Kyle Cease - You're Only Manipulating Yourself

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I keep studying and studying and studying I'm a journalist student where are you studying well like when you say I keep studying where I keep starting with Deepak Chopra the host well with external research they're not with an Tony Robbins with him Derek Johnson Danny Johnson dr. Christian and I love I mean I make understand I love Jesus I think it's God isn't always great but no he's great that's true but I know very religious person but I love to put God first and well let's talk about this why don't you come up here would you come up here give her a round of applause he'd come up and say okay okay what you said was fascinating to me and this is something that we all do but she said I'm trying to figure out what I want with my life and I'm researching like crazy and I'm researching outside of me like crazy I'm here because I want you to understand that there's an internal research you can do that is so much bigger because all this event everything I've done in my life all the amazing things happen from researching in here external just kind of is like the pole in pole vaulting you need it to get up into the air and then eventually you have to let go of it because I know a lot of people who go to seminars and hear how great life can be and they use that as just enough to not really access the thing that they actually are so this events going to be different because you're going to actually access you and it's gonna be scary for about 12 seconds and then you're going to feel a freedom that's so much bigger but everyone's just scared to feel into that thing for just a few seconds right so what if we did a different thing this time what if we researched in you what you want sounds good to me does that sound exciting yes that was my intention because I really have taken so many courses and I said I want a real transformation because when I found you by Facebook I guess I saw I think Facebook's wonderful I thought that tickets very wise it I just want to go and be there because I want experience in media transform Asia and and I have been through see the comic in me spots the BS and everything so I still love to call BS on stuff even in the transformational field right because what I've discovered is in the comedy world often there's a calling out the BS on everything and we often forget to call out BS on our own doubts right so there's a lot of cynicism that I came from but at one point I realized whoa we're really infinite but then I went to the transformational world and everyone stopped shaving their armpits and they give you the long stare like I love everybody and it's really great but you know the long stare when you talk to someone and you say anything like yeah I gotta pee and they're like mmm and you realize they didn't hear a word you're saying they just want you to see how good they are at staring that's what that is mm thank you this crystal okay so like and that's great that's really great but it blows my mind how much power we give to everything but ourselves we give power to the crystal or the moon sign or mercury retrograde or the sign that's outside of you or your fear your fear do you know what your fear is your fear is when you think something you create your own thought that's what fear is and then you totally forget you created it and it freaks you out so you create out of your creation what if they don't like me ooh then you freak out that's like drawing a picture of a monster and putting it on your wall and freaking out every night before you go to bed you created those thoughts right so we love to give power to everyone outside of us and she is under the illusion that the information that can come out of those other speakers including me is bigger than what she can do and that's the illusion right that other speakers and other people are in a higher place and can tell me better what I can do and what always drives me nuts sometimes I'll do my events and I love it when I meet people after the event but very often they didn't get it and they'll come up to me and they'll go I loved what you said I totally get that I have all this power I have a question I have a roommate that's driving me nuts should I move out and and I'll think to myself this I'll think what do you hope I say and they go I hope you say yes then no of course your intuition has created this belief that there needs to be an unnecessary middleman that you check in with to confirm the feeling that you already feel right so for instance if you've ever had plans with someone and then you hope that they cancel have you ever done that because you're you want to cancel but for some reason and by the way they're thinking the same thing and then both of you go to dinner just hating each other and washing you at home watching Grey's Anatomy like you know what I mean like you're yeah so your intuition already knows so when you go and listen to Deepak Chopra he's just telling you what your intuition already knows is right maybe he's not even maybe it's like if you listen to this chakra you loved it right I don't know I wasn't the fetch Oprah because I have a study nutrition before and I knew that making mistakes there and people don't know right so I went today to talk with the manager and I told him why are you telling people decent isn't that that is not true and they say okay we is it's a long story to make it shorter they donate by the way when they said things that aren't true would you feel I feel I'm glad I know more than Dana I don't know why people they live manipulate they manipulate me so when those people manipulated you were in resistance to that yes I wasn't able assistant I said you don't say I'm gonna tell people because we're paying here to learn and this is wrong so you were mad yes and I thought oh you were in so you're in fight-or-flight vital flee because when you get mad your mind goes into a place of fight-or-flight yeah right so you can't access your infinite ideas because you're in war with what is that person was supposed to manipulate you know how I know because they did they manipulate unbelievable vulnerable right what were very vulnerable that's everyone's seeing what's going on right when you think about them manipulating yury feel mad right you're mad here no no no you bet you were right we're just like yeah they manipulate right just a second ago I suck when I say yeah yeah I didn't mean this I just mean here ya know we're killing this is amazing but this is really good so immediately how could she created her greatest if she's in resistance to what someone else is doing there's no way she can tap into her greatness because first she's already a war inside of herself with what someone else is doing now I'm as the comic and me that calls out BS there's many people in this new field of transformation that I see that are totally doing whatever they're doing and a lot of it doesn't align with what I want to do which is great it just gives me clarity on what I want but if I'm just sitting here mad about that I stay there with them and I don't access my apple tree could you imagine an apple tree going that trees making pairs and pairs tastes like and I just I'm going to sit here and access my apple tree but I would love to but first no more pears it's not fair that they're making pears now I'm not saying people think when I say accept it that I'm saying let's keep encouraging people to be manipulative or accept that you were you know being yelled at by that person that doesn't mean accept it and keep being with it that doesn't mean accept it and live with it that doesn't mean accept it and let it keep happening to you but if you first of all take that these people we're manipulating and you go and I love that doesn't mean you love it because you want them to keep doing it it means you love it because you're going to clear yourself inside your own head of what is happening because the first thing we have to do is get you out of the argument with what is does that make sense friends yeah so you don't like that do you know you have sin didn't it kind of look it yeah makes sense like that's what I was getting like yeah but he's a jerk you know this is awesome so you want it so so what do you think about that person that was manipulating I was thinking the people very poor neighbor but they're very vulnerable and they the people are vulnerable and they gave the people who has names because they wrote a book or whatever they believe even if it's true or no but they believe right so first of all what a gift you would be for the world because you have this gift in you that wants to be authentic for the world you have the clarity that you want to be authentic based on seeing that other thing that's happening is saying I don't want that but the more you're in resistance to it the more you're going to start being it believe it or not because we only actually get mad about things that are what we do if I said to you you're a 70 year old man wouldn't be where if she's like actually I am like that'd be weird but if I ask that if I said that about you would you get in resistance I go no I'm not or would you just think I'm crazy you're crazy right it doesn't trigger you because you're only triggered by the parts of you that you don't like right you only care about things that actually affect you and that are more like you so there's a part of you in the past that maybe told a little white lie or did something that you didn't like that was you felt manipulative whether it not even for money but just to a person or something and there's a part of you that had that feeling is there anything true about that in the past have you ever a little bit manipulated or lie I mean I have like we all have right have you ever done that manipulator lie about anything prolly I don't remember right now but really you don't even have to yeah so but there's a reason why that matters to you so much right and there's something in her that she has this opportunity to clear out by just loving it but loving that part of her because you're deciding that someone else in this field shouldn't be doing that now if we could get to a place where you loved that they're doing it doesn't mean you're going to work with them there's a difference right I'm not saying really get that in in that I'm not saying accept them so that you can keep having it but notice how many things that are happening in the world that you're at war with and if you're at war with it you can't access your heart because your mind has to fight-or-flight take care of this thing that it perceives to be as the emergency in your life that's why it's in fight-or-flight it's saying I'm in resistance this fight-or-flight was designed if a tiger was to jump out your your body gets sweaty as a defense mechanism makes it slippery and your blood gets thicker so that if it cuts you open it doesn't come out all over the place is what I actually read somewhere back when I did research externally and but these things so if you're thinking about something you don't like your mind is giving your body small doses of fight or flight that's what stress is it's thinking a little bit and it's in a little bit of an emergency so it's thinking that one person said that about me and it's thinking about it and it's in resistance to itself and it can't access your infinite creativity because first you're at war with what is but if we could get you to fall in love with everything that is there is a gift that's under that and you wouldn't have to research external anymore by the way the money that you'll make you'll save right off the bat by not going to all they give me all the answer events because that can be an addiction right it can be done totally an addiction to stop ourselves from doing it you know we as a society have made it obvious that drugs and alcohol are an addiction but so is everything else that isn't your infinite creativity you giving your gift if you're not it's cuz you're in an addiction I promise up until this year I was in a very clear addiction of just what people think of me I did the August event thinking of all the approval that I would get and all of the different you know love that I would get and all the different people that would tell me good job and I'd be this little boy stuck in an addiction and not tap into something that's even greater right now because I feel better because I'm accessing my heart even more right so we're in different addictions all the time the addiction to approval the addiction to TV the addiction to you know external love a couple that you think this person completes me don't leave me your job there's different addictions that we have all the time right so if you're in an addiction your mind is often in a fight-or-flight if it's in resistance to what is yeah look yes looking for the true yeah so could we get you to a place where we talk about these people that manipulate it and that and I'm curious what would happen if you just that they did because that's their process by the way the people that went to that event they need to be manipulated so that they learn something funny right so why are you gonna stop them from their low no okay one of the biggest things we do is we love to stop people from hitting their own low when meanwhile almost every one of us knows Arlo was the biggest thing that happened to us to get us to come here right am I right on that for some you milos I had two huge lows of my life one time I was suicidal anxiety ridden as a comic and ice created stage fright and I thought who I was was a comedian and I had to do all this change and I wouldn't have gone to an event I went to Tony Robbins event cuz I thought who I was was a comic and I was suicidal then I hit another low where all the comics were attacking me and I couldn't control it but if I hadn't had that I'd still be doing comedy only and not this but those lows had to happen so the dude that's manipulating and the people that are going to it have to go through those lows right maybe so what are you gonna say sorry I go off a lot no I'm just yet open to figure it out what is my my gig let's change let's change figure out okay cuz what part of your body figures out right so let's instead that was cool you were also it I want foot it if we have just a shot of just you all going brain I want to show that for the next effect it was really really cold looking brain like we should have after shots of me being like that's right the brain every one you'll have a glass of kool-aid under your chair like I want to create a video that scares all the doubters huh so when you want to figure out because your heart never figures out it knows do you think a tree is figuring out how to grow right you don't figure out right so let's end the idea of figuring out okay I want to be snuggly and what I really want okay now I have a question what if you weren't clear what if you just ask your legs up do ya like so many things what if you loved that you weren't clear okay that's sounds good how's that feel feel good right because think of the perfectionism in I want to be crystal clear how much worse would this event be I said it like it's already bad but like how bad would this event be how imagine this even worse than before wanting to be clear is a perfectionism mind thing that's a mind thing wants to be clear right what is that clear what what would that clarity even look like when would you decide you're crystal clear what would that look like this crystal clear I can give my new business again because I know multitask like I used to be right I used to have many business at them in time very multitask right now I had to focus in one thing and so as a dream builder coach as a nutritionist as a business woman in real estate and many many things just focus in one thing right how can I have value to people how can I admire you so no from my ego right okay what if being crystal clear is your ego and what if saying I when I'm crystal clear I'll start my company is backwards right when are you crystal whenever you decided you're clear when are you clear when are you there what is there what does that even look like that thing that you get everything perfect did you notice it never ever is per ever gets there and you can keep waiting to be clear and perfect until finally you're dead right but Alan is because if I want to go to vacation one day mm-hmm where I'm going I don't know because I want one vacation one day but I want to be what I say I want to be in Paris in December okay so you want be more clear right then I know what steps to take I wanna back to Paris I I get what you're saying so you do you know when you need to go to the bathroom on Friday nope right your body just tells you when it's time right that's true so planning a trip to Paris in December yes what if you find out in November you hate Paris in November at least I have already all the savings on all the ideas were right what it costs to be so so I have a cute oldie so I have it can can I go a little longer I have a times up I don't even know we don't I don't know what you mean like I have a clock here and it just counts down it says times up I'm like for what this goes till 7:00 no we will take a break in a second but I do want to I do want to work on this for a minute so check this out so you want to be crystal clear and what that means is you're not crystal clear right now right no it's now my question to you is can you love that can you love that you're not crystal clear yes because I'm me Happy's free I love that my body's coughing like it's like no we do need a break right now what you say be happy is free so yes I cannot said that because there's a piece so what if you fell in love with totally not knowing I love that doesn't it sound cool sounds good right now that when used when you said that what did you feel in your body look at do you do you feel a difference in your body in your presence yes that means yes I feel like we're falling in love are we following work this is weird to say but it was really sexy all the sudden which is funny you're funny I tried to pull my up I asked was it over there and you get back oh you put my chair back right I know it's size right because I have that light in front of me it's it's my way of inching us behind the curtain so it'll be fun so so you're really fun by the way jutsu so this is a new idea isn't it falling in love with not knowing and what is what has anything shown up because all of a sudden your presence changed it did I felt a difference in her stance and her being did you notice her mind wasn't like possessing her as much do you guys know what I mean by that give her a round of applause just for that so so when we get obsessed with researching externally our mind starts training itself that external nose in our mind is the only thing that's tied to externally right but if you can understand I don't know and I love that that's one of the biggest things I would love for you guys to take away from this event I don't know and I love that I don't know I don't know what I'm going to say this weekend and if I did I would have been a control freak and said that no how it works is this person talks at this time this verse and talks at this time in fact if I had known and been crystal clear before the event I wouldn't have even known that anyone in this audience like you was a factor when I scheduled how this event was going to go does that make sense so had I scheduled the event I would have only done it from my limited perspective of what I know so far before I walked out here and I wouldn't have known that you were even in the audience and that you have this backstory and who you are and what you want to figure out so had I been crystal clear on this event I would have actually cut off all of the opportunities that show up in the moment the entire time right so being crystal clear implies your ego knows how it's going to go without bringing in all of the new external information if you're going to speak tomorrow night and you're going I got to come up with the right thing to say you're going to write this stuff down you're going to be in your head and you're going to not notice all the people around you at every coffee shop at every restaurant everyone sitting next to you every person in this room is an asset do you understand that that could help you take your business higher you could fall in love with like there's so many different things right but if I needed to know how it was gonna go before I'm first of all not trusting any of my own guidance I'm saying don't help me universe even though I say universe all the time right do you say the universe is gonna take care of me a lot you said why'd you ask me if I love my boyfriend am I dreaming no huh yeah actually yeah well that's coming up do you of course I do oh great is he here all right so but it's funny how much we want to be crystal clear and we claim that we believe the universe has us when really we cut it off by trying to be so crystal clear we try we totally cut off any and what we really say by our actions not our words is that I don't believe that I'm going to be taken care of I don't believe that I'm covered I don't believe that I'm safe so your job for the rest of this event and hopefully life is to start the process of falling in love with not knowing because that actually invites whatever the invisible force is the universe whatever you want to call it and you can hear this and be atheist by the way it doesn't matter in god universe whatever you want to call it what I'm talking about is that there's a story of you that thinks that you know how everything's going to go and her crystal clarity would only come from the past story of her the story of her in her childhood right the story of her from her past that's the only thing that can define what clear even means right because to us what's clear for her wouldn't be clear for us so it's her story the limited surviving self that wants to be clear right I swear to God you look 20 years younger you do you're sitting different doesn't she have a beautiful essence to her for real you do so well is true so what we're doing is we're really saying to the universe everyone who says universe and then they say stuff like I got to get it perfect you're actually saying I got this universe don't help me and the universe goes you got it you got it okay cool and then we start asking questions like how do I do this how do I take care of this or whatever that would be like getting a Best Buy salesman to come to your house to fix your computer and while he's trying to fix it you're sitting in between him and the computer going I don't know what to do and he's like just sit over there I got it I'm going to take care of you just sit there you're like who's staying awake through open-heart surgery like I don't know what you should pull out like you could do this if you meditate it's like the universe is like this open heart surgeon going in and taking out the old stories of you all you have to do is sit and wait that's all you have to do just allow yourself to wait and rest we're so scared of ourselves that we have to watch movies and all these things that are sabotaging ourselves because you're always going up no matter what you're always rising you're always evolving but what is a movie a lot of times but a story of a person that starts out normal everything goes to crap and then it comes back up to normal again right like taken as a movie where he's normal his daughter gets kidnapped he gets her back both the beginning they enter the same you wasted two hours he didn't evolve beyond himself in the movie so we learn life is you sabotage stuff you find the friends that are going to talk crap about you and you go after them more than the people who are a space for you the people who just love you we often avoid them because we go who is the most you know the most erred of the most I got to fix that problem and we keep lowering ourself down to the level of that problem versus noticing that there's friends and amazing people all over surrounding you that are a loving space but we avoid that because they're going to be fine so we go to where the problem is and we keep sabotaging ourselves by going on Facebook finding a problem finding our problems in our life complaining all day saying what's wrong earlier right so you're figuring out was you trying to put yourself in a place of lack because figuring out implies there's something wrong right and we know that's not true I can feel a total difference in you so what's your company again my company yeah I'm just a dream builder and just a dream builder but that's why I have to never heard that pitched that way dreambuilder i help people make millions and have the grace life ever yes because he says it's a system that works that it was but i is created by somebody very wise like Mary Morrison and I learn a lot of from them however whatever I want to create something in my own right that's fun yes 10t yes I want to I want to just tell you for the part of you that still needs a little permission outside of you yes yeah do that take a little bit of every because that is my she doesn't need me to get that permission but sometimes it's nice to hear one person go please do that don't do things the way other people told you to do it if I had I wouldn't be doing this because at first everyone thought it was crazy and no one knew I was talking about but you have a vision showing up in your body that no one else can see so of course they're naturally going to not support it because they don't feel what you're feeling right so I can tell you from my listening to my heart that it's actually completely never been wrong and if there's something that you feel you want to create you're going to let go of the how because the how is you in this limited space trying to create the entire vision and if you knew how your thing was going to go and then it happened it wouldn't be very exciting wouldn't it because you already saw from the beginning it was going to happen but life is actually way more fun than that the greatest thing that I could think of that could happen this weekend is nothing compared to what could happen if I don't try to create the vision of what's going to happen and be a control freak and say it has to go that way instead I just show up and I play I didn't know you were going to be here and you're such a gift for the audience and for me and for you right yeah give her a round of applause thank you yeah so to follow the heart to listen to the heart it'll just tell you the next step not the whole thing if you ever got on a road trip with someone who wants to know every direction first it's really annoying isn't it well that's what the universe feels when we do that it's like can we just have fun on the road I'll tell you the next direction a GPS just tells you in the next turn and it doesn't tell you the turn after that until you do the next turn so there's a thing that you just need to do next whether it's let go of something whether it's make that one commitment whether it's rent the cabin to write the book whether it's to meditate whether it's to fire someone whether it's to dump him there's there's decisions that in your life you want to let go of and here's how you know what it is does it feel heavy or does it feel light do I expand or do I feel contracted because when you do something that feels contracted you're saying you don't trust that you're taken care of and you stay in this place where you're putting too much effort in you know when I quit auditioning for TV shows and movies I started booking TV shows and movies there were suddenly producers in audiences because as I listened to what I wanted to do people were like oh we just love to have you and you just can book you can have the part so I just started getting offers for things because I wasn't trying to show up as cattle and try and do all this stuff that took too much ever I believe if it takes a ton of effort you're not supposed to do it it's life's supposed to be effortless and fun yes there's going to be things that if you want something you still got to go to the gym but what people do is they think well I got to build push resistance to get there and that'd be like thinking I want to get fit so I'm going to eat a bunch of candy so I can overcome it instead we just go move towards the feeling and let it unfold what magic it has for you versus you knowing what it is now right so let me ask you a question what is something in your life that scares you but you know you need to do it's a way a scale public speaking I've scared of public speaking yeah yeah so and let me ask you something what is the kind of stuff you talk about when you're in a one-on-one with someone is easier it's easier yeah right because your mind creates a story that what one person thinks about you isn't as important as what 1,400 people think about you right so that one person isn't as great what if what if the one person was Oprah awesome awesome yeah is that funny how all of our mind is wired differently does anyone hear that would be more scared to speak in front of Oprah alone than in front of this whole audience raise your hand so do you see how it's a belief because some people how about the opposite raise your hand if it's the opposite be more scared to speak in front of the audience is that fascinating so these are all beliefs in other words what I'm pointing out here is it's not a universal truth what you believe so you can take in that that's just your one belief based on how you've wired yourself in your entire life so you're scared of public speaking and if you were talking to one person because you realize this is just one person 1,400 times right people think a crowd is a crowd of people and they go onstage and they go hi today I'm going to talk no you're one person I know that I'm talking to one person there's several one person but you're one person and that's why I'm talking like we're just talking at a restaurant right and by the way two restaurant you have two hours of content because you're not trying you have a conversation right so you're scared of public speaking because you believe that there's a job to be had that you have to do it the right way because you have to get something and you only want to get something because you can manipulate right it supposed to really see yeah you want to get something from the audience which is a manipulation yeah which is why you hate that that other guy manipulated so obviously you would rather him have manipulated in more of a subtle sly way like you have right so if she wants to if you're nervous that means you want to get something from the audience that's why she's scared of public speaking there's a big opportunity here for money for sales for new clients so I better do it the right way so I can get something which is manipulation so now what if we end the manipulation by loving that that part of you existed and instead going to a why you need to tell people about what your gift is and what you have to share and just give it totally without expecting one thing in return that is how I like to be yeah awesome yeah so tell me about what you do real quick and why it's so important in fact did you tell I'm gonna sit where you were sitting okay okay and feel free to stand up too if you want but tell us about I have you're by the way just so you know I have your journal here I want to snuggle with him that's so cool he's my private life so we're just going to do just like a minute but I'd love for you to just tell the audience about why what you have for them is so important versus thinking how if you think how your minds going to go how do I get but if you think why do I want them to know this I want people know that health is the first and wealth because if you are healthy you can be wealthy if you have a lot of money but you are not healthy it doesn't matter how much money you have so we have the air for free right now the water before was for free right now we have to buy water and we don't know that that's why people have to be aware about water so our body is 70% water and we don't realize how important is to know the quality of water that we put in our body this is one of the most important things in my part of my life is be aware about what sorry we were whispering at how good you are sorry it's coming right out of the speaker with you so we are there how important is to be aware about what you put in your body and especially water but who use water everybody just water is no healthy people or wealthy people or poor people everybody in this water and the fact that in North America we are buying a lot of bottles of water that is unnecessary and we are ruining the planet so you have to change your water to change the planet so get any filter let us be aware of that give a round of applause yeah but you were amazing you're amazing how beautiful was that so when did you notice when she went to a giving because you were in a giving right you were in a giving you needed this was when you're in this space you work for the universe you work for the planet you're not saying why your thing is the most important product that everyone needs to buy you're in service and you open up to giving this infinite gift that you're in service to the world right so that's available for you and realize the only reason you get nervous is because you're not playing big enough the only reason you're nervous is you're in the you as an individual how can I get that's the only reason and you're being called to move to total Universal Service and move to a place that helps people free themselves helps people get healthy helps people love themselves because Michael Beckwith said he's my favorite and he's spoken at past events Michael Beck has said he said when you work for the universe you're never unemployed and if you you did just work for the universe and you written out by the way do you still have a fear of public speaking yeah but what do you think about it now he sees just go on it sorry right and by the way she spoke about this long right what would happen had she kept going you're not going to but what would have happened if she got to an hour and a half or two hours or three hours she wouldn't even remembered she's on the stage it would have just been like being with a one-on-one client right so what I'd love to do is do you would you say your website again by the way for the the room so if you guys want to meet her or talk to her what is your website again my water mission that's calm my water mission calm yeah give her a round of applause so thank you for doing that yeah so yeah give her a round it oh here let me let me help you yeah I mean you you got it my friend thank you so much she's just taking the mic you want the piano too so what we're gonna do right now
Channel: Kyle Cease
Views: 309,661
Rating: 4.9098659 out of 5
Id: im_SmDVn1ZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 7sec (2227 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2016
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