GOLD TOWER Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY ASMR

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[Music] holy leaning tower of gold bars you have to watch all the way to end to see if we get the gold bar and the money right jeremy right it was amazing make sure to subscribe so you can keep up with us see what the hails we find and hit that bell icon so you get notified every single time we release a new video and when we go live every sunday it's free twenty five dollar in quarter five dollars here we whoa oh here we go this is the only side that hasn't been played because it has the highest buy-in which and we we typically we we try to stay around the 500 that's the comfort area but uh we are going whoa i'm going to the left as usual we don't we don't have any other option here nobody else has played it because of the high the high buy-in rate okay so you've got oh i saw the tower actually moved all the way okay left or definitely i see the pillars to the left moving i saw the tower move all right so the plan is the plan of attack is it's happening already the pillows are dominoing each other got the domino effect [Music] more gold please jinx okay so she's starting off going to the left now we could we could try attack oh there we go there we go that's good could try attacking the middle but if we attack the middle and that thing falls somewhere and we have no quarters to work with what's the point okay nice nice nice so we actually we looked at the left stack and the right stack and the left stack looked more unsteady or she would have went nice she would have went to the actual right and the left is proven to get the job done oh there we go come on i i have a feeling the tower will probably fall back as as the huge it's gonna hurt elvis oh yeah but all those quarters fall back and help push the the actual tower how epic would that be so nice nice nice gold an ounce of gold right now just went over 1900 and the rate fluctuates so you have to check check daily did you just see the middle power move it kind of it rotated so what'd you say the rape flagellates fluctuating okay elvis is singing all right guys help us out the wrong way shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake oh it's working it's working guys look at this there are keep doing what you're doing she's got a little jam to the left but that jam will work itself out yep there it goes it's already working itself out so you just got to be patient wait for it to work it'll just line them all up and it will give a good push on this side all right i'm down to two quarters let's see how much damage these two quarters can do three quarters left we need um for my recollection you just put in two forms and do some damage lucky bag 2.0 is holding 21 and quarters even i'll actually i'll give it to you that's pretty incredible for your first push to almost get that much back right so i think it's because it's because that left side was so unsteady you haven't even bought the right side yet my lucky socks now your right side i just talked about the right side and look what happened pillars are falling already and i'm not even paying attention to that i knocked it down with my mind did you people see that i knocked the pillars down with my mind what do you mean you people you people you you all the pillars just rocked back and forth on the right come on oh man there are some major quarters the fall you just got them on the left you just got him i think if you can keep getting better elvis is singing oh what a what a push i need that second wave okay so rapid firing in the beginning here is actually working [Music] this is oh man if we can get that we can get that gold and that gold we can put that with the other bars that we have should we melt it all and make one big bar what if we made one huge golden youtube play button oh my god and we made a video of us melting it and belting it or we could melt it and make it into a sock we can make it into the shape of a sock well why don't we just melt it down to a fine golden linen and then we can actually sew a sock up pure gold and it really will be my lucky sock yeah i'm all about it i love that idea whose idea was that oh that's right it's mine [Music] i'm down to three quarters with some pretty epic pushes let's make these count those ones i can't look away oh my gosh don't worry there is no way i cannot look away you're gonna have to pull why i keep an eye on everything 26. even all right why don't you go for the right switch it up and go to the right yeah why don't you see or do you want to all right all right no no no i'm right you just you just twisted you just twisted them and the pillar fell down okay i wasn't looking at the pool i was looking at the gold to be honest keep your eye on the fries [Music] gold tea yeah that's a that's it did i ever tell you about the time that i found gold teeth fillings in a storage unit but it was it was uh we still i have it at the house it's the gold filling material the guy was a fourth of tedx version um i remember parts of the story but feel free to share again um i bought a storage unit and there was gold killing stuff in it the end no there's more to that story um long long time ago i bought a storage unit there was stuff that you used to fill cavities with gold the end how was it that time wasn't uh you know one of the questions that they always ask what's the weirdest thing you ever find and we always say adult teeth with cavities in them but i didn't find any cavities or teeth i found you just found the filling i found 50 empty gum cases i found the filling material oh nice push nice push oh my goodness everything's fell over that that unit that guy i'm gonna keep to the right and get more ammo and then i'm gonna go for the tower what do you think i think definitely get all the ammo you possibly can on the right okay and then then we focus on trying to get that power down and then we'll go for the gold that guy that guy got went through a huge divorce on his own orthopedic uh surgery business and the whole deal and divorce destroyed him like a lot of these units and there was so much money like i paid i don't remember the videos on youtube is before we knew each other but i think i paid maybe seven eight hundred dollars for that so yeah he had his gps satellite phone that was one of the first things i sold from a thousand dollars on ebay immediately paid for it and everything else was profit no nice nice and that one i found that one right here in worcester and one of my favorite places right down to three quarters let's see we need a good push how much damage we could do this time oh that was a good push baby wave i've got to watch this power while you do your thing i'm still hovering around the 20 mark i got 21 21. that's what she just pushed when she went to the left side first go right side go right side again all right so the first time she pushes left [Music] [Music] even the baby shakes count everything you guys do helps yeah even like when i talk about the right end it's not falling and then i bend it over with my mind [Music] okay that was good that'll be good for handling let's see if you can push a ton of ammo this time [Music] if you can push a ton of ammo then we can try going from there well that's what i'm thinking if we don't get enough we gotta be careful i'm pretty confident i can get a ton [Music] it's just gonna off all at once see okay there you go there you go just like that and now i gotta do that [Music] my people at home are making it happen yes getting good pushes all my peeps push with us but remember oh here it comes here oh good push make sure you have baby wipes with you when you're watching this if you're pushing hard first okay maybe why you saying not the flushable [Music] wouldn't it be interesting to know how many people are actually watching this on the toilet right now [Music] if you are leave a comment confession time if you're brave enough to confess it do it down to two quarters let's see how much damage we should do with just two quarters the one the one in the middle it might push all right i'm gonna keep an eye on this one lucky bags 2.0 was holding 44 evenings that was good do you think that's enough to take the tower down no i'm not ready for the tower just yet okay so what i'm gonna do is drop three coins on the left three coins on the right and keep rotating blocks oh those are good pushes it's working it's working i dropped four that time all right well you better put four on the right then make it all right holy holy push that's actually yeah it's working you just moved the tower you just moved the tower oh my goodness just go left left will do it left will do it it looks to me like there's more on the left than there is on the actual right maybe i'm wrong the way the quarters are sitting it appears to be more it looks like it to me doesn't it to you yeah yeah maybe i'm wrong [Music] i was wrong once but i was wrong wait a minute did you just admit that you were once wrong i was wrong [Music] did i ever tell you the story about the one time i was wrong oh you jammed up on the right i'm gonna see if i could drop a quarter on it to loosen it up it's working it works like mucinex loosens everything up i think it's rotating i think it's moving i think it grew a second brain it's like rotating like it just rotated again i think it's alive it's alive i think it might try attacking us please don't eat my face wait wait no no it's things don't eat my face save me it definitely looks like it's a leaning power of save me a leaning tower of safety i was gonna say pizza i think it hurt our plan to melt it all down and turn it into a side and now it doesn't want to be my lucky sock no it's all about it well if it smelled my lucky boot it wouldn't be that's for sure them boots after i sweat and storage units all day you know they have a spray for that right [Music] what kind of spread they have sprays for that hairspray to to neutralize the smell in your hands you gotta neutralize that smell this is like indian curry food yeah it's pretty bad it takes it takes a chicken indian curries it keeps on sticking [Music] how about papa john's garlic oh nice push does it smell good or just tastes good it smells delicious and tastes good remember that one time i bought an entire taste of papa john's garlic butter way before i ever knew yeah that was way before you met me it wasn't given i thought it was gifted to you it was it was a valentine's day as a matter of fact i'll tell you what day after we recently almost scored another huge case of papa john's garlic butter from someone but then they ended up quitting that job yeah one of my tenants got hired at papa john's and then they didn't like the work very much so that didn't go anywhere garlic butter that was literally part of that was part of the leaf deal that they had they had to get any garlic butter from papa john's if she got it wasn't it like three week of friends or three months of rent i remember what it was but never followed through surprise surprise but i'm gonna show i tell you i'm gonna on the community page on our channel so those who don't know there's the videos on the channel to go straight to the channel there's also a community page where we post pictures though and stories i will post a picture of when i actually had that garlic wait wait you still got another push i got a baby push i i can't look away right now elvis is singing okay don't blink i'll get you all right she's getting the quarters [Music] the gold is actually over to the left it all fell while you were counting it's oh my goodness it's right there what are we gonna do we gonna we're gonna play to save it we gotta save it you gotta be kidding me you gotta be kidding me i swear that thing was gonna go straight this is just insane insane as the tower fell i was pulling quarters got 82 even not bad i actually here i was born went to go get another buy-in on the machine to the left to the left so we are we're set over there and the good thing is is it's a whole lot less expensive because there's nothing in it there's nothing they don't know as much ammo as possible from this machine so we have two buy-ins now we have the buy-in here and then we have the buy-in to the left if we can get as much ammo as possible from here then we can go rescue the goals mama's coming for you guys there we go there we go that's so crazy i knew i knew that was gonna happen i knew we were gonna be pulling and something was gonna fall because that's what always happened don't look away don't blink [Music] well i wasn't i wasn't looking away i was to the sidewalk you were pulling and counting crazy just can't believe it oh oh that thing is actually getting pretty close you think i can get the rest of the tower to fall the base of the tower oh i hope that would be helpful in the gold rescue mission that'd be extremely helpful in the gold rescue mission [Music] come on you know what would have been awesome what if the tower actually went to the right hit the other gold bar into the right and both gold bars were to the right to be rescued that would have been awesome that would have been beyond epic what's beyond epic just so awesome so awesome so it goes epic so awesome what's after so awesome no i think epic is like the top dog there's nothing it's better you said you said that would have been beyond epic so obviously there's something more than epic so what is it epic times two epic squared yes epic so epic epic so that would have been epic epic okay there you have it epic epic come on i cannot believe cannot believe it we know better then oh wow that was a good push but gold's at 1900 so we get that bar we are free and clear this will be well worth our trip down here would have been good dude knock that other bar in there i'm just saying i gotta get better at my trick shots if you could bounce that thing in what if you what if you actually attack the power base right there and get the power base to push that one over to the right i don't think it's tall enough you don't know until you tried it's true because you never know with the heels you always say you're not tall enough and yet here you are all on your own without a step school i'm standing on my tippy toes remember that one time the tower fell over and it went into the other field for the bar mold talk about a heart attack did you bring your heart meds because i need some yeah you want some it's my first reach around and [Music] i had a grab for every time you told me to reach around and grab something i would have no money at all you'd be broke literally none [Music] not even five cents to my name not even a nickel here we go here we go maybe elvis will help me take the tower down [Music] we are not leaving without that gold bar [Music] that was so pretty [Music] remember that one time i wanted to take you on a gold mining date yeah what happened it was all set and then we had to cancel because something came up yeah you didn't want to do it no i wanted to do it i was actually looking forward to it because i've never done it before i'm all about doing something i've never done before [Music] unless unless it has anything to do with water heights roller coasters or anything fun i do get motion sickness so i can't when i was younger i used to love love love roller coasters i'd ride it over and over and over again and then as i got older i developed motion sickness and i can't do it anymore that is i'm not a young lad anymore no no you're not laughing and then you know my near-death uh swimming drowning experience so i don't like getting into waters deeper than my height and i'm so pretty much all water even the bathtub i'm not afraid to get into the shower deep waters deep water is taller than me deeper than my height um i do like height it all depends on height like ziplining that didn't bother me at all [Music] man that power i don't know does it want to come down who wants to be tricky is what it wants to do [Music] i can't believe it i can't believe you think we're ever going to learn our lesson on towers [Music] no no we won't i don't know there's just something it's like a bug to the bug light it's just there's something to it because we love shiny quarters and it's a tower of shiny quarters like how do you not want to play it i think that's what the problem is i'm getting really good pushes you know what i'm thinking after what are you thinking okay after we pull on this one instead of trying to go for the base of the tower we try we try our hand at you let me save the gold and then we come back over we still have our buy-in over here so then we come back over here to get the base of the tower what do you think yeah we can do that i think i can save the gold if you let me i'll let you save the gold look at that we're mounting it to make a lucky sock out of it a solid gold stock in honor of lucky socks [Music] make me wrestle again maybe rest in pieces real funny george real funny [Music] how many more quarters do you have i've got a [Music] we're going gold mining never fear super jerry is here 185.75 here we go all right rescue mission is now officially underway yes okay here we go you can do this you got this you know i don't have any real rescue mission stories except for when i rescued the wooden the wooden spool and [Music] did i tell you the time about the time i almost died in a cave i don't know if i can i i don't know if i can tell because a lot of people are too claustrophobic to hear it what do you think i mean it's up to you i get clustered it's not a claustrophobic it wasn't a tight pain so every year i would take my full-time staff on a vision retreat and by vision retreat what we would do is we would plan for the next year next five years next 10 years and for us it was a time of team building and growth in the whole deal so we would always go caving because frankly your team is always going to be the same as your leadership so because i love caving they ended up loving caving as well so they took on my personality so we went caving and we went into a wet cave and this wet cave was um it was in march and in march what's happening is the mountains are actually melting so caves are made by water and you know it's the breakdown of the water and the minerals going through material like limestone so we were in a wet cave and through this wet cave in march when it's cold [Music] we were in the water beyond in the water and we don't ever want to go when the water's too high obviously but we were going through areas where where our neck and our and our noses were the only thing on the top of the cage wall the rest of our bodies were actually in freezing water coming off of the mountain so obviously water freezes at 32 degrees but if water is moving it won't freeze even at 32 degrees so inside the mountains and caves are typically right at about 54 degrees constantly the water is still moving it's what created the cave so we were going to do a challenge i always said it was my job as a leader and it always will be my job as a leader is to push you to do things you never thought you can do period and i think that's where leadership comes in it's not did my leader do it a leader will take you to places you never thought you could go and a leader will push you to do things you never thought you could do it literally treasure hunt minded out so we were in the cave and everybody was freezing except for me just because because of that extra layer there you go dad bob so gave everybody the option and it was also a teachable moment gave everybody the option said because we actually we came to a waterfall and so we were everybody was told there's a waterfall to the right and at the back of the waterfall all there is is a cave wall and that's the end and to the left we leave and we go back and so the option was given do you guys want to leave or do you want to go down the waterfall and back up the waterfall and the funny thing was is the staff all took a vote which which i always gave them a voice and uh but they all took a boat without even looking at me or asking they all took a boat and they said who wants to leave it's too cold and so they took a vote and they all said they all said we're going back so at that moment when they said that i would um hold a second last i checked you're all on my payroll you're all here under me paying you and this isn't a democracy you get to go where i say we're going and i'm making the executive decision we're going down the waterfall and they all looked at me like are you crazy and of course i looked at them back and they looked like so we went i i would never ask them to do anything that i wouldn't do myself so i was the very first one to go down about a 30-foot waterfall inside a cave with freezing water pushing all over my body so i went down first so they knew if i went down they could make it as well so i went down and i was in a pool of water and i said all right it's safe everybody else can come down now but once they saw me do it and by the way you gotta you gotta keep in mind you're traversing down a waterfall with freezing water pushing your body down the waterfall off the waterfall and you have to repel down on a rope so i'm down there waiting for them i'm telling them i'm leading the way going everything's okay everything's okay come on down so the whole team makes it down but who was down there the longest i was and because i was submerged the entire time i was also getting i was going through the stage of the hypothermia which for me it was a challenge for my body see how far i can push myself because i wasn't going to be the first one up i was also the last one of them so i helped all of them get down and then i helped all of them get up and out well at that point once they all traversed back up the waterfall my body my muscles were already from hypothermia stages so i began to try and clench onto the cave wall that traversed back up the actual waterfall and my fingers would not move the muscles were too frozen in atrophy and i was in the bottom of a waterfall in a pit of water with hands that couldn't actually work to get me out and so i jumped up the waterfall tried to grab onto the cave wall and nothing happened except the waterfall came straight down on my face pushed me right back underwater and i was tumbling underwater and i came back up for air and i thought i'm gonna die that was my first [Music] maybe we'll get the thought right now you just need like two or three really good pushes i'm pushing boom the gold is sure that's what they told me when i was stuck on the waterfall look how close so i did the same thing again you have to fight up against the waterfall and then you have to grab onto the handholds in the actual cave wall and the waterfall did the exact same thing to me again it literally pushed me straight down i took mouse full of water faces full of water i tumbled under into the pool boundary down below because my body was already in the later stages of hypothermia so i contended that i have two options let them live hi guys [Music] one rescue down now we still got to figure out did i get rescued do you think they rescued me out of the cave i don't know maybe i will never tell you definitely didn't die that day well i thought it was going to i honestly thought okay well there's no way i can get back up have you gone back ever since uh not to that cave but so i just basically went all right this is literally where i'm gonna die i actually went first and i stayed in the water the longest submerged and i stayed and i went last and now i don't have the muscle strength to actually get myself out so there was no way of getting me out this was the best part of the whole thing and by the way if you ever ask my staff they will tell you this was their favorite trip they literally made a 25 foot human chain walked themselves back down the waterfall and they came down and rescued me and that is the ultimate team building exercise and when we got out of when we got out of the cave they all wanted to do it again they were like that was the best thing ever this was so amazing thank you so much so again the whole premises of leadership pushing people where they don't want to go do anything they don't think they can do and at the end they were so thrilled that they had actually participated in it i bet you if i were to call every single one of them right now and said meet me next week in the caves every single one of them would show up for that trip again as a matter of fact we're going cavian aren't we george we are did she just say what i think she said does she agree as long as i don't as long as i'm not in deep waters we're we'll go to the devil we'll go to the devil's pinch that's a dry cave i'm gonna take george to the devil's pitch and film it for you guys let's see we'll we'll see if i freak out also there's an amazing cavern in there the best thing in the world to do the same acapella and the cavern the reverb is so crazy so we're gonna go the first weekend in august i'm gonna plan the trip out he's gonna plan the food i'm gonna plan the trip and get the whole trip planned what day are we leaving a day on a date one of them okay there's seven days in a week which day one of them but you can be assured i'm gonna film it all george underground [Music] under the uh travel with us travel with us folder or playlist uh yeah that'll go under the travel with us playlist there are all kinds of playlists on the channel point pushers live auctions safes trunks travel with us the travel with us the travel with us videos are actually where they get to know us better that was when i was a noob i was a noob on youtube that's when you were george and not patricia that's when i was like really shy and camera shy and didn't say much [Music] a few inches later [Music] oh elvis is singing elvis is singing come on rapid fire [Music] oh it moved it definitely moved yeah it moved now if we could get it oh man that whole thing would just fall right inside there's no way it could fall forward why not all the class yeah we know that already if it did though well we wanted to fall backwards and to the right to get the gold so i'm cool with that i completely cool with it falling backwards to hit the goal i don't think the tower is long enough to hit the goal sounds like a common problem a lot of people have a few inches later [Music] i think it's dinner i'm time sure i'm not sure gold is worth all this [Music] yeah yeah gold is worth all this it's definitely worth it yeah gold is worth this who we kidding [Music] just joking [Music] oh my goodness finally oh my gosh finally yeah keep pushing let's see let me i'll just go oh yeah all right let's see what you can get remember when the quarters get heavy like this it's actually harder to push the quarters off you don't make as much money so she could be wasting just as many quarters if not even more as she's putting in right now where she could actually make more the quarters on the sides will just fall there we go yeah the side ones are gonna go those are some good side pushes [Music] with your kisses oh come on [Music] nice get in the oh there you go that's a good push i got a nice quarter lance out of that [Music] that sounds like my next new song coming out you know about the borderlands thinking okay so we got the gold we knocked the tower we saved it we are in the green don't they say green why do they say you're in the black and not the green well in the green would apply to golfing for what golfing oh [Music] i don't know much about golfing oh i see said the blind man to his death dog as he picked up his hammer and saw i'm getting some good pushes here there it is the shining i like the looks of that all right how many quarters before we finally gave up 261.50 you owe me a cave-in trip [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 129,082
Rating: 4.9214249 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: KGjILeExlHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 11sec (2531 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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