Incredible Abandoned 17th Century Castle in France | FULL OF HISTORICAL TREASURES!

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even supposing time has stubbed in his castle the clock is still ticking [Music] today i take you on a tour back to the 17th century [Music] this marvelous abandoned castle was once the home of an austrian family everything from the past is left behind including ancient documents from half a millennium ago it felt like wandering through a museum [Music] [Music] today we take a look behind its forgotten wells and go in search of its hidden treasures [Music] [Music] [Applause] welcome back everyone in the channel welcome back today we have a new tale to be told we are inside of a wonderful abandoned castle which seems to have been frozen in time there is so many history inside this building it's absolutely incredible it's so interesting it's a huge property there are so many rooms plenty of antiques historic artifacts you are surely gonna love it and we try to dig into the history a little bit find out about the story about the people who live there and apparently the lost residents actually were german people before that there was a french family of mr vinson i'm not going to say the surname to protect this property from any theft any vandalism it's absolutely amazing and as you can see i'm not with raymond today but i'm compromised with another friend exploring me arnott check him out we've been friends since the very beginning he's been showing me around and now i'm showing him around in france and yeah it's time for an awesome explorer so let's start and let's begin so this was one zit the main door of this huge castle and now it's just been blocked by lawn mires gardening equipment and it's barricaded with a big wooden bar this is actually the first room have a look there is a huge billiard stable in the middle have a look over here on the wall a lot of antlers other pieces of taxonomy let's just begin with this painting over here what i actually notice is that this is not one-dimensional but it's different layers it looks very very realistic like it's almost real taxidermy and some of the feathers are actually real and then i saw these things and i started thinking thinking over thinking like what can it be we think it has to do something with the time with the sun maybe else with astrology i mean it's literally all over the place look over here there seems to be iron things inside as well a mouse trap there is another device over here and this looks like a clock it could turn around you could also spin it over here so if anyone knows what this might have been then leave it down in the comment section please because i would love to learn more about it but i think it definitely was something with science and with the sun well to be honest this room it is very beautiful but it is one of the most messy ones in the complete castle we're just gonna build up a tangent slowly and slowly and it will get better and better wow there are so many hunting artifacts on the wall also the light there in the middle by the look of this room you can clearly tell that they were willing and planning on renovation of the property there were some bicycles over here and have a look at all the letters and then right in the middle the big white stove is a traditional french castle stove so the french word for castle actually is chateau this is a wonderful chateau it's definitely one of my favorites i've ever explored there is so many historic things so make sure to keep on watching this video till the very end i'm pretty determined that it will be a pretty long video but it will surely be worth the watch [Music] where are even some more taxidermy looks like over here they would hang up some brushes and other gardening tools look it's the radiator where some other prince of castles this is a huge castle a racket all right time to go to the next room and let's see wow this is just pristinely left to be honest this room has some old things like furniture and tiny things but in general the table and the chairs look quite modern the pink walls the huge red rock vagina blades on the walls like literally everywhere even behind the door i see some have a look wonderful marble stove over here you can tell they've used the stove a lot there are still traces of ash and also traces of burning right in the center and look actually in the inner side on the iron plate it's a night's head with a line on top still the tools for the fireplace a shovel another tiny shovel actually curious if there's also a bellows but it seems to be here hmm what's this i think it's a piece of art but it's very detailed and looks so mechanic look at the brush for feathers here this used to be a zoom glass but the glass itself is gone now oh the mug over here with the eagle again so well detailed well one thing which i have not told you yet about the family is that the last residents definitely had children and also definitely multiple ones you're gonna find a lot of children toys else over here a baby chair and that's always quite sad to imagine these children are probably still alive and if they grew older now they probably do not have sufficient amounts of money to maintain the upkeep wow look at this this is overstuffed let's see if i can open this one too i don't want to demolish it no i'm not going to do it have a look the blue and white china plates over here then a beautiful set of cutlery and i'm pretty sure that this is some silverware i mean correct me if i'm wrong but it definitely looks like there's a huge set that's plenty of knives here i'm sure they used to invite a lot of guests to their house too and imagine back in the 17 or 18th century when they were having guests inside this place it definitely was owned by a novel family one day grand curtains over here beautiful satin and even more china where actually a lot here on the table and now comes the point when i really started thinking like okay we are in france and i went scanning to all the documents i will just show you this one not go into too much detail but this is a german letter and the person's name was marshall this was actually a very informal letter it seemed like this was from a from a friend and it was about holiday they ordered a lot of things on ebay as well and everything was written in german and then i found one note and i cannot show you this unfortunately but over here it says vinson this is a very old note and it was definitely dedicated to him because the name of the castle is on it anyways let's continue and actually look at the stable with the two vases actually down beneath it it's definitely some art deco well some fake flowers and fake lemons over here too a scale that looked like one of those older skills but they made a modern one out of it like they restored it still functioning wow look at the sides it's actually snakes there's also a crucifix inside candlelight holders one thing i haven't showed you yet is i showed you the ground to room but also i should not forget to point out the ceiling all the wooden bars which have been painted and then we come to the center and there is this very very unique lamp have a look wow there's another huge wooden cabinet over here only louis the key this ski is huge okay i'm gonna open it wow this is still completely filled with food and also some spices and all little things it was all used to make up the table so this was definitely the dining area i'm in now i'm just gonna look at the bottom vagina where oh it seems japanese or chinese by the symbols there's also something no there are still sugar cubes inside we are some bottles of liquor too okay i cannot open the other one but i'm trying to show you and the way you can see it the best yeah let's see over here the mugs hanging up also some other china plates little ones some dowels yeah this was definitely to make up the table make it look magnificent and welcoming to all the guests okay now we're going to the next room have a look this is just magnificent to be honest we did a quick walkthrough to the place to check everything i took some pictures and this is actually one of my favorite rooms in the place it might not be the biggest room but it tells a lot of stories it's very tiny there is a wonderful chandelier in the middle and i just love how all the notes over there in the corner were still hanging up also the desk where they used to work you can definitely tell a lot of time has been spent in the past inside of this room and over here actually a giant fold actually very heavy well you can tell it's empty it's just open from the top oh this looks like a very very old certificate oh wow we found this before and those are actually copper lights which used to stand on the train railways i always really like them and somehow they like to collect them in the past and then this over here look it's a compass and there's also some geometric dashes around it it's actually from paris the capital of france and i've never seen it to be honest it's the first time i see it now again a wonderful wonderful french castle stove and look at the pipes they are completely curved all leading to the top well the curtains and then yet another fireplace is actually the similar one is in the other room but then it's a little bit smaller and yes over here we go we didn't find the bellows in the other one but over here carefully gonna try to grab it out is the bellows and for the people watching for the first time or not having seen a castle video by us i will quickly explain how the device works so over here used to be a fire back in the days and then they would use it like this air would come outside right at the top here and this would light up the fire by pumping air and oxygen into the fire of the fireplace it's a very very handy device and you don't see it in the stores now anymore it's definitely an antique i think that's the family coat of arms well here's one of those train lights on top of the fireplace and then look at this wonderful mirror wow just love it very very special well actually in the middle of the table was an old oil lamp this was a bicycle you could bend in a lot of telephone books here the telephone also on top and right over here another telephone and yet another one and yet another one okay sorry and yeah the people who lived there one day definitely did a lot of business calls there i think and important phone calls right away on these notes there's also a lot of numbers written some are from france i think others are maybe from business partners there is a large map over here it's actually from a mountain area is from 1827 pond royale that is saying to be honest i don't know it but i think it's in france over here still some receipts and a lot of documents and files on the desk there's even one of those quite old-fashioned pants with ink and yeah you could just lay it inside if you not used it what's this okay it looks all very strange but i think this was chalk and this was also used to make the stamps on top of the envelopes you can tell over here have a look still a part of it well this is probably old and this is literally what i love just having almost a complete sort of museum i want to call it for yourself you're in there to look to wonder you leave everything the way it is and it's like walking back in time walking back in history in another century and then it's my deepest pleasure to take you all with me on this adventure well we still have a long way to go look at the spiral wooden staircase and it's going all the way up to the other floors all the pairs of shoes standing on the side still the last mud of the hike they made over here around the shoe so and then i will quickly show you this area this was like a washing area where they did the laundry amongst other things i think that was a drying machine i'm not sure correct me if i'm wrong to be honest i don't know what this was it looks like a fridge oh some pipes here seems bamboo oh and look at the press they actually used this device to dry their clothes as well and they would squeeze the clothes in between so the water would drip out and the clothes would get dry eventually also the drying racks and over here definitely some more modern devices and would you actually believe me if i told you that the castle has probably been abandoned for only five years now at least based on the last documents we found it's strange i mean the first rooms i showed you were not that decayed but further on in our exploration we are definitely going to find more traces of dust and decay [Music] okay so let's continue over here is actually a little in between parts i'm curious what's inside of here all right mostly mechanic things still all the doosal hanging up and there is an awful dusty smell coming outside of it so i'm gonna close it again vacuum cleaner on the ground here wow it's a quite original thing over here i find it so interesting how everything remains so untouched during the years and we are one of the first people to be inside of here i make a documentary on it all the cope webs in between wear some acetone some alcohol in these jars oh look over here it's actually quite funny the statue of man only a glass and a bottle there's actually some other cabinets here my gosh how many plates how many porcelain how many china where i mean how many did these people own why would you need that much unless you had a very very huge family and we're having guests each and every week my gosh unbelievable it's still all completely filled my gosh so many glasses also some crystal glasses i always really like them well as always i told you we leave the places like we find them so i'm going to close the doors again and one thing which took my interest in which i find very very odd and also pretty scary is that over here if i enter this tiny working part there is actually still the electricity running and that made me quite worried you can now see the lights the green lights and the red lights above i sincerely hope that they will not get a fire inside of this place by the electricity which is still on i'm not very very no legible about electricity otherwise i would now literally turn it off it smells very oily inside of here too well this was definitely the power room over here also a lot of oil lamps i think in case of emergency wow i'm looking top two there is plenty over there a cloak wiper with the brush again completely made out of feathers it can't get any more traditional right now it's time to show you the hallway which is right in front of me have a look at this when i saw this for the first time i could literally not believe my eyes because it's literally like they had to leave in a rush they left everything behind the tiniest things there are so many bags over here and so many hats to have a look then over here when people used to ring the doorbell there would noise be coming from you can definitely tell the lost residents were elderly there is a lot of walking canes also some other sticks wood for the fireplaces then there is a calendar from 1975. over here the keys are even still hanging here that's what i mean with it seems that these people had to leave in a rush and they did not return ever since the boots all still standing on the ground it's actually too crazy for words how can somebody just walk away from this and then just leaving it in this state i sincerely hope that nothing bad happened with the last residence oh wow that's also nice actually a beer tab and the beer was actually german well even more power generators here and they actually seem to be turned off so then it's time to show you the kitchen wow again so many kitchen equipment it's over stuffed probably keep on saying it i don't want to be too repetitive of course but these people they left everything behind all the small things and even their family relics which i find the most sad part the memories the wear a lot of butts old refrigerator from the brands refrigerator the kettle bends over here and again the decorative ornamental china plates on the wall [Music] old iron and actually then have a look outside how overgrown it actually is vegetation is literally almost coming inside it's a big contrast to see the untouched kitchen like this and then the vegetation outside over here the buckets for the cool it's all from the old stone ovens over here the chimneys above man literally all their kitchen equipment tools and just everyday items are still standing here well i cannot open it properly but you can tell there is plenty of cutlery inside also there are some butcher's knives on the table and then have a look right over here still all the bands are hanging up where they belonged even a set of gourmet over here yeah it's a magnificent french clock it's actually from bordeaux the side of france wow look on top at this device i'm really thinking what it is but i think it's a very old-fashioned coffee grinder and then over all these spots for the spices and also for tea coffee and other things wow over here it's also still filled with food products some kellogg's products some pasta some herbs [Music] [Music] [Music] well there is actually a door and in french it's actually saying please close the door so i will definitely be closing it afterwards but let's see oh this was another kitchen part all right whoa okay well that door is closed now have a look i think back in the days these people definitely had servants which were cooking for them preparing their meals they were definitely not doing it all by themselves because they were way too wealthy for that and it's definitely something back from these days wow there's still a lot of comfeature inside of all of these jars oh and even some canned food over here man there are so many jars have a look at this most of them are still filled well we can also go to the left side over here and i think this was another food storage yeah have a look some pasta sauce some boxes for the eggs some rice also in these bags over here just hanging up everywhere around me there's things i literally don't know where to look at in this place what i'm one thing for sure and that is i can just spend 24 hours in this place and i would still not be bored and i think that says enough all by itself let's go back and we're gonna explore the other side now and if you are sitting in your chair right now watching this video i'm probably thinking how can people walk away from this and leave it all behind well likewise do i feel it's so utterly sad there's people in the world who are not that wealthy and maybe you're poor or hungry starving hungry and then there's people in the world who have that much money to just leave the property behind like this just do nothing with it i mean make a homeless shelter out of it sell the antiques give it a new purpose or just restore it back to its former glory but often money is the issue and that's where we said castles like this often raise the awareness to me that life is not a permanent value this was once one of the most important buildings in this french town and now it just lies there neglected and forgotten and have a look at the beautiful beautiful staircase and stair hall over here a lot of books there wow the mint green banister the cobwebs in between literally everywhere my gosh what a giant tapestry but before i get too enthusiastic and i'm going upstairs there is the other side i just told you about and let's explore this side first what's up this over here i'm not sure but i think those are some old photos oh look wow some beautiful prints all of them actually like tiny glass blades inside wow look at all the documents over here it seems that they are dated from centuries ago okay i'm gonna just grab one out to give you an idea of what the documents actually look like i wanna do this carefully for example this oh my gosh no way okay the first letter i literally grabbed it's dated from the year 70 44. 70 44. no way you can still see the old stamp over here apparently back in these days there was a baron living here there's a very important person in that time and this was the person who was living inside of this castle the boron's name was jean-baptiste at least that's the name which is on the letter here written okay now i really want to grab another letter because this was totally unexpected and yet i wanna do it very very carefully again let's see no way no way this letter it's from 16 21 and this is literally dedicated to the people who live there have a look at the writing only i cannot even relate what it's written there i can speak a little french but this is just unreadable i cannot believe that it's so well preserved it's almost 400 years 400 years okay i'm not sure if this is real but right over here it's saying 1 4 9 5 14 95 that's the half of a millennium and you probably hear that well like you could also see in the intro one of the clocks is still ticking inside of this place every half an hour and every hour it's still ticking it's so so strange okay well you probably maybe think that it's getting boring now but i really want to see one last letter this one is from the 6th of january 1632 also dedicated again to the owner of the property there is another full ladder inside this is almost unreadable anymore well let's just put the letters back where i find them and then to imagine that all of the boxes over here are filled with these old documents so i think one of the first people who was living here was boron and then look at this room splendid absolutely again so much history to reveal so this person actually passed away in spain in 1772 and it's often the case that these novel families actually consist of a lot of family members also in other european countries nearby very neat cabinets here too let's see nah it's not very stable and again i don't want to demolish it look at the print over here all these cubes and then on top of the cabinets there's some radios so they like listening to music but have a look i don't know who this person exactly was but apparently he lived in 1693 he's holding a book and he looks like a judge and then to imagine that these people were so important back in the days they all had a relation with the past inhabitants of this castle and right now their portraits are literally left neglected inside is abandoned place and one of the only persons admiring it is me and the other explorers will enter such places wow again a fireplace have a look at the beautiful ornate details on the wall also the candle holders and the lamps to be honest this castle is definitely my top list already wow these portraits are so well detailed the person who made them was so talented i think this was part of a game all these tiny pins were being used yeah this was the game cabinet look there are also a lot of card playing games here the lamp it's actually very thin material almost paper wow and another beautiful portrait here to be honest when i started doing this i actually never believed or could have dreamed that such places like this exist and now i'm literally walking here exploring it and having a place completely for my own to wander through a different time period look at the portrait of the boy over here from 1872. very sad there is actually cracks already inside wow this chair looks very very comfortable my gosh so luxurious a high-end antique then the room continues over here but a lot of chairs and tables have been placed there probably for storage but have a look at the glass on the layer my gosh wow also part of a stove there and these huge books it's actually about french parks and gardens but it's still closed i'm keeping like that to be honest however i think i can open this one huge stories i even see the 11th century in here written and it's all about churches and religious things a game of checkers here it seemed that they really like to play games inside this room and yet another wonderful chandelier wow that's literally the only word i can say wow and then look over here at the golden mirror with some very very gorgeous details on top so much allergens [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right so then time has come we're gonna enter the ground stairs over here and are slowly gonna walk and make our way to the upper level my gosh there is yet another massive tapestry well you actually hear the clock ticking and that's actually this clock i was talking about still going to the left and to the right very neat ground for a clock also interesting how they painted all the flowers on top of them and you had so many copwebs so sad to leave it just like this unloved so these tapestries were actually made by a parisian artist some boobs on the ground here also over here there is a sketch of a person oh and then luke this definitely must have been a family ancestor one of the family ancestors of the noble family tree some giant taxonomy birds wow this is literally like a stairwell out of a dream now we can actually go two directions we can go to that side or we can go towards this direction following the very very long red carpet it's going to lead us to many more beautiful rooms [Music] all right so there is a cabinet over here let's have a look inside wow look at this not only some china but look at the porcelain statue reading a book with a baby on top i was actually losing i was already thinking that's a very strange combination wow some religious artifacts over here looks like this was a priest unaware a person asking for sacrifice there's actually some boxes over here and if you remember that right i told you about the children that they have many children and ovaries again just filled with toys they've all been collected in the boxes and being stored there during the years actually what's this over here are some very tiny sticks on top i think this was a holder of something but i'm trying to figure out what it exactly was yet i cannot really relate so if anybody knows what the purpose of this was then just leave it in the comment section with a time point and that would be very very nice so we're gonna enter the first room on this floor again the stove with the abandoned pipes on top [Music] another very very beautiful one old coal stoves you don't see them that much now anymore nowadays because most of them are converted into gas stoves or electric stoves there is another bellows a little bit of different one and the one we finally downstairs and this is actually a very very typical one like we often find them always on the end of the doors in these religious families back in the days there is a bucket which used to hold holy water i'll firstly give you an overview of the room it's quite messy at some points this is one of the only rooms which i think have been slightly vandalized this definitely looks like it was used by the children this actually was a house where they would play with some horses there were also some horses over here on the sides with some wood burning art that's how i actually related it again wow beautiful iron plate and again also the fireplace here with the candles on the sides have a look at this it's actually some copper parts in between they've been oxidizing and that's why they have a blue color also the tools are still there and luke this was also a toy of a child it was like a crane tiny bottle of liquor so it looks like wine it's from midok and chateau in france the glasses here thermal meter oh there are so many boobs inside of here there are some big books but there is also some smaller ones here and look briefly that's not french but yet that's german oh this is actually said this is still a drawing of a child which is just hanging in the inside of the cabinet over here also a doll on the ground it's actually self-made i think also by the child there is actually a wish card also in german it's saying merry christmas and a happy new year look over here is an old picture of all the childs they had five childs in total and this was in 1928. probably still the french family before the german residents actually took to the castle over and started a new life here some very neat stuffed red furniture wow again some books but there is also many family pictures over here again some holy water still inside have a look over here we can see a man and a woman i think on the right we can see the owner of the property and i think this was his mother and then we can also see the same man over here together with his wife on their wedding day have a look they look happily in love both are smiling and always this big joy to see that people were so happily in love with each other and then yet in contrast it's very sad to see that nobody is taking care or caring about their place anymore over here we can also see the three childs a boy a girl and another girl another this is from young a little bit older and then the boy was the oldest one of the childs have a look at the bed over here no there's again so many toys on the ground all just being dumped and just smashed even the train over here with all the rails and different parts there is even lego over here look chef kook i've actually never found lego inside of an abandoned place the first time when i was a child i really really love to play with lego just be creative and build your own things it's definitely giving and remembering me back to my childhood it was definitely a very handsome man back in his days maybe this was one of the best donors and this was a picture of him when he was still younger but things like this are always very hard to assume you can only let your imagination run wild but unfortunately finding a true story about what happened will live there and what the life exactly was back in the days is almost just impossible to find out all right so let's continue in the hallway still have many rooms to go on this floor over here it's actually quite german wow i already see a portrait over there and this was yet another bad bedroom what a large bed and oh so beautiful i love its wooden shaving design oh and is over here too look it's actually like to change your clothes behind it like a screen almost in every single room there is a stove and most of them are similar a white collar a similar pattern an abandoned pipe and i really like this bellows it's almost like an accordion the first time i see a bellows like this to be honest so in that case i think it's quite rare to find a bellows in this shape well the beds and then on top of it there's actually a large wooden crossy fix with jesus christ and over here they could switch off the light whenever laying in the bed very very handy i also have lou with the wall print it's so so colorful and then one of the family ancestors wow no way is that really what i think it is okay well i will firstly show you this there is also an old picture of a woman over here and then sadly enough this picture of a man this photo has been i think fallen on the ground and eventually it has been smashed but look at this this is literally one of those old wakes you only see on the old portraits of the family ancestors sometimes one of those old wakes you learn about during your history lessons in school and now it's literally just here on the older this is absolutely crazy my gosh all right i'm not even gonna touch it anymore i think this is truly truly incredible i've never never found this this castle is surprising me each and every more minute i'm inside and just go through everything the vanity over here maybe once a day the woman which is being displayed on the portrait there or sitting in front of it doing a makeup and a brooming this chair looks like it was for your shoes and then you could bend your laces over here i think so at least but again correct me if i'm wrong i'm definitely not a historian i'm just a person who is very very interested in seeing how people live back in the days and going back in history and then just expanding my knowledge each and every time i enter a building again i'm reading the feedback of all of the people watching right now no way this wardrobe is still filled even all their ties their gently suits and coats everything is still there also a lot of leather shoes definitely all man clothes actually right behind here there were some very very old dictionaries most of them are from the 19th century as you can see over here just incredible so many historic books and just want to zoom in on the dictionary actually it was one set and each set started with a specific letter so it went from a b c d e f g h k all the way to t up to when including z so still the complete set is present and it was even a supplement it's just left like it used to be and i think a collector would definitely pay a lot of money for it well over here again the holy water i really really like this one it's like an angel statue with a little baby and then there was hanging a rosary on it and before we exit the room i just noticed this this was a praying table there was also a crucifix and some other religious things inside and the people would normally kneel on this right over there with their knees back in the past and then they would just be praying around the table so we still have quite some rooms to go i'm absolutely amazed by especially just the history inside this building the dk is luckily not too severe but the history is absolutely making me speechless wow so this was another bedroom and i think over there i see the most recent picture i've seen so far those were probably the germans at least i think one of them was german a man a woman i think one of them maybe a family member or maybe a friend and this was definitely inside the castle look over here the mirror you can see there were a lot of gas that was probably on a specific event you can also see the similar curtains you can really get an imagination of what the property used to look like when it was still livable and not being neglected like it is now it's some wood over there a crucifix look at this okay well i just needed to do that the temptation was too big oh some hair that's very strange it was a real human hair okay i will just leave it i don't have a very comfortable feeling with touching it or moving it well over here he actually had a door and then there was a sink and a mirror very very smooth how he actually used to hide this with the doors and have a look at the spirals and the bendings in this pipe over here i've never seen this with a stove but apparently almost all these stoves have it now you can also imagine yourself how hard it would be to keep a place in this size just nice and warm especially in the winter times it's not only the renovation costs but also when you want to make it livable just all the gas water and electricity some renaissance ornaments and a beautiful painting there made in the wall wow one of those old mannets well this definitely belonged to an important person no way look a lot of paint i think they also definitely love to do paintings so many tiny tubes actually in a c car box well then over here it's actually another wardrobe even more dyes over there a lot of hats so definitely some vintage hats do rounded shape on top like charlie chaplin i actually have similar and the downside also all their shoes still there i literally don't know where to look i mean there are so many things i can point out in the room and of course i'm always a little bit struggling because i really want to give you the experience i have seeing every little thing and on the other hand i don't want the video to be too long that you will get bored watching but look at the painting here again so beautiful just please leave your opinion in the comment section right now about what do you think about the length of the videos do you think it's a good thing that i show many details or would you prefer more of an overview video just walking through the rooms and less of the details because i always think that you find most of the story and most of the most special things hidden while searching and seeking for [Music] them [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so we're gonna walk on i think these tubes were for water as their results were saying over here water is turned off this was definitely all for their cleaning okay so right now i can go three ways i can go to the left straight forward or to the right i'm just gonna head straight forward first immediately i enter another bedroom which just gives you a wow feeling very warm flower wall prints beautiful mirror over here also a cabinet then over here was again a fireplace i think i counted around six maybe seven fireplaces already also around eight stoves or something i really like the vase over here and especially the mirror so well detailed where we can see many more family ancestors you can tell what a big and important family they had how many relatives and what a huge family tree and it's strange how there is a fireplace and right next to it there is also a stove then over here this bucket was actually holding the wood for the fireplace now i'm starting to think those were wood stoves i think not cold stoves because there are so many piles of wood everywhere i think they ran on wood but just please leave it again down in the comment section look over here the curtains those curtains were actually leading us to a child bedroom with a very small one-person bed oh look at the chairs a more half-life a spanish portuguese design interesting again there is yet another crucifix over here and have a look the sink with the mirror right above it and this looks quite modern to me even the towel is still hanging up there these people must have left in a hurry and like i mentioned before i really hope they're still alive that they're okay and living a peaceful life now let's go to the next room which was in the left side oh right over here immediately a sewing machine and not a singer but this is a puff the cover is on top it seems to be stuck the sewing machine is still there but i think it's locked on this side yeah there is a lock so unfortunately i cannot reveal the cover of it where again beautiful french clock there used to be a table down beneath here now there's just a lot of towels and everything on top maybe this was a part which was used by the servants another stove traces of mold wallpaper starting to peel off as well oh and look on top were some slays so you can tell in the winter times that there used to be a lot of snow in this area and considering the fact that they have many children they love to go in the nature and go slaying and then this room was attached to a bathroom some wipes over here with the sides and all the tiles wow then the bathtub with the shower and the rounded curtain that's absolutely incredible have a look tiny bidet here on the ground some cleaning products and literally everything is still standing here the toothbrush but also the toothpaste like everything batteries not working anymore i really cannot get my mind strained around it well then on the right side where i was talking about there is actually the other part the spiral staircase going yet again one level up but we are not finished yet on this floor we still have the other side to go with a few rooms i really want to show this to you first so you have a logic sequence of my exploration and the way i walk through the building so you can get a little bit of an orientation of how the rooms are directed and located [Music] so i'm in the main stair hall again and yet on this side we can continue there is again a stuffed bird on top and actually have a look over here it looks like this table is folding so yeah you can bend it open and it's i think this was for card playing games or poker maybe and over here there is also a beautiful secretary desk again many different compartments but they seem to be empty there's also this little bust looks like was from a child so let's enter this area there's another white staircase going up radiator wow another grand for the clock i always love finding them and in contrast to the other one this one is not ticking anymore guys have a look looks like it stopped ticking already several years ago very comfortable chair also stuffed on these sides behind this door there is a bathroom but i'm gonna walk around and you're gonna see it afterwards oh i think this was this is also called jean-baptiste it was the chef from the army from france and from egypt look at this over here what a creation wow actually have a look at the ceiling oh and then over there that's a large goose or whatever it might be oh where behind the door wow that's actually a very very beautiful portrait i think it's one of my favorite ones but unfortunately it's not in a very good condition anymore it looks so so realistic no way okay have a look right in front of me right now if this is not a royal looking toilet anymore i don't know it anymore guys i mean i have a look at this i'm not gonna show the inside but you could bend it open you would have the toilet and it's like a trone a wooden throne you will be sitting on over here some napkins also the sink i've never seen this i've seen quite a few castles right now but a castle like this with this toilet over here you could flush the toilet this this is unique absolutely amazing and then right over here follows yet another bedroom and this one was very very large there was even a sitting corner where you could have a cup of tea or a nice glass of liquor as over here is the bed but again a crucifix on top it's literally built inside of the walls and another fireplace and another stove right next to it and then look again from this perspective how the bed is made in and then the doors on the both sides very very neatly done some very luxurious chairs sadly enough they've been eaten by insects been decaying in time and they've been very very damaged no there's actually again another portrait there on the ground and like you can also see on the overview shot right over there is another one two woman who again had a relation with the novel family tree i mean there's again so many details over here if you really start focusing on all the details it's literally incredible how somebody could even think about making and creating something like this back in the past well then we continue and look at this part of clothing there is again another wardrobe where all the clothes are left behind oh this one is broken it almost fell down actually pretty pretty shocked me well in that case i'm just leaving the other side well so much to see and yet over here was actually where the one door was which i told you and this was the bathroom attached to the other bathroom so i think that bedroom was owned by an important person over here on the shaft a lot of medicine inside even the sponge and the sober still there right above the dirty bathtub and even the bathroom was featuring a stove and a fireplace oh this is so well detailed look like a little cabinet with all tiny ornaments the wheel was just filled with matches all boxes filled with matches some perfume bottles over here and then there is a calendar from nineteen so i can walk up this staircase but what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna walk back to where i ended on the other point so there we are again now it's finally time to go to one of the last floors so and first thing i immediately notice is that there is again many boobs in the shelf where a part of a clock actually over here i saw another part have a look it's literally like an attic part with some storage of all things you never know what you can find on these floors well some cutlery wear skill not very interesting to be honest you can actually also go up here i'm not going there because it's literally like a maze of spider webs i'm not willing to get my head covered in them because i still need to explore the whole day and that would not be very very plausible look there's a bucket which is full of walnuts some heavy decay over there most of the times the attic parts are on the worst state because they are not being well maintained and they're just for storage telephone there and this looks like something which used to be in a church all right well actually a pretty simple bedroom starting to think that maybe some of these bedrooms which we are going to find on this floor where part of the servant caught us definitely centuries ago it's not normal anymore nowadays to have servants in that way working for you unless you're the king of a country or the president maybe because look over here i think it makes sense those were all like different draws they all had their own numbers so maybe it was for the servant eleven nine they could just put their stuff inside and the numbers were to indicate from what stuff was no we only found these ones one time before the very very old-fashioned roller skates with the wooden tires have a look those are the very very first roller skates absolutely amazing to find this over here the laces wow such a surprise i'm gonna leave it here and furthermore actually not very much in this room looks like this barrel used to hold wine with a little tap a rosary i think this was for a diseased person who passed away in 1883 this was to remember her oh and actually look over there there was a bicycle looks like it was from a child where are even more of these drawers with different numbers well this definitely was a storage room some covers of old portraits right next to it we can even go one other level up let's do that in the very very last a fire hose over here what's that underground looks like a case no way it's a violin wow this is probably a very very old violin and still to be honest it's in a decent shape well these strings still something were there but they've been broken but the case itself is often broken when you find it in an abandoned building wow that was a surprise my gosh still in the original case absolutely unbelievable we keep on finding treasures we keep on finding treasures guys and i really hope you're enjoying the adventure with me so again we have two rooms next to each other looks like they had quite the same purpose same window as well just start on the left side some boots inside of the box some boobs over here oh yeah this was a bad room but again the bed being made inside of the wall [Music] probably has been a children's room there's also a children book over here like a story for bedtime oh look at this device i'm not completely certain about it but i think it had to do something with electricity you can also see the wires over here like a little generator or something with anode and cathode i think it was something like that then over here is a sketch of a boy from 1973 definitely the last residence flashlight i look forward to more you can tell it's a little bit messy but still everything is there even some old telephones inside the box here actually a lot of telephones in this place look over here as well a telephone again i think they definitely collect collected telephones because we found plenty a lot there yet again telephone yeah and this oh have a look this is actually broken but this was like a pipe for smoking two foxes on top of it it's a very very special one one of the most unique pipes i've seen also in a specific case for it and then the wardrobe still containing their clothes and everything in the same color of army green i think the person to warm this room we loved light green then the other room next door there's a bag doesn't look that old look at that that's funny probably gotta blur it out but those are actually some breasts like something you will give to a friend for fun when he's having his birthday oh look a grey presser wow great and yet this was again the same bedroom similar style and similarly arranged yet it's a little bit more messy looks like people have went in surge of valuables through all the stuff [Music] and then even in this room of course a fireplace cannot be missed there's an ornament on top like wooden horses where are some stones what's this very heavy oh i think it's definitely something historic it's written a number and two one five six maybe something they found they digged up like a bomb or something from the war it could be the case carefully gonna lay it back all right time to go to the few last rooms [Music] firstly there was yet another cabinet what damn my gosh look at these books they're all about science my gosh complete collection they are probably old most of them are from the 15th and the 16th century it is saying right over here my gosh this is all some truly truly old paperwork it needs to be restored just put in the museum even some anti-clopidia is like my gosh that's unbelievable really over here the sofa side of this cabinets also a lot of lecture and reading material but nothing very historic well yet over here another bedroom two sleigh beds typical french stove oh and some children clothes so this was the children's room where it was also saying on the key that like a tiny note that was saying this is the key from the room of the children dan fall in french and yeah where you can see it all the children toys ately said why would they not make another child happy with it there is also a abacus here very very sad so when narrowing the end point of the video those are the other stairs where i could go up so now i reach that point as well chests that's locked i can't open it another attic part for some storage and a lot of drying lines for the laundry and then over here yet another bedroom so many so the family was definitely very big but some of the bedrooms we found were also definitely for servants and then ultimately we're gonna walk up the stairs to the very very last floor and for all the people who have been sticking around making it to this point of the video i really want to thank you all please hit the thumbs up already if you enjoyed the adventure so far and let's see which mysteries and secrets are waiting for us on this floor a lot of tiny books here quite spacious attic a leather again in general a lot of children items also there is some albums and a lot of files on the grounds oh and look over here wow okay that's i think the best find on this attic over there the chalkboard and then all the old school seeds over here wow that's probably old over here they could lay their pens and pencils over any pot of ink lay inside why is it on the attic are pupils really educated right over here and this is actually no normal wallpaper but this is very rare to find and very very old as well this was clothed while covering and we only found it one time before maybe two times one time was in the abandoned davinci mansion there will be a link right up here in case you haven't seen that place that was also a very very beautiful place fortunately it's now being inhabited by a squatter and no airbags are so welcome anymore look the clothes while covering slowly slowly coming off also eating my insects very very sad to see i'm literally lost for words what a place this was right now i'm standing here in front this was such an adventure and i loved it until the very last second and i really hope you did as well and if you did guys i took so much time to film this place we were inside for eight hours i think if you could appreciate my efforts please hit the like button you can subscribe to a channel right down below also ring the bell notification button and then as always i want to send you much love peace and blessings and we will see you on the next adventure bye [Music] you
Channel: Explomo
Views: 512,725
Rating: 4.8989034 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, abandoned castle, castle, castle in france, chateau, abandoned chateau, abandoned castle in france, explomo, urbex, urban exploration, exploring, urban exploring, 17th century, history, historical, treasures, treasures left behind, victorian castle, everything left behind, fully furnished, full of, full of treasures, exploring with josh, abandonoed mansion, mansion, abandoned house, house, bros of decay, brosofdecay, incredible, incredible abandoned, abandoned places, explore
Id: MeGb7vtVnYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 59sec (6779 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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