My First Ghostly Encounter, *WARNING* Goosebumps Ahead!

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previously on abandoned and forgotten places we've been exploring the brownie mountain complex and its large interconnection of attics and drifts searching for artifacts and workings of miners long gone from the early nineteen hundreds after spending a considerable amount of time climbing into the very bottom of a treacherous winds and finding a mysterious yellow rope from explorers decades ago we then ventured across the valley and explored a steep incline shaft leading to the top part of a massive scope and still unexplored areas [Music] now come with me as we continue our epic adventure searching for a connection between these two minds and hopefully solving the mystery of the yellow rope so [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right everybody let's explore this old mine [Music] okay so here we go um yeah it's been a while since i've done this so it is just a wee bit unnerving so what i'm going to try to do first we got some debris i got to get past okay let's get past that we got one board coming up here oh i'm gonna take a break a second oh i'm just gonna sit here and uh capture her just that's a lot to do that's a lot of cameras to hook up and whatnot yeah the adrenaline's running high and there's nothing wrong with that breathe that's what keeps you alive man all right here we go [Music] i think i can already maybe see the bottom i'm not 100 sure [Music] we're getting there oh there's that board okay all right i'm gonna get down to about that far there we go let's take another peek here [Music] oh yeah we're getting there okay now we're getting to the part where the caller has failed okay here we go [Music] i can almost see the bottom there [Music] bucket hit and come on okay [Music] oh come here bucket [Music] come here get off of there so this time i'm going to do something a little bit different guys i am uh not gonna wear this heavy harness when it comes to exploring all these drifts it's too too cumbersome and uh quite frankly i don't think you guys like listening to a human human wind chime all right you guys got your ears on up there that's affirmative all right my cell phone says 202. okay we'll look for you at three which way do the drifts go um so we got one drift that goes directly towards better bob and uh another drift that goes the opposite direction well you're right so far aren't you yep so far how's the air just my mildly stinky okay well good luck have fun and we'll be looking for you at three yep i will come back here at three and uh give you a follow-up copy that have fun all right guys made it to the bottom and uh took a few minutes there to put myself back together again took my harness off got the cameras all up and running the whole nine yards you can see we got quite the spaghetti bowl going down here i figure it was only around 125 feet down to this level and what we have here is a big pile of debris um at the bottom of the shaft now i can hear rocks falling deeper but i don't think the shaft goes any further i think what we have there is what's called a sump all right okay so off that direction that drift right there that's the one that i predict heads towards the hill turning back around here this is the one that i predict heads off across the valley to that other incline shaft let's peer up there real quick see what we're getting ourselves into and you can see down here on the floor after all these many years the walls and the sides of the attic or the drift i should say are slowly starting to crumble and fall that's why it looks contoured now as i get down in here the first thing i'm going to do is i'm looking on the ground for fresh footprints and i may see one maybe but it's very old yeah i mean it could be from like i said those guys that came down in here in the 60s we'll never know but all right so let's continue on so here i am thinking i'm going to be the only person in this mine and i start looking around and i see footprints on the ground what boot prints yeah with uh waffle iron or yeah waffle iron type sole um kind of like the boots that randy wears looks like to be about a size 10 or 11 maybe well those are nothing like the kind randy would wear sorry randy are you gonna use that yes i am because everybody needs to know you've got big feet no they can see my feet you got a camera on the floor that camera's not there randy so i'm down in this mine and i'm thinking i'm i'm going to be the only person here and lo and behold wouldn't you know here's some here's some boot prints in the dirt and i'm thinking to myself this entire time oh that's got to be from those people maybe from the 60s you know maybe back in the days when there wasn't a collapse in this mine and they found another way in and they came in from this direction so that's kind of how i was talking about it in in this in the show well fast forward a day later i had to go back out to the mine to do some drone work and uh i went back to the shaft and i clearly saw a cut line in the wood the the collar around the shaft is all sun baked and that old wood it really leaves a distinct mark if you drag a rope through absolutely and you can see where someone had drawn already over either a rope or some something from their a winch from a jeep and i went back well here hold on a second let me show you here it is right here see that right there see that line that's what i'm talking about that was not there a few weeks back so while i was on my break and mr m here was two somebody went out there and roped down into this mine before i got down in there can you believe that because you show that timber before without yep don't you have drone footage of it i do i do i went back and i did a comparison and that line wasn't there so i can only guess that maybe somebody watched the show um and then came out here and decided to go in there or it was just pure glint and winky dink that's an explorer just said hey we're going to go into this mine today and went down into that shaft i couldn't believe it so i don't know who you are out there in the world but if you're watching this this video um contact me yeah did you get the hell scared out of you too that's right i'd like to know um uh if you made it any further than what i did that'd be pretty darn cool and how hey guys wouldn't it be cool if it turns out to be like justin from tvr uh or one of the other youtube mind explorers that would be ridiculously funny it would be funny yeah wow look at this would you look at the layers in this guys is that incredible or what all right let's get up in here all right we immediately we come to a crossroads if we look to our left that one indeed goes back to the hill if we go straight this one's gonna head towards going across the valley yikes look at all the crumble in here all right we're gonna be real careful and take this nice and slow well i'm surprised that that's as far as this one goes off to my left here they were starting to thinking about going that direction and stopped i'm barely making out a footprint down in here we got some fuse on the ground right there is an old stick of dynamite down here on the ground and you can see there's a dynamite box that's filled in with dirt okay looking up there we have a looks like the miners were going for making an ore pass here and that's as far as they got it stops right there doesn't go any further than that so they started started working on it and quit okay as we turn back around and i'm really being careful here looking for old dynamite we're gonna go back to this other drift oh that is some crumbly looking stuff right here let's get out from under that you can see the shaft up there in front of us now let's turn to the right head up in here and see where this one goes coming into a collapse yep absolutely right there guys i'm going to take another break here a second still shaking off the adrenaline and coming down that shaft and i really don't want to be doing all this huffing and puffing so give me a moment and uh i'll be back okay guys back again yeah sorry about that i um this is an extra special mine and i really want to do it well so let's drink this one in like a fine wine shall we so what we have down here is the reason all this is crumbling is off to my right over there that's all gypsum and gypsum's a really really weak weak um rock mineral and that's why this whole thing is starting to come down now i was out as i was taking my break i actually did see another footprint on the ground but that thing has to be many many years old i mean we're talking decades yeah see look down here right down there i'll turn this light off maybe you can see it if you can see those footprints all right what do we have up in here well with this kind of pull free material it doesn't surprise me at all that we're seeing a big collapse oh yeah yeah look at this darn off to my right here look at the look at the gypsum crystals growing off there okay i don't see any way around that oh that whole upper block gave way and there's just cracks and everything in the back of the mine there i could wiggle that on my belly but if one of them came down i would be wedged nope nope nope nope uh-uh that's too dangerous we're back in that same old scenario of uh self-rescue so you kind of have to choose your battles so we're gonna what we're gonna do work our way back to the shaft and go the other direction which should take us towards the hill boy this is really really crumbly there's no solid rock down here at all it's a hundred percent pull free and i'm all stooped over and that ain't making life any easier okay here we go yeah i don't like being stooped over it's a real real pain in the back so to speak okay all right so what we got to do now is carefully climb over this debris pile so that we don't accidentally fall into the sump let me just give you a quick look straight back up where we came from right there you can see how the collar failed yep all right so i think if i can step off on that board come over here there well now that's never a good sign down here on the floor we got an old we've got a modern day water bottle actually we've got two of them so maybe could that could that be from the people that uh came down on the yellow rope let's find out because this is the direction that you would go all right crossroads we got one to the right probably doesn't go very far and one to continue straight yep someone's been in here there's their footprints look at how much see the taper on the floor look at how much has just slowly come down over all these years oh you're kidding me that's as far as it goes guys right there all right turning around yup it's humid in here my laser kicked on it does that all right well let's go back to this other drift and see what we have hiding up in here does this one go further oh my gosh this is horrible looking come on laser we don't want to see you all day long guess i'm going to have to make a little adjustment here guys give me a second there we go if all else fails take the battery out okay oh this is a big time collapse zone here look at this oh my gosh let's look up in there okay so as i crawl up here guys to try to look around the corner i'm not going to be doing much talking because this is all falling down i don't want to make any more vibrations than i have to so just sit back and enjoy the show for a moment oh crap just a minute oh whoa oh oh my gosh did you guys hear that i know you didn't see it because the because the camera was pointing in the wrong direction i had a hunk come off the back probably oh you can't see me if i do that hold on a second i had a hunt coming off the back of the mine it landed on me right on my back about 20 inches across and i didn't even touch the back of the mine that is incredibly dangerous right there oh my gosh there's only 22 inches between the between the floor and the back of the mine i would literally have to go on my belly and if any one of those slabs came down and slabbed me i'm going to be wedged darn it all anyways i was really hoping we wouldn't get into this level of collapse but you know what this is roughly between 103 and 115 year old mine that's incredibly unfortunate makes me wonder then that collapse probably had to occur after whoever was in here with their footprints golly i was really hoping we could figure out a way to that this would take us to our yellow rope well that is all a part of mine exploring you know okay here's the deal guys now you can tell when i backed out of that drift i was pretty shooken up i mean i i clearly felt something hit me on my lower back and and but this is what's going on so i'm climbing up into that drift and and i'm looking all around me and i can see all of this crumble coming off the back of the mine and the and the sides were you crawling on top of collapse yes i was on top of collapse so i'm inching up a little bit further and inching up a little bit further and all of a sudden i hear something that sounds like two clicks on metal and and then i felt it i felt this weight on my lower back and the best way that i could describe it in that moment was i thought i got hit by a rock i thought something fell off the back of the mine and hit me like right right at your tailbone area and it weighed probably i'm at the time i was guessing like maybe somewhere between 20 to 30 pounds so the best way i can describe it guys is this so you know if you were laying on the ground and someone took a someone took a barbell and maybe like from about 10 inches above your back dropped it you're gonna feel like this like that a weight but now here's the weird thing i get back i start editing the video me too yep and i start going over it because i'm fully expecting to see this thing this rocks fall off the back you have the 360 on your rig and so you were expecting to see something cleave off and hit in the back i was but when i was down in the mine i was only in my in my brain i was thinking oh shoot you know i had the camera pointed forward so i'm not going to be able to capture anything behind me and no indeed i was able to capture what was going on behind me because i had that 360 camera and uh so after i felt that weight hit my back and i turned around and i knew that something had had something had occurred first you uttered a profanity yes i did it it scared the crap out of me um so i got out of there started reviewing the footage and there's absolutely nothing i mean i fully expected to see um something fall off the back of the mine or maybe off the ribs something come in and then of course you're gonna see a bunch of crumble you know you would see something right that's what i was looking forward to i reviewed it all the uh the ceiling if you will of the mine has the distinct stones in it yeah before and after that yep and where you were crawling there's nothing there there's no change there was nothing next to you because you can see right down by your side that it would have hypothetically rolled off and gly is the last person on the planet to believe in anything uh supernatural he's the last person on the planet yeah i mean i'm the kind of person who has a very scientific and analytical mind and that's why you know you guys don't see any ghostly or oogie boogie stuff or paranormal in in any of my videos you know from time to time if i see something like hey what was that like like potentially i did a video once where there was a rock rolling down and it looked kind of strange you know something like that but um you know it took you got that one there you got movement down underneath yeah that's the one i'm talking about yeah that was that was cool that was real that was no rock that was really strange but you know to my long-term subscribers you guys know from the very beginning i do not put this stuff into my videos because i i i just don't partake into the whole ghostly paranormal oogie boogie stuff and uh you know but this this was something very very strange now i've never had anything like this happen to me guys i've been exploring abandoned mines for oh my gosh since i was 14 years old and i have seen everything under the sun in these places from whistles and i've heard whistles coming out of boreholes to you know plastic flapping off in the distance that sounded kind of strange when the doors slamming open and closed exactly yup yup all kinds of things that could be explained i cannot explain this i mean i clearly felt a push on my body it pushed me down and it pushed you down good enough that you thought that that the back was giving away and that you were you were a collapse was imminent and you were going to die and i had to get out of there yeah that's what you originally said that stuff was cleaving off that's right when you when you first came out of the ground scales when you first came out of the ground and got your harness off and stuff and came over by me by the truck that's when you broke down i did yeah because he couldn't believe it uh this is the first time that uh guy uh he uh he was visibly shook yeah uh i got him he had a near death experience in his mind at that point he thought that what had happened was that a big slab slapped off hit him in the back he hightailed it out of there and uh and got to where he was safer got his composure and then had us pull him up now the fun thing about funny thing about it is when i let glide down on the schnozel later 5000. i always sit by the edge and hang my head over and watch and listen down in the the caller the whole time he's down there i don't leave and and i heard strange noise down there you did and randy said that you heard some strange noises when you were taking your break in that little cove he found a little he found a little cubby hole that they probably used as a small powder mag yes that's what i'm guessing and he cleaned it out he even had his little electric fan going in yeah what did you hear was out of the sun and that was back in that little nook and uh my eyes were starting to doze off i was napping and i heard what sounded like a large rock cleaving off of the wall or something and hitting the ground it was a kind of sound but it wasn't coming from any particular direction it's just around me that's what i heard and uh it's unexplainable it doesn't seem unusual for a region like this i've heard that before in minds and i've heard strange sounds that didn't sound like rocks falling more like voices or oh yeah other weird sounds in these minds before when there's no one else in there well i've been in different minds that i've been into you get these sometimes you'll get a strange echo where it sounds like there's somebody behind you and that that's typically the sound going in front of you hitting the face of the mind coming back and then you're hearing it on its third round but not none of the only thing that i heard when this actually took place was those like two little clanks and you can hear it in the audio two little clanks and then once that happened i felt the pressure on my lower back and that's when i turned my head now i gotta i'll tell you what guys i have not i've gotten sleep but i can't get this off my mind because this is really really strange and when these i guess when these types of things happen you you wonder you come up with these stories in your mind you know and the story that i can come up with is you know my father he passed away in 2007 he was 72 years old and when i was a kid growing up i was one of those crazy kids that was always looking off the edge of cliffs always you know lean too far over railings at yellowstone and my dad would always you know grab me by my belt right above my butt crack and he would grab me and hold me when i would do these crazy things you know and uh when i think back on some of the things that i did with dad that's one of the things that pops up so like like i was saying you know i'm building these maybe a story in my head trying to explain what what could have possibly happened but for all i know dear old dad for a moment there said no way son and he reached out and grabbed me for a second you know and that was whatever it was was just enough to turn make me turn back and not go any further into that drift um that's good enough explanation for me that's not the story i came up with let's hear your story um well we live in a physical realm but there's other stuff going on i'm pretty sure i've never studied it real deeply or anything like that but i feel and hear stuff that i can't really wholly explain you know of the stuff that you are able to explain there's plenty that's not easily explained and the not easily explained is the the sheer fact of the matter is that this whole area that we're in right now goldfield is a 100 year old town 120 year old town yep the things we're crawling around in are 100 years old and i'm always struck by the feeling of being an actual like imposter you know or an invader i mean i mean an area or a trespasser into it not someone else's property but into someone else's time yeah time and space and all those things put together i can't help but don't i mean there's plenty of people that believe in bigfoot and there's no photographs of them [Music] there's a awful lot of people that believe in tommy knockers if you work in the ground or if you're in the ground an awful lot you you probably believe in them too or there's a good chance because there's a reason that they that they started fantasizing i guess about these gnomes yeah but um there's a lot of history on them from ancient times so i think because they're playful i you know read up on uh on tommy knockers they're they're they're they're playful they'll they'll play tricks on you and but they'll get even with you too you know a lot of times uh people would attribute you know missing their tools and things to tommy knockers or even someone getting killed in a collapse yeah tommy knockers but on the same hand uh someone could get out of a collapse and get escape with their life and they'd claim it was the tommy knockers that saved him a lot of them would bring a saffron cake in with them and leave them if you go in and eat cake and you don't leave some for them yeah that's considered very bad form always good to leave a little for the tommy knockers huh that's what they say at any rate you know you've pushed the envelope and off a lot of times that i've sat outside and watched you go into places that i thought yacht not go and and then you've come out uh more times than than you should you know they say if you hang out in a barber shop long enough you're probably gonna get a haircut and maybe this is the universe's way of telling you i know it was the universe's way of telling you don't go any further in that one yeah yeah i think you're right about that and that's why you're talking about going back to it and well like i'm talking about going back to it because the whole thing has just kind of made me upset because i'm not the kind of person that runs away from my fears if something is is making me afraid i'm gonna chase after it i'm going for it i'm gonna try to you know take it down i've talked to many people over the years and i've always said to them if i ever see something crazy in one of these mines like a ghost or anything like that i'm not gonna run away i'm gonna run after it i want to know what that thing is i want to get to the bottom of it but guess what guys it happened and what did i do i scurried out of there like a well like you had some common sense like i had some common sense i suppose well you thought it was a rock crumbling though i said that you thought it was collapsing in there well that's exactly right that's exactly what it felt like there wasn't anyone else down there what would you think yeah that's how it looked it looked crumbly didn't it very crumbly that's right yeah very very crumbly down in there so that's it guys um so what do you say we uh get back into the show here all right let's let's continue on okay i'm gonna head back over here to the shaft i guess what we could do well if i did do it it's going to be a really dangerous thing probably the most dangerous thing i've ever done in my life let's get over here i want to go get another look at this let's look up here again and weigh our situation see there's rail on the floor so i know this would have went a lot further oh see look at that guys look how that's coming down i had such high hopes for this mine that's death that's that's what that is right there now if that was rock if that was you know good old solid rock maybe but this thing is this material is like clay and it's really freaking me out it's what it's doing well that's what happens when you have groundwater penetration into poultry this is what happens over time it just slowly degrades and falls in i hate to say it guys we're not going to be able to go any further not safely i've done a lot of wild things in my life but that's pushing a little bit too far you know hey i don't want to die you know and and if i get wedged then uh those guys are going to come have to come back down in here and you know what's going to happen it'll it'll land on my back it'll wedge me to the floor it'll compress my chest i won't be able to breathe i'll pass out and i'll die that's exactly how it's going to play out if i went for it so nope i ain't doing it i ain't doing i got a lot of minds in my career i want to show you guys and i ain't gonna die today now i know these things look a little bit different on camera you actually have to be here to truly appreciate the dangers so let's work our way back over to the shaft and we'll go from there [Applause] that really sucks hey guys you got your ears on up there i'm gonna get a picture of you yeah i got you gly well i've got bad news everything down here is collapsed oh no kidding i could probably wiggle my way on my belly over the collapse but it is so bad man i don't want to die today randy's encouraging you to do it i said i would do it not only is it all pull free but it's pull free with groundwater penetration and the back is falling down in these giant slabs well um nothing ventured nothing gained so ballsy moved to check it out in the first place yeah that's you know that's how this game is played you just don't know until you get into these yeah i i don't even think i would attempt it if uh if i had another person down here with me because i picture myself well no let me back up for a second so i started in i was crawling on my belly i didn't even touch the back of the mind with any part of my body i didn't even touch it with my backpack and about a 20 inch slab come off of the back and landed right on my back oh my god get out of there and i'm afraid what's going to happen if i was to venture further if another one if another one was to come down you know i can just picture myself getting slabbed then it's going to compress my chest i'm not going to be able to breathe and that's how i'm going to die so i just uh it's it's beyond my limitations you know like i said just told the audience i've done a lot of crazy things in my life and i've talked myself into a lot of craziness but that's that's indeed insane right there yeah good call guy all right so i'm going to uh i got to put my harness back on i got to get everything prepped here so uh uh after i'm all set and ready i'll i'll radio up to you okay yeah um perfect standing by [Music] [Music] all right so i gotta tell you i've worked with this guy now for a long time and we've had many conversations where it went along the lines of one of these days you're going to have a close call yeah and it's going to scare you and it happened today and it happened today so i was uh i was you know low to the ground i didn't touch anything on the back and that whole thing just from the sound of my voice it went and it landed on my back so i was given a break about 20 inch slab it was about that long about that wide and it weighed probably 30 pounds when it hit me and it it completely let loose only because of my voice okay and it scared the hell out of me nice took you a while to get your composure i i yeah um that was rough guys that was uh that's i don't like i don't like you know it's okay to have adrenaline when you're doing this because that's what keeps you safe but when when it reaches that point now you're into the scary zone i guess for a lack of better word um that was pretty frightening well i'm glad you made it out yeah glad i didn't have to come down yeah does it look like it went over there no it goes to these huh it goes to these yeah everything went to these that's what randy thought yeah and nope it just did not go that way now they they were starting to make an incline shaft out up and towards the road over here and then they they stopped they quit down in here it's like right over here but that's it yeah dang it yeah well that one got that one got me pretty worked up so you didn't die i didn't die we didn't die so guys thanks for coming along on this epic epic crazy adventure even though it was short and sweet down in there but uh um i really hope you enjoyed it and hopefully we'll see you again next weekend all right take care now bye bye [Music] [Music] ah hey mom so uh i know you never much cared for me doing this activity down here yeah it's it's dangerous but you know i've always really loved it a lot i like climbing around in these old old mines and caves you know i've been doing this ever since i was a teenager and uh for so many years i've been pretty darn lucky you know i never got myself into any kind of trouble or anything um but i do believe honestly that uh in both uh your prayers as well as listening to my gut instincts that um when i come into these moments where your gut is screaming at you don't do it you know um i've always listened and i think that's what's kept me out of trouble all of these years again this is another one of those situations where your guts are screaming at you you have this uh aura around you that just says don't do it um despite the mystery of how far this thing goes and and some of the treasures that might be revealed if i was to really indeed risk my life i just don't think it's worth it i mean dad is dead and uh i really would like to keep doing this for many more years so uh um you're on my mind right now and uh my little inner voice is screaming at me so uh thanks for all the talks that you and i have had um i really love you and uh thanks for thanks for being there for me okay
Channel: Abandoned and Forgotten Places
Views: 103,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A&FP, Abandoned, Forgotten, Places, Mine, Mines, Tunnel, Exploring, Adventure, Hiking, Artifacts, Antiques, Geology, Prospecting, Gold, Silver, Quartz, Dynamite, Blasting, Adit, Gly, Bobbie, Quackers, Gly Coolness, Old Bob, Old Mine, Old Building, Gold Mine, Ghost Town, Abandoned Mine, Abandoned Mines, Abandoned Place, Abandoned Places, Forgotten Place, Forgotten Places, Mine Exploring, Abandoned Mine Exploring, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Abandoned and Forgotten Places, Abandoned & Forgotten Places
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 26sec (3386 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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