Return of the Karen

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you know there's nothing that tickles me quite as pink as a good karen freakout compilation and today we have a good one folks why don't we just hop right in i'm putting you on citizen's arrest right here's for what because look how close you parked okay i'll move my car no no you're not moving your car we're staying right here till the cops come no i'm gonna move my car right now you're staying right here stop filming me dude that has to be that has to be a sketch that has to be fake come on look at first of all this parking lot is empty there's nobody else in the [ __ ] thing what are you gonna do put someone on citizen's arrest for a bad park job even if you called the cops what would you say this young man is parked let me see eight inches from my door right now he's breaking the law i can't even get my little dog out of the car which i definitely have in there with me probably like a little white dog probably hey hey i'll call you back hey i have seen you around this neighborhood too many times this is ridiculous your car is insanely loud no no no no no no this there are children that live in this neighborhood you need to drive somewhere you know what i'm calling the police this is insane what are you gonna [ __ ] say to the police this man is driving a lamborghini can you believe it a lamborghini how dare he in my [ __ ] neighborhood it's also like the worst way to go about confronting someone just i'll call you back hey that's automatically you've lost you've lost you've lost listen i can understand if she's got kids and this dude is driving at like 2 a.m and he's just gassing it down a residential street it's kind of a dick move kind of a dick move so go up to him be like hey buddy you stop driving at 2 am like you're on the highway all right just don't do that there you go boom but instead she's out for a speed walk probably and her first inclination is to be like no no no no no no no no no no you are illegal you are illegal right now you're doing illegal things and you are doing it illegal hey hello yes yes professor i mean officers this man is illegal and he's doing illegals in my neighborhood think about going anywhere i'm calling right now this is insane you cannot just be driving this loud car in this neighborhood at all hours yes you can this is so funny it's not illegal to drop you cannot just be driving this car that you paid for sorry it's not a [ __ ] caravan you know sorry it's not a subaru right now don't you even think about going anywhere this is the most karen i've ever seen this karen is the biggest karen also what do they expect to happen when they say don't go anywhere don't move mister it's like you're not my mom that's the perfect phrase to use in that scenario you're not my you're not my mom okay i'm gonna go i'm gonna just leave i'm gonna drive my loud car out of here cause you're not my mom karen hey internet this man in this doberman just attacked me in my chihuahua it's not a doberman oh [ __ ] holy [ __ ] this is the best this is the best compilation by far it's not a doberman it's like a fluffy nice dog that's not even [ __ ] close to a doberman look at this that's a labradoodle that is a nice friendly labradoodle that looks to be about six or seven probably very mellow temperament very easy going dog what are you doing no he did it please call the police what are you okay she's just she's acting crazy do you need it has to be fake this cannot be real i'm gonna go to this person's tick tock and see if there's sketches because i just cannot believe that this is real oh it's not real it's not real okay oh [ __ ] we almost just got baited wow but we avoided it okay it's good it's not real it's not real folks so it's not real but it'd be funny if it was so this lady right here won't let me get out of my way she is all parked in front of me being a major karen with her kids in the car cussing at me and want to see how she's just going to sit there and drink her slurpee i got to say as much as karen's are the antithesis of like smooth and cool sometimes the people filming them are like just as bad you know what i'm saying like they get just they they take the opposite side so hard that it just makes them just as bad like when they're like just sticking look at this karen look at this karen you guys she's a karen karen karen karen look at this karen she won't let me get out of my way which is what he said which doesn't make any sense take a breath relax try to make her seem like she's the bet the dumb one ma'am you need to get off my property leave right now because you're on my property you need to leave oh big deal you need to leave please i'm going to record you get off my property please that [ __ ] smell fine fine i'm gonna record you back your plans are overgrown i don't care get off my property i'm going to con i'm sending pictures to the hoax all of your rubbish on the side of the road get if you want to take your hands on me did she just don't touch me she just hit herself ow don't touch me don't push me to the side of the road i'm not touching you my hands are i have my rights to be on your property you don't no no you i don't think you do i don't think that's how that works at all i think that if you're on someone else's property and they ask you to leave you have to leave right is that not the law that seems like that would be the law i know you can be on the road but i know the h-20 i'm basically i basically own your house this can't be real come on man are we just getting baited this whole [ __ ] video i'm i basically own your house because i'm the hoa i'm not breaking the law right now because i am the law i know the hoa that pretty much makes me [ __ ] jesus christ all right to you so what is this like a [ __ ] verizon store oh my god you gotta take us you gotta take a step back if you're freaking out like this in a [ __ ] verizon store you gotta realize i'm the one that's in the wrong if you think everyone here in here is insane and you're freaking out like this it's you it's you come on how can you not see that it's a [ __ ] verizon store you said it wasn't limited data but you cap it you [ __ ] oh my god that [ __ ] power walk look at that that's from all the speed walking she does with her with her gals dear neighbor you just moved into this neighborhood a year ago and i wanted to give you time to correct this problem on your own but you are apparently too inconsiderate to do so every day this week when weather has been nice and windows are open you proceed to let your small child run free in your backyard and laugh and giggle and carry on without end this is very disruptive for my two dogs and bird who sit next to the window and like to look into your yard i thought she was gonna say something about parties or like having friends over or being too loud because you're playing the music too loud or how can you get mad at a small child giggling you have to be the worst person on earth for that to disturb you perhaps you could ask him to tone it down a bit or at least limit his outside time to 15 to 20 minutes a day so my dogs can be outside without seeing him running around if this kind of behavior persists i will call the police this is too good this is too good it's too good it's too perfect what are you gonna what are you gonna say to the police oh my god i mean how what's the percentage do you think of police calls every day that are from karen's complaining about something that's not illegal or not even immoral or like wrong in any way what's the percentage do you think that they just get calls all day from from women that are like this man is cooking hot dogs in his backyard and my dogs are smelling them and they're going ape [ __ ] it should be illegal to cook hot dogs at this hour this man is running an illegal hot dog operation out of his backyard i need the swat team here immediately to get rid of these glizzies gonna work on my teeth not my nose i don't wear a mask getting my teeth cleaned but it's about the safety from art i'll cover my mouth can i go be seated now no because you're not you're not filling out the forms of letting us take your temperature it's about protecting you can't take my temperature that's against the law [ __ ] jesus christ you can't take my temperature that's against the law as is cooking glazes in your backyard as is driving lamborghinis as is children laughing all four things laws that are against the law even this even these laws are against the law all right having laws that's against the law and i'm calling the cops you're not an md you're not allowed to know i have a right to sue you for harassing me the manager and this entire company no you don't no you don't no you don't no you don't private facility you signed up for an appointment they ask you to take they can do whatever they want they can ask you to wear a like a they could ask you to wear a a little propeller hat you have to wear a propeller hat in order to enter the premises they can ask you that can't they it's their [ __ ] thing they have the right to refuse whoever they want i don't know maybe i'm wrong i'm not a lawyer but she seems to think that she is i do have that right and i talked to my attorney before i came here too oh wow she really did her research i've waited long enough for my teeth to be cleaned okay let's get this done okay they're telling me i can't see you who's there the owner of the practice i want to hear him get him on the phone he has to send me in written writing so if i want to see him i shouldn't be in the building without a mask either i can do what i want just get this oh my god oh my god holy [ __ ] oh it's not a lot wow wow i gotta say that was probably the best karen compilation we've seen thus far and i appreciate you watching the return of the karen and i'll see you next time with more karen madness and also i'm calling the police because ending a youtube video is against the law they should never end because i like them and i enjoy them and i like to watch them and ending them should be illegal so you're being illegal by watching a youtube video because that's also against the law so enjoy jail punk [Music] you
Channel: Cody & Ko
Views: 2,525,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cody ko, karen, complication, tik tok
Id: fLNbSnGs5vc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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