Something Unexplained Caught on Camera, I Locate the Secret Entrance and Here's What I Found

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so glad i just got back from crawling down in the hole over here to go ahead and explain it glenn this is just two dynamites he is beside himself absolutely absolutely beside myself nobody has been in this mine since 1943 okay and i just went down over the hill i knew from looking at all the maps and studying this area studying the mine looking at its layout etc etc that there was a good possibility that there was a back entrance into this behemoth of a mine so i went down over the hill and lo and behold i turned the corner climbed up the waste rock pile and the angels did sing nice i found the back entrance into this thing uh we came out here to recon today to hopefully find it and you know if we didn't then we're gonna have to try to find something else as a plan b and i had other areas to go check out but this is the uh this is the holy holy grail this is going to be a nice one oh my gosh this well this thing is so big i mean we could get we could be out here exploring for two maybe three days wow but the hey we've we've jumped the first hurdle guys we can get into it that's that's the biggest thing and and to know and to know that we're getting into something that no one has seen in all of these years it's it's pristine in other words you know what i mean i do when they blasted the main portal anything and everything that was in that mind is in there in situ to this very day and we're gonna be the first people to shine a camera on it that's pretty nice oh my gosh oh my gosh oh it's so cool [Music] my you guys wonder why i do this it's this feeling right here right now it you know it's kind of probably that feeling that indiana jones got right before he walked into the temple of doom you know it's right here it's right now that that you know you don't know what's coming that adventure of tomorrow what tomorrow is going to bring the discoveries and everything else that's what is so that's what makes this so much fun for me i can hardly contain my excitement that's not normal you know well i like a nice big big juicy model you know you know just like everybody likes a nice big juicy raspberry i like a nice big juicy mine and this one this one's gonna be oh it hits well there's just so many so much to it i've never heard anybody use it like like a like a big juicy raspberry like like like it's an everyday term or something like that i've never heard that well hey everybody welcome back well before i drop my butt down this crazy hole right here i just wanted to say thank you all for helping me get to over a hundred thousand subscribers i really do appreciate it um if we're not at a hundred thousand by the time you guys see this video i think i'm going to be awfully close close but thanks again i really do appreciate all your support and all of you that have contributed to the channel in helping purchase equipment etc so what are we doing today well we're inside of a mine and um i'm trying really hard to stay very clandestine about this location and here's why we're in an area that's highly visited by uh off-road enthusiasts etc etc tens of thousands of people are through this area each and every year and the last thing i want anybody knowing is that there is a secret entrance to this mine that's why on this video there's no drone footage whatsoever and the reason i do that guys is because as a mine explorer it is my responsibility to try to keep the public safe okay i i try to do that i don't want you guys exploring abandoned minds now i know some of you are qualified out there but a lot of you aren't i just don't want you going out trying to do this activity and getting yourselves hurt and again that's so that comes back on me it's my responsibility to try to keep you guys safe so sit back and enjoy the show and let me do all of the craziness so where are we today we're at a giant tungsten mine huge tungsten mine and oftentimes what the miners would do is they would put in a horizontal haulage at it on the other side of mountains or in other areas of the mine to allow air flow okay natural air flow through these big mines and when i say big mines this is a big mine we're talking 15 500 feet of tunnels on nine levels that's just absolutely incredible problem is is that from the 500 level all the way down to the 900 level it's completely flooded but from the 500 up here to the 100 that we're trying to get to right now should be nice and dry those are the levels i want to try to explore today this mine produced 118 000 tons of tungsten it was initially found in 1908 they mined it extensively from about 1937 to 1943 that's when it was at its peak and then it slowly tapered off through a period of new owners and new owners until finally in 1957 they they shut it down and that was it and the reason they shut it down is because of a lack of labor he had a lot of guys coming back from uh fighting in world war ii they were coming back to find new jobs well mining tungsten didn't pay all that well so they went and found other things to do and ultimately it was a shortage of labor that shut this mine down okay so i am going to what we're trying to do now is this is a short little 40 or 50 foot access tunnel that should get us to right above the 100 level on this mine and then after that we should be able to to go a little bit deeper and then eventually work our way to the 100 to the 200 and the 300 etc etc okay guys let's explore this old mine so what i'm doing here guys is stress testing the ladder i'm ultimately i'm stress testing the ladder yeah you're right mr and that's what i'm doing because see mr m doesn't have a harness and i would love for him to go on this adventure with me oh i need some slack give me some slack jack there we go well where's my ladder here yeah a little warbly there mr m but so far looking good so what i'm doing here is yeah sure i could i could probably just uh use the repel you know the the descender um but um since i have a ladder here right in front of me hey why not why not use the ladder too i thought that was some good thinking ladder goes around the corner there yeah it does got a little bit of an angle here that's spooky it gets a little narrow no doubt about it yeah i turned my light on here let's look wait a second here guys i need to throw some light on the situation here let's see where the heck i'm going okay as of right now i'm kind of i'm kind of blind i can't it's a really tight little spot i got here there we go i can't even really see what i'm standing on you think i'm coming down there well i don't know yet mr m you're out of your mind well i gotta get past this little hole here yeah [Music] i don't know if i should go it's a it looks it's a little bit smaller and what i thought it would be i gotta fix my rope there we go i'm getting claustrophobia just looking at you [Music] i think i'm gonna hurl oh [Music] what do we have here i think we got a i think what i have here is another set of ladders oh yeah one second here guys let me get my okay um i made it to the first level you want your camera not yet i want to see if the single even goes anyplace okay okay i'm gonna goof around up here then you goof around a bit okay i'm offline kevin you're recording all right guys yeah for right now we're just got let me loosen up my the sender here and get offline wait a minute now you guys can see what i'm doing here there we go okay we are at the first little passage there right now since i'm standing right here i'm going to get my rope in such as positions where they're not going to snag anything on the way back up there i like that okay now let's see if uh indeed we can access this mine pretty darn crumbly in here wow holy cow look at how that's all come down so before i go through yikes look at these things they're just sitting up above my head like like giant razors good grief okay yep i'm gonna what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna have mr rim drop lower my rig so you guys can get a better look at this this is not the kind of situation i want to be recording with just gopro footage so i will be back here it comes all right guys back again so uh here's the ladder we just came down this is the small man way we just went down and i'm happy to report that that's a really nice ladder um should be no problem for mr m to come on down if this mine turns out to be something bigger now what you see before you there that's my blue bucket that i carry my camera rig in and that's what mr m just lowered my rig down on with a rope and a carabiner now okay so look at this passage here no one's been in here for 77 years and from what i can see it is just incredibly dangerous look at how all of this is slabbing and these big slabs are coming down like like knife edges see how this one fell and look above my head here all of those are shaped like knife blades i have to carefully get through this without touching anything because if one of these comes down it'll be like a guillotine look at how that one fell right there and dropped there's a whole bunch above my head that are wanting to do this exact same thing holy cow alrighty oh good grief oh my god he's down there he's like he's like okay now we're in this passage you see how this stuff is like slabbing like this big piece over my head that's the last thing i heard him saying oh my god now you guys want to know what class 4 is this is class 4. this is what's called high-end class 4. i'm just going super slow i don't want anything i want any of this to slab on me because it's already doing it all right now according to my little map of this mine we should work our way this direction and eventually find maybe another set of ladders going down let me show you what we have here you see all that vertical stratification going up that's why this is all flaking up and falling a little by little over 70 60 plus years 70 years it's come down okay now here's a real bad spot and boy let's see if i can get over this okay um what i have to do oh something's beeping on me here give me a second guys i seeing a technical malfunction okay one second sorry guys there we go that's better okay so just for a moment i'm going to set the camera down so i can see if i can carefully climb over this stall there we go and see what we have over here and if this is something that we can get into all right let's what do we have down there quite possibly that goes to another level i don't know if we're gonna be able to get down there though let's keep on looking around here let's keep on looking around here [Music] yeah that's all breaking breaking up and collapsing out in front of me it does keep going that way oh boy i got stuff falling on me coming down from above just the sound of my voice is letting tiny little pieces fall what in the world is that yeah it certainly keeps on going but how am i going to get around this safely and hold the camera at the same time guys um let me think here well that stall is definitely holding my weight what i'm worried about is this rock off to my right flaking down some more while i try to cross this area okay guys i'm setting my camera here while i work across this shoot oh boy don't touch that [Music] there did it okay okay above my head oh sorry don't mean to cuss but i just had a small collapse occur right behind me we got a man way going up to some other kind of a level i didn't see that on the map that's interesting all right let's keep going now here's the problem one of the big problems when exploring tungsten mines is there's a lot of sulfides in some of these veins and if we can get down closer to water level i don't know if that's going to be possible but if we can there's a risk of hydrogen sulfide gas i do have a meter on me here's a there's a dead mouse okay which is not a good sign i don't like seeing dead mouse at mice at floor level because that's where the hydrogen sulfide gas will be is down by your feet okay let's keep going and that's as far as we're going here that's totally pinched off by a collapse i can only imagine how much rock is above my head right here i'm not getting through that it's only 16 to 20 inches through there i would have to do a considerable amount of digging all right turn it back around now that we've turned around i can point the camera up into this what once was looks like a stop see that you see how all that's flaking and coming down in these big sheets yeah i'm a little nervous right now this is a very dangerous mine i mean let's look at that again that's a little bit better angle here okay good stuff so we can't keep going that way that's too bad but we do have this ladder going up but that ain't gonna help us out because that's not the direction we need to go that's just gonna take us up into the stop so the only way to access the 100 level of this mine is to go down all right and i don't see a way guys um hold on a second i gotta set the camera down again there's no way i can cross this stall oh boy just going to kind of do this in reverse order yeah okay so looking down there i just don't see it going anywhere i can peek around that slab i'm gonna back up a little bit actually before i do that let's look over here [Applause] well gosh darn it i had such high hopes for getting into this mind getting into them lower levels i just don't okay there's a better view let's look down there that's all collapsed yeah the stop collapsed shoot bugger all right another look back that direction turn around round here see this stuff right here let me point it out to you this right here these are the sulfides okay when that comes in contact with the water if you get enough of it that's what's going to eventually create your hydrogen sulfide gas all right now now we have to cross over this stall once again see what's yeah you're probably saying gly um yeah you were a little bit nervous in that one well here's why let me point it out to you these sheets here these are all falling down in these big knife-like plates they're just dangling here and you can see the one in front of me right there this one here fell down like a knife blade yeah that's what's making me nervous i'm don't want one of them coming down on me all right get around the corner we're kind of headed back to our ladder to give mr m unfortunately the bad news okay back through the i'm just gonna be real quiet through this section trying to be yikes get me away from that thing there we go okay we're getting better here all right all right back to a semi-safe spot all right i'm gonna give mr m the news and i will be right back we're gonna make a decision on what we're gonna do next yeah this uh this ladder is in such good shape and see i can i can brace my back against the wall here yeah i'm not any i'm not worried about this ladder at all don't put both hands on the same rung yeah i can hear about 3 000 of you screaming at me it's groundhog day [Laughter] okay well there we go guys unfortunately turn your headlamp off oh thank you there unfortunately on this one father time took his toll and uh all of these sheets see right behind me here here's what's happening in this mine let me show you all these layers are falling off like that okay and it's it's doing this off these sides and as as it's doing that over the years those are all falling down and what had happened is eventually they just all fell down and they pinched off what used to be the access ladder down to the 100 level it's completely destroyed from what i can see yep all right well we're not done yet short and sweet but we have another mine to head off to so let's go see what that one's all about [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] you
Channel: Abandoned and Forgotten Places
Views: 425,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A&FP, Abandoned, Forgotten, Places, Mine, Mines, Tunnel, Exploring, Adventure, Hiking, Artifacts, Antiques, Geology, Prospecting, Gold, Silver, Quartz, Dynamite, Blasting, Adit, Gly, Bobbie, Quackers, Gly Coolness, Old Bob, Old Mine, Old Building, Gold Mine, Ghost Town, Abandoned Mine, Abandoned Mines, Abandoned Place, Abandoned Places, Forgotten Place, Forgotten Places, Mine Exploring, Abandoned Mine Exploring, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Abandoned and Forgotten Places, Abandoned & Forgotten Places
Id: -F8ZJ2bKK-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 30sec (1890 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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