SketchUp live model: Cleaning Up 3D Warehouse Models

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YouTube notification everybody's looking forward to the weekend I'm gonna have to stop and restart of course I'll sorry for the little lapse in service there turns out Facebook Oh [Music] I changed last time to fix that hey guys thanks for tuning in it looks like there's a bit of a problem with the stream so I'm gonna stop and you might have to refresh when we come back in just a moment thank you or firing her up again seeing if this one comes through okay what do we go do we got the weird the weird looking thing okay yeah less whacked out does that mean it's partially whacked out this is the right amount of whack whack yes we're doing a little black and white little Moody you got that blue shirt on air and I figured out how to change the camera settings to make it only blue show through very interesting and cool of course come on old boy it's always Facebook's fault that this doesn't work I'm gonna blame it on them I'm not streaming there yet so I can say that yes I got I got two or three channels running oh okay it's guarding skirting no that's not a good skirt at all okay starting on Facebook Friday streams and then we can get started hope you guys appreciate the artsy blue and black and white look at that we're moody like that there we go two-faced butts working I'm going to need two extra phones so I can check all three streams at once how long is this session plan to be usually we go about four hours but of course you're welcome to hang out for as much as a little that as you want so hopefully we structure this in a way that you get something out of it if you're here for half an hour hour or the whole time yes and the video will be posted on YouTube afterwards usually takes after we're done it takes half an hour or something to like process and then it'll be up there for all future non asynchronous viewing not non asynchronous but just asynchronous be synchronous probe asynchronous anti Nana asynchronous double negative very true to you okay it's just now start time so we're good so once we start in the next minute then you know everything's good everything's cool I would be interested to see the breakdown on an average live stream how much time is spent in the setup and hold on guys let me do this okay let me fix that like I wonder how much of an average stream that is it's got to be like a couple minutes per stream right I mean once that I've watched it's not like boom we're going on your way awesome kidding all right start throw out some highs while we're doing this now let's see we got hyper and dog hi Dave - illa hi Barbara hi James thanks for coming by guys yeah hopefully this is interesting hopefully this is a good thing well it'll be something regardless you can say that for sure this will be a thing oh that's right that's why are you make the big bucks baby okay I think we're ready to ride all right hi Steven hi Duane I depend ER Oh hundra sorry we have a reason thing that kind of merges some of the streams together and so the stream thing I have the background of the text is gray and depending on what's what where you're coming in from the text is a dark blue that straight up disappears into the gray so Alejandro I know who you are I know who you are no I know I know who you are but your name just kind of disappear your little odd blueish blob there so enough about that how's everybody doing happy Friday we made it we made it to the end of the week I wasn't sure I was gonna make it a couple days there I'll be honest with you but knowing that I get to hang out - you guys made me like buckle down and get through so yeah you've got to get down on Friday that's we're here to do that's right that's it's time so we're gonna do some fun stuff today hopefully everyone's doing well hello from Switzerland from Greece hey Duff how's it going Canada yours are awesome I love that we get to hang out in so many places all at once I mean it kind of still feels like Colorado no matter wherever hanging out but it's good it's a good thing all right we'll get we'll get rolling but first we got to do what we've been doing we're gonna hop into our best bus ever competition and just take a look at what we got here best bus ever best bus ever best bus ever that was awesome all right hello from hello Sweden in India oh yeah I didn't get any London I didn't get enough time to to work out sound effects so some of you'll probably bummed out but I might be doing some Island sound effects like chanting like that or maybe I'll get one of those clown hawkers we didn't have a super solid topic so he couldn't go source music or anything like that this time what does 3d warehouse sound like that's a great question that is that's that's alright anyways back to the best boss ever so we have we're up to like 10 entries now which is awesome because I think is the deadline Monday what's the day today yeah deadlines Monday whew don't do it you past inators so this is it you just you haven't had if you haven't entered already you get to spend you're in America anyhow holiday weekend modeling in Sketchup I don't know that we knew that remembered that Memorial Day was Monday when we picked that as a deadline oops or say anyhow yeah so we got some got some cool stuff here I can't remember how many of these we looked at last time I know some of these we looked at this is cool haha the dragon bus that's some transformer action going on there I hope they got the day off school is that a school yeah that's actually kind of interesting too that our our best bus ever competition ended when the school year is ending here my kids had their last day yesterday school's out for summer thank you very much all right we have a time-traveling interdimensional traveling school bus here that's awesome Wonder there is a if you guys don't know there's a threat on the forum if you go to our forum forums that's ketchup calm you can search for best bus and there's actually a lot of these are getting posted there in rendered images too so pretty cool lots of blinking lights shining stuff that kind of thing this is best bus or ugliest bus ever I like it so I wouldn't say that some wood paneling and some bright pink there's a winner to me good stuff I mean it's got to look you want the bright colors so that you know you notice it you're not gonna run across the road playing ball or something that's right you're at the bus stop you don't have to pay super close attention use that pink eye gloss ever you can't miss it yeah there's the cool one double Mac mainline section ooh all right this bus stops at all railroad xìng very cool good train as well I know who that's from and we got one more new one here the beach bus mmm hanging out with Chris there I just tried to rotate that model with my mouse does not work on three warehouse that is I gotta say that's a big surfboard up there I remember exactly how long the bus was but that's 50-plus feet or something like that so that's a lot of surfboard that's alright of longboarding but this is ridiculous that's like that's a team surfboard pile everybody up on and all the Beach Boys up on there yes right cool awesome good job guys good job giving us some buses I was little I was I was a little scared a couple weeks ago when we had like one or two entries so it's cool I'm glad to see the more and more of them are showing up I'm excited to come in on Tuesday and see after the deadline what what it looks like see those everybody who's entered so thank you great job all right speaking of your job what we want to do today is dive into the 3d warehouse so not just that we're not gonna spend three hours looking at stuff on 3d warehouse oh man I know we're gonna use Sketchup what I want to do is I want to get a model of something and I want grab it off 3d warehouse and I want to go through the process of cleaning it up so some of you guys have used 3d warehouse before and you've seen that 3d warehouse me a mixed bag you can get stuff that as beautiful perfect beautifully put together wonderful you can get stuff that looks good but it wasn't put together that well you don't look good from this angle if you turn around here it's kind of messy or somewhere in between there maybe there's some stuff that doesn't look good and isn't well put together that's stuff hopefully you're not downloading but what I wanted to do was get some ideas from you what would be a what would make a good thing too well here let back up even more so there's obviously different ways we can clean up models we can optimize them for rendering we can clean them up so they look good inside of a walkthrough one of the most elaborate or lengthy processes is taking a model and in my opinion prepping it for 3d printing because it has to be a solid it has to be all one piece in order to print properly so what I want to do is I want to get something that that you guys that we together right now decide would make a cool 3d print download it and then go through the process of preparing it so we're going to go through the steps of grouping and ungrouping cleaning up intersections overlaps not so much materials we won't get into too much this time maybe we'll do we'll dedicate some more time to materials in the future stream but it's really going to be about the geometry taking that geometry and making it usable for what we have to do we've talked a little bit touched here and there on 3d printing before we made a solid with part of the Iron Man mask but this is going to be basically all the tricks and tips I can come up with from doing this and I've done this quite a bit we actually a couple years ago we made a exhibit for an educational seminar which was DC the Washington DC area and all the monuments and not just - but historic buildings from there and we downloaded from Google Earth models actually of a lot of those historic buildings which looked very nice but they were not even a little bit solid like not at all so um so yeah we're watching that like it was the capital building one that you did exactly yeah the road and stuff yeah so that was it was kind of a lot of stuff you did to super super fast we still up on our YouTube channel of course but it was the whole thing condensed down to like eight minutes or something like that it was a couple hours of work so we had to watch it real time here so I'm gonna throw this out now and I'm gonna go back and review the highs and welcome all of our countries that are here when we think about a good 3d printed thing that we could do I was thinking of like a some maybe a vehicle or a a prop of some sort something that we could find on 3d warehouse what would be cool that we could get download and prep for 3d printing and whatever this thing is too by the way I want to I'll throw it on the 3d printer so we can look at it next week so with that go ahead let's let's hear some ideas throw some ideas out and let's hear what you guys all have well while we're doing that Sweden India France hello from France we are by red seas back dancing hi from Chicago that's my hometown well just outside Chicago but nobody knows where Lake Zurich Illinois is but Chicago Duke oh that's true you mate I did howdy Johnny shanks Thor hello from Iceland let's see who else we got over here Thailand we said hi blue Croatia cool Wow Ireland awesome from all over yeah so much more than gas yeah this is great international incident happened right here globe globe spanning that's right Sun never sets on the Sketchup Empire that's stream stream fostering never sets no stream does set streams gonna send a couple hours yeah it's Friday so what do you guys think so I mean I'll throw my idea a big fan of Jeeps I don't currently own a jeep but I have owned several jeeps in the past and I was going to be kind of cool since I don't have my own Jeep to 3d print one that I could sit on my desk and just stare at longingly like a Wrangler is every time yeah exactly like yeah a Wrangler my girlfriend's got a Grand Cherokee but I feel like two Jeep people if you don't have like a Wrangler or yeah what's the other one that looks like that a cj7 or cj5 right yeah and it's like you're not really you're not gonna get the Jeep way yeah I mean I have a hard time being elitist I'm I'm happy with anything anybody has a Jeep that's cool Liberty will do delivery yeah in a pinch mutter Liberty a gladiator Montreal Wrangler 2010 nice that'll do it alright I'm gonna make sure speaking of a gladiator I have a question for you and Delia movie is about gladiators oh that's good stuff right there katana figures yeah that'd be I always thought um like kind of printing your own board game yeah miniatures would be a nice use of 3d printing but I don't know the ones that you have in the office at least the ones that I know I use are not high enough resolution for like really good-looking minis but yeah that would be one of the issues we'd hit would be resolution for we could find that's that's some kind of figures would be kind of cool - that'd be fun [Music] hmm Oh is gladiator a train Oh as a time I was thinking Russell Crowe - I almost searched the warehouse for Russell Crowe but no not even nutrients Masari but got up against trains just just hasn't crossed my Jeep gladiator is that a thing - oh man I need my guy in the chair wait would you buy it either yeah is that a thing yes all right so just I'm gonna throw Jeep in and just see what happens we'll start there so obviously here we are this is the perfect definition of hitting and missing with the warehouse I like that top right one actually one down from that the red one print that baby yeah what's had to use the thickener extension on it send it to the printer so I mean and I'm not gonna put down any model I think it's awesome anybody who spends time modeling something and shares it through through warehouse that's awesome except for the ones where they take Bryce and make a shirt a different color and upload it as a new model that less respect is going out for that I'll just be totally honest know people are innovators you know sometimes you want a person with like a red shirt hey now Bryce is wearing blue and now Bryce is wearing black yeah that that less stoked about all right well yeah I mean some cool stuff here there's there's a jeep with some treads on it that's that's fun you've got this this a kit of additional parts here that's pretty sweet hmm 90% sure this is a Hummer and not a Jeep but oopsie renegade made the list oh nice Pernilla ass leaf well thanks for tuning in for a little bit yeah check it out it'll be uploaded to YouTube afterwards and is there a schedule for these sessions I mean we do we've been doing noon on Fridays Mountain Time but as far as like topics and stuff you just have to follow us on social for what we're gonna do that week we kind of pick it out the week before so oh yeah check it out on the old social em yeah one of the reasons we like hearing from you guys as we do these things of course we do actually have a running list of things we're gonna look at or things that were potentially gonna model and that's all been fed by by what you guys ideas you guys have so not all of them sometimes we we've had a couple that we've done because of stuff that's going on and you know Game of Thrones and game happen that kind of thing so we had a piggyback on the that's right you know on the popular stuff so this this is a cool model it's it's it looks like it's really well put together I'm guessing this would actually be fairly easy to make solid but I would like to find something me it's a little more detail than that that looks a little a little low detail there goo now this let's take a peek at what the 3d model looks like I like the big tires that's kind of fun wine glass ornaments nice 53 willies CJ high hood okay yeah there's a wheelie back there on the front page this this is all right this is detail kind of thinking I'm gonna you're gonna do the inside to know well we'll see I'll probably leave the inside to the end if we get to it might be kind of fun to make something with a removable top that'd be kind of cool but I don't know for sure it did this can depend on so a couple things here is so when I did the models talking about with the landmarks I just actually had the links of landmarks sent to me and it said you know these are the models I got to work on with this we'll be able to kind of evaluate maybe we'll download a couple of them just to take a look I'm just gonna go ahead and download this right now just grab that just as a potential look at I did see this we mentioned a Willys and I did see this model of who Willy's which I thought was kinda cool looking to might grab this just to check it out but we'll use this to kind of evaluate the kind of thing we can see on the kind of stuff we can see on that's that is pretty cool maybe anybody who's seen one of these old Willy's knows that there's actually not a whole lot of detail to them there's a lot of bent metal and [Music] it kind of looks like what's this that's kinda cool all right I'm gonna grab out of this if nothing else just just a fun model so we'll keep rolling through here hope there's another Willy's Holland Latvia Wow tune in across the globe wonderful are we broadcasting from those Elon Musk satellites whatever you just send up some satellites yesterday and measure that up and running fish boy yesterday are they light stream I know it's something like that right is that the the effort to give free Internet to everyone everywhere that what that's the project I hope so that'd be nice free Wi-Fi oh this guy right here mm-hmm I kind of like this yeah it's uh it's a cool look and it's got enough detail to thing so one of the things that I'm looking at when I look at something that's 3d print is the detail it's real easy to go in and close-up detail but it's not as easy to take someone else's model necessarily and add detail to it so if for example the handles were like an image on the side well that's great that means if I wanted to actually model it I'd have to go in and start drawing from scratch and pull out a shape or cut in a shape so that makes a little bit more work when they're already here if there's too much detail or there's something small it's gonna be too small to print so I need to fill it with backing something like that it's a lot easier to add that support or fill in a detail and to remove it so so if for example I whatever reason I didn't want the cup to be here behind the handle I could go in and close that surface up and then just have this piece on the outside that would be real easy but again to take it as a picture and create that 3d space that that negative space inside that's more work so I'd rather have too much detailing come back here oh this is a perfect example well maybe not I might actually leave this and see if it can print but these bars if I didn't want to actually do that if I want to fill it in it would be a lot easier for me to just go and connect some geometry and make a surface on there rather than have to go in and redraw these tubes and intersect them myself so too much detail to a point eventually there's so much detail that you're spend time just deleting geometry and that's that's when we've gone too far the other way ooh I'm seeing a potential issue here with this another car guy but fairly certain the sheet necked if you get like a lift kit or some kind of mod you know maybe that well connect that I'm kinda getting the feeling then maybe this undercarriage section here was kind of added on or borrowed from somewhere else because the wheels look they're like they're pretty close to be in the right spot what about that suspension did it looks like maybe they added a separate suspension yeah they may have something they have gone through in yeah so this stuff's in here I'm just gonna I've heard of like a car that gets dumped you know you gotta drop that thing down you want to rake it you know I mean no I don't this cars things that I remember from people talking about in high school so this actually looks good because I like one of the things I don't want to download because we would make our stream really short is a beautiful solid model that there's nothing to do to so I know there's some issues on here that we could work on so I'm gonna go ahead and grab this one right here let's take a peek inside real quick oh whoa we got interior modeling - mmm no this is the yeah so they did just grab the suspension off of something else it looks like and plop it into this model yeah cool not up not a problem we may work I'm gonna grab it it's got it's got the right amount of issues Dave said how do you determine whether to fix a model or we redraw it from scratch using the 3d warehouse as a reference perhaps does it kind of depend on the model that you find or does it depend more on like the project that it is or like how comfortable you feel modeling from scratch or how much time you have or yeah I'd say there's there's two things to consider one is the usage what am I actually gonna use this for so if I was working on an architectural model for example and my client said well I gotta see my Jeep out front of the of the house or make sure that my Jeep is gonna fit into the garage because I got lift kit whatever RVs are a big thing is that gonna fit into the space something like that I would grab it you know does it look presentable it looks okay yeah go ahead and grab it one of the things the other thing to look at is going to be file size so we don't have a ton of detail over here but it's enough to kind of give you a idea of how heavy a model this is going to be so this is 80 thousand pout polygons around 8 megabytes so this is a decent size it's not huge by any means but it's it's a good size model by itself let me go ahead and download it yes I did I don't know I got it again backup copy use that one as a reference okay yeah so if I look at something already go way similar this Jeep right here this is obviously less than a K less than kilobyte 2000 surfaces this isn't the kind of model that I would download to put into an architectural model necessarily but maybe if I had just doing a kid's room and wanted a Jeep toy snuck in there maybe I would grab something like that but that's the kind of thing I would look at it would be conscious of the file size for what it's going to be used for so if it was a toy it's something small on the side of a renderer I don't want to you know hundreds of thousands of polygons if it's going to take up this much of the screen on the corner on the other hand if it's the main thing I'm doing like this Jeep I probably want to invest a little more so unfortunately some of those things where there's not a cut drei oh if it's fifty thousand polygons or less or it really is going to depend on what you want to use as far as Davis asking using the view in 3d warehouse this is a good way to do an initial review of a model but I won't rely on this alone to commit to something like a model one of the things I will always do there there is a the ability in Sketchup you can open 3d warehouse from within Sketchup go find a model and import it directly into Sketchup I almost never do that the only time I do that is if I know the model I'm pulling down is good or safe it's what I want to use so if you ever see us on videos go let's just go grab a model odds are good we took a look at the model beforehand and determined that it was the model I want to download and when I say safe I'm not worried about like viruses or something like that I'm saying it's not going to be if you guys have ever done this before we download a model that's three million polygons or something like that you download it and it just sits there and chugs and chugs and chugs and chugs that's the kind of stuff we don't want to have happen where you downloaded into like an existing model it has a million different layers right exactly I don't want to mess with my layers or my scenes so nine times out of ten what I'll do is come in here through a browser download the model and then go open it up and check it and if i like it everything's good then i'll save it and import it into my working drawing so just a tip in general that's the workflow that i would recommend a lot of times people use 3d warehouse to house their own models and they pull them in if you're doing that then that's that's great you don't have to worry about it go ahead and pull it in if you don't know a model don't don't take a strange model home without doing proper investigative work what I'm saying there you're that would be irresponsible that's right all right so we're gonna we're already started mark come on man sorry sorry guys oh he's behind the times oh I didn't put in there I didn't put on the right layer oh man sorry I tried to make a really nice little template here that I could just use all the time and I'm not working out nope all right well let me say this is the template again boom save it all right now now that we've done that let's go ahead and file import should be the most recent file on your desk AP fob alright alright so first just first impression it looks like it's pretty close to proper scale so that's a plus that's one of the things that is hard to gauge on 3d warehouse because when you see it the image that you first get in 3d warehouse is depending on how how the model saved so if I was to go to file and save right now my 3 in and upload this to 3d warehouse this is what would show up on that little tile there when you see the file listed on 3d warehouse was that little bit under bottle be saved in there too [Laughter] so the thing is that I don't generally speaking there's not really way from that thumbnail to tell is this a huge model as the tiny model what is this so generally speaking that's the first thing we look at when I import it alright it looks like it's about right something else that I'm seeing right now is this container for this group it is huge see it's not just wrap around the Jeep it's wrapped around all this other stuff so what that's telling me is something else is going on inside of this can I guess guess axis that could be it that could be well that would be part of it so the bounding box includes all the geometry that's in a group plus the axes so if the axis was all the way over here we would explain this corner being so far but if you look the box goes way above below and extends past it so it's up against the edge on this side but it goes past it this way it goes past it front and back so there's more to it than that I bet I bet that's part of it though well let's go to we're going to go to view and start looking or on hidden geometry see if there's anything in there nothing that's currently visible we're gonna go check our layers some of these are mine so these hashtag ones are the in the template that's that's how I make mark talk but look at all these all these things so we're just gonna start where to start taking inventory here term off temporarily let's see what happens if I turn on a tire - ooh you see that a little girth while not really girth is just kind of I'm thinking maybe those are the stock tires that actually line up with a bit these certainly happen to you it's up off the warehouse that's right this is this is a perfect example of exactly what talking about all right so here I got a thing gosh so this is on layer 0 I'm just gonna temporarily move it out of the way and turn on that fat tire to layer oh no that's in the same group Oh killing me I can't complain this is why we're doing this this is straight up like exactly why we're talking about this stuff there are so we do have some things published out there which are guides to you know what's the best way to prepare a model for a 3d warehouse and we talk about things like you know don't nest things six layers deep all of geometry should be on layer 0 everything else should be on named layers think it's real easy to turn them off this one already has some weird nesting going on so this is an example of the kind of stuff you're gonna run into if you 3d warehouse which is good I said this is kind of what I was asking for right so here we have layout for cutting something I'm delete that I don't know what it is you know I don't want it so I'm going to delete this layer something else is on this layer so I'm not going to delete it all right I'm gonna just keep working through here I have an image here there's the image of the tires that I can get rid of actually I'm gonna do this I'm gonna select one of their nested on the layer wheel this piece is on the layer image hmm it's crazy stuff it's crazy in here perhaps this person need to watch the layers video would you ever use outliner for this to see like where groups are located in the model and stuff yes absolutely so I just went and selected everything on the selected layer it's just those so I feel a confident I can delete and nothing too weird happens all right we got rid of all layer we're doing something yes absolutely outliner is huge because it's really easy I mean even just right there so we just jumped through so many different groups this is the group of the group in the group in the group so what I can do here is when I have something selected outliner is gonna show me okay this is wheel front which is in the XV wheel spoke which is in the XV wheel group which is in the XV wheel group which is in the rim 4x4 so yeah this thing is is deep so one of the things so this at this point we're just doing evaluation we're not even thinking about 3d printing right now I'm just trying to find where everything is in this model one of the things want to think about in the back of my head is what I want to end up with is a single solid right I want to have one piece that is one massive solid that I can just send to a printer when I think about doing that I have to think about things like this is this rim the amount of detail in a print so I'm thinking this this Jeep is gonna be you know maybe that big so that means the wheels gonna be about that big which means this hubs gonna be about this big so when I'm going this big how much detail do I need to put in there am I gonna actually have these thin walls like this or am I gonna just bulk this out and just leave these indents in a solid piece inside the wheel probably that second one but again evaluating so looking at looking at stuff see what's on detail six details five three two one well I found something I don't want to say he varied from the drawings but that a Subaru it's not a four it's a it's a 2013 13 cross tech well I guess that's where he got the XV from right uh yeah I'm trying like oh I think you copied the hubs XV wheel yeah there so that's where those came from so that's what it was okay we're cool we're cool alright so these are also nested in the group somewhere so I keep coming in here this is this is gold right here this is everything did not do all right have me get rid of those I also got some dimensions in here I don't need those alright we're cleaning it up I bet right now if I step out just like that group all right so you check that out there was those big images that push the bounds of that group out so alright so we're doing good we're doing awesome here we do still have this tire one tire to thing gonna hop in here a little bit deeper so this tire yeah I don't love this tire I want to make the the new tires that they made work on here so I'm just gonna grab this group and delete it alright so we're back to this so we will have to do some work in here as far as the under here getting the axles lined up with where the tires X are I'm gonna say where the tires are is where I want to keep them so we're gonna grab this whole mess here we're just going to slide it into place same thing in the back we'll grab this and scoot it back and then talk about what kind of work we've got to do to make that printable but we're getting there we're getting closer we don't need all these layers I feel better about the stuff we have cleaned up I'm going to take a look at my outliner though and see if I have anything is turned off right now that I'm not seeing looks like when something is hidden so when I when I hide a thing that go ahead and hide this temporarily see how it looks in my outline it's it's paler grayed out so if I see anything like that then I know I want to go in there unhide it so as I'm coming through here I'm seeing everything and it looks like for the most part those are all the same real nut it looks like I'm looking at everything that's in this model right now that's amazing how many layers and everything are dedicated to oh there's the lift kit yeah so that was pulled off of something else also and our actual Jeep where's our Jeep we found it is uh alright so the front end there is a separate one and then the Jeep here cool that's your Jeep Wrangler Unlimited stock darn right it is alright so it's its model is half which is something we've talked about in here this is a symmetric vehicle so it was modeled in a single path yes that's pretty sweet yes we can work from this we're gonna do some work so this is kind of cool because this is and I just talked about how we check models before we show them and things like videos I did not do that I was really totally fully ready to do something that you guys called out for but you're so silent when I ask so that's what we ended up with the Jeep I'm gonna delete one thing I just don't like this and what that light up there like I want about the nice smooth top of the Jeep there that's what I'm looking for that's personal preference that was my choice there's nothing wrong with that part of the model I just didn't want to do it alright so I'm gonna start hopping in here so I'm gonna the first thing I know there's a bunch of issues around the tires so I'm just gonna deal with those first so I'm going to double click in here and I'm gonna hide the rest the model please I'm going to reassign my shortcut key because I did it I actually created a shortcut key for this you guys I signed hi breasts of model to shift Q there we go there we go five of these guys and where the burger and fries let's see we've got a couple of comments here could you print it like that without moving wheels on the side and turning them on the XY plane maybe that maybe they're asking I don't know that I understood that question would you could you print it in different pieces maybe turn it on the XY like maybe I think they mean prints a body separate there Oh wheels and then like put them on later oh for sure yeah I mean this that absolutely this could be broken down phone I could know chop the Jeep into pieces and then print them as big as they get on the bed that's absolutely possible too yeah for sure I'm choosing to come up with a single solid from this disintegrated model because I want to show you guys some tips on how to do that but yeah you can break down as much or as little as you want to as far as that goes all right so what I'm gonna do right now there's a couple things with this with this with this wheel and tire that I'm gonna do I want to make it one solid piece with as much detail as I can spare but keeping it printable the last thing I want to do with something like this is end up with this hollow cavity which a wheel primarily is I'm you know it's it's a big hole this is where the stuff goes the brakes and the wheel drum and all the stuff go in there but I don't want that I want that to just be one big solid piece I don't want to have to come in here and break out support material or whatever if I was printing in pieces like you're asking then yeah I could probably just throw this on the printer flat like this yeah flat like that and let it build up underneath there that would be fine but since I'm going for a monolithic I want to have all this people in peace so I'm gonna keep drilling down into this model so if I go if I click in deeper the tire goes away and now I have just this piece in here if I click in I have okay all of this section was this was made in small sections okay so I see so this is one section that's then repeated all the way around cool we can work with this and then looks like these guys are separate pieces we go over that too and I also saw something else out here you can delete that I'm okay with that I'm okay losing that level of detail I think that was like the little error yeah exactly can you get those not like light up I'm sure whiteout you can lose it pretty yeah that's stuff yeah yeah I bet you can all right I'm going to take advantage the way this is constructed right now if I look at hide similar components so I'm going to take advantage of this right here if I can make this one piece a solid by itself then I know I can join all the other pieces together the nine other pieces I think there's ten of these total so I'm gonna make work on making just this one piece into a solid that looks like it's a section of it and then I'll just join them all together afterwards okay so first thing I'm gonna do I just want this to come straight back to I want to turn on my hidden geometry because everything is softened and smooth alright so here is also the back and front are separate that's good to know dude I'm going to again work with what I got I'm gonna do this look at what's here all right I'm just curious like Miss click that there's that last triangle just okay there we go do you some sort right odd oh there we go all right so there is about that oh yeah it's so nice when things line up it's just so pleasant and I'm so happy about this I'm getting rid of the hidden geometry you guys probably know when you go to 3d print something hidden doesn't matter that it basically doesn't exist is really what happens the hidden geometry is not a thing once you get into printing it's just geometry it's just circles is the only thing or surfaces excuse me is the only thing we're worried about all right so that kind of makes this whole section second oh it's connected by one line there it's also connected right there I just have to do something I'm gonna have to explode these to join them together to get in here to close this up cuz this front actually ties back in with this piece all right so I want this whole wedge to just be one big closed piece so I actually gonna go to the outside with this something else closed up that's the circle that thing that's the thing it's amazing how often the term thing is that the thing to say doesn't come straight back like this that close up there not quite all right and I'm gonna start deleting some interior geometry now get rid of this chunk right here here I don't need any of this right here well I'm gonna leave that piece right now because it's makes me happy that it closed up and and this will be like I said we're going to spend quite a bit of time to send a small section but when we're done it'll mean the entire wheel is a solid so how does that that does that close for me now I'm gonna throw a triangle across see what that does so I'm still not lined up perfectly so this I'll go ahead and I'm gonna close this I don't need this hole right here so I can go ahead and close that up like such why it's connecting things together all right get in there right here this big cavity I'm gonna get rid of these pieces that connect it to the back I actually don't need this whole middle part because you're saying that's not gonna exist because that's part of the the inside so I do want to keep this I like this relief that goes back in here so what I might do is I might do something like pull this straight back and then pull this so parallel to this straight line back here and then I'm try to figure out how to do some of this stuff as we go so this is gonna come back to work playing back here so I don't want this to do is I want to go in somewhat I don't need it to be a full cavity I need to go all the way back but I do want to have a little bit of relief in there maybe not even that much maybe I'll pull it forward more like that yes I am happy with this okay this pleases me this pleases me pleases me greatly all right so I'm gonna go perpendicular this lime and just gonna take wait a minute who hasn't told me to save yet I'm looking I don't see any saves anywhere in the comments that's why I come you guys okay I'm good enough all right there we go all right come here and what I'm doing is I'm just throwing a plane in here all right this is how far I want this geometry to come back and now what I can do is I can actually come in here and select around I'm gonna do this - I'm gonna turn to monochrome I don't need that black and the way Oh mmm oh boy that some got my frontwards where my backwards supposed to be if I can grab all of that go to extension see if I use push line push that ball look at that love it cool yes that is very pleased I'm not sure what's going on here I got some weird stuff all right so this is actually an important thing to when you're going through at some point in your journey of create taking this model that someone else created and making it into your own you get to take ownership this is now my model so how much time do I want to spend figuring out why this line won't quite close up my answer is less than I already have so I'm just gonna hit delete reconnect it all back up and be done it's amazing how I don't know if it's just me or if you let me know if you guys have done this to where you get into a detail and you're just beating your head against the wall trying to make something line up try and make something fit and I'm like oh I could delete that line every draw it and the whole thing works again a couple seconds so yeah there's there's a point where you decide this is my model and I don't I'm not worried about staying true to the original lines it doesn't matter there's a point at which it just stops mattering so get to that point as quick as possible because it's going to save you time when you're in a situation like that where you're trying to make everything line up perfectly you're not worried about artists intent the original modelers you're not restoring their model your exec unit your own I'm using their initial work as inspiration for my own final whatever it's like a sample yeah I'm respecting where it came from I think it's awesome that we remodeled as well this but yeah I'm not - I'm not gonna be hung up on keeping every piece of line work they had if it doesn't serve my purpose anymore all right so now I'm gonna run down here and just delete everything that's on the other side of this line because I don't need it somebody recommended perhaps using vertex tools to push and create a curved surface and then that would make it faster exactly that's referred to but um which piece do you talking about maybe cuz maybe that would work something that someone got something off maybe was the one that you did push line on Oh so the idea with push line was to get it back against this surface so I didn't actually wanna I mean I could go in and create a round surface that would work or something like that would work also but all I was interested in in was getting a surface back here which is already again I'm at the point right now where this is taking me too much time right now I'm about ready to scrap this thing why don't you close huh this is odd I don't like this I'm unpleased I was pleased earlier I'm no longer pleased displeasure floods through your model model huh all right I'm not quite sure what's happening here I'm gonna use I'm gonna use vertex tools right now and make this planer like these lines out know what is Oh your planer now you can't argue with me oh there we go we're closer that's odd that tells me that something's broken my geometry most likely but again guess what I'm at the point where I'm good with this I don't care anymore that's not supposed to come out this is good enough considering this detail will be this big on my print I don't care about getting that perfect that is good enough I'm gonna do the same thing here hopefully a little more eloquently we'll see I'm gonna grab this line I'm gonna come back and address the inside-outside lines in just one second the IO ELLs deployed burnin 8 extension trogdor all right I'm gonna grab that there and I'm going to a DB oh that thing Steven asks if can reversed phases effect geometry depending on what you're doing they may or may not matter for this example Aaron's preparing it to for 3d printing which the in the outside face and the inside face will matter for printing because I mean if you want to have one solid that has an outside and inside then each face has to be oriented correctly in order for that to work and also rendering is where people run into problems with kind of reversed faces as well so sometimes it doesn't matter but it's good it's good modeling practice to keep whatever is inside facing inside and whatever's outside facing outside that is the answer all right that was a little easier that's cleaned up all right so the only thing that a figure out here is gonna run some lines straight back here and see if I can see if I can't get this thing to to close up on the sides really it doesn't matter because I'm going to want this to be solid with all the all the pieces connected it would be nice if I get to close up because it will make it easier to do the inside-outside thing um also it went home didn't say alright I got a surface so working for me alright I do have extra geometry here I don't need all of this you gone oh the speaking of well not speaking out but since you're using that eraser and like dragging over sofa that skill builder that you made earlier this week with the using our race as a select that's cool I didn't I haven't ever thought of that but I got a give off he's on here but forum user Mike Wazowski aka Jack demo L that was that was his idea we had a little thing on the forum where we asked people to tell us their skill builders and when they did we made him into videos whoops I got a look look happy there that one's all me and that was that was one of the ones that somebody came up with and and that was cool I mean it makes total once you do it it makes total sense yeah but it's always interesting to like not go through the you know the full process of it's kind of like starting to draw a line orbiting and you know we select a man point like I writ when you first start modeling you don't really think of that but yeah doing stuff in the middle of operation is clever it is it's good stuff okay hello from Russia hello and Florida hello down in Florida and over in Russia what are you modeling Aaron's modeling a Jeep what kind of Jeep is it Wrangler something Rubicon is that right it's a Jeep for a 3d printing so this is part of the wheel given some cleanup on a model from 3d warehouse right now polishing up the rims I'm gonna do something else here I'm gonna go grab all of this I'm gonna go to soften smooth edges I'm gonna unn soften and smooth everything welcome back and clean it up later but right now I don't need to see this I don't want these hidden lines I'm going to turn everything back to visible there's no reason for again we talked about this before there's no reason with the 3d model like this to even have hidden lines because I'm going to 3d print geometries geometry doesn't matter if you can see it or not and soft and smooth to that's just uh yeah display property and Sketchup so yes you have a like a circle that was a cylinder that was smooth it wouldn't show up on the print it would straight segmented correct oh this this may be the reason for some of if not all of my problems closing up the side here try this one more time what tool for capturing the real object and exactly sure what you mean Xavier is that we downloaded it from 3d warehouse if that's where you're asking where we got the original geometry from and it will be 3d printed and one of the printers we have around the office yeah yeah I believe the original model was modeled after our half reference images at least that we know the wheel dealers were yeah all right so one of the things this is something that I run into a lot that is can't talk with models like this I run into a lot of is stuff not drawn on axis where models are put together with a you know kind of a that's good enough mindset which I get it's it's fine the way it looks but it can be difficult because once I get into in here I want stuff to line up and have everything be nice and clean and that's not always an option because whoever made it do something it wasn't quite an axes but that's fine it's the back of a tire throw it on I could probably have that attitude - I should probably have more of that attitude because there's me a point at which we go ok it's it's good enough I don't need to go a whole lot further to make it 3d printable so we'll probably hit that in not-too-distant future but thanks hey guys I stopped using Sketchup a long time ago but I like to watch this stream to see you creating something well thanks for tuning in and perhaps it'll inspire you to pick up the old click move click tool again that you started that off so strong yeah it just kind of I don't know if I've ever finished a sentence and been happy with it or been like nailed it yeah exactly man I really nailed that sentence always room to improve that's that's a good way to look at it Tesla know this is a part of a jeep actually so Aaron's downloaded a jeep bottle off 3d warehouse and cleaning up this is part of the wheel cleaning it up for printing on a three-dimensional printer so we have a couple 3d printers in house just is kind of cool it's a perk of working here I guess one of them so we have a couple of lols BOTS which is one of those that's a funny word but so we've got a couple Wells lols bots and then we also have which I'm thinking I'll print this on them it would be our form form printer go form to printer where it prints in the resin which is really cool because you get a much higher level of detail in your models which is super cool I got a couple of issues here where I'm just gonna I'm just gonna do this I spent enough time on this wheel so I'm gonna grab some lines and just pull them through like along their original axes here there so I'm not pulling through and their original axes I'm just off AXYZ oh come on man see that's what happens when I talk and do things well there's our two points there there is so there's some stuff going on some stuffs happening maybe this was the wrong model to clean up yeah well unfortunately I think that this part of it will be or we're gonna see a lot of things here right were to see some things and then I'm just gonna real quickly connect these together I thought quickly No so there's something going on here with these these segments right here Aaron got a new paddy thing perhaps if you're talking about the 3d mouse yeah original one short-circuited a little while ago and then he had a temporary one and then yeah a couple weeks ago got this replacement space mouse enterprise I think as what's called for a 3d connection garage on YouTube the link to that is in the description but yeah its back is back in business form - when can we win one of those hashtag giveaway hashtag ask forum to ask form labs for one yeah that's that that's not something I can give away first off it's very much not mine they're expensive side but really cool printers because they do like I said super high level of detail which is just just awesome i man sorry I'm I gotta stop and like just make something real quick because I'm brute-forcing this thing right now but there we go yeah you do what you got to do man there we go Nermin I teach everyone not to use perspective when modeling I hate it when I lose focus when I'm close to the model especially in architectural modeling so that most likely is an issue of what we call clipping where the camera shoots through is that what you're talking about where you get like basically you can think of it as this all is I have a camera on my head and I'm moving around the model and when I get too close my head pokes through the model that's called clipping we do experience an issue with clipping depending on how your model is put together if you have if your model is too big it can cause issues with clipping that is to say like architectural model if you have stuff miles away from the origin you can cause issues of clipping or if you're dealing with a real small piece of a real big model that can cause issues with clipping too so most times we see that switching between perspective and parallel helps there's less of an issue with camera in parallel but and this this is totally subjective some people really like working in that perspective you like you um I like perspective I struggle with parallel but I know this about me that's that's your call how you want to do it that's that's up to you all right you know what we're gonna see I want to just take these real quick and I'm going to now I'm thinking about this I'm realizing this matters even less than I originally was thinking because oh this is on the inside of the actual tire so that was a fun exercise and the unnecessary really actually I can just get rid of I really just need the hubcap all right that's cool so I can actually get rid of so much of what I just really all we need is out to [Music] this alright alright we're gonna clean this thing up now the cleanup begins alright so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna work my way around here I'm gonna go to an edge view like this grab as much stuff as I can delete I'm just gonna work my way around hacking at this edge the issue this so this this get stuff the issue the reason I can't just spin on to the side just go like this grab it like that is because most of my detail actually goes inside that initial geometry so it's an issue of coming in here and a little bit of precision the nice thing is once I disconnect this all from the outside I'll be able to just grab the back half and delete it all at once so a couple more rotates and selection delete like this and I should be at that point thanks I remember when I started using Sketchup a long time ago and it's still the greatest 3d modeling software oh well thanks for saying so I think Aaron and I would heartily agree with you biased but we think our opinions right yeah yeah no it is Nicolas says I love the 3d connection space Mouse Enterprise and so does Aaron he's flipping around this wheel smooth as butter and silk for that matter [Music] Oh world is there dave says you prefer I guess he says your problem is that you have two eyes and binocular vision that's why you prefer the parallel that's probably it only a head what's the alternative eyepatch so pirates prefer parallel projection that would I just that's what I learned just now mmm-hmm right maybe I mean it it emulates looking through a look at the sea lay in hell's go this yeah yeah you looking for a better maritime II sounding me word worship yeah Oh para something not known for my vocabulary we call that wording in the business I do not use a space mouth so for me modeling large models in perspective slows me moving around the model well depending on how big your model is I mean now how its created it might even with a space mask might be yeah a little slow as well so to true yeah really depends the I will say the hardest thing whether using a space mass or not is jumping from large portions of the model to detail so and that's also when you can get into the most trouble and that's when you experience things like clipping planes if you're going in do you do an architectural model of an entire building and you're zooming in and working on a light switch zooming panning all that stuff's gonna get weird at that point and that just has to do with how Sketchup goes about putting geometry on the screen and I don't know how much there is to actually do about that someone can come down to workflow so one of the things you may want to consider at that point if you do a lot of that is actually making those small pieces into components that are separate from the rest of the house and you can work on those in a separate instance you can open it up by itself work on it there and then drop it back in we did a video not too long ago kind of showcasing how to go about taking like say in the in the one we did it was an individual room and making changes to it but same goes for taking a small piece of detail of a larger model working on it as its own model and then jumping back in and out that way that it works with components the same way so some must try to consider if you're in that situation where you see that kind of work a lot all right I think I got my hubcap fairly well isolated it's better look killer I mean that's okay this is the prettiest XV wheel I've ever seen that's a lot guys so I'm using cleanup three this works a couple different is an extension from TomTom I can hit clean which is going to pull it up and clean does a lot of stuff so if I just hit clean it's going to let me go through and do a bunch of different steps I'm actually not using the full clean I'm just going in and running individual steps so in this case I'm going to say you race straight edges so all my extra lines that are just out there floating around are gone then something else I'll probably run in a minute is let's see how much the second grab it once this is yeah fun challenge thank you all this detail here in the middle he's these guys poking out alright okay do it can you the surgery but the nice thing about cleanup is I was saying is if I can get rid of these extra surfaces then these lines floating around don't matter because I can with just that one click of that extension get rid of all those extra lines so that that's nice it makes it do I don't like to look at this all this these I'm deleting these guys hey look I saw that problem nice alright so with that let's run your race straight edges again alright so I think this is is is getting me close I don't know if I have a solid yet there's a couple spots I'm concerned about but I might come back those in just a second I'm gonna do is I'm a step out once more I'm gonna actually go into this one look at what I got ooo look at that it's not not even attempted to be solid yes see if I can just just close this up with a the line Oh and this is something you run into a 3d warehouse a lot oh you know what all of these different all these leaves are called Nubby's are separate pieces alright so but it's all no I don't know what's going on here all right we're gonna explode that grab all that stuff or in as deep as we can go where I say intersect with selection that should give me these breaks on the outside of those the nubby pieces so that'll actually intersect nice that looks good all through there boy now unfortunately I don't have to do is select each of these guys oh this sucks horrible idea whose idea was this oh man okay so honestly it's probably about I'm gonna spend a minute doing this but oops so what I'm doing with each of these is I'm double-clicking the face so when I double-click the if I just like the face and hit delete it deletes just that piece if I double-click and I hit delete look what happens it deletes all of that anything here oh man this is gonna get ugly I'm totally second-guessing everything is there I like it extension you could use I don't know about that so how much of it was it it's like a third of the wheel no that's not too bad what I'm concerned with right now so I'm gonna grab this I reversed the face here reversed that face all right okay that's actually pretty cool that's pretty easy my concern right now is a lot of these holes did not poke all the way through because the pieces they were intersecting with did not actually go through so basically just making this tire solid is gonna take some time so it's currently 120 mm yeah so we're we've I mean I think we've covered some cool stuff there question for y'all now that's not a question I'm not gonna do it I don't want to spend the reason I don't want to do it well now I'm challenging myself now now I'm somebody said you could divide it into four pieces just clean a quarter of it up and then rotate that one yeah even less than that that's great minds think alike is there like I yeah that's I'm wondering so if I look right there that is hitting right there on that corner so if I go here ooh that no one site lines up super sweet so I'm gonna pull this across like this bring Lion out here like that I don't know what I just did here undo undo undo still one my favorite modify commands quick get some comments going here FK productions hello blender 3d or Google Sketchup and Y will tend to use the sketch up here on the Sketchup channel blender works for you that's fine as well of course and Google was sold to Trimble Inc in 2012 Sketchup was sold to German link that's what I meant of course yeah that's the on vertex tools you have merged clothes vertices option probably it was relate to something you were doing a long time ago Anna G hello from Spain hello Aran that pirate ship was awesome and I have to agree thank you that was fun you know that's one of those models that we've talked about this before I'm like oh man it was so cool if I had the time to draw a pie her ship and apparently I figured out a way to do it all right so there's my chunk this chunk needs to then just repeat I think 2040 let's see 1 2 3 4 5 6 24 times so I'm gonna grab everything here intersect face with selection and now I have a little bit of cleanup to do rid of the extra nubbies I'm gonna do this just to keep this nice and neat mm okay clean up all the pieces that are outside of my wedge and then what we'll do is hop in there make sure you don't delete too much sometimes I do that sometimes I delete stuff without realizing I'm deleting a line that is the edge of a surface on the inside I think I'm good on that side a load-bearing line that's right that's clean all right so here's one of those spots where we didn't quite close up that force that something's not got a line it's not closing over here you guys ever do this you ever find yourself leaning closer to the screen that you can actually zoom in on I do this that's how I know I'm in the zone when I find myself like hitting my head against the screen on occasion all right that looks good that looks like close there we go or beauty Hey oh look at that it's all come together oh there we get that's one half who so happy right now ha dog yes a what I had for lunch yesterday a hot dog all right and a hamburger Wow not a cheeseburger with onion and mustard the ketchup was all gone sorry hear that that sounds like you were at a way better place history then I was I was at the Trimble Westminster office all right what's going on there what why Edgar culture division had a meeting and then a barbecue afterwards and I was invited a videotape the meeting was invited graciously accepted to the barbecue nice nobody wins like that all right one sides cleaned up and hop over here on the other side do some more deleting you know it's funny when you do this kind of cleanup how much work the old eraser tool gets yeah is it getting a worn out yeah that's it get a new one so tired like gigantic-sized erasers it was like four really big mistakes you ever seen those I think remember yeah that was quality it's calling here we don't care we see and then of course the big pencils are very funny as well I remember one time my friend broke his wrist and then he used one of those big pencils he's like dealing that's like it right with that sounds rough yeah that sounds not like not fun yeah you have to sharpen it with like a knife you know hey Jonah a lot of classrooms have big pencil erasers or big pencil sharpeners yeah yes won't the jump you popped you right there if it's my choice to use a large pencil why do you not accommodate me with a large sharpener oversized pencil sharpest nun that probably bad cuz it's like the exact same size as a child's arm I do see what you say like that that makes a lot of sense yeah I want a sharp hand that's Debbie Han steady hands Edward stabby hands I've ever heard of stabby CAD stabby CAD sta bi oh yeah I think I have I heard someone mention it yesterday in that there isn't some some computer-assisted designed context but I wonder if they have the extra large sharpener is at their office can't have stabby hands without a steady hand steady steady hands steady hands I do lean in on the screen and then I get very angry with myself because I have the neck and shoulders like stones yeah yeah yeah my neck hurts big time all the time stone shoulders and neck that's a good way of putting stone shoulders like that all right we did it all right all right I can lean back again break those stones up that's right crunch there's definitely crunching noises happening all right so I'm going to take that and I'm not gonna even make a group out of it I'm just gonna grab the geometry option copy x-23 there we go and I'm going to just soften that thing up just for myself just to see how oh my issue I have right now is I have Interior Plains that's why it's not disappearing so I'm just gonna break those planes all right that looks like that'll work I am going to exit one grab that group and run solid inspector on right now we haven't used solid inspector yet but solid inspector is essential and this is why I actually have a shortcut key assigned a solid inspector or I did I think I understand it because I ran out of room on my shortcuts but if you're doing this kind of work solid inspector is somebody just run over and over and over again as you work because we're going to do is as we come out each level of the group that we come out as we come out one to the next we want to make sure that we're building solid and then I'm gonna grab the hubcaps slap it on here make sure it's solid and I'm just going to keep working my way back out to make sure everything I was solid this got a bunch of options some straight edges inside I totally believe that some internal faces and some reverse faces I'm just gonna say thick so I'll see what happens solid specters happy you sketch ups happy it's calling it solid and of course don't forget to say you control this all right that looks good I'm happy with that all right I am so where am i right now so look how many layers deep this group is so this is the group that actually has the geometry it's this tyre number one it is in one two three four five different levels I don't need five levels of rapper right now so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna at that at the second lowest level I'm going to explode I'm gonna step out another level I'm going to explode again all right so when I come out another level here's where my two groups are finally meeting I mean see that that's inside of another level nope that's that's the master level and then I'm in here right now with these two so I'm out now that's good I'm gonna I'm in a good place now all right so I'm gonna look at this I'm gonna scoop this out temporarily I'm gonna grab this and I'm going to man explode again so much exploding I'm gonna get rid of this face right here step back out grab this and I'm gonna slide it back oh oh that it's you I got some extra hooks got some extra gem every everything is so deep so many layers had some extra geometry here I'm gonna get rid of for a couple reasons I don't need this teeny little little outset of the hubcap is probably more realistic but for the scale of which I'm printing that's a detail I'm not gonna see so I'm not worried about that I'm just gonna have this this ring hopefully be flush with the tire no I'm good thanks Siri series just checking in see if anything alright hopefully this all flies together because we got some more Jeep to work on can't be spending all this time on this wheel actually this will probably the most complex it looks like the rest of the body is actually gonna be a little quicker to put together I'm really hoping that's the case all right and we're done okay I'm gonna take this now pull it straight back so I grab on the green axes and this is an issue that comes up a lot you guys probably seen this I can't quite see where I'm snapping to this is where x-ray comes into into I want to snap this into my surface and see you so that's hitting the face of the tire this is an issue that happens all the time through a warehouse or not this hub was made with a different number of segments it looks like possibly than the wheel was so I don't have a clear connection I don't have a just circle slots in a circle we're good to go this has more sides than the the wheel was made with so I get this I get this thing where here's my faceted edges of my hub and here's my big facets of my wheel there's not a simple fix for that I can't just go bump or reduce one of them or the other so what I'm gonna do in this case is I'm gonna push it back in just enough so that it laps completely over the geometry of the hub see that and now now that that's done if I come look inside here in the back see that overlap right there that's what I need these two pieces lap over each other now I'm gonna grab both of them and I'm gonna explode them and I got exposed to hub twice because that still is two layers deep all right now I'm gonna grab everything and I'm going to right-click as I'm dealing with this - you get that fix so fixed geometry shows up anytime that I have something like persistent ID information that's in a component or something like that that's incorrect or if I have bad geometry as I'm going through with this kind of thing where I'm making a little tiny piece of geometry and deleting and on and off like that I usually don't worry about fixing it I'll let it do a fix the end but right now I just kind of dismiss it and keep going I still grab all this geometry interset actually before I do that let me grab this geometry and temporarily smooth it not because I'm worried about how it's gonna look but because it's easier to grab smooth gems you see that right there that's all one piece this one right here all one piece so once it intersects it'll be a lot easier to clean up when I can just grab those overlapping faces so I'm gonna grab everything intersect base with selection and what that should give me is this little I should get a cut basically all the way around the wheel right here and it's a lot of facets to cut so it's gonna take a second or two to do that well luckily we have some comments of ketchup on right we'll good morning from Australia hello thanks for watching early morning bogged in a bit late Aaron looks like you've using a space Mouse Enterprise wired version what is your main Mouse sorry as if these have already been answered but nope my main Mouse right here my main Mouse this is a Logitech MX master so the reason I like this is because it just has so many programmable buttons it's got several buttons here under the thumb a couple scroll wheels there's actually a button on the thumb pad that I can use to assign gestures so my most commonly used drawing commands are actually activated through my mouse and not through the 3d mouse or shortcuts so I do recommend if you want to spend a little more money there about $100 you can actually get them on Amazon for things like 60 70 something like that it's worth it especially if you spend all day it's also a little bit heavier it's a little bit bigger some mice I feel like I'm scrunching my hand up to get on top of them you end up with the yeah claw hands to use it this actually fits in my hand pretty good it's heavier and it's got dark force technology I think they call it so this will actually work on a piece of glass just pretty cool I've only had once where I went to a client and tried to do a demo for him and they had straight-up just a bunch of glass conference tables everything was glass and hopefully no stones being thrown yeah cool shell Raider says much click ease on the MX master yes do you have assigned shortcuts on the extra buttons on that Mouse it sounds like you do for drawing commands and also for the 3d bow so you have shortcuts assigned to those buttons as well yep lots of shortcuts somebody once said the difference between a master and apprentice is shortcut use that would have to agree that's definitely a big part of it thanks for your videos I learned a lot of useful that's where it ends but I assume useful information yeah thanks for watching yes absolutely I'm just run through here I had a couple piece of jump didn't quite clean up I don't know I'm not feeling super-confident about saving this hub at this point I'll be totally honest with you guys it's a cool model but man I don't know if we can we can save this this is a lot of crazy geometry again if we were just modeling a tiger right now I'd be all in but as it is oh nevermind got it Arthur over on Facebook says I find using both end points and profiles on very helpful when using when doing this type of cleaning besides slowing down stuff a little bit what's your thought about using end pointed profiles for this kind of meeting I personally am NOT a huge fan but I would say you're right there are certain situations where it does save time I don't I don't personally love how it looks and I get caught up with that sometimes so that's just me I know some people love having their endpoints on at all times that's cool but yeah that's a that falls into the to each zone but there are profiles are a big thing I do I do keep profiles on quite a bit end points I just struggle with end points I want to see out just for fun I'm gonna run saw inspector get some stray edges out of there the reason I'm not terribly excited about cleaning this up because I think there's a lot of things like this where look at this thing right here so what I would have to do is find each of these do that that's one less one less problem to fix [Music] we may just simplify this hub a teeny bit a wee bit yeah I think that's ready I'm gonna undo a few times um let's see silent I be silent tip sorry this is google translator oh yeah sorry I wasn't trying to make fun of your your English they're just completing the thought so yeah appreciate you watching even if it's not your native language of course but yes thank you and unless and appreciate your comment good day says Nelson jr. and good day to you let's see will you be making a 3ds max tutorial for the future no we are here on official Sketchup business and no not only do I not use 3ds max but actually get paid you Sketchup so probably won't happen I've never seen ever but but no probably never yeah we tend to stick to the old sketch up here in the Sketchup channel but there's probably other videos out there that have the 3d x max modeling so check those ones out alright I'm totally copping out right now because I want to get to the rest this Jeep I just made my tire that's what we're going with guys it's not an awesome hub let's pretend it's spinning real fast we got our Nubby's on there so that's that's a big part of it mm-hmm that hub was the actual the segments that were repeated around weren't actually connecting so the the pieces when they connected every intersection was a little bit of a gap so again could have been fixed what I probably do is go back to the original downloaded model and re-extend all those surfaces so they hit and they actually intersected and then just like I did on the wheel make a segment make a new section and repeat it around because this what's in there was not something that we could have saved very easily speaking of saving that was a segue I'm gonna go ahead and let it fix what is the manipulator in your left hand that is the 3d connection space Mouse enterprise and if you look in the YouTube description there's a link to it um yeah not necessary for Sketchup modeling but just makes the orbiting a little bit smoother who is your favorite Ninja Turtle Leonardo I have to agree I always been my favorite he's the leader he's got stornes yeah swords are cool Raph pretty you know I will I will the thing I'll say since we're here we're here is that always got me about the Ninja Turtles is you know two of them basically had sticks right Michelangelo and Donatello basically had sticks so they hit stuff with the sticks and the other two had sharp pokey instruments of metal yet nobody ever got cut nobody ever you know I mean when they're fighting a human being they would run over and like slice' pull down which would fall on the it was you know hey grant it was it was a kids show not originally though you guys never seen the original comic it was not not family-friendly necessarily I'm most familiar with the film adaptation and night in the first one the second one secret of the ooze what I'm most familiar hey I will say this about that it's some cool practical effects full-body awesomeness I like I like that razzle or whatever their name work yeah guys in big suits all right let's see what the hidden JumpShip psych here all right so I'm gonna get in here and start cleaning up this body try to make it solid which I don't think I'll be too bad it looks like we got a couple things to address here one of the things that is gonna happen is once we actually take this and print it I didn't realize this there's no relief to the actual windows or doors so this is all gonna print as one big flat slab so I want to come in where I can and actually just push this in let's see what we push it in I'm gonna go I'm pushing a full inch just to give me a little bit more relief push this in half that these ones right here costing me an issue so this is where I'm gonna save because I have had an issue with this previously I'm gonna go turn on joint push pull when used a standard joint push pull to grab this surface and push it in oops I don't want to push it in not make it copy push it in one and that did break some geometry BIM still still doing good all right now we got what looks like Windu's nice yeah you got to be able to see out you don't want just solid metal on the outside of your deep let's see a couple little comments coming in here can you make a modern boat would be nice to see how you guys handle curved faces although not necessarily modern Aaron did do the pirate ship a couple weeks ago and that's on our YouTube channel so you can check that out but we'll also put modern speedboat I don't know on the list of possible suggested models so thank you for that so as I'm just to call this out real quick guys what I'm doing here is I'm grabbing pieces so this this hinge this light we're all separate pieces so I'm grabbing them exploding them intersecting them running through each other intersect and then getting rid of the extra geometry on both sides so there we go now we're just gonna go into hardcore cleanup mode we just get rid of extra faces we don't anything we don't need in order to keep the geometry that we have it's gone Get gone extra that laptop is running really great right yeah I have very little problem I have a MacBook Pro 2017 I think and I have no problem with the level of Sketchup modeling I do some people do more rendering than I do and they need a bigger fancier heavier-duty er than what I have but I don't have any issue with with what I use it for yeah it works great cool I think this is related back to the Ninja Turtle thing Woody from Toy Story does not have a gun in his holster similar to that cutting not cutting human beings but rather cutting telephone poles but if you remember he does get a match stuck in there which you know that's an issue too that could even be more dangerous than a tiny little toy gun that's true yes that is a good point well so here's an interesting thing was a little tiny upset another wonder how stuff happens it's so so small I'm just gonna read it there's a little tiny edge right there all right I think this is referring to the pirate ship that boat was not so complete yeah well usually these modeling sessions we kind of just model we can and the time allotted and so I believe that was no exception but I'm sure there are some kind of tutorials or people modeling boats elsewhere on the internet there and if there's enough people who want to see sort of more in-depth more boating boat boat session perhaps we will do that yeah absolutely you guys as always let us know what you want to see cuz that's what we want to do and it was I will I will fully own up to the fact that I'm not a boat guy as I said in the stream I don't know my my app from a port so yeah I was I was winging some of that pretty hard she looked like she was seaworthy to me I thought so I'm gonna be happy with the way it I was a cartoon pirate I would have been pretty pretty happy with it I would have bored boarded that ship not even walk the plank alright this is the part that actually ends up being a little bit more fun is just walking through the model this way and making sure everything lines up and I notice these faces I figured they would be merged together but they weren't so we do I know I grabbed all this you intersect faces with selection and that gives me those nice cuts yeah oh look here more the same so none of these pieces intersect each other which again not harassing anybody not calling about this that's perfectly fine if what you're looking for is something visual in this case we need ours to be solid so it to come back through here and get rid of this extra geometry so laptops for rendering or desktops I was at most computer stuff I feel like you can get a lot more for your money in the desktop it's just laptop easily we brought around places and yeah you know there's suggestion you use the desktop definitely get more for your money bang for your buck as some folks might put it on the desktop version yeah that's most people I know who do a lot of rendering have a desktop but that's depends on your work from work work you know your work fro that's your weekend fro your your work fro to and fro and working fro okay do have I have talked to people who again they render on a desktop and they'll have a fairly lightweight laptop that they use just to show people models or renders or work that they've done so it doesn't really even have to carry much load at all so that's that's also an option some people go that direction all right where I hear all this intersect faces with selection and we're just each one of these I'm just doing pretty much the same thing something didn't break there oh we got geometry against geometry sometimes when this happens geometry won't quite break because I actually have overlapping it's kinda like a figure eight and break that off and I can get rid of that you know I might be able to come back in and force this to break separate to hear that just be aware of that when you have that connecting geometry it doesn't always find the break properly there we go I'm not quite properly you've got same thing going on here Oh actually that might not even go through push that booze this date it's connected it's connected oh why don't you just tell me on the first place misty these lights are for Eagle come on door handle get it together door hable you didn't care there's some self-respect vray or lumion slash twin motion usually for renders we say whatever works for you whatever certain ones will give you more control like be your a or lumion is a little bit on the easier-to-use side so yeah kind of just depends on what you're comfortable with what what outcome you're looking to get and what you're looking to put into it I've never heard of twin motions before ever yeah that is the it surrendered that was I believe purchased by v-ray unless I am mistaken was it unreal or unreal who bought tim mode between motion the largest electric fluid motion is unreal engine motion becca be somebody somebody bought twin motion recently all right I'm backing it up here I do not know what's happening with this thing but I'm gonna I'm cutting it off I reached that point where I'm gonna stop trying to fix things and I'm replacing them talked about that earlier the time is now you go and chop that handle off nice thing is I'm working on a component so I only have to do this once well I guess I have a back handle to clean that up through these lines over here and then I can grab that handle as it is sneak rain here run that through have these intersect phase it with selection delete let's see if I get this to work now got the reason they did that and take this and just slide it forward just a skosh this is one things I like about 3d mouse is well you need mice Mouse's 3d meas is the ability to get in here in between geometries makes a little bit easier to do is kind of clean up all right there we go and again not worried about loose geometry because cleanup will take care of that in a little bit why is this that this is an important part of that's we put the key in well I just disappeared it keyless entry cool twin motion was purchased by Unreal Engine and it is free until November 2019 all right has anybody out there use twin motion I haven't actually ever had a chance to try it out I'm curious what anybody thinks of it sounds like a real time I don't think it's a real time I think it's it's a I believe it's just a traditional rendering engine you guys of course correct me if I'm mistaken on that but I believe it's just that this is based on unreal is that just a now thing or is that how it's always been this person says it's great and light I says yeah it's real time and also a no-brainer if you don't want to spend money on rendering three or freeze a great price yeah I can't argue with that let's see guys do you think you can earn some extra bucks doing some 3d modeling for selling online depending on quality and the type of models of course but is it worth it I personally couldn't do don't know how to model but I'm sure there's some kind of website out there that you can sell your models to the some kind of yeah I've heard people you know putting their stuff up on turbosquid or some of those other sites and you know if you think that falls solidly into it if you enjoy doing that then it's a great thing to do if you if you enjoy doing it and you can create quality if you don't like 3d modeling then I would not recommend that as a thing to pursue but yeah I know some people out there do actually make some money off of that so it is a possibility apparently twin motion is the quote uglier cousin of Lumia end quote ah but I heard twin motion is a cheap date as far as cousins go so that's right there's good and bad with everybody 3d warehouse needs a sell slashed by modeling section yeah though that's possible pods thought interesting I know we have some of them like manufacturers have their own models on there if there are specific products and stuff it's still free but at least that's like a official type of model but right it's from good-looking models from the actual manufacturer please I need help printing my Sketchup model and lay out how to print with layout like skill builder or mmm there's a bunch of different file videos out there I would recommend going to our YouTube channel and searching for the term layout because yeah we have there's their stuff your stuff available education has a store for Sketchup models check that one out yeah even and then they say never never make 3d warehouse paid yeah okay I call it 3d warehouse you don't I mean boom alright so oh you have a kidney what you just flip it right oh no it wasn't I saw this Hardware over here and I thought that this was a different one oh okay so it is 2 o'clock I don't know if you usually we take a break around 2 o'clock but yeah I'm gonna roll right this second I'm gonna go a couple minutes longer sure um biology will force me to break sooner or later yeah this is this is actually looking pretty nice not too bad a little bit of an issue down here I'm not a harp sound sure why this is happening but I have some reversed phases so generally when you do this so what I'll do is I'll come out here click on the side that I want so I want it to be white like this so I'm gonna say orient faces and unless this isn't changing when I hit orient faces so there's some geometry that's causing confusion as far as what way this should be facing so there's a couple things you could do here one is to turn on hidden geometry and I come through and individually reversed these faces that would work that could be time-consuming though you can try reversing one of the faces like that one big face is reversed and then try orienting faces again sometimes that's enough to like kick it and just say you know pay attention the other thing is to not stress about it too much until you get to the point where you're dealing with a solid so right now I don't have a solid obviously I have a just a big chunk missing so what I might do is grab these two halves make them a group go into that group and explode these the components and that should you know merge that together and now I got an obvious got a little gap-toothed grin right there let's close that up there we go and I'm just gonna walk down this seam line right here oops there we go through that if there's any other gaps where I welded it together down the middle turn upside down it's like watching a fancy movie alright so that all looks good so I'm gonna go ahead and run solid inspector right now of course there's a nest instance we're inside now now what you got there's a couple issues not terrible all right so I'm gonna give her the strategist that's fine that's an easy one to face holes go ahead and fix that now this gets kind of this can be a little scarier than it needs to be you see these big numbers like 384 you'd remember that a circle of 24 sides is actually 24 edges that could have an issue so this 384 I might be able to fix that by closing a hole or two so if I had a long strip or two piece of geometry are supposed to join together but didn't that could be like 200 unconnected edges so a lot of times you get a big number here at first it's like no but then once you zoom in and you take a look and you're like oh this couple of pieces couple of modifications take care of a lot of that geometry especially when you're dealing with like curve situations so where I have a bunch of small little teeny tiny disconnected curved edges it can be really out here we go this is probably that's probably a bunch of those issues right there so not worth being scared about just yet so it looks like I got some a couple little little holes in my mesh up here headlight right up here this hinge alright so I'm gonna do is I can't leave solid specter open while I work on geometry so I'm gonna go ahead and close it I'm gonna zoom in here see what's my problem my problem is I have a surface here and then that's a set that's separate from the main surface back here see that so I actually created a void kind of a solid in my solid and that's not a thing that can happen so I'm gonna go ahead and just click on this back piece and delete it and this is symmetrical so my dude on the side too and then where's my other one I had another little chunk right there let's see little teeny piece delete and again symmetric somebody zoom over here what I could have done something else I could have done coulda woulda shoulda is I could have actually closed up that one half and run solid spectra on it and see if I could you know find any of my problems before I repeat it that way I wouldn't be doing this where I have to go through and delete this geometry two times once on either side let's see making a paid section would add incentive for people to make higher quality models to sell some people would rather buy something than have to fix it like in this video yeah I think there are bunch of platforms out there that are kind of paid and have a lot of you know high quality kind of curated models and so like that I think the good thing about 3d warehouse is that anybody can create and download stuff from there so there's definitely a lot of stuff you might have to do a little searching for exactly what you're looking for but there are a whole bunch of models up there let's see twin motion is a standalone app that allows you to import your Sketchup model not real time between Sketchup and two in motion in this heavily biased rendering engine that is a bit on the Cartoon aside already don't sorry if I'm not the zooming and panning oh so have you had a question about the 3d mouse there's a link to it in the YouTube description but there we don't have a review of it on our channel but I know we do have a couple videos that are showing how it's used and what difference it makes and that kind of stuff so I think if you search our channel for 3d mouse you'd probably find them yeah Oh way that one up here didn't I all right so I got something what is this I just heal it nope I need to lead it and draw back in yep Oh sometimes fixing so much work just wrecking ball and hopped back at it alright so I'm still seeing this big number without you know same play this is this is probably telling ya same place that I have my front back issue I also got your FBI solid issue I have issues with my solidity so we're gonna happen there in just a second take a look right here and see what my problem is alright yeah that's an issue funky so let's see if I is that actually a separate face delete that's easy now what anything all right delete delete delete just hop over here real right quick so I was saying this somebody asked this again not this is not the 3d mouse Channel but one of things I do like that about the 3d mouse is this stuff we're doing right now where I get to real quick and easy hop inside of a model that's definitely easier to do with the 3d Mouse so there are advantages because traditionally the zoom like you use right it will eventually slow me down and then phase through and go to the next surface jump inside all right now I'm inside of it yeah so cuz I think it wasn't well far away your cursor is too something that absolutely little zoom in a few that kind of falls into so if I look through here where I'm having all these problems look at this who did this come on seriously come on man oops I'll clean that up a second I'm just a series of tubes yeah so I did not I did not this one's on me I did not properly go back in and clean this up after intersection first mistake ever again all right I'm just gonna try drawing one line all the way down Steve and heal this on one go not so much no big deal oops missed it here like that that's that's fun that's that's nice that is not gonna 3d print well that is definitely a hole in the mesh I'm poking around to see how best to clean that up so again hindsight being what it is this pipe didn't actually push and cross all the way through the other pipe so as I'm deleting faces now it's reminding me that it's kind of shoes will work through boardroom guy don't even worry close that up I've got too much stuff all right oh man so there's also a point at which you look at things and you go maybe easier to go re-import that last file oh there we go that's coming along easier that's not so bad never mind I was making it more difficult tonight I needed to I closed up all right do the same thing here top down here oops there we go ah and you know what component editing strikes again because you gotta do the other side too are you sure that things on both sides you just delete unwanted well you got there that was more than half of my my ears so and I bet J goes that one super right-click here right here or in my faces faces there you go it's all same color actually I'm wondering if I could do this easier by delete this piece right here and push this through and then clean it up afterwards I'll show what I'm doing in just one sec how's that it's adventure cleaning up someone else's model is an adventure alright so what I know what this is oh no I did okay just intersect the entire model with itself that may take a second longer than I was thinking but yeah we're actually really close all we had to do is take the suspension move it where it's supposed to be because you guys remember it didn't quite line up with the tires I didn't quite I mean didn't line up at all put where it's supposed to be which is good because it's actually its own separate component so put aware needs to be and then intersect that with the bottom fortunately everything in that bottom section just runs into the bottom a flat plane from the bottom of the body so that's gonna be real easy to intersect and clean up and then intersect that the axles with the tires and we will have something that is solid ish this may be your brake it's time to brake can't believe I selected everything oh there we go okay is back alright and just got a little funky up here but all right clean up okay not sure what this high L tell baby thanks for tuning in we're actually just about to take a break so sorry for your timing if you just showed up but we've acts furtively we're not breaking yet um sorry I got excited again sorry stuff stuff started happening I want I want to clean up these pipes so I ran them oops - mr. Lowe I ran these long so we wouldn't have the same problems on the other side I hope I'm gonna grab all of it do a quick intersect and we'll be quick because I'm not gonna select the entire Jeep this time delete these extra pieces off and I still got a little bit of an overlap there but I can close that up again I'm not worried about this these intersection lines because we're sending them STL out everything to be triangulated that doesn't matter let's get rid of this frosty flytrap thought the left camera as of you wear one single camera until you lift your arms up we tried to trick you and every time we try to line it up so that it looks like my hand started to go outside just the rest of me the paleness yeah there's some weird yeah but you're going on with the way that stuff intersects it I may have to let me finish cleaning this up and then we'll run solid inspector again real quick and see what happens alright that's a couple things try doing the old Orion faces much better one more solid inspector for the break okay we're close we're close a couple internal edges to clean up I don't even know where they are I can't can't oh there we go whoops how to do that that was probably me well Abby what's one of you guys did that very funny everyone smile you guys might see that every once awhile when I get into more complex mash meshes meshes like this we get an extra face that shows up when you close a mesh I'm not sure what caused it and I can't never duplicate it intentionally but every once well I'll see that all right how's that looking we're closed guys we're really close I keep talking about stopping and then I keep not stopping oh here's one of them so what something happened where I changed geometry and ended up creating I have my big surface and an extra surface on top you can tell if you pick that big mesh see the difference there between those two it's gone the outside of easy to see but usually I need just like that and delete it and I don't know whatever it is it's pretty easy to heal back up all right so nothing else is glaringly apparent [Music] yeah I'm gonna run and use the coffee machine yeah well we'll hop back in here well we'll keep at this though we're close so we spent a lot of time with that I have strong opinions about wheel but well we'll come back at it and get this thing solid and ready to print I feel confident we can finish this today so cool all right so we'll take a quick break about 5-10 minutes and we'll get back into it thank you guys you we are bad we are getting dog back ok let's see that's right Peppa House thinks the breaker I feel like we always say it's a ok we'll be back in like 10 minutes and then we just like can't get enough we got to get back that strike at it real quick looks like somebody asks are the wheels hidden on another layer we actually separate layer they were they're not on a separate layer they're actually a separate component so when I click into this component everything else goes away means you're hiding the rest of bottle right got high dressed model turned on so that's where they are not quite sure what's going on oh I think I got these are surfaces in here so delete delete nope there's more it's actually yeah nope don't do that quite sure what's happening up here oh there we go okay how about no oh it's always these little tiny details that end up causing issues too and again like I was saying before this is no fault of the person who made this model they never created this with the intention of having a 3d printed so I can't like say it was poorly modeled or anything like that I wouldn't wouldn't put that on it but this is little things that end up catching you and cause you have to run back and clean things up we're almost there and that will keep saying that so this might be an extra surface I delete that still there probably the same thing here just like that surface delete it I'm gonna nope don't have one down there alright so sometimes you get to this point with with solid inspector where it says you still have problems but you can't see them Oh soon as I said that I saw something quick when you get to that point what you can do is hit the tab key tab will jump to they'll put the little circle around one of the problems so now I know I can zoom in here as long as I keep zooming it on the circle I'll eventually hit whatever that problem is I fixed some the other side didn't fix it on this side add a little bit of overlap here so I'm in here you raise your AC cool cool cool man hey man how did you set it up to hide what's not selected when the tires went away so that's a function of hide rest of model so which is it under the View menu view component edit and then you can either hide similar components or if you're inside of a container a group or component it'll hide everything outside of that so you're just looking at what you're currently the rapper or the container that you're currently inside of yes and the 3d mouse yes a lot of 3d mouse talk this this time but yeah so it's the 3d connection space Mouse Enterprise and then in the youtube description it says errands Mouse and then there's a little link there you can click on that go to the website and see the description of it but yeah that's the one space Mouse enterprise yeah if they go there if you go there tell them Aaron sent you I'm trying to get a mouse named after me so you get like a kickback or something if they say hey come on down and mention that's your hinge and you saw this a telomere it's it you know kick back yet but you gotta build your clown up a little that's right it's always about you got to build an audience and then you monetize that's right people have to care what you're doing before you can charge it for it before you put your name on it and so you can share at Aaron's Mouse fix it sweet rose there another issue oh come on man wait Dumbo see getting in close again oh that's cuz I care care so I gotta get close now I'm basically I'm troubleshooting stuff that our problems that I did not make myself it's like that one like this one I got here but this ends up being a lot of what you clean up with this process is spots where like I said under no fault of the creator the creator of this model just geometry that was made that well this one was mine but geometry it was not cleaned up bringing like that because it didn't matter for the initial use of the model so but solid inspector makes it awful easy to find these things yeah so it seems like if you get to a certain point where you can make it close enough to a solid then using a solid inspector to kind of find these really miniscule things yeah if you're trying to make it manifold thing for printing yeah and it's that's probably dead is that like the workflow you would suggest is get it yes because if you and if you're modeling you know some of the stuff you know what you're gonna have to do to you know there's holes in it there's there's a bunch of stuff you know you don't have to do I don't bother with solid inspector till Evan past that point right no okay these pieces need to be I need a back on the tire and you know that that stuff happens first look three fits reviewers faces and everything so print it select it yeah that's a group select it all we'll just do a quick soften you look nice too much bring it down so this is this is the thing I was looking at before I'm kind of okay with that doors not showing up but I really wanted the windows at least to get press in a little bit that's what it will print like if you do something this and you wanna seams or something that comes up a lot so if you want to print something like that solid it has a seam in it you have to think about the scale of that seam to print a noticeable seam between two pieces you're gonna need to have like you know at least 1/32 of an inch sixteenth of an inch maybe a little bit of a gap that ends up being a fairly big chunk of this if this whole thing is only three inches long so that's that's your call I'm not gonna bother with going in there and making that messing with that I'm good with with this level of detail for my the model that I'm doing alright so we're looking a couple more things let's look at the bumper real quick because I think this won't be too bad never heard that one before oh just like the hubcap wasn't that oh yeah I might be lying I might I might actually retract that like now alright so this actually I'm leaving this off to the end where bumpers are at the end I want to get this see now here's where this is where I start thinking about what do I actually want to put in here this is a bunch of little tiny pieces this thing right here is not going to print I mean if again if the bottom of my Jeep is this wide we're talking about something that's like a string of filament right here and this is like the width of one pass so I probably wouldn't even worry about that I also don't think you're losing too much integrity of the model design yeah so how true-to-life offset differential is on that yeah I'm I'm scrapping it I'm pulling it and what I'm gonna do instead in place of that I'm gonna come in here and I'm going to offset and pull this out I'm just arbitrarily pulling it out right now I want to see what that looks like okay I think that we could make something along those lines work may have noticed I don't quite line up so I'm gonna grab this one and I'm gonna pull it horizontally until lines up with that one same thing here see Bush guy I'm plus one forward here here all right that looks better and something I did just do because these are components I just shot a stick basically right into the back of the Jeep which is fine because this is what will actually connect that up that's good and I have to decide if that is enough of a connection don't think it is though what I will probably do instead is right about here right about here a drop straight down [Music] come over go across here pull that across so I'll create something like this whoops those didn't intersect I'll break this real quick all right no I can do this and I'm actually do this to give me even more connection to the bottom you notice I had left this long for a couple reasons one is I actually wanted to clear the wheel well but also that causes the less of an issue for this component because this component is again it's inside here but that big chunk is just sitting in like that so when I join it all that will matter is that piece right there alright so that looks pretty cool that's gonna that looks really cool yeah I like this alright I'm gonna join at this point I'm gonna join together the wheels to the body which means they're no longer be component that hold on I'm actually gonna hide this real quick because I do have more pieces to bring in these pieces never intersected the main body so I'm gonna grab that it should be four components I'm going to again group them together go into that group select everything and explode it and then I'm just gonna do some quick intersection on the back to get that joined to the main body you see these both come far enough in pull that down a little bit so I don't have that same intersecting with the face issue ahead before all right let me grab this intersect face with selection and I can everything so softened oh this is this is actually this is a cup this is the inside I like that side of it mmm you have a trick Jeep jeeps are a classic trickster much get me every time arcane trickster when you have straight geometry actually I could leave that geometry there I could actually just let intersect pick it up later so as I say if you have geometry like that if you delete the surface and leave the lines you can come back a lot of times and trip will click on the lines once you're disconnected from a face that's right pull that through here [Music] - I should just leave that I need that maybe this is some kind of a some importance it's on all of them it's a component so of course none of them yeah all right I'm gonna grab all this one last intersect will not last on the body your type of selection delete delete delete delete extensions clean up you're a stray edges check for solid alright got a couple Oh teeny-tiny all right it's probably I'm gonna go ahead and guess that there's no one right down here no what is it it flipped nope alright check again help three wrist faces fix it good to go all right now our body's done explode this again and unnecessary the nest at some point you know I've heard I've heard tell all right I'm gonna go have this and I'm going to cut it I'm gonna paste it out oops edit paste in place to put that group the bumper group outside of the Jeep all together so now I'm on the outside and here I have one two three four five and that put inside my extra my spare tires gone didn't you hit it nice print tension so remember folks when you're modeling at home always have your mat keep an eye on what you're doing yeah so hiding is one of those things that you can get some people going on on when when or if you should ever hide anything I'm just explode all these along hiding I use hiding temporarily so if something's in my way I got to get it out of my way so I keep working I will hide it that is only if if hide recive model or hide like components doesn't work for me then I'll select something and hide it other than that I never never put hi never use hide because well for me I forget about it and it's just not a good way to control things and then you have hidden stuff and you're in your so many people have problems with their models which result from them having a whole bunch of hidden geometry and not correctly dealing with it all right so I'm going to grab you know what hold up undo here my tires aren't the same dimension out I'll see that see this gap is different on both sides oh yeah not a lot and again when I string it does not make a big difference but I'm gonna try to get to closer I'm eyeballing that's right all right I'll take this one too actually these two look closer what's that block in the middle of the Jeep Oh an excellent question see 1 1 and 15 16 or was it 5/16 yeah wind it up right there all right now re-explore can't explode things more than once and most almost we're close also it does exploding it upside down help ya mesh it mmm helps control the explosion authority like nuclear weapons underground I spoke up feel it myself I won't tell good thank you alright come up here grab this mess right here the intersect face with selection I just hop inside and this would be cleanup delete delete and then I'll be able to also rid of this surface altogether and have a bunch of lines here showing up again don't stress about those those will just be something will lead up with clean up in just a few seconds alright there we go all this extra geometry anything is not an external face on a trace all right and then we'll just run extension clean up stray edges oh there we go we're good do it again on the back grab it all your SEC faces with selection then triple click delete delete just about there see the end of the tunnel from here all right well one more time clean up actually probably not the last time get river straight edges again I should say and then we got this this thing right here this actually pretty easy because select all that and this right click in your sect places with selection and single while because I again grabbed the entire tire and all those little nubby geometries so I asked just asked it to do a lot more than to prostitute so you know two and a half seconds lost there every little bit gets all adds up are we supposed to don't worry about it though ideally don't worry about it there we go all right that looks it was pretty sweet but it's distinctly missing bumpers there this corner I cut down here wasn't so bad when I had bumpers on there and I lost my bumpers and now not as cool much better yeah so what do we got we're at three o'clock so I'm gonna set myself a time limit making myself half an hour to get this bumper clean enough to attach that's my thing all right so let's see what we got as far as pieces cool so this right here clean up these events oh man clock's ticking ah kids eh that's helping horn sound effect again oh jeez no that was rough okay so this so the issue the reason this isn't is easy to clean up as I wanted it to be about what I want is that this whole thing is actually domed this way I'm gonna see it there so none of these are in line with anything else see if I can do this I'm gonna assume that this geometry all came from the same place oops I spend my whole time closing up these stupid gaps all right so Oh cheater this doesn't even close it up could you use some kind of lofting yeah let's yes let's we'll use a Kerbal off to clean this stuff up yeah so get rid of my extra geometry and I'll have to loft cuz each one's different so I'll have to loft a couple different times but I'm kind of okay with that I think what I might be able to do to speed this up is over soften it why are these not softening oh because they're just geometry floating here all right now we're talking so the softening is kind of cool because it'll temporarily get rid of those edges so when I come in here to select my my sections for lofting it's gonna make it real quick and easy to just grab that outline rather than if it'll pick all the edges mark pop it in for a quick view before locking up for the day not related to this video but a stream on creating dynamic components would be cool for the future yeah cool we'll put it on the list I know dynamic components I've always been a thing that we have not documentation for for how cool it is but yeah we'll put it on the suggestion list and perhaps it'll be coming to you sometime in the future thanks for the suggestion and thanks of course for tuning in alright that did not work out the way I wanted it to work out it is not lofting for me this is actually a pretty simple shape but I can still make this work I think because I think I can take this make that a group and I think let's see okay put this here and just kind of rotate it into place or something that's kind of what I was thinking but no I can't it's a different size all right I'm just somebody asked of weld was an option for would that help for the curve aloft we tried let's try let's give a shot let's grab this weld it grab it again curve aloft it doesn't does not like that for some reason I trying to figure out why what's the prob what the problem is it's still like a closed loop right there's not any extra geometry or something I don't think so I mean like because something with Colonel often if something's not right it tells you probably look at this I can get this to close up oh this is you always say there's something therapeutic about stitching I do like it I like it less when I got a timer going but yeah costly really try and think of a way to shortcut this and make this simplest to close up but I just I can't think of any better way to do this than to do this I do think I think that it they're gonna I'm gonna see if they're symmetrical to the other side though so I might be able to grab these ones just do half of them and copy it over if not I might be able to cut the whole thing in half and just mirror it over which would be good because if I can get half a 1/2 a solid that'll save me some time too all right and one more one way or another this will be the last one somebody suggested instead of selecting first and then using curved aloft you use the curve aloft first and then select I don't know if I believe it sees the same geometry but I could give it a shot real quick this is a nightmare where entities created by others may be speed drawn no consistency just for representation etc yeah and that's for saying depending what this was used for this may have been good enough but yeah I'm not gonna argue with what you're saying all right so I'm gonna grab these three copy them over here scale them back upwards oh I'll flip along yeah huh no that's me ooh like that it worked Oh son of a gun please please being clean you couldn't you couldn't help me out there all right there we go I don't care closing it what I'm gonna stop saying that we're almost done or things are positive because as soon as I do I think things stop doing being that yeah aim low and avoid disappointments that's right aim low enough you'll never be upset or I have a t-shirt that says high hopes low expectations that was nice that's a cool-looking worker yes this is not a as presented here and I feel bad for you man treat yourself today with some night nice I could actually think a lot worse things do right now you guys I know it's part of my mutation no it's what I mean oh I don't know I'm not gonna that's great that's not too bad I think worse things do that's that's what I'm saying working with somebody else's models is not the ideal situation obviously but I will say that if I had to draw a jeep from scratch it would probably be more work than what I'm spending right now so is that that falls into the your what's your mindset like I don't know it's like a screw hole or something it doesn't exist in my world see gone okay Ian they're getting they're getting there all right tow hooks no tow hooks are too small we don't need those all right so these pieces are good now we got to close it all up I'm just gonna grab gosh so deep so deep into everything so many groups nope let's do this too all right it's a deep burn so deep I don't know if you heard me counting at it over thousand so it's a deep thing as well come on Aaron we believe in you this is a comment not me saying this Oh tick tock tick tock all right now is when we're gonna start throwing in large masses of geometry GSD as they say get stuff done precisely that's a speech a little speech yep leave it at that good speech and Matt I could speech okay I'm a professional speech or what what where I work okay and I don't care about that or that Devin over on facebook says step 1 delete anything you got from 3d warehouse on occasion it seems like in the case of the hubcap yes that's exactly how it worked out man right I had to turn on my hidden geometry because I can't tell what I'm holy cow no that mess all right let's see if we can simplify that oh man seriously um hey this would be a great place to loft if it'll work this is just a rectangle so that can be triangulated right here quick stitch might work how am I on that half our timeline I just said well that was at 250 so you're if I eat her 17 minutes left oh sweet I got this don't even work so he did say well it's about three o'clock and it's now 303 so you're holding my rounding against me more around depends on your rounding if you want to round the corner or if you want to do the shado round Fredo shear shado I like that they're like shades I'm less positive version of Fredo evil evil twin all right have you tried shadow corner you know I could see jerk like they get fun of my models no I'm not I'm not saying Fredo's jerk I've heard he's very nice guy from the few people I know who have met him all right so that there is half a solid bumper and now we got some crap out here so this piece extends this way all I'm doing now is grabbing this bumper leaf I don't know what you'd call this thing and making it extend out into the main body of the bumper so I can intersect it and make it part of the solid I got this I still got this what having here the nice thing again and this is specific to this particular use case is that from 3d printing I'm not really concerned about small geometry oops no way connected right there so stuff like this ugly stitching isn't going to matter once I get down to the size of the model I'm talking about all right so I got a couple more pieces actually use scale bring this back in so it intersects and then I can take these two pieces right here could you make a stream showing the artisan tool have you ever used artisan a little bit it's been a while to be honest it's actually talking today about mine site studios is the company that makes artisan Dale Martin's over there and I've always said you know it comes from mind site that's it's a solid tool and and it's good I got kind of early on as I started getting into more organic modeling got into the sub D workflow and I just kind of ended up using that more than artisan which nothing wrong with artisan it would be interesting I should I should learn it up learn up on it myself and maybe we could do a artisan versus sub D naught versus artisan and sub D like a comparison that would be kind of cool yeah yeah thanks for the suggestion we'll add to our list all right so now I'm in here just gonna delete these inside faces make these edges up here run saw inspector on this piece so each piece again has been going through this I want to make sure that each piece stands on its own as a solid that way it's going to be a lot easier to merge with the next piece worst thing is fix [Music] undersell peace on top of she's there know what is what's going on here section outside and oh there we go what tool would you model a sofa with organic shapes I personally would go to sub D because it's what I'm most comfortable with but as you're just talking about a lot of people like art isn't for that kind of thing yeah organic shapes for sure something you're going to want to get a subdivision tool of some sort involved with yeah yeah I mean I think the kind of modeling that Erin's doing right now is because of the existing geometry that came in from 3d warehouse so this wouldn't be kind of no surfaces mullet but yeah for what we got right now this is what's what's being done to clean up existing jump tree he was using a mouse I was using a 3d mouse so that's the 3d connection space Mouse Enterprise yeah you don't need to use that tool but it's just easier are not easier but it looks a little nicer for orbiting for when you're presenting to be pulling and showing it on me for example live stream a little smoother and you can jump inside geometry quickly as you just did well guys we are so close all right so I'm gonna take what is this mess right here like I don't like this is there a possibility for plugging creators to do a joint stream yeah no absolutely we the streaming thing is definitely something we have been doing for a little bit but we're always looking to improve and do different stuff on so yeah it's definitely a possibility to have somebody else on the stream or doing the stream instead or something like that certainly something we're open to doing so yeah there's not any particular roadblocks for the Y we haven't done that yet just have another thing that only done with a handful of times so just haven't done yet all right I'm gonna add Evo this bring this line straight up same thing over here this is an extension that I have not used like as a you know growing up and Sketch up but man now that I use it a little bit it is such a useful tool so to do things like like this geometry feel just grab an edge and pull it up that's huge so it's a big big big time-saver so I I really like it alright that's closed you're sick this like white shirts going on down here up as close who cares all righty you probably put a shortcut on push line here because I'm using it so often I'm kind of feeling as I'm doing this that maybe some of this geometry was a little arbitrary just to kind of get everything to close up I'm going through here and I'm looking at some of these some of the stuff it I don't know that it's that important that that piece is right there all right so I'm gonna grab one final chunk here um honest eyes there and if it makes you feel any better I'm cleaning up a typography and autocast for a name I'm cutting on thick wooden plank for a baby shower you're the architecture for this there you go I'm sorry to hear that that does not sound like a great time but alright it's good it's good we're hanging out together then there we go and this will make this will yield a solid y Sketch up stalling and developing new built-in tools we did not see any improvement since years in the modeling tools I feel yeah I think Sketchup kind of has a base set of tools that are sort of tried and true and then a lot of the extra stuff comes from from extensions heard a gentleman earlier today talked about Sketchup like a smartphone and then the extensions would be the apps that you install on there so kind of getting it to do exactly what you want to do can be helpful to use the extensions if you want we've talked about this sort of organic modeling or some kind of bringing in external stuff for I mean there's a million things that the extensions can do so yeah we definitely try to keep the the base software kind of simple and easy to learn that's one of the things that makes Sketchup special and different from everyone else's so yeah that's what I would say for what you said oh there we go so confused all right so anybody out there plans for the weekend what do you guys doing over here we got 3:14 p.m. Friday afternoon we got a long weekend coming up that means some of you folks must be in the actual weekend itself do you have any particular plans doing anything fun I don't but I'm sure something fun will happen I am optimistic at that point but what about you guys see any films you going are you enjoying the great outdoors are you doing anything otherwise work ok that's a shame I'm sorry hey if you like your job you know it works that's a bad do you like your job yeah work can be fun sometimes unfortunately working seven days a week yeah that doesn't that sounds less fun yeah I'm sorry I feel your pain sort of except you don't work seven days a week I can feel it I sympathize I think that's where sympathy comes in sympathy vacation bummer that is a bummer man weekend plans rendering a large project project kids at scouts so I get to sleep in on Sunday no sounds like a winning like that are you planning streams with architectural models actually so our plan next week as of now we're going to plan on modeling it's not strictly architectural but we're gonna model a deck so we put a deck on my house and well might put the actual deck on we're going to model the deck on the house so is come by and help me design that that would be awesome enjoying the Sun and some 3d modeling whoo nice best of both worlds that's right you need a laptop onto the beach you got ya made and having some mojitos for sure oh nice refreshing mojito oh my gosh so we're actually gonna have nice weather here I'm kind of excited about that cuz we've got some not nice weather lately yeah so I'm pretty excited about not having snow this weekend getting more towards the summer months where we're located certainly northern hemisphere yeah I got some some birthday parties it sounds like gosh yeah party is always great celebrating another year another trip around the old Sun enjoying the air-conditioning ooh that's nice - I'm definitely more of an indoor person get outdoors you know but I like the cool crisp air conditioned air say see good stuff what there you go all right solid solid know what it but you're ruined my big reveal here thing whatever it is it's causing this problem are you going to use John Brock's modeling techniques you could come up with a material cost at the end of the livestream that could definitely happen all right so I got three solids right now I fixed a couple of phases solid OOP time I spent when one's it fixed I think your initial 30 minute time frame is winding down quickly ten minutes I can finish this boat for 10 minutes from upper back ends got to take care of itself you're on your own Bex oh yeah maybe I'll uh John's a giving guy maybe he'll hook us up with a estimator for Sketchup estimator for us but to be honest I will probably keep it a little simpler than that because honestly this decks not going to be insanely complex but I do want to track how many pieces of what are in there so we'll be will be definitely something will happen as far as tracking materials and coming up with a high-end estimate of what it will take to make the deck and as we have hours to do it I think we'll probably end up with a much more elaborate deck than I'll actually build on my house but you know it's good to dream can you do like a slide or something in there like that don't you start the idea list I always thought okay this is idealist how about was another suggestion when you did that how about texturing badly textured 3d warehouse models in a future stream it's like sort of read texturing or yeah we talked about Oh son of a gun I think I just joined too much stuff together what where did you where did you come from get out all right there we go we talked about doing a live stream around materials earlier which I think that would be that'd be pretty cool I think that would be a fun thing to take a look at simple component based estimating works pretty well on spreadsheets there with spreadsheets yeah maybe something we can do if we don't get that estimator run it up and running yeah we do generate reports pretty quickly and easily that's a nice option to have for some reason this thing is not coming out as a solid not sure why I have some suspicions doesn't have anything you did those weird like polygons on the front maybe I think that I have some issues here with when I grab this I'm going to go turn on joint push pull and add some more depth to it and see if that fixes any of it watch Chernobyl mini dock IRAs in mini dot or mini series on HBO have you heard anything about that no nuts I heard it was cool and creepy I was gonna say that smells beautiful only one to watch for sure if I clean this up then will you be happy what will the scale of this project be are you doing it to a specific scale or you just kind of scaling the whole thing down to like I was just skill holding down a couple inches long whatever fits on the build plate probably exactly yeah not gonna again we're modeling this model is really close to pretty close to like full-sized so why are you saying it's good all right I'm gonna explode it I'm gonna make it a component see if that top-10 must-have sketchup plugins that sounds like a good blog title or something yeah I know Justin dice of Sketchup essentials has a couple of those kind of videos on the old youtube channel there so you can check that out for suggestions on best plugins yeah I'll say that we so every once while we hit we try hit extensions every once a while so many out there though it's kind of hard for us to keep you guys up to date on everything that's available but we will we'll do an extension inspection video once a month or something like that Justin though man he cranks out videos if you guys don't aren't subscribed to Sketchup essentials and you're on YouTube you should go check it out because he the stuff that he covers he looks into stuff that he goes way deeper into our extensions than we have time to as well great Channel and he does a great job excuse me of explaining how extensions work so definitely check that out all right so I explode these two together I'm going to intersect their faces together intersect their faces together can't figure out what is this what DS we're gonna right now is the bumper of the Jeep the whole thing is a Jeep so yeah it'll be a jeep rubicon I think it is for 3d printing almost sir so don't delete too much still take it somewhere leet yes this is SketchUp Pro 2019 is the person that Erin's using yeah well to clean up solid inspector bevel I don't know if I ever heard of straight not knows that an extension I think so I have not heard of something called just bevel not say does exist thing said it's really hard to keep on top of extensions I hear typing I'm assuming that means Matt is looking I looked up bevel and it came up with round corners so perhaps that's like a setting on round corner that yes you can do can choose bevel is one of the settings on round corner or on fredo corner excuse me used to be called round corner now it's called fredo corner I mean shadow corner I call it that all right I have the front bumper done in less than half an hour before 3:00 how's that man tough crowd tough crowd no I think you did a great job you beat you all right so this is a mocking part of the stream that's me welcome to the attitude all right I'm gonna bring this down just a scooch all right this is where I would probably and this important we'll touch on this and then we'll wrap this for today but what I want to do is make sure that all these pieces connect together real good so this is where I would come in I'd probably come into this piece right here pull this back pull this piece up something like that I'll have to clean it up against itself some to intersect again a lot of intersecting intersect with itself and it may actually be able to choose solid inspector to clean it up like that that'd be them and then that see that piece then that whole thing can just intersect directly with this so I can take that you solid tools or they go solids new okay so I'll just explode it and this will actually be pretty easy because I'm really this is basically a cube right here that is intersecting with well I'm just gonna grab it all he's intersecting with these two phases and all I to do is go inside and like I think I have to delete two lines to clean that up this line here this line here oh no I did it I did get the edges gone - oh yeah with that everything's now connected together so again I can't at this point I don't have the rear bumper around there I know but that wouldn't let me so I guess I'll take the blame all right so I'll inspect here let's see what we got a couple of straight edges interior faces so I may go back in and get the rear bumper on before I really send this the printer but the step to do at this point would be to take this I want to make a copy of it I was trying to maintain my original if I can grab that and then start scaling down so I can arbitrarily just start scaling it down or if I know a dimension that I want to use so like I say and say I wanted like we wanted to be three inches and grab the front here hold down shift so the uniform of scale and start dragging back like this and then I can release both the button and the shift key and type 3 inches and hit enter and what that did is it scaled uniformly the whole thing together so that the front panel to the back handle is exactly three inches so that means whatever the farthest out point on the front is so that's somewhere around here to the furthest point on the back that's here ish is going to be three inches so obviously if I wanted to go and make more do more work if I wanted to add that rear bumper or wanted to modify go put my hubs back in I would want to work on the full-size version not the miniature version this is going to run instantly into that small edge limitation where you can't deal with little teeny details but what I would do with this now is take it export 3d model and we're an export it as an STL file and it had options there are the options important for when you're 3d printing or yeah let's look at what those are if I go in here oh it's pretty some export only current selection that's was turned on file format I've always left it is binary so sometimes depending on the printer you're printing to I never worry about swapping the XY coordinates because I like to use my slicer to orient the model on the bill play anyhow so I never really get too hung up on what that says but modeling units sometimes you do have to force this to the right units so depending on the printer you might want to force that to millimeters and export that and then what I will do is I said I think I'm going to put this on the formlabs printer so I'll get that cool you know high detail resin printed model but I was just thinking I don't think I have oh I do preform okay so we'll take a look at that will create a file that we can print and then we'll call this buddy does that inch scale work if you have components embedded within this election all I was scaling was the container so it doesn't matter what's inside of it I'm telling the outside the whole container be this big so it doesn't matter if the inside of this was millimeters feet yards into yards meters none that matters okay good apparently I have not used this since I got this computer since that's good to know the treads on the tires are too small for the 3d print they're gonna be small I'll print this a fairly high definition so we'll see well well we'll bring it in well you guys will see exactly how it turns out so I'm going to come in here I'm going to open desktop Jeep STL it's gonna bring it in it does its own little thing there oh all right so I'm going to so one things and we're I don't want to spend too much time on this because this is this is for lab software so I don't want to beat this to death but it's gonna orient it in the direction it sees being best which that's gnarly if you ever end up in this position in a Jeep something went wrong sometimes they have those like upside-down stickers you know ever like you can read this flipped me over like that I'm going to maybe take this and scale it a little bit larger oh yeah that's good stuff and then I'm gonna generate support based on the default settings does it show the support I haven't used one these in a while yeah this is this is pretty cool software so this is specific this isn't a third-party application this is the specific slicing software for the formlabs printers and it has all the stuff built in there painting resins information that kind of thing but it'll actually go through like I said it'll orient it the way that it's going to print best and then it'll actually automatically create basically it's a Syria tree kind of thing that's going to come up and support it it does take a little bit of time so this is the part where I'll just keep talking and watching a little bar slowly slide across the screen big jump oh yes 3:00 a.m. in India I'm awake to watch the stream because I love it and we love hearing that yeah thanks for watching alright so that is how we'll print and again because this is a resin printer it actually pulls out of a pool of resin so prints that upside down so this is the top and a whole thing prints this direction which is really cool so yeah so that got our STL of our Jeep Jeep we pulled off 3d warehouse a couple hours ago made it solid and it is ready just about ready to print so like I said I'll probably get the back bumper on but I will assuming everything goes according to plan which you know that happens all the time I should have a printed 3d model of this Jeep to show you guys next time we're on air live so next Friday next Friday we will model a deck we will put all the materials and we'll keep track of what we're gonna make it out of I need you guys suggestions so show up with your thoughts about what awesome decks look like also got any thoughts on materials that kind of stuff would love to hear that to show up and we'll we'll do that we'll throw a deck on a house and it will be awesome no question about it so that kind of we're there we're we made it we made it to here it's a terrible place to be if you're actually in the Jeep though because you would actually be upside down inside of our resin that's true that would be rough yeah I'm interested too that's a good question to see how much detail the printer can keep for that right there Dec no Dec like a backyard wooden support deck we I don't know another term other than deck yeah not a part of a ship like a patio but a deck yeah a patio made of wood and that isn't a patio made of like rocker records yeah concrete I know there's probably an official term somewhere wouldn't a wooden outdoor floor those lights yes doc doc doesn't know a deck isn't he I don't know it looks like an e to me see look see sounds like Friday afternoon okay so yeah again if you guys have other ideas like said that's probably what we'll do but we're always looking for more ideas so if you have other ideas that are things that you think would be good to show specific workflow specific industries worth looking into or just specific things you would like to see modeled let us know you let us know here right now you can let us know on the video what's suppose on YouTube or you can actually just message us through Facebook YouTube Instagram LinkedIn Google+ forums forums actually yeah scratch everything I said come to our forums forearms on Sketchup comm not that I'm trying to get people in there but it's a great spot for you guys because if you have questions there's people there to answer them and if you have answers it's a great place great place for you to share your knowledge so yeah check out the forums I know I know I kind of said that tongue-in-cheek when I said Google+ because uh because not so much yeah it was kind of funny for a while there they recommended that if you for YouTube purposes you should be on Google+ also in fact YouTube accounts are still tied to Google+ accounts so I don't know how that works but we'd oh and print we did model the the Game of Thrones the the Iron Throne from Game of Thrones or we created a model inspired by the Game of Thrones throne it was not it was not a perfect representation but it was it got the point across that was good it's uh it's not so much 3d printable I don't think it is on 3d warehouse so if you want to give a shot at it be my guest go for stag best throne ever yeah I mean yeah if you do anything with any of these models we post we'd love to see it so yeah get on the forums or just tag us let us know love love seeing that kind of stuff but yeah it's it's it's up there we did actually you know I still have a window open so I can show not necessarily the one that we did but I'll show the render that somebody did of ours up on our forums let's go go to happenings and you're a big format if people want more of you if I go to the forums I try to spend time on the forums as much as I possibly can so yeah if you maybe maybe I don't know where this is at Oh model and I want to it's in this one okay maybe I don't know where it is here we'll just go back over here and oh man so that was well that was what we created in a livestream kinda okay well that was it that was that was actually the model we created yeah it looks like it could be printable yeah but it's it's I know it's I mean go for it it would be some work yeah it was a fun moment turned out kinda cool so yeah and I have been trying I've been trying to catch up guys so I did put the last couple miles I put the steam engine up there that was completed I did finish that last if you were here last week we did run out it was a lot of pieces it's over 40 different separate pieces that are each modeled put into their own component but everything lines up everything's workable you could theoretically make these pieces and have a working steam engine so that's kind of cool other steam engine and then I did make a slight modification to the Iron Man mask I did change the front just a little bit but that's uploaded as well so this is not the 3d printable one is not depth to it this is just the the final shell of the mask so I'm trying to and unfortunately this dude still up good stuff good stuff that's that was probably my favorite one that was definitely that's something - that was our AMT ma asked me to model anything let us know if you guys like that idea if you're interested in us doing something like that again it was fun it was a kind of sporadic we were all over the place mobius strip rocket human face tree a bug yeah that's what we did it was good but yeah yes I didn't upload the pirate ship though you're right I have to go back and grab that I don't think anything else to do on that I'll I'll upload that as well yeah well that's us we're I think we're there we're we're so close to the end of the day so I hope everybody enjoyed that thanks for coming by thanks for hanging out with us especially you you maniacs in other countries where it's after midnight and you're hanging out with us that's that's awesome bonkers thank you very much cool flattered but yeah that's it for now so thanks yeah thanks for watching and have a great weekend everybody yeah see you guys next week you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 12,566
Rating: 4.8496242 out of 5
Keywords: SketchUp, 3D modeling, live model, 3D Warehouse
Id: 3kXExAYJzuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 233min 19sec (13999 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2019
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