"Come Here Randy... What is It? Go Poke It with a Stick!" Lol

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[Music] previously on abandoned and forgotten places episode 107. oh wow look at all of these uh sacks of ore oh holy cow this thing just keeps going deeper and deeper oh look at here nice artifact label is pretty well deteriorated sure is well maybe not [Music] [Music] all right got it are we going down or up well i want to get a closer look at it if if this ties into the larger workings that i eventually want to explore in that shaft then this would be one heck of a fine wouldn't it the ladder's in good shape okay and there's air i feel air here this is connecting to something or another all right let me recon it you stay up top i'll let you know what i find and or if these ladders are good enough for me to walk on oh they're pretty darn sketchy man i do not like the looks of that one right there so this level here did you feel air coming through is it ideal can you well this is yeah i did feel air good way to go then so this could possibly spit out at uh all right i gotta get past the broken rungs here yep some people said gly has never met a ladder that he didn't like that's also true okay almost to the bottom and there we are woohoo nice major drift level randy yep you got to come down here absolutely all right all right turn it back around i am going to uh take a break a second guys shake off some of the adrenaline and i'll be right back there we go that was nice to take a small break there for just a second so what do we have immediately by the ore shoot here looking down there is a room and a prince albert container and there's nothing in it i've already looked okay now let's head over here to the main haulage i can see now if i look at that flag hanging off the wall there it's not moving so so far i'm not really seeing any airflow here down on the ground here we've got a whole bunch of uh remnants of modern day dynamite boxes there's one there and we have a drift going up up that direction and we have another drift as i turn around with rail on the floor going up that direction so let's let's revisit that for right now i'm going to take stay on what's looks looking like the primary here we have a jug i'm going to let oh it's it's we've seen these before randy it's a jug of bleach interesting yeah the bleach it's right written right on the bottom rocks yeah see that yeah it says bleach embossed in the glass sure does yeah we found many of them over the last couple of years but that's that's the first time i think we found one where the the little little uh handle thing wasn't busted wow look at this now you can start to see notice the geology rant randy they're not they're running against the grain as they're coming into the mountain here they're going against the grain what is that pubco sand sample bags some more modern prospectors were in here sampling well it certainly would be fantastic if this went back outside and then we wouldn't have to climb back up all those ladders again don't you agree yeah well what about exploring the continuation of this up up there where the rails are yeah i'm going to i first wanted to see if this goes back outside all right and with as many orange tags as i'm seeing on the walls i'll bet it does all right we're just working our way through this rather quickly here um if something really cool geologically pops out i'll be sure to point it out to you so right now we're just twisting and turning twisting and turning on some kind of a hall level they were chasing a vein don't you think well i can see where they're following that fault and then they came in here and uh scrapped out all of the rail what do we got here oh it's a an old old quaker oats from the 50s or 60s i'll bet yeah right there yeah i found this quaker oats and some randy found some fuse safety fuse oh yeah okay so this is either going to go back outside via an attic or it's going to intersect with a vertical shaft all right we have all kinds of graffiti in here with a drift going off that direction look we got look at that cable greedy graffiti from 1954 right there and a whole bunch on the look here look at all the graffiti above your head randy from 1936 says 1918 and 1918 t no f f b o r i can't quite make it out burgess and borges ferguson from 1918 wow my helmet's wearing out that won't stay put the pads need reinforcements all right and we have another drift going off that direction i think we're still on the primary randy let's just uh continue yeah this ends here it's going to end isn't it well we'll go up take another look and down here on the floor there's a dynamite box kind of a cool looking bucket up here yeah at one time this would have been an ore pass and now it's completely plugged all right turn it back around wow 1918 how cool is that all right headed back now let's look up this other drift if it isn't even a drift wellman applesauce cool oh hey we have a door look there here's a door anything behind the door door number one look what it says behind it whirlwind whirlwind bin on november 29 1936 cool now is this an air door or this is gonna be powder storage we got ourselves powder storage holy cow look at all the fuse pieces of fuse everywhere everywhere yeah this is dynamite storage all right watch out for unexploded this is going to be anywhere it's going to be in here could be hiding under this paper just you know be very very careful i'm not going to go rifling through that big pile of paper because you could have a stick under there and i don't want to disturb it we've also we all know what dynamite looks like i've showed you many sticks in the past but yeah this was definitely dynamite storage and i can still see the uh the instructions laying on the floor here that came in the cases yeah be careful yeah that is yeah i don't know just uh it's it's best not to go rifling through it looking for pieces of the box here right you be careful randy markings on it um you will not recover from a stick of dynamite going off in your face okay i'm heading back out to the main haulage sounds like a good idea yeah yeah let's take a look down that other drift all right i'm coming up here and i'm turning right we've got a cable on the ground this is going to go up and intersect the shaft we got some back fill here yeah a bunch of backfill kerosene tins carbide tins tin cans of every shape form and function and then up here what do we got let's look here kerosene tin and we have an old ladder that goes up to something that's been that the miners blocked off right there completely blocked off i'll bet it's a shaft because you see the water marks the mud running down the rock right there that probably goes up to a vertical shaft hey randy you following me i'm behind you okay don't get lost [Applause] all right we got another drift two of them actually one going to the right with a shovel down on the ground here and one going off to the left randy i'm going right did you hear me i'm right behind you okay i'm going right well it's the only way to go all right let's see what we have up here okay yeah they got back up in here we got ourselves a critter but i don't know what it is or even if it's alive come here randy hurry up come here randy pack rat right there oh what is it pretty big go poke it with a stick i think it's uh no longer living no it's stinking what what is it what kind of animal is it let me get closer here i don't know okay is that a rabbit that's not a rabbit is that a uh mine cat i don't know it's been dead a while but it's still stinking can you see its face it's it's solidified into the mineral that's piled up around it yeah that's stinking pretty what in the world kind of animal is that pew skunk i can't see a face on it that's what i'm saying it's yeah it's buried in the material stuff's been crumbling on it i don't know all right i'll let you go up there and tell me if it uh goes any further or not no it ends right here there's an ends right there okay well hey at least we found the critter that's been digging these holes huh all right all right turn it back oh it's a badger look all right phew look there's there's his head it's a badger nice i'll be darned how was it how did the badger get this deep vodka last night would you look at that okay so then the next question is [Music] where did he come in at i like finding critters i don't even if they're dead okay so we came from uh that direction let's look up this direction we got a backfill drift going that direction and what do we have up here no it just goes up here and stops yeah all right turn it around well that keeps going does that keep going yeah do we want to go down there though sure go ahead all right let's do it we're here let's go for it one of us has to stay on the other side of this well for now anyway that would be the smart thing to do it's just backfill it's not collapse i think it ends i can't tell it looks like it goes around the corner okay i'll kind of follow you so you can give me a report okay boy rjb he really gets around he does doesn't he that guy this is it doesn't go anywhere that's it huh oh bummer well at least it's a full explorer nothing of interest huh no okay all right well the audience thanks you randy coming through the audience thanks you for looking you just never know what's gonna what kind of artifacts you can find in the backfield good job okay good job randy dead bat turning around we gotta go back to where we came from now that that level has been explored so the fact that there were rails down here that's uh that says that this has got to have another opening yep you're right i think we're doing this mind backwards i think so i think we're doing it backwards yeah i think we're doing this i think we're doing this mine backwards is the red light to my recorder still on yeah good deal okay now this cable on the floor they would have been utilizing that for a slusher all right turn it around heading back from which we came are you sure past the quaker oats oh yeah i never get lost in minds randy well you know famous last words never say never i have gotten turned around well right looks like the right way to go because it's the only way left to go right right where is it left i would be incredibly happy if we follow the rail and it goes back outside yeah that's what i'm thinking the rail is going to go to some kind of a portal either a portal or a vertical shaft one or the other sulfur is stronger here there's a peter banner we didn't see that coming in from march 2nd of uh 1918 right there yeah this is all a newer mines past the boom period past the boom the boom was from 1904 to 1910 okay okay still working our way up to what we're hoping is going to be the exit pass the bottle it's kind of nice finding that and all right so one of the places we haven't explored yet now we did we came from up there right up here is the ladder with the kilroy and the uh and the ore chute off to the left is the drift with the rail on the floor but before we go that way we didn't go this way yet we have we gotta go explore this drift you know what i am a little bit concerned that we might bump into another badger you know badgers badgers are not the friendliest creatures randy well we're not going to mess with it look at this raise all right no they'll chase you you know that don't you i'm not worried badgers will chase you okay nothing going that way i see a whole bunch of something up here what do we got what in the world holy cow look at this winds randy you've got to be kidding me look at this these guys were some digging fools oh my gosh can you believe this it goes even deeper are we safe to walk on this yeah we're fine here somebody's got some newer rope polly look let me go over here to give everybody kind of perspective so we're standing on and leaning up against the windlass there's the notches in the board right there some uh explorer tied a rope so that they could go even deeper that ladder looks in fairly decent shape but randy i got to tell you um i didn't prepare today for this for this mine to be this large yeah it just keeps going it just keeps going so we'll find a way out let's keep that on the menu okay let's go back to our rail this was supposed to be a low impact mine day and now it's turned into this extraordinary adventure okay headed down over here to the one with the rail and there we are another classifier yep okay let's hope this one goes back outside what do we have here look at this old here we've got another jug the uh more modern miners gloves and a coffee tin coffee jar did coffee did coffee in a jar did coffee come in a jar apparently so we've already seen one example of them switching labels there take take your headlamp off of a second randy there you go one pound ground coffee i don't see the brand though how about the lid no kind of hard to read isn't it okay all right we got over here has to keep on going oh jackpot you go first you're gonna see what i'm talking about oh look at the epsomite get wow on film i'm trying it's like snowflakes look at that it looks like asbestos but it's not got any water on you yeps it might go go a little bit further up show everybody what's up there i'll come with you that's fascinating isn't that cool have you got a water bottle on you no look at the ups of my crystals guys don't film that not too late now everybody saw you spit on the ipsamite yeah it's dissolving is it dissolving put your hand up there by that long the long ones right there yeah yeah to get a sense of scale they're so delicate like glass oh you just touch them and they just they just shatter yep two cool fascinating mineral unfortunately randy guess what we don't have a way out we got to go back up all those ladders you think so yeah yeah interesting we're gonna save that winds for another day absolutely okay well we're gonna continue on the rail for a while we were on the rail for a little while doesn't it keep going no wait a minute this is it this is it you're here yeah so how do they get the ore carts out of here that's a good question what did they hold the or the ore has to come out somewhere from this level they didn't haul it up from this level we got an arrow pointing this direction but that's you know that's where we came from and let me show you see it just goes to where we were where we just were was there an ore pass there or they dumped the ore down and go down yeah there was oh okay all right and then off to off to my right here that didn't go anyplace now we have some did i point this graffiti out yet i think we did look at this yeah okay all right randy hold the camera and pointed at me a second there okay guys well we uh explored every single drift down here except for that winds um now as you can see i don't have my backpack with me and there's a few other things i would have generally taken with me knowing that it was going to be a large mine explore day i wasn't quite prepared for that so we're going to put that winds on the back burner and save it for possibly another explorer sometime in the future so now randy and i had to climb back up all these ladders so we'll see you guys back outside all right everybody well that was a fun little explore now next week we are gonna go down into this shaft right here in front of me every wednesday i've been doing uh deep shaft explorations if you go back to my most recent explorer dse 2 deep deep shaft exploration two we ran the torpedo cam down this shaft right here it only goes 80 to 100 feet deep and then it drifts left and right with one going right back underneath the hill and the other one straight north towards the road mr m is in uh in oregon right now i'm waiting for him to get back and just as soon as he does we're going to erect the schnozel later and i'm going to send my happy butt down this shaft and we're going to explore those drifts that's going to be a lot of fun okay well thanks again for coming along on this weekend we're going to get on out of here and i'll see you again next saturday dope on a rope okay guys that was fun see you next saturday bye bye so [Music] you
Channel: Abandoned and Forgotten Places
Views: 57,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A&FP, Abandoned, Forgotten, Places, Mine, Mines, Tunnel, Exploring, Adventure, Hiking, Artifacts, Antiques, Geology, Prospecting, Gold, Silver, Quartz, Dynamite, Blasting, Adit, Gly, Bobbie, Quackers, Gly Coolness, Old Bob, Old Mine, Old Building, Gold Mine, Ghost Town, Abandoned Mine, Abandoned Mines, Abandoned Place, Abandoned Places, Forgotten Place, Forgotten Places, Mine Exploring, Abandoned Mine Exploring, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Abandoned and Forgotten Places, Abandoned & Forgotten Places
Id: 5B9v9heJnN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 53sec (1913 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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