This ABANDONED HOUSE Might Leave You Speechless!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] check out the wallpaper oh my look at this [Music] kitchen are you scared hey there everyone today i have one heck of an abandoned venture for you i'm coming to you from a very unique location it's unique because we actually have permission to be here which is very unheard of on top of that when i visit abandoned houses one of the things i look forward to is finding ones that are loaded with personal items and possessions and items that will tell a story about the owner and this owner has a story to tell i'm going to be sharing some information with you about him but as i pan over i just want to show you yeah we have all that to check out and then some so if you're ready for an abandoned adventure come along with me all right so here's just a brief look from the outside it's almost overwhelming and the funny thing is is matt and just told me that what you're seeing here is only a fraction of what used to be here there used to be cars littered here multiple motorcycles and just piles of stuff and what i can tell you is that the gentleman who lived here was born in this house he lived until his 70s died in the 70s how long ago year and a half year and a half to two years ago no one's lived here since since his passing though friends and you know people that are aware of him and his collection have been here to kind of go through the items um but there's a few unique things i could tell you about him is that matt described him as very eccentric um he was a collector a hoarder he was kind of stinky and smelly he was the type of person who would reuse paper plates and everyday items that you throw away for various things like changing the oil on a lawnmower he used like a chocolate syrup bottle and he has more stuff here that i'm surprised it wasn't shut down and you know by the ordinance of the borough to say you know clean this up or you have to vacate the property because just showing what's here now knowing that it's multiplied times what it is it's hard to believe they said he was a very smart and knowledgeable guy but you know kind of like a recluse as well didn't go out much he kind of kept to himself but did tinker with his toys as you could say and what we're going to show here today is kind of his life you know there is a garage is the vehicle still in there there's a vehicle in the garage we've got a nice honda motorcycle tractors push mowers all kinds of tools and appliances and toys there's a remote control truck right in front of me here and the house is vacant it's empty it's abandoned and being overgrown by ivy so i was trying to get the correct information um they said that when he was living here as we'll show there's ivy growing through the windows on the inside and it was like that when he was alive living here and the inside looks like it's been abandoned for 20 years but he lived here up until two years ago when he passed away so that's kind of like a little back history but we're gonna show the contents of the property again we do have permission to be here so we're not doing anything that we shouldn't be doing but just some random items like a pallet jack here there is a timing gun for the timing for an engine um rj could probably identify if any of these are worth any value craftsman transmatic on that orange one there and just items everywhere and while you're here keep on looking for a toy to see if it's abandoned because i just spotted another one see and learn piano so uh a little tidbit of information that matt shared with me that i thought his wife passed and he was here on his own turns out he uh was rather um flirty with other women and supposedly behind this exact garage his wife caught him with another woman back there that i can't confirm that but i had no reason to disbelieve what he just told me because he heard it from trustworthy sources and she left him and he was here on his own and probably this multiplied because he had no one to tell him what he can or can't do so everything we're seeing here just became you know even more crazy than what it already was and look at that car wow that is insane it's sitting here yes i'm not gonna spend a whole lot of time here i mean next literally this could be a four-hour video trying to go through all the contents i just want to give you a glimpse as to his life and what kind of things he picked up and collected [Music] some random coats hanging here i have not been in a place like this so like this has me so excited to ch check this out and share with you guys because it's been a while since i filmed an abandoned house that is like this and look at that car my goodness chevrolet uh you don't know the year matt do you it was last inspected in 83. and looks like it's pretty intact now again his dad's so matches said this was his father's car which was passed down to him and keeping a garage kept keeping it salvageable i mean it's pretty intact not rotted out everything is still here now the stuff here is not for the taking i mean it is you know it was his and he has friends and i don't know if there's any relatives who are aware of the situation and have come here already to take you know what they're able to and do what they have to do to kind of clean up the property but you know it's not open to thieves it is watched after but again we have permission to be here so it does make it easier for us wow there's another riding lawn mower this car though i'm just blown away here's a huffy bicycle wow this is really great condition got the cue ball shifter and it smells like it looks i mean it smells like an old car there's actually like little cat prints on the on the windshield this should be saved and restored you hear that that's solid man what a beauty but prior to him passing away matt you said there's like a lot more stuff on the property in the garage in the house yeah hard to believe but i believe it he was a mechanic for years there's a mechanic i think gm chevy stuff like that okay that makes sense uh up in the upstairs room you'll see one of the rooms if you kept track of everything you know you want the giant you know whatever twinkies three dollars oh yeah yeah so one thing we're gonna find on the property in the house are probably dozens of hershey's it's because he said he's like a chocoholic he bought probably cases of these cases of chocolate and it's like he it was his addiction his vice oh yeah some adult reading material this bike seems like it's in decent condition too 1200cc starting to rain out too that's a big boy oh gold wing i didn't realize this goldwing got another shed here gm so yeah matt said he was a chevy gm mechanic so we're gonna see a lot of things related to that but this is a newer shed it's pretty pretty nice in here actually yeah i have to blur that but yeah there is um an abundance of these supposedly he had these on in his garage in his house yeah but it makes it more real you guys can always be behind me so that yellow cover there's the yellow bike there used to be a sailboat in here it's not there a sailboat wow more chocolate this is another gold wing i saw the yellow covers in that shed we were just in still got the key in the ignition yeah there would be music playing in here yeah well yeah look at the old camera here jess did you see this camera oh wow still flash that's like a good display piece oh he definitely loved his hondas this is like a gold mine of abandoned houses like i am blown away there's like another little room what's in there okay water tv guide that's like a blast in the past oh here's like a archery kit all the oil like he didn't throw anything away more factory radios those are older ones too some of them might be only am it's a big workbench here i mean this is his livelihood you know he came i'm just you know speculating but it seems certainly just you know tinkered around things and you know knew where everything was but it was in disarray and he was meticulous with you know note taking with you know what he has in stock or on hand what he paid for things like this old cordless phone too wow these things you don't see anymore and they're still here there's another workbench it's got a pan it's like a little parts tray all little nuts and bolts and connectors distributor caps he's one of those guys that can't throw it away because you never know if you'll need it what are the parts are up there a few kerosene heaters oh just yeah your wheels all kinds of stuff every inch of space you use yeah nothing wasted here's rossignol skis i used to have hair rossignols national geographic ruined that moisture yeah what if they would be any they use a collector probably working on a carburetor there big valve cover is that the same car that's his car uh i'm not sure was that car or four-door no that one's four-door isn't it yeah it looks like it it's similar though oh looks like some of his clothes possibly hanging here what are these more oil filters 350 that's a nice looking honda favorite color blue that should be saved and restored probably not seized up i mean it's in the garage here i know and there's a boy scout briars he's like me he likes his sweets oh yeah mayonnaise jars oh and there's like decrepid gelatinous mayonnaise in them oh that's gross this is very uh like this whole wall wrenches and everything hanging from it tools like a maybe a battery charger just miscellaneous parts there's a nice oil lantern coleman oh it was nice it's kind of all rusty oh wow [Music] jeez she's got stuff everywhere it's all like new stock new old stock check out the wallpaper this is unreal look at all the chocolate bottles oh my look at all the beef containers that's what burgers this is unheard of [Music] and he lived like this i'm almost speechless i'm just gonna let you guys take this in i mean this is a scene i've never seen in my life [Music] oh my god this is like this is a little shop of horror vibes when the plants taking over the shop and look at all the hershey's bottles he must have been like had like a sugar 300 i'm almost afraid to open his cabinets that one won't even open oh my goodness this is like unreal conditions oh my god the sink here it's filled with water i can't believe what i'm seeing right now this is the most bizarre scene ever in an abandoned house this really sets it apart from everything else i've ever seen a gear lubricant on the kitchen counter it's the right place for it so what we're walking on and it's gonna lead us to the refrigerator is these are all used like beef you know trays that you buy the packaged beef on and they save them all they're just laying here on the ground look at the stove even i didn't realize that was a stove i'm surprised there's not car parts in there that's like the cleanest part oh i think that's one of those retractable lamps too you could pull it to like adjust the height of it yeah wow yeah it's supposed to be like you know like that's pretty neat like a retractable shade almost yeah so you could raise it up to the top or lower depending on the height of your table i love the wallpaper very unique yeah the wallpaper is it's bizarre very eclectic taste like you said all right so we're gonna check out the fridge but it's got more chocolate and more of the ladies that one there i think is even mariah carey right there in the middle all right uh i don't even know if i want to see this [Applause] oh my god oh i'm trying not to gag that is so gross oh my oh oh god i can't i just cannot believe he lived like this so you weren't kidding when you said the house appeared to be abandoned even when he was living here because he didn't do any upkeep at all so look what we found recognize that bike that is the bike that is down in the basement and that is him and his wife back in the day looks like the bike is like brand new condition that is really awesome all right so we got to see uh much of the kitchen but now we have more to see it's a little closet here vacuum he uh collected the newspapers oh wow whipped cream look at the old sofa that screams like vintage retro look at all the mayonnaise jars on the tv tray and the floor is littered in tv guides like he kept everything console tv fireplace i mean we're looking at a glimpse of his life here it's just remarkable there's photo albums there's papers or everything here makes you wonder where do you spend most of his time do you think it was the sofa or the recliner i'm probably going to bet the recliner it looks pretty worn and it's right in front of the tv it's probably his favorite area and he has jars and jars of mayonnaise let's see a date on this it's gotta be a date june 29 98 that is over 23 years old so next to the main living room we got an office in there which we'll check out and i'm guessing this was the dining room yeah and this is by far the worst room i thought the kitchen was bad this is even worse there is tremendous decay that floor i won't even venture to step on it really sad stated condition but the whole back of the house is just being eaten and you can actually see there is ivy coming through right there so it's kind of eating the house alive all right so this is his office a lot of automotive books a vacuum you can see the wood paneling probably spend a lot of time in here you know doing whatever he's doing rather paying bills or researching things yeah the ivy's just pretty much coming right through the window i mean these are solid panes but it's finding a way in all right now we're gonna head up to the second floor only imagine what we're gonna find so there's gonna be probably parts of this video up here i'm gonna either have to blur or cut out for reasons that you could imagine so i'll just do what we can to show it and keep it advertiser friendly oh the benny hill show remember watching that it's definitely a collector of movies oh my wow this whole stairs is trashed i know it's getting worse wow yeah i'm going to show you what i can within reason this is sketchy up here this is the most intact room so far so i'm going to start off here jesus look at these little model trucks and they are covering uh something that i can't show more hershey's syrup he must like kept him in business for a long time raised their stock that one still has some syrup in it i'll tell you it's a decent house when it was up you know kept up but it's been a long time since any upkeep was done oh this has one of those new natural skylights too you can see right off to the outside there now can you make it out i know it's hard to see there is actually a telephone here a really old one wow [Music] definitely movie buff he's got the old v vcr rewinder vhs rewinder i should say little flip phone yeah yeah so matt was explaining this is a receipt room like everything he purchased he kept you know documentation there for whatever reason i mean he's got drawers and buckets and containers full of receipts these old perfume bottles in here so this room is probably above the dining room yeah i'm not gonna step on that yeah this bathroom and i'm guessing his wife probably picked out the wallpaper it was his parents oh yeah that's true since he was raised here could have been his parents yeah i'm not stepping on that floor that toilet's eventually going to be on the first floor where you're standing look up and off to that side at the peak which way this way oh yeah yeah matt pointed out you see that that's actually a picture of um he believes i have no idea maybe his mother but it's an older woman definitely antique style photo but it's on the ceiling of the attic now this room here is above the dining room downstairs which means we're not stepping on this floor past this door sill and this is the bedroom got the dresser with the mirror you see a globe more vcor tapes tire rims chevy rims and ivy again growing it's like pretty much without you know over exaggerating it's taking over the house here somewhere i just heard something move upstairs something crawling you had a radio plane like what all the time yeah so that people thought notes okay i did walk across all that crap to get to that other club caddyshacks so it held you yeah so the kitchen is over here which means we're not gonna step over there and i gotta watch what i show there's some x-rated stuff here yeah i'm gonna hold the camera still here i'll blur what i have to but there is some kind of x-rated stuff i mean he has a collection of stuff without a doubt yep ivy's grown in the attic i'm pretty certain this is his bed this is really hard to show anything in this room there's stuff everywhere got the tv two tvs one with the vcr facing right at the bed he's got dvd player there you got all kind of players and all kinds of movies things that yeah this is going to be hard to edit i'm going to try to show you worst case scenario everything's a blur because i just can't show it oh it's an old roll away desk or roll top desk i should say there's speakers over there kenwoods yeah this is right above the kitchen so no surprise as to why everything is just working its way down all right um i think we saw everything there was to see up here uh safely at least without putting ourselves in risk of danger a lot of things here i can't show you guys get the clear picture as to why um but hundreds of dvds um vc vhs tapes magazines when he collected and hoarded things he went to the extreme i mean and he enjoyed the pleasures of being in you know a uh divorced single male so uh we're gonna head outside now see what else the property we can show you uh if we missed anything you know we'll be seeing that next and uh we'll see what else there is to share about this location which is probably by far one of the best i've ever filmed as far as an abandoned location specifically an abandoned house which is my favorite of out of all the abandoned things i've ever filmed resorts and houses are my favorite but houses are number one and this pretty much trumps it i mean i'm almost speechless so enough for me rambling let's go outside there's a something living up there a nest yep there's the bird so there's the living room and the siding is coming off and water and moisture is getting inside but this could be salvaged but if they wait too long it's going to be too far gone but this was definitely a nice home back in the day aluminum siding and uh you know it's fairly spacious for what it is holy crap that scared me so this is why the house looks the way it does and i'm not sure if it'll pick up on video but the window here is actually sagging down because the vines are kind of separating the frame from the house so it's going downwards it's getting eaten alive is that's no like exaggeration of that it's happening right before our eyes but there is more to see um matt stated that back here the property goes for quite a ways there's some abandoned cars back there and some other things so we're gonna check that out next well he had no shortage of equipment for maintaining his property here i'll tell you that tractors push mowers we trimmers [Applause] probably only good for parts now all right the house is straight up over there we're further behind it now remnants of a type of shed structure with numerous lawn mowers just sitting here rotting away metal trash cans miscellaneous stuff just you know this and that randomness but matt was explaining though is that you know after he passed people were kind of taking over the property here and it was dirt bikers and other people that were kind of using his land as like a makeshift dirt bike track until people complained and officials had to put a stop to it yeah look at it from a dirt bike oh look a little monster truck a ford anything good kids toys kids toys and he didn't have any kids right huh actually a lot of toys in here that's weird there's a like a fisher-price barn up there tape recorder huffy 10-speed there's a lot of toys in here like more than you would think there would be like why does he have them oh too bad it's not the original tin one yeah incredible hulk these even like little matchbox cars so this truck that's here was actually driven back here um we was told that the owners was able to start it up with the carb cleaner or um ether and was able to drive it back here and park it here and unfortunately since that time it's been turned into a dirt bike ramp or jump because that truck is actually pretty sharp looking i would kind of keep that the way it is that patina and just clear coat it it's unfortunate what they did with it though but yeah to know that it was driven back here roughly 15 years ago it says something yeah one of many vehicles now this is only one of a couple vehicles that are still left here it used to be a lot more from back in the day but since he passed a lot of them have been removed yeah that's a chevy i was hoping it was a ford front end [Music] oh [Music] but that's the way it goes you know people pass away there's no one looking after the property and things like this do happen now i just want to put something into context here now i have filmed a lot of abandoned places a lot of abandoned homes and these others i've said they're my favorite the best in different aspects now i filmed better abandoned homes before but this is probably my favorite in number one as far as personal contents i've been into a hoarder house before i've been into houses that are empty houses that are full but this one though really told a story you're gonna look back at his life as a mechanic as a collector as a hoarder and the personal details we learned about you know him being divorced with his wife leaving him and how he lived and the condition of the house that he lived in it's truly unique and stands apart from the rest so this by far really is a memorable location what i'm never going to forget and one i am so thankful that i was able to share with you guys it's all thanks to matt and jess and you know we were respectful we didn't take anything we didn't move anything we just kind of looked at it documented it because it is going to be eventually going up for share of sale and it's probably behind on back taxes um it's just the way these properties go and what we're seeing though is only a fraction of what used to be here more cars more possessions more personal things it was way worse right after he passed and friends and whoever family were able to come through and kind of delegate who gets what but with that being said if you do know where this location is please keep it to yourself keep it respectful the property is watched that's the only reason we were allowed to be here is because we were given permission otherwise um you know they don't want anyone rooting around taking things it's not up for the grabs it is going to be handled you know the legal way but i just can't really get over everything that kitchen is burned in my brain i'm never gonna forget that kitchen and his collection of adult x-rated things he's got a good collection there not gonna lie anyways guys would love to hear your thoughts um anything you want to share you're welcome to if you want to see more abandoned explorations there will be a playlist down below in the description if you happen to be new to the channel finding this video for the first time check out my playlist if you like what you see consider subscribing to the channel anyways thanks so much for watching and as always guys i'll see you in the next video
Channel: JPVideos
Views: 257,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jpvideos, abandoned house, abandoned home, abandoned house everything left behind, abandoned cars, abandoned horder house, abandoned, decaying, exploring
Id: awfcRX2BuSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 56sec (2456 seconds)
Published: Sat May 21 2022
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