Kyle Cease - When the World is Falling Apart, Do This

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so I want to talk to you about what you're going to do tomorrow first of all before you come here now anything I say you guys do what you want but I promise you if you choose to do this you're going to experience actually experiencing this and getting some new results because when you say some of the most effective moments were when you actually did the Kaleo exercise or when you did the saying what you feel and I love that and supercharging for someone else you experience something different right versus just hearing content that felt good if you take these things you know and you apply them by living them you're going to experience a shift and when what you Gandhi said when what you think what you say and what you do are all the same you'll experience total freedom total love total freedom total fulfillment and that's the truth because how often do we say the thing we want and we don't do it we have we have three choices in any situation we can leave the situation we don't like we can fall in love with the situation when that we don't like and then come up with what we do like so if you're doing a job you don't like that doesn't mean you have to leave it right away you can also just go what do I like about it well I get paid here okay I know this person that I hang out with this person a lot and I bond with that person and you can get to a state where you actually love the job that you're in and you can love your connection to yourself and a lot of times when you do that it's not scary to leave it it becomes much more effortless or you just choose to stay there so most of us we all have these choices of I don't like the situation so you can leave it or I don't like the situation so you can love it what most people do is they go no what I need to do is be in a situation where I don't like this situation and I'm going to stay there I'm going to keep hating it because I've trained myself that what I want to be doing actually is being really mad at myself that you're actually more comfortable being at war with yourself which is exactly where many people would love to have you because then their product can help you right so what we want to do instead is here what we want whether it's to love the situation or leave the situation or whatever it is here the thing that you want and then do the thing now there's going to be some emotional chaos because it's the death of that old story but you're going to experience yourself showing up and if you actually really want to get changed that you can go back from because realize this isn't motivation motivation is when you're going to make the thing happen that's great but this is you accessing a real you and it's much more like leaving the matrix and once you leave the matrix it's kind of hard to go back in it because you know it's BS so the things that you're learning here you can't unlearn you're kind of stuck in a higher level of awareness now and it's up to you if you want to enter that awareness with the knowing of what you want to do and experience yourself aligning with the awareness but if you don't then you're going to go I know that I should be doing this I should be doing this and you're going to feel more and more resistance to yourself because you're not doing the thing that you want to do so an exercise that you're going to do tomorrow if you like and I really recommend it and it will do so much benefit for everyone in the room if you do it because you will be a space of so much more love I'm not good with chairs you'll be in a space of so much more love and be able to actually hear people on a whole different level and take so much more of what they're saying and give so much more so before you guys come set yourself set your alarm clock for an hour earlier so go to bed an hour earlier if you're oh but then I have like just go to bed an hour earlier because I know whatever I say egos going to look as you hear this you're gonna dose ego all over the place it's gonna yeah but yeah but that's why we want to do this exercise to like love that so we can transcend that right we want to be excited about showing up and doing the work not come up with I remember once doing an event it'd be like find a partner you didn't come here when there was ah and I'm like wait why are you here like you don't want to show up and do this so like this is an opportunity for you to actually move from hearing this intellectually and then rewiring your body to prove to yourself after a good hour of evidence that you're still safe so you're going to set your alarm an hour earlier and you're going to turn off at least turn on to airplane mode your phone and you know not have your laptop on not have Facebook ready to go in case you don't like it you know but still have the things turned off but have something that monitors the time so I like to put my phone on airplane mode but still have an alarm for one hour later I like to go an hour so most I actually went to it's mostly everyday now I'm at a place where I don't want to become fundamentalist about it so I go more an hour and sometimes I go to still but this is really crazy so you don't do it in a way where your mind is trying to take the thoughts and move them to a different place that's okay if you want to do that you're welcome to but who's the one that's trying to move the thought that's what we were talking about earlier who's trying to see it the right way okay visualize yourself you're a deer drinking from a pond now your minds like am I had the right kind of deer like I don't even know if I'm dough a deer a female deer like I don't know what I am I think so what you're going to do is you're just going to sit and watch the show the show of your mind you know people always do research they always do research on Google they go I'm trying to find the right way to eat I'm trying to find the right way to workout did you notice whatever you find is the right way you can find the opposite argument to there's arguments for why you shouldn't drink milk or you should or why you shouldn't eat a certain food or you should there's arguments for why you should work out every day or make sure you alternate every other day so you have a day of rest you won't get results unless there's so many things that have arguments of how to do everything but we very rarely research here this is where you'll get actual research what I've discovered is the answer is what my body says to do the deepest calling not your ego your ego sometimes we think as our deepest calling but if you really listen deeply you know it's not your ego might think your highest excitement would be to be bullshitting or your highest excitement might be to block that or your highest excitement might be to go another day doing something you hate and maybe it actually is but you know under it and you can feel it deeper in your body that there's something deeper that there's something bigger so you're going to listen and you're going to start the process of just accessing that part of your body and I said this at the last event but people always talk about this whenever they're in a stressful position everyone when they're in a chaotic moment they always say something like this deep down I know I'm going to be totally fine deep down I know everything's fine yeah I broke up with that person but deep down I know everything and we always look at deep down as a place when we suffer to just like look in the endo of like I know I'm fine I'm gonna hold up deep down but what if we did this work and we made deep down the place that we live so you just know you're gonna be fine but it's not like you're you're using it to save you it's just like yeah you're fine you almost don't even notice the problems that you're talking about that you're fine from because you live in deep down so doing this exercise puts you in a place of deep down where you actually prove to yourself you're fine and all you're going to do is you're going to set your phone on airplane mode you're going to have the alarm set for an hour later if you don't have that type of phone like don't have a phone but then set your alarm for an hour later but make sure that no one can interrupt you and just choose to sit in a position that's really comfortable whatever it is I just wake up and I like to sit up in the bed I put a pillow here and I just sit my legs are crossed and I just start I'm just comfortable and I watch the show start and it's crazy and I've now had to a place where I understand that as long as I stay in the room for an hour I'm fine but at first the mind just wants to fight this and it's almost horrifying if you sit and realize how weird it is that we're scared to sit think of that tomorrow you're going to go oh here I go I have to be comfortable and rest that's horrifying I'd rather stress we're so scared to actually connect to ourselves that we'd rather attack other people we would rather fight other people than connect to ourselves in wars sometimes would either kill other people then be wrong right we'd rather have a me or you types position because we don't understand that there's a place of love under this so there's a chaos that we're so comfortable and used to being in that we actually choose to I don't feel stressed I need to watch them I need to watch a movie like taken I need to watch this movie where this guy starts off normal with his daughter and then she gets kidnapped so everything goes to and then he fights them and gets her back and then they're back together it's the same you spent two hours and everything's the same went to crap went back up to normal that's it because movies are scared to show you actually evolution the karate kid did a little bit and there's a great movie called peaceful warrior but almost every problem is is that like we create a problem we start off in a situation we need to see drama so that we can overcome it so that we can feel like we're evolving and we can evolve back up to the exact same place that we were before it's insane it's absolutely crazy so instead of creating a sabotage to overcome what would happen if we just let ourselves be overcome let these problems that are already there just be loved so if you choose to sit you'll sit and your mind will start this thing and as I said earlier it'll show it and go an hour I can't do an hour the only way it knows that is your past that's the only evidence it has of that and it's not that you can't it's that you haven't so every I can't is actually I haven't take that in and the next the next limited thing is I'm going to sometimes a lot of times people love to I used to do this all the time declare my big next mission statement so I could feel good enough to not do it for the next 90 days I did it it adieu and then day two yeah I'm just trying to do like I'm just trying to create some mission that felt good enough to not do it and it's when we actually live at the edge of our heart and do this and actually show up and feel this intense fear and pain and by the way the first week it can be really hard doing this because it's like digging through mud and because there's a total goldmine under there that you can't see yet so first all you see is the crap because first this is the death of the old you and you're going to keep going down you're going to keep going down but I noticed once I got to like day 18 19 20 that now it was moving forward now that all the craps out of the way possibility possibility possibly expanding on itself expanding on itself expanding on itself infinite possibilities right so the first day tomorrow might be really hard just like the first day at the gym is a lot different than three years in right the first day at the gym and you feel some results but it's really hard in the and by the way the results that you'll get from this are not when you're doing the meditation you'll get the results after it the doing the meditation is like working out it's the pain of the resistance and the pushing but then afterwards you'll discover all these benefits tomorrow you will discover so many benefits and eventually you'll notice that you can't discover the benefits anymore because the part of you that compares yourself to how you used to be is dying the part of you that's comparing yourself to other people is dying the part of you that's trying to get love from an external place is dying so you start to move into this flower that's just connected to yourself and just being and the part of you that was comparing yourself is now truly aligning with what you actually are so as you do this and you sit at first you're going to have the comparing voice go crazy and you're going to think well if I meditate I'll be fine and sometimes you'll use that as an excuse to not meditate that feels good enough so I don't need to you can't get out of this you can't outwit this so you actually have this opportunity to show up and just feel the chaos and some people say you know it's not working it's not working because I feel a lot of pain today that means it's working because the pain that you feel was in you in a dormant way waiting to come out right so if you feel pain that means it wasn't you so if you're saying it's not working and because you feel a lot of pain that means that that pain that you had been pushing down for years is coming out of you it's showing up and it's on the edge and if you feel it really big time that's when you finally start to surrender and there are days when I meditate where I'm like you know what I feel a massive boulder right now I feel something and our ego goes I want to find what it's from I wonder if it's okay it's because of my dad and right but if you instead just go I feel this boulder there's times where I go I'm gonna walk around with a boulder today I'm gonna walk around with my heart feeling really heavy and I walk around and I feel like crazy sometimes and then there's times where I'll go you know what this is just me I'm just going to have this Boulder today then it leaves because I let go because I allowed it to be there so a lot of times when you're saying I'm going to love this thing oh it's not working that's because you weren't actually loving it you were loving it so it would leave but you're still monitoring if it's there you actually get to do this so that you can learn actual love real love for yourself that will accidentally spill over and you will have so many changes that happen that you will actually need to watch old videos of yourself to see how much you change because the monitor is left but people around you after a few months will go you're different you're totally different because I can see the shift in you because you're just so much more present and you're listening to me and and you can be with me and I can change and you can change and I see how much more your business is thriving and how much more on alignment with you it is so tomorrow you close your eyes and it all this stuff comes up and you just love it and don't love it like a verb just accept what comes up and go yeah that pains there because you think that that pain is bigger than you for a second but you realize you're you're the you're way bigger than the pain you're so much more infinite than any pain you've ever felt you just believed you were less than it so this pain shows up and it goes our weekend and how long are we going to do this do you know how much world-changing you're doing by doing this this is the most effective thing you can do to change the world the most effect this is bigger than if you were just right at this place and you just threw a big event and you just had a thousand people 10,000 people this is the best way you can change the world because as this stuff comes up you can't unlearn this you have released this and it's gone and you'll have new things come up you'll have new things come up but you keep releasing it you'll go faster and faster but you will become a space of love that you had no idea was sitting in you the entire time and so many people around you will go how did you do that what is that and alright just feel safe with you I feel permission to be me and they might just even without doing their work suddenly just feel permission to be themselves and gradually their ego might leave their fears might leave their old stories might leave this is what happens and there's so many results that show up from this infinite amount of results that show up from this that we can't see everything I'm saying right now is another result that showed up because of my hundred days of doing it right I didn't know it would come through like this I didn't know that this would happen and that we're recording it and that Dan could write that in the book right I didn't know all the things that are coming from an infinite amount of results that you cannot see so you sit there and the thought comes up I don't know what I'm doing I don't get this cool all you got to do is stay there and there's times we're gonna go I'm staying there I'm gonna hear like who's this who's staying that who's this guy that's my Gunners know so hard to stay who's the one that thinks that there is over there that there is a mission you're there now that's all you are is the moment so this voice shows up and goes what do i do how do I do this I don't know what I'm doing I'm scared shitless I don't get this this isn't working stay there I promise you about 25 minutes in don't expect that though but still it'll work it'll still be about 25 minutes in you'll start to feel different and you'll notice these things that you felt were outside of you I got to do this I got to do this are actually inside you that they're just this thing that's like effortlessly you're thus you're so much bigger than all of these problems and you just sit there and you be with these problems and you allow them to be there I don't know what I'm doing and I wonder how much time is left and everything and even if it didn't go perfect if you did this trust me a lot of changed happened that was beyond what you could see and the only reason you might not feel change is because you've decided what change looks like change looks from your little box that it has to be this way so as you tomorrow also end your expectations and your expectations of what the change needs to be because you're expecting it to be what you can see from your limited perspective of your past yes anyone but what happening today are they're here let me just help you so it doesn't seem insane any questions in this area yes it's screaming random end day could evolve I got loud what was your question hope so the question is that when you're meditating what what and I know you're not supposed to fight it but a lot of times like half an hour will go past and I didn't even realize that my mind's gone on and tangent sure and when you come out of that do you just and do you have a judgment for the tangent well a little bit of it's like what the hell just happened yeah so why why is it not okay if the mind goes on a tangent I guess it just because what the tangent is I could have been sitting at my desk and the same thing is that Bentley yeah hey bud that's a guy that I worked with recently we do these amazing groups called flow groups where we work with four people for a weekend that's the only way that we do one-on-ones where we work with four people for a weekend and Bentley's awesome many so I've been doing an hour hour and a half a day which has been insane yeah really has changed and the next thing and I know you really well so I know what's actually going on your job is actually to because what we don't notice is the tangent and the label of a tangent the judgement of the tangent right so he's saying what happens when you go on a tangent the given is a tangents not okay now that's your calling to be okay with the tangent and by the way by being okay with it you're both the tangent and the observer of the tangent now that's okay with it right so now it's there but you're also there with it and the more you'll start to realize oh I'm actually the space that's looking at the observer and the tangent I'm the space that sees all of it right does that make sense yeah absolutely yeah so when you have a tangent that's the answer when a tangent shows up a thing that many meditations have taught us that you have to go back to a certain place and that's great if that's what you want to do for me I don't think I got a steer it a certain place I like to just go I'm glad that's there because the same part of you that's trying to control all the in you will be triggered by everyone outside of you because you don't you don't like in you what they're pulling up but the more you become okay with yourself the more you become okay with everyone outside because your only problem with everyone outside is their triggering and you what you still haven't cleared out in you a great example of that and if you've seen this example before don't say it please let people that have not seen this yet experienced this but if you haven't seen this really quick I would love for a few people to tell me something that really bothers them about other people like what's a trait people have that like really piss you off is it is it self worth complaining driving yep driving yeah with that people yell out a seminar okay did everyone hear that thanks for saying it yeah cuz I'm like a jerk if I say it but yeah I get that one I totally get it couple more what disrespect what yeah okay so that's er okay yeah I'm just kidding what's that non stop talking I apologize so you guys have listed all these traits that really piss you off now isn't it fascinating that none of the people that screamed out said the word murderer you guys are fine well too late you guys are fine you guys are all fine with murderers as long as they don't talk too much as long as they don't scream out while they're murdering you like a nice quiet murderer that doesn't scream out or talk too long you want a nice calm stabbing because not many people in here hopefully know what it's like to murder someone so you don't have that resistance to that you have a resistance to something either you don't like about yourself or you don't like about your parent right because I know why I don't like that I know I don't like that because my dad talked too much or I don't know why I like that because you know I got I didn't like being interrupted I felt a flow being interrupted and my blah blah blah I used to do that or I've done that before right and we only give a about stuff that has to do with us if I said to you you're a purple monster you just think I'm nuts you're like no I'm not but if I said you talk too much some people are because that's something you haven't transcended about yourself and you haven't been okay with so if you take all this pain that you feel and you accept it then it can leave and you'll have this bizarre oblivion to things that you used to be pissed about in other people you'll be oblivious to it you won't even notice it it won't be in your sight anymore as something that's annoying and less and less people become annoying and the less they're annoying and if someone is get excited you just found a new thing in you that you didn't like that you get to learn how to love and realize that until you found that you've been spending your entire life still in a little bit of resistance you realize that after Sunday night you will leave here with a being in a way that you've never been before you've always had some of these resistances to yourself up until Monday right so you're going to do this exercise and you're going to experience life now a little freer of your old resistances and experience what life's like when you move that way so if you sit there and you allow yourself for an hour to find all these things it's not your job to even verbally like I accept you so that it leaves just be with it be okay with it it's showing up I might do this wrong I'm scared shitless I hope I'm doing this right this isn't working these are all thoughts they're not you they're all Gary I'm doing this wrong this sucks I don't know every word that comes up in your mind is Gary and your emotions are just your reaction to the thoughts your resistance to the thoughts that's what an emotion is so you feel the emotion then it clears that out you feel the emotion be with it and then you realize it's okay if it's there it'll leave when it wants not when you decide you deciding it needs to go now we'll keep it there you're being a control freak your egos being a control freak you're actually accessing what you actually are which is the space that'll collect it for you that'll just love it so tomorrow before you come here if you do this tomorrow you will be a part of a whole new collective of people that all did this in this entire room will move so much freer because we'll all be have released a little bit more of us and you don't need to release the whole thing it never is all the way gone I find new crap every day but I also am getting to express higher and faster and freer I'm having so much more I had a blast at the January event I'm having more fun at this one because I'm three months later and I'm just even freer and I'm just enjoying my life it's really a weird concept to just enjoy your life why don't we enjoy it's try to try instead of trying to figure out how to do it right you don't go into a roller coaster going how was this built I got to figure out the right way to sit you enjoy the ride this is a ride and it's so freakin fun so are you guys willing raise your hand if you're willing to do this exercise tomorrow before you come in well that would be amazing and you'd be giving a huge gift to the world so give yourselves a round of applause for that first of all give everyone else a round of applause for that you you
Channel: Kyle Cease
Views: 192,230
Rating: 4.9225154 out of 5
Id: ppCmAGHiquc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 0sec (1500 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 13 2016
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