what we got here some kind of lubricant uh okay something no lean ah kerosene kerosene yeah yep fill your lamp okay and there's your log cabin syrup lock cabin sir yeah right there see oh boy they really like their pancakes in the morning yeah but see that's the bit that's the large one so so if i'm if i'm right the the earlier versions of log cabin syrup came in that much larger contain container and then fast forward they reduce the size that's why you always see those smaller ones in in the can dumps that's a good artifact there it's it's rare to find the large log cabin syrup well i really want some water and a soft brush right now yeah i want to read what's on the paint underneath well maybe we'll come back and and do that okay i don't have anything to brush it off with let's see what else we can find in this fan what's turning out to be another museum museum mine all right miners what else did you leave for us brand new case of unexploded dynamite wouldn't that be great okay the rail bends off to the right there and looking off here to the left we have a little exploratory yeah i suppose we'll take a look at this first oh look at this beautiful carbide tin randy randy randy we are into oh my gosh look at this look at here this is an oddball piece of a label here what's that bottle okay show everybody this stuff here zero lean cup grease okay that's for still smell it that's for lubricating the rail is that well the label's all done started with a j ends what's an s is that is that a beer i can't beat beer bottle um any crown top any dates on the bottom use some spit if you have to no it's just there's a number eight number eight jay let's get a close-up on that here let me decrease jameson's let me decrease my life yeah i didn't know jameson made beer okay um aim your aim your headlamp away for a second there you go we'll get a good okay guys please down in the comment section starts with a j and ends with a s nice okay there's an old handle for a broom or something yep broom handle looks like they uh used it for something else so they carved it off what else we have hiding up in here nothing that's it steel screen so the reason for the the grease guys is uh it's it's the lubricate the rail especially around these tight corners yeah there's a knife that's a beautiful looking car carbide yeah union carbide still has the blue paint on it yep nothing left in there now they know anything they used it all up didn't they every bit of calcium carbide all right head on ahead there let's go see what else we got that's it that's it for this little thing cool little artifacts pipe fitting this is an interesting pipe fitting what would this go to oh pan back around look at this thing go in front of me show it to everybody there we go here oh that's you can stick a handle through it you run your hand over it that way and that gives you leverage to tighten it onto something okay um i bet it's the top of it like maybe an air cylinder something like that now look at this gobbing we have over here to the right i've never seen anything look quite like that why is it all is that just waste rock i just threw it here to get it out of the way no like look at this piece right here right there grab that nugget this one yeah what do what's is it heavy it's mostly uh feels like a a limonite yeah it's iron oxide it's a lymanite type thing isn't it okay that's why they cast it aside look there another bottle right there right behind the wood broken oh darn that one's busted okay all righty what do we have from see what else is down in here there's a here's a glove on the corner here oh we got to be real careful that's okay because this is going to take us when we get to the very bottom of this mine oh you found another glove yep it's uh it's real leather it's still fairly pliable it's got the cloth bottom they still make them that way yeah yeah i'm guessing again that's 30s 40s all right so when we finally get to the bottom of this mine i'll bet you there's going to be an ore shoot at the bottom of this ore pass looking up this direction doesn't go anywhere it stopped right there okay now we gotta go back and explore those those other drifts that we bypassed on the way in let's head over there go ahead randy okay to the right you wanna go first yeah i'll go first mr excite exciting here look at all the burlap sacks on the ground here for taking samples okay going deeper and nothing nothing okay turn it around now if you look on the ground here you can see that the rock is tossed up kind of to the left and kind of to the right uh next to the ribs that tells me they had a slusher in here randy they were using a cabled slusher to pull the pull the waste rock as well as your back towards the haulage at it but they've they've removed it hiding over there look at here another axe handle right there nice pickaxe handle anything else hiding under there trying not to make too much yeah nope interesting different uh textures of burlap that they have here look how coarse this one is oh yeah yep wow you don't find it like that anymore horse weave no oh dusty okay well now that you're here with the camera i hope i can spot it again there was a deposit that had pyrite crystals almost a quarter inch oh yeah really i can't remember where it was maybe we can spot it again oh this is some really nice is some juicy looking stuff off to the right here look at that i see the epsomite crystals growing out oh they have some yeah yeah that's pretty i got the quartz in there look at these these these these are about two inches long they look like a plant let's take a look let me focus in on that is that that epsomite it's got to be yeah oh yeah yeah that's the stuff we found in the bottom of the uh admiral aaron ward mine there's another one up here okay turning back around and going deeper let's see where this one takes us we've got a just a gorgeous vein above me here i have to show you this guys look at this oh wow till you see this randy oh wow these are some amazing crystals yeah you're gonna have to catch that on film that is that is super duper right here iron see i told you it was worth it for you to come down here yeah this is great and oh yeah look here they were working working that same vein of uh real iron rich looking lima knights going right up this direction picking it out so this is what it looks like guys before the orders were actually removed hey randy hey you know what this is some real indiana jones don't you think how's that tune go and when i have to do it i'm gonna have to bleep that out you must find the crystal skull we gotta find do you think we'll find the crystal skull or or maybe that thing with the crystals on it that the sleeve stack like to play with the pylon the pilot oh you remembered pylons you remembered those were the things that's right that's what they called it yeah you could go ahead go back in time or different dimensions or something through the pipe that's right yep that's what it was it was kind of like a time machine wasn't it something like that yeah okay let me show you where we came from yeah we got randy now he's headed down into the bottom here with me and we uh we discovered that all you got to do is talk into this pipe here hey randy can you hear me talking into this pipe yeah how do i sound talking through the vent pipe you sound pretty good i can hear you just as clear as day all right well i'm gonna talk just as loud down the shaft and see if you can hear me okay we're gonna see in the bottom there's a lot of cool artifacts down in here look here all right look here guys there's a load board pegboard right there and an ore bucket look at that yeah you don't find too many of them in mines they've all been taken out of these places and ended up in people's rock gardens look at that that's just beaut beautiful condition wow let me show it to you from this angle fantastic i love it absolutely love it then around the corner here we've got miners graffiti okay faith from 1937 from 37. don don i can't quite make that out maybe you guys can he's from 37. all right down here on the floor look there wheels off of norcar re uh repurposed into that thing okay we'll wait for randy to play with him turning around we've got some 55-gallon drums and uh up in here you see what i see got a kerosene tin there's another old two two old bottles up in there we'll wait for randy to get here there's a tank that says mobile oil on it i wonder if that's spigot undo here no bone dry and then around the corner turning turning turning around here's a board with some pegs stuck in it as well as a tiny little jar right there hanging out again we'll wait for randy to get down here to look at all this and here's another can that might still have the label on it the bottom of this shaft i can see dead critters laying all over the place pack rats and etc so uh i'll be right back as soon as randy gets here we'll start going over these artifacts okay so what we're gonna do here guys is randy's we're gonna work this room he's gonna point out all the the great stuff yeah what do you think of that that is an amazing i guess they just hauled gear on that isn't that great you can turn your headlamp off it's got a glove on each corner did they nail the gloves down yeah they're attached somehow so they were acting like as like a shim some kind of a cushion that's that's really darn cool you know you rarely find the wheels off of or carts down in these mines because that's always the most valuable thing because the uh the top part of an ore cart can be reconditioned it's the wheels that are the most valuable great artifact now looking look off here to the left randy look what's hiding up in behind these barrels head on up in there i see yes no look down on the ground see that uh-huh wow i gotta get in there and get that i know you do you're the official presenter of the day we're all we're all weighted with baited breath here randy what do you got okay that label's gone no i flip it up there you go oh here we go yeah yeah okay skinny dusty it is whiskey it's that same brand isn't it maybe not see here let's see if we can get this ripped off without destroying it this isn't the proper way to clean off a label i know david mead david mead david mead whiskey looks like blended blended whiskey okay let me turn the camera lights down a little bit okay bring it right up to the camera there all right let's get a good shot of that okay let's look up david mead whiskey maybe we can figure out how old that bottle is okay next we got another one i think look at the increstations on there [Music] oh that has a label it looks like a ketchup maybe vinegar oh really apple cider vinegar apple cider vinegar what's the brand old gold let me turn that light down get my lights out of the way there we go old gold apple cider vinegar nice all right what else we got what is that cone around shape looking thing yeah that what's that it's heavy heavy cast iron cap of some sort okay or that mineral crust in there is that a oh that's a yeah that's a piece of fuse okay anything else just a piece of fuse yeah what else do you have back in there anything else interesting yeah there's more of those caps oh yeah okay uh what would those have i your guess is as good as mine oh yeah look there's a bunch of them this had water in it at one time you can see the dried mud cracked up yeah yeah there's a lid there see if we can get this out is there a can okay probably crusty more kerosene maybe yeah i can barely read some of that okay let's take those two glass bottles oh you have another one oh geez still got the yeah that's that's definitely a kerosene tin from the oh they got stuff running out of it oh you ran it all over the bottom nasty uh i can't even tell it was upside down i can't read anything on it okay all the riding is gone it's just a bear tin yeah that's what they ship kerosene in i tell you what could you set those bottles up on this shelf for me up here let's protect them get them out of the water is there any curl yeah well we got to keep rolling here randy we'll come back and do that in a minute come around over here well you want to put these on yeah right up there yeah set them on the shelf there right here like that like that and like that i gotta get out of here the dust is too heavy okay come on out you save those for future explorers now i found something else down here look what's that right there what's that bottle oh this one yeah oh look at that look how good shape that is shilling celery salt shell pills in it these don't look that old oh really somebody may have had uh aspirins bear aspen it has been oh wait let me turn the light off there we go focus on that it does it says it's those are uh bare aspirin isn't it yeah they put them in a celery solid no you guys they're not quaaludes geez all right what's that can there's probably people in the audience saying those are 714 lemons oh more rpm rpm grease motor oil yeah we've seen a lot of those kinds of cans okay that pretty much ends the artifacts from here other than this uh hercules powder box i looked at it earlier didn't see any dates on it um i already showed you the graffiti on the right hand side of the wall let me show you the graffiti on the left hand side right there so we've got g and he was in here september 9th in 1940 okay and uh all right here we are in the very bottom of this mine no footprints at all so if you see anything randy if we oh this if we miss if i miss anything feel free to point it out something's weird with my camera here folks let me that's much better there we go okay alrighty we got a drift going off to the right and let's look up in here real quick oh i don't think it goes anywhere or does it yep just goes right here and stops with no artifacts to speak of okay here we go more artifacts a wheelbarrow and paperwork what do we have here oh that's the uh look at that paperwork randy that shows you how to uh poke your caps right there let me zoom in on that oh you can read that that that shows you that comes inside of a dynamite box and shows you how to insert your blasting cap in the stick of dynamite is what that is nice okay there's a hills brothers coffee can that's great fantastic and uh wheelbarrow oh yeah oh that's a good looking look at him with the old uh look at that look at the wheel on this oh yeah uh-huh metal there old school right there oh this is great okay another piece of paper yup okay we're kind of getting off of the main haulage but as i'm looking down here on the ground we got newspapers all over the place let me show you little scraps of them if you can go through any of this and find a date randy that'd be great i'm going to take the audience up this direction just a minute i'll come back yeah oh see what they were doing here they were throwing their waste rock up into this drift [Music] rather than hauling it out of the mine and that's as far as it goes okay turning back around what do you got oh nice good find get my light off tungsten mines company bishop california really coarse burlap tungsten tungsten mines uh the bishop good find nice bags of ore heck yeah can there's a small scrap of paper right over here keep looking down i saw it yeah right right there you see anything with a date on it [Music] oh look at this oh wait whoa you guys aren't gonna believe what i just found what do we got here mousy this is out of a book is it a magazine of some sort okay small well here's a here's a instruction sheet for hercules powder yep look at here randy blow the dust off them boards box right there okay that's too bright let's fix that and get that light in like that there we go hercules on that one and then this one here here i know i know look at this one same thing same is it exactly the same yeah it sure is the other end of the box okay i was i had higher expectations okay let's continue let's put this here too yeah there you go okay so another hundred years from now if you see this burlap sack laying here yeah we were the ones that laid it there so nothing i've said for who knows how long has been recorded well i uh i have you on my um ambient microphone so maybe we'll catch you on that look here guys here's a door and uh lots of graffiti with oh boy oh boy oh boy oh my god christmas look at this okay let's start let's start with the graffiti okay working it real slow here so you guys can read it all right oh i i see so much here look at this okay randy head on up in there and watch out for unexploded dynamite well here's something real quick okay somebody spilled their cigarette papers oh yeah they're called i'll get my light off yeah wheat straw cigarette paper interesting wheat straw oh that's even better on this oh what's that say yup la la plus wheat straw cigarette papers nice find yeah kind of put them up somewhere oops there we go any place anything hiding behind there nope just some maybe no that's a piece of rail oh look at all this stuff i know and i know let's do this one first come here come here come here this one this look at there's a bottle right now i know i know we'll get to it i'm as excited as you are come on the whole audience is waiting on you all right go go go oh wow look at this still got oil in it a shovel that's a beautiful looking hercules powder box there's a there's a bucket still has the oil in it with the track dauber um let's look on this box we gotta find a date it has to be a date okay the icc is 14 but that puts it within a date range of five to ten years um nope wouldn't be there see anything there randy looks like a date no about the bottom no darn i'm not seeing on that one okay let's keep going did you normally date the boxes oh yeah there's usually a stamp on them but it rubs off real easy it's got that uh icc 14 yeah okay okay so that means it was that's icc stands for interstate commerce commission and the that's uh that license goes five to ten years so we're right around 1914. some kind of white powder with a uh something to hang it with i wonder what that could have been carbide i'll bet it's carbide there's just all kinds of they rigged up for candles or or whatever what's that say rich lube rich lube that's a new one we haven't seen rich lube yet oh you got to turn your headlamp off sorry that blasts out the image there we go rich lube oil okay hey look we got a brush we can brush off stuff there you go and we have uh well randy's brushing stuff more graffiti over here from 1937 of faith okay wow just artifact heaven in here this is amazing no label wait wait hold that up hold that up i think it i can capture that look at that the uh hold is uh busted off okay labels are gone yep using a can kerosene kerosene tin okay anything else oh yeah oh that's that zolt zero length zero not kerosene zero lean zero lean here's some beans oh a burlap sack that had beans in it excited oh yeah yeah look at that nice and that looks like the end and uh that's gonna be it yeah nothing up in there okay turn it back around okay it's been uh way too long i need to radio i got to go radio him tell him we're okay okay hold hold the camera we're still recording all right okay just point it somewhere i'll be right back okay so i uh i rated a bet i tried to radio back mr m but the radios aren't reaching so we're gonna have to work our way through this kind of quick now because he's up there wondering if we're all right and that's always kind of freaky for the person that's waiting now here we have the miners gloves still laying in here look at that randy yeah we're just looking isn't that great okay not too pliable anymore but they're all leather now we have a what is this going down false floor oh boy look at this look randy oh wow i know wow now what do we do i know just when you thought this might we were done with this mine it just keeps getting get better look at that you feel any air no no nothing nothing all right whole bottle an oar chute right behind you an old bottle that rope tied on it oh yeah look at that let me look at that again real close here yep any uh dates on the bottom no no all right turn it back around let's go up in here oh you're kidding me there's oh look at here mice everywhere running like crazy [Laughter] they have a nice little house oh wow oh i was hoping it would go deeper definitely something they were working we have a small winds um and another shovel right there anything up in here no that's as far as that one goes okay let's carefully work our way that's interesting look at the strap they have tied off of here all right let's work our way around that winds go further on up into this mine possible false floor here careful across that all right another beautiful hercules dynamite box uh-huh that could possibly be date right there 14. 19 14. possibly good looking box i wish it was wasn't missing the side but that's what they do you know they they tear them apart wow gosh this wine just keeps on giving look at this another box right here another coffee can two coffee cans one filled with oil and grease another track dauber the drift continues off that direction we'll we'll come back to that in a minute all right continuing on yep i'm moving a little bit quicker through this mine now because because mr emma he's waiting on us you know the air quality down here um so far is it's fresh it's not like a tomb you know you would think being this deep it's gonna be like a tomb but it ain't and that's as far as this one goes all right turn it back around okay okay let's uh we're stepping over the skip sheet here something i want to point out to you guys about that skip not already not a skip sheet sorry guys muck sheet you see the uh see the holes in it see all the metals curled out right there and there's a couple of holes over there so what they're gonna do is before they do a blast they'll put that muck sheet up and it'll prevent fly rock um from coming back and landing on the track that they have down here and sometimes when the blast goes off there's enough velocity it can send a rock right straight through the muck sheet and that is it that's as far as this one goes okay turn it back around any dates on that one randy look at this little bucket here that's great i love it all these great artifacts i don't see anything it looks like a day nothing huh okay prince albert oh another can of prince albert yeah hey randy did you know that prince albert's in a can no you better let him out you better let him out all right now i think we did we missed one more drift over here i don't think we did let's take a look look at this beautiful lima knight pocket right here i'm getting turned around there we go oh no we're going back out aren't we yeah we're headed out see that limonite how it came up through this seam yeah that would be a hydrothermal deposit wouldn't it sure would yep oh my headlamp just fried it just went out okay all right now i'm working my way past this winds again right there be real careful that false floor all right wow that's just super fantastic i wonder how much deeper this goes randy i don't know i don't know but we're going to have to save it some other future explorer is going to have to come down here and check it out maybe another trip well no you know you just can't get into 100 to all these mines and we've got mr m patiently waiting on us we've been down in here long enough we need to get back up go tap shave in a haircut on the pipe yeah but the problem is that pipe doesn't extend all the way to the top he'll hear it all right gosh that was a lot of fun i just you know i told you guys when we start roping into these old shafts we're going to start finding locations with a whole lot more artifacts and boy did this one pay off in spades didn't it unfortunately we're not i'm not going to be able to go any further down into that decline mr m's been topside just waiting on us now for probably close to an hour he's probably getting a little worried so we got to get out of this mine so i thank you very much for coming along with me on this fantastic explorer wow what a mine and i can't wait to take you guys into even more mines just like this one all right everybody i'll see you again next weekend take care bye bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Abandoned and Forgotten Places
Views: 161,091
Rating: 4.8905773 out of 5
Keywords: A&FP, Abandoned, Forgotten, Places, Mine, Mines, Tunnel, Exploring, Adventure, Hiking, Artifacts, Antiques, Geology, Prospecting, Gold, Silver, Quartz, Dynamite, Blasting, Adit, Gly, Bobbie, Quackers, Gly Coolness, Old Bob, Old Mine, Old Building, Gold Mine, Ghost Town, Abandoned Mine, Abandoned Mines, Abandoned Place, Abandoned Places, Forgotten Place, Forgotten Places, Mine Exploring, Abandoned Mine Exploring, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Abandoned and Forgotten Places, Abandoned & Forgotten Places
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 32sec (4832 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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