Unbelievable Abandoned French Mansion Opened Up After a LONG Time!

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[Music] welcome back to another documentary brought to you by the pros of decay [Music] this week we take you back to france a country that seems to have endless history we are never done exploring here and this week we bring you another eccentric piece from this country a house that has been built in 1890 that belonged to the town mayor mr coffee and that has now been locked up for almost 10 years we are the first ones to venture inside of here after that period enjoy this episode hello guys welcome back i'm joined with my good friend maureen over here fellow explorer check him out in the description because this time he really deserves it the story mourinho is crazy i mean i have been searching for the spot for quite a while yes i was just like we call it checking in aerobics you do like research on the satellite you find a spot you think it's abandoned and you gotta check it out that's basically what it is then you park the car you search for an entrance yeah you hop over the gate and most of the time 9 out of 10 it's just an empty house exactly but this time yeah you can probably tell from the scenery that we are inside right now yeah like this moment this this copper clock with the statue on top of it this beautiful brass piece inside of here yeah this place is just filled to the brim with beautiful antique stuff and the story behind it is even more powerful we have been searching around the house we found a lot of artifacts and this place has been built in 1890 so it's pretty old it got abandoned in 2010 since that time nobody but i recall nobody has been inside of here we are the very first we had to push out the spider webs to get inside of this place exactly it's just crazy it's really crazy this place belonged to mr corfer am i saying that right yes and it was like the town mayor of the town that we are in right now he did a lot of charity work we found a lot of pieces of that around the house and yeah he unfortunately passed away in 2010 left behind this incredible piece it just blows my mind that something like this is left behind it's really incredible and i can't wait to explore it the houses the rooms a beautiful piano yeah it's priceless antiques priceless gorgeous you're going to love this place so and definitely check out moreno's video as well it's a different perspective of this place we both have our own style so go to the description click that little link and yeah let's start the explorer yes guys let's start a video let's show you around the house and show you what's left behind we're gonna start off of course in the most beautiful room the room that we just took the intro in and i want to go a little bit deeper into the story in this room so mr confett lived in here together with his wife they probably had a few children there are a lot of bedrooms up there so which we are going to show you in a minute but he was a really passionate man he was really into his job he loved what he did and he also worked a lot with charity and with helping the children of the town out they had not a lot of activities because this was a small town but he's a mid playground for the children he's yeah i just love to do that and it's just incredible that such a man deserves respect and deserves his house being filmed and given the last out to his life i'm going to see the antiques in this place are amazing first off we have this genie lamp this teapot over here the oil lamps over here i just love them i see them a lot on abandoned buildings in france they represent the old times how it used to be how people lighted up their homes i think oil lamps just yeah they had a special feeling to them normal lamps lead lamps that we have nowadays it's just not the same feeling as when you would light up an oil lamp and just enjoy that it gives it gives real warmth to a building we have a building here on the countryside and this looks like yeah this is probably the outside of the house yeah wow this is how it looks i'm not going to show the true outside but there's like a lake around the house and yeah represents it quite beautifully wow i'm not painting oil painting over here on this side these little drawings here are pretty harsh there are yeah i think it represents a monkey or a black man from the colonial area and then white people wow this is tough to me for me to watch you can see harry captured the white people oh my gosh over here we have like this mirror and the clock the bronze clock with a statue on top of it below it which is the magnificent piece wow i love this one candle holders this little bell sickness wow that was pretty hard excuse me for that and then we got these upholstery chairs the incredible design on them i just loved him i saw them in a castle before i'm going to link the video above and the coal fireplace this is where you would fill it up you would pulse put coals in it like this when you wanted to fill up the fireplace then you could clean it up through this door we have this corner chair over here also a beautiful piece you can see the design on it magnificent this clock on the wall 10 almond meter meter oh what is it if anybody has some more information about these clocks just put in the comment section i would love to see that i'd love to read it now we have this face in this ink engagement here in the wall wow and what's really strange we just tried all the doors and all the cabinets they're all locked up for some sort of strange reason inside of this home we can't find the keys anywhere to these cabinets so yeah there's no way to see what's inside of there they have these built-in cabinets here in the wall pretty typical for friends for friends and as you can see this is a true time capsule i don't know if you can see it in the video but there are a lot of cope wraps inside the cabinet it hasn't been opened for years we are the first ones to come inside of this place in like 10 years since mr kufan left it behind beautiful couch over here another built-in cabinet wow and then on this side of the room we have this huge drawer a cabinet drawer also completely locked up with design on it wow it's just something out of this world crest of warmer in it something from uh yeah it's an anchor from a ship [Music] plates above it then in the middle of the room we have this incredible chandelier and then the table i want to say something about this there's a lot of asian influence in this home so probably mr coffee or his wife did something with asian art there are a lot of asian art pieces inside of this home so yeah you're going to see it further on in the video as well now we have these chairs all of them are pole street only this one is different from the rest so don't know what this one is doing here it's also very beautiful chair oh wow and this beautiful wall clock here normally they put like a gun inside of here but yeah this one is empty it only has the weight hanging from these ropes look at this it looks oh there's a little it to get here looks like they bought it from like an auction or something like that and then we're going into this room this is like yeah one of the most beautiful rooms in this place there's the grand piano at the end there a table with a lot of shares here probably for the christmas dinner you could sit here with the whole family this drawer over here is incredible the cube design on it a little candle on top look at this little box normally they put like jewelry inside of me over here build street on it there's no jewelry anymore in here beautiful piece these shares they are incredible at pearl street with flowers oh and if the cope wraps all behind the glass over here that's so insane mr coffee was an amazing man helping all the children of the town out with new activities brighten up their lives his own life was a masterpiece as you can see from his house he enjoyed art antiques decorating it probably also inviting people because he had so many chairs and yeah it's just this house the welcome casts grand piano he would sit here play some music for his guests can we open this one no like most things inside of this home locked up [Music] candle holders from that you can tell that this was a pretty old piano wow this doesn't look like mr coffee or this is a pretty old picture maybe it was like a grandparent of him with him or his father or something like that a lot of candle holes on top sailing boat look at this ciao picture over here she looks very confused and she's like a cloth or something like that it doesn't look like a dress wow she's on top of this upholstery chair the horse carriage is on the wall more on this side look at this little stand over here this lamp stand wow amazing marble on top of it these drawers are also so so incredible this painting here on the wall just lights up this room and gives it character he's a pretty yes serious man he looks like he's also in the parliament maybe this was a pretty popular french politician or something like that in the 1800s there's a real painting not a replica as you can see wow wow these two rooms are truly incredible but now we're walking into the hallway let's see what we can find over here later on we're going to go upstairs but first off what i want to show you behind this little curtain over here you can see the cobwebs wow this place hasn't been entered for years and years yeah incredible the ceiling completely designed then here the people would come in mr cofan and his wife put up the jackets put an umbrella in here see there's a walking cane over here walking uh helping eight walking eight and uh yeah these people were very old uh when they lived inside this place so they needed some assistance we have a little drawing up here and then like a silver plate above the door wow i also want to point out this device over here on the table some sort of a record player in the corner of the hallway you have also these skills it's an antique piece wow and then we're walking into the dining room that they use most often here they wear all the time the other one was used for parties and get togethers when they had friends over at the back there there's the kitchen give you a quick overview of this room it's not really that special it's just a normal room but they had like plates on the wall very typical for friends to have china on the wall wow look behind the window over here all the spider webs truly a time capsule a dior head on the wall wow these silver pots coffee grinder from peugeot is a french car maker but they probably also made some other stuff and what i find quite interesting here in this house is yeah the the china that you've sorry not the china but the chinese antiques that you find we saw the buddha on the table that's obviously not from china but i would say the asian antiques then so this chinese cabinet this is where they had her tv inside as you can see wow it's also a beautiful piece to have some birds on this side incredible here you can see that the building has been abandoned since 2010 let's have a quick look at the kitchen because it's really not that special some stuff left behind here an oil lamp but yeah this is a very nice piece for the kitchen this is six to nine uh ancient uh 1819th century stove where they would cook on there's a gordon french design here you would this this uses yeah this was like an oven so you put like bread or something you want to bake in there you would below here this latch you can open and there you put wood inside and then you can also cook on top of here see if there's anything in here yeah all the cooking stuff the oils and everything is left behind wow it's just incredible chandelier in this room some blades on the wall and then this clock look at this clock there's like mosaics pieces inside of it and then we enter another room this was more like a common sitting area a study room oh yeah more like a bureau oh somebody pointed it out to me here on the wall this device is like a horn i don't know the exact name anymore this was like a music instrument it's pretty crazy uh yeah mr coffee who lived here he was also very into travel we had maps from the americas asia china africa this complete map of europe over here but as you can see germany was much bigger than it's now and russia finland is attached to russia and belarus is still part of russia so it's yeah this is a pretty old map pretty old school from the 1700s i propose wow sneak chair over there the bouquet is also pretty nice cuckoo's clock on the wall wow this piece is incredible look at it two ladies and a ball then we have another dear skull this man also probably likes some hunting or he was just into hunting antiques it's also very common in france yeah wow and now we're gonna take a look at the beautiful upstairs let's head over there and see what we can find like a real town mayor we're now going to take a stroll up this incredible staircase look at its design completely made from oak the carpet the lights on top of it just all feels magnificent to me the first thing i want to show are these pictures on the wall are these drawings with oil paint and these are our french picturesque french towns as you can see these are the towns that we drive through when we go exploring all the time beautiful chandelier hanging from there it's a wooden one wow a strange device here on the table that's like this is quite a strange device does anybody know looks like for fishing or something like that there are a lot of oil lamps dispersed around this place this is a silver one and uh probably i'm figuring out if you use them or they were just for decoration beautiful church is this a peacock or pigeon looks like boat yes this incredible radio down here and i saw a location in luxembourg where there were like 20 of these radios inside there's a little annotation up there that you can click to watch that video but first watch this video closet over here i'm still figuring out if we had like children but over here we have like a little bed and this was probably a children's bath as you can see very small bed with this oak designed cloth cabinet around it where you could put his stuff inside these look like little drawings from the napoleon times i love how all these pads are still made this slide is like true time capsule-like here on the wall above the nightstand there is probably one of the children of mr confed wow a man with such big respect and guidance to children must have had his own children there are a few oil lamps here now we have this incredible drawer you know below it then we're going to go to the next room also have a look at the curtains here horse racing very popular sport here in france whereas batting is even more popular but that was yeah you could think that every sport has his own bedding but then we walk into a room and this room is just one of the most magnificent rooms that i've ever seen in a location this was probably the room of mystical fan his wife where they slept together look at this magnificent bed i just stunned by it you people around the world must think these french people are crazy for leaving something like this behind you could just take all the stuff inside of this place sell it off and just earn millions but most of the times these places get abandoned through family disputes and that's why nobody cares about them or can care about them because they are not allowed to go inside of this place or change anything or take anything from these places until the family disputes have been solved so this is all legal battles probably or sometimes they don't have any family and these places get left behind next to the cabinet over here we have like this chair and it looks like a pharaoh chair from old egypt but this is like a french design of it and yeah somebody like napoleon would sit in these chairs but this man just had it inside of his house look at the design out there on it there's like a lion a bull street and then no it's not a pill street it's just woodwork wow this incredible cabinet next to it with the reflection of the bed i just love it gonna take some nice pictures in this room but like most most doors and most cabinets and drawers they're all closed inside of this house that's so strange to me yeah like i told you before maybe that's because the family is not allowed to take anything outside of this house and so they had to close up all the cabinets and hide the keys or give the keys to a lawyer or something like that and this chair here in the corners room it just cracks me up it looks like a chair that you would sit in when you went to a psychologist but i know it's just a resting chair from the people it's just a furniture a couch or yeah bench i should go out sorry for the confusion there you have like this upholstery chairs over here next to this little table see if there's anything inside of you what's this no it's nothing really interesting the designer is pretty wow what's this device look at that it's like an old-school lamp wow there's also a bulb inside of it and then we have this little drawing of these ladies from the 17 1600s x ee is that 1200 that's pretty old then and then they are caring for the child that dressing her up wow on this side of the bed she is together with the same ladies but here she's getting some candy from a little basket or what is it yeah it's also pretty cool over here she is in the garden and she's picking some fruit for the child the room we just filmed was just magnificent now we're gonna go further into the hallway and see the other rooms wow this place is just incredible i've never found something like this in my life before oh yeah marina found it for us but look inside of this one this is the inside the inside workings of this waha hanging clock here at the wall wall clock and then we have this having cabinet over here i'm curious to find out what's inside of here oh my gosh it's full of books old school books wow this one pops out the most it's a dictionaire illustry from paris whoa what also sparks my interest here in the hallway is these curtains where you walk through and you go to the other rooms so let's go first gonna turn here to the right first thing we see is like this castle on the hill look over here there's a child's picture it's a little girl she was probably yeah or the the woman that lived here and her younger years or a child of the place so like i told you this was a home of a family that went over generations and generations and 800 90s to build it and then they kept it for years and dispersed it on to that so i'm kind of getting excited for the room that i'm walking into but they just they transferred it over to their family and it went into the family and further and further whoa where did i just walk into oh i'm just getting tears in my eyes from this room look at the upholstery bed over here the nightstand the pink curtain around the bed the little lamps hanging from there wow sorry if you could see my face i'm not gonna turn the camera around because i'm always crying look at these two ladies here they're admiring and painting beautiful bed it's still made [Music] chandelier over here a pink chandelier pink glass around it with copper design i adore this cute little nightstand with these small legs and then this little lamp on top of it it's just magnificent look at the fan here on the wall like i said there was a lot of asian influence in this house a lot of asian antiques but this one has french ladies on it french countryside what i just noticed is on top of the closet here is like this picture of this man and i probably think he was mr confett hmm like we saw before all the closets are closed all the cabinets are closed all the drawers are closed very very strange you have like this wooden fireplace or no this one is also a cool one also from perez wow another chair down here this uh little holder for newspapers and you could put like a coffee on top of it then you could have your newspapers down there [Music] see that's it this was the man this was mr confe and next to his has to be his wife he together with his wife as you can see wow they had no picture together why is that the mirrors in this house are also so fantastic look over at this one from the mirror you can see the bed i just love that wow you can check out my instagram i post all the pictures that i make from this place from the bedroom i'm gonna have one last room over here hey william he can be in the video if he wants to and here we're gonna walk into the bathroom over here in the corner of the bottom we have like a washing table a very unique one a marble top then they had like this bowl detached bowl here they put water inside it's very old school and then they had like this bamboo mirror on top again a lot of asian influence in this home this platform doesn't fit into the style of this home in my opinion it's like this brown red color does in my opinion doesn't fit into the style of the home okay that's my opinion with the towels still hanging here another sink these cabinets let's open one of them up wow look over here toothpaste lenses everything is still inside of here perfume bottles let me smell one of these oh they smell like mrs confetti oh we have the shower over here pretty normal standard shower except for the copper soap holder the toilet look at the toilet brush it's in its own special little designed copper holder wow and the toilet paper william just pointed it out to me wow okay one last thing before we go then you know how much i weigh let me stand on here luckily it doesn't work anymore oh yes it does what does it say 85 kilograms no way 82 okay i think we had everything oh big shout out to william as well check him out link from him will be in the description he makes pictures look at this camera man it's amazing [Music] well guys this was incredible and something like this i have never seen before in my life a complete time capsule everything left behind i want to thank mr confed for the home that he left behind the life that he lived and that we could document it so with that all being said guys i want to thank you very very much for watching this week's video please like subscribe and comment uh support us a little bit on patreon we are going on a world trip at the end of this year and with that all being said guys i want to say goodbye until next video i love [Music] [Applause] you [Music] you
Channel: Bros Of Decay
Views: 130,312
Rating: 4.9387898 out of 5
Keywords: Urbex, abandoned, urbanexploration, urbandecay, decay, photography, brosofdecay, Abandoned, house, home
Id: JERgdZ9_-Hc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 37sec (1897 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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