He Could Not Stay Here! ~ Abandoned Home of a Loving French Family

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In the year 1960, the freshly  married couple Maurice and Jeanette   bought a charming dwelling  in a picturesque French town. For them this was not just a  house, this was their home,   where their memories were shared, where love  was made, and where happiness was created. This was also the place where their son Juul  was born, Juul was unlike other children. He was born with a mental illness,  but his loving and determined parents   brought him up in the most normal way  and gave him all the love they got. Unfortunately for Juul when  his parents passed away   he was not able to take care of himself  and was placed in a mental asylum,   he still owns the house to this day  but is unable to take care of it. Today we will explore their legacy and  uncover the story of the lost home. I welcome you all back now to another  documentary on the Bros Of Decay. I'm Lesley and as you heard from the story we are  exploring the house of Maurice Juliet and Juul. A very tragic story that gets me by  the heart, but that I have to document. Sometimes these stories seem to be  out of the books and something that   you would never wish to somebody or that you  would never want to happen to your own life,   but they happen and this is the aftermath. The house is abandoned for 12 years now  and forever forgotten, but the internal   love in this place is still present and  we're going to feel it when we go inside. So let's start off with this beautiful documentary   let's give Maurice, Juliet, and Juul  a last ode to their beautiful lives. Let's go, everybody! I find myself right now in the backyard  of the place, totally at the end of it   and I have to make my way through this  overgrown mess that we see in front of us. Like you always see nature has taken the  place over and has made them herself again   and this one is totally no exception. This used to be their playground, their resting  area their private space, but now it's all   forgotten and overgrown over those years,  over those 12 years that they passed away. I think I hear a peacock, oh it's not  a peacock it's it's just a rooster   in the background waking us up  here in the morning in France. But the unfortunate thing about this  all is that their beloved son Juul,   with the mental illness, is still alive, he can't  come here anymore he's not capable of doing that,   that's also the reason why he lived  with his parents his whole life. And right in front of us now we are  seeing the house appearing, wow! Right next to me I have a barn but  I think that's from the neighbors. The sun is rising and we are slowly waking up, it  is actually a beautiful day today here in France! Okay, how am I gonna make myself  to this place let's try it this way   see a little pathway going here? Wow, this vegetation is insane! This is what 12 years of  abandonment does to your house. Let's try to go this way, yes that's the entrance. Oh, here we are at the back porch of the house. Wow, I can see that the glass is broken over there  from the doorway let's first have a look around. It seems to be a little sitting area down here. Oh yes, this was some sort of a storage  area just a general storage area that seems   not that interesting, not something  that we're gonna spend much time on. Before we go on to that back  porch let's have a look over here   because there is another house to this side. And this used to be the house of  the parents of Maurice and Juliet. The house is also abandoned right now,   but totally empty and also fully locked  up something we can't go inside right now. Have a look at this! It's the garage of the place and even  their car down there is still left behind. Oh my god, can I get into  this, is that a possibility? Yes, it is I'm doing stunts  right now to get inside. Oh yes, look at that the garage door is just  open, but we have their car here in front of us. It was a Peugeot car as you can see  a very typical French-made car, wow. Let's have a look at it from this  side, what a beautiful piece. This used to be the family car  where they always went around with. This probably wasn't the car that they had  the car accident in, because as you can see   it's still totally fine nothing is wrong with it. The only thing that I saw is that it's  missing one tire on this side it's jacked up. A beautiful piece to find,  one more look at this site. And then we have the garage door here  in front of us, which probably leads us   to the front of the house. Yes, it does, let me give you  a quick view of that side. Wow, again totally overgrown! Oh, this is going to be a climbing  challenge, let's try this out. These plants are getting in the way. Luckily I'm a very good climber. Okay, we managed. Let's now go inside of this place  let's open this time capsule up   and see what internal love  is locked behind these doors. Just push them open and pull the curtain  away to reveal their abandoned place. So we just entered into their  beautiful untouched living room. As you can see this place doesn't  even look like it's abandoned,   except for the moisture on the ceiling. It's just fascinating how these places  can be preserved over all these years. That just chose the respect the country has for  its properties and for people's belongings, wow. I truly adore France for that! Let's place this back in front  of the window where it was when   I entered the place, and let's have  a tour around this wonderful home. First off I have to point out  the curtains they are fantastic,   red curtains are very typical for France, lovely! And they make this home what it is together  with the crest display wallpaper with the   flowers on there and right next to it here  we see the 12 years of abandonment in action. There are spider webs everywhere and the tv over  here is completely dusty of all those years. Of course, there is no flat screen tv  in this place, when these people died   the flat screen trees were just rolling onto  the market and the first one could be bought. But they didn't bother with it. Nothing in here anymore, just a  little note from a VHS player. Vhs tapes who do still remember those? I do when I was young I used to go into the living  room in the morning I started the record button   to record my favorite show so I could  watch it when I got home from school. Those were the times, now we have  Netflix and everything is so easy. A lovely display cabinet here in front of us, are  there still VHS tapes in this display cabinet? No these are books just some ordinary  books, but still very wonderful to find. A bottle of perfume from one of the former owners  of an ode colon from Paris and it still smells,   it really does there's still some perfume  in there, as you can see it still functions. Wow, this smells fantastic! And they collected these little artifacts, these  little puppets in the display cabinet over here. Then let's head over to the  sitting area I can still see   Maurice, Juliet, and Juul, the lovely  family sitting here together on the bench. Probably watching some television. They also had something to  celebrate as you can see   they got a lovely bottle of champagne  standing on the table from the year 2000, wow! There's still some residue  of champagne left in here,   maybe they had a celebration  before they passed away. That is a horrible thought  but that might have happened. Above the coffee table here, we  have this wonderful brass chandelier   spiderwebs that are taking it over. That thought of them having a celebration  probably a few nights of the night before   that they passed away, that that's  such a horrible thought, everybody. Here we have a lamp that's beautifully  designed, with a city in France, I think it is. There's some description on it, it seems like  Italian description because this is not French, it   could also be Latin. Wow, the first signs of deterioration we see  over here, something is completely crumbling away   and that's the ceiling over there,  it's starting to fall apart this place. Beautiful pink cushions, this leather  bench and above it we've got this tapestry   wonderful design the french alps. As most of my viewers know  these are one of my most   favorite pieces of furniture that  you can find in an abandoned place. And just for everybody that has been new  to the channel please subscribe because   I make a video every single week, it's  free and you can just do it down there. And it helps me a lot because the videos  get seen and you get a notification   every single time I upload a video. Let's go further with my most favorite piece  of furniture, the secretary desk, wonderful! Let's open this one up, here the family used  to do all their paperwork their book work   their accountancies. You can see there are also still  some pictures of Juliet left here. In a not-so-overgrown backyard, we   got a picture of them being on a ferry this  is just made from the back of the ferry. Here we got the third picture  of a French board I think it is. Not sure, yes it seems like a port  like a dock or something like that. Wonderful all their accountancy stuff is still  here, all the letters that they send out,   even the glasses of Mr. Maurice are still left. And here right next to it  we see a wonderful picture   of Juliet and Juul together  the mother and the son. And I think this picture might have been  made in this room, that might have been true. Look at this, yes that has some resemblance in it. Wonderful artifact to find  in such an abandoned place. And above it, we got this lead piece I think. Liver an old French dining room, some  people sitting there, craftsmanship! I love these doors as well that opens up the  glass in them and shut off the dining room   from the living area and then we  have their wonderful dining room   this is something you would expect in a big french  mansion and a manor a dining room like this. But it's just in this tiny French house  and I must say I totally adore it. Wow, it seems like the table is still made  from when they left this place behind. The crystal glasses, their fancy  glasses are still here like we saw   on the coffee table, it looked  like they had a celebration. So maybe they were preparing for a  celebration or something like that. A very unique bottle of  French wine *Speaks French*   it's made into a wood shape, a wood block shape. But also have a look at these upholstery  chairs that are around the table. They didn't uphold a dime to decorate this place. A box of scrabble! Wow, and then we have a depiction of  the last supper above the cabinet here,   one of the most famous  paintings in the entire world. And another wonderful display  cabinet right in front of us here. Another upholstery, but made  into a frame of some flowers   and here we got another chair when an extra guest  came around, that they could properly seat them. This is the front of the house, the front yard  actually you can see it's totally overgrown. It's where we just wear with the car and  nothing is left of it just totally nothing. This is also something very unique that  you only see in France and Portugal. Back in the day they used to fly over  houses and they took pictures of them   from the sky but you can see over  here this is a picture of their house   and Maurice his name over is over here  he bought it and this is from 1992. But you can see the whole backyard in the front  yard had not been overgrown at that time and   even their parents house that's right next  to here is also still in pristine condition. It's a very unique find, wow! And then everybody the grand piece of  the dining room the tapestry on the wall. The biggest one that's in the house and  their most proudest possession by far. You can see two beautiful ladies relaxing. Wow, sheep in the background and i must  say this is just a wonderful craftsmanship   and a wonderful piece. And then we have this wooden clock in front of it. That they could keep the time on. Fascinating I must say! Another picture in this place is a class picture   maybe Juliet is somewhere on here but I  can't recognize her from any of those. What are those? I'm not sure some little flowers are  worked into these holders it seems like. They rest in this little box, this little display  box, I'm not sure what they were used for. Paperwork, calculator, and  stuff like that, we see in here. On this side there's nothing. Let's make our way straight right  now let's go to the front door,   oh no this is the side entrance excuse me, we  have the side entrance in front of us here. You can see the shutters are  still closed after these 12 years,   and this one is also completely locked. But here they most likely came in themselves  as you can see you can close this one as well. And right next to it they had their  toilets just an ordinary French toilet. And a bathroom right next to it, wow! Everything is also still left in this bathroom all  their soaps all their bottles all their perfumes,   nothing has been taken in the afterlife,   everything is still left in this place, from  the day to the died in the car accident. Over here we can see some  more deterioration in place,   the living room and the sitting area and  the dining room, looks very pristine. But we can start to see some deter  deterioration after those 12 years. It was also very common to have  this some sort of this little table   here in the middle of the  hallway, where you came in. And the telephone as on there,  my mother used to also do it,   but nowadays people all have their own cell  phone and don't use these telephones anymore. And also in this room, we have a little closet  with some clothes still stored in there. These look like this is a women's jacket,  but we also got some man's clothes in here   it's again a women's jacket, wonderful! And I believe over here we have the  kitchen of the place, yes exactly. Everything is overthrown... Very typical French kitchen as you could say. This copper exhauster oh my  god, I had not seen it yet. This is actually a very nice piece, wow I love it! Some artifacts on there   and even some bills where I'm not going  to go very close on are still left here. Mr. Forgot Maurice, that's his surname  it says it over there on the bill. *Lesley Speaks French* This is a plate that celebrates their  50 years of marriage, 50 years together! That seems unimaginable for  me, I'm 20 years old right now,   24 years old right now that would mean that I  would be married until 74 with my partner, wow! That's just such a wonderful plate to  find everybody, such a wonderful plate. These people truly loved each other,  they had their son Juul in the house   who was mentally disabled and they still cope  with it they care for him every single day. And that is just so lovely to see! But even to the best people  in life, tragedy happens... Over here we even got some unwashed dishes  standing here on the floor, never got washed. An ode to my lovely brother Jordy who  always loves to look in the fridges   I am going to open it up and there is still some  food left from the day that they passed away. Oh, I'm going to close this  the smell is horrible... We got some documentation of them and  even some toothbrushes up here, wow! Now it's time to go into the most  private part of the house, the bedrooms. And I adore this when I see this in front  of me, here the costume of Mr. Maurice   is still hanging here in the hallway  before we go into the bedroom. This was the hallway of the house, where  the guests would be let in as you can see. But first, let's head into this wonderful  bedroom right in front of us here. So pristine and preserved, oh my god! The bed is still made! But the first thing that grabs  my attention in this room   is these paintings, onto either side of the bed. This was Juliette her side of  the bed where she would lay down,   right next to her beloved husband whom she  was married with for 40 years Mr. Maurice. You can still see Juliet lying there where he's  lying here they probably slept in the same bed   for the duration of 50 years, can you believe  that, that this happened to these people! One little moment of silence for them, please! Okay, I just had a little moment  for them, let's now go further. Right next to the bed here we even  have the slippers left of Mr. Maurice,   voyage it says on it, beautiful red slippers. A gun case, where you would carry a  gun inside, it's also still left here. And even a walking cane because  they were married for 50 years   so if you assume that they  got married at the age of 20. He was at least 70 years but  probably older, he was in a very   advanced age of his life and he  needed a walking cane as you can see. We even have this mirror right next to here,   there's this glaze on there this you  know it's probably from the abandonment. Coat hanger with the purse of Juliet's, a costume,  and even her blue hat on the top of here, wow! See if there's anything left in here,  some cloning of them of his lovely wife. Probably each one of them had their own closet,   this was most likely Juliette her closet  and the other one was Maurice his closet. I can't seem to open it up, one last thing  I want to do is look here in the nightstand. Oh, we got a leather glove lying in there. Fascinating! And then we end up again in the hallway  of the place where the people were let in. And as I told you their son Juul also  lived in this place and this was his room. This is where he spent the entirety of his life  and if we assume they got a child at the age of   25 which is very reasonable it would have been  around 50, 60 right now, and he is still alive. A very low bed as you can see so we  could easily step into bed at night,   he maybe was mentally ill but also maybe  physically a little bit, who knows? Even still some bandages for him  here left yeah those might have   all had something to do with  his illness throughout his life. A telephone to easily call emergency, see  the emergency speed dials are also put into   here police, fireman, the ambulance  everything is put into there for him. his glasses also still left here his head  still hanging from the side of the bed   those are such wonderful things to see. We also got some decoration all around the room,  again that upholstery coming back on the wall. And they were true lovers of it  because it's literally everywhere. This window right in front of us  here is literally completely blocked   with vegetation as you can see!   I can't open it up anymore  it's just completely stuck. And they had some green curtains right next to it. Let's see if Juul clothes are  still in here and yes they are. Juul, Mr. Juul! Wow... And then we got a drawer over  here, oh and this is a picture   from when he was younger playing an instrument. A vintage picture of a lady maybe one  of the grandmothers of this place. And this seems like a jewelry box, yes it is! With a mirror in there and everything, let's  close it up and it's made in the city of Paris. All his ties are still left in here,   as you can see he liked to dress nicely, he had  hundreds of ties laying here in this drawer, wow! And some clothing of him as well. over here we got another nightstand with a  very big candle, red candle on top of here. Just beautiful, I will give  you again another overlook   of this fascinating room  before we go outside of it. Thank you Juul for your  life and I wish you the best   and the time you still have left on this planet. I'm back in the hallway right now,  but I saw something laying here,   I don't know what this is... It looks like dried-up food and the  box over here is literally full of it. And again for another some sort of  weird reason they also had this vanity   here in the hallway of the place, all the  cosmetics, and everything still on there. And again a wonderful painting of a  French landscape hanging here on the wall. Okay everybody, in front of us we've got  the stairway so let's head upstairs and   I don't know what we're gonna find  upstairs, but yeah I'm very curious. Some purses of Miss Julliete still hanging here. Oh, I got some more pictures  of Juul playing the accordion,   and here's the same one coming back of  him playing that beautiful piece of music. Let's go up here to the top floor, wow! There's a rug laying here on the  stairway, where does this lead us to? Oh, we got an attic space to this  side with some exposed brick. Okay, here we can see the deterioration, the  insulation is just falling down over the years. Again the same pictures of Juul are lying  here in the attic, so it was probably for   some special occasion that I made these  and gave these to friends and family. Some general storage stuff,  it's all falling apart. A bedroom as you can see, this used to be a  bedroom, but it's now been completely overthrown. And this one you can definitely see the  deterioration happening at a fast pace. We also got these rolls of wallpaper  lying here on the floor, wow! That's just some samples to see  what they would like on the wall   next because every few years these French  people used to redo their walls with wallpaper. And the richer these people were, the more  frequent they did it because they gave their   house a new look and it showed people that  came inside of the house that they were rich. We've got one more room left here in the  attic and another general storage area. The thing I see is this cabinet is completely  filled with the clothes of Mrs. Julliete. The last part of the house, everybody the basement   let's go in there and let's  show you what's leftover there. Okay again lots of general storage left here,   let's go in there oh it's very  very narrow as you can see. Even got some food storage still  left up here, we've got some beans   some carrots some other things, completely  rusted away cans to either side of here. Let's go into this basement. Okay, interesting! I can see that Juliet used to dry her clothes   and everything on here you can see some  towels still hanging here from that day. Some hats lying around. These basements are also very interesting from  time to time like this one is just yeah it's not   really that interesting, but sometimes you  find really cool things in these basements. Like wine cellars and most  French castles and manors,   this is just a general basement  to store food and appliances. We got some bottles of champagne still left  here that's very interesting to my opinion. Oh and here on the floor, we can  see a typewriter left behind. Those are some nice things, oh and   I saw another thing look at this broom  that they made from feathers of a bird. And they also had their  frying pan still left here. Some fridges some more general appliances  to fix the house, tools to fix the house. What a place everybody, what a place! We got a racing bike here in the back  an old-school French racing bike. France is very well known for their racing events   like tour de France in Belgium we have  it as well, it is a very common thing. I saw one more thing that piqued my interest   here in the basement, that's  this picture this baby here. And this picture of this baby might have been Jull  and that's where i'm going to end the video with. Just as if I was about to have  dinner with these lovely people   I'm going to sit down at their table here. Most likely nobody will show up  for this party but I'm very glad   and happy to have been able to document,  this building and bring it into eternity. And give these people the  last voice of their life. I want to thank Maurice, Juul, and Juliette,   especially for their wonderful lives, their  wonderful home I wish them well up there,   and I want to thank you all  for watching this week's video. If you like this documentary please  consider subscribing to the channel,   like this video, and writing a nice comment. It would also be very helpful if you go down there  in the description there's a link to my Patreon   and there you can support me with a  lovely monthly donation and help me out   going on these adventures around the world. I want to thank you all and I'll see you  next week in another epic adventure, bye-bye. I LOVE YOU!
Channel: Bros Of Decay
Views: 250,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Urbex, abandoned, urbanexploration, urbandecay, decay, photography, brosofdecay, Abandoned, house, home, Abandoned House, Abandoned Home, Abandoned Manor, Abandoned Mansion, Abandoned Castle, Decay, Steve Ronin, Exploring with Josh, Explomo, The proper people, Timecapsule, Abandoned timecapsule, Mental illness, urbex france, urbex europe, urban exploration
Id: atJx_uQWGeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 2sec (2282 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 13 2022
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