Kyle Cease - My most important and personal video for you

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day 78 you know from when I was 12 years old up until last August I worked my ass off and I created many things and did the comedy and I and I did my events and everything and the amount of results that I've had happen from August until now is 50 times what the results were of age 12 to August in other words 25 years and then in three months it just goes so 25 years and 25 years like this and then in three months just like I had 13,000 people following me on Facebook in August now I have an almost night by the time this video is up ninety two thousand and I don't care I'm not here measuring how many followers there are I'm just saying if there was a way to look at it through numbers I had five million views total up until August and now we're hitting around 40 million views so so that's literally just eight times the views then all of the work I had done until now and one thing that's happening is life is moving so quick now not just August until now but in the last three days that I'm still acclimating to how to communicate it to you because I'm still acclimating to how to communicate it to myself the things that happen to me are so fast and they're moving so quickly that everything I've ever been taught about how life works has got to dissolve to allow this to happen because there's so many times where you comes in and goes this is this is amazing this is too crazy this is too too magical that as I talk about what happened to my close friends it just looks insane it looks insane and the decisions that I made in August that got made it here felt crazy too because there was a leap that I took in August when we did our Advent in August what we had done up until the events in August was we we often would do my events and we would also offer at the end of the event if people wanted to work with me we would host these really incredible retreats and the retreats uh were like they'd come and work with me and seven other people and our entire team for like seven days and we pay for the food and lodging and everything and that would cost nine to ten thousand dollars and you know when we did our events at the beginning of last year there were 200 seat events we do our 200 seeders and then usually we'd offer that and ten to twenty percent of the room would want to get it so we do these retreats and it would be you know 10 to 20 people Sorby 100 to 200 thousand dollars raised um you know that was always put back into the company or circulated in a charity but what we were offering was I believe worth way way way more than that and you know people would get some massive life lessons and it was amazing and then when we did this last August event we realized well if we sell ten to twenty percent of the room here we will will be doing retreats all year and would you know be able to make good money for the company and do what's in service and we we'd be able to we were excited we're like we you know we'd probably sell 100 to 200 people this and when I did my event in August um what I was going to do was after the event go out and you know it was such a phenomenal event and go meet every person like over a thousand people right and go sit there and meet everybody and something in me said to not do it something in me said do not go meet the people because you need to learn something new and I went through this argument with my body my mind was like yeah but there's like two million dollars of work here there's impacting people there's you know that money could go towards the company it was just justifying and my body was like I don't want you to do this and at the time it was scary as hell because it was like shooting down the guarantee of ridiculously good money and a massive amount of work for the rest of the year and a great impact on all those people but my soul said I want you to leave I want you to not do this and I said and I could feel the two things when I thought about making all that money and stuff it was in my head and when I thought about what this calling is it was like trust me I got something bigger for you and so at the end of the event I told my team I'm not going out there and my team went and attempted to go out there and there was a thousand people that were amazing and wanted to tell their story and these people were trying to tell their story and the team just got overwhelmed because they were exhausted they had been working for like a month up until that event and all these people are wanting to tell their stories to them and so my team ended up just going we got it let's go to the back and we talked and one of my teammates oh we didn't sell any of the events and I was like thinking to myself we are about to become so enormous because I was thinking even the universe whatever you want to call it didn't want me to get this done and I'm supposed to do something so much bigger and it started dawning on me that I'm not here to affect eight people in a week that might get the message and might not I'm here to be in my space to affect millions of people a week and that night I found out that a lot of people were like I want to meet Kyle I want to meet Kyle after the event and and the team was like he's not coming out and some people so well that really makes me mad I want to meet him and then I went home and um I got like 800 emails from people there that all had a very strong almost all of them incredibly positive but like very strong opinion like you changed my life used this amazing thing and I was like you changed it you showed up you're leaping I'm just handing you tools that's so important to me when people say to me this change my life or whatever I'm like you did you're there's people that aren't watching this you're choosing to watch these things and you're the factor more than I am and so I got email after email of people obsessively being thankful which is very nice but it was a lot it was a lot to take in because I felt expectations with that like all this I got to respond to all these and I want to but there was an overwhelm and and then I would hear about the people that were like I want to meet Kyle and we're mad that I didn't come out and I realized there's a lot of people that have opinions of me right now that are very strong and it bothers me a little bit so the day after the event I noticed why does it bother me because there's a part of me that still wants to get loved a certain way and wants to feel connected and I need to connect with myself more on a level that can match and and make this pain dissolve so I need to let go of even more of the childhood me and I need to let go more of the part of me that needs the love to be a certain way or and the part of me that you know obviously if I care what these eight hundred people are saying I'm gonna have a hard time hitting you know my real service to the world and hitting Oprah level stuff right like just doing really big things so I the day after the August event I sat in the house and cried four hours and I felt like I was crying letting go of the childhood me a lot more the part of me that needs that love and as I cried I felt an iceberg of pain just break off of me and float away it was suddenly this dude that just was like if we had done those retreats all year I'd be at those retreats every day and not be able to actually tap into my deepest creativity I don't care if it was a hundred million dollars that's not what I'm here to do I'm here to tap into my deepest creativity so then I called my assistant dan and I told him to come out and come come make a video with me and Dan came out and we made the trailer from the Auguste event that you see the evolving out loud trailer the video of me and the theater and stuff and that trailer got 1.5 million views immediately and started selling tickets to the next event immediately when that trailer came out we noticed that on Facebook it had many many more views than on YouTube so we thought whoa Facebook's faster than YouTube so what if we take my videos that are already on YouTube and we just put them on Facebook so we took the video that people know is why people's opinions of you aren't real and we just put it on Facebook on September 4th and it got 23 million views and it sold out the event in January like that we have to do any effort it just sold it out 1,400 seats done my facebook following started skyrocketing and it felt like it was matching my alignment of willingness to be able to receive that so I needed to clear out this part of me that cared about what people thought of me and then once it was cleared out I was in more alignment to handle a massive amount of response and because now we get hundreds of emails every day and it's it's wonderful but it would have overwhelmed me in August so the universe didn't hand to me because I wasn't emotionally ready for it and I didn't I wasn't ready to put out for the universe that it was like no keep it safe let's just do retreats for eight people and have the guaranteed money and not quite live on this edge so I let go of that and now the success that has come in in the last three months has been unbelievable it has been the most extreme insane experience but it also hasn't been that weird because as I connect to myself it's normal for that to happen so then the the the we were offered so many things including getting the biggest agency in the world is suddenly booking us for personal appearances and they got us on Broadway we're in the heart of Broadway it's actually off Broadway but we got that like that was like I've been with them for like a week of working days and all of a sudden boom boom ba-ba-boom and we're talking two different big things about there's three different TV shows in the works right now and there's a book on the way and I'll tell you the specifics as that shows up - all of this has happened since August since I trusted that feeling and left and now since January first there's a new story that's happening for me that's like if if it was like this till August until this um January 1st is like and I'm going to tell you that story as it develops this week but the amount of things and the amount of things that I'm learning about myself and everything this world is yours if you listen to that calling if you are in something you don't want to be in and you are ready and you decide to leave you will not only be fine but your life will be better if you're with something you don't want to be in you're saying you don't trust that you're safe and when you say to yourself you don't trust it you're safe the universe responds or your self responds with protecting you you respond with fear and protection which doesn't protect you at all and the universe responds with making sure you're not safe if you're in a situation you don't want to be in and you want to leave know that it's fine and it will do the world a great service for you to listen to that calling because I promise you there is something waiting on the other side that so will be defined after you leave the thing you don't want and you will realize it had been what you've been asking for your entire life day 78 you
Channel: Kyle Cease
Views: 88,176
Rating: 4.8917813 out of 5
Id: -yN818-xszc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2016
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