The Silver Souls Mine: Explosives Storage, The Adventure Begins at the 200 Level, Part 2

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[Music] discovered in 1920 with its primary commodity being silver the silver soles mind was worked heavily from 1952 to 1958 an extracted high-grade silver or up to 365 ounces per ton from Richey aided hydrothermal deposits up to 6 feet wide then in 1959 tragedy struck with freemen falling victim to a massive collapse of a stoked out area between the two hundred and three hundred foot levels according to a detailed report the men were in the process of removing rich Killers of Org that were being used to brace up and support the hanging wall of the stoke they were working in when the collapse occurred massive amounts of rock stalls and other degrees came crashing down and entombed the three men somewhere directly above the 300 level all across Nevada rescue personnel arrived at the site and worked tirelessly for three weeks trying to recover the three men with no success of reaching the men from the 300 level an incline shaft was blasted in immediately from the left side of the main college added in hopes the men's remains could be accessed and recovered from the far left side of the stove they were working in despite an incredible amount of effort the remains of the three miners were never recovered and still remained somewhere between the two hundred and three hundred foot levels to this very day today on abandoned and forgotten places I begin by showing you every added drift and incline in the 200 level to surface before eventually taking you to the 500 foot level in part three then in part four I will try to access the area of the mine where the three brave miners lost their lives in an attempt to discover their remains Nevada has had many seismic events in the last 61 years that is my hope material has been dislodged which will allow me access into their tomb now come with me on this incredible exploration of the silver souls mine [Music] all right everybody let's explore this old mind what are you doing up in here mr. M they certainly did didn't they look at the size of the hole in that door looks like they have some kind of charge in it probably and shot it shot it and this piece of steel that bent over here there's another bullet hole in it and there's a beam back here the whole support each other it so real and it blew it off - so no telling what it was but they believe this means a lisp or I'm gonna say that it was probably a two-part binary exploding target oh yeah and someone lashed it to the door and bingo all right what do we have in here well we're starting things off with a giant compressor line off here to the right with Christmas tree lights they don't see that too much in a mine yeah Christmas tree lights must have been having a party up in here okay so is that a drift nope that's not a drift just a little cove off the side of the main haulage at it that's where we're at right now oh we're coming into a much larger place right here the compressor pipe continues on down the haulage edit that way and look off to the left oh we've got a lot going on in here look at that big compressor tank and a sign that says danger open shaft and I can see a door or something further on up there okay well we'll come back and revisit that let's keep it on the menu because what I want to do is for right now I just want to stay on the primary haulage at it not seeing any silver vein structure as of yet we're just kind of going through a bunch of country rock nice and cool in here isn't that mr. M haha this is just beautiful it's like 92 degrees outside yeah I'm gonna say what 65 in here it's very pleasant and the wind kicked up outside so we're getting a really nice breeze in our faces just working our way down the haulage edit what do we have here uh adrift and what's on that rock what's that thing Oh beg ANFO use find Bluff Arkansas a lot Arkansas yep yep okay and we've got a bunch more bags down here on the floor what do we have up here yeah the drift went off this direction but does it continue let's take a look no it's completely collapsed with no way in that direction all right turn him back around work our way back under this okay all right we're coming into another drift with rail on the floor and they must have had I'll bet they had a tag in tag out board right here of some sort yep look at this we've got a heck of a collapse yeah yeah there's there's rail all up in there within the Timbers I can see some drill steel stuck in the side no yeah so okay so the mine collapsed between the 200 and the 300 foot level and that's where those miners were killed and then they stopped the mining yeah yeah after that they shut this down so everything between the 200 and 300 failed and then once that let go there was a bunch of material above the 200 level that also that also came down how do we have here okay another drift see and you know that there was a big Stolp above us because that's why there's an ore chute right there so there was definite definitely workings higher up and that heads up to the area where everything failed that's a beautiful picture that is that is really cool beautiful picture look at that ladder I know okay we're gonna have to come back and see where that ladder goes alright let's continue on we're going through a section here that's really sketchy there's a lot of rock failing above our heads here yeah oh we have something interesting right up here look at this right down on the floor there mr. M see that well after you get done dancing let's let's show everybody how this works yep it's still moving isn't it it could use a little bit of could use some grease but yeah just leave everything still working to this day pretty cool yeah and not only are they on the wood they're also on the rock up there off to the left yep that would be one cart a whole bunch over there then higher up see I want to show you guys we are at the 200 level right there see the 200 crosscut and behind you mr. M look at the look where they painted they were there we're gonna head off that direction but never did but they had it marked out yeah alright well we've got a decision to make we can go left or right because we've got rail doing one or the other what do you think I suppose okay you know me I don't always follow the right-hand rule it all depends on the Mayans configuration but let's just continue on down this one where we're moving along at a pretty good pace here down the right-hand drift and we've got ourselves another or shoot it's gonna be interesting to see if we can get into any of those workings higher up now look at the configuration of this one yeah much more modern and see where they would have had the hydraulic ram attached underneath exactly so that was all press a press a button she opens up on you that's pretty fancy heck yeah alright let's keep going well nope that's gonna be the end of this one guys okay let's work our way back to that Junction and continue on I'll see you over there okay so a moment ago we were just right up there now we're going to continue on down this way more or shoots big boys mr. M take a look at that one up there look at the size of the lumber and the thickness of it that they were using three by twelve that is some extra extra yeah that's extra stout stuff you usually don't see Oh probably just to keep guys from hitting their heads as they were coming down the or or the Holliday added here let me show you guys something right above my head here it goes up into the scope that they were working and we're gonna see if we can't make our way up in there because that is where those men are supposed to be trapped or at least their remains somewhere between the two and 300 level so no I take that back mr. M they wouldn't be above us they're gonna they would be from this level below us between us and the 300 okay coming through a really unstable area here what do we have up here we're coming into some equipment you know what that is don't you nope I lost my focus on you give me a second here what happened you do look better out of focus mister mister that's a skip yeah that's a that's a skip notice know what huh take a look at the rails on the bottom but this one here isn't a different configuration you would have you would have put a car on that right there and brought the cars up and out of and I can see I can see the incline shaft right there behind you look at there off to the right seriously yeah let me get a better shot for you guys turning back around here yep see how they have they got the cable attached to the top exactly yep and just towed it right and there it is it's still laying here after all these years what do we have behind me besides a bunch of old beer cans oh the inclined rail Wow let's take a look up here oh yeah and I can see some light all the way up in there fantastic let's look down Wow boy that goes way down there doesn't it it's a good-looking ladder though okay this mine just ratcheted up about five notches on the coolness level all right well we're gonna have to explore that what do we got down this way mr. M anything interesting is that an air door oh yeah a bunch of cribbing above your head up there to Stape stabilize that yeah look at the size of them beams above your head just massive they're like ten by tens that's really impressive all right let's see what's behind the door I'll take door number one Monty Monty Hall is that drill steel no no it's just piping off to the left-hand side there oh here we have something yeah yeah down there on the ground I think you know what those are don't you well that's only because I have gas I guess that this hand goes air okay in here you'd be right about that siphons something lot something that's correct that is absolutely correct I don't know the other than the airport okay well I'll tell you what come on over here set that down for a moment hold mister camera and I'm gonna show the audience how this works but you were you were almost spot-on you were almost spot-on all right look let me turn my light off although as no one's gonna see anything huh I just try that again there we go okay yes you were correct so this is your air coming into the nozzle okay and this hose here is gonna go into your barrel of ammonium nitrate and so it's ammonium nitrate prill and fuel oil and sometimes they would use some sort of a neutral binder so that when you take this and ya shove it up into the hole then you hit the hit the trigger and it just goes and just fills the whole hole up with ammonium nitrate but wait does it do that he'll back up a second back up a second you got to make sure that you charge the hole first you're gonna put your charge up in there then you're gonna put that in and you're gonna go and fill it up full and then after all that's done it's gonna take this because he's got a colon exam coming up in about a month right all right enough fooling around goofy pants what else do we have up in this mine [Laughter] yeah and there's a whole bunch of airline down there on the floor from there drills while we are in a section here that just completely failed now we're getting our first look up in those Stopes way up in there look at that they're using railroad ties and railroad Timbers to hold that up that's impressive okay continuing on Oh down here on the floor they put some cyclone fence because this we're at a fault on a false floor or the top part of a Stoke that's down below us feel the air coming out of that yeah and the drift at one time did continue on but it stops right here completely failed in a collapse okay so what we're gonna do next is work our way back to those other areas that we walked right past and we're gonna start exploring them so I'll see you back there alright guys so as we work our way back turn towards the portal we just came from right up there now let's take a closer look at this drift mr. M is already up in here yeah you've got let me show everybody what's above your head there just a massive amount of rock being held up by them timbers embracing up here this is a false floor that we're both standing on because below us it goes down into big Stopes down in there so we're at the top part of the Stolp from the 300 level and then this too has a ladder going down show you and that is working into the top part of the stove from the 300 level now I think what I'm gonna do is I'm not going to go down this way because we'll be able to get into that from probably another drift at the 300 once we go down that that incline oh you're not gonna go down that way either okay what's the matter there you get a little nervous well no I I understand guys what I want to do now is let's get back over to where we saw those tanks that looks really interesting we'll get a closer look at that all right so a moment ago we just came from right up there now we're back at the drift with the big tanks let's see what this is all about we have a choice we can go off to our right but I really am curious about these tanks what do we have here mr. M yeah they're definitely compressor tanks it worries I see I see is that a ladder behind you there that's something that goes down heck yeah look at that Wow that's incredible I see that okay well let's keep it on the menu there's there's lots to look at and explore in this behind um boy I just feel like a kid in a candy store you know look at this Wow okay this is an odd oddly shaped room what do we have up in here I'm gonna have you go up there and open that door so if something jumps out it's gonna jump out on you and not me Oh more of those these halogen lamps we I saw one of these outside well that's kind of interesting I wonder what they were using these for there's a label on them let's get a closer look at that label there we go okay I'm just the bench is pretty cool I'm just kind of wondering about these lights I wonder if someone had a clandestine grow operation in this mine just you know you just never know I mean well up here you guys can tell that me and mr. M are just having all kinds of fun in this mind today this is a fun mind now wait wait I want to come up there too that looks just way too cool Wow [Music] power yep what's that the pulley here no there's a pulley on the table and then up there on the bench what does that say well besides that over there it says red five-foot black six foot white seven foot white seven here what colors you yellows ain't never taking fuses on here imma do this I bet you around that and they blow it to here I don't know where they cut it but they were they were cutting certain links of the same views probably but then we're making them either 5 foot 6 foot 7 foot a foot a 9 foot to give you if this is like 45 seconds a foot or whatever right it give you whatever the math is on the way three minutes I see yep so like a cutting mathematician you know the Mathemagician but you think this was a cutting Shaq yeah yeah what's over here oh yeah blasting caps and igniters right there wouldn't surprise me if they had dynamite up in here to possibly well you know they they typically don't store dynamite and the blasting caps in the same location right that could have been a magazine the place we just came out of with the big halogen lights that's true I'm gonna film you coming down that ladder so if you take a header everybody gets to see it probably explode all right we need to go see what's further on up in here okay again another choice to make it goes off to the left and to the right let's just stay to the right see what we can see now they would usually put lumber like this in an area to pretty much tell everybody don't go past this point because it's unsafe but you know us - pleura Sten to ignore that okay around the corner it goes and stops right there and we have a bunch of material here big blocks of rock let's get a better look at this yeah coming down from the Stopes on those higher levels above us something else I saw I'm going to turn around here guys take a look at the I want to point out the geology of this here's a real nice view of not only the cribbing but look at the vein above our heads here now from what I can see it extends from there all the way to about here Wow you can certainly tell we're in a silver mine huh that's impressive okay let's go around the corner is Galena is just sparkling all over the place in here alright I'll have you go first there's some writing on that door no smoking that's pretty darn cool so forty-nine seconds per foot five feet yeah okay so you know what was up in here this yeah this is a magazine same here I have not seen one this large in a really long time this is where they would have been they would have put the cases of dynamite you know they have to have it raised off the ground so it doesn't wick moisture this is what they did is they took a drift and turned it into a powder mag Wow another stand here that they could have sat sat cases up on but it keeps going well that's I mean that's logical to take an old drift and you know turn it into a powder mag and that's as far as this one goes a bunch of fresh rock fall off the ceiling right there or off the back of the mind okay all right I'm gonna head back to the hollow gee at it because we have some some decisions to make I'll see you back there okay we're back here at the tanks now it's decision-making time we're here at the 200-foot level now from what I can see everything to the left of the main haulage adit has collapsed in and that's that's where that catastrophe happened where those three guys were killed now the decision is is we have a choice I can go down the ladder here this is gonna drop me into the Stopes between the 200 and a 300 foot level from top down okay there was another ladder further up the haulage at it I can do the same thing or we can work our way back to the up to the incline shaft the one that goes completely up a nod to the mountain and drops down to the 500 foot level I think I want to do that first let's head over to the incline shaft and we'll explore everything up okay I'll see you over there okay guys so the next logical place to explore in this mine since we've pretty much seen the main haulage level is this right here we're back to that incline and looking up I can see sunlight up there so the first thing that we need to do is we're gonna go up okay and explore drifts along the way such as this right here here's our first drift okay well I'll tell you what I'm really curious as to how many drifts that we're gonna find working up this thing so why don't we just go ahead and just keep climbing towards the sunlight okay here's the place you should point this out to you see the this skip car would come up and hit these two dogs right here right there and there then come over level out and see here we have ourselves a an ore pass that goes all the way down in there let's see here yeah I can see some sort of a bucket laying down in there all right above our heads it continues to work its way up towards sunlight let's keep going that way and see what we can find alright I'm gonna make it up to that second board I have to stop for a second catch my breath kind of ladders is hard work you know I wonder if we're gonna find a drift here I think we may be coming in on a drift yep we sure are okay off to my right goes that way let's explore that one first but first I'm going to catch my breath that's pretty good climb I'll be back in a moment okay guys let's do we have here oh the rail on the floor right there as this drift keep going or let's take a look no it just stops right there and we've got ourselves a raise and look at the vein this is a nice very nice view of the vein here see the structure from there to there from foot wall to hang in wall right there all right I'm going to take you back to the incline with me now that I'm on a level plane and this will give you guys an idea how steep that that thing is right there okay so we have ourselves another drift off this way let me step over here real quick we'll take a quick peek at that see if you're anything Hite hiding up in here no but there is a just a gorgeous view of the geology so this is this is just a beautiful silver vein look at how those layers are just folding and bending as if they were taffy through that section okay turn it back around okay so let's keep climbing to sunlight here I can't imagine this ladders had anybody had anybody on it and a very long time the strata around me is looking really nice it's not looking like it's gonna want to cave in on me okay we're coming in another drift maybe let's look here yep pretty windy here off to my left there's something interesting let's take a look at this okay get over that board Oh No just goes around the corner and that's that okay guys I'll be right back Oh chunky boy here please take a break okay higher and higher we go the reason I'm doing this guys is I want to see if indeed this is gonna spit out at the UM at the portal of the 61 shaft what I mean by that is the the 1961 shaft no because that's when this was built okay getting closer and closer now where to now this ladder is really super ugly whoops God take my backpack off what you just heard there was my emergency horn give me a moment here there yeah okay turn myself a little sideways here I'm only you got a fat boy that's trying to squeeze through a tiny little hole let's see that's what I'm talking about trying to squeeze through this Darrin thing Big Timber in my way there we go and that's how you pop yourself out out of a mine from 1961 okay let's get a close look at this here's where we just came from then we're up on the side of the hill and this is what we saw with the drone footage earlier on okay I'm gonna head back inside because I got to meet up with my buddies and if I find something cool I'll be sure to show you such as that one drift that I forgot to go down let's head back there I'll see you over there [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay guys I made it back to the main haulage level it's where I'm sitting right now when I was coming down I did take a peek at that drift that we missed it didn't go anywhere it's not worth not worth turning the camera on for that little 15-20 feet of nothing so this mine is turning out to be really extensive I'm gonna save this next part which is approximately another 300 feet down I'm gonna save that for tomorrow we're gonna come back to this location and finish filming it for you guys so don't know if this is where this episode is going to end and we'll continue on next weekend we'll just have to see how this one plays out but I appreciate you coming along with me for today's Explorer and I'll see you again next weekend or tomorrow okay thanks for coming along I appreciate it take care bye bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Abandoned and Forgotten Places
Views: 65,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A&FP, Abandoned, Forgotten, Places, Mine, Mines, Tunnel, Exploring, Adventure, Hiking, Artifacts, Antiques, Geology, Prospecting, Gold, Silver, Quartz, Dynamite, Blasting, Adit, Gly, Bobbie, Quackers, Gly Coolness, Old Bob, Old Mine, Old Building, Gold Mine, Ghost Town, Abandoned Mine, Abandoned Mines, Abandoned Place, Abandoned Places, Forgotten Place, Forgotten Places, Mine Exploring, Abandoned Mine Exploring, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Abandoned and Forgotten Places, Abandoned & Forgotten Places
Id: xKKU9Kvusdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 57sec (2697 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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