Abandoned Mysterious Mansion Hidden In The Woods ~ Family Disappeared

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what's going on guys Jeremy back again with another exploration So today we're in eastern France and we're about to explore this amazing Chateau that we believe was built in the 17th century we've already taken a look inside and it's absolutely amazing I cannot wait to show you guys what all we found if you haven't subscribed to my channel yet please do so and without further Ado let's get after it just on the edge of a small village in eastern France lies a secret Within the Woods a forgotten Mansion perfectly hidden has been sitting abandoned for over 30 years no one seems to know the story of who lived here what happened to the family that caused them to leave and why all of their things are still inside like a memorial to the lives that once possessed them in like so many places that I've explored it's rumored throughout the village to be haunted maybe the villagers have experienced something that I haven't perhaps that sacredness can be explained but only fell after all it's no less a mystical experience to walk throughout a forgotten home that's been standing since the 1600s bite the superstitions surrounding this place I set out to film this beautiful mansion with the intention of piecing together some sort of story and maybe even finding Clues as to why it was abandoned so long ago so come with me on this expiration and let's explore this place together in hopes of answering some of the questions surrounding this Mysterious Mansion in the woods [Music] this is a nice little Trail going up to this place and at the front of the house there's thousands of bees there's some kind of plant over here perhaps like some kind of honeysuckle that they're all pretty much obsessed with so we're gonna go this way around the house avoid that whole area and see if we can find away inside of this thing but already it looks like it's going to be quite a big place hopefully it's a time capsule inside ah and check it out this looks like an entrance here for sure and actually it looks like a better entrance it's like a door is wide open around back see if we can just get inside that way oh yeah all right so when you first walk into the back door of this place you're in the dining room and judging by the stuff that we see right now I have a feeling there's going to be quite a bit to look at in this video so I'm going to try to take my time so we don't miss any details of this place a lot of these old houses here in France there's not a whole lot of artwork on the walls because you don't necessarily need it when the homes are so detailed they're basically like a work of art in and of themselves this is really neat it looks like basically a barrel shaped furnace I've never seen one of these I'm sure this is right here is porcelain and it's got a marble top on it pretty fancy for being a you know a little furnace in the house oh check this out up top this is what I'm talking about are these small details look at these Golden Angels I love that this Dome shape it's really neat looking and look at all this still books left out on the table with the lamp and this looks like perhaps a writing table or at least some type of desk here and this is old furniture very old picture frame as well glassware is still left out on the cabinet here of course we have to be nosy and we gotta explore nothing too interesting in there love these little candles still sitting out and I love the yellow of this room and these fancy red dining room chairs look at this chandelier I've never seen something like this this is metal it looks like wood from a distance but this is some type of tin thin metal really neat looking okay let's go in this room over here foreign oh wow guys look at this we have a piano this is a very old upright piano this is so neat looking I wonder if it still plays [Music] wow [Music] the hat is so cool that's an extremely Out Of Tune Piano and this house is so old the more I go into it the more I realize how old it is look at these windows it's a very old house and a grandfather clock well it was originally a grandfather clock now it's just a shell of one this pool table still sitting here and look at this pool table artwork on it it's a very fancy table it looks like a wooden now this is concrete concrete fireplace mantel little knickknacks pieces to things from this house little knickknacks foreign [Music] so those of you who don't know how these work basically you just heat these up you put this thing over a fire get it so hot and that's how you iron your clothes very cool and look at this piano we got another one here let's see what this one sounds like this one doesn't even play anymore all the keys are stuck on it there's not a single key that seems to work on this one I wonder what this artwork is really old artwork and I imagine it used to go in this golden frame back here check out this old plant that died years ago just sitting here still on the piano what a neat Place guys let's keep going along further into the house got Mr Banks over here taking some self-portraits yeah this room looks amazing [Music] foreign [Music] so a lot of these houses here in France we've seen are like a mauve type pink but this is a hot pink room there's no wonder why this place is nicknamed Chateau Pinky because this is a very pink play so far look at this Library of books makes you wonder what all these books are they're all in French they're so old imagine some of these books in here are probably hundreds of years old still sitting in this house being reclaimed by nature and mold this is very random there's a small tree in here and look at this this is interesting this is Chinese lettering on these wooden planks and this mirror here looks almost uh like a Chinese style woodwork it's very interesting I wonder why that is I love details and woodwork and this desk definitely has it foreign details so many things left on this marble fireplace oh look at this bird very much like my tattoo here this is a beautiful little piece and I love the crack in it this thing has a story to tell for sure it's an extremely old piece of China and look at this room it's like kind of like a sun room with a stained glass window so beautiful in here also in case you're wondering this is our gear our backpacks and tripods and stuff Gotta Have gear to make a video okay so this is like a side entrance to this house look at this it's really neat this design and the fabric of this box foreign check it out now we've found the kitchen [Music] and look look at this fireplace so many meals over the years have been cooked right here this fireplace is very utilitarian look how big it is basically you could hang pots and Kettles all kinds of things over the fire and cook your meals that way look all the dishware still in here and by the way there's probably 20 or 30 bees in this one room so I'm trying to be slow with how I walk I don't want to disturb them like I mentioned before this place is completely surrounded by bees and look at this there's still canned food in here it looks like olives left behind foreign in this bottle interesting maybe they use the lemon to clean all this stuff still out on the table here they're still seasoning things on the shelves foreign [Music] look at this big cabinet built into the wall this is very cool lots of glassware still left behind I love how the vines are coming in up top again like I was saying earlier nature is reclaiming this place as nature does let's keep going further along shall we wow look at this again more pink in this place [Music] it's a nice reminder of why this place is called Chateau Pinky Works still all hanging on the walls lining the walls look at this pink and black combination it's very interesting okay so now we've reached the second floor of this place and I imagine this is probably where all of the bedrooms are lots of newspaper articles up here foreign they're like lead pellets so strange and look at this it looks like we have found one of the bedrooms of this house wow it is a complete time capsule in here [Music] [Music] look at this beautiful beautiful cabinet and all this woodwork on it look at the detail on it it's definitely a Chinese style cabinet makes you wonder who lived here we're seeing quite a bit of Chinese style work in here this is beautiful look at this this is all hand carved what an amazing piece and I believe and I could be wrong I believe this is Black Walnut this is beautiful guys wow and I love this floral wallpaper again I'm gonna say it and I say it in every video of mine but I'm a sucker for good wallpaper in this room definitely does not disappoint another wardrobe here in great condition wow this room is absolutely amazing so much paperwork really a beautiful fireplace here and we got liquor of course I've seen more liquor in this country than I've seen in any other country so much liquor behind in these houses here in France that just perfectly made with a floral comforter that goes along with the floral theme of the wallpaper and a really neat nightstand over here and again this looks like a black mahogany bed as well as a mahogany cabinet over here also I forgot to look in this cabinet to see if there's things left behind and it looks like there is worn knickknacks for sure I mean it just feels like we're in a museum look at this sewing needles and look at the floors this diagonal wood floor that we've seen in so many chateaus mansions and castles here in France I wonder what's in this dresser here with this marble top on it there's still bed sheets in the dresser pillowcases incredible all this stuff left behind and who are these people I wonder imagine these were people that lived here at one point her relatives of people who lived here the letter I can't read any of this it's all in French so if any of you guys can read this let me know what this says in the comments below [Music] as I mentioned earlier I feel like we're in a museum like basically a natural museum that was left behind it's absolutely incredible that we're able to look into the lives look into the rooms where these people slept where they ate where so much love was shared and see personal items like letters and photographs of perhaps the people that lived here or relatives of the people that lived here and it's always a surreal experience being here and being able to see all this touch it and just feel it [Music] okay let's see what's in this other room over here looks like we got another bedroom in here wow look at this bed incredible and what kind of creature is this what is that of course another black marble fireplace like so many chateaus castles and mansions in France love this golden Black Mirror it's really pretty of course oh my God a wardrobe still full of blankets and linens for the beds the furniture pieces in this house are incredible you know I've got to say there's not crazy designs on the wallpaper or you know wild architectural design it's actually a very basic house however the patterns and the crazy designs and the furniture of this place really contrast that and it kind of makes up for the Simplicity of the house itself let's keep going further along shall we looks like we got another bedroom over here yeah we do this is a very small humble room of the house but still a nice dresser with a black marble top I love the floral wallpaper of this room and a sink it seems like quite an odd placement to put a sink in a bedroom like this but alas there it is so this hallway leads down to the stairs so we'll go across back through these rooms to get to the other bedrooms so here we are back in the stairway again and look at this someone's Reigns Reigns is still hanging here we got another bedroom over here again a really nice bed frame very simple room makes me wonder if perhaps this was the servant's quarters could be or just this spare room in the house and look at this someone's boots looks like a girl's boots still laughed out on the dresser and this small bathroom in here foreign a very small room very basic the bathroom's not even that fancy I feel like this was perhaps a servant's room it's very possible and here's the pink again and I love the checkered floor so cool got a little tub here foreign big bedroom over here look at this room another beautiful room a very simple but beautiful room the white is just elegant and clean another black marble fireplace still here and oh and look at this guys I didn't even notice this a baby carriage over here in the corner this place is very mysterious it's no wonder why it's rumored to be haunted there's just like a kind of a sadness to this place it feels very ominous in this house and it's just very quiet out here in these Woods [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] man someone's walk out still in there a woman's jacket perhaps the man and the wife stayed in this room and their baby stayed over there in the corner next to the fireplace if these walls could talk I would love to hear the story they have to tell [Music] again another bathroom with the checkered floor [Music] so yeah guys I imagine this bathroom was perhaps for the man and the wife who lived here and I feel like even though this room isn't as fancy as the first room we walked into upstairs this was the master bedroom of the house so it looks like we have one floor left to explore perhaps this is an attic up here or it could be a third floor that served as more bedrooms say we go up here and find out [Music] okay already lots of magazines and I bet you there's going to be a lot of books here as well we got Mr Steve Ronan over here photographing doing what he does gosh and look at this attic look at the beams of this place I love the lighting in here how it sort of just glows in this attic I'm gonna be very careful where I walk because the top floors of these buildings is where there's the most water damage they're the most exposed to the elements I say we go over here and look in this chest and find all the treasure some magazines and it looks like a very faded photograph you can barely even see it it's of eight men all in military uniforms we've seen a lot of photographs of men and military uniforms since we've been here all around the world war one era this attic has definitely seen better days I think it's time to keep moving on let's see what else is up here on this third floor guys look at this is neat wow wow another piano this makes the third or fourth piano that we found in this place it's incredible the sheet music's still laying out on it I doubt it plays though yeah these keys are all stuck still pretty to look at what's in this room so it looks like yeah it looks like a bedroom up here you know perhaps this was all the servants bedrooms these are very basic these are very basic bedrooms this is definitely the hottest place of the house it's pretty pretty hot up here [Music] [Applause] oh look at this bed with this fabric there's no telling how old this is incredible another bedroom over here with a very simple rug look at this look at this rug it almost looks like hemp yeah I'm starting to feel like this was the servant's quarters all up here and not not even storage space it looks like a small Library here a lot of books still on the shelf and like I said earlier there's no telling how all these books are all just sitting abandoned wow looks like we've entered the last room of this entire house and it definitely does not disappoint [Music] this house is so old guys look at this beam up top the very simple structure with these plastered walls this is incredible it looks like perhaps a little girl's bed over here the pink bed to match pink throughout this house looks like more letters probably dating back to the 1800s still left out on the table this is a really cool picture love this so neat looking it's all cracked look at this old ad for this car guys we are in a very old place that's been abandoned for a very long time and look at this rug still hot on the floor Persian rug Shelf all of these books are so old and look at this someone made this someone's artwork perhaps one of the servants who lived up here this is so fascinating old papers this right here dating back to 1882. old letters which I imagine are also dating back to the 1800s absolutely mind-blowing and this is the view you get into the backyard I imagine that once upon a time there was a big elaborate Garden that was here in the backyard and now it's just all overgrown with brush and trees and look at this this is like a woven it looks like it could perhaps be like a some kind of thing that's used for a game or maybe a tennis racket or something but it's definitely handmade and woven probably with bamboo it makes you wonder how old this thing is and with the story behind it is all right guys so now that we've seen every room in this house I think it's now time for us to go outside and take a walk around the exterior check it out all right so here it is from the backyard and you know I gotta say out of all the places that we've explored this is probably one of the saddest and I don't know why that is it just feels very ominous and kind of Haunting in this place even though we don't know the story of this place it doesn't mean we can't feel it when we're walking throughout each room of this mansion I hope you guys enjoyed this video and if you did let me know what you thought of it in the comments below and as always like subscribe to my channel if you're new and until next time stay off the beaten path [Music]
Channel: JeremyXplores
Views: 162,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Urbex, abandoned, abandoned bridge, abandoned building, abandoned car, abandoned castle, abandoned chateau, abandoned church, abandoned factory, abandoned france, abandoned house, abandoned insane asylum, abandoned manor, abandoned mansion, abandoned nashville, abandoned photography, abandoned places, abandoned prison, abandoned property, abandoned school, abandonednashville, chateau pinky, decay, documentary, jeremyxplores, photography, travel, urban exploration, urbex, video tour
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 36sec (2196 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 10 2022
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