Extravagant Abandoned Starchy Castle of Mister George a French Artist

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[Music] today we found a castle in the french countryside it was so beautiful a a mesmerizing sight the former owner george left everything behind [Music] he was a true mastermind and created art for humankind inside all the pictures our memories have been left behind [Music] in every corner we found artifacts that held lots of history but if examined closer they appear to also hold some mystery let's go on an adventure throughout this place and figure out what happened to george and this mysterious base welcome back everybody to the channel of the bros of dk i'm leslie and i'm going to take you on another epic adventure today we are sitting here inside of an abandoned castle a grand home a big home it's a castle maybe or a manual i'm not 100 sure but this place used to be inhabited by an artist a french artist who produced beautiful artworks for the region and also the province he was very well known and much more about this place i'm i don't have that information yet but i'm gonna take you on this adventure and we're gonna figure it out together today so uh stay tuned because it's gonna be an amazing place you're not gonna believe your eyes let's start off this exploration as you just saw everything is left in here the place is completely untouched no graffiti no vandalism just how the people left it behind even their table over here is still made with all the plates all the cups and all the glasses that the last it drank from look at this fantastic cabinet over here completely filled with all the dishes that i used when people came over this one is locked up when people came over to dine at their place over here we have a grand fireplace inside of the dining room it must have been fantastic sitting here at this table and watching the fireplace having dinner together that must have been so incredibly fantastic this might have been a formal picture of the owner of this place the artist that we just talked about wow beautiful dividing screen over here maybe when the fire got too hot they placed it in front of here so you could sit here nicely and still enjoy the warmth of the fireplace there's some sort of a storage area behind and the boiler and the heater is over here i can see more vases and cups and plates and everything is in here on this side they got this goat hanger but they use it for wine jugs these are used in france they store wine in it and they're poured from that it's much more elegant than just from a bottle those french people right some kitchen appliances that we don't see anymore today is this the crushed garlic or something like it well a strange device strange pair of scissors i would say lovely cabinets let's turn around over here see this side okay let's go further into this place i'm quite excited to show you everything it's going to be quite a long video this would be the entrance ollie oh yes this is the entrance hall of the place and this man might have also had a hobby of hunting you can see he had this pig's head up here and this is a little oh what's this this looks like an arrow for a bow or something like it oh yes it's an arrow for a bow maybe you hunt down the animals with a bow that would be badass a deer skill up here wow lovely to see all this i have a few shares over here and oh yes that's that's a good story to tell um when people were rich in france sometimes they didn't want people to come inside of their house if they only visited for a few minutes that's why they placed these shares over here in the entrance hall so people could sit down here they gave them a cup of coffee they drank their coffee and they were on the way again they didn't have to come into their main living room and stuff like that french people are quite reserved i would say i also had horses you can see a horse helmet horse riding helmet over here all the different things for horses lovely stuff okay let's go a bit further this is one of the first bedrooms already no way i believe that there are so many people inside of this place i think like 10 to 20 people lived in this place he had a very big family and they all were hosted inside of this place maybe just yeah he let all his family live inside of his home look at all this china that is left in here there's no emblem on it so it might be fake i'm not 100 sure this looks not like a bad actually or it's a very small bat but it's more like a little couch to rest on than a bed itself but it's very nicely at paul street and everything look at the design on it wow i just love furniture like this this is a picture of his first bedroom already incredible and let's go back for the throughout the house the toilet i always want to film the toilet it's very important to do we have a lot of coat hangers over here it looks like we're coming into another dining room oh no it's actually i was a bit wrong it's actually a dining room slash a kitchen but they only they use this dining room all the time and the other one is only when guests came or family came or it was an important event then they use the other dining room this one is just a little bit smaller and a little bit less fancy i would say it's really not that less fancy it's a fantastic dining room but yeah wow all the jacks and cups this is a cutting cutting block for fionder full of meat sorry i speak a little bit french now i've been going exploring with french people for the last five days and my french has improved dramatically believer so they would use this one to cut onto this block the meat also the little oven in here as you can see can i open this one this is probably bread oven i don't want to root it or something like that so i'm going to leave it like that but it runs on wood down there you put wood into it a duck and everything here's probably another oven and the wooden clothes in front of it they look very dutch the french people also used to wear them that not only a dutch icon wow this is a lovely bellow look at this thing yeah beautiful bellow all the plates here in the cabinet fantastic no history yet come on i need to find something there are not that much papers inside of this place unfortunately and also no calendars or anything like that okay wait first go back because i also saw a basement down here it's a very strange basement it's a crawling basement i think like we call them in the netherlands in belgium oh that's very small and it's been blocked there okay let's go further because i'm excited to see what this place has to offer it's already very interesting by now i think it's gonna be even more spectacular later on okay let's see what this room holds three dining rooms in a row you're serious you're freaking serious and also still made dining room this one is even less fancy than the other two so i suppose this was maybe for the workers or something like it strange a cabinet completely filled with glasses as you can see wow beautiful stuff and i was looking at this does this look like a fireplace yes this used to be a fireplace wow okay a cabinet here in the hallway filled with bad linen oh sorry berlin cleaning utilities no way this is the room i saw this picture from a friend of mine and she sent it to me and she says do you want this place and i was like of course i do i want this place and this is the room that i came for the blue bedroom we call it and it's the room actually of the artist they believe that he created all his works in here he has all his literature here wow beautiful old-school books all left behind lovely stuff he had a piano inside of this room let's see it look at the pictures over here okay what are these these gun shells or cigarettes or what is it i don't know what this is fortune telling cards oh yes wow this is a little news article you got the same picture of this boy coming back there's also a girl now in the picture black a flag and this beautiful piano let's see if it still plays [Music] i think it's an electric piano look at this just incredible with the sculpture next to it this man must have been incredibly rich and here we see the first signs of his of his occupation see this is a drawing that he made himself and i see a drawing book down there so i'm gonna grab it okay let's see what we can find inside of there oh there are multiple drawing hooks here i'm gonna only open this one i think oh wow this is incredible it drew a picture of a baby over here i'm gonna place this all back later i'm gonna show you a few that he made a picture of this lady and he did it very professionally you can see it drew the lines and he centered everything around the nose symmetrical very cool okay maybe we can find a name on here somewhere see over here is a name mr george george is it's a french name and that's probably from the artist that left here yes i see the same name george is going back going back so this is probably his name so we're going to name him george's from now on okay let's put this all back and go further with the video and this was a sketchbook or a sketching plate i think the potlatch used and we see the picture of him coming back again this was mrs mr george's you can see him over here i love this bed as an uphill street blue bat but this one is the same we saw on the first or in that other room that other room that we thought was a bedroom this is probably just a couch to sit on that he used or to lie down on when he was drawing in this room and he had a fireplace in here a very grand fireplace here to decide i see some oil lamps magnificent oil lamps look at this fireplace say it is it is from gordin a french brand this one is from france and a praying chair as well i'm wondering what this is this is his family tree as you can see so he figured out where he came from but i don't see mr george's anywhere on here wow what a grand hallway no way let's go further and see the other bedrooms that are in here i believe this is another one oh yes beautifully pink made bed all these beds are upheld street like that they are very expensive they don't make furniture like this anymore lots of books maybe a child this was maybe a child's room let's see if there's any date on here no no no no dude and here we have the boardroom with this very typical small bot you can see this is a sitting up set up right inside of the spot my granddad also had a bot like that very basic bathroom from the bedroom we walk into another room let's see oh this is more like a sitting area i don't think they use this room that much inside of this place it's just like they had another spare room and like let's fill it with furniture and maybe we'll ever drink a coffee in here or something like that that's something that rich people do i'm not gonna film here because there is uh addresses on here and don't want to reveal this place over here on this side we have an accountancy cabinet so you see this turns into a little desk and you can sit in front of it and you can count all the money and the different expenses in here like that very interesting a few more cabinets and let's head on to the next room oh wow another very beautiful bedroom with incredible deeks left behind over here got some fake flowers lovely always the fake flowers i think oh my gosh there are real flowers inside of this abandoned place and then i go look and they're just plasticky coffee table hmm this looks like a bag for the artist where he could transport not clothes i would say his artwork but he just drew some clothes inside of here maybe this was his travel bag mr george's travel bag also got a cabinet but it's quite oh there's some clothes inside of you actually pretty fancy clothes wow some costumes of his lovely let's put this in france it's another divider and we got yet another abandoned uphill street bed they should be in homes they shouldn't be in abandoned places whoa this feels so nice such a beautiful bed just left here forgotten what's this this looks like a huge storage room and it's also very grand it's like six meters high six meters is like 18 feet or something like that for the people from america he stored a lot of stuff inside of here let's see if we can find some artifacts yeah first off of course we got the piano over here but what's more it's even more there's some sort of a animal here is this a goat skin oh yes this is a goat skin no way see the horns of the goat here on top of the piano still place isn't that incredible what did the old store up here a newspaper let's have a look 6th of november 1957. look at that incredible but he made some sort of a booklet out of it he stitched it together and he made some sort of a book out of this newspaper there's a cover for a sewing machine this looks like a piano house or no for you put bread inside of it to keep it fresh keep it fresh during the day or if you want to use it the day after after that be careful where i'm walking wow it's just insane over here i was considering going up this ladder but at the end i'm not gonna do it it's just too dangerous in my opinion let's go back through the hallway i have already seen so much inside of this place but i think i've not even seen the half of it the beautiful parts are still to come so yeah you have to keep watching because this place is going to get even more insane back at the front of the hallway right now there's a lot of flights of stairs up here and this leads us into another part of the building this fart art features white walls instead of pink walls and i see already here another bedroom oh my gosh look at this first thing we see over here is a picture of a woman together with a dog beautiful furniture in here we got also a baby grip look at that but what i like the most inside of this room is this vanity here at the window so you could sit here the lady that lived here in this side of this room she could sit here watch outside a beautiful garden just make herself pretty in the morning isn't that just great the cabinet here in the hallway features the bad linen for the bats they definitely had some mates working for them this they couldn't do all of this themselves of course a little table here in the hallway interesting let's go further okay you're not gonna believe what i just saw [Music] this definitely is the master bedroom of the place where mr george slept probably together with his wife look at the curtains hanging here from the top of the bed onto this bed this is just insane wow over here to the side of the bedroom we have a little sitting area where they could draw something maybe you need something watch out of the window onto the fields it's just fantastic to see wow look at the artifacts left here this looks like oh i have to be careful with this beautiful umbrella i'm gonna place it here look at all these people here they look so old school these might have been children from mr george or his parents or something like that you can fold it like this incredible i also really like this little umbrella a lovely umbrella place it back here picture of a woman here on a wall and this might have been a wedding picture of mr george and his wife wow look at this army boy over here this boy we have been seeing going back inside of this place like multiple times on multiple occasions these are letters that have been sent out there's even something inside of here let's have a look at it a little souvenir i think what's this oh wow let me see gonna place it back later on what's this look here i just pulled it out of the look at this just pulled it out of the package and these are two gun shells they got sent to him by somebody wow i'm gonna put it back later so don't worry wow incredible all this army stuff maybe mr george wasn't in the army and he just kept all these things as a memory of those times they had a big fireplace over here in their bedroom this must be so nice to sit lie in bed over here have the fireplace on and just enjoy each other anybody want some money no it's old frank's old french currency over here probably doesn't isn't worth that much anymore nowadays beautiful flowers another picture of a lady up there okay let's go further otherwise we will never finish this place over here we got a grand square a plaza as you can see all the buses driving around wow another bedroom and also a very very beautiful one still made bad over here night stands next to it incredible to see chandelier presenting the room and yet again yet again we have the picture of mrs mr george this must definitely be mr george coming back here he is together with this with his dog in the army wow very religious as well these people okay some animals have some bears over here these might have been from the children okay i'm gonna save that for later because that's the big room with the pianos that was just inside but let's go up here and check the upstairs out before we go there can see the building is already a little bit deteriorating at the top there's the attic let's go here left first is the bottom oh my gosh this is a beautiful bath look at this boat no way on the floor of this boat room are thousands and thousands of wasps or bees i don't know whoa crazy okay let's look at the other side some board games up here lovely to see let's check out this room another bedroom a very small one i think oh yes not really that interesting let's go through here whoa this one is really a complete mess it looked like it looked like somebody was searching something inside of here hmm maybe you're searching for money or that just drew stuff inside of you that's also a possibility then we come into another bedroom oh it's so incredibly hot today here in france i'm sweating okay but this is the last location for today so let's finish it up and don't slow down right now keep producing those incredible videos for everybody have just a look at the bedroom that i just stepped inside of this bed is one of the most beautiful that i've ever seen the carvings on it here on the top it's just insane two night stands next to it i'll show you the front of the bed as well and then this chair here in the corner but what i also just noticed oh excuse me look at this cabinet as well oh isn't that just great but what i also just noticed is here in the hallway they had this beautiful setup with the perfecta perfecta that's a new brand of sewing machines i haven't seen that before all the pictures on the wall and the ts girl wow there's even one here on the floor okay it's now time to take a look in the grand room over here let's go inside that must have been an amazing feeling coming down this stairway in the morning when you came out of bed and walking into a room like this let's have a look at this view the two pianos over there the beautiful chandelier hanging up here wow that little reading area on this side i think you could sit here chill out a little bit and read some stuff insane just insane a few steps down you come into that grand room that i was talking about wow look at this beautiful chairs next to this coffee table what's this over here oh it's like a little storage room or something like that i also love this this green chair i think it's a green one yes a little bit color blind excuse me beautiful lamps next to it look at this goblin over here wow and i was just i have started the video in front of this piano over here let's test it out [Music] still works the music nodes are up here i got a full basket over here full of these books with music notes above the piano over here there are some drawings that he probably made himself i'm quite surprised that there aren't more drawings inside this place because he was an artist of course you would imagine that his whole house would be filled with paintings that he made himself but maybe he didn't paint that much i only found sketches let's test out this one magnifique and then we got these two lounging chairs to end off over here just wow to end it all off i'm going outside i will show you the outside of this place look how overgrown it all is over here whole windows are overgrown the whole building is overgrown let's show you the outside because it's magnificent look at this there's some sort of a german style in here we saw that the owner was interested in hunting of course and that might be contributing to the outside of this place but this new place is just huge let's take a little stroll around it before we end off this video and show you the outside over here wow completely overgrown with ivy i truly adore places like this in france and i hope to find many more in the future and i will definitely will do so so make sure to subscribe to the channel wow it's incredibly hot over here in france i'm just sweating right now okay everybody thank you very much for watching this week's video what an insane place excuse me for such a long video but it was well worth it and uh yes with that all being said please give us a like this helps the channel and helps grow subscribe to the channel and in the link there will be a in the description there will be a little link to patreon there you can support the channel and keep it healthy and keep me exploring around the world i want to thank william behind the camera who helped me out sarah was with me both the links will be in the description and as always i will see you next week with another epic adventure bye bye love you [Music] you
Channel: Bros Of Decay
Views: 355,843
Rating: 4.9273963 out of 5
Keywords: Urbex, abandoned, urbanexploration, urbandecay, decay, photography, brosofdecay, Abandoned, home, urbex 2020, urbex belgie, urbex belgium, abandoned house, exploration, exploring the unbeaten path, abandoned places, urban exploration, broken window theory urbex, abandoned victorian castle, abandoned victorian mansions, urbex walkthrough, abandoned france, abandoned building, urbex italy, abandoned manor, abandoned portugal, abandoned castle in belgium, Abandoned Antiques, exploring
Id: MGleIrIRkbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 11sec (2171 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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