Filled with the Horrible Smell of Death and Rot, The Briar Pipe Mine

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isolated in inhospitable locations and hidden in the mountains and desert washes southern california has some of the largest mining districts in the desert southwest [Music] long after the gold rush of 1848 prospectors spread out and made new discoveries of gold and silver deep in the heart of the barren desert wilderness [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so well hey everybody welcome back all right well we're gonna do something different this weekend mr m and i were sitting around talking about where we should go next because we have been striking out lately when it comes to mine not that we haven't been standing at the plate saying throw the ball throw the ball yeah you know another uh 300 miles yesterday in my opinion last weekend's episode was somewhat of a strikeout it was a solid double like that one guy said it i guess it was a solid one you had to work with but you know what i am my own worst critic so anyways where are we well we're not in arizona like i said we're doing something different we're in southern california this weekend haha boy oh boy yeah and uh mr m said have you ever been to 29 palms and i said nope never been there i said okay let's go there let's see if they actually do have 29 palms right do they at least at least 29 pounds right nice little town people are nicer yeah yeah a nice little place there's a lot of mines in that area um and a lot of off-road trails uh i know a lot of you know what i'm talking about and so we thought we'd come out here today and see what we can find even though there's a good chance that a lot of these mines are buttoned up bat-barred bulldozed destroyed uh hey it's worth a look though it is and that's what we're gonna do is there's a bunch of them out here and so we're going to them yeah so what we figured we'd do today is find the absolute furthest and hardest mind to get to yeah we're going to go to that one first and then uh daisy chainer where our way back all the way back to the highway and hit mine after mine after a mine and see if we can find something cool because we have all the time in the world we do and lots of big lights so even if we do come back in the dark so what yeah so what so let's uh head on over to what appears to be look right there i know the largest mine in this valley let's gulls check it out [Music] hey one more thing before we continue on up this trail uh a shout out to brian miller brian says these are for you and mr m for your helmets or whatever you want to put them on so you'll always have a sleeve stack with you brian miller sent us a sleeve stack sticker because you guys know i'm always mentioning sleeve stack in my videos from time to time so there it is right there that's where we put the sticker brian thank you very much and if you want to send us more stickers and stuff like that you send it to po box 650 goldfield nevada 89013 that's right po box 650 gold field nevada eight nine zero one three eight nine zero one three and we will put your sticker up on the roll bar and you might see it in one of our episodes maybe thanks again brian appreciate it yep [Music] so [Music] okay guys i thought you'd enjoy that that little drone of mine wow i gotta tell you it sure does take some nice pictures of these mine sites and it only weighs 249 grams that's why i bought this one it's the mavic mini because if you go over 250 grams now you have to get some crazy licensing from the faa i don't know and i don't want to have to deal with all that that's why i went with this one it's great it does everything i needed to do and takes awesome pictures of these minds all right we've got our first at it right here let's head on inside and see what this one's all about all right what do we have in here let's see a little thing going off to the left here just a cove this would have been a place where the miners would have had some benches things like that to hang out hang up your hat put your lunch box right there that's what's going on down here on the floor i can see some compressor pipe and we have rail always a good sign i like that it's interesting as i move through this mine we're first having to go through a lot of this alluvium that's uh came off the hillside all right now we're starting to get into the more solid rock there we go well it's just tight that's looking better boy those miners were short weren't they mysterious geez hey this is kind of neat off here to the left they built themselves a little little table looking thing mm-hmm an old tin can down there on the floor okay we're coming up to our first junction right there i think we're gonna save uh the left-hand side and we'll start over here on the right oh look at what we've been rewarded with mr m enough room to stand up for one thing and an incline huh look at here we have uh winds with the windlass nice and let's see where it goes oh just a little just a little thing right there yeah not much of anything well it might go down a ways there could be a little drift right there that's possible okay let's keep on going see what else we can find in this mine first or shoot and uh does it have a man way next to it no no it does not okay the mine keeps going off to the right and once again branch is left again we'll save that for on our way back out right now we're just going to stay on the primary haulage at it right here there we go something kind of stinky up in here yeah we're definitely getting a smell i don't know what that is yeah it smells smells like something rotting mr m yeah you'll smell it when you get up here now here's a piece of compressor pipe that they ran up through this little raised yeah look at that they chop that through to go up there into that stop that's what's going on be neat if i could figure out a way how to get up into that stop that'd be fun to explore what's that smell yeah there's something dead up in here once again we're we're in a mine where that that has a stinky stinky smell look at that gob in there to your right oh yeah nice work hey we've got another either another winds or another incline here fantastic let's look down in this one oh yeah look there guys nice okay well let's keep exploring this level wow look at the area above us they stopped all this out you can see the vein right there look at the width of it let me point it out to you guys it's right there oh maybe eight to ten inches across that i can see where it's defined through that area um what do we have going off to the left here just a little cove i would imagine that right here they may have had some sort of a winch up in this up in this small cut for the winds behind me yeah yeah that's what was going on um the reason i say that mr m is right here you know they had a a skip yeah there's those uh what was the name of that again it's not coming to me um you guys will know the words okay around the corner let's see we have up in here i don't remember what i had for breakfast gly oh oh what'd you do mr m did you hit your head no my knee ouch yeah you okay yeah everything but my knee you didn't bloody it up did you no all right i banged my knee that's all okay i'm fine all right we've got something before we go explore the ladder there's something right above my head here let me show you guys yeah see it goes up into that stop that they're working right there all right back down here on the main another ladder ladder going up let's see where this goes to interesting that goes up there lots of places to explore in here mr m well that's good it's been a while yeah well we're at least we're getting out of the stinky smell yeah i noticed that in case we get lost in here we just walk towards the stink yeah okay all right we just keep on going on this mine you're probably noticing that there's a whole bunch of soot on the back of the mine or the ceiling um again for my new subscribers a lot of times when people are up in here uh taking samples geologists uh maybe some new prospectors coming in here and they want to chase the bats out that's what they'll do is light a small fire and to chase the bats out of the mine all right we just keep keeps on going now above my head here i want to show you guys something look at the uh look at all the blue in that rock right there isn't that pretty yeah that's why they put in that small raise and uh i'm just gonna pan the camera off to the left wow that is spectacular look at that isn't that pretty chris cacola with some chow can fight i see in there i even see uh some azerite all kinds of goodies wait till you see that mr m yeah i'll come around the corner and look at it oh wow isn't that something it is yeah oh my gosh what do we have here oh wow that's what they were chasing that's for certain yep taste the flavor hickory barbecue oh some a bunch of they were up here collecting cans look collecting tin cans nice we've got some graffiti bill jones from 1963 was in here and up ahead what do we have another yeah it looks like we could possibly have another wins here sure is let's look down that one way down there they completely they removed everything out of this one mr m they took out uh the the rail or the uh not the rail boy why i'm having a hard time with words today ain't i yeah you'd need a rope we'd have to rope up to explore that okay let's keep on going all kinds of graffiti in here oh boy yeah that's a doozy of a winds there geo dan and tom from 67 again what's over here oh some self-portraits that's not a bad one all right moving on see the sign right here corner it just keeps on going what was that mr m there's no air ahead no air ahead that's what it says hmm well i'm i'm breathing pretty good okay wow all kinds of graffiti let me show you guys lloyd m kari from 1922. here's another self-portrait right there let's see if i can sometimes what i like to do is get the right kind of an angle here so that that might end up as one of my thumbnails like that okay turn it around see what else we have here's another another cool self-portrait right there these guys are getting pretty creative with their carbide lamps aren't they mr m they are yeah nice it is okay how much further are we going to be able to get into this mine just keeps on going okay above my head we've got a raise right here that they were working compressor pipe still goes up there but it stops down here again you can still see the vein that they're following through this section and it's only six or seven inches wide through here starting to play out maybe all right they there's a lot of we're walking over a lot of back fill i can tell that they they backfilled all of this what do we have here let me get too close to that edge who knows what this could be let's look down there yeah no it just goes and stops right there now watch out for them edges yeah okay yeah what we're crawling on now this has all been backfilled easier to uh much easier to take the waste rock and throw it up into a drift than it is to haul it all the way out of the mine that's why they do that all right little thing going up here and stops but you can see how they're working the vein along the the foot wall there but the mine does keep going down and around here it's getting pretty humid yeah we've got there could be some groundwater penetration up in here somewhere by how humid humid it is all righty there okay oh that's better all right let's shoot on up there see what we have all right this class three keeps on going mr m yeah so and looking over here if you guys ever heard me talk about slick and slide that's what we have right here okay see how those rock faces see how that rock is sliding against each other leaving those scour marks that's called slick and slide another word for it is fault gouge through this section and that makes sense because you usually find that geological feature in areas where you have groundwater penetration and right now this has gotten it's really humid in here really humid alrighty it's actually starting to smell and feel like a mine you notice that mr m how the how the humidity went up by about 30 percent yeah okay there's some graffiti jack bostwick here jack says no ore going this direction well let's go see and we are 300 feet from the face according to that more graffiti well i'll show you some air in here gly there's just all kinds of graffiti what was that mr m air air yeah it's musty yeah it's real it's just stale yep okay we've got 300 more feet to go you think we'll run into a little pocket of bad air up in here i don't know we could it all depends on what's using it up so from what i see there's not enough organic material to be uh using up the air the sulfide sulphides in the rock can use it up so i don't think that we're gonna have a problem but we've got our monitors to protect us here if it goes off we're out of here you notice mr m how um we're still kind of going through alluvials yeah there's there's there's alluvial layers everywhere this thing's been a a a flaky mine more graffiti more graffiti just keeps going well 300 more feet we'll see what happens oh yeah yeah it's gonna get humid enough now to where my laser is gonna start to turn on all by itself and they were right here's the face okay that's going to be the end guys all right well what do you say we turn around and go take a closer look at some of these these um maybe a closer look at the stops and see just how crazy i'm gonna get today what do you think mr m yeah let's go back there okay there seemed to be a little bit of air it's like a sauna in here i'll say all right around the corner all right now we're back at the ladder here that looks really interesting it really does hmm mm-hmm yep i gotta take a closer look you don't mind do you no all right problem is i'm not gonna be able to get up there i'm not gonna be able to see what that's all about that on okay all right guys you're just gonna have to enjoy helmet cam while i take a look up here ah okay i'm backing down backing down just a minute sorry that ain't gonna work too much stuff oh hold on grab me your camera over there grab me my camera yeah he pointed at me over here instead of at the wall and i'll get you going all right i'm ready here okay ready yeah all right let's take a look at this booker okay let's see where this goes shall we all right so off to make sure i'm pointing the camera in the right direction huh okay oh yeah i got something spectacular to show you what we have over here let's look over here first anything around that corner no no it doesn't go anywhere there but over here yes yes look at that beautiful vein right there guys see that again let me make sure i got the camera in the right direction right there the vein is probably seven inches across you can see the blue crisco cola up in there there's even some uh it almost looks opalized that some of that blue above my head here there is a bunch of of boards holding up gobbing and a chute shooting material down right into this location and that's what they were doing this is acting as an ore pass i'm glad none of these boards let loose because if they did we'd be in a world of hurt all right can i get look i look over here safely oh maybe maybe yeah there we go oh wow we got blue everywhere okay now we're up in the stope there we go yeah let me show you what they were doing here so here's another shoot shooting material down into this collection point here so this is uh think of it kind of like an orpas going into the top of the or chute down in the main haulage level where we just came from off that direction is another uh shoot over there i can see where it goes up against those boards but we're not going to be able to get over there because we have a chasm between us and that location yeah pretty neat now let's turn back around and give you guys a nice look at the blue right up in here look okay let me get my footing here boy that's that sure is crumbly um look at that piece right there nice and let's grab another one it's gonna come apart in these chunks um all right i'll put them in my pocket let me see if i can find another nice piece of the blue for you guys oh wow look at that i can just get a larger piece these are all coming off in tiny tiny oh that's a good one look at that one okay nice okay we got a few specimens enough to fill my back left pocket right there cool okay let's go back over here oh boy mr m uh i'm not i'll tell you what before i come down here i want you to go off the ladder and go get get out of the way because any one of these rocks comes down if i kick one it's gonna funnel right into your head all right okay i'll let you head on down first before i go any further okay there's you're in the danger zone yeah anywhere i go with you is in the danger zone by well that's kind of true isn't it just a little all right well watch it watch it watch it watch it watch it watch it wow you still managed to get me that's what i was talking about right there yep i knew that was gonna happen i saw it i saw the writing on the wall okay there we go this is kind of what we're doing here guys you can see this little little hole i came up through oh boy oh it's dusty now yikes i didn't get you with that did i no it took a wicket bounce though off the ladder yeah and came over here did it actually really right here yeah and i got it on this camera all right well that was fun and i got some nice pieces let me show you guys um some of it's going to be kind of small but here's some samples for you and the audience who love this sort of stuff look at that one right there pieces there i got some more check this out i grabbed some too yep they're going to be kind of tiny but that's all that i could break free maybe i'll put these in one or two batches um up on the ebay site all right time to throw the gear back on let's see what else this mine has to offer okay we are back at the winds here let's take another close look at this it's too bad that ladder's busted right there some people throwing rocks down it that's what's that's what's happening here yeah it'll look like a job for mr m well you know this looks like a lot of fun but it would require me to rope up and everything um we sure do have a lot of minds in this area to explore today maybe what we should do is just kind of peek and peek around some more and see what this whole area has to offer i'm following you because if i if i rope down in here it's going to take up the rest of the day and we'll never get a chance to look at those other mines because it could be dark so let's let's choose our battles and head off to the next site we've got two or three more um let's do that mr m instead [Music] okay [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay guys wasn't that a fun ride over to this location while the the scenery out here is absolutely spectacular now i realize that we're not roping into some of these locations today on this episode like i said um this this day is more explore the area kind of recon it check out the mines see what's out here so that i know uh for upcoming weekends what we can jump into and we've already found uh what do you say mr m six or six we found at least six that we can rope into that's great so from here on forward uh we can probably come back out and rope into some of these locations we'll just have to see all right so we've got a big old ore bin right over here we got a haulage at it right there a steep vertical shaft that you don't want to get anywhere near the edge right there it'll be interesting mr m to see if that ties into any of these workings in here okay guys let's head on inside and see what this one's all about okay what do we have hiding up in this most likely well visited mine but it looks pretty darn cool all right immediately right inside the portal here here's where powder storage would have been yep at one time that probably had a door on it and that's where they kept the dynamite right there okay let's continue on the main haulage level here hey mr m you know what's exciting about this mine um you can stand up in it well no the what's exciting is uh the sun is about ready to go down i know when we come out it's gonna be dark and uh if there's any bats they're gonna start working their way towards the exit oh and i know how much you love those furry little guys oh oh look at this look at this look at this beautiful representation yeah of the hanging wall against the vein wow right there see that isn't that just beautiful look up here guys i mean you can clearly make out the vein there it is well my laser's starting to die but right through there you know eight inches 10 inches is what they were going after okay let's continue on yeah i can turn my laser off there we go look at that wall just keeps on going sure does the tumbleweed up in here oh wow look at this stop right here really yeah and it goes to the surface too i can see sunlight up there yep all right continuing on geez no kidding mr m was giving me a hard time on her way over to the second line he said my my commentary was semi lackluster at the last location is that what you you got it on the seventh time i i did i got it on the seventh take didn't i well maybe someday you guys will get to see that on abandoned and forgotten footage mr m's popular channel and if you don't know how to get there uh head down into the description area of my video and the link will be there what do we have here look at this winds oh another another beautiful one we could rope into mr m look at that don't slip and slide down into that that would be bad all right what's up in here good golly gly i know then that looked like fun okay let's keep going here do we have up and just following that hanging wall now that we're the ore is uh not looking too good through this section the miners are probably saying to themselves oh we hope we hope it picks up we hope it gets better but it's not see that see back there we had a well-defined vein look at what we have here mr m check it out okay let me uh show everybody yeah oh yeah okay i'm gonna set my camera down here for a second and uh show everybody what i'm talking about here give me a second here turn my lights in the right setting here there we go okay so back there against this hanging wall further on back we had a nice defined vein coming off of it that went out about seven to eight inches maybe 10 inches and that's what they were chasing after now oftentimes the golden the gold is going to precipitate against the hanging wall along that edge that's why you're seeing this all night nice and smooth and cleaned out of here all right because that is the best part of the vein now in this area there is no vein to speak of look at you can see it's probably five feet across here but the material is just uh i don't know it looks like an alluvial amalgam of limestone rock and um a brachiated material that worked its way through this hydrothermal structure but it didn't quite form into a vein of quartz or mineable material it's just a hodgepodge of of like bratiated material through this section it's it's junk there's there's no value to it but the miners like i said we're probably hoping that it would eventually pick back up and turn into something more interesting let's go over here and look at the face okay right here turn my lights up a bit here any second there we go okay yeah see here's the face and uh you can see a lot of sparkly um calcite crystals there in the face but that's about it the vein completely played out okay let's work back over to that stop and see if there's something i can climb up into over there let's go check it out okay now we're back into that area um with the stop and the ore chute right here yeah look at that huge stopped out area i know well we're not to it yet but is this a i'll bet it's plugged let's look up in here yeah we i ain't getting in that way okay how about up here boy boy that would be uh you know it would be pretty interesting to get a better look on that vein right there yeah except i don't really see a safe route mr m not really now what i could do is if we come back i could rope down from the top and we can then i can come over and explore that area that would be a safer way to do this look there's someone tied a rope off on that stall yeah that's like that's what i want to do um when we come back we'll rope from the top down nice okay let's head back this direction well it looks like uh that is going to be it for this small mine yeah that is it do you guys want to see uh the uh that shaft going outside from the top down i'll bet you do i'll bet you guys want to see that okay give me a minute i'm going to hike up the side of the hill and i'm gonna show that to you guys okay let's head up there i think it is i think it's right here yeah we got another at it i sure do okay is this going to be it let's check it out could be on a false floor here gotta be careful all right there's the stop it's it's the exact same one but we're still not quite over to the shaft look out that direction so the shaft would be a little bit up from that point okay let's turn around okay let's go higher on the hill all right here we are this is our open stop right here once again off to the left-hand side you can see the vein that they're going after okay it's worthless over there so they were finding more ore along the other side all right let me shoot down in there for you guys okay and that's where we were right down there well i'm kind of looking this over it's now that we've uh climbed in and explored that secondary haulage at it and now that i'm looking at it from the top down now that's really not too much to rope into there's better minds around here that we can do that there is one more little thing over here though let's look at this there's another one oh i see they started they started their way down but that's it it just stops right there okay so look at that you can see how they're working that vein right here on that angle running across the top of the hill okay i'm gonna work my way back to uh mr m and catch my breath so i'll see you down there [Music] [Music] okay guys that was a lot of fun i just want to thank you again for coming along on another fun explore this area is just outrageous there's mines everywhere uh we literally went from bust to boom um so many places to rope into we're just gonna have all kinds of fun over the next couple of weekends all right well before i leave let me say this uh those rocks i found earlier in this episode those real pretty blue ones we're gonna put those up on mr m's ebay site this time i'm gonna put a link down in my description area it'll be right near the top mr m's ebay click on it head on over there and put in a bid uh on those rock specimens ultimately it helps out the channel both of our channels i should say and all of the money always 100 goes back in into the channels okay guys well thanks again for coming along on this truly fun explorer and i'll see you again next weekend okay take care bye bye [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Abandoned and Forgotten Places
Views: 97,173
Rating: 4.9316869 out of 5
Keywords: A&FP, Abandoned, Forgotten, Places, Mine, Mines, Tunnel, Exploring, Adventure, Hiking, Artifacts, Antiques, Geology, Prospecting, Gold, Silver, Quartz, Dynamite, Blasting, Adit, Gly, Bobbie, Quackers, Gly Coolness, Old Bob, Old Mine, Old Building, Gold Mine, Ghost Town, Abandoned Mine, Abandoned Mines, Abandoned Place, Abandoned Places, Forgotten Place, Forgotten Places, Mine Exploring, Abandoned Mine Exploring, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Abandoned and Forgotten Places, Abandoned & Forgotten Places
Id: _HPbraYhF4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 26sec (3206 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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