100 Bridges EVERYDAY For 30 Days!! Response To Chloe Tings "Experiment"

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hello you guys today we are responding to fit chicks yes I have a series called responding to fat chicks but fat chicks are not the only people who spread information making it very confusing to people about what it takes to be healthy build muscle and live you know I felt the fit lifestyle so just a little disclaimer when I make these videos I am NOT trying to just attack the person and make them feel like complete and utter poop emoji yes I'm singling them out but guess what they put themselves on a public platform and made their page completely public people are going to react especially when you are misinforming people I've had people critique my videos it's okay as you can see I am still breathing these videos are Marta just help educate people I see it like I said a lot of just miss information out there specifically on Instagram and YouTube and then I get clients I tell them a science-based fact and you know what my little client does but this girl said to do four hundred million five hundred thousand squad a day for a month with only body weights so my legs don't get too bulky but my butt will magically just grow a whole inch just by squatting with body weight like while I watch TV or when I you know cook in the kitchen or when I can fit him in at work she said it's just that easy and I explained to them that that's not possible to grow muscle that way especially in a month and then they say but she has a million subscribers and followers so what she says must be true so if I get a common thing how about you come up with your own content and mind your own business excuse you you cute person you if you just do a slight two clicks you'll see that I haven't cracked under videos where I am the main topic that's for this one I am responding to public content okay I'm smiling I am smiling because it really feels good to smile so with that being said I had a ton of you guys just sliding into my DMS messaging me about this girl who did a hundred bridges a day for 30 days and grew her booty a whole inch exactly one inch in just 30 days that's it 30 days thrusts in the air and she grew just like that an inch so this girl grew her butt in as little as 30 days by only doing thick thrusts according to people that have messaged me doing absolutely no weighted exercises while she does these hip thrusts and she grew her freakin butt cheeks that's amazing I've never heard of that ever happening so we are going to watch this together we're gonna check it out and we're gonna respond to it respectfully right everyone promise let's say it together now respect come on you can do it your promise right yeah I know y'all don't promise but I will respond to this respectfully I'm going to explain these things very simply I don't want to confuse my audience I'm not trying to make fun of your Intel but I know when I wasn't educated in Fitness just to be frank that bored the hell out of me and I would just click off the video and I don't want you to click off I want you to understand why certain things would work certain things wouldn't work to grow you peach so if I have any fellow personal trainers physical therapists anyone in that area of work and you don't think I'm getting detailed enough calm down it's ok there's a comment section down there you can get as detailed as your little heart desires I don't want my audience to fall asleep but feel free in the comments section alright let's respond so my goal when I first thought that my fitness journey was to have the biggest juiciest peaches Plummer's booty like Kim K's booty I love big booties something that everybody has to understand that I'm surprised that people don't understand is that Kim Kardashian has had work done to her glutes and how you can sell that is that she's got very very skinny legs and a ginormous booty so if you want that look and I'm not saying there's anything bad about it if you want that look that's your thing there are doctors for that I can tell you this already before watching this video is that whatever she says in this video if it's about exercise it is not going to give you a Kim Kardashian butt okay had to say that because I get a lot of women saying give me a Kim Kardashian butt and I can't do that I'm not a doctor you got to go somewhere else for that it's not not the gym that's not the place who doesn't want to have a brown tone booty like no not at Kim K's but seriously guys my goal when I first thought that my fitness journey was to have a booty because I was skinny fat and people make fun of my boy shakes so I was really self-conscious and wanted to grow some curves and I worked really hot in the gym and I managed to grow over four inches on my booty so I'm pretty happy with my size right now and then can I just say how adorable she is though it's just super cute and she obviously has a great body no shade there girl you look fabulous and she has a really nice butt and I think her legs are Jim sharken I usually don't like remember in my video I said I didn't like my gym shirt I like those leggings not looking to grow any further five you did the experiment that I'm sharing today for the sake of learning so if you want to get booty keep watching so what I've done for this experiment is that I did 100 reps of glute bridges every day for 30 days I measured myself before and after so you can watch until the end of the video to find out what happened to my booty maybe I'll turn out to look like so a lot of you guys always ask me how to grow your part without growing on lakes and this workout this exercise is very feeling when I respond to this her fans aren't going to like what I'm going to say and it's gonna come off as hate but like I said I'm gonna be completely truthful well being respectful but giving you the information that I learned in school this workout this exercise is really amazing for that because it really isolates your butt and also work your abs at the same time but sometimes that part's true it does focus more on your glutes so once you target your hamstrings as well when you do a hip thrust or a bridge and yes it does work your abs some so you'll feel it on your hamstring on the back of your legs if your legs are way too far away from the butt so to do a glute bridge you gotta thrash your hips into the air and squeeze your glutes and yeah it can be really awkward because people are gonna stare at you because it is quite a unflattering look and it's just a little bit odd but just get frustrated so yes she's really cute and yes that exercise if any man is watching this do not ever go up to a girl while she's doing this exercise it's a very sexually themed exercise and already kind of awkward at the gym that's probably one of the worst exercises to pick to go up to a girl while she's doing it so on to the experiment what I've done for the last two days I cycled through the seven variations of loop reaches I'm just a little know all of these bridges I do I love all the variations and I just happen to see that it says weighted right here so let's check out and see what happens basically picking one of this and doing a hundred so for day one I started with normal glute bridge so my knees and feet are about shoulders width apart and for day two I did narrow glute bridge so my knees and feet are close together for this one and for day three I did white glute bridge so my knees and feet are wider than shoulder width apart and for day four I did pump so my knees are wide apart with my feet touching each other now for day five I did single leg glute bridge so I did 50 reps on each sometimes you didn't do one hundred rats just it's your reps on each blood sheet which isn't a hundred reps for your butt hah I don't mass with a six I did elevated glute bridge so just recipe on something elevator and do a glute bridge and for day seven I did weight the glute bridge so just find something input is that a box is there anything in the mall play something heavy on top of your hips and thrust upwards then I repeat it I don't work if you have like are seeing people on Instagram that do like water jugs or something as like bicep curls I don't work it's still weight so if you don't have a gym go get some water jugs or rocks or you know your child child might be a little bit weird for the thrust e thrust but you know what I'm sayin over the course of 30 days very simple and easy and I did this on top of my usual workouts as well when you perform any of these glute bridge variations make sure your shoulder to knee form a straight line or little bit of arch is fine as well and remember the squeeze your butt when you're at the top position then come back down and repeat now so before I move on I just want to make a note that her hip thrusts are great or form is great she's getting all the way up she's getting great glute activation all the good stuff to help target the booty the thing that all of us girls want to do target the moon well that this was gonna be so easy because I'm so used to doing heavy hip thrusts but seriously this actually makes my butt so sore next so right there it says that she does heavy hip thrust already so she weight trains she looks heavy so the people who messaged me who told me that she only does bodyweight exercises she didn't get that body from bodyweight exercises I'm sure she never said that but it's kind of giving off the impression that oh you can did this body by doing hip thrusts and she hasn't given us the result yet but the messages that I got was asking hey is this if I do this body we exercise every single day for 30 days is this going to work thanks but don't give up it's just a leo built saunas and yes that's pretty normal to get sore like that because she's really doing a lot more reps than what she normally does probably not gonna give her results because like she said she's been lifting heavy butts taking someone who has never done a hip thrusts in their life they're probably gonna get really sore and they might get some type of result until their body gets used to it now you see to build muscle you have to put enough stress on the muscle so let's just say you have been kicked backing cuz we're talking about booty here because we all love booty so you've been doing kickbacks with 10 pounds and in the beginning you have got really sore but after a while now you don't get as sore anymore when you lift something new or you put some type of new stress on your muscles they actually break down nobody you go home from the gym or from your workout if you workout at home and you're resting and you are supplying your body with good nutrients to help you repair that's when they start to repair themselves and they get bigger to be able to prepare for that amount of stress again so it's pretty much like your muscles went to war they got their blood kick and then they kind of train to prepare for the stress that is going to come on again and that's why you get sore when you do new things and when you keep doing that new thing it's no longer new anymore and your muscles don't get sore anymore and that's what you have to keep adding weights if you want to keep growing because your body's going to get used to all stress so if you're at home and you're doing hip thrusts with absolutely no weight yeah you might be sore at first but after a while you're not going to get sore anymore you can do this maybe do a little bit less reps or take a longer break if you need to so here's my measurement on day 1 so I measure my butt go the result and there's tape measure at the most pointy part of my butt and I was at 35 inches this is the result after 30 days my butt is at 36 inches just a little under 36 inches so I've grown about 1 inch which is really surprising because I didn't expect to grow an inch in a month whoa shout out to those results right it just makes it seems so easy so let me just explain a little bit of something when it comes to the internet I'm not saying that she's lying but what I am saying is that it's very easy to live a lot of people on the Internet are just internet magicians and it's very easy to change angles and change shape and stand a certain way so that it looks like you got a certain type of results I have personal friends who aren't even on Instagram this what a bigger but but they don't want to put the work in they and so they through that they don't make money off of this but they wear padded booty implants they're fairly cheap I think fashion Nova has them yep they do and they wear them out and they get compliments from people and people ask them what do they do and they are like oh it just work out so if my friends who have absolutely no following they're not making any money off of telling people oh I workout imagine people on the Internet where the internet and views and selling products and followers make them money so I'm not saying that this girl put pads in her pants but it's very easy to do especially online when you're staying in a certain position it's very easy to perpetuate that lie that she got results I personally would have loved to see her glutes in a before picture that was just in a bikini and have the after picture be in a bikini so then we can really see that booty the other thing I want to point out is that Jim shark pants really really really and not just Jim jerk pants really any other pants but just because she's wearing Jim shark pants they really shape your glutes I have plans to I'm not trying to body shame anyone but they don't have the most developed body when it comes to you know having a tight booty and you know hamstrings and quads but when they slow down those pants all of a sudden I'm like what happened you've got a butt and you like tightens your legs in some way I don't know what kind of fabric they're using or if their pants are just by every fitness model ever but they give people a different sheet and she is wearing them in the video and I've seen some shape the body more than others and she's not wearing the same pants in the after picture so that's something that kind of just makes me go girl so before I start up my fitness journey I was only at 31 inches on my butt I know it is so small because my bone is so small and before I started this 30 days experiment I was at 35 inches which is basically where I'm at for the last year so I didn't really expect it to grow that much because I've been doing glute exercises for over two years now so there's only so much my butt can girl by I reckon for someone who doesn't have much glute muscles or someone that hasn't done much glute exercises if you try this one out I think you'll see great results but that also depends on your genetics some people just don't have that much glute muscles to begin with so it's harder for them to grow their glute muscles but you never know until you try it so something I want to touch on and yes everybody is compelled completely different everybody's muscles respond completely different but the the people who are going to probably do these other girls that do not have a big butt and probably don't weight training because most people who wait trained know that if you do a 100 hip thrust a day it's not gonna grow your glutes people who are seasoned and weight training they know that they know that they have to lift heavy and especially if there are seasoned weight trainer and they are naturally thin they know that they need to lift very healthy heavy healthy I don't know what's going on so I love that she felt like a disclaimer saying hey it works for me and it'll probably work for you but maybe not because most likely it won't work I always see like the beginning of the before picture is them like standing all like unattractively smiled over their butts kind of like even tucked in a little bit and then the after picture they thought those Chimchar pants on they're doing that like my Instagram models do when they're trying to solve their but they're turning their waist they've got their hair nail makeup on they look great they're poking out their butt and then I see it works and I'm like no it didn't spam the same way that you were standing in the before picture this showed me absolutely nothing I posted about this before when I used to post on Facebook and I would get a lot of comments saying I've gotten results from squats on just that's what it was a few years ago small challenges was giving everybody a big butt because Kim Kardashian did it and I would say prove it and that's the pictures that they would show me it's very very simple to make someone who doesn't have a butt look like they have a butt in a matter of 30 seconds if you pose in such a way so just keep that in mind too okay so that's pretty much the end of the video but let's read some of the comments I just did my first 100 normal bridge hope I'll keep this up for 30 days my button thighs are already burning so something that people don't understand is that just because it's burning doesn't mean it's growing I can do a hundred of these and by the end of a hundred my virus is already burning it doesn't mean that it's going to grow an inch in 30 days then of the mean it's going to grow at all honestly it's just I'm gonna waste power along it takes me to do this so I might get sore doing this because I've never done this motion I don't know who does this motion before but probably after doing it every single day for about a week there's no stress on it anymore there wasn't much stress except air not sure how much air weighs but I heard it's not that much so therefore I'm not going to grow probably at all so my 30 days doing wrist curls was pretty much a waste I started this challenge when the year began so it'd have passed two weeks and I don't see much difference but I feel it if that makes sense yes it does make sense that you didn't get any results in two weeks because it takes a lot longer even if your weight training super heavy to get to grow muscle and it's not gonna take two weeks and yes it totally makes sense that you can feel it because once again doing this even after about ten I feel it but it doesn't mean that I'm going to pop out bulging wrist muscles so yeah what's better a hundred squats or a hundred bridges neither just kidding but squats is going to be more focus on your quads I'm very quad Dominus so I barely ever squat but I myself do a lot of different variations and bridges but I do do them wait it because bridges are more focused on glutes and my glutes are very weak this is not a hate comment but I just want to share my experience with this challenge I did it for two weeks before giving up when I realized I hadn't made any progress I started off at 38 inches and finished off at 38 inches I really wanted this challenge to work for me and to put full effort into it however I just simply couldn't continue when I realize I hadn't even made a smidge of progress I still recommend this challenge to all the people watching this as we all have different bodies which means it could work for you most likely it will not if you do the challenge I don't think nothing different of you you are free to do the challenge but scientifically you are not going to grow your butt a whole inch in just one month and I personally think that this girl is probably just one of her fans and she didn't want to make it seem like she was heating like she said in the beginning of her comment but she did probably want to leave aged truthful comment and that's very good we all like the truth right another thing though if you are trying to grow muscle it's going to take a lot longer than two weeks so if your your mark for if you should quit or not if you see you know results in two weeks when it comes to muscle you're not gonna be too happy because it takes a while it takes a long time to grow muscle it's way easier to lose body fat than to grow muscle LMFAO so fake what was your diet like I've been working out for a year then it doesn't take 30 days it takes years to grow especially just body weight or just some weigh on you how do we know it's real not just some padded underwear or fat injections I don't believe anything anymore especially with all these fake ass women pretending they got that ass from working out lol so she said it a little bit harsher but she is completely right it's very easy to fake it I've seen it I have friends that use there's there's little free apps on your phone that you can make things look different like I said there's paths that are very cheap that you can just slide it right on in there there's people that do transformation challenges and they do it in the same day and claim that it was 30 days or three months you guys it's very easy to fake things on the internet because it's not real life anyway underneath this common it says you both can shut the [ __ ] up and I'm just gonna tell the future real quick I feel like I'm gonna get a lot of those in the comment section because I'm hating right now so uh yeah um ready for that but that was my response and my thoughts you guys have asked me if it would work or not and I'm just going to say that I am a hundred percent sure that she did not grow fur boots in 30 days by thrusting air with absolutely no weights no I get it you guys if you're a fan of hers and you're watching this I'm not personally attacking her I'm just using her video as an example as to why I get clients being frustrated that their butt didn't grow from thrusting air or squatting with air and I explain to them why this is not working because you need stress on the muscle eventually your body is going to get used to that air and it will no longer be challenging to your body might burn but burning doesn't equal muscle growth so something to just kind of think about is all these guys we're gonna use men for an example in here you hear that men you got the spotlight right now so a lot of men once you put on muscle they want big chests they want working biceps they want a big strong back broad shoulders right they want to get big do you think that if a man sits at home and does this over and over again a hundred times a day for 30 days he is going to grow his biceps one inch just by doing this with different variations with just air the men that I see at the gym will lift heavy they're screaming their the weights you know they're they're struggling and a lot of them don't grow it takes a lot of work nutrition is needs to be thrown in there a lot you have to rest and you have to be patient for a lot longer than two weeks or thirty days so just remember it takes time not 30 days not three months it takes a lot of time and you have to be ready to put in that time you have to be ready to be sore you have to be ready to make sure that your nutrition is intact to be able to see the results that you want and that's not just for biceps that's for your booty ladies so that is my response there's no hate toward this lady I just feel like there's a lot of misinformation and you guys were asking is this gonna work and in my humble not even opinion just science-based facts it evolves so tell me your opinions in the comment section I know you guys will I never usually have to ask for anybody's opinion and if you do want a program that will help grow your glutes as long as you got your nutrition attacks and you're staying consistent and you are lifting heavy because that's what you have to do to grow your butt if you're trying to grow muscle a booty program links below and yes there are ways included you need a gym you cannot do this in your living room while you watch the Kardashian so with all that being said thank you so much for watching you guys don't forget to hit that subscribe button and turn on coast notifications so that you won't miss this face with more Fitness information that you asked for and don't forget to share this video with a friend thank you so much for watching and I will see you guys next video [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 801,170
Rating: 4.7170372 out of 5
Keywords: Chole Ting, 30 days 1 exercise, i did 100 bridges everyday, i did 100 bridges everyday for 30 days, responding to fit chicks, michelle mcdaniel, my thoughts will probably offend you, results, before and after pictures, responding to fake experiments, fake results
Id: HsGM5qlxQFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 43sec (1483 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 17 2019
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