ARTIFACTS GALORE!! Best Abandoned Mine EVER! This One Has It All

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well hey everybody welcome back all right well you're probably asking where where am i this weekend we are back at the museum mine because you guys helped me out and uh we hit the 140 000 subscriber challenge and as promised i told you guys i would come back to the museum mine and we would do a more thorough job at uh documenting the artifacts as well as um go down into that winds that i wasn't able to get into the last time that i was here so i thank you all so very much for helping me out to reach 140 000. you know technically we hit that number on the 4th of october but hey you know we're not splitting hairs here and you guys are just great so i'm gonna do this one one more time for you so the plan is um i'm just gonna go all the way to the bottom randy's gonna follow me here in a moment and uh once we get down in there then we'll go straight to the winds and we'll we'll get started on that first okay so i'll see you in the bottom [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right here we are guys made it to the bottom it's not uh that deep of a shaft i figure this one's only yeah roughly 250 275 until we get into the bottom um and that's where we're standing right now now many of you may have not seen the episode where we documented this mine about three four months ago so i'm gonna put a direct link down in the description area just head on down in there click on it and it'll take you to that episode and that one we've already documented many of these artifacts but a lot of you wished that i would have taken higher resolution photographs of each and every one of these things that we found so i'm going to do that today in this video um but first we're gonna go explore that winds and then after we get done doing that uh we'll come back and methodically work our way up and out of this mine um doing kind of like a forensic analysis of each and every drift level and the things that we find so let's head on over to the winds and get started over there so here's what i think is going on here as i work my way into this hole this was one of the last places that the these miners were working and a lot of their equipment is around the corner over here in this little drift i'll show you guys that after a bit so i think there's a darn good chance we're gonna find a bonanza of artifacts down in here yep okay i mean look at here randy they got vent pipe and everything so that's a that's a really good sign all right you got your radio on then i do all right i'm gonna go check it out first all right and if it turns out to be spectacular as well as safe i'll send you down and come behind me oh there's what are they doing here what they got that's a skinny little all right oh this is super cool man what a rush to be the first people down here since what maybe 1940 yeah a lot of people ask me why do you do this isn't that dangerous it's a real rush guys discovering new things seeing things that haven't been seen in a in a hundred years or more and the best part is bringing it to you guys because i know there's a lot of you that can't do this activity and you really enjoy this all right look what we have here all right randy this is all looking really safe you can go ahead and come on down to this point look here guys all right we got are you on the drift what's that is that a drift uh no just a little tiny cove right here that has some artifacts in it okay so we've got repurposed drill steel here with a a hardened chiseled end on it here is another chisel right there here's the end of a what's left of a pickaxe handle and uh over here is a bottle right there look at that fortunately the top's busted off and there is no emboss embossing on the bottom nope okay i'm going through a uh a relatively sketchy spot here there's some broken wrongs and other ugliness happening see if i can get around it just watch out for unexploded dynamite i'm not really so worried about that i don't know if i should be but it just doesn't seem like it's likely watching frank's video in a mine in a mine such as this here guys let me show you this dynamite box in a mine such as this where nobody's ever really found it since the 40s there's a good chance it might be down in here giant powder coat and i'll just quickly look for a date on it yeah here we go got a date randy all right i gotta turn these super bright flashlights off to show everybody that's too bright there you go lower right hand corner 1929 december 4th 1929. all right oh cool all right i found something neat guys i got to get to a safe place before i can show it to you though all right so we got something going off that direction and here we have let me turn that down chesterfield chesterfield cigarettes there all right miners what were you doing down in here oh big hunky piece of giant piece of lima knight come on wish i was 19 again and only weighed 160 pounds yeah we'll just take it easy there dusty that's what i'm trying to do my gosh look at this thing okay so over here we got an old bucket and then things are getting really nasty going down into this hole randy all right when you get yourself turned around here hold on to all right that come okay look at this look at this craziness wow you would have to be out for cons you'd have to be out of your mind to go down in here you have to be out of your mind to go down in here you really would hit it on the nail you want let me show everybody what we got hiding down in here all right look at that bucket okay i'm gonna go down into this crazy hole that nobody should probably in their right mind go into but as frank schlichting would say good for a penny in for a pound all right oh wow it's full of gold coins nice whoa boy i'm about ready to get a board right up my oh randy oh i just found something really cool look at the pocket let me turn the lights down a bit look at the big old shiny pocket of galena right there oh cool i just found a piece in this bucket nice now if i can just somehow squirrel my way into the bottom of this thing so i've got a uh this is kind of cool should i save it what's that it's a canvas sack and it's heavy it's got stuff in it do you want to wait to look inside yeah we'll let's wait all right i'll set it aside here i gotta figure out how i'm gonna do this here um boy okay did you examine this gnarly looking limonite vein not yet now i'm i got my i'm focused on getting into the bottom of this puppy and not kill myself in the process okay here we go what do we have down in here another dynamite box aha eureka eureka randy i found the vein okay guys look at that look at that wow randy yeah you're going to want to come down here and see this really and um you're going to want to get a sample okay i've got a big nail i can there is a busted shovel down in here and i'm looking for a piece of old drill steel that you could use as a chisel there was one back up there a piece of drill steel shaped like a chisel you could use you saw one yeah yeah so far when you're headed back up it'll be on your left in that little cove oh i don't want to go all the way back up there i got a big nail here uh okay let's see what else we have in this mine i'll come down i'm gonna see if i can find a date on this dynamite box another one from giant powder company here we go got a date once again and you can just barely see it right there oops 1928 february nothing solid you're almost there holy cow how'd you get down in here you're crazy ah there you go now you're in the bottle oh my god there were no nails [Laughter] you got your tetanus shot randy oh my gosh all right look over here wow look at that look look okay oh that's what they were chasing galena okay can you hold that and point it at me because i'm about to do something really really crazy yeah kid still goes kids don't do this just don't do it are you sure you want to go in that you know it is filled with waste rock well you know there might be something really damn cool down in here you just don't know until you go that pipe is a stall oh yeah black iron pipe oh my gosh now this this is my kind of exploring randy hey it's an old shovel wouldn't it be funny if there was a yellow rope attached to it come on now boy there ain't much room around here to move around come on there we go okay here we are i believe we're at the bottom of this mine nice okay anything good down in here i see a tin of some sort but that's about it over there and over here well son of a oh my gosh there's something over here randy you gotta be kidding me i see something what is that my gosh well the back look like it's it's definitely been backfilled okay see look i see something up there it's almost like a piece of denim or something randy yeah i'm going for it what is it i don't know it it could be denim it could be tin i can't tell but far the space that i have to skinny through is only two feet wide by 18 inches tall um i'm going for it man just stay safe man i'm trying i'm gonna do it i don't know if this is smart or stupid we're about to find out you're in a position where it's gonna be hard to get out of there well this comes down on me you're gonna have to dig me out try not to make dust all i can do oh no what was that that's just me don't worry about it that didn't sound good no you're i'm fine i'm just trying to get a foothold here all right take it easy don't get excited just ah named yeah i feel like i'm back in my cave exploring days wow there's galena everywhere cool yep they're definitely backfilling this okay all right guys made it through but uh give me a second i want to catch my breath here okay there i'm feeling better now so look at the vein off to the upper right hand side there okay they're definitely this is a this is a silver mine they're going after silver yep silver and lead well i mean it wouldn't surprise me if you know they didn't also have for finding gold in here too i mean there's lima knight and such look at this guys this is not cool or what huh another behind the white box okay so what do we have hiding over here all right okay if we can just get around this get on my feet instead of on my darn knees all right grief oh come on okay what do we got here we got a ladder going up so at one time this was acting as an ore pass but we got a ladder going back up okay look at here here's a nice oh my gosh how heavy that is yeah it's this heavy like lead all right i'm gonna i'm gonna keep that piece i'll go in my pocket so if i continue that way is this going to go back what do you think guys what do you think i should do should i go back should i go up or go back towards randy hey randy yeah hang on yeah okay so i found uh an oar pass here and there's a really nasty ladder going up it but it's not at a very steep angle um i'm going for it i think it might take me right right straight back up to uh the uh the the drift level i'm gonna find out here in a minute so it goes back up and it looks like it's as high as the one we just came down exactly yeah that's what i think it's doing so i'll let you know give me a few minutes oh so in case you're wondering that what i thought was denim back there wasn't it was a piece of tin oh my gosh the slider gonna hold me okay guys thanks for bearing with me i had to do some battery changeouts there now i'll tell you what this is not easy by any stretch of the imagination here the question is is this going to go back to the top back to the drift or is it just going to go to an area that they were working hell we're gonna find out i can't imagine going to work every day in the thing like in something like this holy cow how in the world i mean there's not even enough room to to swing a pickaxe in here oh come on wow so is this just uh let me guess all we have here is a raise yep ouch ouch okay guys as soon as i get my a good place to show you what's going on in here i'll give you the grand tour first i want to see if it's safe bat oh my god get up there there we go yeah you just stay there mr bath ain't no harm going to come to you all right too much huffman and puffin i'll be fatboy will return after these messages all right there we go that feels better yeah you just got to take a break once in a while that's all there is to it all right so i'm pointing my laser at a three inch wide piece of uh galena right there lead sulfide and uh there's silver in that and that's what they're chasing after um and my laser stuck on again looking above my head here you can see all the galena up there on that on that hanging wall behind me here you can see i'll point the laser there's mr bat right there there's mr bat and the miners put some blocking bracing and cribbing in place here to keep stuff from falling down on them from that direction um now right here there's a rock eventually my laser will turn off come on turn off already um there's a nice chunky piece of galena silver ore right there um let me show you what's behind me though so indeed this didn't go anywhere it's just a it's just a raise but behind me look at the layer there it's eight inches across right there okay and see how they were working it over there by that see there's the bat look how they were working that vein going up that direction now this stuff here that's hanging over my head is very unstable um i don't want to get i don't want to use that to get my balance so i'm going to go this way instead do you copy gly yeah go ahead what's the status of the uh opportunity to get back up okay so what i did here is i worked myself into a raise i worked myself into a raise and it comes to a stop but i've got veins of galena going all over the place okay so you will have to come back this way to get out that's correct i'm headed back to your your direction in a moment copy that so what do you think guys should i try to break off break off a specimen for you help actually the one in my pocket that i already found as well as this one that one's really nice right here it's the same thing it's the exact same kind of material i would imagine if you hit that with a rock hammer and break it open it's going to be just as shiny as what we're looking at right there okay i'm going to put that one in my back pocket yeah we'll save that one that's pretty cool now for the fun part we gotta get out of here alrighty hey is there something hiding behind there oh yeah a couple buckets [Music] uh so yeah right there two buckets and i can't anything in the buckets nope empty buckets right now all right by the way guys that dynamite box that was that dynamite box that's down in here was from 1929 well okay here's our skinny little hole uh okay where's randy there he is you okay [Laughter] how's it going i'm almost there come on dusty i'm trying you need help i just need to catch my breath here were you able to chip out any nice samples not any big ones oh i got one but you know there's a better or just as good of a galena vein further up so might as well collect from there some lucky ebayer some lucky subscribers gonna get a nice sample there's no way i was gonna come this deep into this mine and not get a little piece well i'm going to get as many pieces i think i can carry i don't want to overload it though well maybe 10 or 20 pounds at the most when i get up there i'm going to put this one in your backpack because it's uh doing its best to drill a hole into my buttocks uh-oh what the heck was i thinking what were you thinking it's randy it's another one of those gopher moments there i'm feeling better now okay look at that piece oh yeah see that's similar to what i have in my pocket keep it i think i'll keep that that's a good one just laying right here yeah yeah look at look at the vein look at that veiner pulling it out of there yeah yeah out of limonite well that's where i got this chunk up on there all right show us what you found well we got that nice big chunk of lime tonight yeah i set that there but you said you found a bag with something in it yeah i'm gonna pull it out here okay pieces of galena all right a little sack oh sample sack maybe so nothing but nails old nails yeah we'll leave that here nails oh we were hoping for gold coins but you know gold coins what else you guys premium pieces of ore is what i was hoping for but that's it the rest that's just yeah hold on to those smaller pieces and right now i'm gonna go ahead since i'm thinking about it i don't know about this lima knight can you put this look at this piece so this is what i got all the way up into that raise right here if you could put these two if i get in my pocket here here we go if you could put these actually i got three here that you can offer on your site man this thing's getting heavy already speaking of heavy wait till you feel so fast wait till you feel this oh that's heavy look at the interesting more nice pieces those look pretty good yeah so see this a silvery one guys so that one there is is you know would be just like the what i found in that vein but i couldn't chip it out they were laying on the floor but that big piece there if you chop it in half you're gonna see how shiny it is yeah so randy will offer that up on his uh ebay site again the link will be down in the description area and yours your ebay site is called what again e oh e stuff e dash stuff for now i might change the name yeah that's a pretty cool piece that's it feel heavy that one oh yeah yeah that's another oh yeah that's that's ore certainly oh that lima knight's nice i like the crystallization on it very cool yeah yeah it's like uh all right well thing here i'm gonna work my way up all right okay um guys i'll i'll i'll see you when we get back up to the drift there wasn't much more to show you here so when we get back to the drift we'll go from there all right everybody back again wow that was uh that was pretty strenuous what do you think randy uh yeah but it seems like you were huffing and puffing i was huffing and puffing pretty good down in that winds i'm really happy we came back to this mine and showed everybody what was down in there we got some nice samples of galena so guys what we've been doing over the last half an hour is uh we methodically went through this entire drift collecting as many artifacts as possible and we put each uh everything that we found into these piles so let's start with pile number one here randy what did we find well i think uh we'll start with the what i think is the neatest yes this old green bean can that's really super cool guys let me show you a close-up picture of that you know it's very rare to see vegetable cans like that with the label still on them that's that's really rare okay next item prince albert that's common yep prince albert in the can and you need to let him out early 1900s some of them jb coffee mjb coffee we got a couple of old gold cigarettes old gold old mold old mold a cigarette there looks like a home rolled one it is so that that would have that would have been uh what bull durham um tobacco roll your own or prince albert no remember we found the cigarette papers the last time we were in here we did now my dad in the he used to smoke old gold and we used to always tease him and call it old mold all right that's all we found in this little section let's work our way to the next little pile up here randy found some more treasures another old gold cigarette oh yeah i don't know what kind of foil that is it might be aluminum uh i don't think it's ten what are you thinking randy uh 30s 40s 20s or 30s i think so too that's when they were actively mining i believe and what else did you have there we got some uh oh yeah yeah mineral samples here mostly this is some nice pieces of limonite are you gonna grab any of them smaller ones for example i'll try to take some of that back out of here whatever i can fit in my backpack and carry without killing myself i think your pack is already nearly 20 pounds let me show them that hercules over here that's a nice plaque look at that that's really awesome down in my box yeah cool cool stuff out here okay we'll keep going this way now guys the last time that uh we were down in this mine many of you had questions down in the comments section and you asked me hey you know don't blur out things that's just ridiculous i'm really sorry i did that and i'm sorry that it made a lot of you unhappy but there is graffiti on the wall down here that is uh directly related to the name of this mine and i don't want i i just want i need to preserve this mine it's a it's a real gem now here's another question you guys asked why in the world would mice build a house this deep in a mine randy any ideas no just uh feeling safe going this deep i guess but the material the material that they built their nest out of berlin yep there's a burlap sack up there and it's filled with stuff that looks oh it looks like uh i'm not going to breathe that in i'm out of here you know it's some kind of it looks like a natural hair fiber of some sort so that was their nesting material yeah they've been nesting up in this area here and oh yeah calling at home okay so that's you know i don't know too much about those kinds of things why mice would build a house so darn deep in a mine but they just felt safe down here and that's where they did it now we've already showed you that bottle now randy a while back he poked his head up underneath this ore shoot and uh let me show you guys what i'm talking about here right up there is a paired a pair of pants that are sticking hanging from that beam and a piece of burlap now they look pretty tore up um whether they're levi's or not i don't know randy are you considering going up in there and giving them a tug what do you think well we get them they aren't doing any good crammed up in there like yeah see if you can go up there and give them a tug we'll we'll watch you do it if you can reach them all right okay i'm gonna try to poke the camera in such a way that everybody can see what you're doing i mean heck that would be a pretty cool if they turned out to if you could actually get them out of there and they were wore jeans i guess it's just a ripped pair of jeans is it okay they are old dude uh blue denim yeah and then we also have some burlap okay like it's it's stuffed in between this uh the boards here any ideas what the purpose of that would be um they sealed off they finished up with this ore shoot and then they sealed it off they wanted to keep stuff from falling down that's why they stuffed up in there yeah it ain't coming out without ripping it up okay that's fine we'll just leave it we'll leave it all right now while randy works his way out of that little hole another thing that we found look up in this or look up there there's a rug and if you look real close you can see a pattern on it so i'm guessing that's what that is it's a rug of some sort okay we're gonna wait till old randy here works himself out of the hole then we're gonna go over to the next pile of artifacts did you see this tapers and stuff yeah oh no i haven't showed them that yet that's about the dust that's okay let's do that next what'd you find here with those papers okay wheat straw rolling papers and above that it says the reno evening gazette 1945. yeah right there sure it is a piece of newspaper from 45 rolling papers oh yeah okay we found some the last time but it seems like it was further in the mine no they were right over here on the floor i think it was the same ones you left them here by this door yeah okay okay so once again guys the reason i'm pointing the camera down at the floor is uh there's a lot of graffiti down here that would definitely give away the mine and um i just i want to preserve this i don't want someone coming down here and stealing all these artifacts and doing something silly let's work our way over here okay randy come on what else we so we put together a pile of all the things we found up in this drift take a look so starting over here we had that can of uh what was it called again zer zero lane zero lean uh antifreeze i believe yeah we already looked at that we looked at that last time and that's a really nice can of rich lube it's a good shape paint it on label yeah paint it on um i found many of those but uh they were very rusted those are nice nice condition here's a repurposed can of some sort with a wire on it grease there and now is that what do you think is in that jar could um there's a powder in there it could be lime yeah don't know and uh lard can that one says lard oh something on the back look at that silver leaf brand swifts silver leaf brand something large cooking lard or something like that yeah and uh jug broken broken joe with a broken handle not too old up around the corner here um i'll just show it to you guys once again there was all kinds of uh old buckets buckets more buckets burlap sack we showed you that in the last in the last episode and a whole lot of vent pipe so okay that is it for this level there's no more artifacts to show you so what we're going to do guys is um we're going to head back to the ladder go up to the next drift because there's artifacts there and i'll show you those and we'll do some nice uh nice close-ups on them for you so we'll see up there so as i'm working my way back to the ladder i look down on the ground here here's something i didn't show you guys before there's a piece of paper from june 16 1945 reno saturday evening post and it says their minister to moscow interesting yep i didn't show you that i've already showed you the wheelbarrow in the previous video and around the corner up in there was their powder magazine i showed you all that already i'm pretty sure i also showed you that hills brothers can okay once again working back to the ladder i'm not looking forward to the climb i'm pretty darn tired but hey this is what we do so i'll see you up at the next drift okay sorry guys i'm getting a little ahead of myself here i forgot we had one more pile of artifacts i wanted to show you so um i'm going to give you guys a close-up here of that cigarette label that comes off of i believe a package of uh loose cut bull durham tobacco i've got randy's holding right there okay here's a picture of it take a look okay next uh on that can right there randy what kind of an oil can was that oh that was that was rpm yeah we've seen a lot of them and then the last time we were here we found that apple cider that yeah that vinegar and it's called and the brand was um old gold old gold vinegar i looked all over the internet i could not find a bottle of that that's that's brand new i've never seen anything like it and then but many of you did find the mead whiskey the meat whiskey yup i remember looking at all this stuff and then uh this is the funny this is the funny thing the pills a lot of you asked me well did you look at the imprint on those pills inside the celery salt container are they lemons 714 lemons and yes i opened it up and i looked at them under my loop and it says bear aspirin on them no they are not old bear aspirins they are not lemon 714s guys and if they were that would be a heck of a find lightning 7 14. yeah i don't know if you know what those are randy i do not okay i'll tell you later naive [Laughter] all right um and then we found this uh this uh newspaper here from the i think it's the 40s and uh kind of like open that up and flip through the pages show everybody camel cigarette yeah hey hey mr m this is for you it reads more people are smoking camels than ever before [Laughter] we got some cartoons yeah look at that look at that drano it's a great one it sure is yeah it's a guy driving something looks like a 1940s car hey that looks like me that looks like me when i was a little kid with welch's 1869 this says copyright 1948 oh 48. very good uh-huh and there's some lux soap see that's so bath sized luxe baths toilet soap luxe girls are lovelier aha you'd be a booby star if you use lux soap so some of you some of you might be asking why would there be newspaper or magazine paper like that down in here well at one point in time there was a honey pot which is a toilet and they used paper like that to do their business [Laughter] actually help clean up after doing your business better than gunny sacks all right so around the corner here um that's where we found those artifacts they were all hiding up in here and so i brought them and i put them in a place where the mine doesn't flood up and out of the way so now oh one more thing before we head up there was that big ore bucket right there and if you if you look closely here on the on the beam right there is a load board with pegs in it pegboard to count the loads up and out of the mine but that ore bucket's really cool that's a that's a neat find yeah alrighty so here we go we have to go back up this crazy look at that look at that that's almost vertical all right we'll see up at the next drift hey you know what chicken butt [Music] all right guys here we are we are at uh the next drift higher up and this is the location where that canteen was um see that canteen hanging there in the corner yeah still has the canvas around it still full of whiskey yeah [Music] that's pretty cool now i found one similar to that out in the desert here not too long ago but this one is much better shape yeah you just hang it there randy is it is it nice yeah that'll be fine okay and then turn it around let me show you this over here guys so this is something that you didn't see the last time we were in this mine randy hold up these two sacks here all right show them what i found these were covered in dust so that one there says utah union portland cement and it has a let me turn these lights down a little bit oh sorry my lights on yeah let me kill it i want to blow it out there's a picture of a devil on there on that one that's really cool and then the other one let's show them that one number zero number zero and that's what that had on it yeah so we just uh got them off the floor and drapes them over this pipe here and then uh looking up further this direction that's the shaft the shaft that we're working our way up so that was it um all the other artifacts we found on this drift are in the previous episode okay so like i said yeah head on over there uh the link is in the description area randy what do you say we go up to the next drift there may have been one artifact up there that i missed let's head over there let's head up there next [Music] all right guys made it to the last level in this mine um i did a little looking around but the only thing here is that prince albert can that had the bag of bulldog in it or cigarette papers from the last time that we were here um i couldn't find anything else so that's it i feel as though we did a really good job today exploring 100 of this mine as well as going back through and taking one more look at all the great artifacts so i thank you all for helping me reach 140 000 subscribers you guys are awesome and i hope that you tell all your friends and family about my youtube channel um so and help me boost up to 150 000 that's the next that's the next goal guys thank you all for coming along on this fun adventure and i will see you again next weekend take care now bye bye [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Abandoned and Forgotten Places
Views: 54,934
Rating: 4.9690971 out of 5
Keywords: A&FP, Abandoned, Forgotten, Places, Mine, Mines, Tunnel, Exploring, Adventure, Hiking, Artifacts, Antiques, Geology, Prospecting, Gold, Silver, Quartz, Dynamite, Blasting, Adit, Gly, Bobbie, Quackers, Gly Coolness, Old Bob, Old Mine, Old Building, Gold Mine, Ghost Town, Abandoned Mine, Abandoned Mines, Abandoned Place, Abandoned Places, Forgotten Place, Forgotten Places, Mine Exploring, Abandoned Mine Exploring, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Abandoned and Forgotten Places, Abandoned & Forgotten Places
Id: ziFs0C9AdOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 53sec (3473 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 09 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.