Abandoned Portuguese Disney Palace of a Tech Tycoon Millionaire - Fled the Country!

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if you can dream it you can do it this extravagant palace was built by mr nugera a man home to all traits he built it for his two young daughters who were big fans of disney mr nogueira even got permission from disney to build this place in this style mr nagaira was somebody that if he had a dream it must go true but that was also his downfall this palace is built in the middle of a nature park and even though he had permission from the disney company to build this place he did not do so by the portuguese government [Music] as an illegal construction in the middle of the park eventually the portuguese government got unto him and they seized the property in 2004. now it's on the list for being demolished the value of this property is estimated to be around 20 million euros and many people suspect mr nogueira to be in a narcotics trade because when his property got seized in 2004 he let his company go bankrupt and he fled the country welcome back everybody to the bros of dk today i'm walking here with danny and we are walking through a forest in portugal and we are on our way to an abandoned palace that's known by the name disney palace it has some amazing history surrounding it that you probably just heard at the first of the story of the video but this place i've wanted to go to for a very long time and finally that day is happening and i'm really excited about it and i got my best friend with me to go with me so check him out as well his link will be in the description he's showing me this place he's telling me the history accurate history accurate so let's go we just arrived at the gate of the place completely overgrown the lions in front quinta quinta happiness farmhouse happiness farmhouse you can see how the place is falling apart already before we even go in [Music] welcome everybody to the disney palace just look at the magnificent place that we're standing in front of right now this place the negreta family the man who built this built this especially for his daughters because they were really big fans of walt disney this man literally spared no scent building this place it must have cost millions upon millions everything is marble and everything is designed into detail meticulously i'm gonna take you on a tour of this building this was the main living area and as well the building next to it that looks like a true walt disney palace with that actually you're not going to believe it what's the garage let's go inside inside this place is even more crazy because not because it's nicely designed or very beautiful but just because he built this enormous castle only for the design and only to show off and only for his daughters take a stroll upstairs you can see all the little holes in the ceiling and they that those were the towers can you view inside of one of those holes show the people for example on this one up there is a tower but it really has no purpose and that's just i can't wrap my head around it they even had lights in here so at night this place must have looked wonderful i'm just imagining it now how it must have looked when it was in operation they actually didn't live here for very long about 15 years and then they had to move out because this is in the middle of a nature park and they had no permits to build this place just crazy let's take a stroll up this spiraling staircase i really want to see one of the towers and how it looks like from up there i'm gonna take you guys of course with me on that little adventure you okay danny look how this is designed all these little towers next to each other it's just crazy walking through here it's like i'm in a fairy tale or something like that wow wonderful over here you can see is this like a demon or what does this rapid statue represent it's an angel an angel yeah wow can you even go higher than this can i just say that this looks like a magical place it's truly a magical place you know what it reminds me of paradise palace oh yeah i will link the video up here that's one other place i did with danny where we truly lost ourselves portugal has literally magical places look at the veins overgrowing this place gonna make a little hole to come through come on man let's get up here we're going even higher and higher and now we're coming to the highest tower just like have a look at the tower over here show the people the tower that we're seeing this is the highest point of the disney palace and over here we can get a fuel view of the property that the man had where he built his dream on that unfortunately cracked into pieces of the time those statues up there horse statues then the swimming pool and i'm back there to our gardens gardens going for we know so long we haven't explored that place yet i'm just gonna take in the view for a moment from up here that's what i like to do when i'm exploring just have a little quiet time and enjoy the places that we are seeing because we are truly lucky coming here then you come have a look over here come inside you want to film the tower first that's good look down here you can look right into that carriage useless space i call that completely outgrowing these towers over here as well they are truly magnificent you think that's cold plating no but it still looks like it still looks amazing right let's go back down show you some more things of this place and then we're going to go to the main living part the palace itself back through the veins oh i hit myself careful i can open it again for you come over here man find that secret pass its way it's kind of later that is up here because i really want to show the angel a little bit closer just i'm a dutch man so give me the camera a little bit longer okay let me just turn it around can't run with you look over there there we got the angel resting on the castle isn't that just wonderful and you also got another statue up there that's completely overgrown of a man holding a horn i hope you can see that right i'm really doing really dumb things again but now it's time to take you all into that place and show you what's left behind them there and afterwards should also take a nice stroll together through the property and show you the rest of this place this truly is a massive building as you can see it's at least six meters high i assume that's around 18 meters and everything in this place is made out of marble it truly is a marvelous place look at these massive collars here in front of the building okay i'm gonna give them a hack they're so cold because it's really hot outside and portage on there they feel really cold just feel them oh yeah oh so nice sorry but first off before i go inside i want to say something the people that graffitied this place broke windows smashed beautiful statues this statue up here used to be there and i just destroyed it that's why we don't share abandoned locations that's why we keep it to ourselves if everybody was nice with the places we were probably chatting with everybody but that's just not the case but let's go inside the first thing we enter into is the living area and you can see that this was a massive grand open space completely white and this reminds me of the japanese billionaires mentioned that i filmed about a year ago i'm gonna link that also up here that was also a marvelous place completely on white like this one there would be like couches in the middle here and the people would sit here at night enjoying themselves i think behind there is the kitchen right i think so yeah like the cabinets over here luckily the windows in the cabinets are not smashed even before we go into the kitchen have a look at the floor how this floor is designed i'm just going to ignore the paint that somebody threw on there grab out the light let's have a look inside of that kitchen i also adore the doors over here and then we go into the kitchen of the place even in the kitchen they spared no scent with the marble on the walls a massive fridge of course just look at this kitchen they probably also had servants working for them yeah they did because there was also a servant's house on this property the only thing i'm missing danny which country are we in portugal right where are the curtains too fancy for curtains we also have a little side kitchen and here i would prepare like i don't know what to prepare in here but i think this is a big pantry yeah maybe it's the washcloths and stuff like that also let's go further great stuff boy now it's time to show you one of the most beautiful parts of this marvelous palace that's the fireplace no no after the fireplace but also this fireplace is wonderful and one of the most beautiful things i've ever seen in my time that i've been exploring around the world it's completely made out of marble as you can see marble and granite italian granite and marble just wonderful and that leads us to this thing guess what it is just have a guess before we show you this my lovely viewers the balcony for the pool but yeah it got a bit destroyed but look past that rubble and see the magnificent wall that's left behind this whole reeling around it even is made from marble it feels so cold this truly must have cost millions to build these pieces up here they were not let's not destroy these were artworks and designed for the designs for the place and they even have lights behind them so at night they would light up and you would they would shine into the pool over there it must have looked wonderful back in the day and also those mirrors to the side wow looks crazy on camera i know it looks crazy even in person just can't believe my eyes in here let's now go upstairs and show you the bedrooms that are left behind up there let's go up this winding staircase to the top floor we can get one more view of the pool down below at the end we're gonna go down there as well and you're gonna get a better view of the pool but up here we can see the skylight that would lit up the pool at night and during the day and here were the bedrooms where the people slept there almost at i think the room we're walking into here is the dressing room where the man or the woman that lived here had all that clothes walk-in dresser you'd also call it walk-in clothes walk-in closet sometimes i can't find my words in english especially after exploring for such a long time you're really tired that this place just lights me up now we have the bathroom wow you think that this is a mirror it's actually not this looks straight into the bedroom over there now you can also be careful leslie walk over here and see the pool from up here wow danny is now walking into the walk-in dresser and let me show you this this leads us into the master bedroom of this place here the man and the woman slept together and had like the most beautiful marvel bedroom that you could imagine at the end of it we got another fireplace and i also had a balcony running all the way around the bedroom i'm gonna take you on there right now they go good sir and from their balcony they could view the disney palace right in front of them is just marvelous i say marvelous a lot of time marble marvelous so typical if you film a palace like this wow what a place i can literally spell and spend like a whole day here we've already been here for like three hours right now at least yeah three hours yeah probably gonna spend a few more we're now in the second balcony and here you can see the disney palace the property and also the second pool because of course when you're that rich and you build a house you don't only build an inside pool you also of course build an outside pool with incredible statues again let me take you into one more bedroom before we go downstairs and show you the property itself the swimming pool and all the other stuff no no it's okay i almost fell there although the stuff just gonna leave that in the video and here we enter into another room another bedroom little bit smaller one maybe for the girls the children of his would you like to live in a property like this danny but do you think it's too extravagant it's too extraordinary too big i would like to come over and swim in that pool sometimes oh yeah oh yeah definitely okay one more time the skylight up here wow roof roof which roof oh yes we can also go to the roof of this place let's do that first let's take this stairway up oh yeah here we are oh my god oh my god wonderful they must have come here many times when i lived in this place just set up some tables on this roof enjoy the magnificent view you can see even here on the roof that statues and me and danny were just looking at this statue we both were like wow this is a wonderful statue but why would you get it in your mind to ever spray graffiti on something like that you must be mental to do something like that i truly think if you're watching this video and you have done something like this in your life just be ashamed of yourself literally i'm an old soul i love history i love things like this and seeing that just breaks my heart but i can look past it i can see this enormously beautiful horse carved out of marble yes wow and then behind it again another view from the disney palace [Music] ah it's finally time to view the pool from down here look at this wow just gonna take a stroll around it just look at the marble inside of the pool unfortunately people have thrown things in here so you don't see it that much anymore but this drone that i built up here i just want to sit on it and you could overlook the pool back in the day wow look at the design on there completely carved out of marble i'm gonna come down again with these people to build a place like this this is not just a few million euros this is tens and tens of millions of euros let's have a look at the legs they're just wonderful so danny i just can't stop looking at this statue it's so detailed wow it depicts a life of a former time of two women caring for a man they are washing his feet wonderful and over here in the corner we've got portuguese style and this must be one of my favorite i've seen by far the paradise bella style was better but this one is just very unique this is a portuguese night from back in the day or a portuguese warrior maybe don't know you don't i don't know the best it's royal this is a soldier this is a soldier look at him and normally tiles also is in blue but this one even has color on it and this looks like an arabian wire here yeah wonderful even the feet are still down here there's one more thing downstairs here that we need to show watch out and that's this jacuzzi here at the end a swimming pool two swimming pools jacuzzi disney palace all the magazines that i had in this place or for some reason inside of the jacuzzi and then we have this little doorway hidden doorway and that leads to a bunker [Applause] okay we're inside it now it's actually really small but me and danny have been discussing and we think that this place of the house wasn't even finished yet you can see there's still construction stuff on the floor but i want to tell you something more about this man he himself was really selfish the only thing he cared about in life was money and showing off to his friends and also his family it's just crazy this man he had millions and he just did stuff like this ridiculous stuff building things like this that just show off bro that disgusts me really yeah you can do whatever the hell you want with money but just building a place like this spending millions and then not using it that's just stupid yeah this is what happens when you have too much money exactly exactly let's go and take you through the gardens and yes we come now into the disney callous palace itself oh i think danny were entering into the wine cellar it's actually not a that big wine cellar look at it i made it from roof tiles as you can see yeah i probably could fit into a few thousand bottles in here of course it's really cool oh what's that what's the coffee machine in here they stole it yeah damn everything all right hey it's now time for the gardens let's go even after the statue here outside i haven't shown it yet it used to hold something up there probably another statue cool let's go just smell the fresh air danny being out in nature i could see why he chose this place to build his palace and here we get a closer look at the outside pole with this enormous statue on top of there this is what this is truly represents disney wow there seem to be lots of animals in the pool i think there's huge fish inside yeah they seem to be can you see them wow no i don't think you can see on camera i really adore this statue it's one of the best in this place and it also used to be a fountain the dolphins have like little holes in their mouth that would yeah that would become water out of the mouth then he told me that there also used to be a statue on here and he spotted yeah it's in the water not oh clear that deep yeah i see it it's here right yeah people push the statue that was on top of here into the water devastating now i'm gonna show you a picture of that statue from danny and his link from the instagram is also there so go follow him let's go we go here oh here in the gardens we have tiles portuguese tile on every pillar what does it say in verno winter winter wow some amazing tile primavera does that mean autumn nope look at the picture yeah what do you think spring yeah yeah that's right we're trying to find a way through the fountains i think we see them at the end there there you go there are lush fountains in this place oh my god yes i already see them look at this the whole water has turned green no way this place is starting to slowly be taken back by nature used to be an enormous boundary here in the middle yeah crazy imagine this place being clean yeah you could see the pellets from here definitely let's go up here be careful man you don't want to fall into that water there's fountains in the middle to the sides as well wonderful to see let's give one overview of these fountains really adore this tickle can go down here right take a stroll further into the gardens so this property is literally enormous we just came to another part of it and i think this is where the servants the people that worked for the family would be in these houses and over here you can see like a little field it's completely overgrown right now but some animals would be housed in here wow look at this these houses are empty but they do have curtains as you can see wonderful let's take a stroll inside show you a little bit of these houses you really think these were used for servants yes i'm not sure about that i'm sure you sure okay if you're sure i'm sure [Music] look at this little living area what i could be even the vandals came in here and destroyed the plates which is crazy wow okay i think that ends the video but first i want to show you the palace one more time so let's go up there [Music] what a wonderful place that we just explore i truly love that i really adore this place and all the marble and things that are inside of it this building just steeps still blowing my mind who in the world would build something like this just crazy if you liked this week's video please like it subscribe to the channel if you're new and comment down there what you thought about it i really want to know there's also a link in the description for patreon that you can help us out going on these adventures around the world because for me as a student it's still very expensive to go to these places with that all being said i want to thank you all very much for watching this week's video and i'll see you next week another epic adventure i love you [Music] you
Channel: Bros Of Decay
Views: 260,280
Rating: 4.9359102 out of 5
Keywords: Urbex, abandoned, urbanexploration, urbandecay, decay, photography, brosofdecay, Abandoned, house, home, abandoned disney castle, millionaires mansion, everything left behind, abandoned portugal, billionaires mansion, abandoned millionaires mansion, Disney, Disney Palace, millionaires palace, exploring with josh, abandoned mansion everything left behind, Abandoned Disney Land, Nara dream land, abandoned Themepark, Abandoned Disney, Walt Disney, millionaire mansion, abandoned places disney
Id: alzoIMd95kk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 33sec (2193 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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