Inches From Certain Death, As Dangerous as Mine Exploring Gets

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with only its surface structures explored and photographed by hundreds of people over the years the sterling mine produced nearly three million dollars worth of silver and gold from 1937 to 1943 and at one time was the state of nevada's largest silver producer with its 600 foot vertical shaft this mine extracted and processed nearly 400 000 tons of ore via an on-site mill and cyanide leaching methods now come with me on this epic descent as i take you to where no abandoned mine explorer has gone before and i show you for the first time the hidden secrets and perilous journey into the very bottom of the sterling mine [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well hey everybody welcome back okay i brought you guys to a location that i personally have been looking forward to documenting for a very long time there's been a lot of youtubers in this area that have done a fine job at documenting the surrounding area the trestle the head frame here and all of the buildings around but no one has ever went down into this mine what i've got behind me here is a 600 foot vertical shaft with no drifts between this level and the 600 then down on the 600 there's supposed to be a bunch of drifts with a whole bunch of collapse and another 300 foot decline with a skip car hiding down in there somewhere all right let's get started all right everybody let's explore this old mine okay so like within all of these vertical shafts the ladders right here from the get-go are always the sketchiest so we got to be real careful on those but here in nevada the ladders always tend to get better and better the deeper you go but these these few right here at the opening are always the worst so all right come on down the weather's fine now get past this skinny part get past all these spider webs here we go okay guys you can go ahead and come on down the ladders are looking really nice all right i'm gonna get to a point here and uh show you let me show you what we have so first of all this is where we're coming from right there okay as i shoot down we've got a big black widow spider look at the size of that black widow right there let's see if i get a better picture of him there's a that's a good-looking black widow spider right there all right what do we have here how is this one looking not too bad that's still doable but we're definitely coming into a debris field um let's look down here oh yeah lots of debris has fallen and ended up right there over the years you know people throwing stuff down here the ladder's a nice shape oh what do we have here oh i see what's happened uh part of the collar has failed through this section right there see this whole side of the collar has failed right there okay i'm gonna show you guys where we came from right there how's it looking guys yeah all right just take your time nice and slow okay now for the difficult part i gotta figure out how to get around this debris field here okay guys see this obstacle i have i'm dealing with right here um the collar failed and it all fell into this and that's what's preventing me from getting to that next ladder because the the collar boards have all broken and fallen against this ladder so i can't just easily walk down to the terrace because i have all this debris on top of it so what i'm going to have to do here put my backpack down and i've got to very carefully get around this see how i'm doing this so i can get to that there okay all right guys i got past the obstacle so now i can keep taking you down the ladders there we go okay i'm on the next ladder oh that ladder is just all scabbed looking ugly oh we may have a drift we either have a drift here or a station we'll find out here in a second yep then we know that we're at 100 feet oh all right what do we have hiding in here well first of all let me carefully sneak over here oh yes we're at a station down here on the ground there's a bunch of drill steel oh goodness there's drill steel just laying everywhere yeah let's look up here we got a little thing going off that direction um let's peek up in there does that go anywhere nope just stops right there okay well this is kind of nice i was i was hoping i was hoping for a drift because it kind of gives me a chance to take a break off those ladders yeah i'm gonna film uh there's a small drift right here i'm gonna film and then i'll be back on the ladders yeah absolutely this is a great place to hang out at this station okay i'm gonna try to make my way down there while you're in there in the clear all right ten four okay i got things figured out here let's uh let's continue on looking around this place anything up in here oh we've got a newspaper right there okay let's see what we can find huh the los angeles times oh it's a stock exchange information and there's a date very nice [Applause] all right let's see if i can get it oh come on i gotta try to get the camera around a little bit better there for you folks okay november 11th 1936 okay now anything worth looking at up in this drift nope nothing hiding up in there all right let's look up in here oh here's a here's an area that's slowly collapsing over time on its own and we have up in here so far the weather in here is beautiful it's in the 60s it's not too hot i'm not seeing anything nothing's hiding up in this drift that's it okay i'm gonna head back to the to the shaft and we gotta still keep going down we're only down 100 feet in a 600 foot shaft okay everybody randy was brave enough to come on down to the 100 level here it's uh not much of anything but this is kind of a spot that he can hang out so we have better radio communications while i work my way safety yeah i work my way down this next ugly stretch of ladders here well i wouldn't say ugly they're not looking not too bad but uh let's see i got some um he pull that big board back there so that one doesn't fall down the shaft on me i'll get this out of my way perfect there we go all right let's show everybody where i'm kind of headed here you're not going to see anything yet because we're only yeah we're only 100 feet down lots of dust all right okay let's see how we can navigate this next ladder here oh that's a that is a really ugly looking ladder there i don't know boy oh i think we might be button hooked here well if i get one foot there i did it okay really hoping things start getting a little bit nicer nope i can't go around that way i gotta go this way yeah it's gonna be a big day for climbing ladders huh wow yeah i like the looks of this one much better there we go yeah now we're starting to get less and less stuff on these terraces again another board gotta get out of the way and i think we're coming up on the 200 level yep yep we are definitely coming up on the 200 station of some kind and there we are all right let's get over here safely on the 200. what do we have okay it goes up that direction turn it back around what else do we have in here looks like something that one time went that way but stopped and of course where we still need to go is all the way down there yeah we're only 200 feet into this 600 foot shaft okay guys i'll be back and we'll explore this drift and see what it's all about okay let's take a closer look at the at the 200 level what we have down here we've got some graffiti excuse me it's really hard to make out 1938 down here on the floor is what looks to be the top of an old lantern and that's exactly what it is yeah okay i do see some old footprints right here in the ground yeah i'm seeing boot prints let's see how extensive the 200 is now according to the mine report there wasn't supposed to be any drifts so we've just proven that wrong now haven't we okay well looks like uh we've got the primary going off this direction i'm thought i heard some something collapsing let's uh look up here first rowiton fresh tips cigars right there that doesn't look very old oh here's a neat little pocket oops right there that they were chipping up into oh yeah that's a that's a pocket of uh oh i just hate it when the words don't come smoothly you know bear right that's bear right all right anything going on up in here nope no need for me to go any further that's as far as it goes okay turning back around let's go down this yeah yeah we're at the 202. let's see what goes around the corner here oh yeah i can see look at this vein look at this pretty vein they're going after here oh that's just a beautiful vein of bear right and that guys is what i had up on my ebay site a few weeks ago well actually by now it'll be technically a few months months ago oh there goes that crazy laser again they have a tendency to turn on all by themselves when the batteries start getting low that's why it's doing that yeah look at this wow okay we have a small drift going up this way i'll take you guys up in here and show it to you again down here on the floor there's a beautiful chunk chunky piece of bear right right there look at that look at that yeah i know you guys are saying grab a specimen well that means i have to add even more weight going back up those ladders and i'm sure i can find a specimen for you somewhere top side okay that doesn't go in and go anywhere turn it back around what do we have here well we have a bunch of material that came down from what is it a raise yeah yeah and we've got something going off that direction and something to the right well i'll tell you what let's go look up here first shall we yep more bear right big vein of it wow okay now let's get over here past past this thing this small collapse and okay let's see what we have up here we have an area that was shored up and timbered and it has now all failed yeah most likely this all came down with earthquake activity all right okay i am going to head back to the shaft because we have another 400 feet to go if possible i'll see you back there okay i'm back here at the shaft now it's time to go down another hundred feet to the next drift level all right i have another ladder let's see how i'm gonna get off off to that wow talk about a descent into the depths of hell here okay i think i can get to this next level let's go another one maybe there's a drift down here oh nope nope no drift here either here's a short spot that we have to try to navigate right there with a board oh goodness all right guys i'm gonna take a break a second i'll be right back okay back again yep i took a break oh sweat out of my eyes well there's another board that's filled yeah i'm gonna have to let's see here that's better so it doesn't fall on my head then there's this big rock right on the ladder let's get him out of there well let's see holy moly that's a long ways down i'd say we got 300 more feet to go there's a drift finally finally we got ourselves a drift station very good then we get to see if it's at 300 or 4. i'm going to say it's 400 because yeah because i think i think we went at least another 200 feet into this never before recorded on youtube huh all right let me get over here very nice okay we've got just a giant drift going off that direction my goodness this room is 20 feet wide and 10 feet 12 feet tall okay turning around we've got another drift over here definitely looks like powder storage off that direction um but i'm gonna take a moment catch my breath get everything readjusted and i'll be right back okay guys let's look around here see what we can see there's where we just came from um that right there is the safety bar that would swing down to keep you from falling into the shaft somebody wrote on that board there it says eagan and they were down here in 2004 all right what i want to do next is i'm keeping a close eye on false floors but i want to go over here and explore what looks to be the big dynamite magazine right there absolutely they even had a little door a little door within a door that's kind of neat does it say anything on this side no all right what do we have hiding up in here any sleeve stack yeah you newer generation you don't know what that is back in the 70s they had a show called land of the lost that was a lot of fun to watch when i was a kid what do we have here looks like at one time it was some shelving of some sort there's a whole bunch of wax paper laying on the floor from dynamite boxes and up there is some vent pipe a lot of scrap wood and the large sized carbide container right there okay well i'm not gonna crawl across all of that debris down here on the floor we have someone's notes it's just a bunch of numbers 125 151 195. [Music] yeah notes of something or another it could be inventory of dynamite that's what we could have up here all these little pieces of paper his receipts well a lot of warning type stuff came packed in the dynamite boxes here is a well that's a tobacco tin it's oh yeah it's prince albert it is prince albert okay well i'm looking for something that'll give us a number as to what level we're on are we are we 300 400 500 what are we okay let's go up in here and look around boy for uh for a mine that's not supposed to have any drift levels between the surface and 600 level they sure got that wrong didn't they i'm just kind of scanning the camera around if i see something interesting i'll point it out to you but right now all i'm really seeing is a bunch of debris nothing too interesting and i'm looking out for dynamite of course okay now this either could be another powder magazine or this could be an air door let's get in behind and see what we can see no they were they were definitely mining this section because there's crossties on the floor they used to have rail here yeah if you see my my little green laser come on that little green dot that's what it is the batteries are dead and it keeps turning on all by itself do we have here some sort of miners graffiti all right and off to my left a self-portrait and i'm looking at the rock around me and it sure does look like rhyolite yeah no one's been up in here in a very long time although i am seeing boot prints from those people from probably 2004 who used to own this mine i'm guessing anyways not seeing a lot of earthquake damage or anything like that just a nice hard rock mine going back in here and uh now here we've got a little bit of sulfur type material coming out that's what all the yellow is it sulfides coming out of the rock but yeah i'd say it's probably about 65 degrees right now it it is a little bit damp through this section i can feel it in the air okay once we have here oh big big big area now big and dark so you get into these dark areas no matter how bright my lights are it just gobbles that up down here on the floor it looks like it was a looks like these they're using these boards as a grizzly but that might be like a winds right there all right let's see if i can it doesn't go down very far it could be all just chocked full of debris all right what do we have here so the drift keeps going off to the right and we've got one coming off to going off to the left here i'll tell you what i think what i want to do is just stay on the primary down here we've got here was a big bucket of carbide and now the air has gotten to it and it's completely corroded and rusted all right well let's look over here first yeah looks like they did a whole bunch of shoring they shored up this area and now it's completely completely failed this area too again it's completely failed although it does look like it might go off that direction okay let me come back and take a closer look at that and what do we have up here yeah they had this look here they had this all timbered at one time and now it's completely failed but it looks pretty safe i think i can safely get around this oh boy adjust my lights here yeah look at all the rotten wood on the ground there's a there's another old carbide container goes up that way and stops there's a whole bunch of muck sheets laying on the floor here that i'm walking on and it goes right there and stops okay let me get my feet under me here let's look over here and it doesn't go anywhere there okay that's going to be it for this section but i can see why they were they they chased it up this direction let me slowly pan around here and show you guys the vein right there there's the vein of silver that right there that's about two and a half feet across and it's all galena there's silver because that's what this is this is a silver mine all right let's get off of this sketchy stuff and see what else we have up here now we're headed back over to where the back of the mine failed right there see all this came down on its own boy oh boy this is really soft yeah and at one time it does kind of go up that direction but nope i'm not gonna get underneath that stuff that's all coming down off the back yeah nope i'm gonna pass on that guys because i'm the only person i'm the only person down here and it's not like we can just walk out of this mine via a horizontal haulage at it i still have hundreds of feet of ladder i have to climb up so i cannot risk getting injured okay what's over here just lots of look at this just look at this beautiful bear right bare right or flake in here look at that guys isn't that gorgeous what a beautiful silver mine this is okay well let's keep following this direction see what's hiding up in here there's another carbide container here looks like at one time there was a table now it's completely rusted off to my right we have some graffiti 1936 and all right we have a maybe at one time there could have been a stop here and this was an ore pass now all of this material has slowly come down over time i think we can yeah this rock is looking this looks pretty stable i think we can safely get around this without it causing a problem there we go we have up in here oh okay carbide container and this is the section that they were working this would be on the opposite side where we just saw that collapsed material and at one time yeah this is going to be an ore pass going down to our lower levels definitely right here so we are the top part top part of an ore pass or top part of a big chute okay guys i'm going to work back to the shaft i'm gonna make a decision with i'm gonna keep on going in this mine so i'll see you back there okay guys i am back here at the ladders and it would seem as though i've got at least another oh probably two two to three hundred feet left to go but i gotta see if i can safely get onto this next ladder this is looking pretty ugly here um [Music] there we go there okay let's keep on going well this is definitely the deepest shaft that i have ever ever went down in my 35 year i wouldn't call it a 35-year career but i would say my 35 years of doing this as a hobby so well i'm just gonna continue on down and try to get to the next drift or get to the bottom of this mine so oh if i find something cool along the way i'll be sure to show it to you okay guys i do believe we've reached the bottom of this mine we're at another station here now heading back over to the shaft let me show you something yep see what we have here there let me try a little bit better to show you okay this is this is a sump and this right here is all the stuff that's ever been thrown down this mine shaft all these years look at all that debris right there okay try to get a little bit better look at it for you yep that's the sump and it is completely filled in with debris so indeed we are at the 600 level so what do we have down here well looks like we've had some visitors back in 1995. um there's a lot of graffiti someone here was down in here back in old four off to this direction we have this room in pencil mark up on the wall here it says let's see if i can find a better light to shine on that maybe you guys can make that out anyways one bell for hoist three bells three bells for the 300 two bells to to lower to the 440 etc etc is what all of that reads okay down here we have a rack with piles and piles of drill steel there is a full can of arizona iced tea which i will be drinking i don't care if it is from 2004 there's some jack legs right there two jack legs now in this room above it says lighted lamps are not allowed in this room but look at all of the visitors 1960 1959 more 59 um i'm just gonna kind of slowly pan this so you guys can read all of the graffiti 1950 69 60 59. tony paul jack was in here in 51 and bill moore is a butt miner whatever that means um there is a little door right here oh that just opens up to expose the shaft okay let's look out here lots of graffiti there's something from 43 there is a portrait of a horse and it looks like it reads nightmare two horses are up there anything else more graffiti off this way now we're back in 1943 1940 there's someone's face now before i go down the big the big drift here let's first take a quick peek this direction and see if there's anything interesting hiding up and over this bulkhead oh there's a there's a really there's a really old bottle right down in there but i can't get to it without doing a lot of climbing okay turn it back around now [Music] let's look at this shaft one more time that's where i came from 600 feet down in the earth one more time let's look down looking down this shaft i don't see any bodies nope but i can tell randy's up there kicking dirt i can see dirt falling down the shaft anything hiding down there any bodies everybody always says if you found any bodies in the bottom of them shafts well i look every time i go into one nothing hiding around this corner all right so here we are and it's so large i'll try to get my light in there that's how big of an area we're dealing with it's at least 30 feet wide through this section the drift down there is again another 20 something feet and 10 to 12 feet high oh and down here is a box completely filled with railroad spikes for spiking the rail down to the cross ties okay guys uh i'm gonna do a couple things to the camera here i'll be right back and we're gonna head into this drift okay let's explore the 600. first of all let's shoot all the way up in there see what we have yep i can see a possible air door or something well there's just there's just graffiti everywhere down in here but the air feels really i mean it's uh it's fresh um look at how the rust see how it's completely destroying the rail right here look at that pile of rust eating eating the rail here's the door this was probably an air door at one time okay okay so like always if uh you know we get back in here and my o2 meter goes off we're going to have to retreat but i can tell just by breathing i'm not having any i'm not struggling it's the air is cool and crisp it is stale for sure now here we've got a whole bunch of look at the zinc snow stalactites right there that one there is probably eight inches long isn't that pretty and i don't want to touch them they they break off super easy wow this is a nice big passage it's five feet across on the on the floor and again at least 12 feet tall now somewhere up in here is going to be a winds or a decline shaft that goes down another 300 feet this is just super duper and the footprints from all them old explorers are still down in here all right what do we have here now so we'll start off to this side dynamite boxes continues off that direction oh okay we've got a um there's an oxygen tank right there that looks like an old acetylene tank right there what's up in here now carbide tin trying to think of the name of that thing um a resistor i think i believe that's what you guys called it we saw a much larger one in that mill site phosphate calcium there's somebody's vitamins right there vitamins and a jar of mayonnaise oh look here okay no admittance and i can clearly see why look at the uh look at how this is completely failed here yeah darn that's completely caved in there's a bench down there where the miners could sit and take a break here's a big gear makes me wonder if this is where that 300 foot decline is a bucket filled with parts and pieces and pipe fittings okay all right here's someone's coat is it a oh it's a it's a leather jacket yeah let me prop it up and show it to you guys yeah a leather coat okay all right we've got a drift going that direction one going straight another one up there turning to the left what do we have hiding here oh reel upon reel upon reel of uh that's what the safety fuse or you guys might know what his blasting fuse came wrapped around there's about one two three four five six seven spools seven old spools of it there there's a dynamite box what's left of it dupont 1937 45 strength awesome okay what else do we have in here down here on the floor is i'm not sure what was in that jug that looks like an old canteen let me look here yeah that's what that is i believe that's the note someone's old canteen and see how the belt would wrap around it there that's cool [Applause] all right what's over here oh i can see right now i'm gonna have to do a battery change out so uh i'm gonna take a break a second and i'll be right back okay guys back again yep i had to change out some batteries that's why everything was looking really dark and dingy um no sense in making my way all the way down to the 600 level not to give you guys a nice view of the mine with good crisp clean images anyways i went over here to that table that's where i did all my battery changed out and i looked glanced over here back at that tank and i said i wonder if there's still i wonder if there's still oxygen in there and indeed there is yep so if we run out of air we know where to come okay so let's head back to kind of where we just were now that things are much brighter anyways there's the place i was just showing you with the spools the safety fuse um before we continue on up that direction i think what i'm gonna do is go to the right there is a cyanide barrel that's been repurposed no they did not use cyanide down in the mine here is a accumulator what do we have over here there was a door oh yeah that was a the uh um wax paper insert that was in a in a box of dynamite still has all of the um sawdust in it more down there there's a whole bunch of pieces and parts of plumbing and whatnot for compressor lines there's a dynamite box it's been reused to hold all of those pieces and parts oh look at this beautiful piece look at this look at that beautiful piece of bear right oh wouldn't that that sure would be a nice that is a beautiful specimen guys isn't that something okay oil can right there all right what do we have up in here this was a nothing inside of it so you can tell there's been people down in here looking for looking for goodies because they see stuff and then they let it sit just like this here's some cutting cutting and drilling oil right there that's what that is okay oh ready wow just look at this another accumulator now i can tell by the dust on the floor that at one time there was a big collapse down in here what is that hold on i see something off to my right look at there's a wooden barrel filled with you know i'll bet that's lie i'll bet it is but the wooden barrel is pretty neat looking and the reason i say i bet that's lie is because right here is a is a honey pot general chemical company you guys can probably read that better than me is there any nuggets any nuggets hiding in the honeypot no that's what it was here's an accumulator oh would you look at that there is a old bottle of blats beer a glass bottle of blatts yeah you don't see that anymore blatz went out of business i think it was sometime in the 80s that was a popular beer in the 70s my dad drank a lot of that all right what do we have here oh i see okay all right well i i memory card ran out so i'd take a second there and change a couple of batteries and slap in a new memory card hey you know we're in a big mine when you fill up a 64 gig card well now i know where all the dust came from yeah this area completely failed right here so we're not getting up into that part of the mine and you notice you see when it failed that's that's where all this dust came from that's on the floor just a big whoosh all right so uh past the honeypot and the accumulator there's some writing on there but it's really hard to make out um now we've got to head down this direction so everything to the left has failed it's all collapsed and this has two over the years see that stall there just holding that up while all of this other stuff came down on its own yeah here's a so remember when we were up at that last level and i said yeah that's probably the top of an ore bin or an ore chute or an ore pass okay well right now this is directly below it and that's where we're at okay let's see if we can safely get up and around this there we go so what i'm doing now is uh i'm kind of searching for that that next level that 300 foot winds or decline yeah this is just all flaking badly off the ribs on this side here yikes but there you can clearly see the vein there's the vein of silver and bear right all right what do we have here another door and uh you can see what has come down from the seismic activity over the years that's natural the trick is is not to have any of that come down while i'm in here right alrighty where does this go well if we've got rail going this direction maybe we'll get to that winds looks like this was a workstation here well just loaded with artifacts yeah i'm looking everywhere i'm looking in the barrels seeing if we can't find anything neat down in here look at this old that's a tool box and uh with a makeshift strap on it here's some little shelves i don't know if there's not just little boxes maybe drawers that used to fit up into this thing here here's another one that coffee can is full of something or another not sure and a jar now around the corner here look at all of the rolls of safety fuse the empty rolls up in there and a lot of um vent pipe and whatnot okay turning around again there's a date of 1950 the whole side of the mine gave way right here this all failed busted that timber yikes let's get away from that okay and indeed the mine keeps on going up in there it also goes this direction what's up in here somewhere up above us is a false floor all right yeah i see what's going on here this is what's left of an ore chute see there's the lift gauge right there oh boy there is just a ton of stuff right through this section oh i don't want to touch anything yikes whew yeah i'm looking up in there i don't know guys that is really this whole thing this whole thing is failing okay well maybe if i'm careful and i don't touch nothing here we have some graffiti yeah this is uh really dangerous here that's why i'm talking softly this whole section is getting ready to fail just like it did on the other side of the mine and being uh 600 feet down in this that's uh pretty unnerving what do we have over here well i'm just treading lightly like a little church master here yeah see this stuff it's just super duper flaky look at the look at the pressure on that look at the pressure here see how that's compressed how much further does this go oh wow yeah now i know why it's failing because um just like that instantaneously there is a whole bunch of moisture i just got hit in the face with a bunch of moisture the mine keeps going that way and we have something that's drifting off this direction here's those things that dangle off the back of the mine that look like moss or roots but they're not it's up in here oh big a room full of ore shoots three of them there's a there's a shovel a sign that says uh shoot number but i can't read the number right there okay and it goes up that way too see how all that's flaking off there this entire this entire area here shoots is is starting to fail there's a dynamite box there okay and it keeps on going that direction yeah i'm not going up into there nope there's too much stuff coming down off the ribs all right okay now look at this guys oh my goodness look at how all this is just busting and failing and get around that stall well the theory is whatever was was gonna fail over the last 50 to 80 years has probably already done so here's a i'm on a false floor here okay off to my left there's something that goes down here what is this yep there's a winds but looks like it might stop right there okay now turn it back around oh my gosh it's really hard to get up in here and not touch anything but once i get past this one section i think i'll be okay yeah i just need to get past oh i can definitely tell this came down with earthquake activity okay look at this beam here it's all busted i'm still seeing people's people's footprints on the ground but this stuff here has all come down since the last time anybody was in here yeah it sure has look at this oh my gosh this is really super duper cool mega dangerous okay let's see if i can get around this without a big slab of rock falling on me look at that beam oh my gosh yeah if that thing snapped we'd be in big trouble big trouble okay i'm in here what do we have we have a looks like a container for holding maybe lamp fuel yeah everything above my head here is just twisting and bending there's a it reads up their new stop shoot number one look how that's just just hanging there oh my god okay let's see if i can get around this okay shoot three shoot four shoot five what is that not sure and up here by now that says shoot one let's look up in there oh my gosh no way nope that's where i draw the line guys that's completely failing we're not getting up in there okay all right i'll tell you what i'm just gonna keep the camera rolling and uh so if anything crazy happens we'll catch it on camera gosh let's hope not let's get around this sketchy area there's a sign that says emergency exit yep so indeed just like the report said um there's lots of areas of this mine that are completely collapsing and that's exactly what i'm seeing here look at this old wood barrel nothing in it you guys have told me that chances are um those little barrels like that they had nails in them this is what really concerns me here is that and how that's breaking right there now let's get out of this section as fast as possible i made it all right yeah yeah i'm glad i'm taking you guys along with me because this is looking even more sketchy on the way back than it did on the way in but you know here you can see that vein right there this is what they're working okay now we can get around this little section we're almost to safety wow look at how look at the size of that rock and how it's starting to cleave off of the ribs there it ain't gonna take much for that to come down yeah you might say my adrenaline is up a little bit okay let's get out from under that oh i like the air in this section is much nicer that's because we're getting closer to the shaft okay one last little sketchy section to get through here there we go okay now this is the last little nasty part here we got to get through yeah oh i hope this doesn't come down on me oh get me out of here there we go yeah oh yeah that was uh yeah yeah i came out of the sketchy part only to look up and read read that [Laughter] yeah thanks for watching over me all right so we're back here at the tool station again okay i'm gonna maybe take five or ten minutes here try to shake off some of the adrenaline and uh i'll be right back okay guys yeah i had a chance to take a break and settle my nerves a bit we're back in that area where the accumulator was and the honey bucket over here that can reads 200 level on it and like i said that's a repurposed cyanide container they didn't use it use cyanide in the mine but um i want to show you this one more time this just gorgeous gorgeous specimen of bear right right here yeah i'm not going to go all the way down to the 600 level without uh bringing back you guys one of you guys a really nice specimen from the deep down in the bowels of this mine so i'm gonna throw this one in the backpack i think uh one of you guys out there would really enjoy that um so head on over to the ebay site it's down there in the description area of my of my uh channel's videos uh click on the link and it'll take you right over to hidden treasures abound that is my ebay site okay there you go yeah i'm gonna take that one that's just gorgeous but i do not do i do not take artifacts from mines that is a no-no oh i just noticed something here yeah i'm you may you guys may have seen it before but i just noticed it right now there's a stick of dynamite right there yeah that'd be the last thing i'd want to do is uh blow off a toe or a foot and still have to climb 600 feet of ladders with a with a tourniquet because down in these mines um search and rescue will not come after you nope you have to self rescue if you get in into any kind of trouble and uh i i would want it that way i don't want somebody else risking their life um trying to rescue me okay i'm gonna head on back to the shaft and we have to make a decision from there so i'll see you over there okay guys i'm back over here at the 600 station so i did take about 10 minutes to look around a little bit more see if i can find some other interesting artifacts that i haven't already showed you um i really didn't find anything other than maybe a little bit more graffiti from the 30s and 40s so here's what we've got right behind me is the shaft and then the drift that we just went up to is right here in front of me it went up and it teed to the left and teed to the right to the right is where we just came from where all of that uh cribbing and uh bracing was all falling down into the area of the ore shoots and seeing all those ore shoots makes perfect sense because when we were back up on that on that uh drift above us here and we went into it remember when we saw those those uh i was calling them um or passes well from that point we were at the top of all of those or shoots and down here at the 600 we're at the base and that's where they were bringing all the ore over here to the shaft and up and out of the mine now the report said that there was another 300 foot winds or decline somewhere down here on the 600 level i would imagine that probably used to exist up that direction and off to the left but that whole entire thing collapsed over there and it completely sealed off any access to the uh that that extra 300 feet deeper into this mine so with that there's no other choice but to do you know what i gotta pack up my gear and climb back up 600 feet of ladders um i don't know who left this green tea down in the mine probably from either 94 or 2004 but it's just as good as the day it was made i appreciate it very much okay uh so with that uh yeah i will um uh i'll get back with you guys when i get topside and uh i'll see you up there where the sun shines okay i'll see you up there okay everybody back outside safe and sound i would say that probably took me i'm saying i'm thinking about an hour and a half to get back out of that mine what i did is every 20 feet or every stretch of ladders i just took a break took a break took a break and i never looked up that's the thing about these places you never look up all right well i really do appreciate you you all coming along with me for this just fantastic explore like i said i've been wanting to get into this one for a long time just because i knew it was a really good challenge and i know for a fact that no other youtuber has been down in this mine so with that uh thanks again for coming along and i will see you again next weekend all right take care everybody bye bye [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Abandoned and Forgotten Places
Views: 530,860
Rating: 4.9123421 out of 5
Keywords: A&FP, Abandoned, Forgotten, Places, Mine, Mines, Tunnel, Exploring, Adventure, Hiking, Artifacts, Antiques, Geology, Prospecting, Gold, Silver, Quartz, Dynamite, Blasting, Adit, Gly, Bobbie, Quackers, Gly Coolness, Old Bob, Old Mine, Old Building, Gold Mine, Ghost Town, Abandoned Mine, Abandoned Mines, Abandoned Place, Abandoned Places, Forgotten Place, Forgotten Places, Mine Exploring, Abandoned Mine Exploring, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Abandoned and Forgotten Places, Abandoned & Forgotten Places
Id: dO5stxLnzBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 5sec (5405 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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