Reading my DMs (pt 2)

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Your boys looking like a German Pedophile

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/WhoIsGonnaDoTheWhat 📅︎︎ Dec 11 2017 🗫︎ replies
what's up you beautiful chubsters sorry about my [ __ ] up I hear I've been eating a lot of ass recently and I've contracted pinkeye it's terminal anyway it's an honor of my last reading dm's video to hit 1 million billion views I thought why not use this as an excuse to not come up with an original idea and just do the same thing again by the way since the last video I thought I thought diem stood for deli meat no stands for doing totally incorrect I've since found out it actually stands for dehydrated milk bro you ever make another diem video slip my little ass in there I like your hair we always got to start off on a weird one all right consider your little ass slipped in girl [ __ ] I know sometimes you check your DMS for vids I'm just popping up here to see if I end up coming out in any of them that's it okay cool I'm out apparently all my DM since the last video have to have been people trying to get into the next one so this videos robably gonna be pretty boring from here on out it don't blame me if you just turn it off when you're a true fan whoa that's crazy that you wrote code Eco with pin on your knuckles I hope that's not an actual tattoo I really hope that's not a real tattoo actually I hope that it is that's how you can get in the next and the sequel to this one guaranteed you will get in the sequel to this video if you tattoo kotico and your knuckles don't actually do that because I don't know I'd feel bad for you for just the rest of your life but do it yo man you're super hilarious and your videos never failed to make me laugh keep it up you know whatever dude thanks yo man can you do a tutorial on how you do your hair I get so many [ __ ] requests for this it's easy just just get out a shower dry it off a little bit so it's like half damp and then just stare at the mirror and scream why why then this you get this what hair product do you use what oh jesus [ __ ] this guy really wanted you to know no product so natural I haven't washed my hair for 15 years and that's this is just it's just grease why PSA my cat just ripped my jewel light let's watch this real quick ha ha funny hey I know you're 26 and live in California and have a girlfriend but want to come to my sorority semi-formal it's on November 11th then I technically have a date but if you said yes I ditch all right first of all no number 2 dude if you're the guy that she's taking to the to the formal or whatever you got it you got a she's willing to ditch you for this I've pink eye and she's still willing to ditch you for me a guy that she's never even met before I'm super weird in real life so I just get rid of that quickly you guys are struggling with money request $1 on venmo from all of your followers on Twitter holy [ __ ] that's [ __ ] genius it's a really good point if every single one of my subscribers gave me $1 I would have half a million dollars I believe carry the one yeah half a million follow you Twitter just said yes new to this tweet thing fest and do I follow you on snap this is so bananas I don't know what the [ __ ] it what the [ __ ] is going on there so I don't know where you're what you're going for here lounging in flip-flops just has no idea how the internet works just a 55 year old dude in a Hawaiian shirt with flip-flops on I don't know how any of this works but a snapchat Devin and Cody go to White Castle is helping me apply to college law the most interesting fact I ever learned from research was there are more tigers in captivity than there are in the wild that's true that's from a video that Devin and I made a long time ago from a series that we like to call Tiger facts what's your favorite tiger fact the Tigers are the 18th largest of no [ __ ] way in fact I think this series still has a lot of potential I might pick it back up right now hi welcome to Tiger facts Tigers can reach a length up to three point three meters oh that's a big cat and they can weigh as much as 300 kilograms which is 660 pounds for all of our imperial system viewers almost as much as your mom weighs all right thanks let me know if that segment has any legs how do I get over this boy who went to college all right what is this a [ __ ] advice column okay I don't know um a lot of people went to college there's a lot of fishing to see viata yada no I'm sure you'll find someone for you I'm sure you'll find some Cody had a great idea for some merch based on the Metallica you where three days a week so feel free to send some of the prophets my way JK anyway here's what it looks like okay I don't wear that shirt that often but holy [ __ ] that design is amazing I'm gonna I'm good I will make merch with that on it you will get none of the profits you are mentioned in this video Emma let's check it out Halloween costume ideas tastes like piss I don't jewel that much hey what the [ __ ] is up so like I get that Kelsey's probably kind of important to you but if she's down can I like marry you everything about you [ __ ] and it just feels so right so here we go Cody [ __ ] code Dean will you be my wife I would feel weird you know doing that to Kelsey let me ask her yeah there you go bro can I suck your dick do you get to do is this just work for you guys like it does that has anyone ever responded to you and been like yeah yeah sure let's just do it me me in this park let's just get this done also this guy like you said that like a frat dude that's how a frat dude would approach another frat guy about sucking his dick bro gonna suck your dick you are one I am alright this guy sent me a cola Brandt tweet-tweet says Christmas is only nine Fridays away what the but Christmas 9 Fridays away what the crap and blood is that all about holy cheeks I remember when you were funny all right we came to our first insult here let's take this guy's profile out Charlie Wyman what do you got on your page would have you tweeted birthday tweet birthday tweet a meninist sports retweet yeah I'm actually glad you don't find me funny yo no homo but I'm trying to chew your dick like an entire pack of green big league chew I don't want to have hey Kody I was just wondering if you wanted to go to prom with me no no no I'm 27 most 27 hey Kody don't forget to renew your AARP membership [ __ ] is that AARP is the nation's largest nonprofit nonpartisan organization dedicated to empowering Americans 50 and older to cheatin okay and I [ __ ] your mom come on I [ __ ] your mom how yo let's collab on this business idea an app called track your jewel you know normally that is a good idea but I've never really had a problem losing my jewel you know I'm saying never misplace it got [ __ ] go I just bought that thing I need to see your quote for the yearbook can you give me something Tigers are good swimmers and can swim up to six kilometers there you go you can quote me on that should I get hammered tonight at a concert even though I have an exam tomorrow yeah yes you should hey man big fan of your YouTube channel in your podcast segue has anyone told you you look like this guy from fake driving school the [ __ ] is fake driving school oh Jesus it's porn ah I do look like that guy though we've similar dicks I wish I would get more nice messages hey Cody I just wanted to say thank you for all the content you put out easily one of my top YouTube channels love about boring would you rather have 100k or or what or what yeah are you okay emotionally I don't know hey Cody if you need more video ideas react to this [ __ ] Erica castel there for you follow the hey before oh the fame that's enough of that I like the me channel stuff but improv is your thing in my opinion solo podcasts have me laughing the whole hour never stop thank you that's nice I never really get compliments on my in probabilities in fact it proves to you right now here's something completely random I can't I can't think of any I can't think of a single word you look like David Derickson Jason Sudeikis his love child kind of hot let's check let's let some more fees to faces and see let's see if that's actually true holy [ __ ] it looks exactly like me alright guys that's it those are my Twitter DMS but uh next time maybe I'll do Instagram so if you want to I'm gonna follow me on Instagram and this is just me just asking you to follow me on Instagram you don't know we I have a new podcast with Noel it's called tiny meet gang podcasts and so on pitch you're on and check it out if you like this video guys give it a hit that thumbs up button and I'll end the video with this around half of tiger cubs don't live beyond two years of age oh my god that one's depressing you
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 3,830,976
Rating: 4.9764638 out of 5
Keywords: cody ko, comedy, DM, instagram, twitter, reading, funny, lol, Cody ko, cody, ko, sketch, dms, cringe, vine, advice, vlog, comments, codyko, comedian, vines, podcast, tiny meat gang, insanely chill, 6secondauditions, the weekend edition
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 3sec (543 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2017
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