Exploring A 1930s Alaskan Gold Mine!

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[Music] here we are down the highway on another adventure it's a nice october day all the leaves are off and we're almost into winter so i wanted to do one more great adventure exploring and historical documentation video before we get buried in snow it's still in the morning so it hasn't quite warmed up completely and cleared off yet but it's looking like it's going to that way which is the way we're heading but anyways in the old dodge again cruising since she's got the highway gears so what we're going to be exploring today is a little portion of the mining history up here in alaska and we're going to be going to an old gold mine and it's in a super cool location and it's one of them that not a lot of people really know about and it's got a really interesting story with it too so before we get back on the road here i'll just kind of tell you about it and then you know what we're getting into and we'll get back on the road and go see the thing okay here we are on the back of the truck i got a map set up on the tailgate here kind of show you what we're getting into here's the alaska highway and we're on what is known as the cut off highway it kind of links the alaska highway to the richardson highway in between through this area here so we're going to be going about 60 miles down the cut-off here and we're going to be getting on to what is called the nebesna road and that takes you in to the rango mountain area and there's some hunting lodges in there and it's the road is only really maintained for like 10 20 miles at the beginning and then after that you're kind of on your own but there's lodges further in and people go in there to hunt every year and they operate with bush planes and whatnot okay so turn back time to 1899. this is pre-dating the whole road system the cut-off the highway does not exist the richardson highway was more of a trail then and our target area is navezna and that is part of the rangel mountain range and the besna is a valley and there's the nebesna river that runs through and it's all glacier fed so in 1899 these two big shots in the army carry out a couple different expeditions on the valley and rango mountain range in search of gold deposits because any earlier attempts before their time the miners and prospectors you know passing through the area they kind of overlooked it they didn't see the potential there so they just moved on and went to the other areas that were became well known but anyways they carry out their expedition they find gold deposits it isn't reported until a couple years after their expeditions and you know any attempts at mining it just led to loss of interest not enough potential and you know men striking out and going off to the bigger better minds in other areas of the state by 1913 another mine nearby the workers struck out and ended up leaving and therefore interest in nebesnau was peaked again so they returned tried to mine same result they struck out left went to the other bigger better minds and then fast forward to 1922 a guy by the name of carl f whitham who was actually part of the expedition team by the army that carried out the the gold search in nebesna back in 1899 he was with that whole thing until 1908 he worked along on other mine projects until the early 20s and then in 1922 he returns to nebesnau and then he and two other men make far more positive discoveries than anyone had been doing before in that area so in 1924 he restakes the claims in the bezna and he's you know absolutely going for it he's starting to find more promising results than pastimes and he's starting to get more workers in to support him and help him so after restaking the claims in the bezna in 1924 in 1929 carl f whittham forms the nebesna mining company with the help of a few workers he mines enough gold and ore to produce the funds and resources to build a sophisticated aerial tramway up onto the mountain to transport ore and then he built a 35 ton per day processing mill on the bottom of the mountain and was able to process everything on site by 1932 with only 25 workers they produce and seventy-five thousand dollars worth of gold brought out of their tunnel systems and using their aerial tramways and 35-ton per day processing mill so for karl f whitham things are really kicking off and you know he needs a road system to support what is going on because in 1930 and 1931 how he transported all the resources and accessories all the things he needed into the nebesnah valley he had to do it in the winter time of 1930 in 1931 with 30 horsepower caterpillar crawlers with freight sleds pulling everything in over the frozen tundra frozen rivers frozen lakes so it was quite a task to get everything in to support his project so in 1933 carl f whitham personally writes and sends a letter to the president of the united states who would have been president roosevelt at the time requesting a government-funded access road into the nebesnah valley where his mine is located so that he can truck out product and ore all the way out and down to valdez and then after that it can get dispersed by water so long story short the president approves the request to allow government funding for the alaska road commission to punch in a road from the richardson trail all the way up halfway here and around 45 miles all the way back into the nebesna valley to gain access to carl's mine so in 1933 this began right away and by the fall of 1933 they had it punched in and completed so karl f whitham really praised the alaska road commission for punching a road in all that way through the rugged terrain and allowing him to have better access to the mine be able to truck out or in product over 200 miles down to valdez in order for it to be dispersed by water after that and that really industrialized his mind and really made things pick up and take off so from that point on from 1933 to 1940 the mine is doing immaculate i mean he's working year round through the winter i can't imagine how tough that would be and by that time he probably had up to 40 workers they were all staying on site working year year-round like i mentioned and by 1940 they had hauled out 73 tons of gold valued at 1.8 million dollars and you know that was huge numbers for the time and actually carl f whittham's the best of mine project was actually seen as you know one of the better minds in this whole portion of the state so in 1942 here's where things drastically change the war is just you know starting up and things are not looking good for the us you know after pearl harbor and everything like that the army takes on the big task of punching in the road system the alcan highway all the way from canada into alaska to gain better access for defense and support so all throughout 1942 that's going on they arrive at karl f whitham's nebesnah mine they shut him down they pull all of his workers and put them on more essential and more needed projects for the war effort and of course after such great success he is devastated that he got shut down but there wasn't much he could do about it so with the army having the alcan highway punched in something else they actually did you know they ran through this whole area with the highway they decided to link their highway to the halfway point that the mine actually started you know on the cut off road so about 60 miles the army punched in the connection right here and connected the whole cut off and then that just gave a better road system from the alcan all the way down to the richardson so fast forward again 1946 the war is over carl f whittham now has the you know alcan highway and this connection here to support his mine even more so you know he had to wait throughout the war but it's finally over and now he can get things started up again he had actually hoped to get a railway support into the mine and that would really you know that would be amazing for him also but his attempts at reopening the mine are cut short in 1947 carl f whittham passes away from health concerns and ever since then the mine was completely abandoned nobody has ever gone back and revived it got it up and going again so where we're going has been left dormant since 1947 after the death of you know karl f whitham the the guy that did the impossible and got this mind going when nobody else saw the potential in it and now the grounds that it remains on they fall under the wrangle saint elias national park and preserve so it's protected and it's kind of a tourist attraction now you know like we're doing today but not a lot of people know about it like i mentioned before so you know we're gonna go check out the whole thing and kind of document it for youtube and for my you know photo collection so this is going to be cool and like i mentioned before the first portion little portion of the nebesna road is the only maintained part so you're kind of on your own yeah there's the wilderness lodges but they're going to be shut down this time of year so i'm carrying a few things just to be prepared it's pretty rugged country out there so let's get back on the road and take our journey into there here we are turning on to the nebesna road now this would have been their original access road of course it's all been modernized and there's houses and other spots on the first portion of it and then the wilderness lodges are further back but it's going to be a long and slow ride all the way down this road it's pretty rough and rugged it's paved for a while and it gets gravel and then it's paved for a little bit again and then it's gravel the rest of the way so 43 miles all the way back getting down here a ways now pavement should be ending here soon then it's all gravel pretty rough can't go too fast that's why it takes so long to get in here well we're getting there 30 miles in now here we are about 34 miles in got a little bit of a water crossing [Music] just had to stop and admire the scenery for a minute sure is beautiful mile 36 we're getting closer finally made it this is the end where you can only get two with a truck and then you gotta walk the rest of the ways it's kind of blocked off here but got a little pack here and of course got a gun for bears 40 caliber glock got some stuff in here a few snacks what not water bottle so uh we'll head on up the trail here and uh try and find this thing walking on down the old road now people still come back in here to hunt so it's still open for four-wheelers and whatnot but it's kind of kind of overgrown and wet for a pickup but from my research on this mine i guess they had a couple tunnel systems and a little operation separate from the main area though so we're going to be coming up on that that separate operation up on the mountain and then a mile and a half from that is gonna be like the main area all the buildings and everything and i guess the first little operation with the couple tunnel systems and structures is up on this mountain and that's checking out because right up there i can see the buildings kind of i don't know if you can see it on camera but up there and it almost looks like there's a tunnel opening up there but yeah up in that area and then the mill and all the structures where the the workers stayed in is around the mountain i found an old map that kind of shows the layout of how it was so let me try and avoid this water much as i can and i think there's a trail head that takes you up to that part of it so we'll see yeah i definitely see the roofs of buildings up there so i think we're on to the right spot here something else about the mine we know it was under the nebesna mining company but the the whole thing actually had its own nickname so to speak the rambler mine not sure the origin on that but that's what it got called so it's either referred to as the nebesna mine or rambler mine and being that it's fall and all the leaves are off we'll get some more visibility to find stuff the only downfall is it's less pretty scenery wise but oh well okay up the road it weighs and here's the trailhead rambler mine wonder if this sign here tells any info about it not really that's kind of disappointing that's about all there is right there yeah they don't tell much about it so my guess is this would have been the old road up here and it's all overgrown and everything now obviously so now it's just the hiking trail up to it so we'll head on up making her on up here you can definitely see the evidence of it being dozed in back in the day [Applause] we're getting up there closer to it pretty good incline i can't imagine driving a loaded down truck all the way down this and then back up and keep repeating that process all throughout the 1930s so it probably would have been you know ford double a's or something like that with a dump body on them pretty amazing what they did still making her up man that's going to be an awesome view when we get to the top for sure looks like there's a corner up here which makes sense for it to switch back onto the mountain there up here at the corner looks like they cut into the bank and leveled it off so they could go that way a bit too from what it looks like keep on going this way up here at another corner looks like it goes that way too should be getting pretty close here here we are up pretty high i see something shiny must be a roof right up against the mountain here oh yeah sure enough here we are this looks more recent somebody must have came up here and added that on later or something i don't know but there's where we came up they just built them right up against the mountain here we're breaking the rules don't tell nobody oh yeah a lot of cool stuff already man right up against that that's crazy i wonder what that is something track system for moving stuff looks like and we got a drill bit piping man imagine carrying that stuff up here goes all the way back there looks like this is empty that's empty too it's over here there's some mine cart track system well that's a lot of drill bits there's a whole tram system going down there nice beautiful view too man that is a lot looks like people have been up here carving into these is there anything in here nope oh yeah i guess i looked from the other side this is all more recent so somebody's either come up here and tried to preserve them or something well there's one tunnel even a cart still in there look at that piping goes right into there man this is cool so i got one track system going over here that must have been for the tramway because it's all laying down there collapsed looks like and then another tram way up there and then it comes down goes down a level and then comes over that's really cool like i said pretty sophisticated system they had going on a bunch of stuff down there let's take a peek in this tunnel here the state's got them closed off but come in here and look at this cart that's really cool man that's pretty tall too they didn't want to bend over i wonder how far that goes in this is sure a pretty rugged place to have an operation people think they got it tough nowadays look at this come all the way up that and some 1930s truck and work this all year round pretty crazy looks like some old trinkets laying here coca-cola whatever else that's all cleaned out and empty too then this whole thing this is cool pathway going up there hold the door here's the tracks running along here here's where it dumped out that's all he eroded now the card is still up there though that's some old-timey stuff right there i guess the next thing is climb up that and see what's up there more path pathway stuff over here wonder looks like an old outhouse or something take a look real quick yep looks fairly recent so somebody's messed with it over here on this side looks like some runoff type stuff down there of course there's the buildings in the tramway going up so let me head back down that way and we'll climb up that okay here we are back to this point head on up this man it's just crazy walking up and down this every day to work maintaining this whole thing looks like an opening right there keep on heading up probably be pretty cool to bring a metal detector in here and poke around might be surprised with what you find a bunch of dug out stuff that's ran down looks like look at the cables holding that together pretty cool camera may not pick it up so good but there's the idea of the incline you looks like the rocks here took out the remainder of the tramway going up to the top here's kind of where it is in a bunch of pieces and then starts kind of right there pretty intact the rest of the way down made it up to the top here can kind of see why they chose to put a tunnel here they got this natural flat platform to work from there's a tunnel up there remaining stuff from the tramway there's the old road there goes around the mountain here and from looking at the historical map the other the rest of the mine is over there around the mountain so i might try and get up on that see if i can get a vantage point down onto it but got some lakes there's the big river over there and these are the rangle mountains what an awesome view so yeah they were digging out of that working it all the way down there dumping it and then getting it down to that road system hauling it 43 miles out so that's really impressive for back then it definitely looks like a gold-hearty country so get a drink of water and then i'll climb up to that tunnel there may try and climb up onto that rocky portion there and get a higher view i don't think i'm gonna try anything higher than that although up there would be kind of cool too i have to see all right let's take a little climb up to that tunnel looks like there's a path leading around this way definitely feel on top of the world here up here at the tunnel found some sort of old winch looks like pretty cool i bet packing it up here was fun cable runs down here's the tunnel definitely looks like they were using something to get into the rock there looks like chemicals and this is all dug out stuff looks like well she's blocked off but climb in here and have a peek pretty low now i can't really see in there though yeah this is a low one compared to the bottom makes sense though what a view to come out of that and see all this drill bit stuck written right there let me get up to that hear that that one looks better climb up to there some freaky looking stuff up here at the top there's the tunnel down there yeah she's a steep one here nice little spot to chill out though looks like they came up here too another one over there so i guess i'll start heading back down gonna try and scoot over there see if i can see around the mountain here and see the rest of the mine and then we'll get back down to the bottom and then take the old road and go see that part okay here i am kind of around the side a little bit can't quite see anything but i'm not going to keep going i want to allow enough time to get back down there and go all the way to it on foot so work my way back around and then down here we are back down just about okay let's make a run down this and explore the tramway that would have taken it to the lower level real quick see what's down there and then we'll head on back down and then follow the road to the rest of it big old compressor water pump or something old-timey motor on it it's pretty cool then down further here the whole tramway collapsed let me get down there and see what's at the bottom oh yeah so i imagine this thing was elevated out over the mountain here the hill whatever you want to call it and that was the end point and they dump it off of that platform type thing so that's what that is still has a lot of stuff on it yeah so they were bringing it down off those two tunnels running it out on this tram get it to this thing big platform with a shoot type effect and then some type of dumping apparatus and here's the old road here to load trucks looks like and then they just go down from there so that's pretty cool so i guess i'll climb back up there and we'll head out of this spot go on to the next one back up from down in there before i head out i think i'm gonna grab one of these bits for a souvenir there's plenty of them there for the next person so that's good okay now we'll head on down and go see the main portion of the mine in the whole camp area okay back down to this point let's head down the old road here further and get to the other part supposedly it's a mile and a half so i got a little bit of a galavant but it's not too bad looks like a good trail up out of the low area at least and there's where we were right up there upon that part quite a ways up slowly making it around the mountain here still making it there's tracks from hunters being in here during season but you can kind of look and see if there's any bear tracks in the soft spots i haven't seen any still making it around the mountain kind of windy so hopefully you can hear me hopefully we're getting close walking on down the trail here it's getting kind of thicker more overgrown came up to a sign here well there's that i'm assuming it's this way not sure what's that direction made it up to this found another sign trail keeps going straight but if you look in there there's old stuff must be in the right place just another one of those signs well that thing looks big see another roof up above it some modern barrels they must have been in here trying to clean up contaminants as you can see there's a lot of runoff here a lot of runoff definitely looks toxic yeah we're completely on the other side of the mountain here where it goes down again because way around that way is where that other branch of the mine was so this would have been the main concentration and operation area and then a crew would have been working that other spot over there stuff laying in the ground old barrel and blocks and whatnot over there yeah that is a lot of runoff from processing everything here and then hauling it out 200 miles to valdez a bunch of barrels over there old ones looks like they've all been busted open with a pickaxe or something dumped out yeah there's definitely been park workers in here kind of cleaning up stuff but hopefully the building up there remains uh original sure looks like it before we head up there let's see what's over here some kind of steel structure homemade dumping apparatus type thing and a whole big pile of wood lumber stuff like that big stack of barrels back out here look at this freaky looking stuff yeah so this was the whole processing mill and then up there right there looks like a tunnel and then i see some more roofs over there on buildings and they just got barrels and barrels and barrels forever probably all the stuff the chemicals came in whatever all this was [Music] trail over there man that is quite the pile there work our way up this way slowly falling apart over time looks like old funnel so i'm sure they hauled their own sawmill in here and just milled everything on site wouldn't doubt that one bit i guess i'll climb up there and see what i can see [Music] [Music] now that's heavy duty i guess i'll have to climb up there and find that tunnel i saw but we'll try and check out the buildings man i sure bet that road system helped get all this stuff in here looks like their hardware right here full of big huge nuts and bolts and stuff a lot of construction here wow it's the whole processing spot set of stairs right there and then takes you over there big massive gear over there holding tanks looks like that stuff looks delicious cancer cancer everywhere wow and all that runs over there man this is like stepping back in time for sure don't know if i want to walk over there or not probably not a smart idea see there's other footprints in here so i guess i can try it see if this stuff eats my shoes apart this is just crazy i don't think i'm making it up those step over here and see if i can get a better video view that is just some crazy amount of construction looks all 1930s industrial for sure let's have a look over here [Music] so huh empty sacks a lot of them before we head back that way i'll see if i can get down to that building there looks like another holding tank in there yep man that is huge i'll work my way back around that way and go to that side there get up on this side yeah i'm not walking on that see if i can get up this that's a heck of an armature old door here that pipe is solid try and climb up here there's an old babbitt bearing wow i wonder what this was involving some sort of heat looks like oh look at that so just completely untouched and left how it was i was looking back again getting some pictures and we saw that one i found a readable one the beznacorp valdez so that's really cool the old lumber stamped on the other side of that door look at those an old road here now we can see the upper level since i couldn't climb those stairs a cable with two hooks and a loop on the end be kind of handy i'm not gonna walk on that but just a whole workbench of stuff whole upper level and everything man how'd they even get this up here that is crazy just a size comparison there's the chute up there that must be the uh tramway that comes in from the mountain up above where that tunnel is comes in here to get processed directly another holding tank wow so that's what that whole portion is because i came in over there not gonna walk on that i'm surprised that's even holding that up that's crazy this goes to show craftsmanship was top-notch back in the day this is a amazing feat of engineering and ability to do this especially in this kind of part of alaska there's a bucket of some sort i guess i'll climb up there and poke around see if i can get up on the mountain there huh not much in there old oil can don't really want to walk in there as you can see walk around this now and there's the whole tower with the cart and tram set up that might be a track i don't know i know there's another tower up there wow that's a lot of work there all of it make my way through there down to that other side and then we'll go up i guess that's about to come down another shoot right there what a place to work looks like i can head up right there here's the upper portion of it all collapsed from the looks of it oh yeah there's their cable system it went all the way up they'd have a tunnel up there and then cable that little cart down dump it and process it here's a secondary one cables are still strong pretty tight looks like then wherever this goes might go to more buildings might explore up top and then come back down to these i see shiny stuff over there found a path to follow kind of up here there's like another holding tank or something over there and here's the cables climbing this one now following the cables up i see some more roofs over there so i have to go check those out when i get back down but you know look at the size of this thing and there's one really high up right there it goes all the way up running up and down this every day to work too still climbing here here's the cables and there's a building there big old stove pipe coming out of it hopefully i can get up here pretty quick there's the mill down there still climbing but i just came up on another structure all collapsed but must be getting closer looks like it's quite a ways to the peaks of the mountain but i'm sure they're not way up that high man these are some huge beams up here too keep on going all right out into the opening probably would have been too tough to climb up that not much to grab on to as you can see we got all the cables here and there's that how that is still standing i don't know and then that cable goes way up further so i'll climb up there and check this thing out but wow that's a climb okay mill's down there there's that kind of even with it right now you can't just stand anywhere you want pretty steep i'll try and get up on that right there see what it looks like i'm not gonna go over to that that's just too too steep right there a lot more than this looks like so i'll try and get up this now we're up above that structure now there's the mill right there and the other buildings that i haven't been to yet looks like quite a few over there but anyways big old cable way out in the sky that's a long way down see if i can at least get to one tunnel i don't know if i got the other one the one that's further up i don't know if i got that one in me but let me put the camera down so i can climb here finally got up here to a little flat spot and all i'm gonna say is these guys are freaking knots those cables go all the way up there and i hate to disappoint but i'm not going up that so that tunnel i could see from below i'm not sure where it's at there's some cable laying all down in there not sure where that tunnel is might be over there or up there not sure but anyways we got a good vantage point up here now creep over here to this log so these cables come down from the tunnels up here they go to that i see there's tracks there for a cart and then they go down on another cable system from that all the way down to the mill there and look how many buildings are over there we still gotta get back down and explore all those it's almost five o'clock so kind of gotta hurry up gets a little darker earlier now but this is one great vantage point i'd say we're up higher than the other spot hard to tell though i have to go on google earth and try and get what the elevation is right here the camera just doesn't do it justice she's a long ways up here so get some pictures while i'm up here and then head all the way back down and go see all those working my way back down i was gonna go the way i came because i thought it was steeper over there but it looks flatter so i was making my way over here to this structure that i said i wasn't gonna go by but now i am and there's a tunnel so glad i found one so it wasn't coming up here and not seeing one let me get down here to it okay i got down here to it well that one's not blocked off i guess it might be easier to go down that way okay but let's have a look at the tunnel okay i got a light here can at least have a little peek i'm not going to go too far in there because you know it's pretty risky but i almost hear an echoing sound like i don't know wonder if this exits out the back somehow or it almost looks like a dead end's there or it's a corner can't tell but yeah there's frost in here so that makes sense why they had the tracks on that wooden structure so they could transfer it down right out of the tunnel with a cart dump it down and then use the trolley cable thing but that's super cool put this back considering the age it seems to be pretty intact but i gotta get going get back down to the bottom so i can explore those other buildings so i'll try and get down here yeah this looks a little bit better just follow it down that way i should have came up that way here's a look at this before i get down below it down here a little ways further and found this big huge radiator from something i guess that's what it is just slid down here into nowhere there's where we were up there just about down kind of getting a little bit flatter down here which is good because i was leaning back and digging my heels in the whole way down oh what's that interesting all right finally back down here to the mill work our way over that way check out the rest of those buildings and then get out of here almost six o'clock now other side of the mill here's this cabin here this trail should take us to the others oh yeah i see a roof okay and then down on that trail there's the other one that goes down by that stack of barrels looks like and we got a cabin there cabin there kind of fallen one in there and then probably more over there but let's have a look here this looks like a main bunk house or mess hall because of the size yeah a whole row of them let's have a look at this one real quick nice stairway up to it they did let's see if this will still hold somebody up there's some modern stuff in there so somebody's been messing around but pretty well kept cabin i mean for the age let's head on over to these back over here a bunch of stuff in there looks like this is sketchy there's a cool old stove but yeah more modern stuff in these looks like hunters and whatnot pretty good sized one and then on over to this one that's a model t axle yeah it sure is model t front axle i know what i'm carrying out once again people in here messing around old basketball hoop somebody put up that's interesting more junk and one more there's those like the last one of the row and then it goes down and there's a couple more over there watch where i walk here huh okay let's go see these from over there here's this one looks like a shed or barn big massive crankshaft another various junk laying around core samples so somebody's been in here doing a lot of core sample stuff another old motor looking thing over there another big door opening there shelf against the wall i bet that's model t or model hey that's cool old stuff everywhere walking away from that now over to this trail another big pile of barrels whenever he's over here not much of anything really just more trail systems there's that big stack we saw from up on the mountain more machinery there's the side of the barn shed workshop whatever it is let's see what this is looks interesting like another shop or something another one of those things there well somebody's got an old ford pickup stashed up here that's interesting oh look at that thing on tracks that's really old huh yeah i'd say this was the workshop or something bunch of big rope well there's that big stack man that thing is clean besides the dance looks like she's been here a long time people are writing on it man she's better than most people's daily drivers more writing looks like an fe motor and this is 73 or 74. looks like more writing another track thing that'd be almost super cool to drag out of here well that's an old fender i wonder what that's from leaving the workshop big stack looks like what's over here is just falling in back to these buildings now yeah not much there all right we're back at the junction area where the buildings are that we started at i'm gonna go back over grab that model t front axle because i'm stupid enough to carry that a mile and a half to the truck because it's not often you find model t parts anymore so that's going to be my souvenir from this portion of the mine i got a drill bit from the other area left that in the trail so i have to pick that up too so grab this axle and then start walking out climb in here and grab it i guess it's just a support cut that rope and dig it out that is an absolute score right there it's not even broken out or welded up to be a trailer axle or anything it'll still take spindles and it's not even bent from being pulled out of the mud from being stuck or anything that's super rare that's a prize back out here at the mill where we began got the prize now for the walk to the truck [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right made her back finally i know one thing i'm going to sleep good tonight that was sure a workout but i hope some of you found this interesting and it was kind of educational and got to document some more alaska history and bring along all my viewers who don't always get to go out and see all this stuff so yeah it's a true time capsule you don't get to see that you know mines left mostly original and original tunnels and all that so that was super cool so uh yeah till the next time i'll see you later [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: BackyardAlaskan
Views: 145,050
Rating: 4.8331923 out of 5
Keywords: ethel, slave lake, ford, highboy, f250 highboy, old truck, old iron, revival, will it run, abandoned, forgotten, junk, picking, american picker, alaska picker, salvage, old vehicles, classic, classic cars, zip ties n bias plies, alaska, outdoors, film, old, vintage, wwii, history, lesson, educational, how to, tools, motors, engines, rebuilds, youtube show, backyardalaskan, lost in time, boom, wrecker, gin pole, yard truck, power wagon, m37, exploring, gold mine, mine tunnel, alaska gold mine
Id: f3ndu94KUSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 36sec (6096 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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