Obsession Destroyed His Life! ~ Historical Abandoned French Mansion

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good morning everybody welcome back to the bros of dk i'm leslie and i'm going to take you today on another adventure i'm walking here in a typical little french town and i'm on my way to a true dying capsule a manner that has been left behind for quite some time we have been trying to get into side of this place for a few times right now but we think it's gonna happen today because we heard it's it's open and it's possible to go in there let's go let's try this out [Applause] so i'm already inside right now now it's the turn of them as you can see we are now on the property of the manure itself completely overgrown i lost it so i'm now standing here in the backyard of the place as you can see everything is completely overgrown over time this is the manor itself beautiful backside the french shutters and everything and over here the side of it they got some sort of a guest house as you can see there's even a toilet in here but i'm going to show this one in depth later but first let's head inside of the manor because there's a window open here at the back where we can hop in let's go [Music] mr george since his childhood he was a big fanatic of architecture and design later on in his life he made his dream come true and started his own factory that manufactured crown molding and pottery life was good for george he had a prosperous factory a loving wife and a beautiful daughter but it all turns out for him when his business started to become an obsession he lost his interest in all other things even his family life started to fall apart his wife left him she won custody of his daughter and later on the sales of the factory started to decline [Music] unfortunately there is no happy ending to this story george passed away at the age of 86 years old and there was nobody to take over his beloved factory and mansion in this documentary we will take you around his long forgotten home and reveal the history that's locked behind his doors [Music] so that's the window we just climbed through and we come immediately into a time capsule like a room as you can see there's a vault over there in the back ambreeville dollar france wow these are four key holes that you need to fill to open this lock this one is nothing to the side i'm wondering what's inside of here some champagne boxes and this wallpaper is also quite unique you can immediately see the spider webs covering this place and this truly makes it a time capsule i don't believe i saw some pictures before from this place but truly not a lot of people have been in here and have seen this place in a long time all these look like painting canvases or something like that yeah they have not been painted yet interesting beautiful little cabinet here to the side and they also have like oh these have been painted wow oh these were maybe these were maybe the designs for a spottery that he made yes look at this we immediately find some artifacts and it makes this the story of the house completely true you can see these are the pots that he made and we're gonna probably see more of this throughout the place wow you can see this old school telephone over here and it has these switches down here probably to connect internally to other people and then over here you can dial externally i'm going to give you a little lesson how one of these phones used to work so you would the number you want for example zero you take zero you go back to this little metal thing you let it loose and then you do all the numbers pick up the horn and then you could call probably most people who watch my channel know how a phone like this works but uh yeah it's quite interesting nonetheless uh-huh he also got some wallpaper of pots behind here this man was truly truly interested and intrigued by pottery and yeah he made his life from it he even abandoned his wife and children to pursue his passion of pottery okay we've just entered into the kitchen a very very basic french kitchen as you can see there is no appliances in here and i have checked before but there is no other kitchen inside of that place i love these cabinets here to the side let me show them in detail to you let's open one up oh and we are immediately greeted by beautiful pottery that he probably made himself inside of his factory wow this man mr george had a passion in life i adore people who have a passion in life but you also got to respect the relationships you have you don't need to let it take over your life my passion is great but it can also ruin your life some tiles down here they probably also made this in the factory spider webs are covering them let's show you a bit more of the kitchen i think this was to wash clothes this bin this yeah it was to wash clothes or something like this i'm not 100 sure and over here that would cook food i believe this looks like nothing to cook food on this looks like just a sink this is the only piece of kitchen they have left here maybe they took something out but i'm not sure about that we got one picture of maria over here i think it's mario no it's theresa saint teresa i forgot to show you these beautiful radiators here in hallway let me see they were made in troyas and that's in france it's a town a city in france beautiful city if you ever come to france make sure to video visit troyes as well this was the back door we have one more of those radiators here to the side this was the lantern inside of the hallway wow this is fantastic how people used to decorate their homes this door over here leads to the basement and this little hidden door that you see inside of this house they have like these doors that are worked away into the wall it's just a little place to hang and store your coats and stuff like that this man used to store stuff from his company inside of his house that's probably one of the reasons that his wife left him behind this took over his life this truly took over his life we have french financial times from back in the day here wow this looks like a really old one some tiles that i made in the company not a little lantern here to decide oh and this is also a very cool i don't know the exact word for this but this device that would make for you this is custom-made and with this device you could measure the size of your shoes so the shoemaker would know your size oh no this one you would put inside of the shoe but you also have the ones that they they make on the size of your chew or off your foot very cool let's put it quite nicely and then it's time to visit the master bedroom [Music] okay let's go through this bedroom because i'm quite excited for it it's a magnificent bedroom and first off we have a piano inside of the bedroom this is actually very something very uncommon that i've not seen a lot in france probably nowhere in the world that you would have a bedroom a piano inside of the bedroom some little statues on top of there i'm gonna show you every little detail and quirk of this place the lamp added the clock over here and this day probably stored some jewels inside there's nothing in there anymore wow let's see if this masterpiece still plays wow that's beautiful bernard fields us also made in france he truly supported the french economy back in the day this piano chair it's also a unique piece wow and then look at this cabinet here to the side with all the design on it let's see what's in there cups why would he have cups inside of his bedroom did he have a d party in here or something like that oh pictures i always love to see pictures this is a picture of them together the wife and the man before they got divorced and 1985 as you can see and this was him later on in life that's crazy some pictures from greece and over here we got old school french town depicted more stuff in here oh these were little stands we could put some a vase and a plant on top of there beautiful marble table this is empty and every room inside of the house used to be built with a fireplace but i can see that they already had central heating inside of this house there are radiators everywhere but in big castles you see it a lot that they built fireplaces inside of bedrooms because they had no central heating back in the day and so they had to provide some heat in another way wow this looks like a war picture or something like that just quickly place this back nicely that was behind the mirror i see from the corner of my eye that in this building cabinet are more faces left behind more pottery pottery work of him wow and the bed over here has no mattress on on the meanwhile so that's very strange to me why did they take the mattress out and leave everything else inside of this place little mirror on top we had to decide we got another one of those cabinets with the same style uh style of cabinets as the other one that we saw wow there's some sort of a little sketchbook here with more sketches of course of french towns of course pottery that's his passion in life so we got to have sketches of pottery of course beautiful french houses you gotta give it to me french architecture is truly the most beautiful in the world to my opinion to my opinion and over here we got the front door of the house as you can see it's completely green on the outside that's because it's completely overgrown i think i can open this little window yeah and now you can get a sense of how overgrown this place is it's truly lost in time let's close it up again and this piece of furniture here to the side was used uh that you see it also a lot on old houses and it's used to uh there's a piece of furniture to go out of the house so i don't know the exact name of it but you would hang your coat up here your umbrellas would be down there and you would store general stuff that you need to go out of the house with you would store it on this piece of furniture and it also had mirrors to check if you were clean in the morning before going out and then we have one last room down here and this is the dining room of the place wow give you a quick overview let's see what's in here as well oh oh a touring map of israel look at that maybe this man sold oh yeah pottery is also really big in israel so maybe he had to do something with the country maybe trade it with the country or something like that or maybe it's just a piece of souvenir that he hanged in his house this is an incredible piece of furniture beautiful cabinet and it looks like there would be a clock face in here because there's a little window [Music] it looks like there would be a clock in here but it has been taken out wow lots of dishes in here and it looks more pottery in this cabinet i like this boat that he made you can assume that every single piece of pottery was probably came from his factory inside of this place they also did some plaster work you can see these are faces from plaster work some trays oh these are some heavy glasses they have really thick glass on them close it up again then here to the side we've got more building cabinets like we always see in france let's just open them up and see what's in there more pottery of course they opened this one for you as well wow we got another map here this map is of friends and there's a newspaper above it interesting stuff a lovely fireplace with a mirror above it here and this is quite a unique stove to my opinion or is it a stove i don't think it's a stove it's it's made from wood a stove is normally not made from wood because it would burn but i don't know what this piece of furniture is so let me know again in the comment section if anybody has an idea what this was used for maybe it was some sort of an animal cage or but i'm not sure on the dining table he had more blast work from his company wow oh this is completely filled with what's that what's i don't know what it is filled with because all these little boxes they look like cigar boxes we just got one of them let's see what's in there oh what's that wow this looks like supplies for suing or something like it maybe his wife left suing and to use this cabinet to store her sewing supplies because you can see also these all these little different pieces of cloth down here so yeah maybe she didn't take it with her when she left him behind let's close this up lovely to see completely filled with postcards and stuff like that all these personal stuff in here lots of personal stuff left behind don't know what this is this is a little agenda i think it's a little agenda from 1956. there's nothing in there anymore we unfortunately so much history from this place already designs for houses and here to the side we've got a little stand that's covered with soothing supplies so this adds on to the story that the wife probably had a passion for suing and making stuff that way but we didn't see a sewing machine yet inside of this place maybe we find something upstairs but uh let's hope this is a drawing from moss and michelle it's actually not that far from here wow mostly michelle is like an island nation in the ocean of france and in the channel between france and england and it's a pretty cool place i've been there before i even have a video of it and i will link it i will link it up there okay now it's time to take a stroll upstairs and show you what's left behind over there oh first off here on the stairway you can see the spider webs covering it isn't that just beautiful how this place is lost in time coming here is an upstairs hallway the first thing we see i think it's the toilet let's see if i'm right yeah a toilet a sink to the side here with a beautiful view of the garden wow let's close this again show you the hallway as well and now we can enter into the first room that is unfortunate for you to compete completely emptied out oh this room has a sink inside of it it's a beautiful old school french sink wow hot and cold fresh oh this is a cool feature look this little lever closes and opens the drain of the sink oh do you see what i see that seems like a little hidden door at the back here wow look at it it's completely disguised into the wall oh my god this is an hidden passageway that leads in the next into the next bedroom wow look at this this is the upstairs bedroom and then you have this passageway leading to the other room so maybe the other room used to be a brewer or something like that because why would you have a passageway to another bedroom and then bedroom that seems crazy to me excuse me if i'm rambling rambling too much but i'm just always curious going throughout these places what it all used to have been this seems to be another master bedroom but the other one downstairs might have been used the most got a beautiful cabinet here to the side with some copper designs on it look at this looks amazing a woman with a hob [Music] booklets in here and stuff like that then every single piece of furniture in this room has the same design on it same copper design on it so it matches the bed is also incredibly designed we have the chest in front of here wow these look like bullets in here empty bullets holsters let's go further here to the side we have more building cabinets let's see what's in them ah this used to be a closet as well to store the clothes and to hide it away nicely to make it seamless with the room is a nice word i think another fireplace inside of this bedroom wow look at the design on top that's magnificent a little table in here as well got some paintings oh i just noticed something here on the table this looks like an old school shaver wow look at this device i'm going to show you how it works so i have a beard and they would use this old school device to shave themselves and they would do like this they would spray first spray that face wet and then i would shave like this very easy actually and it's very durable these devices they last a lifetime as you can see it's still here wow and this looks like another secret passion tree that leads us into the next room and that's the bathroom oh and here we already see decay happening inside of this place i hear the floor already cracking underneath my feet so i should be a bit careful inside of this room because this is the most deteriorated room inside of this place it's actually a very small bathroom can be dead to the side here as well very typical for friends of course they also got this system of closing sinks see if there's anything left in here nothing okay it's time to move on to the next room [Music] okay let's see what this one beholds another bedroom oh yeah let's have a look this one is also quite fancy in my opinion the first thing that i notice inside of this room is this i think it's a walking king looks like a very typical french walking cane this is completely handmade you can see the letter on there wow what a beautiful piece [Music] every single bed in this place has no mattress inside of it anymore that's very strange to me why would they take out all the mattresses of this place that's something i would leave behind but they took it with them look at this egyptian chair i always call it i'm not sure it looks like they had some dogs inside of this place because it's completely covered with hairs then we got another stand for a vase and a nightstand next to it what's this on here looks like some sort of a metal device wow the people in here also used to love to make paintings i don't know which person the man or the woman who did it i'm not sure not a beautiful nightstand next to here wow fireplace without a mirror some tables to the side this looks like some box to store a violin or something like it or some sort of a music device but it has nothing in there anymore that squeaking noise oh what are these are these glasses for something it's a whole box of glasses i don't know what this device used to be there's so many things inside this place where i have no clue what they were used for just because i'm not old enough that squeaking sound [Applause] look at this beautiful okay now it's time to go to the attic one of my favorite places of the house okay let's open this up beautiful door again leading up to the attic and let's see what's left behind because i always tell you ethics are the places where people store memories of former times we already can see a bag laying down here wow i've not been on this attic yet it's a very typical french attic as you can see maybe we're gonna find some more stuff of the wife up here wow you immediately see a picture of lourdes that's i think this is lourdes yes there's a holy site in france i don't see that much up here i hope to see some pottery or to see some stewing stuff of the wife but we got some sort of a device here looks like an electrical device also quite interesting this attic is completely filled with spider webs they are everywhere and when i walk they all go into my face and it's not not nice as i should say but i hope to find some pottery up here here we got a little more soothing stuff left behind wow there's a pot down there first sign interesting stuff up here this is how you would expect an attic to be in an abandoned place oh there's lots of books start up here let's see what kind of books there they read petite history the small history of france of course the musical vocal musical book interesting we got also like a child's book up here oh no just say two it's enough wow look at this and then in here got another little storage area also completely covered with spider webs let's see what we have in here oh these are some clothes from the wife they're still up here wow they're held in these in these bags and they it looks like some black clothes or something like that wow it's beautiful this is a newspaper from 1919. see they did advertisements for cars that we now call old timers wow an old school drill down here yeah this place truly was a time capsule wow i don't know what this device is it looks also pretty interesting [Music] okay it's time to go outside again and show you that backyard that i've been talking about yes ah let me see i think this person that lived here was quite rich and he might also used to have some servants on something like it no that's not true this is not a big castle it's not like a multi-million dollar castle it's just a manual but i talked about the houses over here i promised you guys to show you these houses that are on the property as well i think these used to be family houses for uh to get the family over or something like that let me see oh this might have been a kitchen yeah look at the sink over here and everything or this might have been the washing room the old school washing room this might have been a scrubber or something like that lovely to see there's even an upstairs here where i definitely gotta take a look looks like an old-school attic but it holds nothing no whoa the floor has completely collapsed over here better go down right now as you can see the front yard is completely overgrown you can barely see the place anymore wow there's one last thing i want to show you in this place and that's the basement over here and i think it used to be a wine cellar so i'm quite excited to see it look at this again lots of spider webs taking over this place in these basements it's always pretty cool outside it's like 30 degrees and inside here it's very cool that's why they stored wine off in here of course there would be lots and lots of thousands and thousands of wine bottles stored in this basement because this man was pretty rich and here we can see some of those wine balls and i think on a layer most are empty i see unfortunately most are empty yeah wow and then we got these big wine jokes over here these probably hold like a hundred liters of wine wow it looks like he might have also produced little quantities of wine himself because that's these are these are a lot of wine bottles to just have for yourself then you would be an alcoholic or something wow and some more rooms over here but these are just general heating and storage rooms and the gas tank of course wow what a fantastic place that we just explore there was literally no technology in this place except for the telephone and the light switches how incredible is that if you like places like this please give the video a like comment down there what you thought about it and there's also a link in the description for patreon they can support the channel we are just students and it's very hard for us expo to explore these places because in europe everything is very expensive traveling and stuff like that but we do it and we love to do it and we want to thank you people who support us and people will support us in the future so with that all being said thank you very much for watching this week's video and like always i see you in the next one love you very much bye bye [Music] you
Channel: Bros Of Decay
Views: 135,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Urbex, abandoned, urbanexploration, urbandecay, decay, photography, brosofdecay, Abandoned, house, home
Id: hCCNXebkxhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 25sec (2185 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 20 2021
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