Exploring an ABANDONED Millionaire's 1960's Dream Mansion

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all right what's up everyone it's big Banks we're back again for another video and today we are on our last episode of the Canada mini-series eat the minis right over here so you guys can check him out he's been helping me out a lot on this trip our final location is this beautiful 1960s abandoned mansion I mean you can see the Giant pool right here the glass everywhere I mean this place is beautiful there's a lot left behind in there and it's pretty much Frozen in time now the story behind this place I'm just going to give a little brief run down before we actually get into the real history of it basically this family of five owned it and basic story they grew old kids grew old they never updated the place they never really changed anything about it and it just kind of sat like abandoned after one of them died and the other one is now in a nursing home and the kids moved away they don't live in this country anymore and the house has just been sitting like this and it actually got purchased by a developer a long time ago but nothing's ever been done it's been years It's just sad to see it the way it is I mean this pool is filled with algae you can see inside I mean it's beautiful I mean you guys are going to be blown away when you see this place and I'm just excited to take you guys around so I'm on the back side and there's a diving board to the pool but it's all overgrown right here with this tree trees just coming down into this pool you can see how much algae is here there's literally tadpoles swimming around in this thing the mansion built in the 1960s look at all the glasses on it I mean what a beautiful place I mean look at this the pool is actually really huge Vines are overgrowing everything you have a grill right there the doors you have this gate this backyard is for it being kind of small it's actually not that bad decently sized because we're in like a neighborhood it's not like it's going to have like a lot of land and stuff but what a beautiful beautiful property today we take a look at a 1.2 million dollar abandoned mansion built in the 1960s the family that lived here were big into the hockey business owning several different Little League teams throughout the country the family simply Grew Older with the three children they had moving out of the country and onto their own business ventures and the elderly couple withering away with time foreign just a few years ago the man of the house passed away and the Mansion was sold to a developer who had plans on demolishing the home for a grand castle-like estate but the plans fell through and the Mansion sits abandoned today so join me and let's see what's left [Music] all right everybody we have now made it inside of this abandoned 1960s mansion and everything in here is so retro and so amazing and there's still a lot of stuff left behind in this house including one bedroom upstairs that is insanely trippy with the wallpaper and everything I mean the wallpaper throughout this entire place is really cool we heard the history about this place and it's pretty wild to say the least and now we're going to see the beauty of what's left inside thanks to Ethan Minnie for bringing me here and a shout out to him check him out down in the description and without further Ado let's get right into this video we're going to start the front door work our way around the downstairs and go upstairs and that'll be it so without further Ado let's get right into it all right everyone so I'm going to start you guys off at this front door which is beautiful these double doors here with the mirrors on this side and the wallpaper this blue really pretty wallpaper going all throughout the foyer here and when you first walk in it is very very pretty this flooring and this is guys this is what you saw in that little intro we just shot quite an amazing house I love the colors in these type of houses these Retro Ones especially when they're not updated now I believe that part of this was updated according to Ethan right the kitchen was updated right yeah 89 so the kitchen's a little bit more than the rest of the house but uh a lot of it's still pretty original yeah that's sweet so we're gonna see a lot of the the Retro Vibes in here but I'm going to wait to show you guys the kitchen I'm gonna keep showing you guys this part in the foyer I mean the ceilings are kind of lower right here but they do get better as we go out this is beautiful now all the railings are gone probably from vandalism where kids you know but nonetheless the blue carpet still being there with this uh blue and white type of wallpaper and this also has like a silver lining going uh all throughout the wallpaper so it gives like a little bit of a shine and I forgot to show you guys on this front door check that out very pretty door handles so from the foyer we're going to go right to the right and this is what's going to be your main living area now in here there's hardwood floors and this red like fabric wallpaper feels really strange to say the least but it gives that really cool Vibe going from like blue to Red you can tell all the different colors that are throughout this and looks like there was a really nice like brick fireplace here but has since been dismantled you can see the bricks just laying everywhere but definitely I love this this red in here hey guys I've explained this before the type of houses like I'm into I don't like basic colors like I don't like the typical white walls gray floors type stuff um I'm more into like crazy stuff colorful um I want my how like my future house to be weird and retro looking because I think it's just cool and unique and I think it's not as basic as that not calling anybody basically has the type of house but for me it's just not my style so this type of stuff is what I love to see and just wait do you see the rest of it because it's really really cool so we just checked out the living room here so there's not too much to see in there but throughout the house it gets even better and better it's more stuff is starting to be shown that's been left behind so we're going to keep continuing we're going to go to this room right here which I believe was a dining room has a mirrored wall right there with the curtains slinging up all right now we're entering the dining room now as you can see still has these nice curtains hanging up and they're kind of like Silk curtains so you can tell they're probably decently priced but they just left them here I mean the people were older had no really reason to take them you know they just probably just fit this house and the wallpaper in here is more of like a blotched type wallpaper but it still has that that shine on it that silver shine all throughout it which makes it really neat so if lights are on in here it would have a really cool shiny Vibe throughout I mean you can kind of see it with the light of my camera just a little bit and of course an entire mirrored wall you can see how this kind of opens up goes straight in there if you guys can see it goes with this blue wallpaper it's a red wallpaper to a different kind of blue wallpaper right here so we'll check out what's right here this wallpaper is blue again but it's more like a darker blue with this again this Silver Lining throughout the the designs the patterns see these old ER light switches here power is off in this house here's one of our closets a completely blue closet too and as you can see if we look outside we do have a pool right over there we'll get a better look at that which you guys already saw in the intro but yeah and then this room I want to call it an office I want to say this is an office most the time in houses like this offices are in rooms that have you know completely wooded walls all the way around I love this wallpaper though you don't typically see this in these offices really neat it's his fabric I mean you can see it's kind of peeling off of that right there Then you have all the shelving the built-in shelving was really nice and the fireplace is still intact in here makes me wonder maybe is that what the main living room kind of look like I wonder what kind of like that books there probably books dictionaries encyclopedias things like that this carpet is not very flattering so I am going to say this is probably the office let's move on and let's go back through the foyer you can see this beautiful staircase here and we also do have a basement which has some cool things down there so we'll definitely check that out towards the end of the video I'm going to go ahead and make my way into the kitchen here which Ethan did say was updated around 1989 and you can tell it's very very nice I love this granite countertops it fits so well in here matches the floor as well so we're going to come around this side I mean look at this I mean it's a nice sized kitchen too so you have this like Long Island right here with your dishwasher still here I assume this was probably for well I thought it was going to be like a trash can but this is more like a where you put your appliances and some of them are actually left in here we have like the blenders and stuff still here you have these uh double ovens right here I wonder I mean these haven't been touched by anybody so that's really cool I mean they're still in really good shape most mansions like this you're going to see like two ovens in the wall like this and the fridge is one of these really big fridges and you know we gotta check it but yeah there's nothing left in there still does have a smell to it though so we're going to close that up and then just all the little tiny cabinets everywhere I mean look at this you probably put like spices and everything on this same thing on this side as well there's this little area maybe this is just like a counter space I want to say because the microwave is right there so you wouldn't I mean I'm not sure but there is an intercom system right here in the wall and I love how the granite goes from here to here as well just flows really nicely and this is actually pretty neat the blender goes right here on this so it's built into the countertop that's really sweet now the wallpaper in this is actually quite different I don't know if you guys can see this like pattern I wonder how they put that together maybe that was like hand done but no it looks more like yeah it looks like just actual wallpaper just it has this weird feel to it this weird texture it's kind of sticky as well yeah and it goes all through this kitchen and little dining room area I just noticed this look at this nice and colored right there it's like black and red and this accent lighting coming down really nice stuff oh my gosh look at the size of this hornet like that thing is massive what the heck oh my gosh it's like one of those killer Hornets that everybody went viral about how to end up in here all better in here than out there I guess very nice kitchen though I actually really love this kitchen and then like that here's where our stove is it's one of these electric stoves you can tell it's like all kicked over with with some sort of uh film I don't really know what it is drawers don't look like they have anything left more just cabinet space and whatnot this is where your silverware would have went at least really tiny drawer for that for this big of a house and then right here would have been uh where they would eat like breakfast like just like your little breakfast nook and it's nice like but this panoramic view of the backyard but you can see how overgrown the backyard actually is I mean look at the pool there now you see that little thing in the pool there that's actually what is supposed to be built right here but unfortunately I don't know when they're ever going to tear this house down but the pool is a nice sized pool too just full of algae and then we even have like a little Grill area out there too surprising to see that a chandelier is still hanging up in here though it's actually a pretty nice one typically when when kids find places like this that's like one of the first things to get destroyed is the chandeliers and there's even cabinets on the back side oh it's like a double-sided okay so you could grab it from both sides it's just kind of narrow right here which makes not a lot of sense but is what it is but yes I love this kitchen guys tell me what you think about this kitchen Down Below in the comments sad to see it like this though [Music] so now we're going to enter one of the biggest living rooms I've seen in abandoned house and this is cool and there's still a couch left in here and Ethan actually did some research on this couch in particular this couch is worth around ten thousand dollars and I mean I can see why it's it's definitely retro and it has like this cool shape and it's a large couch too but now we're going to enter into the living room and this is so awesome I love this so let's see what's in here guys I mean just look at the sheer size of this living room so it's like this brown tile floor that is in the kitchen as well but it kind of flows into here and then you go up these steps of carpet put you in living room of this and here is this beautiful couch now it's sad to see that a lot of the cushions are missing they're probably were either stolen or they were just thrown about somewhere else in the house but yeah I mean it's a very pretty couch and feels like it might have been comfortable at one point but since that when they sit so long like this you know they kind of lose that feeling and they become more stiff you can actually see where it was laying out right here there's an indention in the carpet now this is what makes me sad there was a big glass top right here that somebody has smashed I mean check that out this is like a giant blade like that would hurt so bad and then this I mean look at the entertainment system this is this is a whole wall of an entertainment system now if you can see you can actually open it up see you open that up it looks like speakers would have went in there and maybe some other things and then your TV would have just hung right there and this would have been your whole surround sound system everything like that and all of these actually open up they're just kind of like designed to be more sleek and stuff like that which is really cool to see from a more retro house something like that and this is huge I mean this is massive the ceilings in here are probably 12 foot or so but yeah about 12 foot ceilings in here not particularly my favorite type of carpet in here but okay now it happens I mean the curtains are still hanging up and you have this this glass right here that's really neat that kind of like flows together like a whole wall here's your radio system they put in this they probably had records all stacked up down there looks like the man had a record player in there but I don't see it anymore and then this could all be hidden as well with this little sliding door right there I mean this is a massive living room I see another indention for the couch maybe there's a couple in here maybe maybe there's one right here because I see the indention on that side and then I also see an indention right here this indention looks a lot deeper than that one maybe the people moved it after it was abandoned and it sat in a different spot for a while it makes more sense for it to be right here than right here but then you have a whole another wall that you could put anything on this really tall glass I mean I love glass like this just makes the room feel so open to natural light and everything and there's still a chandelier in here it's a little beat up but it's not as bad you can see some of the glass from it is has been broken right here but some of it's still less which is cool at least it's not like all falling apart they're right over here they got the where they would put fake plants and stuff like that is more for like Decor all this stuff is faking here so don't come at me for anything and I just noticed all the lighting in here is really cool it's like still you know tucked in the ceiling which makes it give it that that Sleek be the Sleek feel to it you know I'm kind of stumbling over my words here but very very cool place love this couch I mean it's got like that pink blue orange it's all different colors it's beautiful it's sad to see it's still sitting here I'm gonna go over to this side and this looks like a bar some sort not like an actual bar but it's like you know a little mini bar maybe they kept some wine or or some sort of drinks in this little area a little bitty sink here not much going on a little drawers just hidden in here kind of everything is so Sleek like everything is kind of like I mean this is one of my favorite houses I've been in I think look at the size of this living room it is huge you could fit 200 people in here probably I just noticed this too there's something in the wall here oh maybe this was for the light oh this is for the lights so it has like the dim lights and everything so many switches too and it's just like I said again it's Sleek what a cool place and now we're entering the washroom so the washer and dryer is still here everything's still left pretty cool they still got some of the starch and all that stuff left behind in this room yeah look at that paints you can tell it's older too like look at that that rug cleaner so you can tell this stuff is definitely a bit older some of it's still brand new too finishing wax all that stuff and this one has like a like a plaid wallpaper yellow brown and black and white probably just kept cleaning supplies in this yeah in here as well they have cleaning supplies [Music] foreign [Music] that leads us back out into the kitchen now I wonder if we missed anything down stairs right here which doesn't look like it now it's time we make our way upstairs and we see the bedrooms up there you're not going to want to miss the one bedroom up there it is so cool the wallpaper is like on the ceiling too so it makes it look like really really uh like trippy it's it's it's crazy looking and the beds are still left beds are still made and there's a lot more stuff left up there so I hope you guys stayed up until this point because now we're about to see some really really really cool stuff so let's make our way upstairs let's see what's left up there all right everyone so now we have made it up these beautiful stairs I wish these railings were still here but you guys can get the idea I mean it's a beautiful curve the wallpaper all the way up and there's those Landings again but you could put Plants there statues any kind of Decor that would fit right there it would look really good now here's where we're gonna start seeing how retro this place is I mean you can already see the different colors in each room there and that bedroom back there I'm going to save because that's the best one you guys are gonna love it so let's just start right here so I'm going to go to my right right here is our first bathroom that we're going to enter and check it out it has nice granite countertops here a little bit of graffiti in here from just vandals kids stuff like that but it's not too bad throughout the house so there's only like one room that has graffiti thankfully but this is really nice I love the black and gold features there is a toilet and a bidet in here so this is the first on this trip that I've seen that so that's really neat typically I don't know how many of you guys have you ever used a bidet but I'm more of like the one that's I like the ones that are just built into the regular toilet and then here's a nice big tub right here it has a nice tile in the back it's not smashed up or anything it's very amazing that this is still intact and this whole house I mean it's pretty much still pretty good to say the least there's a door right here looks like it just goes to a closet still a little bit of things left behind not much but guys this is the master and you can see the carpet goes this yellow Floral Pattern carpet there is a tad bit of graffiti right here so we'll just stay away from that wall but the rest of it is still in pretty good shape here's part of the intercom system and it has this again this textured wallpaper I don't really like the colors too much in here it's it's too uh it's too yellow to me I'm not like a big yellow fan I do love this house and I'm guessing that this is the closet space so the closet space is all just built into the wall right here and it has those pretty door handles like we saw on the front door downstairs and it's just white and black it has this like mesh type uh uh frame right here I don't really know what this is called exactly if you guys know let me know down in the comments one of the doors looks like it's been ripped off I do really like this carpet as long as if it wasn't yellow you know I mean I love the pattern on it it's just the yellow color that it kind of kind of irks me a little bit but I do thoroughly enjoy this house it is beautiful but and the master is a huge bedroom right here then we go around this corner and just look at a little Nook here I'm not really sure what this is for maybe they had like a vanity put here that would make sense of entity being right here it's like another closet with sliding doors and this is a walk-in closet so you had two little areas that you could put your clothes at for your storage nothing left in there though I bet you this master bathroom is pretty cool I can already see the marble flooring and the marble tub oh yeah look at that even got marble countertops right here I mean they went all out for the bathroom it looks like still a couple of things left but not too much be really careful with that there is a little bit of graffiti in this room but I mean look at that marble tub here that is just a beauty and it's a big tub you could fit two or three people in here and it's jetted two for being like this old that's really nice and you still have the fancy toilets but you can even see this wallpaper is like starting to droop down it's kind of weird I haven't seen wallpaper do that before that is the master pretty nice room to say the least really good size as well all right now it's time to make our way down the hallway we're gonna go to the first room on our right here and this this room this gives off that 70s feel I mean look at the carpet the Shag orange carpet in here but the multi-colored um like cabinets here the built-in cabinets I love how it's the yellow blue and the white it just like looks so cool and this is the type of stuff that I love right here I mean it's just funky it's weird and it's not basic I love that and even in here we have a food it looks like a futon maybe it might be a futon I'm not too sure but it's really cool to say the least I mean check it out it's still left here and it fits the whole vibe of this room too it's got the blue and it's got the you know the white sheets right there the blue right here blue Pillow yellow pillow it just flows all together with this room now I can imagine that this might have been one of the kids rooms I know they had a couple of children but I think that I think that this is one of the kids rooms out of the three yeah I think this was the oldest this is definitely a cool a cool bedroom I mean this the color scheme in here I mean this room even has a balcony I mean imagine one of the kids having a balcony that's so sick and this like really beautiful and quiet neighborhood as well also if you notice the uh curtains match this as well not completely but they match in a way about the diamond pattern and being blue this looks like it might have been used for like a desk little cabinets here you can imagine like some toys maybe some some books maybe they did their homework and stuff right here it's kind of small for a kid it works out just fine not really anything left not in this room at least now it's the next room over where it gets kind of crazy now I wonder if you can just enter to that room from this no this is just the closet you can see some holes in the wall there closet still has some things looks like we have like some lamps and those are some cool lamps definitely a little older some hangers are still hanging up but for the most part I mean that's this room I really love this couch in here it's futon and the carpet I mean look at it it goes from Blue to orange blue to Orange again one of my favorites I mean look at that super cool and then we're gonna go straight down I'm going to give you a little preview of this trippy room before we go in see that guys it's insane but let's check out this room first because this is probably the worst room in the house this is the one with the graffiti in it there's a Hearts all over that mirror I do like this wallpaper though it's like a like a baby blue with uh the flowers all over it different kinds of flowers the door's just been smashed and then I mean pretty terrible graffiti and this was definitely new graffiti because that can still smell paint like it still smells like spray paint in here looks like the roof is caved in right here is this like written in Chinese is it I can't really tell you guys know in the comments this paint looks almost wet I don't know it still smells a lot like spray paint here but this is just this is the worst room in the house I mean I'm just going to get it out of the way for you guys still cool nonetheless though with the wallpaper now it's time that we walk into the best room of this whole house and I'm so ready I mean this shag carpet is crazy the wallpaper the beds this is by far one of my favorite bedrooms of all time so let's go in and let's take a look look at this oh my gosh can you believe this ah this is the most colorful one of the most colorful bedrooms I've ever seen look at the beds you got the two twin beds this is something I see more in like France or you're just Europe in general where they put two beds together but you know being an older house I can see it but oh my gosh this is so cool look at this chandelier oh my gosh I love stuff like this and the carpet this is uh one of those like really long shag carpets and it's like bright orange I actually purchased um a rug from my bedroom that's just like this but it's completely red because I love stuff like this so I just I'm starting to try to make my house similar to things like this I mean check it out look at the beds it's like pink green yellow multi-colored I mean this is like Easter 1960s 1970s I mean this is insane kids kind of kicked in this side which I'm glad they didn't touch all of this because this is beautiful let me check it out I think this is like wicker yeah it is it is that isn't that is beautiful it's sad that they're still here though like it said they didn't like take it and sell it and somebody could be using it but at the same time also somebody could have just trashed it and thrown it away so this was definitely siblings room they shared together maybe the two girls stayed in here can you imagine what other Furniture could have been left right here I mean this is a huge room this is the same size as the master besides like having the bathroom and stuff this right here could have had like other Furniture other crazy looking furniture I mean I'm sure they didn't have TVs or anything like that but wow floor to ceiling look at that it gives such this like weird effect imagine like you're on like some sort of psychedelic in here this would be and I just noticed by each bed you have a built-in like lamp into the wall so there's one right there and one on that side still sitting here this is so cool the carpet I'm just gonna level the carpet like what the heck some kids got to it right here somebody that doesn't like Ethan either I'm just blown away by this bedroom I can't believe this this is one of the coolest bedrooms I've ever seen in a house check out the closet though look at the wallpaper it goes in here too this is so cool I love this now it's time that we go back downstairs and we go down further into the basement and we see what's left down there now I kind of went down there a minute ago a little bit and there is some really cool stuff so I definitely want you guys to see it hope you guys enjoyed this upstairs comment down below what's your favorite part of this house so far but without further Ado let's go down to the basement let's see what's left now it's time that we go down the stairs through the basement it gets a little musty smelling down here not too bad but we do have a door leads to the outside right there and there's this uh different kind of carpet pattern down here definitely a little older what kind of shoes were these I don't know you guys know what kind of shoes those are the same wallpaper that's in the foyers all the way down here too all through it pretty big open space Oh my gosh this all mirrors right there I love this look at the way they're curved that's really sick oh my gosh some ice skates maybe they played hockey or something but this looks like figure skating and this looks like hockey though that's why I say that but look at this I mean this is really cool built-ins right here I like that and I'm it looks like the color matches everything down here look at this look at this sofa what the heck this sofa is so sick see this is the type of stuff that I love this is so sick I love this red white and blue it's like well it's pretty stiff now but I'm sure it was pretty comfortable at one point and I assume this room was probably some sort of like entertainment room maybe even like a workout room or something but that is one funky couch that red accents along the walls I mean everything kind of matches and then I love this look at this Stone wall right here stone fireplace and this is real I mean you can see all the little crystals in it how Sparkles and glistens it's really nice it's like somebody spilled a can of paint in here and this is quite different I mean look at the mirrors so it's like v-shaped through this pretty trippy looking but this room is just it's quite dark and damp but I love this couch that's insane there's no like way to enter that so like you can't enter any of this so that's why I think this might have been like a gym their home gym or something maybe just a hangout area I'm not too sure here's all the railings to the stairs looks like they're all just thrown down here it's a little storage closet right underneath the staircase got some paints and stuff in there some blueprints back in the back there oh my gosh look at this bathroom oh it's so trippy it's blue and green what the heck with the tiles matching it on the on the sink here got a lot of stuff like this whoa wait a second there's another bed back here so it looks like there was another bed in the bed in the basement this could have been like for guests or something it's not too cozy down here say the least not as cozy as the other ones would have been but I mean part of the rug is down here part of the carpet there's a little closet but yeah this is making me feel like maybe this was for guests I could be wrong though you guys let me know what you think but that's just kind of the vibe it goes off because it's not that cozy looks like we have one more room right here in the basement got these accent lighting at the top you can see the windows that are literally on the ground there's dirt and grass Mother Nature is about to come through this through these windows oh my gosh wait a second oh my goodness this is massive what is this there's a ping pong table there's some HVAC stuff this has got to be like their storage got the whole ping pong table down here and all the support beams and everything are down here as well all these lawn chairs probably to sit by the pool and whatnot and this feels definitely creepy because it's so dark and just you know it's just cinder blocks feels like a dungeon I say that about every place that looks like this though because it just does it just has that dungeon-like feel to it well guys that concludes our Canada series it was a good one it was a short one but it was great six episodes that's pretty amazing to say the least and I'm pretty excited to show you guys everything and I hope you guys enjoyed this final episode I loved it thanks to Ethan Minnie for taking me to all these spots he uh he's really helped me out greatly uh you guys definitely want to check him out he has some great content he sees amazing places and he posts quite frequently so you don't want to miss out on anything he posts so check them out down in the description we're going to get out of here I'm gonna head to the airport and I'm gonna go back home because my doggy and just just have a have a nice week of rest and editing and get ready for the next trip which I'm not really sure and I don't want to spoil anything for you guys so just stay tuned and we'll see what happens so if you like the video comment down your favorite part leave a like down below subscribe if you're new and until next time big Banks out
Channel: BigBankz
Views: 203,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned mansion, exploring an abandoned mansion, exploring abandoned millionaires mansion, abandoned castle, abandoned mansion with everything left, abandoned beach mansion, abandoned places, abandoned mansion usa, abandoned places in america, abandoned mansions, abandoned celebrities mansion, abandoned glass mansion, urban exploring mansion, abandoned family mansion, abandoned water front mansion, mansions abandoned, abandoned hospital, exploring abandoned, urbex, bigbankz
Id: 9nFUoHLtwtc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 25sec (2245 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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