Life of a Hoarder ~ Abandoned Mansion Of The French Elephant Lady!

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good morning everyone welcome back to the bros of dk i'm leslie and today i'm taking you on yet another adventure we're making our way through the backyard of an abandoned villa and we have to go through this forest to reach the abandoned house that you are filming today it's quite a thick forest pretty lush in the middle of a big town wow they had an enormous backyard everybody a little really enormous look at this there are a few cars left behind here in the backyard they still have even license plates on them but they are completely decaying a sichuan visa and this is a renault but i'm not sure about the model wow the spider webs all over it it does not open anymore what a crazy sound it's the other side up okay well take a look look at this all the spider webs here just the spider crawled underneath there the doors are just falling out oh my god what a sight they've been here a long time okay let's go i see the house here in the distance through the tree line i don't know if you can see it we have reached the house [Music] this is the story of a very inspirational french woman mrs frison goulet a lovely french lady who lived on the countryside together with a husband and two children they had a very wonderful life but unfortunately her husband passed way before her and left her alone in this grand manner the loss of her husband came at a price mrs frison goulet couldn't cope with it and started to develop an addiction to [Music] hoarding the aftermath can still be seen to this day in this abandoned manner boxes with random artifacts are stacked until the ceiling and they create it as some sort of maze throughout the house only a few rooms in this place are still livable but they are very beautiful and [Music] historical [Music] it's truly a sight to behold and we today are gonna wander through the maze and discover the history and artifacts that are left behind scattered throughout it [Music] let me now take you throughout this enchanting french mansion and show you the life of this lovely french lady i'm in the mansion i'm in the manoa of mrs frison colette the french woman that left this place behind in the state that it's right now this place is totally crazy there are like mountains and mountains of things that you hoarded throughout our life in this place it's like a true maze i'm gonna take you throughout it because there are some beautiful rooms scattered throughout the mansion and we're going to try to reveal some things about the life of mrs friesel collette and her family really excited for this one i hope you are too so let's start this epic exploration front of us here we see the winding staircase leading up to the top floor and over there you can see boxes and boxes of things that you order throughout our life but that's for later on in the video the things that we see there go back to 1906 the spiderwebs are taking over this place but let me show you the hallway that we're standing in right now because it's quite spectacular in my opinion they had this stove in here and as you can see behind the stove here are the cores that they used to fuel up this fireplace and lots of boots as well because it's a very big field behind the house like we just saw mrs frison gullet she lived in this place together with her family and throughout her life she was obsessed with collecting and hoarding stuff she had a textile company not far from this place i'm really eager to see how that place looked like wow and over here in the middle of the room you can see this big mountain of things that's just stacked because probably she didn't have room anymore to put things in this place and right next to it we have this beautiful cabinets where she displayed all the plates that she was very proud of flower designs on them quite spectacular beautiful fake flower underneath of course after 11 years of abandonment a flower can survive oh this is very nice this is probably a hand-painted painting you can see a woman and a man and two children in a field wandering around wow from here more cups and plates beautiful beautiful wow and to this side even more stuff that she hoarded no this is not hard except this is general antiques as you can see we have a scale over here in this cabinet she had all the blankets some notes over here i'm not going to go too close because they might reveal some clues about this place and that's something i don't want okay let's go further into what i believe is the kitchen look at the place how can you live in a place like this in my opinion this must be the worst house from a hoarder that i've ever seen it's not like junk but she had so many boxes that she all labeled with different things that you might thought ever to use in life but like you see most of the things we don't need i need to tell you all something i am alive try to stray for minimalism i try to minimize the things that i have in my life to 50 items except for clothing but this is just crazy why do you need so much stuff in your life there is no use for it as you can see oh she couldn't even use this incredible exhauster anymore you can see the exhauster with the pipe the chimney then i see some beautiful tile here in the back there's probably a stove behind here but now completely covered with all the boxes that she gathered over her lifetime and this was the kitchen that she last used and alive totally overthrown all the things right on here you can see here these are appliances for the kitchen they wrote on here after she passed away the family did not even bother to come in here and clean the stuff because they knew how much work it would be the last dishes that you washed up included on the drying rack over here are still there after 11 years i always test out the water sometimes it still runs in these french places wow this is just totally crazy we have a coffee machine here our oils even our goatlets to use to take things out of the oven it's not like dirty in here but it's just the amount of stuff that gets me and then we have over here in front of the house the door that has not been opened for 11 years spiders are taking it over ivy is growing on the outside well we even have a buck back sitting here on the door just chilling and we are wandering now into her bathroom a very tiny bathroom to my opinion for such a big manner her back scrubber is still here there are still some shampoos shampoos in the bathroom in the bathtub wow spiderwebs all over the ceiling oh this is cool this is like a little box that says toiletries to take on travel toilet voyage these are like little toothpaste shaving stuff for the man probably oh and her bathrooms and towels are also still here wow wow wow i'm back in the kitchen right now and here on the floor you can see there are hundreds and hundreds of newspapers but they all seem to be the same newspapers why in the world would you save the same newspapers oh my god what kind of room are we ending up right now so many trash bags i think this leads to the basement let me just check that out first before we go further in the home because over here she probably stored the most stuff up here again lots of spider webs oh i see a wine cellar in the back there sort of a wine cellar wow hundreds of bottles of wine and bed is flying around this room oh my god i'm gonna go out of here i'm gonna go out of here whoa it's somewhere in the basement right now those are the true explorations places like this crazy places and here we have the house completely decaying after the 11 years of abandonment more places to store wine and even more boxes and crates over here wow look at the backyard nature is completely digging in over at the end of the video i'm gonna take you back through the backyard and see if you can see anything else that's of interest but now let's head back into the house over there in the distance you can see the hallway that we were just inside but here to the right we end up in another room and i think this used to be the dining slash living room as well look at this place it's actually quite big a family of six could sit here i have found out that they had two children but i don't know about more children so it might be a possibility that they had some more children than two two i know for sure but more i'm not quite sure about wonderful dining table oak wood with the chairs in front of it i noticed this computer here at the end tectronic wow look at it they were of course very rich back in the day these pieces would cost thousands of euros and because of their richness they could afford it of course a television behind there oh look at the carved wall i don't actually know is it statue or something like that on a wall completely carved a horse carriage a farmer working the fields tapestries on a wall fascinating the contrast between the junk rooms i'm gonna call them and these wonderful completely furnished rooms it's just a world of difference i think this used to be at first thought it was a coffee machine or something that you would press it down press the beans through it but i'm actually not sure right now it seems that there's some sort of liquor in there if anybody knows what you would store in here please let me know i'm quite curious about that i love these candle holders that we have at the back here oh i've not looked at the fireplace yet it's also quite fascinating fire screen in there the last ashes when she lit it up it seems like we also have some sort of a crust in there beautiful fireplace and the tapestries that they would put in front of it are also totally amazing two seats and i could watch television over here in this room wow i think this was the outside of the house yes this is the outside of the house oh my god and we can see a little child somebody in this place was a painter because this is the same style as the one we saw in the hallway and then still here in the room we have this candle holder with now lights in there a beautiful crown molding take a deep breath and get ready because now we're gonna go through the real maze of the house okay let's venture forwards we have the front door over here the people came into the house and we are now behind the wall of trash because there is the hallway with the winding staircase in the stove and for some sort of weird reason there is an upholstery chair actually a very beautiful one here in the middle of that hallway but let's go further i have to put on my light i see because otherwise we're going to not see anything in that darkness over there we have a hat of his song goleta over of multiple heads actually that you probably use to go outside of the house with lots of things on the ground here the storage mess begins she wrote in every single box what it used to be that's uh tiny like plates and cups and things like this these are mostly for the kitchen this is for the bureau for network furniture for the bureau it says over here i think maybe like things that you would need in the bureau not furniture for the bureau so many boxes left here and this room is also completely covered you can see some books in the back but i can't go in here it's just too scattered okay let's try to make our way to this mess and see what's at the end of it here are probably some binders that hold documents of the company that she once had new books says on here more banana boxes tomato boxes lots of furniture in this room here to the side and even more boxes books it says on that one wow and here we have some beautiful plates on the wall and this leads us into this fantastic living room totally fantastic the contrast between these two this one and this one just couldn't be bigger in my opinion you would never expect a room like this in a house like this well let's start from right to left we have this wonderful mock-up sailboat here to the side cyclo xve calzia wow this one is just fantastically made beautiful replica the masts and everything probably completely handmade we have here this face with a church on it let's see what's in this wonderful cabinet glasses some boxes as you can see but she didn't hoard things in this cabinet that's also very fascinating more boxes and glasses okay let's close that up oh above the doorway i thought at first to wear weights but these are little shot glasses for lickers as you can see they're all just placed above the door on display and this was the little tree that they were on now we have these doorways that are pretty stuck right now built in cabinets revealing lots of things in there like plates and cups and whatever you would put in these i'm totally in love with the sitting area here in the middle of the room beautiful sofas on either side of it and then in the middle of the room we have these cannons on the table wow wooden cannons and even this wagon that holded the cannon balls on display fascinating and in front of the sofas we have these elephants that you could put your glass of drink or plate of food on when you were sitting here it must have been a wonderful sight sitting here in this living area i can really imagine myself here in front of the fireplace with the woman right next to me the family around here just having a chat about life i think it must be wonderful to be in this place you have to fireplace over here that would be lit up back in the day the tools for the fireplace right next to it and they were big fans of elephants as you can see many many elephant statues in this house wow they also used to hold statues or other artifacts back in the day we have this indian elephant this lion red chinese lion that's in front of the gates of the forbidden city in china i think a face with flowers in there a chinese face right next to it and then right next to the seat we have this newspaper holder wow what a room everybody even more cannons over here oh this one that's heavy oh my god that's incredibly heavy even these statues of night armor wow on the lamppost a wall clock shabon akuten a cassette wall clock with a beautiful golden clock face fascinating piece again oh it just literally falls apart excuse me for that everybody but that's just how it goes after these years of dk and i now notice what this is this is the weight that used to be in here because there is only one weight left in this piece as you can see it's totally the same multiple books in this display cabinet again more statues this is the taj mahal i think in chat and india i've been there one of the seven world wonders enormously big books and here you can get a glimpse of the outside they even had a greenhouse in this backyard there's one more built-in cabinet that i have to check out oh this one seems to be locked ah no it doesn't open up let's go further into the remainder of the house [Music] let's now venture up the stairway to the top floor even here in the stairway the spiderwebs are taking over and these are the boxes that i showed you in the beginning of the video wow books books souvenirs and new books 1900 1889-1922 says on here telephone from the children okay i want to check this one out i want to check this one out let's place it down and let's open it up the rope is pretty tight i got it open oh look at this oh i'm gonna put this back of course at the end we have a children's telephone clear tone flashing light ringing bell intercom house phone can i get this open with one hand and in here we have telephones for the children these were ones that you would plug into the main and then somehow the children could call from room to room but not outside i think really cool find okay let's box this up again and let's put it back the box is back into place and let's now venture through the top floor and see the most private part of this house gadgets it says over here okay of course what did you expect more boxes upstairs oh we have one bedroom to this side completely stacked full with all these boxes and then we have a very clean one here to the end and i think mrs colette used to sleep in this one at the last days of life let's turn up the light a little bit let's go through this room oh a box of gluedo here at the end some children see it's definitely some children have been in this place have slept in this place and have lived in here we've got an enormous vault in front of us with an a to z locking combination that you would need to put in but somebody has tried to break into this fault you could barely fit your hand in here they did a really good job of opening it up must be really tough okay fascinating room with even a fireplace in the middle of it that would be lit up back in the day because there was no central heating in this house a little burrow here as well with an african face mask laying here and i love this clock statue with a woman howling holding a harp i think it is yes it's a harp but a very small one i don't know if you call this a hob if somebody knows just tell me in the comment section and it's not a woman it's a man he also has a scroll here we can get a glimpse again of that overgrown backyard wow and then the still made bet where mrs colette used to sleep flower blanket on there this is a religious symbol people back in the day in france were of course very religious and you always see religious symbols around these houses i love the light switches that they had in here there seems to also be an attic a stairway leading up let's go up there let's check that out oh lots and lots of things up here shavers on the floor and she used to come up here to put up her laundry as you can see so many things we've got a sewing machine stand over here a frame of a bed and i'm not gonna even wander over there yeah i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it i wanna see it a statue more bed frames over here wow look at these praying shares that are behind there they are wonderful where were you gonna end up more boxes like we could expect oh look at this petrol station that that was made for children a miniature skill petrol station wow even a car elevator here to the left of it right of it we are back in the hallway right now and we can see two more rooms to this side and i think we can safely assume that there were more than two children in this place because we saw six chairs at the dining table down there and we have already found four or five bedrooms yeah with these included i think four and this is the fifth one and this might also have been mrs goulet her last bedroom this one seems to be more lift than the other one a telephone right next to the bed with a listening device at the end of it as well and here we have the still made bed with a supporting pillow at the end of it two pillows i think she slept in this one this one really seems the most lived room i also have lots of clothes in here from her lots of scarves and dresses and even more elephants i think she was the one who put the elephants in the house and was like adored these animals oh a wonderful summer dress in here many more clothes of her and the spider webs are also in there in this room there was also a fireplace okay here we have her name madame frison it says on here that's wonderful but let me turn that around because there are lots of entry points of interest to find this place and i don't want to reveal it a buddha as well over here and this is very common for friends to have like a sink in a bathroom where you can just wash yourself up but don't have a bathroom in your bedroom dividing screen as well to dress up behind lovely little sink her vanity where she made herself beautiful in the morning it's not like affinity but it has some cosmetic stuff right here religious artifacts above it i love this waiver that she had here wonderful to see this all oh no i almost forgot in this room we also have this little piano this this miniature piano here in the corner of it i was literally ready to walk out again and go back into the hallway but look at this piece that we have over here mikhail sonne it says on there and it still plays i'm not gonna make too many tunes in here but wow what a wonderful piece of decoration [Music] i just made it outside it's a beautiful day here in france and i also want to show you the front of this enormous mansion actually you wouldn't see it from the inside but it has so many shutters on windows wow i really did not expect that the front looked like this we're gonna take a stroll through the backyard right now and show you what's left in here let me first give you one big overview of this incredible place before we go into the backyard fascinating might there be a car or something like that of course we have to check that no again more boxes what did you expect [Applause] i also wanted to take a look at the greenhouse that's here let's head over there first this place is so overgrown totally unimaginable restoring this place is almost impossible yes here we are at the greenhouse i still gotta make money to these prettiest plants oh my god this is crazy welcome inside the greenhouse of the mansion i can't walk far in here but you can see they had some grapefruits in here vineyard a little vineyard with some plants and pots wow okay everybody we've ended up again at the car cars we're just going to take a few more pictures i'm going to give you one last glance at it before i end off this wonderful video and this fantastic exploration wow i truly enjoyed it rune can you take over the camera please because i'm going to thank everybody for watching this week's video or truly want to thank mrs colette for her life her story and that i could bring it to the internet forever if you liked this week's video please let's see if it opens up it's completely closed please like the video subscribe to the channel if you're new here and you want to see more of these explorations comment something down below in the comment section there's also a link in the description for patreon this is just my hobby and i really love it so small donation would make the world for me thank you very much i see you next week with another crazy episode bye-bye i love you very much [Music] you
Channel: Bros Of Decay
Views: 111,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Urbex, abandoned, urbanexploration, urbandecay, decay, photography, brosofdecay, Abandoned, house, home, Abandoned Mansion, Abandoned House, abandoned house everything left behind, abandoned house exploration, hoarders full episodes, hoarders show, exploring with josh, urban exploring, abandoned home, abandoned house japan, abandoned house in woods, abandoned castles around the world, abandoned castles in europe, abandoned castle tour, urban exploring with josh, steve ronin haunted
Id: 20Qk1BCqTog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 52sec (2272 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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