Tape Measure - Square One

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[Music] hey guys it's aaron and this is sketchup square one where we take a look at the fundamentals of using sketchup today we're going to take a look at the tape measure tool the tape measure tool is actually kind of a deceptive tool it's really ends up being three different tools in one so we're gonna hop in and take a look at what all three of those are right now okay so the tape measure tool is on the default toolbar it's right here it's the one that looks like a tape measure it's a giveaway right there huh you can also get to it through the large toolset if you go to view tool palettes on mac toolbars on windows turn on large tools it'll show up right here it's the top of this what one two three fourth block there's tape measure right there you see the shortcut key the default shortcut key for this is t so if i tap a t on the keyboard i'll get tape measure key also all right so i mentioned that tape measure does three different functions it's it's definitely doesn't look like you're gonna get as much out of it as you are okay so if you look right there see the bottom of my cursor right now okay wait four functions i forgot about one here's a simple one if i hover over a line it'll actually tell me the length of that edge if i hover over a face it'll tell me the total measurement the square measurement based on my unit so my units are set to square feet of that face if you click if you hover over an end point it'll actually tell you the location of that point from the origins that's where it is according to my origin point right here which of course is it zero zero zero if i hover over a component it'll actually tell me the name of that component this is sumele and uh yeah the square footage of the piece i'm over okay so that is the the hidden that was the bonus that was the i gave you the easter egg up front the other things i'm going to think about are look at see my cursor see a little plus down there at the bottom so there is a toggle key it's option on mac control on windows tapping that toggle key will turn that little plus on and off so i'm going to turn it off right now because the first thing we do is measure something so you could saw it was pretty easy to just hover over this line and get the edge here if i wanted to i could do this too i could move over this edge it'll tell me the length right there if i click there it'll actually tell me that if i want to check the edge of something that's not aligned so i can't just hover over it like side to side i could hover over that and it's going to pop up and tell me it tells me both where my cursor is and if you watch down the lower right corner and length box it shows me the length of that line there as well so that's number one that's one thing that the tape measure will do for you real quick and easy way to check dimensions another is that little plus key we saw so go ahead and hit the modifier key if you forgot the modifier key again it's down at the bottom so i'm on mac so it says click option to toggle create guide so we're going to hit the modifier key and that little plus shows up and now we are now in guide input mode so we'll probably end up with a whole video just on guides but right now we're just talking about the simple way that guides work so what a guide is is a line that does not break geometry that is only there for reference in my model the way i create guides is by picking a line that is parallel to the guide and then offsetting it so i'm going to say that on this square i want a guide two feet in so what i'm going to do is i'm going to hover over this line and click and release and start to drag my mouse to the right all right now i'm going to type in the exact distance i want so i want it two feet so i'm just going to type 24 hit enter and there's a guideline i want to pull in this way one foot so i'm going to click right here start to drag this way type in one foot hit enter you get the idea so all i have to do to create a line is click on a point click on it i'm sorry click on an edge and then start to drag that if i want to i can guide you snapping so you can snap just like drawing a regular line they allow you to move i could just move along the axis any direction or as i was doing before i could type in one foot six say and put them in exact locations that is done with the tape measure tool too i'm going to go ahead and erase those so the other thing i can do with the tape measure tools i can scale geometry this is very simple the way this works i'm going to click the tape measure and i'm going to come here and click to one point and then move to another known point so before i click i can see that this is now six foot five and a half inches i'm going to say on this project that's actually supposed to be exactly five feet i want to scale this back to five feet but i want this dimension here which is currently seven two and a quarter to scale proportionately to this dropping to five feet what i can do is i can click my first point on one end of the line second point on the second end of the line and down in the lower right corner it tells me what that length is all i have to do right now is type in what i want that length to be so if i type 5 foot and hit enter it's going to come up and first off it's going to say do you want to resize the model so i will go ahead and say yes what it's going to do is grab everything and shift it down in size appropriately to get this piece over five foot down to five foot so let's get a quick guess which happens all right see how everything shrunk but now if i check my dimension here that's five feet and this is rescaled proportionately from what it was before uh the dimensions are the or the relative dimensions between two are the same with it being smaller to this five foot um i'm going to hit command z i'm going to undo real quick uh and so sometimes i don't want to rescale everything so sumela here should stay full size when i resize this so one thing that you can do is if this geometry right here is inside of a group so if i grab all of it right click and say make group now with select i enter the group now i'm inside of here this is cool because if i come in here and i say okay scale this let's make it small let's make it way smaller i'm going to clear it here until that line should be three feet enter now it says do you want to resize the active grouper component yes i only want to scale what's inside that component not everything in the model so when i click yes that shrinks zumele doesn't and i can exit out here and now my geometry is smaller but just the geometry that was inside that group so a lot of people blow past the tape measure thinking all it does is check dimensions it does check dimensions actually that hover feature is a real nice way to check on line face or point locations but it does a lot more it is the way to create guides it's also an option for scaling so scaling can be done with a scale tool we looked at the scale tool a while back it's a great way to do it but this is nice because then you can actually scale things like photographs or uh geometry that doesn't correspond or directly align to one of the axes of the scale box so good tool worth checking out worth using if you like that please click like down below and if you haven't already please subscribe we create several videos a week and you will be notified of each and every one if you subscribe most importantly though please leave us a comment down below most if not all of our content is derived from comments from viewers like you tell us what you like what you don't like how are these square one videos treating you we like making these videos a lot but we like them even more when they're showing something you want to see thank you you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 15,125
Rating: 4.9894457 out of 5
Keywords: SketchUp, 3D modeling
Id: EYjhYwJzqtY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 57sec (477 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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