6/19/19 - Kyle Cease - Global Truth Center Los Angeles

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[Music] you I was asked by Reverend James maybe a couple months ago maybe a month ago to come speak today for Father's Day which I can't tell you what an honor that is and then we actually flew in we went on a trip and then we flew in yesterday and were honored to be with Kevin last night and then actually we slept in Nora's room last night and this morning and felt her energy and saw pictures and just held that space and then this morning I think for a minute we forgot about it right we forgot what the truth was and we had a moment of off nests in just different ways to raise Vivian I think we forgot it was Father's Day we forgot all the great excuses we could have pulled up to not get in a disagreement for a second but there was just a moment where we each have a different past and had a different way discussing should vivvy watch TV right and of course we both have different backgrounds and we have different backgrounds we have different belief systems so a moment of a disagreement happened for a second not bad just a discussion happened and we started doing this work and there was a little bit of trying to figure it out and then just this realizing that Christi who checked with her if I could share this had realized that in her childhood her mom put her in front of the TV as a way maybe to not be with her and in my childhood I bonded with my parents with TV in fact that was the most present I could get my parents was through a movie or something right like they finally aren't distracted we finally are all together for me watching a movie is when my dad looks at me and we have a moment and we laugh like I can tell you anything about who's in every single 80s movie because that's what I was raised on and Christi had this other amazing way of being raised that showed her that TV meant maybe being ignored and so those characters came up as truths for a second and every time there's a disagreement in anything I know and sometimes we forget but I know that there's a truth under it that wants to be seen every time every time even you ask how do I do this you're you're implying that there's a wrong way you're implying that you could get hurt if you do it wrong anytime you ask a question that implies fixing you're saying you're in danger like there's so many little things we don't realize we're declaring and Christy and I both suddenly held a space and I realized Nora's presence held the space for us to be healed and true love let's go act out for a second the presence of Nora was in that room holding space for our egos to play characters and and come up with wanting to be seen because we aren't seeing ourselves and this energy of love is available in all of us it's this space that's here right now this space even though I get to be on stage and have a microphone I'm telling you the star of our lives is this space it's just the truth and if we really listen to it we get to hear all of the characters all of the little I think this or I'm scared that this or I'm fixing this or what I think is this and if you really just keep listening to the space it lets those fears come up and once those fears come up they're seen and once they're seen they no longer need to be acted out and every single disagreement every single fear is an opportunity to be seen every single trigger that shows up in us is this opportunity for us to see ourselves see most of us think well we have a trigger our job is to stop everyone else from triggering us we go up to people and go just so you know the way you're eating it reminds me of my dad how we hate when he was a kid so if you could not chew that way that'd be great I need everyone to revolve around my trigger so that I don't have to be reminded of that that's called narcissism ladies and gentlemen that's what narcissism is I need the world to revolve around how I don't have to face my stuff but you have this opportunity every single time you feel triggered every single time you feel off every single time you feel scared to go deeper and just go why do I think this should be different and I not only think that that happens with our partners and our friends and our parents and our kids it happens with everything in the world like everything going on in the world this sounds kind of crazy but there's so many things going on in the world that we want to change but first we should look at the trigger in us that says something should be different I'm not saying those things shouldn't be changed but we can't change it until we look at the trigger because we're at the same level of consciousness as the problem we're at the same resistance it's resisting resistance and that's going against other resistance so if you want to shift things going on in the world you actually can see how you have to shift yourself by bringing a new level of love to the trigger that's under it and that's the space that is held for us that's the space that's held by people that have transcended that's that's the space that's held by people that have transitioned that's the space held by my mom who passed away six weeks before vivvy was born my mom's number one goal was to be a grandma for the last 40 years and right before Vivi's born my mom passed away and that was when I had to live something that I've been teaching people for years and that's that nobody has ever broken your heart but they've broken your expectations and by breaking your expectations they got you closer to your heart see I had this plan that I was going to enjoy vivvy with the presence of my mom physically there and when my mom passed away the part of me that wanted my mom's approval also died the part of me that was needy and wanted mom to see me suddenly had no character to keep it alive and because my mom passed away when she passed away I got to cry that part of me out and become a stronger father for vivvy I got to be stronger now of course I would rather my mom be physically here but what I'm saying is we don't know the whole story and our ego is just something that thinks that it sees the whole story it thinks that the way that the world is should change to match the thing that we can't see but if we instead just hold a space for what in me yeah baby what in me thinks that you should change and I'm not saying we don't change people think so sit under the tree for the rest of my life no you'll sit under the tree and then you'll see something then you'll cry that thing out when you cry that thing out that's the release she's doing it to show you that's the release that's the release of what you were to make room for what you are every time you cry you think you're crying about the circumstance but you're actually saying goodbye to what you were to make room for more of what you are you think you're sad because you miss your ex but you're actually saying goodbye to the part of you that was with that ex you're saying goodbye to what you were because what you actually are from doing more and more work I'm actually finding it tangibly provable what you actually are what I'm discovering we actually are is this space think about it how yeah you're the space how many times have you believed something for sure and then you believed something else but you existed through both of them doesn't that mean you're not your beliefs how could you believe one thing fully and then later believes something completely the opposite and still exist through both of it that means you're not your beliefs so everything you believe right now might not be true even the belief so I'm not my beliefs as a belief so I'm just sitting here like I don't know what's going on there's no way your your body cuz it changes your body was at one time a five-year-old I'm watching her body change rapidly I had a little kids body then I had a big body then it got chubby then I got skinny then I got chubby again it's skinny now I've got all portions I got a little buff a little bit of fat and no legs I got all parts of the body here you look at this and go what does he do with the gym just the upper and then eat a doughnut and nothing here and then like he can't squat anything his pants or follow here's my butt like you can't what is this so there's there's no way that I'm my body because I can change it so why are you sure that you are are you sure that who you are as a mother and that's who you are are you sure that who you are as a father is that who you are maybe or maybe those are clothes we wear and you're just this moment and your infinite possibility your infinite change your infinite love yeah but my nervous system says that I'm this yeah that's your nervous system it just hasn't got to move based on what you know is true yet that's why when you say yes to that thing that excites you calms you and scares you at the same time that's the excitement of it moving forward the piece that you're moving into the oneness of what you are and the fear of the old story leaving the fear of the old story that says so I'm about to go everything when you meditate and you listen to science everything that comes up is coming up because it's leaving everything people always go every people meditating they go this thing's coming up for me I'm trying to figure it don't figure out anything just let it come up it's leaving it's leaving you're seeing it cuz it's on its way out you don't try to figure out every time you go to the bathroom what that came from you're not sir what does this mean my grandpa went to the bathroom like this maybe that no you don't have to go to a therapist and show him it for eight years you just you're the space that it's coming from see most people think they're the stuff in the your the but you're the space but it's coming out of but if you had never gone to the bathroom for forty years the first time would be really scary wouldn't it that's what feeling is and some people were taught not to feel so that first time where fear were in fear that weird the belief that's leaving you know if you go to a dentist and they pull out the old filling that no longer serves you you're gonna see it on the way out but could you imagine how much harder it be for the dentist to get rid of it if on the way out you went what does this mean what do I do with this he's like can you just let I'm throwing it out it's on the way out so everything that I find that comes up for me and my meditation is not me it's just leaving and it's leaving because it's seen by the space of what you are in fact the only thing that kept it there was your resistance to it because you had more to learn it had kept coming up because you kept running from it and that doesn't make it not true so if we sit in meditation and hold space for everything that comes if you don't have to find what needs to come up you don't have to fix what's coming up you don't have to do anything with it this space is like a surgeon if you make yourself receptive and you open your heart and you listen it's going to remove the parts of you that no longer serve you and you will feel a deeper connection than you've ever felt and from that space you'll see the love and all the chaos that's going on outside and then those things going on outside won't trigger you and then when they don't trigger you they'll be seen then they'll want to make the change because you're showing them the thing that they couldn't see that caused them to do all the controlling dangerous things in the first place so we're here to connect to this face and I've been so lucky and and Christy and Viviane died were so lucky to be able to do it in Nora's presence last night and then to forget for a minute we were in that presence and like feel embarrassed for a minute and sad and then realized that's what true love does the space says ego you get to even be under the illusion that you have a problem you get to be under the illusion that you're not loved that's how cool love is it gets to give you the game of thinking that you're not loved for a minute that you're not enough that's a game we get to play on this planet for a second and then we just listen to the space and have this amazing place and Reverend James and Kevin and these amazing people holding space to remind us what's true that's why we have to be here and we have to do things like go to nature nature moves in the way that is offering us an opportunity to move that same way if you think about a tree it just sprouts creates gives its gift and dies the societal human thinks it's here to hoard thinks it's here to not create thinks it's here to protect and stop things from from believing that are supposed to leave inside of us right then there's the universal human and that's what I believe the conscious is trying to shift us into the universal human someone that's not about hoarding because you have enough already in you an apple tree comes it goes boom I'm giving these to you you take what you want we give more the universal human just moving from a space of giving is not invested emotionally and what you're doing to the other trees when the other tree's are getting cut down it gives its gift bigger it goes I'm gonna love even bigger right now I'm gonna keep going versus going we got to change these trees it goes no I'm gonna hold space for what's real and my shift in my life has discovered that has has been too discover that we have this opportunity to connect with what's real this space right here is real the fact that you're having thoughts or fears right now is real I always do these talks and when I leave people always go that's great cow but what about the real world they always go I don't know what my time is a couple more minutes yeah people always say but times not real so we're going till Thursday so but people always say when I'm done with talks and I know Kevin you've experienced this and I know so many people that have lived this hear this that's great and all which is just means it's not great but what about the real world and I go what's the real word and they go that's when I leave here and I go back to my house and I sit on my couch and I realize yeah and then you fantasize about how everything's gonna fall apart you mean you sit at home and you come up with all the ways that you're gonna go broke the world's gonna fall apart the politicians are gonna ruin the planet how your mind comes up with all the horrifying scenarios that some of them aren't even happening most of them aren't even happening you what you define as the real world is actually a little bit delusional because what's really happening right now something's beating our heart right now and while we fantasize about how the world's gonna fall apart that thing's still beating your heart can you feel it and that thing beating your heart doesn't care how much money you have or don't have it doesn't care what they said about you it doesn't care about your past US doesn't care about everything you've decided that you have a right to not forgive yourself for which in itself is the most narcissistic thing ever to think you decide when you forgive something you're forgiven now you're just playing a game this space doesn't care about any of that it just is love so I want to show you guys one quick thing think of something that you've been scared of lately and we're gonna do it one last time because we're gonna hear what the truth is about this think about something you've been scared of I'm worried I'll go broke worried they won't like me and we're to lose my job I'm worried that think about something that you commonly worry about I'm just gonna ask you real quick if you can tell me where in your body when you think about that thing that you're worried about where in your body do you feel it anyone have a shoulders head knees and toes yeah check chest excellent throat now I want to point out I know there might be a couple of stomachs in there but isn't it interesting how almost everyone said something above the chest because when you're in your head you don't know that you have a body we're in our head because we're worried about what'll happen on the outside and when we do that we abuse our body we overeat we drink we do these different things we stress bring all these stress because we forget that this thing is here to connect to so when we worry you're in your head because you forget about your connection to the body your desire for connection is outside of you right I will be broke I won't be loved you might notice that some of the worries if you really research aren't even about the key worry like you might be worried you're gonna go broke to give an example a lot of people worry about money that's why I use that as an example but really it's that dad said you're not enough if you go broke or something like that so it's I won't be loved by dad is much more likely to worry something like that but now I want to offer you this there's a space that's beating your heart feel it right now and what I want to offer you is the opportunity to feel the space that's beating your heart and tell it internally about the thing you're worried about and actually listen to your heart's response to it like inside I'm worried that they won't like me I'm worried that it'll fall apart and lose the house and then or even something huge I'm worried I'll get sick I'm worried that whatever and watch as the heart answers it with a silence and maybe even some words and if you think something like I don't know if I'm doing it right tell that to the thing beating your heart and listen to what it says you whatever you got as a resistance or a fear tell that to the heart and experience what it says back and now check out the fact that the same thing beating your heart is beating mine so we're all connected everyone in the room is connected and even of the people we've experienced the belief that we've lost we old space and feel that energy beating our hearts we're still connected to them does anyone have a thing that it said did it give yes listen to me and I will never lead you astray even the belief there's an astray is fascinating fascinating isn't it there's an astray oh we just get to go of course for a second but that's perfect that's amazing who else had one yes that's impossible Oh like the bad thing that you're worried about excellent yeah looks like some judgemental heart that's impossible you're not that great oh yeah yeah hi everything will be okay awesome and that interesting you did that in 30 seconds of listening to your heart whatever it was you know you can listen to a song in four to five minutes this thing is right here we have to do a lot of work to ignore this you have to do a lot of iPhone you have to do a lot of CNN to ignore this thing this place is a place I love to call deep down because everyone when they have a problem they always kind of say the sentence in a passing way deep down I know everything's gonna be okay but here's the big problem I want to complain about all the time right look they're talking crap about me they're saying all this stuff deep down they know everything's fine but I'm really mad about the thing and we make deep down this place that we like it's like it's this summer home that we're looking in the window and then we go back live in the studio apartment with seven billion other people called stress Ville and everyone swellview yeah deep down is fine but what if you made deep down the place you live in what if you actually did some inner work listen to silence for a while because this is I started meditating two hours a day for the last four years I've definitely missed some days now but overall I've done quite a bit of days for years of listening to silence for two hours a day so deep down is just my home and I don't say anymore deep down I know everything's gonna be okay much more frequently I say everything's fine and the passing sentence is the problem so you're at like 95% everything's fine and every once in a while the little worry comes by and then leaves if we want to create a shift on this planet if we want to be better parents if we want to be better friends and partners the world is asking us to not just change our circumstances while living out of deep down it goes deep downs the new home not not the illusion of security not the belief that you have enough money or your relationships are locked solid so everything's perfect this relationship with deep down and you don't even say deep down anymore you just become that Mister Rogers Oprah that knowing you don't even say words like faith that much it's a knowing right you say faith but it really is knowing because I don't have faith that if I let go of this wallet it's gonna land I'm not gonna try and believe that I know what'll happen because I have enough evidence and eventually this deep down space will wall to wall give you evidence that you're fine and it just becomes a knowing doesn't that feel good so my dear to you is to this is empty that's how I know so much about being broke but my dear to you is to bring a new world in like a new world with yourself that's how we can all be and I mean this all the incredible fathers on Father's Day you know it's Father's Day because the rooms almost all women all the men are like I'm gonna stay home it's Father's Day not going to church it's an honor to be here and I want to say to Kevin happy Father's Day from a father to a father who loves you and feels your heart so big and it's so honored to be with you and Reverend James and such an honor to be with all of you happy Father's Day to all of you please please please don't just take this talk and hear it and feel mentally good enough and then go back to getting in your head this can be an addiction to distract you or it can be the access point to you becoming the work you aren't gonna believe how everything you're worried about will take care of himself all your financial security all your relationship security all your health everything is in this place everything so why don't we take one more second to breathe in release it feel this thing that's beating our heart feel the energy of everyone in here whether they're physically here or not physically in the body feeling Norah feeling my mom feeling vivvy feeling all of you and your relatives this is truth this is the real world welcome to the real world let's see what it wants to do with the rest of the planet it's an honor to be with you thank you for having me before thank you thank you so much thank you our good friend Kyle cease I want that he's brilliant isn't he he's really fantastic just amazing I want to let everyone know then this brilliant man has a brand new book coming out shortly yes a house so I want to it's important too to help promote this brilliant teaching go so go ahead well I did the math there's what 200 people in here something like that sure so if each of you by this is crazy each of you by a thousand like easy bestseller no no New York Times get out of the way exactly but tell us the name and one big publishing date so the book is called the illusion of money why chasing money is stopping you from receiving it and it of course is much more about you but we all think about money so frequently that I feel like that's a good Trojan horse to getting a lot of the public to go how do I this and that and I could learn about their heart do the inner work and accidentally they might as a side benefit make a bunch of money but fantastic and then we're gonna donate it and do things with it man that's right that energy of money coming back and one is coming out come with the house it comes out September 3rd it's on its you can pre-order it now fantastic and it'll be in bookstores everywhere and it's my second book actually your second book that's right I'm sorry and your first book is which is already out yeah it's called I hope the first one is that was a New York Times bestselling it's called I hope I screwed this up why falling in love with your fears what's my book called life falling in love with your fears will change the world how following it something like that I hope I screw this up it's all I don't know my work I don't know what I did what's your name so that it is him I mean he is a brilliant man and speaks again around the world so thank you so so much thank you for your time your talent and everybody happy Father's Day
Channel: Global Truth Center
Views: 7,419
Rating: 4.9396987 out of 5
Keywords: Global Truth Center, GTC, Rev. James Mellon, Religious Science, New Thought, Ernest Holmes, Live Stream, Love, Spirituality
Id: l-GBFCFaY2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 47sec (1787 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2019
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