Abandoned Multi Million Dollar Revolution Castle - 300 Years of History!

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[Music] hey there everyone welcome back to another episode on the pros of dk i'm leslie and today i'm going to take you throughout one of the most amazing castles that i've ever filmed on this channel it's a 17th century castle from a family that has been inside for more than 300 years but unfortunately six years ago the father of the family the last owner of this place passed away and the lights turned off forever i'm gonna take you today on a full tour throughout this place show you all the museum pieces and artifacts that are left behind in here and the things that are left behind in here are by far the most valuable and historical that i've ever found on this channel and especially for this occasion i thought let's dress up like somebody that used to live in a place like this regency napoleon napoleon bonaparte this is an 18th century attire that i'm wearing today and this is an attire that the people that once used to live in these places were every single day so let me show you around this magnificent castle let's go on the tour of the lives of the people that once used to inhabit this place [Music] if these walls could talk i wonder what stories they would tell an unforeseen amount of artifacts and 300 years of family history have been locked up inside of this place six years ago and forever forgotten [Music] about [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let us take you into the most pristine abandoned castle in the entire world [Music] so the first room that we're gonna film here today was the working room the bureau of the people and as you can see over here we have the desk where the man once used to conduct all the business of the castle the last owner of this place was in his day-to-day life the doctor and the farmer not a regular farmer he was a wine farmer he had numerous fields around the castle that he all produced wine with and sold it he was a very very rich man his grandfathers his father and his grandfather all were politicians high-ranking politicians and they even took part in the napoleon bonaparte and the parisian parliament the first artifacts that we can see over here were from the man that he was a collector collected these different types of coins as you can see and also wonderful artworks you can see here a woodcrafted artwork of jesus christ stones left over here we're gonna see so many very very valuable artifacts in this place it's just going to be crazy these statues are probably worth thousands and thousands of dollars all left here oh i already broke one excuse me we have an african statue over here and then behind the desk there are numerous books left behind [Music] these were all literature books about renaissance time napoleon time palace paris i think this is all from versailles yes these are all pictures of the castle of assai in this book one of the most beautiful castles in the entire world let's put this back nicely and let's go further i love this lamp that we have here to the side of an eagle on a marble statue as you can see there's even used to be an oil lamp down below it's standing on this beautiful side table underneath here with a marble top and craftings all around it wow all the paintings and pictures on the wall this one is from 1961 1961. there was a lover of different kinds of art styles we have here japanese art style you can see it from the writing on the side and this is like abstract with more abstract art i have to be careful because there's so many artifacts in here abstract art and this is just normal artworks wow and then here on the drawer there are so many different types of statues left behind and they look like all african artworks we even have a few teeth of a hyena or something some sort of animal left behind wonderful pieces everybody wonderful pieces i love the turtle here as well quite fascinating and this one is again also completely filled and this was an accountancy desk that we have here in front of us it was used by the people to count their money on and you see these a lot in very very expensive places in france a wonderful oil lantern next to it and this one is actually worked into the table if you look closely at it you can see it's just completely made for this table go blah here and you can see it better even dear sheeps crafted in the sights wow more artworks all over there above the door we got an enormous painting and as well these people that once lived here were also very very religious you can see lots of religious artifacts oh excuse me these are expense notes from the people 2 million francs it says on here two million francs oh my god that would be an enormous amount of money and it says over here dr glaze dr glazer so this might have been the former owner of this place doctor glaze off there even more artworks i love this piece this was a fire screen that you would put in front of the fireplace to protect you a little bit from the heat but to also cover up the fireplace when it was not in use oh this is an amazing mirror right yes oh my god i really love this one it's also so so unique to see a painting above a mirror they that's just worked into it i just love it especially made for this piece if you come a little bit closer you can see a woman giving a man a hand on the field they're probably in love gold plating to the side of here and numerous more of these artifacts on the stove here you can see the fire screen in action it's standing in front of the stove wonderful stove and there's even a crust in the stove right into there paintings and artworks in the walls i'm looking at this one it's a young child with a spoon or something like that in our hands wonderful expression and then we come into a sitting room a very special sitting room this was most likely the religious corner of the house you can see this enormous rock depicting an old school landscape probably the sahara somewhere maybe in egypt or in israel because it's a very religious rock hanging here behind oh i'm gonna sit down for a moment there's so much things on here all around the room there are religious artifacts dispersed as you can see statues i love this one three faces worked into here and back in the day maybe a boost burst would be standing on here or a face or something like that and here in this room the person used to watch television i can see him sitting in here with his special attire on just working and after work watching television a monk in belgium we still have lots of monks that brew beer for us look at this one here on the wall there's a boy holding a cross with maria and then we have one last mirror oh no it's not a mirror even paintings on the floor because they had no place anymore to put them that's how rich these people were let me now take you further through the castle and show you the other rooms that we have not seen yet wow it's like truly walking through a museum where you go into this castle the first thing i see here in the hallway is this magnificent chandelier hanging from the ceiling and here on the wall you also have a statue a wood cough statue that's now deteriorating and the termites are taking it over you can see all the little holes in there if you look closely let's just send the sea a place like this deteriorate if you come over here you can see the entire hallway with all the paintings on the wall wow and that's going to lead us up later to the top floors and also to the basements of this castle but first in front of us here we have another room wow this is such an amazing place the first thing that catches my eye in this room is this enormous bookcase with thousands and thousands of books spanning to the ceiling left behind wow this is an even grander bureau area look at this on the table there's some sort of a telescope left behind what a beautiful piece i don't think it functions anymore i don't know how it functions so i'm gonna leave it alone look at all these artifacts a little box with a marble cough top where you would most likely store your jewelry inside all the keys to the castle are left in here and this booklet it's just like how the people left it behind and they're left behind this amazing place right behind you turn around we have another one of those amazingly big rigs rooks on the wall that depicts again one of those egyptian israelian landscapes wonderful piece also has very nice color on there love it how it's made here on the side table we have a statue take a look at this clock this clock face is just amazing last two depictions one in roman time and one in normal time as you can see one three five one two there it goes and i used to be a candle in here and i think the clock face would be would have been lit up with the candle there is even a bell at the top and this part moves to the side to ring that bell across a necklace from somebody that once lived here you can see this hat i'm not gonna take it off the wall but this was used most likely to go to africa to hunt we got we already saw lots of african artifacts throughout this place and that hat might have been used for that so many different things to look at in this place this box catches my eye most like it also stored to store some artifacts in there okay we can see all the diplomas of the person the doctorate diploma maybe politics diploma all on the wall here diploma the doctor or medicine diploma the doctor or medicine 1958 1904 1904 so this might have been his father see no they have the same name okay that's very strange interesting we have a drawing of somebody and above their decaying painting on the wall i have not pointed out any of the chairs that we see in these places in this place but this one is just a magnificent upholstery chair and here we have the glasses of somebody left behind and underneath it this what we see here is a photo album but it's completely empty unfortunately another enormously big bookcase to the side of it we have more diplomas down below the bachelor oh this is a diploma for politics and that's also directed to glare the man that once lived here wow see one outside most likely not of this castle wonderful paintings all around the room you can see a man over there at the top but these over here they intrigued me the most 1900 19003 i'm right and this is a picture of the grandfathers of this place the politicians that ruled over the parisian parliament very very influential people and this was mr claire himself smoking a pipe things can go fast if he got his diploma in 1950 he most likely was around 80 years old when he passed away assuming that you would get your doctorate diploma 27 28 years old and then plus 70 years he must have been almost 100 years old this man that is crazy don't know what this device is [Music] i'm not a doctor so i can't help you with that here we have more artifacts stored oh oh i didn't notice this one look up there somebody has raised his hand in some sort of a second world war greeting that's crazy oh yes and over here there's also a tank left behind that let's link to it i think in some way wow so many things okay let's go to the next room everybody and here we enter into the museum room of this house the grand display area i'm just looking at it but i don't know if this was the front door but i'm not sure about that but come over here watch out because today all these tiles on the floor are loose when you are standing in front of this one this display the cabinet it looks like you're wandering through a museum this must be such a valuable artifact that's left in here a handcarved religious and there's even some diamonds in the top if you look closely wow above this piece we have this incredible chandelier hanging and being i don't know where to start in this room i just don't know but i'm going to start on this side and go all the way around they loved hand-carved pieces of statues but unfortunately again this one is also completely been consumed by termites it has the spraying beads all around it look at these papers here on the wall they seem like they are thousands of years old crazy to see even more on this side they are crumbling away [Music] some wood pieces to that side [Music] and above the door we have a depiction of a beautiful french landscape with a castle on top and i forgot to point out that there's also casually a spare in the corner of the room the seems to be nothing in here so i'm gonna close that up then put this statue of the child on the wall trying to close the cabinet while you're filming that okay [Music] here we see a depiction of another castle unfortunately it's again not the outside of this one i would have loved to see a drawing or a depiction of this castle another landscape above there uh and we have one of my most favorite desks in a very unique way left behind over here this is again an accountancy desk let's look at this one closely a few pieces in here you see the first date coming back 2014 the last date this person left in this place before you unfortunately passed away some pictures most likely your vacation i'm literally in love with this desk pictures all above there [Music] this then to this side we have this religious depiction on the wall of jesus christ hanging on the cross these styles are all loose but i think they have a special meaning and they are not in here because just decoration they probably are worth a lot of money otherwise they wouldn't have put them like this in this room oh my god have a look at this one this is a portable telephone from back in the day wow you would carry this heavy duty machine around and this would be your telephone actually my father told me how it works and even down here we have another one you can see the horn will be in here to the side and this would be your transmission device maybe it's from the world war who knows another incredible statue and more of these amazing paintings above it let's have a look through the doors welcome into the magnificent dining area wow let me close off this door and let me tell you also something oh see how this works this doesn't work anymore a wonderful blue and gold door face as you can see wonderfully designed but oh i have not looked properly around this room it's a fascinating piece wow this is one of the most beautiful dining rooms that i literally ever seen you wouldn't even find something like this in a museum i love this one very very much the big victorian woman sitting in front of a vanity doing her makeup wow even this divider scream behind it what a beautiful painting i love these kinds of paintings they depict the formal lives of the people that once lived in these places here we see a letter from dr jordan so this was a letter from the man himself wow some wonderful statues on there look at this intrigue cabinet that we have over here with all the different door drawers in there wow there's nothing left in these drawers it's such a wonderful piece i love how it's designed then here to the side they used to hang a painting that's not there anymore it's completely gone then a big boost of a woman's face left here we have the incredibly incredibly beautiful and intriguingly designed fireplace with the mirror above it so we have the sitting area over here you can see this fully upholstery chair with different kinds of fibers all around it so the person would sit in here in the evening just gonna depict how the person would live in this place this nice fancy clothing his feet on the rest over there in front of the fireplace most likely it was lit up just enjoying himself maybe drinking a cup of coffee or another liquor or something like that would have been a fantastic site living in a place like this the fireplace is so beautifully designed we've got these faces on either side carved sword of faces made entirely from copper wow fire screen in front of the fireplace an emblem of the family yet again in there the last ashes of the people are still in the fireplace and then we have the grand facade with the paintings next to the mirror and a mirror above there beautifully carved with two children in there look at this one the statue child being silent wow this is something that's completely crumbling away over here looking at it but there's maybe a piece of something that fell down over the years that this place was abandoned crazy how can somebody leave so many things behind without notice these people must be billionaires to do something like that literally billionaires we have some amazing upholstery chairs here to the side with gold plating all around them you can see here on the rest there's a man fishing then this wall clock i'm gonna say it this is the most beautiful one i've ever seen beautiful clock face completely made from gold joseph and in this one we have a painting worked into it that's what makes this one so special for me some chairs all around the room the same ones as we just saw and over here we have a checkers board where the owners of this place used to play checkers it's a game that i don't know i'm really good at chess but checkers i have never played actually more of these incredible upholstery chairs great intrigue design on them look over here wow this one is heavy it's made from wood but it's got incredibly heavy the oddest name is on here you have jesus laying in front of it wow and this unfortunately the display cabinet is just completely smashed by somebody and maybe they took out some things over here look at this this is like a mechanism that you would put onto something like a clamp so many different things i want to open it up oh no it's it's closed that's maybe why somebody smashed it there's some combs down there i love this one let me check out this one then we have this divider screen over here to the side again one of the most beautiful ones that i've ever seen and it blends in with the room with the gold accents you can see over there every single face of this one is completely designed into detail a sofa here to decide whether people could sit a rest in the evening my costume matches with it wow french countryside painting this is actually a very very big painting and it depicts the form of farming lives of the people that lived in france and then we have this corner over here such an incredible corner again first off this set where the owners had some lickers on display for when guests came over they could take this out place this on the table to be very careful with this these are all such expensive things you could close it up fully like that close the sides you can take this like this and maybe you can even take it hunting or something and then when you close this one up it doesn't work anymore then you had like this box with liquor inside and look at the front there are even stones worked into there okay and then we have a few paintings above here the man looking very seriously you can see in the window of his house there's an angel on display see the gold crown above our head a few beautiful paintings and then we have this one over here the same woman that we just saw in front of the vanity but now she's reading a book again another accountancy desk this one is much bigger than the last one we saw there's this bracelet left behind that a woman would wear proudly a lot of keys in here wow and then next to the accountancy desk we have this statue this religious statue this one is amazing but it's cracking up as you can see just goes through there and then the middle of the room is actually the most special we have the table with the marble top there are pulsary chairs around it and an incredible channel here above it wow i'm speechless literally speechless about this one how it looks the colors on there the white that blends with the yellow and the blue so subtle but so amazing and that leaves us into the next room of the place and this is again everybody another dining area wow but the first thing i see over there is the corner and we're gonna walk straight to it i'll show you this piece first this is some sort of a resting area for the owners with the chasse long in the middle of it but i could just lay down and rest out maybe read a nice book or something like that here in the middle of the room we have the fireplace and we were talking about fire screens but this to my opinion is one of the most beautiful fire screens that you can find in abandoned place it can fold up like this i'm not gonna fully do it because it seems a little bit broken but you could fold it up and put it to the side and then you had this amazing display piece of a fire screen so we have the marble fireplace and a statue on top of there of a woman with a child wow a mirror above there with a castle french castle yet again around this room many many paintings and pictures are displayed drawings pictures paintings everything is on the wall in here if some sort of a display statue and that would be there's some sort of a face in here this face is the same as this one so maybe that complementary i love how this one is designed then show around they all look like drawings actually when i look closer at them all look like drawings and then we have the mirror above the bed here above the chassis long like i call it over here in the corner the walking canes are left behind very narrow ones not really that sturdy and above you have you showed that incredible chandelier wow and from this window the people would be standing looking over the garden the ivy is growing on the window over the years okay now we have one more corner in this room a little display stand with some statues and more paintings and more pictures and then we come into another dining area and this seems to be more like the grand dining area where the family came together they had these stalps where servants would serve food to the people they're incredibly heavy that's how it would work in a castle like this above the table we have this enormous channel here left behind literally very beautiful even faces worked into it i thought at first that this was another window leading back to the first room but it's actually not it's just a mirror and i don't know if it even can open up but it opens up to reveal all the plates and cups look at these coffee cups that these people had wow japanese coffee cups another marble statue and i love these kind of benches triple dividing separate chairs worked into one bench and above it you have this enormous beautiful painting of a woman who looks pretty sad another face of a man here on the wall you're standing salt dispenser just looked at this one this looks like maybe one of the owners of the former inhabitants of this place wow the depiction again of a woman maybe the woman designed this place and was like i want to put women's into this room and give this room feeling have another statue white marble completely carved not a drawing of a man the hum green it says over here here would be knives and forks inside so many things to look at and then we have one more side to this room with even more paintings over here wow look above the door we have not seen that yet huge plate again completely coughed amazing look at this man sitting here thinking it seems like it's falling off so i'm gonna put it back a little bit and then yet again to this side we have another one of those display sets with all these different glasses in there that they could take with them maybe hunting or something else above there another farm land french farmland okay have i showed you this one this ski doesn't seem to work down here are all the plates for the fancy dinner the people who give all the china english china english porcelain it says on here english porcelain everybody [Music] here we come into the hallway of the place let me open the door over for you seems like we have a stairway that leads downstairs to some area i think to the basement maybe the wine cellar on the wall the first thing that i noticed was this man he looks like a homeless person actually excuse me if i'm wrong more drawings on the wall oh look at this he looks like a very important politician from back in the day above here depicted and then a scene down below completely designed in gold let's look at this room oh it's just the kitchen very very ordinary but people also needed to eat look at here we have some pictures they have the people that might have lived in here these might have been the children of claire okay let's take a stroll down that stairway you can go in front of me if you want let's go down where does this lead to even here in the basement i see paintings oh my god even in the basement they had rooms all around look at this that we're ending up in it's like some sort of a sitting area but just in the basement of this place wow the blue chandelier above here upholstery chairs all around and even a carved statue to the side crazy i'm looking to find the wine cellar actually because that has to be in this house oh my god look over here where we entering into another kitchen area wow you can see all the plates all around the walls of this place beautiful china and this looks like delft or french china huge wine bowls to the side that i used to store wine in oh my god just pan around show the people all the blades that are on the wall in here wow then in front of us here we have this amazing just amazing stove maurice it's actually not that old and it is a wood stove that you would fire up and cook on i think this fairly newer part of the house that they put in i don't know what these things to the side are i thought at first thought that i wear stoves but they actually are not okay down to this side we have the oven cook with different things in here okay some knives all different things let's see what's left behind in this wonderful place okay already we see more paintings on the side here and you also can see the mold over the last six years that this place has been abandoned and nobody has been in here beautiful paintings again on the walls of this castle and these i assume were storage areas of the house but the people used to store different artifacts is this a bison head or something like that i have no clue wow we also have a gate that leads to a stairway that seems to be completely locked unfortunately wow here we have another storage area where they even stored an enormous painting on this side ah what i was looking for every castle of course has its wine cellar excuse me for the glass that's raking beneath my feet here you can see all the different kind of bottle of wine champagne and other type of types of liquor that have been left behind for example this bottle over here is from 1973 there's even mold on the bottles that are in this basement 1971 all still completely filled to the brim this wine cellar is actually quite big wow more of these drawings on the wall of a woman and in here there most likely would have been a statue but it's not here anymore and another painting on the wall okay let's see this seems to be locked after some turo looking at his door i figured out together with jihoon how it functions and you just have to pull this little lever here and then you can open up the door i'm just going to do it with my nice shoe and then we are in the bart area of the house i believe it's the front porch oh my god have a look here on the wall at all these antler heads that are left behind these are most likely trophies from the when when the man went out hunting wow they look totally amazing [Applause] you can see the moss here is covering the tiles it's raining inside and nobody really cares about this place anymore how sad is that reality we even had like this little bar area here at the end of the spa oh my god in this place we look over the garden [Applause] and then we even have an indoor swimming pool left behind that's now completely green just completely green even a little statue at the end there and the trees already growing inside wow even at the gym area in this part of the house very fascinating to see look at this could work out stay in shape [Music] what's this last part wow the sauna area with a shower and everything left here oh my god the finnish or swedish sauna you have left here here we could sit in together his family at the end of a long working day as a doctor and a wine farmer as well okay everybody we come back through the museum and then we walk straight into the hallway look at this and we're first gonna take a stroll downstairs because we're gonna cover that area first before we venture up there and show you the bedrooms where these people once used to sleep here on the walls of this hallway are numerous paintings scattered on each and every wall i have a port somewhere in france look at this tinted glass window that we see here in the hallway and the first thing i notice on it is this family crest it's exactly the same one as we saw on the fireplace and there's even a night above it wow two angels to the sides of this window that leads everybody into the basement wow and the first thing i notice in this basement is the grand piano to the side of it this is actually a piano i'm not 100 sure but it seems to be locked yeah this must be a piano definitely uh battles down below but it maybe would collapse outside and then you could play on it a lush landscape depicted over here wow and here on the corner of the room we have two upholstery chairs sitting there i also love the intrigue design of the stairway that leads all the way to the top of this castle just such a fascinating design and have like this marble hand rest at the beginning of the stairway down here even a rack covering every single step of it there's one more room here in the basement and this seems to be the working room where the mates would be all the battling and towels and everything is still in here but even some paintings and pictures here to the side wow lovely colors on there washer and dryer and here at the end we have some sort of a bathroom so let's now make our way up this winding staircase to the top floor and show you what's left behind here on the walls of this staircase we have numerous paintings left behind depicting religious being back in the day well have a look at this the same tinted window coming back up there we have a very important maybe roman man left here painted on the wall of this place i want to show you that tinted glass window up there that's completely the same as the one down below has the same r on there and as well the dog with the grass wow and then we come on the top floor well we have this channel here hanging here in the hallway what gets me really sad is to see that there is mold on the walls that's probably gonna consume the paintings that are down below there here on a wall we have a lush landscape left behind a waterfall amazing to see and then everybody on this side we have the hallway that to either side on either wall has tons of paintings so it's such an amazing sight to behold when you're standing here but first let's head into the first bedroom of this place and that's the one to the right of us wow amazing piece let me close the door behind me let me show you this bedroom oh my god and the first thing you notice when you get into this bedroom is that there are hundreds and hundreds of coins left on this desk here wonderful this was the desk and i think this was also a child's bedroom it's a very small bed and must have been a child's bedroom see the desk over here with the greenery on there completely made from wood there's a waiver on top of here wow completely deteriorating away a box where some most likely some jewelry has been inside back in the day on the walls of the place we can have numerous paintings drawings and depictions of former life hanging here i just love this sleigh bed that's in the middle of the room and as you can see probably can't see it but it's raised a little bit off the floor wow the night stand right next to it depicting again a hinduistic we saw japanese art hinduistic art african art all different styles chandelier hanging here in the middle of the room wonderful piece and then the bed still made from when the child used to sleep here on the walls of this bedroom you can have numerous paintings hanging let's look over here assume yes this is the bathroom wow what a masterpiece we have the bathroom with a bathtub in the middle of it all made for the child that used to sleep here and as you can see it's a very very small bottle walls are cracking down ceilings it must must cost a lot of money if you want to try to restore this place the toilets to the side and over here in this corner we have a golden clock left behind wow [Music] as well the beautiful gold mirror above it i also forgot to point out in this room this wonderful upholstery chair that we have here in the corner sitting and waiting beautiful red accents with flowers on there wow and let's see in a wardrobe if there are any clothes left behind no there aren't but there are many many artifacts and different kinds of art left in here you would expect something like this in a museum but not an abandoned house okay let's exit the room and go back into the hallway and let's venture now into this room over here and it seems to be one of the first big bedrooms oh no this ends up into some sort of a relaxing area actually a wonderful chandelier again in the middle of this room we have some sort of a slate bed design lounging chair sofa here in the corner with these blue cushions blue seems to come again in this house a lot they they loved subtle colors all throughout this place i think this was a girl's bedroom because of the blue and because of all the drawings of women with gloating on beautiful clothing we have this painting of a girl painting and above there it's this wonderful lamb the roses worked into it wow more of these drawings of women posing in different positions positions above the door a girl staring into the distance naked somewhere on a blanket and then we have this cabinet here in the middle of the room that's been starting to completely rot away on this side as you can see see if this one's open yes it is and over here we have the first clothing of the people that once lived here this jacket the ties of the person wow and then to the side of the room you've got some sort something that looks like a vanity but it looks more like a little bro to study at but in front of you you had this amazing mirror so i think yeah it would be used as a vanity definitely it's now been crumbling apart there's some booklets on here oh this seems like a book it's actually not a book it holds something okay i think you would put this like this in a bookcase oh excuse me no i'm wrong you can open it up and take the book out but it doesn't want to come out anymore you can see it's just a cover for a book and then above there with the mirror with the intrigue design on there just fascinating the sides of it also very beautiful another one of those cabinets and then we have a room over to this side drawings on the wall again and this was the bathroom of this side of the house every single bedroom of course had its own bathroom and a castle like this wow a very big sink at the end of here flies are already covering it after all these years i look at my place in this house i think above the mirror we have intrigue design coming back again even a little an open bottle of limoncello standing here then again i bought the all the soaps the scrubbers and everything still in there and the sides of it are completely made of marble wow let's head over now because i think at the end of this room would have been the bedroom first got a few more things left over here on this table as well the display cabinets lovely to see let's head over to this room oh my god i immediately see one of those amazing chandeliers coming back in this room as well like i told you the subtle blue designs with the colors are present all throughout the house throughout the castle and then we have a built-in bed into the wall wonderful still made after all those years gonna center the frame you can see to either side of it that like a built-in wardrobe where you could walk inside and then above the bed there's a depiction of jesus christ hanging from the cross look at his face over there oh my god this would have been the bedroom an angel to the side here on either side and then let's walk in one of these they can see immediately somebody has tried to break the the safe that's in this room they probably still hold some valuables very expensive items maybe even if you see what's left behind in this house we have a fireplace with a television in front of it very thick and bulky television wow the fireplace behind it completely made out of marble [Music] i love the mirror that's above it depicts a woman on a farmland a sheep coming to say hello to her and talk right next to her and here we have claire again going back in this room mr glare the doctor of the household wow if you open up all these shutters you could look out over the whole property and see the four farmlands and the wine fields that are behind the house they have a little lounging chair as well in this room i love this upholstery chair that's here to the side a statue hanging from the wall and this again looks like an african-made statue then to the corner of the room you also have this drawer has a wave waveform design on there all the mouses and everything still in there wonderful piece but above it again an enormous painting and then we have another walk-in dresser where all the shoes i think claire used to sleep in this room can see all his new shoes left in this room all excluding from the day when he passed away wait iron calls me i was just filming are you serious yoon just calls me and i come into this room is this a secret toy no what how did you do this i was making a picture and look this is close this one is two planks and this one is one so you can just pull it no no secret books or anything that you have to pull okay can i go in there wow a secret room in the bookcase what is it safe becky oh my god it's like some sort of a religious room with some artifacts left in here even a louis vuitton suitcase this one is expensive yeah that's probably pretty expensive some blankets in there oh my god a secret doorway that leads to this room okay let me see what things we have in here we have this wooden statue probably everything in this room must be very very expensive we have some artifacts down there then on this table if this looks like some sort of a telescope that they used back in the day plates pots and these look like archaeological finds actually a knife oh my god we even have to save in this room what's this what's in there there's actually nothing in there i think no wow some statues on top of there on paperwork back here and this one has a very intriguing locking mechanism and you could see that you need two keys to open this one up i think you're still on many sides yes probably some valuables inside wow this was totally unexpected a secret room inside of this castle even the chandelier left in here you want to open up that safe i want to see what is what that's inside i think you are equally as me that would be sick to see the inside no wow and these are definitely artifacts from the ancient times archeological finds i still can't understand why a place like this is just totally left behind it's a crazy sight to behold everybody [Music] i will now show you this intrigue hallway that resides here and to my opinion it's one of the most incredible hallways that i've ever seen where in the world would you see so many paintings hanging in the hallway i've been exploring for eight years and this is by far my best find ever drawings all over the walls made in this castle look at this i don't know where to look everybody it's just so much to take in you should be here with me and experience it with this with me but i'm trying to do my best to include you into this explorer and make you feel like you're in this castle over here we see a knight hauling a sword in his left arm waiting for battle and it's on top of this very very beautiful side table here in the hallway with a mirror behind it wow then we have two upholstery chairs the side of it all the things in there face with flowers wow just amazing over here we see a french village or this also could be vanessa venetia and italy a painting of a painting being made incredible and that's the stairway that's going to lead us later up to the top floor up to the attic but first let's venture into this room and you can already see a couch that's completely overthrown in this room but again so many beautiful things to look at first off an amazing channel here in this room and then a painting on a stand maybe it wasn't even finished back then and it looks upside down over here wow wow here we see glare again coming back playing football and then one of the first cars probably these people that lived here could afford one of these and would be driving around town in their own car back in the beginning of the 1900s a very very important man painted here on this painting now we have these faces that i truly adore porcelain vases wow they look amazing artworks all over coming back this one seems to be completely closed not gonna open it up but have a look at the device that i'm seeing here down below these were stamped plates that you could buy back in the day and they hold the music noise in these stamped plates and it would play around and these devices here to the side they would music and create a symphony symphonion what a wonderful box are we looking at you could close it up okay i just i just started it somehow i don't want it to play oh my god it played music that's totally amazing and now we have this horse here to the side where the children could ride on throughout the house wow here you see one of the owners driving a ferrari back in the day and glare himself staring into the distance and this room that we're standing in right now would have been an upstairs lounging area again so many sitting places all throughout the house we have an enormous mirror again with two beautiful vases underneath these are the same ones as we just saw probably completely handmade then the fireplace underneath with two lions on either side of it fantastic i'm still shocked that the music box played for me oh my god okay let's go back into the hallway let's check out another room of this place i see that we have two more bathrooms to either side of us let's go first into this one let's check it out again an amazing channel here above the bed here we have this blue bed underneath it wonderful blue what am i seeing a green bed i've been filming too long everybody filming too long cushion's still on there and if you wrap your hand over it you can see the pattern coming in there above the bed again an enormous painting then we have some night stands statues on there a woman playing an instrument oh look at the mold covering the wall and consuming that painting this naked lady we have here on the wall it's just crazy to see you have another accountancy desk to decide okay look how it's covering everything here channel here and then we have another drawer here in the corner of the room let's open this one up this one has all these looks on there it's again completely empty part of the few paintings another lady smiling at us a blue chair completely upheld street all the molds covering the paintings on this side and then we come yet again into another bathroom but yet again its own bathtub a toilet right next to it can't get enough of this place literally can't and have a look over here this is the same castle as we saw coming back downstairs so it might have also been family property back in the day wow or maybe no still family property let's open up this last room and i can already see that it's totally amazing wow you even have a bureau in this bedroom have a look at that isn't that just crazy hand written notes from 1888 probably not from 1888 but these are hand written roads left here some more collection on top of here wow then they had this upholstery chair behind the desk here completely designed into detail and we're looking at this amazing bedroom chandelier above the bed wonderful chandelier and the bedroom itself a slate bed still made after all these years of abandonment i love the form of these bats they are very typical for the time you see them coming back only in france i don't see them anywhere else in other countries they're very very typical to the country of france i might have seen them in a few places in other countries but not much here we have another upholstery chair in the corner these are very numerous around the house above the bed is another enormous painting a drawer with many many more artifacts but what catches my eye first is the dried bird here to the side of it oh that looks creepy that looks totally creepy statues all over it again you think they have found this somehow oh my god and a mirror above it again completely designed out of copper and then we enter into the last bed a bathroom of this place and this one has a channel ear hanging in the middle of the bathroom wow a sink area where you could wash yourself in the evening brush your teeth do everything fantastic this looks like a vanity here to the side as well one last look at this bedroom before i show you the attic we have one last room to cover up here upstairs i just forgot it let's go in here now we have yet another amazing room to behold come inside come inside okay i don't know what this room was used for you can a few paintings or a man looking very seriously probably a politician and underneath it you have this coffee table with birds on there beautiful colors wow underneath we have a pheasant with his child its children and then as well in this room we have a hull tree with a jacket made out of animal skin bonds we call it wow incredible marble top on there and oh i want to say something else about this jacket nowadays it's it's not yeah accepted anymore to make his jacket out of this fur back in the day people used to wear it especially very rich people another chair here in the corner the night carved into there i love this little sink that we have here to the side unfortunately the water doesn't run anymore but look at the intrigue design that's all around it even the carving [Music] the sink itself on the faucet itself looks like a dragon carved in there fascinating think this is a toilet now yes it is look at the toilets even in the toilet they have paintings hanging okay and then we have one more thing here and that's this beautiful statue with all these animals carved into there with a snake up here owls all around and i love the colors on this one as well they're fascinating and up here wow candida crab beautiful painting of a young woman young girl holding some flowers the colors are so fine and so subtle i can stare at this one forever wow let's now take a stroll upstairs so everybody follow me because we're going to do the last level of this house the attic mcdane is going to help me again and we're going to venture at this stairway again to the top floor and on the walls you can see more of these drawings coming back all throughout there are probably maybe even a thousand paintings scattered throughout this house and we already are very far way up the castle and it seems like we are entering into the last rooms of this place unfortunately but we're still gonna show you these in great great detail first thing we see is that the whole castle looks very neat but only this floor is a bit overthrown okay i'm also almost falling if you if you can manage follow me i will show the last parts of this place so first off we come the roof has totally broken here even the rain is raining outside it's coming inside of here it's very sad to behold we have a little sitting area left here with some upholstery chairs here in the middle of the room and then right next to here we have another vanity slash drawer whatever it would have been left behind this one seems to be locked up can't open it up anymore i'm gonna put it here if this girl with the eagle on her hand looking both the same direction into the distance still a few coins in here frank's half frank okay very very small doorway that leads us into one of the towers of the castle this one doesn't have circular towers but it has square towers this was one of the towers where most likely one of the children would have slept you can see it's still made bed over here over there on the wall another amazing painting i'm going to open up one of these windows it's raining really harshly outside you can see the child could have looked over the mountain side in the back let's close this up neatly again don't want to destroy the castle anymore and the hell already has this one seems to be locked but again it's being eaten up by termites if you look closely here you can see this duck down a little bit oh my god it's not so interesting there now we have an upstairs hallway you're okay man i see you falling behind me we have an upstairs hallway over here that leads into a few rooms left up here i think these ones used to also be bedrooms but have been turned into something else definitely art storage rooms as you can see so many paintings just left here and scattered here all around oh such a sad sight to behold but on this side we can see some of the tools that mr glenn used as a doctor even his pipe that he used to smoke still left here we saw him downstairs with a pipe in his mouth on a picture and this might have been that pipe there is a full toolkit that i used to work the patients with i love this depiction over here this is in france and it depicts i think a parliament with people sitting around or a stalker change or something like that wow oh this room is just fascinating to behold the first thing we see in this room is this bureau setup with all the books around it and then we have this globe that kernel can turn around in every single direction as you can see wonderful piece a set it opens up to reveal a shaver different artifacts i'm wondering what these top floors would be used for i think maybe we're studying we see a suitcase to travel the world with these people were very rich and they most likely traveled the entire globe we have even a holster of a gun left behind here wow okay more things to this side of the room not so very interesting painting that's completely deteriorated a map of mediterranean wow the house is completely falling apart over the years here are a little bit newer magazines left behind racing la twingo ass this one is from october 2008. then people still used to live in this place this place we even have floppy disks left here going back through the hallway upstairs here we have another one of those upholstery benches and as you can see this one has the same design as the smaller ones that we saw downstairs but here they have the bigger version of it maybe two for one somewhere depiction of a victorian time napoleon time people sitting in a park enjoying themselves obvious a few more storage rooms with some clothing in there not many more things see okay i want to get here we have one last one [Music] go inside oh my god this is terrible yeah the window is just open wow you you good we go upstairs we go into the tower now see how deteriorate these places from this room this evening still oh my god this leads to the top of the castle okay i will be too exposed if i go up there so i'm not gonna do it so much rain let's close that back up [Music] wow everybody what a fantastic castle did we just explore never in my wildest dreams i could imagine exploring and filming a place like this yes we just did it i hoped you enjoyed this magnificent tour throughout this castle from this fine young man was dressed up and it gives you a great tour throughout it if you like this week's video please like it subscribe to the channel and write a nice comment about what you thought about such an abandoned place and if you would buy it and there's also a link in the description for patreon they can help support the channel and help us get around the world to explore more of these amazing places with that all set i will end off this incredible explore and i will see you next week with another adventure bye bye i love you very very much [Music] you
Channel: Bros Of Decay
Views: 791,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Urbex, abandoned, urbanexploration, urbandecay, decay, photography, brosofdecay, Abandoned, house, home, Abandoned Castle, huge abandoned multi-million dollar castle, Abandoned Mansion, Abandoned Chateau, Abandoned France, Urbex France, Urbex Europe, Abandoned Europ, Abandoned House, Urbex story, Abandoned Story, Abandoned Walkthrough, Urbex Walkthrough, Steve Ronin, Exploring with Josh, Explomo, Decay, Left behind, Touching story, Decaying Castle, Forgotten castle, Castle, Victorian
Id: ulRFaThXutY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 41sec (5741 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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