Will We Find... Bodies? Bones?? Missing Persons??? Mineshaft Exploration Begins!!

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[Music] [Music] so well hey everybody welcome back all right the moment you've all been waiting for the schnazel later 5000. here it is guys now in a few days from now somewhere between today saturday and friday mr m is going to do a really cool show on all of the improvements uh that we've done over the last say a couple of months on the schnoz since the last time we used it make sure that you head down into the description area click on the link to mr m's channel abandoned and forgotten footage go over there subscribe turn on notifications so when that comes out you can see all the new things that we did to this device okay before i head down into the hole here's what we got going on today this whole area has shafts all over the place okay and we were here about a week ago we dropped the uh well we were calling it the torpedo then we were calling it the the snaza vision but we're waiting for you guys to come up with a really cool name for that device so we sent it down in here to check for air quality that was the video that you saw on mr m's channel but there's a whole lot of other shafts in the area and i think at least i'm hoping that this shaft will go down and connect with all the others in the area and if we're really lucky this one just might connect into the large silver king shaft which is right over here here take a moment and take a look at this see that there that was a heck of an operation the head frame for that mine at one time was just as large as the one you see in tone upon nevada in mineral park now it's all been uh scrapped and i do believe that at one time someone either burned it out or the collar fell into the bottom okay so yeah that's what gets me excited about this shaft i'm hoping these two connect all right guys this is going to be a lot of fun let's head down into this shaft and explore this old mine and away we go okay guys so the first thing we need to do on this little adventure of mine here is there's a big um railroad tie board that somebody has tossed down in here and so gonna try to move that out of my way first that's the first thing to do here there it is now maybe if i'm lucky let me just there i might be able to reach over to the collar yeah okay all right now cut myself a little bit of slack here there we go all right some slack take a drink of water holy cow is it hot outside [Music] okay let's look this situation over i think what i'll do as i'm standing here in the collar uh well i gotta tell you that thing ain't going anywhere the way it currently sits so i think i'll be yeah i think i'll be happy with that guys oh there we go okay let's get down to that drift nice i like that all right so there's a possible drift right there blaze working great okay now [Music] i need this wing over here okay okay now let's start by getting over here perfect all right now make sure what i'm standing on here is in good shape and it is [Music] yeah we're just uh waiting on the camera rig here i forgot to attach that to my harness before i ended entered this shaft um there's a lot going on today a lot of experimental a lot of experimental camera rigs we're playing around with belay devices um everything that it takes to get a really cool shot for you guys right now so i tell you what as soon as i get that camera rig down here and get it all rough and running um i'll meet back up with you okay see in a bit okay guys everything's up and running real good there's the torpedo and uh here you can get an idea where we just came from so right now according to the spray paint on the wall over there we're at the 45 level or 45 to 50 feet down into this mine we've got a drift going off that direction over there uh but before we do that one we got one that i'm standing in right now and i want to go do this one first okay let's see here so the first thing i'm seeing down on the ground is a uh there's what's left of a jackrabbit next to my camera bucket and somebody let some cardboard on fire right here that's what that is all right let's look up in here and see what we got i am seeing a few footprints but they're mighty old down here on the ground we've got what's left of a coffee can and a juice can um and a burlap sack up here it looks like the drift may have went off that way and it looks like they backfilled it is what's going on okay turning back around you might be able to see all that gobbing on the floor um we got a drift that's going up this way oh yeah so they were they were mining that out chasing that little tiny vein now let me point it out to you i think i probably forgot to yeah okay if you look at that vein oh there's the there's the laser that's what they're going after right there you can clearly see pickaxe marks into it that's what they were chasing after it's only about three to six inches across now higher up into that stop it gets a little bit bigger up in there maybe 12 inches across but this is it this is what they're going after right there and it's real flaky and crumbly now what do we have up in here what were they doing okay oh we've got a little stop that's kind of neat yeah and they went all the way up in there let me show it to you and stopped so on this side of the shaft they were doing a little bit of exploratory not getting much but as i'm looking around in here i mean you can clearly see the pickaxe marks where they were chasing after this particular vein right there that's all they wanted really soft poultry material oh that's a big chunk that's right that's wanting to come down right there let's get out from under that thanks all right so now what we need to do guys is carefully i don't think i need i'm not gonna need the rope to do this i just need to get up here and uh i'm looking at my scenario here there we go stepped right over the shaft all right and we have ourselves another drift level we got one going off that way down here on the floor i'm seeing uh look there's an old wonder bread right there that's an old wonder bread sack so they were down here making sandwiches okay around the corner a little drift goes off that way stops right there and a little thing going off this way and stops right there with another wonder bread sack i can see up there okay turn it around look at this beautiful looking hanging wall let's look up in here see if this goes any place no just got to get up on my knees here for a second and no goes all the way up in there and stops right there well i kind of knew looking at the torpedo footage when we ran that down into this about a week ago that this was just gonna be a small little drift this first one about 40 something feet down okay got another one here amazing all the footprints i'm seeing on the ground here could i mean those could go all the way back from the 70s oh yeah okay see here we have a uh there's the top of an ore chute right there so we got an overpass with an overshoot and that's going to go down to our next level all right no sense in climbing down there because here in a moment i'll be just be roping right back to it okay that's all there is to see for this one i'm going to uh get back on the rope and go a little bit deeper oh i couldn't help but notice the amount of skeletons down here on the landing let me show that to you you got a pack rat there another pack three pack rats there's four five six seven i see seven dead pack rats okay guys i'm gonna get back on the rope and we're gonna go down to the next level see you down there okay guys i am uh gonna dangle back into the shaft again all righty here we go oh i'm going to lean back i want to get comfortable oh that's nice there we go hey mr m i've never worked so hard before for a mine now we've nicknamed this shaft the ouch shaft because it put a two inch bruise on my left thigh and here's why see how randy put that shim in place right there to keep the umbrella from swinging around well moments later mr m come walking by sat down next to the man way now just keep a close eye on his left foot and watch what happens [Music] whoops hey don't kick anything ow son of a hey watch what you're doing up there yeah i breathed into it yeah that really hurt um that's going to leave a mark see guys and all that was all that was was a uh tiny little piece of two by four it was a p it was four inches long a piece of two by four that got split in half fell down hit me in the thigh and that really hurt now can you imagine a rock the size of a softball see okay while i'm uh repelling my way down to the next drift here's the problem that you have when you're in these shafts okay right now i'm in the bullseye have you guys ever played darts well you're always aiming at the bullseye right well when i'm in this shaft if anything falls from the top my body is literally in the bullseye so it's going to hit me it's going to be a glancing blow or land on my head or whatever and that's why these shafts are so darn dangerous and uh oh look at here we got a drift level okay i can just get over to it okay and that's why we picked oh look at what we have here we picked a drift or i mean a mine shaft that has both a man way and a nice collar going down so that there's less of a chance of debris hitting me now some of those mine shafts that don't have a collar okay otherwise known as a sarlacc pit i'm sure a lot of you have watched star wars you know what that is that's what we nicknamed them start sarlacc pits there's no collar to hold that rock uh to keep from coming down on you so that's why those are super duper dangerous and we probably won't be schnauzing any of them anytime soon we'll be doing more like this all right oh i am seeing a lot of i'm seeing artifacts down in here yeah definitely all right we can let the belay line go um you can take this off okay so another thing here this is uh you're probably asking me or some of you in the audience are wondering well why don't you just put it go on a rope and use the ladder because this is kind of the uh schnozelater's maiden voyage ever since we did all the new modifications so i wanted to find a shaft that had a man way next to it and i was going to snozz the main shaft that way if there was ever a problem i can always step off onto the man way uh to try to self-rescue in the future i'll probably be once i get more comfortable with the whole setup and we do this a few times then i'd be more comfortable schnauzing shafts that don't have man waves that are just a straight shot all the way down okay turning back around here we have another beautiful looking drift level with tracks going two directions so once again i'm going to get everything hooked back up and i'll meet back up with you guys i'll see you in a bit okay we made it to the 95 level and uh yep this uh this mine has had some visitors in the last 30 to 40 years and i'm going to show you here in a moment what i found this is where we just came from looking at the shaft we're almost to the bottom we're about midway now you can see the vent pipe over there that's the hatch right there okay turning back around well actually before turning back around you can see some insulators on the side there for running power down in here but it looks like they scrapped the cable down here on the floor some burlap sacks that's my bucket again for carrying the camera rig uh and then here's something of interest let me turn the lights down this was laying right on top of the rock right there now let's see if i can get a good angle on it for you guys it's from the tonopah chamber of commerce and mines um and it was typed up in 1985 feel free to read it okay and let me turn my light back on above it there there is a letter and let me see if i can see yeah the date on it is 1985. and there is a union nice looking union carbide top of a union carbide tin that's pretty cool so last person in here 1985. now here's what we've got we got a drift going off to the left and one to the right let's go to the right i would imagine that's going to be our primary let's see what this one's all about now let me think now if this is going off to the right and we're facing that way oh excuse me we are definitely going in the direction that i want to go to potentially lead back to the large mine that i told you about in my monologue oh look here so here we've got a bunch of bracing going on yep and a whole bunch of boards with just mountains of stuff on top of it right there let's look over here real quick yeah lots of bracing right here not square set turn back around all right we got an overshoot could possibly be the one that i pointed down on from the top where we saw the ore pass in the ore chute okay here we keep on it going what do we got up in here uh winds is it something i can stand on and if i do how far would i fall oh well not too far at all let's see here is that going to take my weight sure let's look over it let's look down there what do we got yeah i knew i mounted those too high it's detecting my breath that's why it went off okay so there was a stop that they backfilled and you can see here look at they backfilled all of that too yup okay that's as far as we're going here because looking up and all that andesite that doesn't go anywhere so at one time it probably went a little further but they completely backfilled it and they wouldn't have done that if it would have connected to a larger mine okay let's work our way back over to this big pile of stuff here wow there must be a really good sized stop above our heads that all that stuff is you know holding up um the waste rock material not seeing any cool artifacts yet so we're back to the station and now we're going to turn right there's a pack of what's left of a pack of camel cigarettes down here on the floor we've got some brackets hinges here's a day box now a day box is what you would temporarily um put your explosives in so you have your main magazine or main uh powder magazine and then when you grab a couple cases you bring it down in here you put it in the day box no the day box is not made for containing an explosion it's made to keep uh sparks and um lit cigarette or anything away from the dynamite or the caps while you're storing it temporarily okay we got something of possible interest up in here but in order to get there i'm gonna have to crawl oh boy i don't want that coming down on me we got up in here gonna go anywhere oh it could it's possible but i gotta get past this collapse this area of where there used to be like a collapsed or shoot all right i'm gonna have to move a few rocks here i get my big fat butt around it yeah i'm a chunky guy big boned i guess oh yeah what do we have up in here okay [Music] basically almost on my belly not quite yeah there we go after hours and hours in that hot sun up there now crawling around down here i'm going to be good and tired tonight there okay oh wouldn't it be nice if this went somewhere ha ha hey i'm glad i climbed over that all right i'm going to take a break a second you all don't want me puffing and huffing and puffing in the microphone so give me uh two shakes of a puppy dog's tail and i'll be right back with you okay there we go much better all right let's head up on this drift and see what we can find so back in uh back in 1985 um well i actually wasn't 85. it was uh wait hold up i'm seeing things here kelly chase was in here in 1971 8 8 of 71. so that's only uh what four four months before i was born kelly was in here um what was he what was i saying here oh 1985. so 1980 because of what was going on in the middle east and everything else gold prices spiked and they stayed that way for a few years and everybody went crazy claiming up uh mining claims and whatnot and and that's why when we get into these mines we see a lot of this a lot of these older mines reworked with spray paint on the walls from the early 80s because that's what was going on down here these guys got all excited i don't quite remember exactly how high prices spiked up to i think it was in the 800s per ounce and everybody got a little bit of gold fever and went for it okay that's we got two little exploratories i just walked up into but nothing to look at i thought down here on the floor that might have been a dynamite box what's left of it but no and around the corner here we have uh yeah that's that's all the craft wax coated craft uh paper that lines the inside of dynamite boxes all laying up in here here's a piece of paper down on the floor nope doesn't say anything on it and that's it that's as far as this drift goes okay well i'll tell you what i'll just uh i'll just keep the camera running just in case we see something on the way out now these uh this rubble on the floor here is fresh notice how it doesn't have any dust on it wouldn't surprise me if chunks like that came down last summer when we had that six point 6.5 or 6.7 earthquake oh i guess i didn't show you that barrel that's what's left over of a cyanide um container cyanide briquettes were stored in that and that was usually used up and out of the mine but they bring them down in here and repurpose them for other things okay we gotta crawl back over all this debris let's see you on the other side and there we are back to the station okay guys i'm gonna get back on the ropes and we're gonna go all the way into the bottom of this thing meet back up with you in a second all right guys so uh here we are standing over the shaft and i can see we're almost to the bottom i can see my rope is in the all spooled up like a pile of spaghetti down there this board here has me a little bit concerned i might do something with him when i get over to him that thing dangling right there i don't want that falling on me so uh yeah this is not the deepest of all shafts that i've ever explored but this is the perfect one for testing out the schnoz after it's been modified and so far it's working great okay let's uh here we go stepping off into the abyss is always the most scariest thing not too many people would would uh have the nerve to do something like this with your feet dangling over just like that all right let's put some weight on this rope because we do have a little bit of stretch on it there we go yep i can feel the schnoz taking up slack now we gotta put the bucket below me here there we go there we go we are back dangling over the abyss and i'm in a nice comfortable position here again except i don't like where that board is here we go okay now let's see if we can do something about this board over here that looks like it might hit me on the way down oh boy yeah that one's wanting to go to the bottom yeah i don't know if i can hold that and i don't want it landing on my rope so i think what i'm going to do here if that lands on my rope it's going to definitely damage it oh i know i know all right let's get that out of the way and see if i can lift that with one long arm oh crap thing's heavy let's go over here there we go uh-huh okay looking better not the best there lean back get comfortable here if i could brace let me show you what i'm doing here there all right anything else that wants to hurt or kill me huh i don't see nothing all right let's go to the bottom shall we almost there almost there oh boy oh boy we got ourselves a big drift level here all right let's get off the rubble pile get our butts away from that shaft because that's the most dangerous part all right let that down a little bit i'm here come here bucket wow look at all the stuff people have thrown down over here down here over the years [Laughter] okay geez if i can just get my footing here lots of stuff lots of stuff to trip over there we go all right let's get off this rope come on there we go oh come on now there nice all right once again i'll get everything up and running i'll meet back up with you folks in a minute okay guys made it to the bottom wasn't too hard at all and uh let me show you what i found down here well it's first of all i want to see some paper but i don't see anything written on it we got some trash from the 80s there is a snake dried up snake right there i get you a good better view of it right there there he is oh excuse me um that's either a bull snake or a eraser or a gopher snake okay looking at the trash on the ground lots of stuff that people have thrown down here over the years all kinds of things i'm seeing uh dead pack rats by the dozens and yeah so we're gonna head off that direction over there second i wanna go explore the primary first let's do that okay we got ourselves a pretty big passage here and uh just like before now this one here is heading off in the direction that i would like it to towards that larger mine i gotta loosen up these straps just killing me here gotta get comfortable there we go hold on a second guys yeah i forgot to do that so i can't explore these mines all humped over that's really hard on your back oh that's better there we go much better okay a little intermission there i guess huh i wonder what's up with the burnt paper you see that burnt paper on the ground the only thing i can figure is but maybe they came in here there was some bats they're trying to smoke the bats out a little bit of stuff that has fallen down from earthquake activity oh very nice okay wow okay so we have a crossroads here nice big intersection let's start by showing you all the graffiti there is 1945 1950 okay i don't think that's a date there looking this direction that doesn't look really look like a date either and this direction okay i think what we're going to do is abide by the right-hand rule and we'll go right so what we have here is or shoot number three let's keep on the lookout here for unexploded dynamite i'm seeing very faint footprints on the floor it's been a while but i i'm not the first one down here unlike that museum mine we explored all right let's see if we can get past this or shoot safely and see if there's anything of interest hiding up in here huh we've got an old bucket and that's where that one stops right there goes no further and they backfilled it okay turn it back around i wonder if that says 1920 on that beam i don't know about that let's look up here real quick before we get too crazy oh yeah nice big stop and an ore chute and an oar pask leading down to it cool okay that at one time very well could have been an air door so maybe before they backfilled it this mine did link up with another one going that direction you never know so what does it feel like and smell like down in here well this one definitely has a different smell um and i think where it's coming from is this burned up paper that i'm smelling as well as the sticks and stuff it's kind of a it is kind of damp but not not awfully damp yep we're gonna do this one next all right i tossed all this gobbing up in here yeah it's damp like an old basement but it has the smell of a combination of uh old oil and burned wood it's the best way i could probably describe it what's around the corner here oh i'm not going to point that out to you guys that looks like a place where somebody did their business and it ends right there all right turn it back around [Music] yeah those are the those are not the kind of nuggets that you guys want to see [Laughter] okay let me get back over all this gobbing here there we go all right lots of arrows with 1950 oh look at here look at that beautiful vein right there was that uh 24 inches across that's definitely what they were taking out of here yep oh here we go boy i certainly have seen tom swift in a lot of mines over the years 67 71 there's kelly chase again 71. kelly if you're watching this happy birthday all right let me show you what's going on up here there's probably a stop up there somewhere but because i'm all by myself i won't be exploring stops today we're just going to stay on haulage levels okay well that's pretty sizable vent pipe poking up in this direction here we've got a exploratory going off to the right stops right there though yeah so as i said earlier vent pipe is always a clue maybe this will go up really far back up in here we'll see all right here's a bit of graffiti no i'm not going to read it to you guys you'll just have to read it for yourself there we go got to keep the show family friendly you know okay let's keep on going oh so this is our main haulage level huh nice wow okay another crossroads let me uh just spin the camera around here a second okay we got a drift going off that way we have uh someone's coveralls overalls laying here on the floor well that's definitely something that we're gonna look at here um let me find a nice place to put the camera guys so i can do this properly sorry give me a second i'm a one-man band down here okay let's see what we got coveralls they're definitely old something day on the button can't quite make that one out either i'm checking the pockets nothing in that pocket nothing in the baby pocket except for a little bit of string um nothing hiding in there we have another pocket over here let's look nothing in that pocket okay all the pockets are empty i'll double check one more time for you this is a lot of fun we don't get to find this kind of stuff very often back pocket that one is ripped out and uh that one's empty too okay now quickly i'm gonna try to figure out okay so the button on this let me i'll use my helmet cam to maybe get a closer look here it says day day day up on the top day on the bottom that's what it says now i don't know if these are worth anything so what i'm gonna do here is hook the button where did i get where to go here come on there i just need to make a little loop like so let's get that we'll get that up off the ground that ain't gonna work let's find a place to here just in case they are worth something super duper i'm gonna keep them up off the ground and we'll put them right up there okay let's finish exploring this mine so i'll tell you what before we head off left or right let's just stay straight for right now okay what do we have up in here holy cow look at the size of these beams those are 10 by 10. wow okay yeah look at that it's almost as if they brought them down here so that they could use them for a decline shaft or possibly a winds all right coffee can laying on the ground not too exciting here is a blasting cap tin up there but all rusted but we've seen many of them over the years what do we have here oh mine keeps up and going that way yep that's a place that i can explore but before we do i want to keep going this way instead let's stay up let's stay on the main yeah i just tripped a little bit okay what's up in here goes goes goes as i go around the corner and indeed it did but stopped right there lots of dynamite paper on the floor but that's it and you can see all of that uh brachiated material in there lots of poultry type stuff and sites rhyolites that's what we're into but i'm not getting a whole lot of uh sulfury smell in this mine nope i thought that that might be an issue okay going back over the rubble pile oh yeah this whole thing fell down yikes but it fell down a long time ago okay what do we have up in here is something we can explore safely i think so oh heck yeah oh yeah okay keeps going off that way and uh that's just my helmet light i'm adjusting it and that way oh really damp and musty up in here but it keeps on going oh wow here we go all right before i show you the cool stuff let's look up here real quick and it went up and around the corner but stopped right there yeah as far as it went all right turning back around we have a winds i sure do how deep is this wins wow goes way down in there look at that guys wow wow wow super cool okay all right turn it back around what's up in here looks like the mine kept going off that way and off to my right another big passage keeps on going holy cow look at this mine is turning out to be just a monster there's tom swift's writing again and no stops right there turn it back around boy that was for a second there that was going in the direction i wanted it to i would be so happy if one of these connected into the big mind then we could come back at a later date what's up here we haven't done this way yet we got lots of them lots of old moss hanging off the back of the mine oh that's creepy looking look at here guys there's an ore pass look at all these creepy looking vine vine things dangling down here we're too deep for tree tree roots all right let's see if we can see if we can safely explore this look at these look at all they're all dangling here that's a form of mold that's what that is wow i have never seen anything quite like that all right let's see if i can capture that with a better no that's not enough light look at this you see them all dangle in there i'll turn the light down just a skosh there we go and they're all crawling across the ribs looks like something out of a horror movie would you look at that look at all of them crawling across wow how delicate are they let's see oh super delicate very delicate that's neat um if any of you guys are know anything about molds and spores other than the guy on ghostbusters um let me know what you think that that uh what type of a mold is that that comes down in these long tree root like things okay back up over the pile come on there we go okay now whoa now we're back to the winds yeah you know as much as i'd like to go down there got to remember mr m and randy have been up top for many hours now in that hot sun there's a matchbook right there you can make it out okay let's go explore those other drifts all right i gotta get past this sketchy area here there we go okay we already explored to the right yuck i just hit my head on the back of the mine and i got a bunch of dirt on my neck yeah i'm trying to pick up the pace here because i know hey everybody's went waiting on me but regardless i'm gonna sit for a second and take a break i'll be back all right guys i'm back here at the crossroads with the overalls um we just came from that way right there now the direction we haven't explored yet is off to the left shoot number five get under that board there we go yeah lots and lots of piles of backfill it takes a lot of money and effort to haul worthless rock up and out of the mine best just to make a big pile of it down in here and nothing down here but vent pipe okay turn it back around test your chute and all right we haven't explored this way i gotta make a quick adjustment guys i'll be right back there there we go only took a second had to do a little fine-tuning here what do we got off this direction goes up there and stops looking around and continuing on lots of wood and debris here's some rail we got a exploratory going off that way and stops and finally you can see where they went up in here with a wheelbarrow and goes up there and stops okay turning back around so we've explored every level every drift the only place we haven't been is down that winds if uh it wasn't for the fact that everybody was has been waiting on me now for going on six hours i would probably go down there and explore it i'd feel even better if i had somebody with me but that's the way it goes but hey at least we got to see all the drift levels right not much in the way of artifacts some uh interesting graffiti but that's about it i can tell i'm getting closer to the shaft it's amazing how the air quickly becomes fresher and fresher the closer you get to the shaft as com compared to being all stale and muggy all right turn in the corner this is where we came from yep i can feel it the air just keeps getting fresher and fresher uh-huh how's that for a schnozolating experience that was a whooper oh my gosh when how many hours have we been at this today well we you picked me up at nine this morning and at 6 45 we just busted camp and we probably took an hour and a half two hours to get here because we did a little loading out and stuff so it's coming in on seven o'clock now so we've been going since nine this morning until almost seven o'clock that's a long day in the hot sun holy cow yeah it's been a long day but good news it worked it worked the schnoz worked fantastic it worked fantastic um i i do want to make a few more adjustments on my on my harness i i still don't like how far back i'm i'm i'm leaning back but that's no big deal i can fix that yeah and i i didn't really much care for how the the belay was working as i was coming up so that's okay i can i have a solution for that i can fix that but other than that perfect nice worked beautifully yeah so um yeah that was a really cool mind it turned out a lot bigger than what i thought it was and you know it was fun for me up top because we already schnozzled schnazzle vision this thing that you guys uh saw on my show last friday right and and we thought there were drifts and we thought they were substantial and well i came out with really great news and so i'll let him tell you it was a lot bigger than what i thought it was he thought it would hook into all this stuff yeah that we're going past here now and i'm you know when we were down in there guys and i saw that one drift that was um backfilled and it was heading off this direction um i do believe it probably linked into this other shaft here but those 1985 miners backfilled that thing and we couldn't access it so the only place that we didn't get to explore was that winds and uh you know these guys these guys have already been in the hot sun long enough i don't want to leave them up top any longer than what i had to so all right well you know what i have a great idea you know what that is we're going to go to town we're going to gas up we're going to get something to eat some coal and drink oh boy and that is enough for one day that's a great idea are we playing squirrel on the way there we are going to play squirrel on the way there all right let's get after it guys thank you so much for coming along on this really cool adventure i hope to nause you down some more shafts in the future but not going to be every weekend i think we're going to choose probably another class 3 low end class 4 for next weekend but it'll be pretty cool so um i want to do more schnozzing but it's definitely not something you can do every single weekend because it's a lot of work it's a lot of work it's a lot of work but we know okay glenn i was just going to say we know the push comes to shove we can put that thing together and it works it works it works okay guys thanks for coming along and i'll see you again next weekend take care bye bye [Music] so you
Channel: Abandoned and Forgotten Places
Views: 128,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A&FP, Abandoned, Forgotten, Places, Mine, Mines, Tunnel, Exploring, Adventure, Hiking, Artifacts, Antiques, Geology, Prospecting, Gold, Silver, Quartz, Dynamite, Blasting, Adit, Gly, Bobbie, Quackers, Gly Coolness, Old Bob, Old Mine, Old Building, Gold Mine, Ghost Town, Abandoned Mine, Abandoned Mines, Abandoned Place, Abandoned Places, Forgotten Place, Forgotten Places, Mine Exploring, Abandoned Mine Exploring, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Abandoned and Forgotten Places, Abandoned & Forgotten Places
Id: 1-78ilnwSAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 13sec (4153 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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