Creating In Horrifying Times - Kyle Cease & JP Sears

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i look at fear like fear is the the feeling the fears the flames of the phoenix that burns away who you're not so the miracle of who you are can arise and if you're not feeling the fear it means you don't have the flames which means who you are not is not getting burped away so i i love to just have that frame of like okay cool i'm feeling fear like that's not comfortable it's not supposed to be but that's the flames helping burn away who i'm not so the phoenix can arise the miracle of who i am now not who i remembered myself to be but who i am now can arise and i think that's something we can all work with if if it fits i don't think people know how huge that is i mean that was so big in fact if we make this a youtube video that's the preview clip it comes right on the top in fact me saying that's the preview clip is the next part of the preview clip in fact then we'll run it from there till the end and start the video ladies and gentlemen it's my dear friend jp sears everybody hey everybody i hope that your intro was close um to the script you gave me it was and you're still on the correct script that i gave you so yeah it's awesome we're going through the motions and all this here is scripted too indeed and me saying this about uh the validation that is scripted is also scripted and me saying this about it yeah even me reading me saying this about scripted and this is scripted too yeah and my favorite part of this script is the part that says just kidding none of this is scripted right which i haven't read yet yeah well there it is i have my scripts in different places me too i i hid mine in my brain yeah that's cool rising in the present moment like i read it when the elon musk yeah that's i am i am thank you dude so it's so fun to be here with you brother and this whole community uh um screw whatever you were about to say kyle oh well it wasn't it was just gonna start looking like i had something to say i just want to share it was three years ago i had to a chance to attend evolving out loud and i think it was like the one of the big theaters in la yeah i mean sold out for the weekend like just so many like 1500 1600 people there and just the evolving out loud community was just like my heart is still warmed by that experience three years ago and i know that's the caliber of people that are on here so i just want to just share with everybody thank you for welcoming me tonight no man when you came to that it was such an honor i kind of felt like i was just bragging bringing you on the stage i feel like i'm showing off now like i know this guy i think that um you know there is such a unique brilliant voice you've created and you have you know so many people have been impacted by your work and um i'm just so proud of you because i got to know you as that was still building and now it's just it's so big i mean the stuff you're saying is so big and it's so good and um i don't know i just i just i love i love you and i'm very thankful to have you here and there's so much i also want to ask you about um as far as you know how how you're feeling in this time how you're feeling creatively how you know talk to me about a lot of people don't know um right like recently jp made a video that was incredible and made some really big points um and it got pulled right and i can feel that one of the things that happened was they didn't know what they were messing with like it was almost like we just watched it was like a a matrixy moment where it's like jp was like watch me and you can just feel now i don't care what you say and i feel like there's some new aspect of you that and i mean this in a great way that like is moving from some i have nothing to lose i am going to go all out i'm standing for my truth i'm creating on the highest it am i hitting anything do you want to comment on that and what your emotional journey's been through this completely inaccurate i felt like the biggest no yeah the that reads me really well and and i know i'm not the only one in this community right now having that vibe of like man something's really been awakened in me ironically during this time of awakening that we're in and you know i can certainly speak a little bit to my unique version of that um and i think it's common ground so like what's your version but you know in what was it probably like the beginning of april the my fearful state about you know disease and people like human connection is deadly my fear about that was gone and and you know i i love to be in touch with what's my body say what's my gut say what's my heart say what's my intuition say and you know i don't know what the truth of any situation is but i i know what feels like to me because i i trust my body when i'm in tune with it so you know hearing all the things like you should be afraid of this and you should do this i'm like well i guess i'm failing because i'm not afraid like that actually feels like based on my truth meter and that calibrated me in with like a bigger truth that was asking to live through me there in in the springtime and and i always the past few years i've really felt on purpose but now it's like on purpose squared you know instead of like oh calling out the spiritual ego and the uh our communities now it's like oh this is like actually standing for something different it feels bigger to me and that brought up a fear in me of like well geez like i've never gone there before with my audience um what i've been doing like now it feels like it would be playing it safe if i kept rehashing in that territory but it it felt important to me to go there so i went there and just started sharing my perspectives through the language of comedy about what i thought was fear-mongering and things happening that weren't in people's best interests and you know that came from my internal relationship with like oh wow this thing that this thing's asking me to you know give it birth and i'll share with you before i get to the the censoring part i'll share with you my brain was telling me like oh like ah like me being aligned with my truth to a greater degree it feels like i'm gonna lose my audience or part of it like oh and but i'm like well cool i have to do what i have to do anyway and a weird thing happened like my audience has actually never grown more during a period of time it's really just exponentiated and i mean there's weird like oh i guess my brain was wrong that's odd uh and that that also taught me that so many other people out there are looking to give birth to a bigger truth in their life or else there's no way they'd be attracted to me as i embody that energy and then you know lastly you know uh probably a month ago maybe six weeks ago or so at this point um you know youtube censored me and then facebook censored me took down a couple videos that i did and you know funny thing about truth at least my individual truth that the truth wants to be expressed so when that's not happening it it there there was something awakened in me even more like the hornet's nest was kicked and that that made me like awaken to an even bigger truth that i stand for now it's like freedom from fear freedom of speech and really i think that yes globally yet individually it's like jesus how many of us are censoring ourselves how how many of us you know are our uh you know indoctrinated to our own fearful stories and living conscripted lives and house arrest within ourselves having to conform to what we tell ourselves we're supposed to be and it's like man like i know i do that a lot and i i don't think i'm the only one and and so i think my passion to honor my voice my passion to honor my individuality is being reflected in my um you know my work as of late where i'm certainly inviting people to wake up to their version of living beyond the fear and living beyond their own self-imposed censoring and draconian self holocaustic crap that we do to ourselves too much don't you think like that almost almost implies i mean this is something that sure shows up for me that almost implies that as we lived in our own prison that we voluntarily kept i know that when we're kids it was put on us but then that was our habit that was our you know thing that we were actually almost asking for this as the mirror of that it's almost like we're saying hey we're moving like prisoners please match this yeah right yeah what what a gift as long as we pay attention and realize what you just said like this is not only happening for us but it's happening by us because like that's what we're doing to ourselves and of course i think the gift will certainly feel like a curse if we don't have the courage to act on it and have the personal ownership of owning and waking up to live beyond the fearful states that we've lived in and you know i know everybody online here we we've all worked hard to awaken parts of ourselves and those parts need to be celebrated they deserve that and i think we also have other parts of us yet to be integrated into ourselves and luckily we have enough awakened parts that they can go in and rescue the other parts that are still sitting in the coffin of their comfort zones that they've been consenting to wow i actually wonder too i always kind of play with the level that we need to wake up as a collective or will it match actually literally me or for you literally you like as you move this way and you actually activate your full i mean you're activating a whole new level of you and you're activating you know every part of that you can that you know of right now like there seems to be no holding back does the world start to feel safer to you and do you actually see evidence of some of those old control structures that seem to be around you that you would have perceived that you don't have control of falling anyway do you understand what i'm asking yeah indeed and yes like for ironically it feels safer to the deeper i go into what you know a few moments ago a few months ago felt like dangerous territory the more i go there the safer it feels which to me kind of like i anchor that my self with like the sense of like the more i'm willing to risk being myself the more i'm willing to risk what feels like death the safer i am and the more i can live uh and i i think things are a paradox i think the most dangerous place is our comfort zone ironically it feels safest and you know kind of like the the person always on the verge of death living in the alley with a needle on their arm that feels super safe to them and they we can look at and say well that's it's actually really dangerous that comfort zone you've constructed and even though it's not necessarily that it's like are even just sitting and and not activating your in in the name of safety it's like almost the voice that says that would be dangerous when you don't say yes to the thing and you retract you're in more danger it's almost like you have this awareness of a freer world of an exciting world an expansive world and you've chosen not to follow it out of the the calling of safety and the ironic thing is how much more dangerous it is it almost feels like the part that had the fear once you said yes to the highest dissolved because you are in a world where this would be scary because it's a forward move but once you live in it it's not a forward move it's you yeah right and so every time we say yes to that calling and not we gotta be care so and the ironic thing is so then the more we live out of safety we're actually making ourselves sicker we're making ourselves you know smaller we're making ourselves lose our creativity we're living our life looking for what could go wrong we're actually asking for the thing energetically yeah wouldn't it be funny if a butthole was sitting there saying like dude it is not safe to poop like to to like open up to let something come through like that's just that's not safe like let's just clamp down let's just be like this we that creates a very dangerous situation inside right but right then or key tomorrow you know that's the best time to do it yeah and then you keep not doing it and it's more painful yeah yeah but you know i i and i love your your wisdom kyle and i just i mean screw everybody else i want to say this for my own therapy to anchor it the the me that i've allowed myself to become these past few months the the me that's living in territory that jp of march would say like oh dude doing that that's dangerous but yeah this jp actually feels the the safest most secure i've ever felt and it's not the like you know that kind of safety it's more the safety that comes from being integrated and being ourselves it's like what if being ourselves was the safest thing we could ever do and not being ourselves was the most dangerous thing we could ever do to ourselves and how ironic to be like when i had my circumstances the way i wanted it a year ago i was i was comfortable but i wasn't myself as nearly as much as now it's like life didn't need to be so cutting edge so i didn't have to know i could just kind of live in my circumstances enough i could constantly be sitting looking into the future oh i got that thing coming up i have my comfort and it's like if we take the comfort away you get to this place i've always thought to myself the power of having nothing to lose yeah you know and a great example not to get too political but i i almost feel like when i see politicians like last year no matter who you feel politically i just remember the democratic debates and i there were some that you knew were just there with nothing to lose like marion williamson or tulsi or andrew yang i feel like had kind of nothing to lose and then there were the people that you could tell were bought by you know they were just back door deals and the people with nothing to lose are going up and motivated and have this place to move towards and the people with something to lose are much more in the frequency of what will i lose yeah and so there was much more structure and strategy and no calling and no soul and no like passion and and when you move from a place of understanding there's nothing to lose and and that doesn't mean you know don't don't keep your family safe don't whatever but but allow the detachments of of things it the the attachments of things to break off and find the greatest version of you yeah and watch how much life matches this power it really feels like this incredible mirror view and and i i feel like i mean i saw that when so you had a first video that got censored and then like it was just like and that and by the way you demonstrated for me an overall feeling of like the world moving this way like it was just like oh they're gonna take some things away watch me and i was just thinking like what if what if even 10 of the world started feeling the fear of something that was normal to them being taken away and it awoken this thing yeah you know like you kind of showed that i was like i haven't seen jp move i haven't seen anyone move like jp's moving now when i get censored it's just like huh like okay now i feel more aligned with my truth like it feels like actually affirmation like oh yeah jp that like that you were so aligned with your truth it was too much for whatever vibration needs to censor stuff um yeah so it's kind of cool and the other cool thing is like you know relative to who and what i was before um i'm i'm uncensored myself and it well like when that happens like it's oddly enough even though like i do have like a warrior passion like freedom from fear freedom of speech but oddly enough it it actually kind of it's okay when youtube facebook censors me because they're not really censoring me because i'm not censoring me so that's more my reality that i get to live in and like going back to the wisdom you brought up it feels very secure living in a state where i i honor myself rather than censor myself so what what you're saying is the ironic twist is like before you were someone who had most of you but would have felt kind of fear or lack or whatever if they took your circumstances away but now you're in a place where you would actually feel much more connected to you and ironically don't care if your circumstances are taken away yes yeah indeed and i've shared before i'm not sure if i mentioned this to you but the idea of like you know continuing to speak the messages that want to live through me you know some people have said well you know jp dude you've built up like an online empire it's kind of cool that's how you earn your living and if that's taken away like you lose so much of your income and then you're doing live comedy shows but you can only do those because people know of you through the online stuff so like you could lose so much if you keep speaking your truth and you know my honest answer to that was like i would rather have to pick up cans on the side of the road to feed my family while honoring my truth rather than enslaving myself to you know like a constriction energy and and hopefully that doesn't happen yet the like i'm i'd be okay with that and i'm sure stressed if it came to it yet still okay with it so yeah the the willing to lose everything like man what what if that's the key that unlocks everything yeah and i and i love i love i mean could you imagine like if you had the choice between you are like you could apply that to everything you can apply that to money relationships and even like the fear of what people think of you because you imagine if you had the choice between you have most people totally loving you but deep inside you don't love yourself or you actually feel a love for yourself and everyone else hates you yeah what would you rather have like asking the audience that like what would you rather have if you had the choice between you actually feel a connection to yourself and source and everyone on the planet hates you but you only feel loved like you've never felt it and you're almost in the state that because you're so connected to yourself you feel an actual oblivion and the actual alignment of what your truth is that actually you have nothing what those people think of you has nothing to do with you this is this is what i think this is partly what 2020 is offering some of us it's actually almost like the circumstances are closing in and you can either go down with the circumstances or you're going to have to pop out and and you're going to have to be free or you're going to have to just keep getting smaller and smaller and and more depressed and more out of alignment and and it's kind of incredible because you have this incredible opportunity right now that people are being okay here you go here you go where you're just gonna have warrior after warrior and then you start to see someone move like jp and someone move like our friend mickey and someone move like these other people that are in their truth so deeply and now we have a higher bar of what's available while we have a higher need to get there because the living situation as it used to be isn't movable anymore it's not functional anymore it's like this is the most exciting time ever so there's a question here from james and his question is kyle and jp uh so we have to answer in unison um it would just do the script yeah yeah as you move into i would like to do it so in unison that it sounds like one person if you if you can do you can try i mean i want it to sound so good like it's one person like two speakers so we'll just hope we nail this uh kyle and jp as you move into your new story and being you i assume your old story gets triggered when that happens how do you feel those sensations of fear terror and doubt endure them and keep moving forward what has helped you through that crucial moment of letting those sensations be there without distracting yourself from them do you have an answer on that yeah first off thank you james and um kyle so well read and i also feel you speaking right now kyle as we are in unison and you know it sounds like the one voice of jp which is great you know for me uh i won't pretend like i'm batting 100 of like being on the ball with this you know i'm maybe batting 300 which is freaking awesome compared to what i used to do yeah and i'm probably even exaggerating that so i'm probably 150 i don't know which is so much better than i used to so for me uh when i'm on the ball um i do uh i call it a fff meditation feel my feelings and so just the time and space like i'll feel like okay anger let's not look at that as a problem to solve let's not look at that as something to make different let's not look at that as like an excuse to go into the future let me feel the feeling and um that's not sexy it's not complicated yet that's what's that simplicity is what's most helpful for me it's so it's that's so good i mean it's it's i actually to add to james's question i'll just say that i schedule a lot of time to have that like looked at like it's almost like a soul version of working out every day like whether it's having someone that's a space for me whether it's i just sit and do nothing for a long time and and just feel like there is a major it is so you would think during it how unnecessary this is but it is the most effective thing there is is to be with the feeling and not try to put what it means or where it came from or whatever that might come up naturally but to just sit there and feel like yeah and just keep letting yourself feel like and let yourself just be with sensations in your body you know one day i was i was feeling like a cave and i kept seeing for a couple days actually this like me coming out of a cave but i couldn't get out and i felt like my stomach felt like a cave and my you know the me inside it couldn't leave the cave and i just had to accept this cave that was there i just had to sit there and go i'm fine with a cave and it just felt like this thing that i couldn't break through it felt like this thing i couldn't get to the other side of and that i'm just here with a cave and there was probably four hours which felt like four years at the time of just being with this cave but the next day i felt so present i felt so here it was like there was no such thing as a cave it wasn't like i got to the other side of it it was like that was like a ghost in my body and i've identified it as not legit it's just a place i've so habitually run from through actions and and addictions and habits that that cave was what i was running from and the running from it was what gave it strength yeah right so like that's i think that there's magical synchronicities one thing i've said for years is when you let go of something the only reason you're stressed is your mind can measure what you will lose you can't see what you'll gain and and that applies to this right to be sitting here in pain and i'm like i i'm losing so much i'm losing my ability to look at my phone i'm losing my escape i'm losing my what's next and i'm just in hell but then all of a sudden i'm gaining this me that's bigger than that trap that's bigger than that cage and my usual pattern is feeling a cave and trying to break through it but the consciousness that's trying to break through it is the cave it's the same it's trying to break through itself right so when i activate and understand i'm the whole space and i i think that that's so partly like a benefit that i think part of the present thing and your triple f thing you're doing you're feeling your feelings is partly why we see you on youtube every day like i i think that's where your invincibility is coming from your your leaps you're saying no to what doesn't align and being there with your emotions until you realize you're a present space that's bigger than them a byproduct is genius coming out in those videos yeah you know what what it reminds me of is like the the phoenix rising and you know james you mentioned the sensations of fear i used to pretend that fear was like harmful but you know i've given myself permission to just mentally reframe it so i can actually look at when i'm feeling my feelings like it and understand i'm not diminishing but i'm actually enhancing so i i look at fear like fear is the the feeling the fears the flames of the phoenix that burns away who you're not so the miracle of who you are can arise and if you're not feeling the fear it means you don't have the flames which means who you are not is not getting burnt away so i i love to just have that frame of like okay cool i'm feeling fear like that's not comfortable it's not supposed to be but that's the flames helping burn away who i'm not so the phoenix can arise the miracle of who i am now not who i remembered myself to be but who i am now can arise and i think that's something we can all work with if if it fits i don't think people know how huge that is i mean that was so big in fact if we make this a youtube video that's the preview clip it comes right on the top in fact me saying that's the preview clip is the next part of the preview clip in fact then we'll run it from there till the end and start the video i i smell a lot of views on that yeah really hooking people in because what and what does that imply by the way here's something i hear the phoenix rising it burns away what you're not right does everyone feel that and what that means is if you recoil and you don't live in your highest and you don't live in your truth or you come up with why it won't work then what you're not stays there and it runs the do show hear what i'm saying the things that you're actually not that you're trying to birth through are actually the boss like if the if that that thing that's not you that could be burned away stays there it's actually in charge of you how would you like to be on a plane and have someone who is not the pilot run the plane drive the plane right right or that pilot as a five-year-old because it's your five-year-old that's running it yeah you know what i mean like it's making the decisions oh we shouldn't you know because i don't want to feel what i felt when i was younger right like that's the deciding factor is that's what has to be burnt through yeah so if we don't follow our highest and probably how we've lived primarily up until 2020 is the thing that it's like a snake skin that's trying to die and be shed is actually staying there and telling and running everything and telling the snake how to stay in the skin it's like i you don't belong on me anymore there's i can't not do a metaphor yeah not doing a metaphor is like a flower not blossoming [Music] you
Channel: Kyle Cease
Views: 24,967
Rating: 4.9078341 out of 5
Keywords: Evolving Out Loud, Kyle Cease, JP Sears, How do you, How do I, Consciousness, Comedy, Comedian, Funny videos, Viral videos, Yoga, Meditation, Spirituality, Inspiration, Inspiring videos, motivation, motivational videos, trump, biden, election, creativity, tesla, transformational speaker, motivational speaker, best video ever, love
Id: LqaiblHz4d8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 53sec (2033 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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