Can You Get Rid Of Cellulite?

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warning so the people who don't know I have endometriosis and the pain is horrid well I took quite a bit of ibuprofen like a lot the day that I decided to film this so that I would be able to film this because once again I have endometriosis so when that flares up I'm dead and I still didn't record so yeah I took a lot of ibuprofen I had the worst side-effects I was vomiting all day stomach pains chills headache but I took the time to make this video for you guys so yes I look very tired here for obvious reasons so can I get a thumbs up for just the dedication to post every single Saturday my god thank you carry on and no I won't be taking that much ibuprofen ever again I still hurt today we are talking about the that's on the back of our arm our lower bellies and the back of our booties hey you guys if it's your first time tuning in to this channel my name is michelle mcdaniel i've been a personal trainer for over 10 years i've worked with hundreds of different types of clients from obese to thin to body builders to bikini models all different types of individuals but one thing they all have in common they all complain and want me to fix silly lies so today we're gonna learn about cellulite and if we are able to get rid of that my personal trainers on my nutrition major than the people who went to school for this stuff who are watching right now come here let me talk to you for a second I'm gonna keep this explanation rather basic because the average everyday person let's be real they get boarded if we go into death that's something a lot of trainers don't understand they go into such scientific depth and everybody that's listening is just kind of like so I love how to keep as basic as possible so people aren't using that excuse as you it's so confusing because there is no excuse on my channel do not understand something I keep it basic for you guys and if you guys want to go into more detail then you can do your own research so if you feel the need to prove that you are educated personal trainer physical therapist whatever you are do it in the comment section but we're here to have some fun and and learn a little bit okay so I got this message on Instagram hi Michelle I was wondering if there really was a way to get rid of cellulite I know it won't totally go away but can I reduce it without greatly reducing my size in this incident I have mentioned her back and asked what does she mean by size she means her curves I enjoy being a curvy girl but cellulite on the back of my thighs and butt Pass could go so my question is I guess is toning or a heavy weight or just cardio a better for that reduction hey hey hey hey tone excuse you girl oh we don't use tone over here you are building muscle and losing body fat furnitures tone people's do not you either want a slimmer athletic look or a bulkier athletic look all right so let's get down and dig deep into this question so what is cellulite so the short answer is that cellulite is fat bubbly jiggly but why do women have cellulite and then generally just because being a woman sucks sometimes now the scientific answer well this thing called estrogen plays a huge role in that factor and women naturally have a lot more body fat than men the main reason is that the bands that connect tissue and fat are different when it comes to men and women men's bands are a lot thicker they have more of them what they crisscross as women oh yes we are the lucky ones we always are our fat lanes vertically we have less bands and because of the way they are laid they puck her out of the skin but cellulite no what answer the question you guys are here for time can you get rid of cellulite yes on a few of factors it depends on your body type where your body besides to lose the fat and how lean you're willing to get study away is body fat to get rid of body fat we lower our daily calorie intake we manipulate our car notice I didn't say exclude banished or cut out car you need carbs in your life people I just said manipulate just it just a tiny bit you guys nothing extreme you implement high intensity cardio you lift weights superfans saggy or loose skin and all of that will help you reduce your cellulite what hahaha like I said it depends on your body type whether the cellulite goes away if you're like me and my fat booty when I put on a weigh all of my weight goes straight down to the butt and when I lose weight the booty is the last sweet God what is this sorcery I've been working hard God doesn't care though and it's a good thing I love me some fat fake booty no I could be in competition prep with bulging at gripped arms wrists legs wait can it can you can you see my legs yes and I will still have so you lay a week or two before my competition so yes it goes away but guess what comes back when I start eating my normal healthy non competition type diet food tell you I was in a week now can I keep my size or my curves now once again this depends on the person we're all built differently whatever someone comes to me and says well I want to lose weight but I'm really scared to because I don't want to lose my curves I tell them if you are truly curvy you have absolutely nothing to worry about my bone structure goes out my shoulders are naturally wide my body is not meant to be straight up and down I always had some kind of thickness going on even when I was thin I was still a thicker kind of thin competing and I still had my my shape and once I got out of competition prep it went straight back to my natural structure now if we're talking about muscle and all wanting to lose muscle as you cut the body fat so that you can reduce your cellulite there is a way to keep at least most of the muscle that you built up while you cut the fat making sure you're on a diet that fits you and your personal body type in your personal weight and activity levels is what will help you is cardio or heavy lifting it's better to reduce cellulite both are actually very great to help reduce cellulite if you want to keep most of your size to continue to lift heavy adding in some high intensity cardio and even days with low intensity cardio will help a burn the fat but making sure that your diet is intact and that you're on the right supplements can help you maintain your muscle or at least a good chunk of it my name is Michele McDaniel this is my page my thoughts will probably offend you and if I offended you today and I'm not too sure why this video would offend you you're kind of weird not the good kind of weird just the weird kind of weird but I hope you learned a little bit about cellulite and remember if you have any type of questions any type of concerns don't be afraid to jest slip and slide into my DMS on Instagram or write in the comment section as well and you never know it might just be a video and don't forget I have a three month beauty program and leg program because remember you cannot work your booty without working its reach up ya drumsticks your legs you can't work your booty without working your legs but I thing about the program ranging from easy to advanced it is only for people who go to a gym it's not gonna work if you're at home because you have to have a certain amount of weight on your legs for them to grow and tighten and it's not it's it's just not gonna happen sorry people at home and let you invest in quite a bit of equipment but it's only thirty dollars that includes my nutrition program as well once again finding some random diet on Google or from some fitness model I posted her calories doesn't mean that it's going to be perfect for you because that's why we're special we are all different and we need different things for our different special body okay but that's it for today my name is michelle mcdaniel don't forget to follow me on instagram if you have any questions DM me or leave it in the comment section I read all the comments subscribe here to this channel put that notification button and hit the thumbs up button alright guys I'm out bye
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Views: 127,106
Rating: 4.9756193 out of 5
Keywords: how to lose cellulite, cellulite, losing cellulite, michelle mcdaniel, my thoughts will probably offend you, how to lose fat, how to lose body fat, how to reduce cellulite
Id: nOud5VZEWu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Sat May 19 2018
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