Extremely Rare Find, Museum Mine Loaded with Artifacts, Just Incredible!

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[Music] on this episode of abandoned and forgotten places we finish our winter exploring season with one of the biggest and most incredible locations found thus far with museum quality artifacts still in place ballrooms and stops as big as houses this mine doesn't disappoint as i work my way into the very bottom where few dare go now come with me on our biggest adventure yet as we explore the darla day mine [Music] [Music] all right everybody reach the top of the hill and do i have a location for you this weekend holy cow look at this site we got ourselves a massive or uh three-shoot orbin right here huge incline rail gosh knows how far into the mountain that thing's going to go but we're going to find out there is at it's dropped in all over the place there's one over here one over there we've got rail running in front of me here over to a tram station then they were cabling it off to the hill over there to another tram tower and down into the bottom all kinds of stuff to explore around here behind me is the hoist house with the hoist still in place up here is a tool shed with the uh um what's that called again um it's it's where it's the thing where they put the drill steel in so that they can retool the end um the name of it's not jumping in my head right now but i know what it is so what do you say we take a look at some of the uh outside artifacts here before we dive into this mine let's do that okay so starting off on this side of things let me give you a real good view of uh of the ore bin here then eventually i'm going to take you up to the tool shed and finally into the over there to the incline shaft there is an add it right there but it doesn't go in very far i think they were using that as probably a powder magazine now as we follow the rail over here you can see that this is where we were sitting and getting out of the sun it's about what's supposed to get up to about 85 degrees today we just spent an hour and a half climbing up a tremendously steep hill mr m is wiped out i'm somewhat wiped out and we haven't even explored this mine yet all right so they would push those ore cart after they would load them off of the ore bin they'd push them out this way and this is where the uh tram loading station is right over here let's get a closer look at that and around the corner sharp bend of course this is all washed washed out and the wood has fallen apart but there it is right there so they would push your cart right out there then dump it down that chute okay and then into the bottom they would load it into the into another car and then you can look across the way down there let me say slowly pan you can see the tram tower on the top of the hill see that and if you look real closely for you in the audience who are enjoying this in 4k you should be able to see the cable down there laying on the ground actually there's two of them laying on the ground and then way way way off in the distance is the uh the fine tails or what they were heap leeching down there in the bottom right there okay now the fact that these miners uh ground that up or uh put it through a mill and milled it down to three quarters minus and the fact that there is flotation tanks at the bottom of the hill tells me that uh uh this is probably gold mine they're going after gold in here and i am seeing a little bit of lymanite laying around on the ground so it i'm guessing it's probably a gold mine even though i haven't been able to find anything in public record now down here in the bottom i want to take you over to the hoist house right over there let's head over there next and get a close look at that equipment you don't find this very often usually this stuff is long since hauled off um and scrapped out but because we're at such a high altitude here and to take this stuff off the mountain would be so hard that's why they left it here looks like they took the important important pieces like the head off of that there's the winch um here's the caps and pulley right there you can see various uh stamping numbers on this equipment like on the caps there zu28 there's another one zu28b etc yeah it looks like somebody took the piston over here they sure did yeah they removed the piston out of that one and over here is this one here see if i can safely get out on this there we go yeah this is the compressor right here here let me try to get a footing over here i don't want to fall off the edge of the cliff because it's a long ways down there that's what we had to climb up all the way from the bottom it's just taken most of the day okay here's what we've got yeah that's definitely the compressor and it's just a just a beautiful view up here oh it's a wonderful mining location look at that with the ore bin up on the side of the hill okay you go back around this direction i notice down here on the ground there's still the uh the belt for these pulleys are still laying here all right let's go this way i just love finding this old equipment oh yeah there's the handle right there for the break right there [Music] all right okay so now what we need to do is i'm going to hike back up there to the ore bin and uh i'm going to show you what we're going to be exploring today so i'll see you up there okay we're back at the 100 level here and uh real quick i'll since i'm right here i'll show you the powder storage that's what this was it it doesn't go in very far just goes to right here and stops that's all that was okay all right let's head back outside there we go and go up the hill here so i can show you this uh tool shed there we go on the corner here yeah look what we have here so down on the floor that's where they would have had possibly an anvil on top of that wood right there now off to the left this is the device that's used for retooling um your drill steel clamp it in right there okay looking around the back side like so pretty cool that this is still up here but wow what those men must have had to have gone through in order to haul that this high up on the hill just just incredible now off off over here in the corner this is the forge right there okay so you're going to be pumping compressed air so you can heat up your your drill steel then take it over and re-tool it in that device off to my left there's some pigeon hole compartments for all your various pipe fittings and this and that um down here on the floor i'm seeing the small sized carbide tin right there right there there's another small carbide tin underneath the workbench over there a paint can and various other things all right now i think i'll just take you right back up the front door and show you what we're going to be exploring today there's ladder access for the ore bin all right now [Applause] yeah just incredible look at the size of this love it look at that incline rail that's uh almost 36 inch inches across so we've got ourselves a pretty darn big mine here that's a big big skip that they're that they were hauling up and out of this mine wow look over here too we've got a accumulator here still in place a bunch of newspaper on the floor here and let's see if we can see a date on it oh yeah saturday july 9th 1988 right there mm-hmm okay turning back around another small accumulator right here that's interesting it still has a tag on it oh it's the top of a carbide tin and it says uh from union carbide sales company out of los angeles right there okay yeah so look at this incline right here of course there's a fresh budweiser can on the ground there and down the incline there we go look at that oh turn that light on that would help huh way down in there the question is how deep does it go well we're gonna find out so i'm gonna head back outside and gear up um see if mr m uh is doing a little bit better after climbing that hill and we'll get started on this mine okay guys i went back got mr m we're all geared up so let's explore this old mine okay so i don't know if you heard me earlier mr m but i did i found some newspapers over here there they're dated 1988. so what do you think about this isn't this something let me show you an a this angle here it's not too often that we explore an incline shaft with a 36 inch wide or at least a 30 inch wide rail wow look at the size of that that is a big so the question is is that did they make it this size because it's going really deep or if it's simply because they hauled out so much stuff yeah stoked out areas i'm gonna say that when we i'm gonna say it probably doesn't go much more than two or three hundred feet and uh it's just gonna lead us to massively stoked out areas kind of like the one right behind me here let me show you guys it just kind of went around the corner look down in here this is what i'm talking about see that yeah you wouldn't want to fall down in there and i can see a level way way down in the bottom this room is about 25 feet in diameter at least 50 feet deep i might be able to i think i see a little bit of rail down there let me look real quick let me adjust my flashlight here is that rail in the bottom sure is see we got rail down there so we'll we'll find that once we start taking the ladder down the incline okay turning around oh this is a this is an exciting mind mr m because if there's this many artifacts still outside of the mine out you know yeah what are we gonna find down in here you can't even get on the deck right there without going across a busted uh dynamite box right by your feet yeah right here okay well i'm going to start with on the ladder let me get my footing here we'll see how what kind of shape this one is there we go yeah we'll go like that all right and we're going down face first because this ladder is only oh what do you think mr m uh 40 40 degrees it's not very steep no nah you can still get a nail in your butt though right over here okay looks like we're coming up to uh our first possible drift let's see here oh neat you guys are gonna like this we keep working down here all right let me show you so down here on the floor there's someone's boot right there there's a snake in my boat yeah here's your old boot mr m and look at the pillars they left in place in this room how cool is that two spindly little things oh wow would you look at the size of this place yep just like we thought mr m we're gonna have a lot of fun in this one wow okay let's look over here let's see how far down that goes what happens if i go this way can we oh my gosh you've got to be kidding me look at this [Laughter] unbelievable yeah it's just as we as i predicted um short incline rail but they made it as big as they did because the the the stops down in here and the ball rooms are as big as a house just incredible all right i'll wait till you get down over here to me so you can uh enjoy bask in the glory of this uh of this room it's pretty darn cool is that crazy or what that's even bigger than the room we were in a few weeks ago yeah wow my new belly cam's working out real good [Laughter] all right back over here to the ladder actually before i go to the ladder i'm going to look off this direction and take a look at this room yeah look at here guys wow incredible now up on the back here look at the size of the chunky pieces that branchiated limestone they're as big as like wheelbarrows and they're four feet six feet across see that mr m i do this is crazy this is big pockets of goodness in here huh look in there yeah this is really something see the goodness right over there oh yeah yep yep you found a vein didn't you yeah okay right there oh yeah look at that oh okay so there's your galena right there that's that uh it's the same stuff that you found at that other mine yeah yep that's it that's lead that's a vein of lead over here too oh look at the beautiful pieces running through there i mean it's only a couple of inch of inches across but they were chasing after it they got up in there with hand tools okay well i'm gonna let's see i think i want to explore the top part of this stop before we go deeper let's go this direction kind of stay back up here mr m so that everybody can get per uh gain perspective as to how large the space is okay gly i'll walk down here okay the stop oh yeah we got a big ore pass here that goes down and over here now we're getting closer to that big room that we were looking at earlier going way down there incredible just incredible look at this pillar guys take a look at that they uh so up here it's probably six feet across it down at the bottom look at how they carve carve that out going after the goodness they left maybe a 10 inch diameter piece there and that's it let's go this direction anything hiding around the corner here oh wow boy that's i can't wait to get down there too cool yeah this is a definite definitely another mine mr m that uh the 360 cam is gonna come in real handy unbelievable and over here turning back around here's another oh here's our incline okay right there all right well i'm gonna work my way back over to the incline now that we've taken a good look at this room okay time to go deeper okay here we go let's shine our lights up in there a bit you can see where we're going okay and we'll just take it nice and easy i'll tell you what there's not too much to see for right now so let's speed up a little bit until we get to the next interesting thing [Music] okay guys we are at our first official drift we've dropped probably a hundred feet in this mine look at how the rail bends around the corner there that's pretty cool yeah oh yeah oh good stuff nice so what are we looking at here we have some fragments of a a pot right there with letters on it and above that is a old spool of safety fuse here we have an artifact not sure what that is okay and uh and over here we've got a or shoot and he continues off this way to oh yeah we have ourselves a what is this yeah that's the box that the safety fuse comes in right there mm-hmm okay i'm gonna set the camera down for a second and uh give mr m a hand it's important that we've got two cameras down here because this mine is so cool it's good to have that that extra camera i'll tell you what i'll uh come around the corner here yeah there we go okay we'll go just like that there we are oops there all right come on down there the price is right you're gonna love this this is really cool okay guys um mr m is taking a little bit more time getting down the ladders so while he's working his way slowly i'm going to show you the rest of this drift and where we're at here now around the corner we have a station here with rail going off every direction look at this here we have an ore pass rail going both off to the left and off to the right okay now if we go off to the right i'm fairly certain if we were to stay on this level and head out that way okay it's going to take us right back outside um that's good for mr rim because then he doesn't have to climb so many ladders now i want to show you up in here because this is what we were looking down on just a massive space and the only way to truly appreciate how big this is yeah i'm gonna have to have mr m walk up in here that's just incredible absolutely incredible look at the size of this wow just wow okay let's head back over this direction where we came from i think i hear him getting closer to the bottom yep how you doing there buddy in there good deal okay oh yeah you only got about 50 more feet to go yeah okay just take your time let's look around the corner here oh yeah it just keeps going goes that way too and what is over here that's hiding yeah this is just like swiss cheese look at the size of this space incredible wow look at that that's just i can't believe it all right let's go see how he's doing here yeah leave it to me to give you a good old challenge huh yeah that's part and parcel of hanging out with black holes you never know what you're gonna get you never know okay so mr m here made it down the ladders what'd you think about that wow good ladder yeah how's your legs doing they're sore okay take a look up in there wow geez wow you still see remnants of that vein they were chasing yeah you can't yep see rails up there yeah that's where we were yeah head all the way up to those to the to the back of this big ballroom there oh my gosh see now that kind of shines a light on just how big this space is look at that just incredible now if you continue on i'll bet you go in through that passage it'll circle right back to the incline rail let's find out well i don't know yeah it makes a circle i'll bet it does let's look over here well maybe not no let's suck well i guess it still kind of wiggles around in here yeah oh we've got debris coming down from above and that's as far as that one goes right there yeah the stuff i'm walking on here is uh coming down out of this crack from uh uh groundwater penetration okay that's as far as this goes unless it goes oh yeah here we go nice does open up let's look up here oh yeah and it continues on way back up into the stops where we came from earlier yep okay turning around here going past all this gobbing what do we have oh this is just going to take us right what we did is made a big circle yeah that's all yep just makes a big circle mr m i think i hear him i think i hear him over here he's going in circles there he is hey perfect timing that's right where i wanted you to spit out at nice because i wanted to follow the rail up here on this level we'll see where this goes okay here we go what is that oh that's a ore chute there with um a steel steel door on it okay i'll tell you what mr m i'm gonna set my camera down here for a second let's see if this door still works oh no that's totally bound up nope you're not going to be able to rotate that uh-uh probably for a good thing because if we did it's gonna go whoosh and make a whole bunch of dust so all right who do we have up in here wow somebody had a fire in here yeah chasing out the bats there's an overshoot with a little bit of graffiti on it looks like horseshoe number three okay well now how far does this drift gonna take us there we have a little exploratory going off this direction and i'll bet it stops right there but i'll go take a look real quick yep that is where that one goes okay turning back around yeah you never would have guessed how big this mine is just by looking at the hill outside but if they went through that much trouble to haul all this lumber and everything on the side of this hill i kind of figured that the workings would be extensive look at this ore pass here wow right there coming from above and over here is another way up into a a raise right there all right continuing on so they removed as much of the straight track as they could uh find and they left all the curved and bent stuff i really wish people would uh take their trash back home with them i mean it's not that hard i mean you brought it in take it back out all right what do we have here possibly the drift goes down that way and it turns the corner what we're walking over here and looking at is is all backfill it's not collapse now this might be maybe a failed or shoot yeah that's what this pile is see all those ore shoots they get a bunch of debris in them and over time they just let go into this type of a pile okay ooh getting a little damp and musty up in here i'm just kind of looking at all the artifacts on the floor if something really good pops out guys i'll be sure to show it to you but from everything that i'm seeing here it looks like this mine was in operation in the 30s and 40s okay what do we have here another or pass going down to the next level behind me turning back around we've got a bunch of tin and stuff laying on the oh do you hear that false floor right there what false floor you saw something yeah i felt heard it oh look here it's here we've got an ore chute that failed due to lots of groundwater penetration all the wood is rotten yeah okay let's see what we have up in here just keeps on going all right it turns to the right goes up there and off to the left here rail does is still on the floor but i think we're going to come to a stop and indeed we are that's going to be faced out right there okay turn it back around now we can head off this direction see what we got here lots of dynamite box fragments on the floor old tin cans wow another we just teed into a huge drift now this one here to the right takes us back towards the incline in that direction let's see if there's anything interesting hiding up in here no no but the the strata looks really neat all these different layers of limestone okay turn around and of course whenever it gets too humid my laser likes to turn on all by itself so if you see the laser that's what's going on okay around the corner we go where does it stop right here so this was a a tee'd a t configuration exploratory all right turning around okay okay guys so i'm gonna take you back to the incline and uh we'll head off to the right-hand side next and see where that goes see over there okay back over here by the incline rail this is where we came down all those ladders what i'm standing on top of is the top of an ore chute so what they would have done is they would have drawn that skip bucket down to this level okay and all the material that they were mining on this level was brought over via orkart and dumped right here you got a funnel going down and it would have dumped right into the skip okay so what they have up top the hoist house operator knows where this level is okay and he has his spool gauged and he can send that skip down and when that goes around and the two come line up he stops it right there and that'll stop the skip right at this location and the guys can fill it up they ring the bell and up it goes and they load up the ore bin outside okay so we've done everything to the left-hand side now let's take a look over here to the right next week on abandoned and forgotten places um the next thing we need to do now that we have all these levels for the most part explored now we gotta head down down here yeah we've got a winds going even deeper actually this would be technically a decline oh fantastic see this is what i like to find in these mines just artifacts all over [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Abandoned and Forgotten Places
Views: 381,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A&FP, Abandoned, Forgotten, Places, Mine, Mines, Tunnel, Exploring, Adventure, Hiking, Artifacts, Antiques, Geology, Prospecting, Gold, Silver, Quartz, Dynamite, Blasting, Adit, Gly, Bobbie, Quackers, Gly Coolness, Old Bob, Old Mine, Old Building, Gold Mine, Ghost Town, Abandoned Mine, Abandoned Mines, Abandoned Place, Abandoned Places, Forgotten Place, Forgotten Places, Mine Exploring, Abandoned Mine Exploring, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Abandoned and Forgotten Places, Abandoned & Forgotten Places
Id: gDkj-Mwe2M0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 45sec (2745 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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