Staying Stable | Pastor Keion Henderson

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divine ideas thoughts and concepts that will connect me to my destiny i believe that what jesus christ has done for me is bigger than what anyone has can will do to me and because of his full gift i will lend to many nations but will borrow from none how many of you all believe it it's the year of balance god's about to bring balance to your finances you're not going to be upside down anymore he's getting ready to do it in the name of jesus bless you for your gifts bless you for your heart bless you for your sacrifice it is because of you that we've been able to worship in spirit and truth throughout this whole pandemic and that we've been able to bring you what we believe is quality broadcasting so that you can worship god right where you are and i cannot wait to see those of you all who decide to be with us on easter go to the 145th number of the psalm go to psalms psalm 145 and i was going to read some other verses but i think i'm just going to start at one and read a few of the following and then i'm going to throw another scripture in just for good measure right go to psalm 145. if you got it say i got it i can't hear you all you at you had you i know you at home online but i need you to type it in there because our social media people they like to uh to have your interaction so just go ahead and type i got it i got it they like to respond to what you're saying they love it they always tell me how conversational you are in the chat rooms and on the walls so i appreciate you for doing that we're gonna go to psalms 145. then after that we're going to go to ephesians 6. okay so here we are psalm 145 it says i will and this is i started this off because it blew my mind i'm going to give you some revelation on this i hope at least i got some the bible says i will extol you my god o king and i will bless your name forever and ever every day i will bless you and i will praise your name forever and ever greater is the lord one of my favorite sentences and greatly to be praised and his greatness is unsearchable one generation shall praise your works to another and shall declare your mighty acts i will meditate on the glorious splendor of your majesty and on your wondrous works let's skip down to verse number 11 and he says they shall speak of the glory of your kingdom and talk of your power to make known to the sons of men his mighty acts and the glorious majesty of his kingdom verse 13 and washing your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom this is a king talking to a king by the way this is this is a king talking to a king who has a kingdom talking to one who has a kingdom your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom and your dominion endures throughout all generations you may ask yourself what does that have to do with ephesians 6 and 12 for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places i want to talk on this subject just for a moment and some of y'all may need to hear this i'm going to talk to you about staying stable that's what i want to talk about staying stable so so as i start this message i want to bring this up for conversation i don't know who you learned about in school i know who we learned and i took some business classes and um the story of john d rockefeller is is legendary story of john d rockefeller is legendary we we all know him for his money and um i believe i read somewhere that if you take the money that john rockefeller had in his day and with two percent inflation measured it to the money of our day john rockefeller would be worth 400 billion dollars no internet marketing no social media very limited globalization no internet he's a trailblazer country is relatively young at this time and yet he amassed a wealth of 400 billion dollars i say it's legendary because i'm sure you know about his money but i'm also equally sure that you don't know about his misery we all know that john d rockefeller was worth this enormous amount of money but what if i told you that his father left his mother was a criminal abandoned him in cleveland ohio and his first job he only made 50 cents a day talk about a tough life i mean you think your life's tough you don't make 50 cent a day i mean you think your life is tough but john john rockefeller this rich guy this this this legend this guy that we know so much about he grew up doing business when one of the greatest depressions the country had ever seen which was actually initiated in cleveland ohio the city where he lived 50 cent a day as a bookkeeper before he hired bookkeepers he made so much money he couldn't count it and he started out as a man who counted others i i thought about how sometimes god makes your counter before you count how sometimes god will put you over an affair to see if you can handle those types of affairs to see if here it is scripture to see if you will be thou faithful over a few things before god will make you ruler over much and it was in 1857 and you can look this up during one of the greatest market crashes in the history of the world it was in that moment that john rockefeller began to see opportunity where everybody else saw obstacles it was in 1857 when factories were closing down and people were sick and medicine was not readily available and jobs were shipping to other parts of the country it was then that john d rockefeller says this is my moment this is my time and by the time he gets to the end of his journey this man who made 50 cent a day pierre was in charge of 90 of the united states oil market i don't know where you work i don't i don't know what you do for a living but let me ask you this question how wealthy would you be if you own 90 of the thing you're in right now i mean if you are a singer imagine that 90 of the songs on the radio are yours maybe maybe you sell t-shirts for a living imagine that 90 of the people in the world were wearing your t-shirt maybe you washed cars imagine if you watched 90 of the cars in the world i'm trying to give you i'm trying to give you scope i'm trying to give you scale i'm trying to give you size because you hear 90 of the oil market but i want you to understand if you are selling ice cream that 90 of the people in the world are eating your ice cream if you're a beautician you're doing 90 of the heads 90 of the nails this man owned it all he owned it all he he was he was 90 share and and and warren buffett said it this way because in this market when everybody was afraid and everybody was running and everybody was terrified and everybody was stressed warren buffett uh who is one of the richest people uh to ever live said these words he said that successful people are filth are fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful now you may be saying what are you talking about the bible doesn't want me to be greedy i'm not i'm not telling you to be greedy what i am telling you is he's saying that the world industry only responds to people who have the right perspective that it's not about being greedy or fearful it's about knowing what time to be which one it's not about it's not about being happy or sad it's not about being angry or jovial because even the bible says be angry and sin not so he doesn't say that you can't be angry he just said you just need to know when to be and when not to be it's it's all about perspective my mama used to tell me you either you need to know when to talk and when to y'all mama know my mama i can tell you that right now so so so you got to have the right perspective now when i give you this definition i hope that i blow your mind because when we think about perspective we're always talking about how we see things how we look at things how we conceptualize things and then i looked up the word perspective but not the denotation or the definition i looked up the etymology of the word uh uh perspective which takes us back to his latin root from where it once began and here it is the actual etymology of the word perspective is the science of optics oh my god the science of optics in other words whenever you look at the word optics it means to inspect listen or to look through now i hope i just messed up your mind because the way we define perspective is how we look at things but the etymology of the word perspective means to look through a thing help me holy ghost and then the lord showed me something he says keon tell the people every time they are despondent every time they are disturbed every time they are distressed is because they have looked at something instead of looking through it that the reason why the situation you're in has frustrated you is because you keep looking at it instead of looking through it the reason why the person that you are into it right now continues to push that button is because you're looking at what they're doing and not through what they're doing the reason why somebody's words break your heart is because you listen at those words instead of listening through those words and i hope by the time i finish with you on this watch that you will be able to gain leverage over the devil when you recognize that the thing that is in front of you is not designed for you to look at it but look through it i want you to look through it everybody say look through it look through it i want you to look through it i want you to understand that all of your problems are translucent that that they are all a mirage even though they are real they are designed for you to see through them because when you can see through it watch this you can see what god is doing on the other side and even if you look at it all you can see is what it is doing to you but when you look through it you can see what god has designed for you the only place though and i hate to tell you this the only place the only place that offers a degree in perspective is a school called stress and adversity that's the only place where you can get this degree and i hate to tell you because i know some of you are going to sign up but i have to tell you that whenever you sign up for the school of adversity and stress in order to get the diploma you have to have perfect attendance what i mean by that is that the only problem you will pass is the one you show up for the only situation you will conquer is the one you face head on the only situation you will be able to look through is the one you can't dodge this struggle you can't dodge this storm you can't dodge this hurt you can't dodge this pain you can't pray this away this bitter cup ain't gonna pass you by some of this stuff you're gonna have to drink some of the stuff you're gonna have to experience some of this pain you're gonna have to feel some of these people you're gonna have to let go some of these hearts are gonna have to fracture some of these situations are going to anger you but the only way you will get this degree is by showing up i want everybody to shout show up i want you to show up for your tears i want you to show up for your pain i want you to show up for your stress why because the only way you can see through it is by showing up you got to show up for it you got to show up for it and this is the only way you can get it i want you to know that i am calling you to show up for every trial i am calling you to show up for every temptation i am calling you to show up for every frustration you are strong enough to do it you were built to do it you have the anointing to do it you were called to do it you were shaped to do it you were equipped to do it but you've got to show up if you were to ask me pastor what's the purpose of this message i would tell you write this down the objective of this message is to teach you how to transform every one of your problems into three things this is these are the three things i want you to get i want you to turn every problem into these three things are you ready everything you go through is either designed to be educational develop a skill set or help you to get a profit don't struggle if you're not gonna learn from it and ain't gonna get paid for it if you ain't gonna get paid for it don't even think about it if you're not gonna learn a skill set don't even show up if you're not gonna be educated by skip the class but i'm telling you that god told me to tell you that if you show up to your trial you will be educated equipped and paid i don't know who that's for i don't know who that's for thank you holy ghost god says the big paychecks are going to the people who can handle the big problems the bigger your ability to handle a problem the bigger your ability to cash a check i don't know who i'm talking to but somebody say big problems big checks big problems big checks god pay me for my struggle pay me for my anger pay me for getting over this stuff i'm not gonna go through all of this and come out on the other side broke i dare you tell the devil you're gonna have to pay me come up in my house if you want to you're going to have to pay me mess with my children if you want to but you're going to have to give me a check and matter of fact i'm going to get the education so after you pay me i'm going to teach others how to get paid and what i am doing right now is i'm telling you i've been paid and i'm about to show you how to do it worship the lord at all times and his praises shall continuously be in your mouth david like john rockefeller was a man of two stories john was poor but he is now rich david was a shepherd boy before he was see we all know that david could play the heart we all know that david killed goliath we all know that he killed the lion and the bear but we forget that he had to clean up after the sheep we forget that he used to smell like his work see most people want to smell like their future but they don't want to smell like their past and in order to qualify for a new sense you got to be able to handle sense you miss what i said you got to be faithful over the scent before god blesses you with the sin and when david got to the next level it was because he was able to handle his previous level nobody nobody faced more danger than david i mean nobody did more than david okay so you're so just so you know that perfection is not a qualification for anointing if that was the case david would not have the oil david david man david did everything to everybody did everything to everybody whenever he wanted to however he felt and i know we up here praising god for david and he was the king and he wrote psalms 23. but the dude was a fool he was off the chain david but but but you got to understand his life see because we always judge people about what they do but we don't always look at what they came through you see some of the people you're struggling right with right now are damaged by the people who have them before you see you got to understand david's daddy rejected him david's daddy left him in the field his mind was shaped by his experience and it's amazing how we expect people to go through fields and not feel it oh you missed what i said david didn't go through the field and not feel it he he was balanced he was a based antibond he was a shepherd and the king he was he was ying and yang he was both he went he went through both he he was a prophet and he learned to profit he went he went through it all and and let me tell you he was attacked from without and from within if it wasn't the philistines it was the amorites if it wasn't if it wasn't saul it was goliath he he went through it all if it wasn't adeniyah it was absalon david had been through so much if it wasn't one thing it was another and this is how he stayed stable he went through hell and high water he was a base and the bound he was in the field and he was in the palace he was he was rich and he was poor he was he was rejected and then not too long after that the women were saying saul has killed his thousands but david is killed in tens of thousands so rejected on one hand celebrated on the other he was both and and how do you stay stable when your life is up and down how do you stay stable when when you get a raise and then the job goes overseas what do you do when you got one child that's obedient and another one that's disobedient what do you do when you got a cane and an able what do you do how do you stay balanced i'm glad you asked that's why david wrote psalms 145. that's what he he said this is for the people who are trying to figure out how to stay stable in their situations he says this is what i'm going to do he says i'm instructing you to read this and this what i'm getting ready to tell you is how you stay stable in the situation he says you ready you ready for my secret it wasn't the money it wasn't the money i'll tell you that right now it wasn't the money you want to know it wasn't the women it wasn't the women and and it wasn't the power and and it wasn't it wasn't the authority and it it wasn't the chariots and it wasn't the ark of the covenant i'm getting ready to tell you how david stays stable when his son tried to kill him i'm getting ready to tell you how david stays stable when his mentor tried to assassinate him i'm getting ready to tell you how david stayed stable when he had to come and kill goliath in front of a crowd in the valley of eli he says this is how i stayed stable i vowed to praise him he said i vow i vow to praise him i vow to praise him but when i read that pastor hammond i had to go read it again because i read it and and something else struck he didn't just say i praise him he says i extol thee oh lord extol what do you mean that's not a common word it's it's not a word that we use all the time dave you could have just said i praise the lord at all times and his praise continue to be in my mind but what do you mean i extol him he said yeah i extol him he and he said extol is slightly different than praise praise means let me say it this way praise means to glorify based on attributes so if a person is good at something you praise them for if a person can sing you praise them for them if a person can cook oh man that them oxtails are off the chain that's called praise i just got hungry it's it's praise it's it's praise that you know you you give somebody adoration for an attribute that's praise he says and yes i do bless the lord and i do praise him but but keon on this watch i extolled him david what does extol mean i'm glad you asked as extol means to declare greatness okay that's what extol means declare greatness david can you go a little further yes uh keon have you ever traveled out of the country yes sir um when you go out of the country have you ever been given one of those declaration forms yes sir what does it ask you it asks you have you brought any fruits or vegetables or goods from another country and and watch this at the end of it one of the last questions do you have uh over ten 000 u.s dollars in currency on you yes or no and if the answer is yes i have 10 000 plus dollars you have to declare it you have to declare it you have to declare it why why because because of different laws and different reasonings behind it this sermon is not about why but the fact that if you have over 10 000 you have to declare the money in other words you have to tell the people who are at the gate at customs you have to tell them the worth of what you're bringing in and the bible lets us know then that when we extol god and we declare him what he's actually saying is when i open my mouth i am actually declaring his worth so that's different than praise see praise this thank you for what you've done but but but extolling is telling him how much what he did meant to you oh god you miss it so the church is full of people who say thank you lord thank you thank you thank you for your grace thank you for your mercy i praise you lord thank you for blessing my children but but when you extol them god when you save my children it kept me from having a heart attack when you bless my mama it kept me from blowing my brains out thank you god that when you heal my body it increased my faith i need about 500 of y'all to start declaring what the lord has done for you i dare you to open up your mouth and shout declare it declare it i want you to declare his word to you if it had not been there it is for the lord on your side you would not be where you are god if you didn't touch my mama she wouldn't be here it wasn't medicine it was the master it wasn't money it was jesus i dare you to declare it right now god thank you for who you are thank you for your saving grace thank you for your mighty works thank you for your acts thank you for your splendor declare it he says you gotta you gotta express his worth to you most people don't mind expressing to god what they need from him but god says if you're going to be like david and extol me if you're going to stay balanced you got to tell me how much i'm worth to you where would you be if jesus didn't block it because don't put an over excessive value on your own abilities where would you be if it wasn't for grace and mercy i'll wait where would you be if it had not been for his power his resurrection where would you be if he didn't love you in spite of yourself where would you be if he didn't have grace if he didn't have mercy where would you be if he didn't have finances for non-titles where would you be if he didn't have health for liars well would you be if he'd have another chance for somebody who didn't deserve i dare you to show him how much he's worth i tell you to show him how much he's worth david had been through the unimaginable and had done the um unimaginable could you imagine david had a daughter that was raped he was a shepherd and a king rejected attempts at assassination by the way that's all of the stuff that people did to him let's not talk about the stuff he did [Music] let's not talk about the people he had killed let's not talk about the women he didn't have no business work and still he extolled him what david says don't ever allow your worthlessness to keep you from telling him how much he is worth i want you to show up right now and don't let nobody make you think that because you've done some worthless things that you can't praise him like he's worthy i want you with your worthless acts to get up right where you are at your house and begin to give god glory [Applause] david said that's that's how i balance myself that's how i balance myself and he says i want to i want to thank god watch this watch jesus says and i want to extol thee not just for the fact that you've done amazing things for me but i want to extol you because here it is i'm about to shout god thank you that your response to me wasn't a reaction to my character [Music] thank you that you did not give me what i deserved and based on that i lift my hands and i give him honor and glory and praise i extol thee lord because your goodness was in accordance with your character not mine anybody want to thank god that he ain't blessing you because of who you are but he's blessing you because of who he is [Music] somebody just say i stole you i extol you e-x-t-o-l for those y'all who ain't never heard the word before i extol you lord you are worth more than silver and gold you are worth more than my finances you are worth more than the air i breathe you are worth it worth it worth of somebody shall work that he's worth it he's worthy to be praised from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same he's worthy see what you must understand the background of this text is david's kingdom is in trouble his kingdom is in trouble oh i'm about to shout because david said he said god my kingdom is in trouble because i've done a lot of stuff that has threatened the stability of what you have given me but the reason why i'm worshiping is because even though my kingdom is in trouble the kingdom that has jurisdiction over my kingdom is still stable i don't know who i'm talking to but just when you are about to give up because your stuff is shaky you can extol the god that's over your stuff he says my kingdom is in trouble but the kingdom that has jurisdiction over my kingdom is still stable uh jason i'm reminded of 2008 the market crashed and one of the hardest hit cities was detroit michigan the auto industry kept that whole region flint all of that afloat joe you know about that and and so what happens is is there was tarp money and i believe it was to the tune of 426 billion dollars that was given and 80 million of that money went to detroit and if you've been to detroit lately it's on the rise detroit is coming up it didn't happen overnight but if you go to detroit it don't look like it used to look 10 20 years ago it's it's on the rise and and you have to ask yourself why why because when the automobile industry was getting ready to sink detroit was too important to the u.s for it to fail so what the government did was they bailed them out they bailed out the city they bailed out the companies they bailed out some of the things why because even when detroit was falling the country that had jurisdiction over it bailed it out because it was true and god told me to tell you you are too important to what he has planned for you to fail so god told me to tell you whatever you're going through get ready for a bail out god says i'm about to bail you out i'm about to bail you out financially i'm about to bail you out psychologically i'm about to bail you out emotionally somebody shout god come get me [Music] he's going to bail you out he's going to bail you out let me i got to hurry up and let you all go you want to you want to know you want to know how to stay stable do you want to know how to actually be stable enough to handle the ignorance of your moment do you want to know how to stay stable in spite of the fatigue that life is present i'm about to tell you how are you ready if you're going to be stable you have to do three things number one you gotta accept your past number two you're gonna have to learn to live in the present and number three you need a goal for the future the reason why most people are unstable is because every time something happened to them they get stuck in the past and the reason why other people are unstable they may not be affected by the past but they're so immature they always want to live in the moment and they have nothing planned for the future and the reason why other people stay unstable is because they're afraid of the past they don't know how to live in the moment they're always hoping for the future but you never get paid on money that's coming so so so whenever you spend too much time in what ryan howell calls the balanced time perspective whenever you are stuck in any one of these time zones past present or future your life will always be unstable you have to spend enough time in your history to set yourself up for your destiny while learning to live in the moment some people don't have enough presence to receive a present never in the moment i guarantee you some of you all who are watching me right now you are not in this moment and the only people who are in psychological pain are people who live in yesterday and tomorrow because there is nothing happening to you now that's hurting you i'm talking about right now i'm talking about at this hour i don't know i don't know if it's 8 57 where you are i don't know if it's 9 o'clock where you are i don't know but there is nothing at 901 there is nothing at 11 12 that's hurting you right now but you're hurting now because you're thinking about 2018. ain't nobody breaking your heart now they may have broken it before but you're hurting because you are where you were and not where you are you have to learn to look through it everybody say look through it if any one of these time frames dominate your mind it limits your ability to stay stable i call you to be stable okay you you had a difficult childhood it's okay to think about it but don't stay there because staying in the moment of a difficult childhood will give you what's called impostors syndrome and impostor syndrome is when your mind tells you you don't belong imposter syndrome is when your mind tells you don't deserve even what god has for you it's okay to dream about the future but you can't always be in the future because tomorrow is like money you haven't gotten yet and if you stay in the present and never think about the past or the future then you will live your life like a person who has nothing to care about and and it's like being a person who they call beach bums it's just live in the moment dude but yeah you ain't got no money you you can't always be in the moment you got to have future goals and and appreciation for the past and that is the way you stay stable david says i vow to praise him and i've vowed to ponder on him he says i will meditate on his splendor i will meditate on this splendor listen to this and i'm done the word meditator is an interesting hebrew word the word meditate her god in the hebrew it means to groan to growl or to make a noise see most people don't get meditation right because they think it's just sitting there and um it's just thinking it's just it's just fun no this hebrew word scripturally rabbi sampson hurt says that that it is active thinking which demands expression david is literally saying listen when i think of the goodness of jesus and all he's done for me my soul shouts out hallelujah praise god for saving me in other words he's saying whenever i think i think whenever i think i think whenever i think i think because when you meditate on him both day and night he's actually saying that my thinking requires an expression i have no doubt that you think about god all day long but when is the last time you allowed your thinking to turn into a thank you he says i require you to think and think and that's how you stay that's how you stay stable pastor why did you read ephesians 6 because we wrestle not against flesh and blood what paul is saying is in order to stay stable you have to know what you're wrestling with don't miss what i'm saying because some of you all in covert when you've been shut in the house together you think that arguing with your spouse or your partner you think you're wrestling with them and what you don't know is you're wrestling with impatience and you'll never be stable until you identify what you're wrestling with you're not wrestling with the job that don't pay you enough you're wrestling with bad spending habits you're not you're not you're not wrestling by living in a bad city you're wrestling with the fact that you haven't gone out there to find out what your city has to offer david said i extol you god paul said i i want you to know what you're wrestling with david david i want you to know that all of this was a part of the plan i knew when i called you that the amorites were going to hate you and i knew when i called you she didn't always have the right character to do all the right things but i called you because i picked you and i called you because i knew that when it got tough you would extol me i knew you were going to make mistakes but i knew you were going to praise me the whole time i knew i knew who you were but i also knew what you would do if you're going to be stable you have to vow to praise him right where you are i don't care what city you're in i don't care what language you speak i want you to vow to praise him through the good through the good come on just worship him whether i'm happy or whether i'm saved whoever happened i'll pray i praise you in [Applause] is is what i do [Music] my god it's what i do right where you are in your living room in your house we say praise [Music] [Music] you receive this word we're glad to look praise is what i do [Music] it's what i do praise is [Music] who i am who i am [Music] is [Music] it's what i do is what i do oh come on give him glory come on bless him come on bless him come on bless him come on install him speak well of him declare his goodness declaring his work he is god he is god come on come on come on come on come on come on and bless him come on in magnify him come on and exalt him he is great and greatly to be praised [Music] wow [Music] speak well of him speak well at him speak well of him speak well of him speak well of him as well of him oh taste and see that the lord is good oh taste and see that the lord is good hey i feel some things changing i feel shackles coming off of your life i feel you being free in the holy ghost i still play too i will install thee i will declare of your goodness i will declare him your great work i will declare that you are god and you are powered by yourself oh it is a good thing to give thanks unto the lord but he is good god didn't mess around on this power sunday we've come together but he is good [Music] he is good he is good church lighthouse god is good he is good [Music] somebody said i'm not gonna let a rock cry out for me but i'm gonna open up my mouth and i'm gonna give god with his jewish name because he is good [Music] [Music] [Music] yes he is [Music] hallelujah hallelujah i know you're watching this right now you're in this atmosphere of worship and i want you to right now if you have not accepted jesus as your lord and savior over your life this is your moment to get balanced i don't know who i'm talking to right now i'm talking to you i want you to text la station to a4576 and receive christ on today this is some good grounds so if you have not shown a seed i want you to text your seed right now into this good ground and before we let you go i just feel a praise in my spirit i feel the anointing of god because god is bringing balance i want you to tight balance right now i want you to type stable right now come on and type it come on type it start moving [Music] live live [Music] our father and our god we thank you god hallelujah hallelujah i'm father we thank you today god for what you've done in this service we thank you today god for what you've done in the lives of your people so god we thank you bringing stability to our houses you're bringing healing to our homes you're doing ways out of nowhere so guys we need this place but never from your spirit last the philippines will reside over us this is where stability resides and god we give you the praise until
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 57,384
Rating: 4.9106956 out of 5
Keywords: Staying Stable sermon, Keion Henderson, Staying Stable, Powerful Message to the World By Pastor Keion Henderson, pastor keion henderson 2021, keion henderson new sermon, keion henderson sermons, keion henderson church, keion henderson message, keion henderson motivation, lighthouse sermon, lighthouse church live stream, lighthouse church, keion henderson, pastor keion henderson, holy spirit, pastor, bible, god, god's word, keion message, bible study, Pastor Keion Henderson
Id: cqmI1Ea8FSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 50sec (2870 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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