MONEY: What do I do? - Kyle Cease

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[Music] the biggest problem i see that people have with money and the reason they're struggling to have it in their life is because they're attached to it like i i just want you to think about the idea of the stress that you feel when you think about money this idea that money is different than source this idea that money is this thing that's separate from you it's this thing that you have to overcome it's something that your ego deals with while your soul deals with everything else notice that whatever area you are struggling in whether it's your health whether it's your relationships whether it's money whatever it's the one area that you think i have to do something everything else you don't think that right in certain areas of your life you just you think the universe has got you even think that much it's just not an area you worry about for instance when you're driving very few people are like i have to make sure i don't crash yeah but what do i do at the stoplight what do i do when i'm driving what do i do on the freeway how do i make sure you're just driving right so doing is happening and your mind isn't in a constant frequency of what do i do but with money a lot of people especially if they struggle with money are always in a frequency of what do i do what do i do about this meanwhile money is not this thing that's bigger than you money is not this emergency now watch as your ego kicks in and goes yeah kyle well that might be easy if you don't have bills or whatever people say to honor that money is a problem right people will defend how much bigger money is than them so if i say money's not a big deal watch as your ego gets mad and says yeah but i'm dealing with all this debt and you fight to make it a big deal now people say that easy for kyle to say but i don't see it as a big deal right and i don't see it as a big deal you think because i might have some but i don't see it as a big deal first and that makes me safe to receive it and you need to see that too for you you are bigger than money you have to move as if you're bigger than money remember every dollar that you've ever made in your life came from you you cannot have money without you but you can have you without money stop focusing on the smaller frequency you are an infinite state of consciousness you don't need anything that you're holding on to and one thing that we're all holding on to is don't go broke don't lose don't whatever and maybe you've gone broke before and it created a lot of trauma in your body or you've experienced pain in your family in your childhood and it created a lot of trauma in your body and now you're walking around hoping that you never feel that trauma again so unconsciously every time that trauma starts to come to the surface you react and you do something and you do whatever you can to get money at such a weak level because you don't want to feel that trauma and my offer is tonight feel and forgive that trauma whatever bad experience you had with money whether you went bankrupt whether your parents divorced over it whether you got screwed in court whether someone whatever forgive it don't be in resistance to it don't be in hoarding don't be in fight or flight there is a character inside of your body that is trying to get money that is trying to create money that is trying to not go broke let that character die because you are the one sitting in this chair you are the one here right now you are an infinite being let the character who is so scared to lose money die because you're not just scared to lose money you're scared to be homeless and you're then your mind goes too then i'll be on this bench and then my pin even worse the whole thing my dad will say i told you so or my mom will say my mom will say you know see or whatever so everyone has a different money story and tonight i will go through a few questions because it's always exciting to me to learn different questions that people have about money because we all have different perspectives and whoever we call on i don't know if we'll pull up or not but we'll see what happens as we go but i just want you to understand it's not you that needs more money even if you are broke even if you're a million in debt it's not you that needs more money it's your character that needs more money because it associates not having money to being beaten to being abandoned to being not enough to being worthless what's the thing that you're scared to feel if you don't have it worthlessness uselessness abandoned alone just just totally hated talked what's the thing you're so scared about feeling that's the much more the thing and i want you to allow yourself to just feel not worthy i want you to allow yourself to feel shame because it's not you that's feeling shame it's the character we have an avatar in our body of everyone in the world including ourselves and i want to offer you the avatar not the real you the avatar is allowed to go through whatever it's scared to go through see if you understand that you're the person sitting here now and watching this and not the character inside that is fighting to not feel certain feelings you will understand that the avatars that are inside of your body are allowed to die they're allowed to suffer they're allowed to fall apart i was talking to an amazing uh client today and we realized that what one of the things he does is he rescues his mom from his dad right and this is a a thing that can come up for people and i have so many different clients that have this pattern and i say what if you just say your mom not the real mom the character your mom is allowed to suffer right we're not doing anything to the real mom but there's a character inside that you don't want to suffer so there's a character in you that's reacting to the avatar of the parent suffering now this goes to everyone i'm working with you know people are like i don't my ego is worried that it'll die if you blah blah i'm like so let it you are the one sitting here let the ego die let the ego fall apart let the old story fall apart i'm not talking about you you stay present you stay alive you stay here but every character inside of your body that is is struggling right now it's struggling to die it's struggling to be in its own suffering it's like let me be me stop protecting this small me because you're screaming to yourself that you are this thing every time you defend it no you are this thing you are sitting here notice that in this second for real you don't have a money issue i get you might have debt but notice how much more it's fear notice how much more your energy is in resistance to it and the truth is in this second i'm doubting that anyone here is literally right this second getting their car towed away getting maybe you will in a couple days maybe your house is going to be foreclosed on whatever but it's still future and what we have to do is get here we have to get now we have to be here because that's the only place that's true every fear you've ever had does not exist here it does not exist here it exists in a fantasy that's over there that never is here right maybe a couple times in your life you've had a couple of things fall apart or something wasn't really safe but it really is only a couple or a few times in our lives that really our house is on fire there's a gunman or there's a car flying at you and you have to move out of the way right so the other little mild emergencies that the character in the body has that can can just happen because it's not real so let the people that you're protecting all the time inside of your body fall apart i promise you they'll be more actually protected if you let the people inside of you that you think are them fall apart all the people you're holding up you know one of the things that i notice a lack of money can show us is how many things we're holding on to in our lives that don't serve us some of us are over spending money on things that actually we are scared to lose because it would actually help us find the truth of who we are and kill the character off how many things are we buying that are that are cutting off our vibration i mean if you're holding on to a bunch of low vibration things how can real money come to you how can abundance come to you if you are moving as if your time is worth nothing by holding on to a bunch of mediocrity that doesn't call to you right so brenda says hanging on to narcissistic clients that drain me right so first of all there's a reason you're hanging on to them brenda you're hanging on to them because there are some clients that exist in here that you're trying to protect because that was your family dynamic in your childhood if i let go of the narcissistic clients then i'm letting go of my dad do you get what i'm saying i and i'm scared to let go of my dad and we want to let that fall apart right your character is sitting here saving your parents and saving everybody else and saving your siblings again even though everyone's fine and you're not letting yourself be liberated and how could money come to you if you're holding on to these people that lower your energy that you you hold on to these things that keep you exhausted how could it come to you you are not available to receive it one of the things i talk about in my book that i will never forget in my life and this is not me talking crap about anyone it was actually a huge awakening for me because i wondered what i was looking at and missing out on and i'll tell you the story really quick but please hear this because maybe you'll hear it in a different way if you've already read it in the book i will never forget when six months before i was going to do the dolby theater i had this calling to take a piano lesson every single day and i googled this guy that was in my city and i just googled piano teacher and this guy shows up and this guy literally when i call him he goes i just walked out of a class of course in miracles i can't believe you're calling me he knew who i was through other people i was like yeah well that's weird you're in course of miracles because uh you know i've worked with marian williamson and michael beckwith and all these people he's like you know who they are that's amazing this vibration ready to receive and i was calling him to get a lesson every single day right when he was leaving a course in miracles because his heart was open and he was ready and so i said let's start monday monday comes he shows up he's in a terrible mood he's feeling totally off he's looking down and i go are you okay and he spends the first he's in the hour he's just telling me why he's so screwed and why he has a landlord who's mad at him about a plant and wants an extra 40 bucks for it and he's mad about it and i go and i go well maybe my book will help him and i give him my first book i hope i screw this up and he he sees the other names of the other speakers like jack canfield and michael beckwith on there and he goes these guys are such con artists or whatever and i'm like these are my friends and he and he just starts crapping on everything and he goes he goes what do you want to play and i i said i'd like to play this kind of i showed him this brian mcknight song i want to play and he goes dude it'll be years before you play like just totally mean totally bad mood and i just was feeling exhausted i let a lesson happen he said it's 60 bucks we paypaled him 60 bucks and then i got a long angry email because he had to pay a 2.50 fee for the paypal fee so i gave him 2.50 more and i never talked to him again now what he didn't get and what i had already told him was i wanted him for a piano lesson every day i was about to give him a huge check i want you to just realize that i was about to give him a huge check and this guy's nickel and diming me and lowering my vibration and grabbing on to where he's getting screwed versus where the possibilities are and i just was blown away by that it was one of the greatest lessons for me and i was so kind of just shocked by it and i realized i'm so shocked by it because i'm like what am i doing that with you know what am i in a place of not fully receiving and that was one of the things that ascended me so quickly to just ask myself what is my truth let go of everything that's not and i and i found in the last couple years a lot of people in my life didn't align different ways and different things and i felt as i went through the pain of saying goodbye to certain things there was always in me that a little bit was like why am i holding these things anyway and i was like well you have to because of blah blah blah or i've known them a long time or whatever and in the letting go nothing but love nothing but just so much appreciation for them and also just a desire to ascend a desire to free myself and while sometimes battling with the pain of what you have to go through and letting go there was an ascending me that was like realizing i wasn't caught in that drama i wasn't caught in those stories i wasn't caught in that thing and because i wasn't caught in that i was able to hear higher ideas and i wasn't grabbing onto addictive things as much because i was feeling so good in the moment and the higher i was the higher the creativity and the higher the flow and the higher the freedom and it's weird because the contents coming through clearer and that's a mirror of the lack of holding on that i'm doing now there still are areas that i'm holding on that i don't even know about but i want to offer you what are you looking at and stressing about while right behind you is god trying to offer you abundance but you're not receptive to it because you're looking at what's wrong you know he never contacted me again he probably doesn't even know there's a chapter in the book about him but like you know what what are you what are you staring at that is a temporary nothing and what what are you doing with it what are you mad why are you in this entanglement about it right and and if there's a have to what's the character in you that that's scared that if you don't if you let go of this whatever your mom won't approve of you you won't be enough so when i when i work with people one-on-one i find it almost every time and you just break these things down and one question i noticed that is a sign of it it's like a signpost to me is when someone says what do i do you would never go into the future and ask what do i do unless there is a character inside that is hiding what do i do shows up when you're not at peace with what is what do i do shows up when when something shame humiliation doubt fear is coming to the surface and you're so used to saying what do i do that you're blocking it from being seen so if i take your ability to say what do i do away what is hurting and what needs to die inside of you because it not dying is what is causing a seven-year-old version of you to take care of who you are now and that seven year old version of you doesn't know how to make money it doesn't know how to be in a higher alignment it doesn't know how to receive your job is to be on a higher frequency your job is to move to a higher frequency your job is to add value your job is to heal every person you think is an enemy and just feel love for them your job is to totally um feel love for anyone you perceive as competition you need to want abundance for the rest of the world you need to want abundance for people that you think screwed you over sometimes that's hard for me but the days that i do i'll sit and i'll think of someone that i just feel i feel my wound in my body with and i just sometimes it's hard to do not mastering it but i'm getting better i'm just like i hope that person's happy i'll be in a meditation just seeing them jumping up and down in joy and it frees me because there's a them in my head that sometimes your ego wants them down right so so you're like i'm wanting them down so i need a part of me down and i'm stopping my own ascension by capping them in my mind and no part of me is stopping anything from them right you're never ever doing anything bad to the people you perceive as your enemy if you want bad for them inside of your mind you're just torturing yourself so want high for the rest of the world free yourself from the old entanglement that says i need to be in this smallness know that today's a new day it's day one and undo the story that says who you are is what you've made so far even if you've made millions you're worth billions you're worth trillions what do you need to do more of in this area do you need to receive more do you need to give more i know a lot of people that receive and they have a lot of money and i go dude you should totally give more you need to flow that the more you get hoardy with it the more you're not in that service the more you do that the more your body shuts off its ability to to flow with source right and some people have the opposite they're giving so much most of the people most of my following is very giving and not receiving first i'm going to dare 90 of you to start receiving more than you give stop taking care of everything in the world to keep your pattern alive before you i know and most of my clients are givers right let that go for a second let the character that's giving too much before you have your cup full let that character die you can still do what you want but let the part of you that's giving out of fear giving out of a fear of receiving giving out of a fear of being seen giving out of a fear what do you need more of i was talking to someone today who um is so good and doing so much amazing work and she was talking about how many people go into the story you know they go into their story often um and that is where their drama is and by going to their story they don't go to themselves and she realized she does the opposite she avoids the story and kind of stays here so going into her story is growth and i said so what is the deepest place you can go into that's my offer to you tonight what is the area you usually stop at that you need to look at deeper because any blockage is also the blockage of money if you have a story that you have to rescue everyone and that is primary goal number one and how can you receive more money if you're in a rescuing vibration your heart is doing this it's like that piano teacher right he is he's completely unable to receive higher weirdly because he was so busy receiving lower right and that would be death to a story to receive higher you need to receive higher sometimes you might be like well i'm scared to be alone what if receiving higher was allowing yourself to be okay with a loan right i'm scared to be alone so i need to go on every dating site and i need a blah blah blah oh see you're receiving lower you're grabbing just i need someone because i don't want to be alone what if receiving hires being alone for a while what if what if and that's for some people right and some people have only been alone and what if receiving higher would be like okay i'm going to reach out and receive love from someone that can fully see me what if you need to surround your people only yourself only with people who see you bigger than you what if you need to receive higher content what if you're just used to watching netflix and you need to see something that's higher what if you need to hear higher content what if you've heard only high content and you need to hear more now and what if more now always always purifies and cleans out the old story and what if we're just so scared of the now and it's totally where all your power is this morning i woke up this morning i woke up and i just sat in the dark and i meditated and i just watched how every little story in my body was a lie and man more content shows up higher frequency shows up we have way more people on the call tonight there's so much that i can offer because i'm collecting receiving from a higher level i'm telling you you receiving on why we will offer eight hours a day of our time to a job we don't like because we see the guarantee of 15 out dollars an hour yet you won't you won't receive the now god level for two hours a day when it'll totally pay way higher than that it will pay way higher than that you will lose your addictions you will lose so many patterns you will see the character that goes into the addiction you will lose sloth energy i'll never forget when i heard someone say no i still watch a little tv here and there i'm not like this i won't do it none but i watched a speaker at a tony robbins event say people know that buying a tv costs money and successful people know that watching a tv costs money and i was just like whoa right watch two hours of your day watching a movie made up of other people who are playing a pretend story to keep you going show me molly's game i want to see this poker story and like what are you doing what is your story what is your story trying to birth right now there is a you that is worth trillions of dollars now i don't i i both want to say that and i also want to offer you to not just aim for that so that you feel really sad if you only make a million right we want to combine understanding that you're worth everything with just do i have enough now right do i have enough now yes think of how your body eats it never says i need 40 years worth of food now i have to eat forever your body has a cap and it's done so why are we aiming for so much more i was talking to a friend the other day and i said i haven't been personally on social media for two years and he's like how can you do that don't you want to build the company bigger and i said i'm really happy now i'm happy now i have the same 24 hours as people with 10 billion followers so in my time am i more in service than not am i in high service to myself now am i in a frequency or am i in a place where i never have enough i always have to get more and the more i'm okay with how much i have the more that comes in in a surprising way the more i always need more and i'm always in a place of lack unless i'm in resistance and say i have to get to more the more it gets stagnant because i'm judging the moment right so i love my life now so i'm not in a giant goal to get as many people as possible i want to be here for the people i have why instead of like going how do we you know do this and that and that definitely there's a hope that we bring in more people and there's there are numbers that we would like to bring in and at the same time our goal is to look at you and go how can we make the service on this nuts how can we be like here's an everyday video almost here's the community here's everything for almost nothing and now adding a money segment it would have to be full proof that you would have to make your money back doing it right like you right now could just decide okay any food that hurts my body processed alcohol sugar stuff that's stuck i won't buy any of it for one week and you will just in one week double your money back for the next two months you get what i'm saying of this and i watch people put their money and i'm like that it's like a given to people like like with the absolutely everything past people oh it's 29 bucks a month you'll see them carrying a carton of beer i'm like what was that that was like 20 right for like and i want you to see like add to your life add to your creativity add to your flow right so you're also here to ascend right so you don't ascend when your focus is primarily on money because most people think money is god when they say how do i get that change it to what am i because then you find god first you find the now first you find here first and you just ascend you find now and you just ascend stop asking about money ask about you and then get excited about you get to a place where you understand and have full-on evidence that you are worthy that you are worthy of everything and then watch how it can't not come in and then ask yourself what doesn't align in your life to make your life match what you know you're worthy of so people that feel heavy in your life old energies that don't call to you anymore it's okay if they go one thing i need to announce to you is in this time a ton of things and a ton of people and a ton of ideas and a ton of possibilities and a ton of energies have to leave your life have to leave your life a ton of addictions have to leave your life right now it is impossible to change without a lot of people leaving your life right now if you're doing this work you are freeing yourself if you are meditating you are freeing yourself if you are moving to a higher frequency you're freeing that yourself and anyone who's not freeing themselves is going to be threatened by you so you bring up unconsciously without them knowing it triggers in people of unlooked at in their body and every tier you shed raises you a little bit higher because you free your frequency and move to a higher vibration if people are triggered by you which has to happen if the world's like averaging here and you go all these people are looking at you and they're mad at you because you're freer and they don't know why and there must be an explanation for this that you're a piece of they can't just deal with the fact that this makes them look at themselves so what has to happen is they either have to ascend and join you which is rare or they have to leave you you're on a different vibration as you do this work are you with me right so you have to know in this time as 2020 and 2021 opened up major changes in the world to survive people have had to let go of heavy things people have had to let go of what wasn't their highest to save money you have to let go of some addictions to to keep your company even mildly thriving you have to let go of some people to to to keep your happiness going you're so triggered everywhere you don't have time to take on as much that you could a few years ago this all has to happen you need to know it is normal for things to be leaving your life faster than ever we can't all hang on to each other like a big dumb cluster falling off of a cliff it's time for you to let things go even if it's even if it's not even if it's people you've known since birth even if whatever and i'm not saying sabotage anything but just let people do their things let let people take time to find out who they are without you in their life let you find out who you are without them in their life understand that it is impossible for things to not leave dramatically right now do you get that don't go catch it don't stop it from leaving just just trust for a minute and then you'll notice when it leaves there's an energy that would hold on to them that is now exposed in you and when it's exposed in you watch as it it it wants to grab on and just don't don't call don't do anything just send love send love it's different you can send love and not be with someone right and and then it sends love and then it goes i i feel like i'm alone perfect you're allowed to be alone character in my body i feel scared you're allowed to be scared character in my body i feel like i'm not enough you're allowed to be character in my body i feel like i'm gonna die you're allowed to die character in my body because i'm this dude right i'm this dude here right you are allowed to let this go you are allowed to let things change and if you're scared of it what's scared what does that person leaving what does that story leaving what does that house leaving what does that identity leaving bring up for you something's finally exposed i talked to an amazing client recently who wants to move to a place but they're worried that their dog would die if they did and not because they wouldn't feed the dog if they left but because another time they traveled and later their dog passed away so they have a story and i realized the new dog is here to replace the pain of the old dog passing away do you feel that so this this only exists this fear only exists because of the denial that still exists or the trauma of the dog from the past passing away right so we needed to face that the dog passed in passed away we needed to face that the the dog died and we realized that that dog was purchased or adopted because she was feeling alone so alone was covered up by that dog then that dog died and she got another dog so alone was covered up so we let this die and then we face the first dog died and then we face that we're alone and then we're free right so this is why we why we grab relationships i just don't want to feel alone right i'm scared to let this thing go because then i'd have to feel alone but that's your freedom because you'll also feel god being okay with alone is the access point to god right you're allowed to feel that nothing is as true as a love i have for you you
Channel: Kyle Cease
Views: 32,473
Rating: 4.945085 out of 5
Keywords: Evolving Out Loud, Kyle Cease, JP Sears, Meditation, How do I, How do you, What do I, What do you, Yoga, Motivation, Inspiration, Inspirational, love, fear, viral, trending now, money, comedy, shame, learning to, anger, guilt, how to, what to, love myself, Michael Beckwith, eckhart tolle, how do, what do, hiring god, help me, oneness, non-duality, non duality, present moment, possible, it's totally possible, switching timelines, changing reality, money problems, abundance, tony robbins
Id: ws-Ts6Wkr0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 39sec (1899 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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