A Guided Meditation

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hi people often ask me in emails and stuff like that if I do guided meditations if I both take them myself and do them and also if I offer them and up until tonight my answer has always been no and the reason is because when you're sitting with your eyes closed and you're connecting to yourself under a lot of the crap in your life and all the stuff that you're holding on to I believe there is a guide there's something that tells you what to do and if you listen to audio of someone telling you what to do like focus here or do this work or imagine this or whatever you start to make that guide your answer and you give your mind a job at a time that your mind needs to rest like steering your mind to this and focus on this and you know imagine this whatever is work for your mind and what I really love to do is sit and close my eyes and allow whatever comes up to come up and be a space to just let it be there and up until today I have not been even though I think guided meditation is way better than nothing I've not been someone who's been pushing for that or talked about that much but I do realize today that there was something I could say during a meditation it's be okay with whatever comes up be okay with what's coming up because a lot is coming up and we make the mistake when something comes up thinking that it's something that we should run from or thinking that it's something we need to fix sometimes something will come up you'll suddenly have an image in your childhood from something and you'll think what do I do with this what does this mean and I really believe a reason that these things are coming up is because they're leaving before that came up you might be moving as if that's a part of you you might feel upset about something you might feel angry or sad and you have all these different feelings and then at one point you'll realize you're looking at the angry feeling or the sad feeling versus being the sad you'll be looking at it and sometimes it might actually show you something or whatever and it's trying to leave you're the one looking at it and your job is to be okay with it and you might think I can't get rid of it that's okay you might think I'm confused and I'm like cool be okay with that you might think that doesn't make any sense what does this mean you don't need to figure out what it means just be okay with it being there what do I do with this nothing just let it be there so I run from it no so I avoid it no you're giving yourself an assignment when you're really just the space that this is showing up in be okay with it so notice even when I say that all these questions might show up in your mind and just be okay with the questions being there I don't get this cool I don't understand cool I'm confused great be okay with confusion what do I do now nothing just be okay be okay with your I don't get it be okay with you be okay with yeah but now I'm feeling really sad great yeah but now I want to do this cool are you okay with that it wants to do this that doesn't mean do what it wants to do that means are you okay with that it wants to do that you are the space looking at it none of these things have to be what you do they can just show up and when you're truly okay with something it will leave and you will expand yourself to a place where you're okay with more and that doesn't mean you tolerate more that means you're a bigger space of connection and what you're not is leaving sometimes it'll leave through seeing it sometimes it leaves through emotions and sometimes it doesn't leave and then you be okay with that so just walk around with this pain all day yes and when you finally walk around with that pain and you're okay with that pain and you realize your capacity is bigger than you thought that you don't have to run from something that something's coming up and you're now someone that can handle that and then it comes up and you go I'm okay I'm confused now you can handle confusion and then you go who's confused this old me that thinks that I have to find an answer whenever I don't understand something you might feel abandoned by something you might feel unseen for a second and you get okay with feeling unseen and then you realize you're seeing the unseen you and you move out of being the person that doesn't feel seen and into the space that sees the unseen but this isn't something that you can bypass with your mind you have to make space make time and be quiet and listen so I'd like to offer you right now my guided meditation and remember that my belief and my thought and my offer and you do what you want with this and I always say it's my belief this is what I do this is what really changes my life every time is knowing I'm okay with it because stuff gets stuck when it's coming up because we're not okay with it it's that active learning I got to go fix this that makes it stay there it's almost like imagine if a dentist pulled an old filling out of your mouth you're gonna see it when it's on its way out you don't have to do anything it's all it's taking care of it and the universe our life wants to do surgery on you and it's just gonna pull stuff up and you're just gonna let it like you're on an operating table but if the dentist pulled that filling out and on the way out you grabbed it and went what does this mean what do I do you're now keeping it you're now keeping it so your job is to let let every emotion that wants to come up come up because none of these things that are coming up are bigger than what you are they can seem bigger because you might trick yourself into thinking you're the small story that can't handle this but by connecting to your body and being patient and letting these things come up and letting these things be there you prove to yourself you're the space that these things are showing up in you're the space that's bigger than those things you're the the space that looks at those things you're the space that observes those things so I like to do this for at least a couple hours a day I've done it for a couple of years now my entire life has changed my relationships have changed my friendships have changed my career has changed and I want to offer you the opportunity to experience this so if you'd like to join me in this sit in a position that's comfortable but not something that you'd fall asleep in like you might not want to rest your head against a pillow but you don't have to get all strict on yourself and sit in a certain position you don't have to do this you don't have to wear a bunch of beads you can totally awesome if you want to but this is much more about just sitting than the other style of guided meditation what I like to do is sit and just listen to silence and always work I'm just offering my way so you sit in a position that feels comfortable but not something that will make you fall asleep and put your feet flat on the floor and just take a deep breath and just be with notice all the thoughts that start to come up my am I gonna do this right am I even gonna do this this is crazy I saw how long this video is is he really gonna go that long who's talking and who's judging this am I gonna do this right who's doing that who's asking who's scared so whatever comes out I imagine that's the little you that thinks there's a right or wrong way to do something that thinks there's somewhere else to get to other than right here and feel compassion for that little you and every time you feel something that comes up that feels painful feel compassion and feel through that feeling something might feel stuck something I feel emotional and your job is to feel it so take another deep breath and close your eyes and we're just going to go deeper and notice but don't fix be with just observe whatever comes up it's okay let it be there you might have a thought like it's not working for me what does that mean how does something work if you get rid of it don't try to get rid of it whatever stuckness you might feel it's okay observe the stuckness and if you catch yourself judging it'd be okay with that it's okay that you're judging it every seconds a new second for you to be okay with what is whatever you're feeling is perfect even the most stuck or excited or sad or angry it's perfect because even when it doesn't look like it's moving towards something it is but know that it's perfect even when it's not where you think it should be without understanding it wherever you are right now whatever is coming up it's perfect at one point - if you want you can notice the things that are happening right now if that calls to you notice that your hearts beating and that you're breathing these are things that are happening right now and instead of thinking of what the thoughts are saying just notice that right now you have thoughts notice that whether you perceive it as good or bad what you're feeling that you're feeling deeper whatever you feeling right now has been buried inside of you so you might be releasing it I might be showing up now because you're creating a capacity to handle that you're creating an opening you're not distracting yourself right now you're creating a portal you might notice that the voice that was asking questions might be a little bit quieter right now you might still hear the questions but it might be might be a little bit quieter and the silence that you're hearing might be a little bit louder take maybe 30 more seconds I just appreciate that you took this time to do this and if you feel like going longer please please do because it gets exponentially better know that the farther you go and the more you become okay with the things that feel hard and challenging you will also feel little callings show up little insights little ideas little next steps if one shows up feel free to listen to that and then if you stay in it you might find even a better one or a faster one or something that really excites you take in that I'm honored that we got to do this together take in that I feel that every time someone does this and works towards themselves and does the center work and clears out some stuff and feels connected to themselves they're making the world better know that a lot of the benefits will show up after doing this this is like being at the gym you're feeling resistance when you do this but when you when you stop for the day you'll notice all kinds of different things showing up you'll feel better you've now seen the triggered you a little bit and felt compassion for the little you so now you can do that for other people someone comes up to you and they're a little kid and you can see it they don't trigger your little kid as much because you're connected to that little kid and loving it so you'll be able to hold the space for other people when you do this work and help them see themselves by you seeing the truth them think of the depth of how much more you're listening to your body and how much closer you are to it and how differently you would would act if you are really connected to your body you might not feed it toxic stuff and might not stress as much it might breathe deeper feel free to breathe deeper your body needs oxygen maybe after this you might want to drink a lot of water hydrate yourself do something creative something that can further your expansion versus give your small story permission to go back expand yourself by being with this thing that knows how to make a plant blossom or grow your hair or your fingernails something is doing that you can connect to that energy it just wants to create through you and just by doing this you're making yourself receptive and untying all these addictions in your head keep feeling that feel the gratitude for the fact that you're doing this work and that you get to know this you get to be someone on this planet who has awareness and gets to live really very fully let's use that let's let's let's appreciate that and let's bring that to the world you don't have to stress the same way when you know this feel that oxygen going into your lungs and into your body and into your bloodstream feel grateful that we live on this planet that is planting trees itself it's creating trees so that you can breathe it's creating water so that you can be hydrated feel connected to this earth that's your source of life feel gratitude towards your body for giving you so many amazing things your ears can help you hear incredible songs and someone laughing and your eyes for showing you the most beautiful sights and your body does all these different things and it doesn't ask for anything in return and we just kick its butt all the time with stress and alcohol and addictions because we're trying to get love out here versus in here be the love that you're chasing bring that love to the world you don't need permission to be you you are the permission you don't need anyone's approval you are the approval connect to this fall in love with this being that you are and let me ask you what would life be like if you actively connected to this for a couple hours a day at least an hour a day how different would your life be how differently would you move how fulfilled would you feel how how much of a space would you be for others how relaxed would you be how much less stress would you give your body how much how much healthier would you be from here what kind of food would this person he what what kind of place would you live in what would you let go of would you donate some stuff would you let go of things that don't align with you what if you did that for a while a hundred days of this well what how different would your life be I want you to know how thankful I am that you're doing this I'm honored to be with you tonight or today for you whenever you are watching this or doing the work I just want to thank you for doing this work with me I'm honored to be on this planet with you even if I don't know you personally the world needs this whenever you feel ready feel free to open your eyes and pay attention today to how much fuller things feel how much less of a hurry you're gonna be in how connected you are how much you might see a deeper essence in other people I'm gonna let you go here but I want to offer you to keep going if you want to keep going you're doing the most work for the world you can by doing this work you're accessing higher channels you're accessing a higher you that can do more things that can bring more to the world that can heal the planet so feel free to go another hour or two or for whatever you want even if it's just this that's awesome thank you for doing this and know that this video is available every day any time if you feel overwhelmed or you feel like going to a new place in yourself this video is always here I'd love to hear or read in the comments any thing you might have experienced or are realizing about yourself from doing this work have an amazing day
Channel: Kyle Cease
Views: 125,562
Rating: 4.9037595 out of 5
Keywords: Kyle Cease, Evolving Out Loud, guided meditation, self-connection, inner wisdom, your own answers, heal the world, stress relief, find the answer
Id: EMFpl-6zqUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 53sec (2633 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2018
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