Exploring The 500-foot Inclined Shaft & Beyond: Unveiling Uncharted Depths And Exciting Discoveries!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well hey welcome back everybody alright so what do I have for you this weekend oh well we're gonna kick things off with this we got a shaft here in front of us I don't think we're going to be able to access it but I really wanted to show it to you guys because it's it's pretty darn cool but we're in an area that's just oh my gosh it's pockmarked like a like an angry anthill around here with shafts and adits so I pretty much guarantee we're gonna find something today but let's get things kicked off with this shaft and head frame I walked over here a moment ago cuz I was I was really excited I thought looking at this thing on Google Earth I thought for sure that it could that it was probably a horizontal haulage at it but darn if we didn't get here and turns out to be a straight vertical shaft so here we have there's the head frame and then off to my left here was is what's left of oh this is this was probably a Shack built for keeping all the tools and compressors and everything else let's let's take a look at the shaft first and then we'll head over there to the to the rail and the orb in yeah I was really hoping that right here it would have went straight into the hill but darn it nope we've got a vertical and we've got a man way and there's your shaft now I'm gonna drop a little rock down there we're gonna count how many seconds before it hits the bottom okay ready three two one one-one thousand two-one thousand three-one thousand four-one I'm gonna say five seconds five second hole and then take a look at the manway here little door and I'll get my flashlight and shine down in there for you folks here see if I can get a good shot here so now if you remember I did go down that 400 foot shaft but that's because those ladders were we're in really good shape they were on an angle to each I mean what I'm trying to say is the stairs were going down on an angle to each of the terraces but here what you have is these are straight vertical up and down stairs that go to small little terrorists terrorists there and there and you can see there's a whole bunch more down there so really the only way to access this mine is you would have to be on a rope and harness with somebody properly belaying you down just in case one of the rungs on these ladders snapped you had something to catch you so unfortunately folks nope not something not something you do when you're solo exploring and not only that I got rid of all of my old rock climbing equipment long ago so pretty cool okay next let's head over this way oh wait wait look here so there's where the they come up out of the shaft and tip over here they got a couple of plates of steel so you wouldn't wear the wood out when they're dumping the ore into the cars and then they would roll the ore cars off this direction take a look at this real quick oh that's pretty rickety I don't know if I'm gonna walk out onto that one folks yeah yeah best not to it gives you an idea they'd roll roll the cars up there dump the ore in the bin and then from there it would be hauled off to the mill I'll tell you what let's let's get a better view on this I'm gonna work my way down there and we'll angle up and I'll give you a front side look at this thing I'll meet you down there okay walk down over here to the front side of it yeah I'm kind of shooting right into the Sun let's get up here in the shade there we go double shoot or Ben and she's kind of Leaning yeah she's seen better days that's what the front side looks like and there is some writing up here on that big washer give me a moment here I'm going to look at that see if there's a date on it yeah there sure is December I'm gonna show you here you try to get the camera up there okay I just looked at that washer it says December 18th 1904 cool early 1900s well I mean that's when the washer was made I would imagine fast forward a few years that's when the Orban was made okay I'm gonna meet you folks back up on top and take a look at that old building see you up there all right we're back up here by the by the old tool Shack that's what I'm guessing it was tool shack and compressor Shack and after all these years the the wind and the snow load and everything else has finally gotten to it and and it fell apart I'd like to have seen it when it was all all together you mean right there it's the workbench it's flipped over on its side you can tell that's the workbench interesting all right well like I was saying there is a but low to add it's around here so let's head off head off to what I believe is the first one okay I'll meet you over there okay folks worked my way around the side of this hill and right now we're standing on just some colossal waste rock pile piles and just like I was saying the adit is right there in front of us and then off to the right here down there by old Bob we've got a really cool looking old incline shaft and another big waste rock pile that came out of that hole we may have to investigate that but let's take a look at this first before we get all the all all the equipment on always good just to peek into the nose here and to the portal and see if we have any gates or anything crazy like that let's take a look just go in just a little ways and you see if it's all collapsed out or what we got going on in here yeah this is an old one that's for sure yes that's too bad all right there see it's pinched off right there there is some sort of awesome some upper some workings higher up on the hill that's probably what fell down into that darn okay turning it around let's head back out of here and let's go see what this incline shaft is all about all kinds of interesting junk laying around okay what do we have here little add it to the left okay we'll take a peek at it no just a little exploratory thing there that's all that is okay we have going on with this incline oh very cool yeah I like the looks of that okay that's gonna be the first one for today all right let's gear up and we'll take a peek at this see what's down in there be back in a moment all right folks let's explore this incline shaft just got to get past all this old rotten wood here first okay let's see here one second I gotta navigate around all this yeah we're getting better okay well first let's shoot down in there oh yeah it goes quite a ways now with these inclined shafts we're about a 45 degree angle here and every one of these boards that I've got a step over on the way down I've got to be real careful and look for critters because you know that's just my breath okay because critters absolutely love inclined chefs because they're relatively easy to get in and out of alright as soon as they get down here to a level spot I think I'm gonna I'm gonna relocate that meter okay first drift is right here off to the right let's let's head over there and see what that's all about first it'll give me a place to relocate my meter we have here oh we got a drift going to the right and now there's something going off to the left all right just a moment folks one thing I'm learning about these oxygen meters is that as they get older mine has like 16 months left on it as they get older it seems to me that they become more sensitive okay I know we're not abiding by the right-hand rule here but I think justice this just goes up and chokes out yeah that's as far as it goes okay turn it back around let's see where the other one went what is that okay oh goodness I can finally stand up I hurt my back many many years ago folks and for me to be hunched over I can do it for not but for not for long periods of time all right what do we have here it just goes up there and chokes out and does the same right here too I mean this just got a whole bunch of lumber scraps laying here on the floor and that's it okay let's head back over to the incline shaft here and from this angle here that the camera is perfectly level horizontal that gives you an idea of the angle we're going down okay now let's climb up and over all this junk and take a look at what we have in here another drift level with a bunch of stoked how it areas I put some stalls made a back brace for a bunch of gobbing okay cool look at all that how much weight you suppose is uh being held up right there goodness oh and they made themselves a little look at this there is a little man way there that went up and went up into that stoped out area cool it's not very it's only about two and a half feet tall yeah I'm not going to be crawling up into that alright here we've got some more of it here another stoped area instead of hauling out all them rocks now there's a Widowmaker folks let me point it out to you look at that rock right there being held up by that stall if that stall wasn't there that whole thing would come down okay quickly carefully and somewhat quietly let's get underneath that there we go do we have up in here we've got another drift going off to the left up there and an area here where they were working out a Stoke that's as far as it goes and it looks like yeah goes way down in there so yeah well typical incline shaft you know goes down 50-100 feet then they're gonna drift out left and right and do some Stopes all right let's uh let's take a look at what's going on up in here yeah it's been backfilled and that's as far as it goes they're turning left now we're headed back up on to the upper part of that at first stop we and when we came in it was on the left with the stalls holding up all the rock that's where this goes right there okay too skinny way too skinny okay all right folks I'm gonna we're gonna head back to the main with the drift here go back over to the incline shaft I'll meet you over there okay folks back to the incline before we went down this drift if you remember we went over to that one okay now we're gonna work our way deeper oh and they had a fire in here at one time we've got a burned-out stole right there yeah I know I know on camera it looks like we're going straight but we are going down on a 45-degree angle I really got to watch my footing here there we go and looking for critters okay what's this is this a another another drift let's see here well we're working the vein a little bit over that direction yeah but it's looks like it's all been backfilled up in there okay well continuing on I thought we had a drift there for a second but no it just stops right there okay well by the taking into consideration the size of the waste rock pile outside that imagine this is going to go pretty darn deep little by little we're getting there there's a bunch of blasting fuse on the floor I'm just kind of hopping over each one every one of these boards like I'm skiing like a slalom there we go all right how do we have here we got a kerosene can and a drift that goes that way all right but before we explore that drift that's a shoot down here real quick see how much good gracious yeah I'd say this goes deep all right well before we go that way we're gonna do this drift oh here's some here's a dynamite box oops high explosive high explosives Hercules Hercules powder company and somebody found an axe handle all right let's go explore this boy this drift what is that no it's just no pipe I think in heck that can't be that can't be dynamite alright this ad is in nicer shape I can stand up in it and we've got a drift to the right let's react let's see what's up in here first okay here's an area they were working with a bunch of garbage we're gonna do a little bit bigger area here let's see that's uh looks to be about as far as that goes they were chipping away on the back of the mine that's what made this this pile of dirt in front of me here it's not a natural collapse they were working that and we're gonna follow this compressor line for now hmm another backfill drift yeah we're getting up into some organs in here okay Oh above my head yeah it helps to look up from time to time see what they were working up in their big stoked out area what do we have here looks like it's what's left of ore chute and yeah coming from higher up it's all been now it's all busted into pieces the compressor line does go up there so makes me wonder if that heads up to the the last drift that we were on and what they were doing was just throwing the ore down to the next level okay you say we head back over here to this other drift lots of wax wax paper on the floor from the lining of all the dynamite boxes here's a bunch there's some right there so you know 1950s 1960s the mine was probably put in in the early 1900s and they came back and worked it some more years later okay so here's that drift we have yet to explore let's see what this is all about stops there it quits right there more wax paper on the floor and it continues off to the right well we got a horn survey tag on the wall I'm just kind of observing the geology trying to figure out what they're going after well so this is the underside of the vein that they were chasing after and to me it just looks more like more of that Oh epithermal features and ersite you've got little little pockets in here I'm seeing of sulfides crystallizing these little cracks right there there's some up in there let's look here for a moment yeah yeah maybe it may be the gold and silver that's precipitating within this little vein right here it's only about three inches wide through there it could be what they're chasing okay let's uh yeah I'll just I'll just meet you folks back at the incline shaft I'll see you back there okay folks back again real quick while I was working my way back over to the incline shaft I found a box of box of blasting caps right there try to focus on that real quick here if it will yeah it says hey I'll handle with care' blasting caps and then they put it inside of a competent competition white hollow Basin Stoppers so I just repurposed a box put a bunch of blasting caps in there ten cents each probably not the price of the blasting caps more unlikely the price of the of the stoppers okay almost back to this yeah incline here and as always the deeper you go the more cool stuff you find okay I got a jump over this area yeah that's what it sounds like when your feet slip out fun do you okay okay Oh somebody tossed a big barrel down in here oh that's crumbly yeah we're into a real real crumbly section here let's get past this yeah look at this little tiny stick I think what's that gonna do and that's what it sounds like when you fall on your butt told you guys it's slippery here okay we've got a Yan or shoot here with a compressor line going up into that area and the shoot is completely filled with or that never made it off the mountain here okay well folks I'd be lying to you if I didn't tell you that the conditions are getting worse then we've got some real there we go okay so that uh incline keeps on going down they have a big or chute here the Hercules powder box and they held up on the side of it and then off here to the left let's see what we have there jump over this board stoked out area there and here's an area they were working with a big collapse back up in there that looks pretty gosh-darn unstable folks okay back to the incline shaft carbide ten what do we have he's that cable or is that fused cable and ladder up into another stoped out area there's a Hercules powder sign I was telling you about okay continuing on here's what's left of a kerosene can all right let's shoot down into the bottom Wow still keep going folks deeper and deeper that was a there's a real you put wire on spool your wire out probably for lighting and once again another or shoot work its way up into a another scoped out area ya know we won't be climbing ladders today folks I'm more interested at what's down in the bottom of this thing well let's hope we don't get into a bubble of bad air all right this is fun I don't know about you guys but my adrenaline is up a notch Wow just keeps on going fantastic okay what do we have here now another stoked out area okay but still no drifts I'm waiting for another drift that's what I'd like to see let's hope that there is a drift in the very bottom and here we go we are in the bottom they have a Stolp and a and or pass but that's about it okay well let's uh since we're here let's look at some folks there's my excuse me there's my o2 sensor so if there's gonna be bad air anywhere it's gonna be right there in the very very bottom of this incline shaft and nothing okay looking back up nice place to pause and take a break for a moment and we'll look back up the shaft here that's where we came from well very cool so like I was saying earlier there's a whole bunch more of this type of stuff these types of shafts and inclines and edits in this area so I'll just meet you folks back up on top and we'll see if we can't find something else all right I'll meet you up there alright folks back outside from that incline shaft safe and sound holy cow that's got to be one of the most difficult things I've done in a while oh let's climbing back up out of that thing well you figure I'm guessing that that incline was probably oh say five hundred five hundred feet deep so just imagine a 45 degree grade up side up alongside a hill on a 45 degree angle alright now climb back up out of it and that's what it's like yeah I had to it probably took me oh I don't know two or three times as long to get back up out of there than it did to go down in I had to rest along the way that's pretty pretty streets pretty steep yeah I'm really wore out now so as you can see look along the hill out there you see Prospect pits all along the side of it pretty much this entire area is just filled with them so let's hop back into ol Bob and see what else we can find around here okay I'll be back with you in a bit all right folks back again yeah I just wanted to take a minute to show you the frame of this old oh I don't know if it's a model a or a Model T there's the frame and fenders and a lot of interesting artifacts laying around here let me show you one you know what that is don't you yeah that's log cabin maple syrup is what came in that that's probably from the 50s or 60s so a moment ago we were just right over there yeah I know you can hear it in my voice I'm still pretty tuckered out from climbing up that incline shaft that was really really difficult put that waste rock pile in front of us there that's where we came from and where I want to go next is the one over there off to the left and there's some exterior gobbing out there I want to take a look at so I'm trying to find the road to get over to that one okay I'll meet you over there all right folks we made it to the top of this next added here I'm standing on the waste rock pile that one that big waste rock pile right over there that's where that incline shaft was down over to the right where you see that old cabin that's where the frame of that Model A or Model T was and now we've got this added right over here which i think is probably going to be the last one for the day let's see if the BLM has any surprises for us before we switch over equipment nope oh we've got a whole lot of nice cool air blowing out of there okay folks I'll I'll be back in a minute and we will climb the velvet rope to adventure okay yeah that's that's what barbed bar to me barbed wire fences are the velvet rope to adventure all right all right folks I'll be back all right folks let's explore this old mine get around the fence here we go okay let's see what this one's all about now they're party balloon I could only mean one thing you know the Stephen King's it clown is in here somewhere let's see if we can find him well we got a bunch of old cross ties on the floor for all we know they dug this one first and then they move to move the rail and everything over to the incline shaft that we just came out of you know what the best part about mine exploring is and in August is that when you finally do get to come and do a mine it sure is a welcome relief from the heat it's beautiful in here what do we have here now just some debris and a beer bottle yeah that hanger Rock there looks pretty ugly and we have our first choose wisely well let's when we go right and stay along this hanging wall see that hanging wall there off to the left oh just comes back up in here and stops right there okay all right let's continue left now I'll try to get a good view of it here get an angle see the vein above my head that they were working here you got a hanging wall to the left and actually more of a foot wall to the left hanging wall to the right and then the vein the quartz vein is right above our heads there it's about two feet two and a half feet wide at that point okay we've got a Stoke or something going on up here I can see what looks to be a whole bunch of well it was like those must be or sacks up there on that timber well before we take a closer look at that oh we have going on up in here okay yeah and I kind of thought this went further I have to get on my hands and knees to crawl yeah what it was was a a backfilled made a pile from that upper stoped there but it just keeps going okay what do we have left here nothing they were chasing a small little stringer vein that direction and it just keeps on going hold tin can of some sort uh-huh now what comes to we have here a horse shoot the question is this does the mind keep going let's look back in there yeah it does let's take a closer look at this oh that is look at this take a closer look guys well this is really interesting I'm gonna try to get underneath this old or bin and I really want to see what this is all about very cool try to get under here touching anything one second folks back on my feet here Oh a really sketchy area give me just a moment folks we have a possible false floor let me find a safe area to get around here yeah that's better okay so here's where we just came from I crawled underneath that Orban right there and they built an orb in because they're going up into there and cleaning out that that area high above okay we have a ladder here that they were working and then down here at our feet and for all I know I'm standing on a false floor it doesn't look like it though I'm on the edge of it but there is a looks to be like a winds going down this direction but that's as far as it goes it does go down underneath there but there's no ladder okay continuing on just a moment folks I put my put my backpack back on so what were they doing way back up in here and here's some more of that canvas that we saw in that upper stope that's what it is some sort of a canvas and if this thing finishes off what was at one time a tiny or past well we made it to the end okay let's work our way back here looks like that's a piece of rail but it looks like somebody was using it as a makeshift scaling bar lot of timber shorn this thing up okay now we have to work our way on the other side of that Orban alright I'll just meet you folks over there okay made it safely on the other side of that or bin I'm sorry or shoot and way back out climbing over the back field area there we go and now we're just work on our way out of the mind yeah look at look at the the calcification layers within the and ER site there and then above my head here there's a big vein of looks like limonite up in there and there's a really nice view of silver see the gray that is all silver that they never got out of here and over here yeah see this is why I sometimes like to keep the camera running on the way out because we miss things now this is an interesting geological feature here so from where my finger is from here to here you have layers of Vander sight and then you have this big crack right here it's about five inches wide and it's uh it's filled in with like gravel alluvium alluvial gravels that worked their way down into the crack from topside interesting I wonder if there would be any any free gold within those within that pocket okay all right so I'll just meet you folks back outside I'll see you out there okay folks back outside and so a moment ago we were right down there by old Bob there's the waste rock pile in the Edit we just came out of so now I worked even higher up on the hill and we have another one now remember when we were inside that last one there was Stopes higher up with ore chutes so I'm guessing once we get into here this is where they were getting that material from and then throwing it down there more chutes okay let's see what this hat is all about let's look up in there real quick yeah this should be the top part of those Stopes that we found down below oh we have a bat okay and no air movement in this one put some boards above our head here why this thing is just filled with loose rock there's a Widowmaker goodness let's get out from under that okay we've got ourselves a little bit of a skylight here but the mine does keep going here okay what's that a oh it's probably lantern fuel iris some more of that canvas on the floor that we found in the other added now you notice how this mine you see how how the ribs in the back of the mine they aren't nice and smooth well that's because we're going into the mountain against the grain that's why it's shaped this way instead of it being like a really nice arch configuration oh and we've reached the back of the mine or the face with a a gob section there that's interesting they stacked those rocks like that huh it's almost as if they stacked them to hide to hide an adit going back in there not sure okay but yeah look at the look at all the silver in this right here all the gray till the dark stuff that's all silver and let's look up here I'll show you that there you go you got more of it there all the crystals in that pocket right there that's pretty cool yeah lots of silver in here look at this vein right here of it see it all intermixed with that rock there put my hand in the field of view to give you an idea to the size of it oh wow it might even be a fleck of gold no it's shining too much that's probably a piece of pyrite right there Gold really doesn't doesn't glitter here's someone there's an old railroad stake yeah Gold really doesn't glitter it's a it's a dull yellow okay yeah what that was there was uh Oh kind of a I would call it a shaft just stoked out here and they went to the surface okay what is this on the floor here pancake mix there we go complete pancake all right who's gonna whip us up some flapjacks I'm getting hungry it's about uh about time for lunch alright mr. bat no don't go outside he just he just gave me a little love kiss oh very wet all right folks I'll meet you back outside okay folks back outside safe and sound yeah so a moment ago we were just right up there where that waste rock pile is and I thought for sure once we got into that it would lead us to the upper part of the Stopes that we found when we were inside to this add it right here in front of us but that didn't turn out to be the case oh well so well that is gonna have to be it for this episode but I'm not going to leave this area quite yet I think what I'm gonna do I'm gonna keep scratching around here to see what I can find for next weekend because turning around over here and looking up into the valley let me show you so off to the right there's a big waste rock pile over there but I'm seeing some sort of a solar array on the side of the hill over there that might be somebody's active mine but there's more edits the map is saying there's more Abbott's up on the other side of this hill and way over there on the other side of that so there's a good chance that we'll be able to find some more for next weekend all right so yeah here shortly I'm gonna get on out of here thank you guys so much for coming along on this weekend's adventure and as always hey it's all my new subscribers thank you so much for coming on board I really do appreciate that and I'm trying real hard to to get up to a thousand subscribers by the time snow flies that would be great so do me a favor and tell all your friends about my channel I'd really appreciate it spread the word if they're into this sort of thing that would be great okay folks I'm gonna get on out of here thank you so much and I'll see you again next weekend take care now bye bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Abandoned and Forgotten Places
Views: 94,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A&FP, Abandoned, Forgotten, Places, Mine, Mines, Tunnel, Exploring, Adventure, Hiking, Artifacts, Antiques, Geology, Prospecting, Gold, Silver, Quartz, Dynamite, Blasting, Adit, Gly, Bobbie, Quackers, Gly Coolness, Old Bob, Old Mine, Old Building, Gold Mine, Ghost Town, Abandoned Mine, Abandoned Mines, Abandoned Place, Abandoned Places, Forgotten Place, Forgotten Places, Mine Exploring, Abandoned Mine Exploring, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Abandoned and Forgotten Places, Abandoned & Forgotten Places
Id: FSlBoi3wDEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 15sec (4215 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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