Modeling the Sydney Opera House Live with Tyson!

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[Applause] wow hey everybody um all three of you welcome to our live modeling this week uh this week we've got the uh ever effervescent nick joining us again hello hello i'm here uh nick is uh stepping in gonna be running our sound panel and providing us with his witty banter and of course and that lovely voice is as you all know jody our oh i don't provide witty banter so oh and it's not effervescent no i will uh i'll do my best to not make fun of you any more than i normally do always uh don't make fun of me less than you do because then it feels weird yeah yeah i don't want to do that just just the right amount so yeah welcome to the the live modeling this week um i think aaron announced this on our instagram i saw something about it and he he said this too but my understanding is this is one of the most requested models that we've had since we started doing this and there's a really good reason why we have not tackled the sydney opera house yet there's actually lots and tons of good reasons why this is going to be kind of fun and may go down in a flaming wreck we'll see uh it's always always time to screw up you can you've got two hours to screw up as much as you want i'm gonna just mention real quick because i just saw nc posted uh a picture informing us that the the roof forms are spherical for the opera house and it kind of shows how the pieces would be cut out of a hemisphere yeah it's actually kind of kind of cool is this something you already figured out in your research it is in fact i'm going to be relying on that heavily in our creation of these shells so one of the things about this that's kind of fun so when you find pictures like that or you find because you know if you're going to model something like this you go out and you start doing your your search and you can find some plan views and you can find some elevation views but as you can see the actual opera house both the larger and the smaller one are at angles to these you know this uh platform that they're sitting on so your section might be it's hard it i don't i i think there are some drawings available out there but the other thing that happens is that the original drawings by uh and i i apologize if i say his name corr incorrectly uh bjorn utzen the architect who designed this as they tried to figure out the shells and the geometry and how to actually build this um they went through multiple iterations so one of the things you'll see out there is you'll see iterations and you're not always sure if you're seeing an iteration drawing or an actual drawing as it is kind of let's see but the the same is true if we look so this is probably what you're seeing or is being shared out there jody is there's yep there's a number of examples in fact that my understanding is there's a kind of little platform at the opera house itself that shows something similar to this that shows that all the shells were created from a sphere and some of these they'll show kind of like how it is that um then you'll see some drawings like this which again show the shells but i don't know jody nick could either of you interpret this into like something that is usable let me give me five minutes in sketchup i'll i'll figure it out yeah it doesn't look like it should be that hard exactly [Laughter] that's the thing is that there's um this was finally the image that for me that cracked it and i'm gonna show you why this made it feasible to draw the shells but even this one doesn't match up with for example say this one that says the large shell is 73 degrees this one's 45 62 and 83 um is not the same as as what this is i've i've measured them so which one's correct uh and that one and that one and that one um so all that to say what we're going to do today is kind of get uh you know an approximation of the opera house and um i my hope is to take it kind of like uh what a an architect's model or a maquette would be and then maybe at the end if we have some time we'll we'll actually drop it into v-ray and see if we can model it there yeah v-ray kind of like it was so we won't get into a high level of detail we'll get sort of just into a sort of massing level of detail because we'll spend a fair amount of time getting these shells in just the basic form correct but that's what we're gonna do just in an effort to take some of the load off it looks like uh jordan utzen passed in 2008 so chances are pretty good he will not call you out if you if your angles if your uh your percentages are off or your degrees uh well my understanding he said yeah is that they have actually enlisted his son who's also an architect to help redo some of the interior which was not all done with his original vision some of the interior was finished out in ways that didn't reflect the original vision of jor newton so they're working with it's had an unfinished basement for 50 years oh no that's just you and me uh and chat said that he's at 4am from city oh man no pressure holy moly you got this you got this do it um just click a few buttons i hope after this that you'll enjoy going uh going back and getting some sleep but that's thank you so the part of the reason just as a quick look if you can see how this one shows actually it gives us lines that shows where you cut through the sphere like we we look straight down and part of the reason is some of the images you can find you don't know if they're orthographic or in perspective but this one also gives us cutting angles and we're going to use those those are going to be important what do you say uh maraconi was wondering if you could sort of talk about what it's like using that wonky mouse of yours while modeling because he's looking at getting one this uh is referred to as a vertical mouse and for those of us like if you use flat mouse for a long time and you start to get kind of this i i like it quite a lot it's fairly easy to uh to use so i don't know what else to say about it it's just a vertical mouse and it's just a different way to hold your hand that's a little more natural i find it very comfortable it doesn't feel any this and it doesn't feel weird to use versus a flat mouse uh doesn't have been using it long enough yeah don't grab my style yeah oh uh aaron making stuff is on he wants to know why you're not done yet oh uh because i was like totally enraptured with this instagram account where this guy's like modeling stuff in sketchup and then casting it in resin it's insane everybody should go check out aaron making stuff instagram account because the guy's a genius maybe a mad evil genius but a genius we'll see if maybe uh this will inspire him to create a sydney opera house uh like a cast that yeah okay so your process is literally you're creating it you're gonna create a dome and then cut the chunks for the roofs that is correct we are going to create a dome um and and uh is it per building because there's three buildings yes but as best i understand this the smaller build they're they're identical you know this one's smaller and if they're not identical we're certainly going to make them so and this one out here um we'll use some of these existing roof forms if we get to this one okay that one looks like an attic like they're just later on they're like oh man we forgot to put it in place for kids to watch opera so they made a little baby one yeah also if this looks enough like a sketchup model maybe i am done and we can just deceive everybody and then go out to lunch right look at that what i made i mean that is that is why we're originally part of google was we were supposed to inspire people to create buildings in sketchup to put in google earth so you know um we're going to start out building this kind of at a scale that i again i'm just going off of some information i could find so this sphere is supposed to be so i don't know if you saw different revisions of all this stuff but philip h said he's looking at the arab book which says that the final version roof shell was revision m dated 1962-63 that's all too much information for you i'm gonna i'm gonna toss this out and we're gonna go with revision m uh do you know what provision anyone you have there is no but i do know that um this this came from this image this illustration came from my understanding is from arab and from how they originally helped to sort it out so uh okay you just make this happen now so let's uh so i've got it at the correct size and yeah let's take this sphere let's make a copy over here according to the to the google pedia this was uh took 14 years to build it and again everybody out there can when looking into this not only did it take that long but it was you know of course like any project that's this dynamic it was vastly over budget over schedule and they kicked out bjorn like you know before it was even finished so it's finished by other people uh other people came into uh the government that said we're not gonna deal with this project anymore and they kicked him out it sounds like it's a really interesting story maybe there's a nice documentary somewhere about it i bet there is okay so i just because we're gonna create all our shells out of this i've uh i've made this sphere like 160 segments i've made this arc what did i make it 48 so i'm going to create a lot of detail in here because we're going to be we're going to need that but so if we look at this you can see we've got a fair amount of polygons because we're going to need them okay get that back and then this image i might make a copy of it i'm going to blow this image up and then actually project it onto that dome so let's explode the image let's see if the texture is projected that's what we want oh this is this is not how i was expecting you're going to go by doing this oh what'd you think i'm gonna sample paint ah see that's not projected but there's this fellow eric sergeant asking if uh you're using a vertical mouse isn't he supposed to be on break yes um i think uh it's getting picky is it getting picky what i'm sampling i like my vertical mouse projected let's try that again oh you know what let me get into the actual surface sample paint there i was painting the shell the group shell so that works okay so good we've got that on there is eric is he the voice in all of the campus classes or is he so eric has done no i i stick mostly to the fundamentals and eric has done all of the very cool stuff that is like landscape and rendering and photoshop and by the way if we do get to v-ray and eric is still around he's going to pull his teeth out at how badly i use v-ray so that'll be fun like if we could hear people screaming you could hear like in the distance ah sort of like awesome sort of like that scene in uh uh princess bride whenever oh yeah as wesley's getting tortured and you can just hear him screaming all across the countryside that's right it is that's that's exactly what it's going to be it's the sound of ultimate suffering so there's a good chance you just scared him off and he won't be here and you get to that point if you get whenever you get done you don't have to worry about messing around with landscape too much because it's literally it's the flat pier oh that part's true actually but that goes back to my original plan which is very much a you know a recognition of how much time we have and a cop-out to be like we're gonna do you know a massing model level of detail on this so all right so that should make sense we're going to need to divide this sphere up and then the the thing when i was trying to figure out how to do this what what becomes a little bit tricky is if you use any of these other images again let's say we pull this one up from arab and what you need to be careful of as i made the mistake this top part of this shell is the top where it joins so it has to be a straight edge and you're looking at this and obviously it looks curved and you'd be tempted even to do be like okay i'll use like fredo's tools on surface and draw an arc or something but this is a straight this has to be reflective of a straight cut through the sphere and it in order for these pieces to to line up correctly and that was kind of a key piece of figuring this out is that i again i it all depended on finding this image that would give me those indications so let's see what we mean here um so let's take this first one and i'm gonna use a rotated rectangle this is so cool using the rotated rectangle i can zoom in and be like okay we need to cut say from here i'll click here and i'll do a third click down here now i don't have i'll do that you know you can do it again but essentially we've created a rectangle that aligns exactly with that that cut right through it so if i hide that for a second align the axis to this which means i can use the scale tool and go boom so now we've got all the pieces in place and we could go to the sphere right click say intersect with model this is one of those cases where solids this is actually still a viable tool even though solids modeler or solids tools solid tools accomplish so much yeah i i i mean you could make this work with solid tools but i think it would be more work yeah so i copied it i jumped out of the group i'm going to paste in place and move this let's say again word large scale 1000 feet group it and then i i'm going to undo because i don't want these cuts here so i'm going to copy this and then undo back to before we cut that paste in place to paste that back in so we've got it and then we can get rid of that one we don't need anymore don't need this one anymore either and that's the process that's what we're going to do i looked into fredo's you would think well if it's a straight line fredo's tools on surface might work but the trouble is like if we start drawing yeah it draws a straight edge but we can't i don't have control over how it cuts through that sphere so um so i i i don't know i'd be curious if anybody out there has kind of a different recommendation but for me i found i'll show this again that if i just use the rotated rectangle i can click on pieces that are essentially on this line one two three and that will create that rectangle that's that's what we need oh i think i drew that inside i don't want that inside i'm gonna make sure that's outside paste it and you can see if i use the scale tool just with the axis so i've got to also align the axis each time so yeah this gets a little bit you know for a few minutes we're kind of doing this repetitive process but once you get into the groove you know it's not so bad it's groovy maybe that's what we need some background groovy background music that's right nick do you have anything groovy i'm just kidding you don't have to play music i got caught nick off guard i saw almost make a blank stare huh what'd you ask sorry i said that we're uh he's doing groovy stuff we should have some groovy background music oh groovy background music oh man i only got this nice i mean that's good but not not tyson level of ruby no we need something better oh i could do that what are you talking about okay yeah this is all this is uh this is tyson space uh aaron really liked your use of the rotated rectangle bt dubs oh sweet aaron it's interesting oh no oh i was gonna say aaron was was getting shade thrown at him uh why for doing the the opera house something that he has repeatedly and again i defend this i endorse this said no to see why like it's completely dependent for me on one method that found one image that that made it work and when we get this over you'll see that it doesn't even match up with the sections and elevations perfectly like this is not going to be a perfect match i just don't care but anyway sorry what are you saying um i'm sorry were you talking to me no i was going to say if we're not already totally like last year no i was going to say it's it's interesting like modeling this like in 1973 when this was or 1959 when this construction was started then that presumes they had already done the entire design and nobody was using cad in 1958 or whenever they were designing this so it's it's curious to see like their physical model that cut chunks out and because i bet this was a challenge to even make the the scale model like trying to figure out how to do it and once they finished that they probably just made a bunch of construction workers just so angry when they're like we want you to design this and there's some dude just looking at the drawing and being like you want this you want me you want this reel in real space next to the ocean are you crazy it is kind of like this it definitely is this fascinating testimony or testament sorry of um just you know of some of these people figuring these things out my understanding again is arab is a a well-known very large engineering firm today but it was founded by and i believe correct me please i believe you know the original founder eric is the guy who figured this out and like wow like he actually figured this out so uh what's his name uh yeah so jordan designed it but but then eric doesn't figure out how to actually build it yeah and if you look at the original presentation drawings that the you know the arcs were far more like uh they were lower they were they're definitely not reflective of a of a sphere like these are yeah um i'm gonna stop asking questions so you can explain the rotated rectangle process marconi is not quite sure if he if he grocks what you're what your method is uh okay i will happily show that let me copy this off and then i'll do one of these again so let's undo back to um so the rotated rectangle let's reset the axis the rotated rectangle the typically you know you'd see it used like this where you can you set a point and then you can rotate anywhere set another point and that sets one basis of the rotated rectangle and then your final point sets the last angle this is i don't use it that often so this was kind of a fun discovery to see how well it worked in this case because we have these lines that are guiding us as far as like they're a straight cut through that sphere like they're showing how that's the cut a single plane that would cut through that sphere all we have to do is draw three points so let me turn x-ray on and and do this and so if i pick one point on a line here another point on that same line i've created that baseline which is going to be in that same plane as that cut and this final edge is not actually drawing to where it reflects on the sphere but it is just telling us that's the plane needed so click there and then we have like say this line right here we have that plane and so to actually intersect this i do need to align the axis and scale this up but i i hope that you know you can see that that's now there right there um i hope that makes sense as far as that helped he didn't he didn't see that you were aligning to guides so yeah slow motioned and explained it's and that again that's why this particular image made i i tried a couple iterations to to do these and i couldn't get it to work and finally this one made it feasible and that's why um so that that's actually all we need we've got our four shells uh over here uh oh there's our last one um i've got them all over the place because i've been putting my axes all over the place so let's you need to uh your clean your axes up clean that up so that's so how long did it take you to figure out how to cut like first of all figuring out that that they could cut these chunks out of it out of a hemisphere is already interesting but i mean then figuring out how to actually cut the chunks out how long did it take you um to do you mean this methodology how do you mean yeah yep how you're going to cut it let's see if i've got do i have uh so here's an example with a few this wasn't the only one so you know for example this original image here where i was playing around with uh like intercept intersecting triangular pieces through it and then trying to figure out that last piece um i i tried a couple iterations and again you know in this example say it i would i would do something based on one of the uh illustrations i could find and then i would go over and i would try to match it up and if if the illustration was in perspective or something the thing that had to match up was this top arc and it just never would it was um it only finally worked when i found this one and kind of experimented and used this method so how long did it take me i don't know i was playing around with this for an hour or two a couple weeks ago and i finally got something that worked but i went through multiple things that didn't work and then once you've once you cut it successfully you're just like yeah we're doing this on a live stream yeah obviously i'm going to drag everybody through my pain because that's what we do okay so here's the next challenge so you've got okay we've got these right it's it's cool they're they're derived from a sphere that's all well and good you've got to now rotate these up into place and the rotate tool i love our rotate tool but how are you going to do that because you need bases of rotation so this is again how i figured out how to do it i don't know if it's the best but it's what i figured so again the key here is that this top edge needs to meet up with the mirrored shell so this is the one that ultimately i need to get turned up and lined up with my red axis or green axis so because it is based on a straight line i can draw a line here should be able to fill a surface and then let's see let's pull this over here so this would be a multi-step process but i want to first line this up let's say with the blue direction so we're going to take this use the rotate tool i'm going to click and drag because you can create the rotate tool in any orientation if you drag the mouse i'm going to drag to line it up with that base then click anywhere on these points and line it up with this edge i just created and that makes that surface perfectly vertical so that's one step now if i go to the top view turn perspective off i'm going to draw another edge here use the rotate tool make sure i'm snapped and stay in the blue direction and then i want to grab just that point some point along here and line it up here and then i'll finally ungroup this and then group it again because now my group is aligned with the default red and green axis so that was that was the way that i uh and then when we get this over we'll actually take this and rotate it based on how it looks right according to you know one of the plans but that's the shell laid up and so now everybody gets to uh now it's a good time to take a potty break because i'm going to run through that again for all of these because i gotta rotate all these into place so create a surface let's see i found another song so we can play some music nice hey too intense too intense this is this is almost 80s level or 80s music montage level like after this is done tyson's gonna be like super fit or he's going to know how to dance or something let's start doing jumping jacks so once you finish one building is the other one just identical or like a mirror uh laid out the same if it's not i'm going to treat it like it is so somebody are our intentions yes yeah what i like is how close is this to the bridge that you've already modeled uh see them from each other can we basically just start to model all of sydney is that just going to be tyson's new thing why not there's the model the model the building that they crash the helicopter into in the matrix oh for a second i was thinking um one of the mission impossibles takes place i think in sydney but i i don't know how much they were in you know this was background but yeah see bridge it's right there all right um for a second no the bridge wasn't the first one i did but there it's funny how much these like these trusses that cross across i i butchered those right at the end and i was just sort of mentally like i'm done but that still sticks with me i was like oh those were so terrible it's fun to compare the attention to detail on a thing from the beginning of the stream versus the stuff you do at the end of the stream right well i think to that point i mean this is again it's it's it's all well and good i'm i i found that the process for doing this kind of was interesting enough but we're gonna spend what the first hour just getting four shells created and into and and turned up into position like but let's see some people might be wondering sometimes when you use the rotate tool it will snap right to the the red and green like it did there sometimes you can do that and then sometimes based on i don't know entirely what circumstances it's helpful to have a line that you draw to snap to so i found just useful just know that you can do both let's see i mean this as an example this is one of those cases if i were to try and rotate this um i'm not sure if any of these snaps are giving me what i want so i like drawing a line to be absolutely sure perspective um this is interesting i don't we shouldn't be i've got perspective turned off we shouldn't be seeing these two lines here that so uh so keggy was wondering but i think i think colin actually i think colin nailed it peggy was wondering if we saved yet and colin said no you just saved it as untitled right save i don't want the sound effect [Laughter] thanks uh oh and lawrence said you missed the rotation i think you're right i think you're right so there ah see we're off good catch lawrence that's good we don't want [Applause] sorry i didn't i didn't mean to play that i feel like matt when he just types all the keys and like all the sound effects just vomits a bunch of audio into our ears so did you in your research did you happen to come across how they ended up manufacturing like how they made these pieces did they did they make a really really really big sphere and cut out these wedges and then just kind of lower them in place of the crane yes in fact what they did is they grew the world's largest orange and then they cut that out pieces they needed and they used that as the basis form to create their concrete nice yeah true story go look it up in your uh your guinness world guinness book of amazing architect and uh amazing botany botany nice i think i only think of that because among again among all the searching there's probably a drawing on an orange somewhere or even someone that cut out the slices because you could go do it on a relatively round orange and get something you know hey you can make the sydney opera house at home see you here with you before yeah all right okay we've got our pieces awesome let's see here let's get let's add this to the mix and again i don't know entirely where this section is cut through or how accurate it is it's it's not going to match exactly but this will be the sort of starting basis that we'll use so let's see here we need uh some sort of we don't have a scale on this darn it it's some kind of scale well you know what um at this point i'm gonna go off scale entirely because we're gonna scale this down once we get to something else and again we're working off of a series of plans and and reference images that may or may not be related so we'll just we'll just make it work how's that for i don't know lazy um okay to do this we need to turn all of these 90 degrees and let's see now i've kind of lost which ones were which i think this one i like how you just keep going back to the little dome too it's fun to see this top down perspective uh looks close all right um let's do so keggy's suggestion i'm sorry this was he said this couple of minutes ago and he's a minute behind you anyway said triangulate the top corners of the segments in the image to get a center point then you can use that for scale uh help me out jay i'm i'm not sure what uh you're this is whenever you're trying to figure out how to scale it when you complained that there was not a there's not a scale in your drawing oh i'm just trying to give you giving you a way to find a scale well thank you see how is that did i put the wrong sphere which i gotta look over here so that's what i'm yeah like how do you know which piece is which wedge that is wrong you can see by the uh the addition of i've got this this one's wrong entirely i used the wrong cutting edge darn it okay aaron referred to this as as brute force modeling you have to will it into place uh it's true usually whenever that's the case for me then there's a lot of like mumbling and sort of comments under my breath as i do it so well i mean how much can i cuss we we we've got you know what's in my heart audience here as a recovering mormon i've heard your non swear swears so i know you can get there [Laughter] oh man you're just tossing out all my past sorry dirty a little secret um i think my favorite expression and you should use this one uh when you're hanging out with your young friends nick uh if something is kicking your butt you might say it's really kicking your trash yeah i'll use that one yeah for sure definitely and then you will immediately get a wedgie and get pushed in a get pushed in like a locker and locked in there i feel like that doesn't really happen anymore no one uses lockers at least at my school no one used lockers oh okay well well and i think even by the time i was in high school i was only having a half locker anyway so realistically i couldn't fit in one of those i really don't know yeah what would uh you didn't have lockers either well i mean you carry your stuff and your day-to-day is not the same high school these these days feels as much almost like college and certainly don't have lockers in college you just carry what you need on the day you need oh i had a locker in college i carried it around with me i just put it on a dolly i only ever had one kid get stuck stuck in the locker and that was under my supervision oh she's not great wait see we didn't we didn't have to be supervisors when i was in high school yeah i was i was being the supervisor and then one of the kids i was watching just walked into the locker and then closed the door he put himself in there yeah so you went to school with idiots uh yeah they were middle schoolers so i was like walking them around and they got lost and then locked themselves in a locker it was kind of it was a crazy day that it feels like there's more to that story i don't i still don't understand was walking away i was walking away and then like two of the kids went and he was like i wonder if i can go in the locker and he walked in the locker and then closed the door and then couldn't get back out nice um i i like i hope that he learned a lesson that day yeah he was all right we grabbed the janitor and he opened it you probably also learned a lesson that day yeah keep my eyes on the children i i feel like there's not a whole lot of lesson when it's like the lesson is middle schoolers you gotta i mean i have middle schoolers i don't want to just say they're dumb but you gotta be like uh not the best decision anyway i don't know of a nice way to say that it happens you know that's fun did you figure out that one piece yeah um i just said i didn't get this one turned up correctly either duck on it um it's simple enough to remake these i just go on remaking it i cut it with the wrong plane so there we go i think that's right for anybody that ever uh requested the sydney opera house are you regretting your you regretting it yet for how slow and sort of plotting i regret it yeah there you go okay you want what's that peggy commenting on stupid kids said that he had a kid deliberately put their finger in the stapler and then push down to see if it would hurt look um i had a kid in my class that this was high school like this isn't a kid this is like a sophomore junior i forget which year it was and teacher walked out of the room and they saw like oh something was half unplugged and you know he's like do you dare me to put my tongue on that which he did to be like do you think it's got jews yet oh yeah no i mean like yeah that's uh that's one of those stories where when you're trying to explain why girls live longer than boys that's that right there is that's a perfect example oh yeah um okay i think we've got our stuff in place although i'm curious if anybody else has some uh good stories about the stupidity we do in you know school probably we all had our fair share yeah i think he did say that he does not regret asking for this he is he's he is pleased with the results so far oh well huzzah um okay that kind of looks like it so here's what's curious about this this it's such an iconic design like whenever i was looking up pictures of uh the opera house like literally their logo is just kind of the top down just those little wedges just like six or eight wedges and you immediately are just like yeah sydney opera house yeah no it is it's pretty hugely iconic and recognizable definitely okay um let's let me let's reset for a second here hey it took us one hour to get to this point nice um see y'all next week [Music] that's crazy so i'm just going to say this out loud because i know you've already got a response comment that uh cecil wishes you could model some runescape weapons like the staff of armadillo or the godsword to which i'll say over in the non-work related space tyson models swartz on his youtube channel so you can go over there and watch actually you don't do a lot with sketchup at that point do you uh i haven't lately but but i have done some video game models and i have done swords and i build some wooden swords so yeah on my personal if you want to go just see some fun examples i just put them up as speed models uh uh geeks woodshop i didn't forget i was like i should have jody i shouldn't be plugging my own what's my what's my youtube channel you plug it for me jody uh let me go find a link i'll even i'll go the extra mile yeah house don't even worry about it all right so uh who was that so cho dot uh is asking us to model the patella palace vitala palace you ever seen this palace are you familiar with the the it's in tibet didn't this come up and it's like it's a palace made of statues like it's no no no no this one's not that great that's not that crazy this is when you think of like tibet i think if you watch seven years in tibet it's literally like the the the palace on the front of it it's it's pretty straightforward but it's it's huge and like literally at the top of a mountain with more stairs than well then i care to ever go up i don't know it's an interesting looking building wow it doesn't look like it would be as challenging as like none of the geometry on it looks particularly tricky it just looks really vast now i'm curious how big this thing is looks big and it was built at 12 thousand feet above sea level so oh that's that's something um here in colorado we have uh what we affectionately refer to also logically as fourteeners right any peak that goes above fourteen thousand feet which when you're not in nepal or somewhere that has the world's tallest mountains that's that's high and so it's a thing to go hike 14ers and i've tried i tried in the winter i tried to do my first 14 or in the winter and i only got up to probably 12 000 feet before i i caved because it was so cold and miserable and i couldn't breathe and i will own up that i failed i feel like you you picked the wrong time to do it it's cold at 14 000 feet in the summer i can't imagine that it's somehow better in the winter yeah it was it was brutal to give this some depth we're just going to use uh fredo's joint push pull and let's say something like it was commented earlier that you do use a lot of plug-ins but shortly after that i was looking at these services thinking i don't know how you could possibly do this without i mean you you could do some really tedious stitching which i'm sure aaron would like because you know that's oh yeah that's his big thing stitching um i don't know how else you'd really be able to put any thickness to that with this type of shape uh with native tools i have no idea i don't think you you could copy the shell and then stitch it as you said you could do that uh but uh wow that would that would be unpleasant so that's one we're going to do that to all of our shells you know this on your your older imac right all your modeling is where are you on your macbook uh no i'm on my imac but i i got a different imac a few years so this is a 2019 it's a it's not old it's yeah it's fine [Music] what are you i'm not gonna notice all this but that bugs me has anyone used the new m1 chip with sketchup here in the new map so i have a i personally have a 13 inch m1 and i i mean i don't model a ton on it because i have this other one that i work from with a bigger screen but it runs from my experience it runs every bit as good as as it does on an intel mac one of these days that will have an m1 version of sketchup yes it's still using the the intel what do they call it i don't i don't remember it's not it's so that when there's when we have an m1 version of sketchup it will be designed to run natively not to use uh their port or i don't if they haven't yeah one of the things that's um i thought we could again just show because it's a plug-in heavy but if i look at the hidden geometry here and the actual building has this sort of like shell i mean these are very cool tiles that emerge out and again we're not doing that again with the story there's a whole story about how these were made and they're all made in i think sweden they they created all these in some factory in sweden with some technique used specifically for this um but if in our week imitation one of the things that we could do is something like this so let's say i'm going to grab so i've got hidden geometry on and we could do a couple things because this is based on a sphere we could create ribs based on a sphere we could we could try a few things if we wanted to [Music] do something with these edges we could do [Music] some selection like this and grow our selection you see like this is a way to to grow that what what i'm gonna do instead is if i grab let me grab down here this edge and i'm going to get every other edge like this and that one sure and then under the selection tools if i right click and oh it's off the screen bring it back i right click to select i can say select quad face loops and that grabs all those edges now it's worth checking at least in this case to be like this is not a quad so i'm going to come up and check and make sure in the industry to this do they call those like cincos or trace what do what do you call a five five-sided quad uh it's not nearly as fun as what you're saying it's called an endgard yeah not nearly as fun um in gone sounds like an alien race from star trek it does now i want to grab some of this too and and the problem so i'm hesitating because i've already given these depth so if i go in and try to select more of this now i've got this i've got i'm dealing with all of these so in this case i think what we're going to do is copy just that one surface off and we'll make this as its own group so i'm going to go through that process again real quick sorry no i know we had one question about when the next live will be and i thought we haven't brought up fireside chat uh next week is the final episode of the fireside chat series episode eight with luke whitelock uh it's next wednesday at 12 o'clock mountain time 12 pm mountain time if you want to join in there next wednesday that'd be pretty cool have we said i i know aaron has said like you know hey he does amazing cool stuff with a lot of movies most recently he's been working on the movie cruella are we allowed to say that he's i mean he's showing all over his instagram so we can say it um i think it's called hellman hall in the movie there's this amazing like just house and they have big parties there and that whole hall he designed and then documented in layout too like he it's amazing so you should check out his instagram and check out be there on wednesday because it is amazing um at long last i grabbed all that stuff finally to again use joint push pull and i want to create just a little bit of a raise i should so if we turn off shadows we get that very cool shell it's not again it's not exactly it's not even what is happening at the opera house but um for our purposes is kind of a a neat it'll it'll be nice in the render too um i don't know if we'll go through that process for all four of these because we may not have time but that's at least one way to do [Music] to do this so we'll just do it on one of these okay so do you know offhand which extensions can you rattle off which extensions you've used or you're using as of yet it's a used joint push pull to give thickness so i push pull and uh ability to select quad loops uh is part it's from tomtom it is um quad tools so and when we think of like the organic modeling that we do a lot of times we think of the vertex tools but the quad tools are important they're important to complement to they have a lot of selection tools so you can work with that so when i right click and select i think these are part of quad tools and not select tools because tomtom has a selection tools as well those are quad tools um i think that's all we've used so far but we're about to use soapskin too oh nice little uh little preview yeah so when we look at this um so we've got kind of the shells and we could set those up the the the way these shells are connected and then this interior face that's what we've got to sort of figure out next and um surely these are also based on spheres at least partially but this inner stuff we're not gonna base it on like uh how it actually might be created as far as spheres go we're just gonna cheat cheat we're gonna make it look right by using uh soap skin so let's take this guy now when you were looking this up did you look at any of the interior pictures like how how much of the vaulted ceiling is really visible when you're inside the building i don't know i never had ambitions to to go inside as far as like what we're doing here well yeah i just wasn't sure if you you know sometimes you see pictures you didn't mean to but you see them okay um yeah no i there's some really fascinating i mean what looks fascinating is especially like the front of this which again we won't really get but yeah you're clearly seeing a lot of the structure from the inside and stuff so i don't know our friends who are up at 5am over there may be able to tell us more hey i haven't seen him comment since his initial statement so i feel like there's a good chance he is uh he might be sleeping now he might have passed out at the keyboard that sounds reasonable um okay so to create this let's say let's copy these over here and i've basically got those in place i think where we want them in fact i'm gonna bring that down a little bit i need just these two shells for now but it's important that they that they're the same geometry here because what we're going to do now is uh just create a framework that we can stick in between them i'm kind of looking at time and wondering like how we should shortcut this we can create kind of a basic seam between them you can see in the actual one that there's this ridge on both sides and then the shape that comes down and actually opens up down here um i may not get to all of that but um yeah i guess i guess the question is do you want this to be put together right the right way or in the in the most technically correct way but we might not have time for v-ray or do we just kind of get to a point where you can start v-rayifying it right oh it's not closed oh that's a great like link nick i forgot forgot there's just a playlist we could we can head off to as well we're learning sketchup yeah we might have to do a part two of this who knows maybe we'll have aaron hop in just like you did with the vespa there you go boom is aaron still on can we uh get him to uh frantically say no [Music] i don't see a way to see who else on he's probably not probably just saying things to outer space i think that's just the way anyway once we get this closed loop if i go to the sub skin bubble and i'm going to turn the iterations up so we have a smoother surface maybe even like that and it will create that surface for us that will fill it in so ideally we may do something where we create each of these ridge lines and use that and that would help us create the the way that this rises as well in the interest of time maybe we won't do that but i think we would take a little more more care in crafting this let's see here what it looks like though now another thing and that the angle between these is is going to be off too but another thing that we can do once we've created this is soap skin will allow us to continue to sort of tweak this so if i select this surface created by sub screen i can go over here to the bubble tool if i say pressure of let's use something higher see how it bubbles up i have to be careful not to put too much in because it uh you know if i if i put something in it very drastic so let's take it down to say five or six oh but we can add a little more curvature to it something like that um leave it like that um i think as we continue probably will be good if we actually stick this on the on the base and because that we'll just be kind of tweaking it by eye again this just as best as we can so the base i i built yesterday actually if we um like all things based on kind of just the information i could find this is sort of a simple model of what the base is and it was it's tricky to figure out how this rises because again elevations or sections you have you don't know what angle they're from you don't know if they reflect a past design or current iteration so this is just where we're going to go with so i'm going to copy this and put both of these in a new file all right do we have everything and these are clearly too big but that's okay or again we'll just sort of do i eyeball it that's okay it's coming together uh yeah we could we could get ourselves an easy wow moment by just uh you know copying this to the other side i mean we'll have the most of the at least the visual aspect of it to the to the layman it'll be done maybe maybe all right let's make this so it is angled something like that actually before we do that something like that it's smaller and then we've got this one over her which is even smaller that's that's that's mostly it right save [Laughter] oh goodness i feel like i feel like we need to record your version of that other version yeah then then you can live on we need to do that nate we need to record a few uh things from you let's call him nick it's all right that's all right next month my middle name that would be awesome nickname nicknate what's your nickname nicknate i'll do that i'll send that to matt next week tune in next friday is there a live stream next friday are we doing one next friday uh allegedly allegedly next friday we'll have both them on there tune in maybe we'll even play them back to back and have people guess a little game right in the middle yeah sure that'd be fun looks pretty good okay all right well yeah let's just make some connecting pieces then we'll uh call that pretty close so tyson you were saying before this started that the the architect didn't even ever see the completed building that's my understanding that makes me sad he does or he never saw it in person i bet he looked up i bet he looked it up online even though he died in the 80s my understanding is he never traveled back to sydney after he was removed from the project and never saw it fully completed in person that's that's horrible that sucks um so i want to create this interior and it's you know something like that what philip did did say that that is correct i don't know what you said but he said it was correct so that's good i'm getting the feeling that philip is a bit of a of a historian for the sydney opera house he knows a lot about it um if memory serves philip knows a lot there you're from there right because he commented on the bridge too and and had some really good insights is was it is a box that's from there too uh i believe boxer the box is usually asleep at this time well he's been awake sometimes for some of these shows but for the most part uh yeah it's really really early there late it's early it's early tomorrow i'm not sure if philip is there now i guess he can comment on that but at the very least he uh he knows a lot about it oh i think he's probably saying that's correct about the never seeing it architect never seen it see it's funny how you just did the flip and then made a copy and bam you're i mean this model is like 98 done now at least visually for me to do what i'm looking at that yeah like so much uh so much preparation that is too far back um sorry but i'm gonna drag everybody through this again but um i suppose again in the sort of better news like say i i do believe again phillip or somebody jump in and oh so philip used to be with er erup hair up oh no way he's okay so there you go that's awesome so i don't i don't know what to actually call that engineering firm wait is it an engineering firm or an architecture firm engineering is my understanding okay anyway yep that's where that's why he knows it all i mean you could certainly pick worse buildings to know a tremendous amount of stuff about like the building that they crashed the helicopter in in the matrix who cares about that thing this big old block no offense to the architect if he's actually he or she is here today seems unlikely you i didn't know it was is that widely known i mean you just know that because that's part of trivia but they weren't in sydney in the matrix no no they weren't in sydney but it was mostly filmed in sydney okay so i didn't know that i was probably so they used to have these things called like dvd extras or blu-ray extras whenever movies used to be on disks and i do believe that's where i probably got that yeah i didn't know that either and you're the film guy it says almost all of the matrix was filmed in the heart of sydney's central business district crazy it's like the vancouver of australia because everything's from the vancouver you probably knew that though right nick right nate no i didn't know that either sometimes whenever people don't know a thing that i'm saying that it makes me think maybe i don't know maybe i just made this thing up yeah i don't know yeah when i was in fourth grade i like had this dream about this new playground equipment god we got at school and i went when i got to school today i like went to class and i'm like they installed new stuff and i managed to get kids to go out into the playground with me and there was nothing there so i feel like it's entirely possible i don't sometimes i make stuff up i definitely make stuff up was that an i lied [Laughter] bye-bye i wasn't sure what exactly yeah i don't know that one's uh interesting yeah it is interesting yeah it's uh it feels like that's just kind of a part of being a soundboard guys you have to find sound sounds where you're like i don't know what this is but it's interesting look at us talking about that thank you it's good to be appreciated right feels great okay this material's a little distracting so we're just gonna paint generic material on here for now we'll come back to that um that's kind of what we're gonna do so let's go through that a few a little bit more let's see we got a this one's next a second no no you go ahead no no you you have seniority on me you can go first oh don't i'm jody seniority like it's fine i i'm always making comments about hanging on how young nick is so it's only fair that he gets a chance to call me old while he's stuck i'm not calling you old what are you like 24 that's right he's a little older than me just no so uh so q pq mentioned well so we talked about how uh jordan did not get to see the finished version of the opera house and then the cube said it was the same for the church in barcelona that architect never saw it finished and i'm thinking he's talking about that one like really crazy church right like well nobody's seen it finished if you're gonna write like in that in that sense yeah it's never finished anyway so he just suggested that maybe we model that up next oh my gosh no that one's aaron i'm saying right now no no no and no okay now i've done nick i just looked that up that place is crazy yeah holy cow yeah that is cool i think josh who you haven't met probably maybe you met it maybe you talked to him i don't know um josh on the team here like right after college he went overrated part of college he did like a i don't know like a study abroad kind of thing with a whole bunch of classmates and they all went over and they saw that and other stuff so he had like real pictures and it's kind of touched that particular that particular building but that's just insane and it's funny right you just you just search barcelona church and there there's only one anybody's talking about yeah it's a that would be a big model every time i look at it every time i look at it i think it looks like a termite hive kind of yeah what's that one fear of like little like like holes in like things i feel like you'd get that from that oh is that a real thing please look that up what are you talking about trypophobia trypophobia a fear or disgust of closely packed packed holes they feel queasy when looking at surfaces that have small holes gathered close together like honeycomb that's funny the pictures they post even like the bubbles on uh on pancakes while you're making them man oh fear of pancakes fiber if i ever thought i had a bad i would hate to be the guy that gets sick looking at pancakes being made yeah that's a bummer so how long have they been building the basilica day or sangria uh what is it it's not sangria um it's not like hundreds of years but what is it it's for the past 1882 looks like construction started march 19 1882 are you on the wikipedia page no i'm just on google but it probably pulled it off the wikipedia page yeah so i ended up going to the wikipedia right beneath where it says what the groundbreaking was the date you just said it says completed and then it says after 2026. all right it's interesting we picked a future date for it to be after i mean why not just use today's date let that be a rolling date they're living in the future i already know man yeah 150 years and they're still still going it's like a it's like a pyramid the pyramids are still going they took a long time to make them what the heck the great wall of china was built oh over up here to 200. all right so the great wall took over 200. let's see yeah so this is what happens at the end of streams as you start to uh look up this random trivia on the internets that's true it only took 20 years it only took 20 years to build the great pyramid so what the heck people 20 years wow um how much forced labor is that to be able to pull that off in 20 years yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna stay out of the speculation on that because i got huh got no idea man though just looking at this church there's too many there's too many organic shapes in the sagrada familia basilica de la sagrada familia i mean look at that opera house though that's true man boom sweet oh keggie said that it actually didn't use any slave labor because it was built they were built by aliens tyson oh and we're going to proceed good point yeah i mean aliens were all doing it at their own free will aliens being an advanced race uh they uh yeah probably they just flew over it with their giant space ship i guess and used their giant space alien 3d printer and printed it so literally some dude was just kind of modeled at home and they're like we just need a place with a bunch of sand they're like well i know about this planet yep nailed it yeah got it all figured out okay what is happening right now tyson uh what's happening is you know we're freestyling a little bit and that means uh you know stuff isn't matching up and uh oops so i'm sort of just looking around a little bit and being like all right what what's going on here looks like we can so it's it's like the 3d modeling version of jazz right now yeah yeah i like that except for i actually don't know like it when you do jazz is uh what is solo jazz because jazz also feels to me like it's always kind of this ensemble of people who are actively trying to you know create this this thing together what is solo jazz is that is that like a thing or they feel like you can i feel like you can do jazz as a single person like scat right that's uh that's just one person well and there's very prominent i couldn't name them solo jazz artists but i you know what i'm saying like is jazz more frequently referred to as an ensemble or what what would be solo i don't know i'm fully owning my ignorance here nice well we'll just see uh let's ask let's phone a friend or let's ask a crowd ask the crowd studio said that he was told that barcelona was modeled upside down using fabrics with regards to the that church and i guess just generally the city i think that's awesome parabolic curve yeah yeah like like so much of the arcs and stuff was determined by hanging and then creating the that's yeah that's a little bit of my limited understanding that's not even so we're not even joking at this point yeah all right so i searched for solo jazz on the youtube and what i get is basically that uh a bunch of images for that 80s or 90s pattern that was on solo cups for parties it was got this kind of teal brush kind of zigzaggy and then a purple line drawn on top of that i feel like nobody knows what that is but i see it all the time now um i mean are you talking like it almost sounds like a red solo cup well yeah but apparently this design this blue blue and purple design is literally called jazz oh and was created for solo to put on their paper cups with their plastic cups that's crazy so literally i just looked up brand name solo like the company that makes solo cups wow that's bonkers i need to disambiguate with word music yeah i'm gonna i'm just gonna call it i can't you can't look up stuff that jazz that is one of those things that is like the information on the internet is as wild and kinda just out of hand just like music and we we don't have anybody in our illustrious audience who's throwing themselves out right now jazz right now we're all talking about uh barcelona which i think is infinitely more fascinating [Music] oh wow shots fired get you get some somebody out there is gonna throw down on you throwing jazz under the bus so easily bye-bye bye-bye bye-bye uh okay we're gonna try to leverage uh that's not gonna work wonder if this one will you know hack together something for a way to connect these and then look forward okay we got here yeah keggy thinks it sounds like bright lights the gremlins are saying bright lights whenever you uh get a little that little bit hi and lawrence stepped up and and totally supported my my uh disdain maybe for jazz he went further and he went even further and said jazz has no musical merit whatsoever which oh wow okay all right i mean hopefully it's full you know maybe hopefully he's in his he's in a safe place i don't know um he's not he's not like i'm trying to think of you know i i'm thinking of the whole the movie la la land and uh the idea of real jazz versus popularized jazz and all kinds of uh ways to i'm sure somebody would be furious but so i i don't care enough one way or another to have a strong opinion nope so there you go guess what i think we're pretty close let's let's call that now so what was your your color scheme going on there is that just so you can clearly tell the different tiers nope uh i just paint everything now for a moment that that one piece was getting especially distracting to me so all right i'll allow it thank you okay ah that that is you know not perfect and and we'll skip this uh other smaller building down here but hey that's just where they keep the uh the operatic lawn mower yeah all right so again in the interest of sort of we'll see what we can do with another 15 minutes but see if we can render this like it was sort of a massing model and yeah it looks great we'll throw a few of these i created just some uh generic people oops oh that's what you're doing there at the beginning as you're just making 2d uh australians or tourists actually right now they would have to be australians because you're not allowed in australia if you're not australian all right peggy said damn fine effort so uh sweet if there's anyone that's been making the case for this building he's the one i like how these you did you want brown so these kind of look like it's it looks like it's they're kind of a clay sculpture um yeah it does at this point much respect for that so there you go sweet thanks guys um all right so what are you gonna do with this did you choose yourself any time with vv ray feels like in my experience with v-ray is that's almost basically adding another hour onto it but that's because i have to try to remember how how to turn everything on indeed um let's try it we've got i you know i think i think we can get into trouble in 15 or 20 minutes and i'm curious to see what this will look like there's a couple there's elements of this right that are gonna stop kind of show up once we render it that are unresolved that that we need to you know pay a little attention to but stuff that you know oh well let's we'll just keep going let's just let's just keep on uh keeping on see what we can do i want to see some v-ray let's do here we go we're gonna start we're just going to cut this short just cut this off here jody you don't look ready you don't look ready for this oh sorry are you ready okay now i'm ready all right just making sure yeah no i mean i wasn't ready i was slightly distracted it's true not anymore a hush has fallen over the chat as well uh so i think that this is you know this is pulling the one time pulling one or putting or whatever it is the hush falls over the crowd [Laughter] um so first of all this is you know however this is still at full scale uh we'll pretend we could we could obviously just shrink this down we'll shrink it down something but um let's do a couple things let's do let's set up a quick kind of studio let me turn shadows off again so we can hustle through this so i'm going to create a basic shape like this that uh wait that's not what i want i want to do so we're going to create a kind of you know white backdrop for us to render against jody when we were at google did you ever get over to their uh studio they had a big studio that was that was just this where they had built in a wall they had this big huge curve some studios did just like it in the main main building main campus yeah and um at one point there was a project that that i was going to go help them model that entire space out so that they could do some visualization of of uh kind of changing it up depending on what they were doing uh but you know then they sold us so there's that well there's that you don't sound bitter i guess let's take this and let's it'll quick tiny in here we search the old warehouse and grab a simple table i should be careful about searching the warehouse in real time that we're getting exactly what we'd expect the whole whole mess of uh not what we want this looks like a just an elaborate elaborate version of the big like the cylinder people used to put around their buildings with skies so they could create a realistic looking background that worked from all angles yeah this is not um ideally what i'd want but we'll uh we'll make it work so let's say we've got this model we're going to put it on our table that's the one nice thing about recording it having a sample is it's always the same although maybe that's bad like right now you could have totally gone jazz style and just sort of rift start playing with it save save there you go you know what all right kick this table let's just put it in here all right eric said let me know if you want me to take over from here oh he's he came he either stuck around or came back what i want you to do my friend is to run away quickly before you uh you know your brain is blown all up your hair yeah okay we're we'll just do this with a simple background for now i feel like i feel like the way you are cautioning eric to get away while you're about to go into v-ray is the way i feel that you should get away whenever if you're watching me modeling in sketchup like you don't you want to you don't want to be here for this he doesn't want to be here for this um we're going to add so i've got the v-ray lights and i've got the v-ray main toolbar open i'm just going to add what's this even called we'll call it a rectangle light hey that is very innovative rectangle light nice um and when you're getting into the video yeah it's amazing i know right so a couple things when when you're rendering i am not a rendering guru and let me take a moment to plug that we have a v-ray course in campus that eric has done he is far more an expert and he gives a lot of like not just how to use v-ray but a lot of really great like how to think about rendering how to set up your model for success and how to set up v-ray for success and how to combine and keep in mind that when you're going to go towards a render there's a lot of things that you can set up to make your life easier and get great results so sometime later eric you can give me a lot of grief over i'm just going to take this and one of the things that that he advocates that is entirely true is to set up your views like set up your camera know what you're going to do first you know so in our example we may say a view like this uh but i'm not gonna strictly follow that we're just going we're just riffing here but it is the a good uh advice where is my where are my scenes not to completely derail derail this or or potentially blow your mind but um apparently matt stone and trey parker are looking to buy casa bonita in denver what no way what if you don't live in denver then you don't appreciate that it is kind of a i don't know it's a heritage piece right it is it's just holy cow i defended a piece of sket of denver culture the sopapillas are so good they're the only thing that's good [Music] okay um real quick i'm going to start doing some test renders but you can see we've got our box light set up here if you make this bigger it's kind of like making your your box bigger and you can get softer we'll start here i think that's true and then we'll add another light over here in a moment but i nick why don't you uh take a moment since you'll you'll be not with us sadly why don't you tell everybody about casa bonita while i do some test renders oh man i haven't been there in a long time jody might be better at when's the last time you were there jody i've never been honestly wait what's funny we had a casa bonita in oklahoma whenever i was growing up but the but it wasn't the same kind of thing so yeah i keep meaning to you know i've been to disney world so give me a break i can only do so many things in any given decade you've never been i guess i can't go now i missed my chance yeah this case benitez uh is a well-known horrible mexican food place in denver but they have the ambiance is amazing you've got cliff divers and people in gorilla suits running around and everybody i know goes there you have to you have to buy something if you go there so everybody goes and basically just gets soap appears and then they just sort of soak it in because otherwise like your nachos have the cheese that they pour out of a can i'm presuming that's kind of par for all all the food there but what you're not and and real quick um i i'm turning off the sunlight i don't want that and then i'm kind of tweaking the rectangle and then another couple of settings if we look in here let's just say let's take our camera and with our one light active i'm gonna see how much the exposure value so tweak your your camera and your initial light i'm gonna take that down just a little more something like that where i have enough light in the scene and then i want to add another light as a fill light but you kind of want to get your lighting working before you start adding more lights the thing about casa bonita that um i wish you could appreciate jody you haven't been there is not the funny thing about it the thing you riff on is that the food is so is so terrible but it's it's in you you go to this strip mall this rundown strip mall and you go in the door and you're like oh what could possibly be in here but you don't realize that that it like goes back and takes up half of the space it is huge it is cavernous it is ginormous inside there and you have to order food and it's not very good although of the few times i went they got a little better but but you can't appreciate you go in and it opens up and it's this massive space and the seating is not like it has multi-tiered levels and so you're going to go on all these pathways up to some place where you're going to be seated and there's people seated on all these tears all over in the middle is this great big swimming pool and actual waterfall where there are occasionally people doing dives off of it it's it's it's themed like it's an old western thing and sometimes they'll have actors come out and uh and pretend like oh somebody stole some money and now they're having a shootout to see who gets the money and somebody gets shot and falls down the cliff and they fall under the water it is incredibly uh just like this experience because you go inside you're like what could possibly be in here and it's huge and it's it's wild it's so so wild and then it's it's such an experience it's worth doing well i hope that uh i hope that the south park boys managed to bring it back and they don't ruin it and just turn it into a big uh all things south park i can't imagine that they would nah i'm sure that they probably have the same amount of reverence that you just expressed i mean you've seen the episodes right yeah maybe i don't know i don't know how many there have been they i don't know if they ever like the only episode i know of is they're trying to go to uh casa bonita the kids are and things keep getting in the way and that's the whole episode is how things keep getting in the way and you never actually get inside casa bonita in the south park episode quick note on the rendering i copied this and these are components this light so if i look over here i still have one but i want to make this one a softer light so i'm going to right click on it and just like a component you can say make unique and then it'll show up here and i'm going to turn this one down let's say to 30. and then let's do point lights point lights as well yeah yes um so if we look over here it's like we can create an omni light point lights um spotlight so there there's a lot of you know a bunch of lights that we could create here if we look and we render it yeah let's say let's turn our interactive render on again you see sort of what's happening looks actually like you know like a a real scene that we'd set up so can we add some depth of field yeah as well nice setup so here we go way to feed freedom lines i have that bokeh so let's uh go into our basic settings and that's where the camera is and ye where is it depth of field let's turn that i'm gonna on this scene what settings do they have for depth of field in there so if we look what you can do is the amount of defocus you know is kind of turning your aperture so if i say i want my i can actually pick a point so in here if i want my focus source i'll pick say you know back here so i'll pick that edge right there and now if we turn our focus up and sometimes this doesn't update with this but if i go tweak the lights or something like it jogs it but yeah you can see how now we're getting depth of field in here pretty cool pretty cool real thing yeah i haven't used v-ray before so this is interesting this is definitely seeming less cumbersome than the last time i tried to use the array that's good you know the the thing about the i think they did really nicely so it can be intimidating right there's still so many things going on in here um and they simplified it a lot and you can expand and get into deeper settings but the base if you came in here and you're like okay there's a few tabs there's a few basic settings and um and you just stuck to a few basics you you can get around and kind of have some fun um interactive render which i can stop and then i can start like a full render but let's just stick with interactive for one more moment and apply if i go over so they have a ton of materials in here i'm not very good at materials but i saw that they had this chipboard material so if i look under materials and under here are just some basic stuff so lights and this is materials i've got some uh let's let's stop this interactive and come over to our materials for a second may be hidden because the v-ray will allow stick up on top um so let's purge materials for a second that gives back to yeah there's a way in v-ray we could override the materials i will just use the default um or yeah again there's better ways to set this up if i said do that and once you get into materials it's really helpful to name your materials because you replace them but so if we go back to v-ray um you can see our materials reflect exactly what's in the model so we have model of one and i'm just going to drag this chipboard model over and i will say select objects in scene which is saying select any object that has this material we already kind of had that selected and then i right click on this chipboard and say apply to selection sometimes it doesn't show up but as soon as i orbit and draw attention back here you see sort of it applied that chipboard material so let's come back and see what that looks like i like it i also wanted to answer d cube's question he asked if there was hdris um and it looks like there is hdri support they have it named as b-ray bitmaps um yes if you look yes the short answer is yes and actually eric covers how to uh set those up and do some custom hdris so again campus go look at our campus vray course they're all free and uh and he'll teach you how to do that i'll teach you the links a couple messages up for that of course um i'm not going to drag anybody else through kind of um the going through this any more than what we have so let me set up a final view here let's call it like this and then do a final render so i'm going to turn that off and go to final render under the settings i should check there's a there's a couple other things that would be worth if i do this fly out worth looking at global illumination is on ambient occlusion is not sometimes helps to turn that on uh here's where that material override was so we could just override everything in the model um but let's just leave this as is and go to what am i looking for here render output so right now it's kind of small let's say there's an option here for safe frame and you can see that it's giving me kind of what's going to be rendered so that you can match your render and your sketchup model exactly which is awesome like if you're going to do some composite stuff so that is an option but i think with all that done let's just go over here and render it and given that there's not there's only two lights and not too much going on in the model this should be uh oh i should have there's there's a couple different rendering modes and i probably could have done a done one that would give us a little bit more indication but anyway um i think our depth of field is turned up too high that's okay let's call it let's call it um i think it'd be fun to go in and change a few of these materials especially since these big panels are glass and have those be uh kind of you know at least in the model of plastic or something and if we really wanted this to look like a model yeah we could bring that a better table in set this on it have some fun with that but that you know let's call it i think that looks i think it looks great yeah it looks sweet looks like it's made out of clay like you just played it yeah this is like you used like you used v clay not v-ray saying oh no i need a sound board peggy said he knew you could do it i also knew you could do it ah thanks i like how not only did you do it but you then rendered it too it's like the double whammy of it's like a it's like a slam dunk i want to see what these i i we didn't take the time to do these i want to see if this even mattered like this shell kind of texture let's see if that would be worth doing on more of them so where's our how does that look of course we need a light back here but oh we better for a second let's turn off uh let's turn off depth of field i said we were done but i was just kidding just kidding we're not still uh playing around here get some backlight on there yeah let's throw one more jody cannot be replaced who who said judy could be replaced i don't understand no we can't yo philip was wondering who was replacing me next time oh jody cannot be replaced i plan to be here next friday so or whenever the next one is so far no place replacement as far as replacing tyson uh i mean aaron will be the one doing the live stream next week right probably i assume yeah jody you're live streaming next week nice i'll be uh i'll be a voice in the head of whoever is live streaming uh and that'll be your that'll be your last time to be a voice in the head of being my last voice in the head of the stream i feel like i feel like you should get to pick what we model whomever models you should get to pick it oh that's a lot of pressure yeah i know especially if you uh if you don't uh choose something besides that barcelona church let's do an eight-hour live stream sorry we're gonna start next thursday and keep going yep if you're doing that church or anything like it as long as it's aaron yeah that church that church would haunt me i don't i don't feel like you can you can like it's a completely different level than the sydney opera house which i'll be honest tyson you for two hours and 20 minutes you'd like you moved mountains ah thanks let's do a simple override here andy's rendering it's crazy it's a crazy day it's bonkers alternate reality tyson shifted space and time modeling the knee opera house space and time uh is that our cue in to talk about loki i've still got two episodes to go but i'm i'm almost done uh let me just tell you how it ends i'm just kidding i have most of the most i'll say is that they did say they'll be a season two which means oh that's fine there's more story to be told i i kind of i don't know if jody or nick if you know aaron is our resident kind of go back to the comics and expert on those but i i'm very curious now how much the tva and sort of what some of the story lines around that was in the comics because um you know i did not know much about them yeah i have no idea how much how much of this show like mapped to comics next week that's right tune in next week for aaron's thoughts everything's an ad here [Laughter] meanwhile uh nick's going to be scouring the the internet for new sounds for the sound board matt's gonna be back next week i'm gonna lose my job no i wouldn't choose no he's not he's not going is he is he going to be on his honeymoon yeah i don't think he'll be back next friday okay good job nice maybe he comes back on friday i don't know we're going to find out look at that better you better get your sound board game like on point so that uh just in case yeah this is uh this is kind of fun abstract with let's end on this one i'll just leave it here uh okay shout out so again we're gonna have luke luke whitelock uh i believe on wednesday amazing designer for um the entertainment industry film industry so that's gonna be awesome next friday we're gonna see what aaron kind of uh cooks up um anything else guys that were worth shouting out i think we should give a round of applause to tyson at least this is great this is great the laughter nice oh yeah i was like in there yeah well happy friday everybody happy friday happy weekend hope everybody is doing well doing safe and uh thank you for joining us it's it's great to have you here thanks for your patience your comments and um until next time all the above yeah your presence that's right sweet aaron's got his work cut out for him to try and top this uh he can model some chocolate syrup on it then top it we should have left some peanuts oh no okay let's that's terrible let's leave on that okay you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 5,361
Rating: 4.9694657 out of 5
Keywords: SketchUp, 3D modeling
Id: ZKwX_3ISblQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 14sec (9014 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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